Results for 'Sarah Hanl'

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  1.  6
    “Many are the plans”: An analysis of goals described by youth ministry leaders.Tyler S. Greenway, Kara E. Powell, Lisa E. Hanle, Patrick E. Jacques & Sarah A. Schnitker - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (3):253-268.
    This article examines the content and appraisals of youth ministry leader goals. Responses to an open-ended survey question by 378 leaders primarily working in the United States who held significant responsibility for the discipleship of high school-aged young people in their ministries were coded, resulting in 29 categories of goals. Participants named goals associated with service, relationships in general, relationships with God, biblical/gospel knowledge, and discipleship most frequently. Leaders rated each goal according to factors that contribute to goal achievement and (...)
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    Teaching Honesty and Improving Democracy in the Post‐Truth Era.Sarah Stitzlein - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (1):51-73.
    In this paper, Sarah Stitzlein considers the consequences of honesty on our democracy, especially for citizens' ability to engage in civic inquiry together as they face shared problems. Honesty is a key component of a well-functioning democracy; it develops trust and fosters the sorts of relationships among citizens that enable civic dialogue and reasoning. Post-truth attitudes and truth decay pose serious obstacles to good civic reasoning as citizens struggle to draw clear distinctions between fact and opinion, weigh personal beliefs (...)
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    Mental health consumers' perceptions of receiving recovery‐focused services.Sarah L. Marshall, Lindsay G. Oades & Trevor P. Crowe - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):654-659.
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    (1 other version)Are robots like people?Sarah Woods, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Christina Kaouri, René te Boekhorst, Kheng Lee Koay & Michael L. Walters - 2007 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 8 (2):281-305.
    Identifying links between human personality and attributed robot personality is a relatively new area of human–robot interaction. In this paper we report on an exploratory study that investigates human and robot personality traits as part of a human–robot interaction trial. The trials took place in a simulated living-room scenario involving 28 participants and a human-sized robot of mechanical appearance. Participants interacted with the robot in two task scenarios relevant to a ‘robot in the home’ context. It was found that participants’ (...)
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    Introduction.Sarah De Vogüé - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Affecting and being affected.Sarah Waterlow - 1970 - Mind 79 (313):92-108.
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    Decolonizing Engagement? Creating a Sense of Community through Collaborative Filmmaking.Sarah Marie Wiebe - 2016 - Studies in Social Justice 9 (2):244-257.
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    “You’re Underestimating Me and You Shouldn’t”: Women’s Agency in Fantasy Sports.Sarah Winslow & Rebecca Joyce Kissane - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (5):819-841.
    Using qualitative data, this article investigates women’s experiences in fantasy sports, a context that offers the potential for transformations in the gendered order of traditionally masculinized athletic environments by blurring the distinctions between real and virtual, combining active production and passive consumption, and allowing men and women to play side-by-side. We find, however, women often describe fantasy sports as a male/masculine space in which they are highly visible and have their ability to compete like men questioned, largely because of gendered (...)
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    Kommentarband zum Briefwechsel.Sarah Schmidt, Simon Gerber & Friedrich Schleiermacher (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die Jahre 1808-1810 sind für Friedrich Schleiermacher sowohl privat als auch beruflich und politisch von besonderer Bedeutung: Er heiratet 1809 die junge Witwe Henriette von Willich, wirkt an der Konzeption der Berliner Universität und ihren ersten Berufungen mit und übernimmt leitende Funktion in der preußischen Schulreform. Der Kommentarband zur den Briefbänden 10 und 11 der historisch-kritischen Briefausgabe Friedrich Schleiermachers bietet neben einem Stellenkommentar zu den Briefen 1808-1810 eine Einführung in die Korrespondenz mit Informationen zu den Korrespondenzpartnern dieser Jahre sowie eine (...)
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    The Association Between Locus of Control and Psychopathology: A Cross-Cohort Comparison Between a UK (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children) and a Japanese (Tokyo Teen Cohort) Cohort.Sarah Sullivan, Syudo Yamasaki, Shuntaro Ando, Kaori Endo, Kiyoto Kasai, Iryna Culpin, Christina Dardani, Stanley Zammit & Atsushi Nishida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: An external locus of control is associated with poorer psychopathology in individualist cultures, but associations are reported to be weaker in collectivist cultures where an external style is less maladaptive. We investigated the prospective association between externality and psychotic-like experiences and depressive symptoms and compared the strength of associations between a UK and a Japanese cohort.Method: Cross-cultural cohort study of a UK and a Japanese cohort. Externality was assessed using the Children's Nowicki and Strickland Internal, External Scale and DS (...)
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  11. Argument Assignment.Sarah Sundberg & Jamie McBeth-Smith - unknown - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 5:01 - 11.
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  12. Thoughts on Old Age From Many Minds. Selected and Arranged by Hesba Stretton.Sarah Smith - 1907
  13.  22
    Altruismo parrocchiale, punizione antisociale e punizione altruistica: quale contributo possono dare gli studi empirici per la comprensione dell’etica?Sarah Songhorian - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (3):302-307.
