Results for 'Sarah Neely'

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  1. Manufacturing with a big M – The Grand Challenges of Engineering in Digital Societies from the Perspective of the Institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge University.Albrecht Fritzsche, Sarah Fell & Andy Neely - 2018 - In Albrecht Fritzsche & Sascha Julian Oks, The Future of Engineering: Philosophical Foundations, Ethical Problems and Application Cases. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Applying Genetic and Genomic Tools to Psychiatric Disorders: A Scoping Review.Ana S. IItis, Akaya Lewis, Sarah Neely, Stephannie Walker Seaton & Sarah H. Jeong - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (3):293-308.
    Introduction The bioethics literature reflects significant interest in and concern with the use of genetic and genomic information in various settings. Because psychiatric treatment and research raises unique ethical, legal, and social issues, we conducted a scoping review of the biomedical, bioethics, and psychology literature regarding the application of genetic and genomic tools to psychiatric disorders (as listed in the DSM-5) and two associated behaviors or symptoms to provide a more detailed overview of the state of the field. Objectives The (...)
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  3. Misremembering.Sarah K. Robins - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (3):432-447.
    The Archival and Constructive views of memory offer contrasting characterizations of remembering and its relation to memory errors. I evaluate the descriptive adequacy of each by offering a close analysis of one of the most prominent experimental techniques by which memory errors are elicited—the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm. Explaining the DRM effect requires appreciating it as a distinct form of memory error, which I refer to as misremembering. Misremembering is a memory error that relies on successful retention of the targeted event. It (...)
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  4. Self-awareness and action.Sarah-Jayne Blakemore & Chris Frith - 2003 - Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Special Issue 13 (2):219-224.
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    Optogenetics and the mechanism of false memory.Sarah K. Robins - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1561-1583.
    Constructivists about memory argue that memory is a capacity for building representations of past events from a generalized information store. The view is motivated by the memory errors discovered in cognitive psychology. Little has been known about the neural mechanisms by which false memories are produced. Recently, using a method I call the Optogenetic False Memory Technique, neuroscientists have created false memories in mice. In this paper, I examine how Constructivism fares in light of O-FaMe results. My aims are two-fold. (...)
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    Addressees distinguish shared from private information when interpreting questions during interactive conversation.Michael K. Tanenhaus Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Christine Gunlogson - 2008 - Cognition 107 (3):1122.
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    Music Makes the World Go Round: The Impact of Musical Training on Non-musical Cognitive Functions—A Review.Sarah Benz, Roberta Sellaro, Bernhard Hommel & Lorenza S. Colzato - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Maimonides in His World: Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker.Sarah Stroumsa - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    While the great medieval philosopher, theologian, and physician Maimonides is acknowledged as a leading Jewish thinker, his intellectual contacts with his surrounding world are often described as related primarily to Islamic philosophy. Maimonides in His World challenges this view by revealing him to have wholeheartedly lived, breathed, and espoused the rich Mediterranean culture of his time.Sarah Stroumsa argues that Maimonides is most accurately viewed as a Mediterranean thinker who consistently interpreted his own Jewish tradition in contemporary multicultural terms. Maimonides (...)
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    Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism.Sarah Song - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    Justice, Gender and the Politics of Multiculturalism explores the tensions that arise when culturally diverse democratic states pursue both justice for religious and cultural minorities and justice for women. Sarah Song provides a distinctive argument about the circumstances under which egalitarian justice requires special accommodations for cultural minorities while emphasizing the value of gender equality as an important limit on cultural accommodation. Drawing on detailed case studies of gendered cultural conflicts, including conflicts over the 'cultural defense' in criminal law, (...)
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    “Making it explicit” makes a difference: Evidence for a dissociation of spontaneous and intentional level 1 perspective taking in high-functioning autism.Sarah Schwarzkopf, Leonhard Schilbach, Kai Vogeley & Bert Timmermans - 2014 - Cognition 131 (3):345-354.
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    Intellectual History and the History of Philosophy.Sarah Hutton - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (7):925-937.
    The issue which I wish to address in this paper is the widespread tendency in Anglophone philosophy to insist on a separation between the history of philosophy and the history of ideas or intellectual history. This separation reflects an anxiety on the part of philosophers lest the special character of philosophy will be dissolved into something else in the hands of historians. And it is borne of a fundamental tension between those who think of philosophy's past as a source of (...)
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    New waves in philosophy of language.Sarah Sawyer (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    A collection of papers to illustrate new waves in Philosophy of Language: -/- "Linguistic Puzzles and Semantic Pretence" by B. Armour-Garb & J. Woodbridge; "Minimal Semantics and the Nature of Psychological Evidence" by E. Borg; "A Naturalistic Approach to the Philosophy of Language" by J. Collins; "In Praise of our Linguistic Intuitions" by A. Everett; "Phenomenal Continua and Secondary Properties" by P. Greenough; "Semantic Oughts in Context" by A. Hattiangadi; "Content Force and Semantic Norms" by M. Kolbel; "Linguistic Competence and (...)
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  13. Kitcher, ideal agents, and fictionalism.Sarah Hoffman - 2004 - Philosophia Mathematica 12 (1):3-17.
    Kitcher urges us to think of mathematics as an idealized science of human operations, rather than a theory describing abstract mathematical objects. I argue that Kitcher's invocation of idealization cannot save mathematical truth and avoid platonism. Nevertheless, what is left of Kitcher's view is worth holding onto. I propose that Kitcher's account should be fictionalized, making use of Walton's and Currie's make-believe theory of fiction, and argue that the resulting ideal-agent fictionalism has advantages over mathematical-object fictionalism.
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  14. In Dialogue with Thomas Hobbes: Margaret Cavendish’s Natural Philosophy.Sarah Hutton - 1996 - Women’s Writing 4:421-32.
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    The Nothoi of Kynosarges.Sarah C. Humphreys - 1974 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 94:88-95.
  16. The Persian king and the queen bee.Sarah B. Pomeroy - 1984 - American Journal of Ancient History 9:98-108.
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  17. Damaris cudworth, lady masham: Between platonism and enlightenment.Sarah Hutton - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 1 (1):29 – 54.
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    After the Wedding Night: Sexual Abstinence and Masculinities over the Life Course.Sarah Diefendorf - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (5):647-669.
    This study seeks to understand the ways in which men who pledge sexual abstinence until marriage negotiate and assert masculine identities before and after marriage. Using longitudinal qualitative data, this work traces the ways in which men who pledge abstinence until marriage manage a tension between both “sacred” and “beastly” discourses surrounding sexuality. The situational and interactional gendered practices of these men highlight their attempts to resolve the incongruity between practices of sexual purity and hegemonic definitions of masculinity. I argue (...)
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  19. The Lived Experience of Doubling: Simone de Beauvoir's Phenomenology of Old Age.Sarah Clark Miller - 2001 - In Wendy O'Brien & Lester Embree, The Existential Phenomenology of Simone de Beauvoir. Springer Verlag. pp. 127-147.
    This essay demonstrates that Beauvoir's La Vieillesse is a phenomenological study of old age indebted to Husserl's phenomenology of the body. Beauvoir's depiction of the doubling in the lived experience of the elderly--a division between outsiders' awareness of the elderly's decline and the elderly's own inner understanding of old age--serves as a specific illustration of Beauvoir's particular method of description and analysis.
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  20. Derrida and Analytical Philosophy: Speech Acts and their Force.Sarah Richmond - 1996 - European Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):38-62.
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    Determinism.Sarah Waterlow - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (92):276-277.
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  22. The Norms of Assertion and the Aims of Belief.Sarah Wright - 2013 - In Clayton Littlejohn & John Turri, Epistemic Norms: New Essays on Action, Belief, and Assertion. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Role of “Small Publics” in Teacher Dissent.Sarah M. Stitzlein & Amy Rector-Aranda - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (1-2):165-180.
    In this essay, Sarah Stitzlein and Amy Rector-Aranda, drawing on John Dewey's theoretical suggestions regarding how to best form publics capable of bringing about change through deliberation and action, offer teachers guidance on how to form and navigate spaces of political protest and become more effective advocates for school reform. Using Aaron Schutz's analysis of teacher activism as a point of departure, Stitzlein and Rector-Aranda argue for the development in schools of “small publics,” that is, Deweyan democratic spaces within (...)
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  24. Classical Behavior of the Dirac Bispinor.Sarah B. M. Bell, John P. Cullerne & Bernard M. Diaz - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (1):35-57.
    It is usually supposed that the Dirac and radiation equations predict that the phase of a fermion will rotate through half the angle through which the fermion is rotated, which means, via the measured dynamical and geometrical phase factors, that the fermion must have a half-integral spin. We demonstrate that this is not the case and that the identical relativistic quantum mechanics can also be derived with the phase of the fermion rotating through the same angle as does the fermion (...)
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    Fiction as action.Sarah Hoffman - 2004 - Philosophia 31 (3-4):513-529.
    Several accounts of the nature of fiction have been proposed that draw on speech act theory. I argue that speech act theory is insufficient for this task. Martinich’s, Searle’s and Currie’s accounts are considered and rejected. However dependent fiction may be on the intentional structure of communication, focus on this structure diverts attention from works themselves in an unhelpful way. The weakness inherent in speech act theory is that it does not have the resources to capture the most interesting processes (...)
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    Some renaissance critiques of Aristotle's theory of time.Sarah Hutton - 1977 - Annals of Science 34 (4):345-363.
    This paper offers a preliminary enquiry into a largely neglected topic: the concept of time in the post-medieval, pre-Newtonian era. Although Aristotle's theory of time was predominant in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, it was, in this period, subjected to the most serious attack since that by the ancient Neoplatonists. In particular, in the work of Bernadino Telesio, Giordano Bruno and Francesco Patrizi we have concerted attempts to reconsider Aristotle's definition of time. Although the approach of each is different, (...)
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    Audience Psychology and Censorship in Plato’s Republic.Sarah Jansen - 2015 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2):205-215.
    In Republic X, the “problem of the irrational part” is this: Greek tragedy interacts with non-reasoning elements of the soul, affecting audiences in ways that undermine their reasoned views about virtue and value. I suggest that the common construal of Socrates’s critique of Greek tragedy is inadequate, in that it belies key elements of Plato’s audience psychology; specifically, the crucial role of the spirited part and the audience’s cognitive contribution to spectatorship. I argue that Socrates’s emphasis on the audience’s cognitive (...)
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    Spectral Resting-State EEG (rsEEG) in Chronic Aphasia Is Reliable, Sensitive, and Correlates With Functional Behavior.Sarah G. H. Dalton, James F. Cavanagh & Jessica D. Richardson - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    We investigated spectral resting-state EEG in persons with chronic stroke-induced aphasia to determine its reliability, sensitivity, and relationship to functional behaviors. Resting-state EEG has not yet been characterized in this population and was selected given the demonstrated potential of resting-state investigations using other neuroimaging techniques to guide clinical decision-making. Controls and persons with chronic stroke-induced aphasia completed two EEG recording sessions, separated by approximately 1 month, as well as behavioral assessments of language, sensorimotor, and cognitive domains. Power in the classic (...)
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    Lady Damaris Masham.Sarah Hutton - 2020 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Disorders of self-monitoring and the symptoms of schizophrenia.Sarah-Jayne Blakemore & Chris Frith - 2003 - In Tilo Kircher & Anthony S. David, The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press. pp. 407--424.
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    Monitoring the Self in Schizophrenia.Sarah-Jayne Blakemore - 2000 - In Dan Zahavi, Exploring the Self: Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 185.
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  32. The Stoic Epistemic Virtues of Groups.Sarah Wright - 2014 - In Jennifer Lackey, Essays in Collective Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    And Yet It Quakes!Sarah Kofman - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (1):117-137.
    One of a handful of texts written by Sarah Kofman in the interim between the publication of her Explosion, a 700-page analysis of Ecce Homo, and her sudden death in 1994, ‘And Yet It Q...
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    “[No] Doctor but My Master”: Health Reform and Antislavery Rhetoric in Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.Sarah L. Berry - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (1):1-18.
    This essay examines Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861) in light of new archival findings on the medical practices of Dr. James Norcom (Dr. Flint in the narrative). While critics have sharply defined the feminist politics of Jacobs’s sexual victimization and resistance, they have overlooked her medical experience in slavery and her participation in reform after escape. I argue that Jacobs uses the rhetoric of a woman-led health reform movement underway during the 1850s to persuade (...)
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  35. Contentious Contraception.Sarah Begus - 1998 - In Ann Ferguson, Daring to Be Good: Essays in Feminist Ethico-Politics. New York: Routledge. pp. 208.
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    „Wahrhaft gerecht“ urteilen. Zu den Dimensionen einer ‚sinnsetzenden Anerkennung' in Nietzsches zweiter Unzeitgemäßen Betrachtung‘.Sarah Bianchi - 2013 - Nietzscheforschung 20 (1).
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    Recognizing the Sensory Consequences of One's Own Actions and Delusions of Control.Sarah-Jayne Blakemore - 2005 - In Todd E. Feinberg & Julian Paul Keenan, The Lost Self:Pathologies of the Brain and Identity: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity. Oxford University Press. pp. 181.
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    Metaphor and Metaphilosophy: Philosophy as Combat, Play, and Aesthetic Experience.Dr Sarah A. Mattice - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Sarah A. Mattice develops a comparative intervention in contemporary metaphilosophy. Drawing on resources from hermeneutics, cognitive linguistics, aesthetics, and Chinese philosophy, she explores how philosophical language is deeply intertwined with the definition and practice of the discipline.
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  39. Philosophy poems.Sarah Adams - 2013 - Think 12 (35):93-94.
    Miscellaneous Sarah Adams, Think, FirstView Article.
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    Al-Fārābī and Maimonides on Medicine as a Science.Sarah Stroumsa - 1993 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 3 (2):235.
    In his commentary on the first Aphorism of Hippocrates Maimonides lists the seven parts of medicine. Scholars have studied the relation of this text to the work of al-Fārābī. In particular, they have focused on the Iḥṣāʼ al-ʼulῡm, which in its present form does not contain a discussion of medicine, and on al-Fārābīʼs Risāla fi al-ţibb. The article examines the medieval Hebrew versions of the Iḥṣāʼ al-ʽūlum. On the basis of these versions, it is argued that there existed a version (...)
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    Elegiac Amor and mors in Virgil's ‘italian iliad’: A case study.Sarah L. McCallum - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):693-703.
    In Book 10 of the Aeneid, Virgil presents an epic catalogue of Etruscan allies who return under Aeneas' command to the beleaguered Trojan camp, including the forces from Liguria. The account of the Ligurians initially conforms to the general pattern of the catalogue, as Virgil briefly introduces and describes the two leaders. But the description of Cupauo's swan-feather crest leads to a digression about the paternal origins of the avian symbol. Cupauo's father Cycnus, stricken with grief for his beloved Phaethon, (...)
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    A Distorting Mirror: Educational Trajectory After College Sexual Assault.Claire Raymond & Sarah Corse - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:464 Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Claire Raymond and Sarah Corse A Distorting Mirror: Educational Trajectory After College Sexual Assault This article focuses on the broad and specific impacts of college sexual assault on student-survivors’ academic performance, academic trajectory, and their sense of self in relation to the university community. We frame this study with, and relate our findings to, the historic (...)
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    The Mortal Voice in the Tragedies of Aeschylus.Sarah Nooter - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Voice connects our embodied existence with the theoretical worlds we construct. This book argues that the voice is a crucial element of mortal identity in the tragedies of Aeschylus. It first presents conceptions of the voice in ancient Greek poetry and philosophy, understanding it in its most literal and physical form, as well as through the many metaphorical connotations that spring from it. Close readings then show how the tragedies and fragments of Aeschylus gain meaning from the rubric and performance (...)
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  44. Twenty-first Century Persius.Susanna Morton Braund, Sarah Knight, Serena Connolly, Matt Wille, Stephanie Suzanne Spaulding, Chris van den Berg, Isaac Meyers, Will Washburn, Brett Foster & Joseph Fouse - forthcoming - Arion 9 (3).
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  45. Cicéron et les gladiateurs : les armes de Lucilius sous la plume cicéronienne.par Sarah Gaucher - 2019 - In Marie-Françoise Marein, Les illusions de l'autonymie: la parole rapportée de l'Autre dans la littérature. Paris: Hermann.
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  46. Grafting the Australian landscape into an Urban Framework. Embedding the city into environmental systems.Bonnie Grant & Sarah Hicks - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 83:96.
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    “I know it but I can’t say it”: Clarifying the subjective experience of inner speech in aphasia.Fama Mackenzie, Snider Sarah, Hayward William, Friedman Rhonda & Turkeltaub Peter - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The place of the spirit: toward a Trinitarian theology of location.Sarah Morice-Brubaker - 2013 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Cyril O'Regan.
    Placing the question -- Patristic Precedents -- Moltmann's perichoretic spaces for God and creation -- No place for the spirit? Jean-Luc Marion's placial refusal -- Notes toward a Trinitarian theology of Place.
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    The Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Maintenance of Depression Symptoms and Loneliness Among Children.Sarah K. Davis, Rebecca Nowland & Pamela Qualter - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Situating the gaze: Towards an embodied ecological approach to screendance.Lux Eterna & Sarah Pini - 2023 - Working Titles – Journal of Practice Based Research 1 (2):1-14.
    This article presents an interdisciplinary conversation between the authors discussing the potential of cultivating a feminist, embodied, ecological approach to screendance and environmental attunement in video dance performance. It draws from Lux Eterna’s artistic research and body of work including the film AURA NOX ANIMA (2016) filmed on the sandy dunes in Anna Bay, New South Wales, Australia, and her current development in dance film production: THE EIGHTH DAY (2023) in conversation with Sarah Pini to consider the presence and (...)
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