    Riassunto: Nel suo contributo Rosalba Morese si occupa di tre fenomeni di particolare interesse per comprendere il modo in cui gli esseri umani di fatto si comportano nei confronti dei loro simili quando sono coinvolte le loro identità di gruppo, ovvero l’altruismo parrocchiale, la punizione antisociale e la punizione altruistica. Scopo di questo lavoro è indagare se e in quale misura i dati comportamentali e di risonanza magnetica funzionale riportati da Morese possano informare le nostre teorie morali normative. Se, cioè, (...)
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    Politics of Violence.Sarah Sorial - 2011 - Critical Horizons 12 (2):163-164.
    The problem of political violence, its justifiability, and the question of how we ought to respond to it has been the subject of extensive debate since September 11, 2001, and subsequent terrorist attacks in Madrid (2004), London (2005), Bali (2005) and Mumbai (2008). The phenomenon of political violence is by no means new; nor have the measures taken by Western governments in response to recent terrorist attacks been unprecedented.
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    Reviving social hope and pragmatism in troubled times.Sarah M. Stitzlein - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (4):657-663.
    Pragmatism and Social Hope: Deepening Democracy in Global Contexts.Judith M. Green. New York, Columbia University Press, 2008. Pp. x + 292.Hbk. $34.50, £24.00.
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    Déontologisme et droits.Sarah Stroud - 1999 - Philosophiques 26 (1):139-148.
    RÉSUMÉ Dans ce texte, l'accent est mis sur les contraintes ou restrictions dites déontologiques. Croire en l'existence de telles contraintes, c'est croire qu'il peut être moralement inadmissible de faire quelque chose, même si cette action se révélait la seule manière d'empêcher un résultat encore pire. La question que pose et examine ce texte est celle de savoir pourquoi il est mal de faire des actions qui semblent violer une contrainte déontologique. Plus particulièrement, ce texte étudie l'hypothèse séduisante que nous pourrions (...)
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  17. La partialité par les projets.Sarah Stroud - 2008 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 3 (1):41-51.
    This paper investigates how we can most effectively argue that partiality toward certain people and not others is morally permissible. Philosophers who strongly insist that morality must leave room for partiality have not made explicit their basis for this conclusion; the present paper comparatively assesses a variety of possible argument strategies which could be deployed in this regard. One promising strategy exploits the acknowledged force of the argument from “the personal point of view,” here interpreted as referring specifically to an (...)
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    ‘When I read my Cato, it is as if Cato speaks’: the birth and evolution of Cicero’s dialogic voice.Sarah Culpepper Stroup - 2013 - In Anna Marmodoro & Jonathan Hill, The Author's Voice in Classical and Late Antiquity. Oxford University Press.
    Cicero not only wrote dialogues, but was one of the ancient authors most explicitly and consciously interested in the literary issues thrown up by use of the dialogue form. Moreover, his use of, and understanding of, the form developed throughout his literary career. This chapter focusses on the introductions to his dialogues, where Cicero speaks about the literary task of creating and re-creating his authorial voice. In the earlier works, Cicero presents his dialogues as if they were historical events, keeping (...)
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    Ethical Issues for a Health Care Regulator.Sarah Thewlis - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 4:119-121.
  20.  16
    Structure et méthode dans la musique de John Cage : une discipline d'attention.Sarah Troche - 2012 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 9 (1):91-104.
    Résumé De 4’33”, plage de silence rigoureusement chronométrée, à la série des « pièces numérotées », nombreuses sont les compositions et conférences de John Cage qui s’inscrivent dans un cadre temporel d’une extrême précision, délimitant à la seconde près la durée de la performance à effectuer. Ces marquages temporels, que Cage désigne par le terme de « structure », se combinent au choix d’une « méthode » impliquant le hasard : c’est cette articulation paradoxale entre la présence de la contrainte (...)
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    Einleitung.Sarah Anna Uffelmann - 2018 - In Vom System Zum Gebrauch: Eine Genetisch-Philosophische Untersuchung des Grammatikbegriffs Bei Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-16.
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    Vorwort.Sarah Anna Uffelmann - 2018 - In Vom System Zum Gebrauch: Eine Genetisch-Philosophische Untersuchung des Grammatikbegriffs Bei Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    3. Vom Allgemeinen zum Besonderen: Big Typescript und Brown Book.Sarah Anna Uffelmann - 2018 - In Vom System Zum Gebrauch: Eine Genetisch-Philosophische Untersuchung des Grammatikbegriffs Bei Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 103-181.
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    Heraclitus on the Question of a Common Measure.Sarah Feldman - 2023 - Rhizomata 11 (1):1-32.
    This paper offers a new reading of Heraclitus fragment B90 (Diels-Kranz). It argues that we can enrich our understanding of the fragment by reading it, not as a primitive analogy, but as a skillful simile grounded both in the poetic tradition and in the cultural context that would have conditioned its significance for Heraclitus and his audience. Read in this way, B90’s evocation of a cosmos whose common measure parallels the common measure of the polis’ marketplace is not simply a (...)
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    Introduction: Writing in Philosophy: Pedagogy and Practice.Sarah K. Donovan & Renée J. Smith - 2024 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 9:1-6.
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  26. Space by Design.Sarah B. Fowler - 1988 - The Monist 71 (1):72-87.
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    Adhésion d’une femme issue de l’immigration maghrébine à la umma de Daech : entre défaillance des imagos parentales et défaut d’accordage avec la mère-patrie.Sarah Daoudi, Sara Skandrani & François Pommier - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 244 (2):35-49.
    Cet article interroge, à l’aide d’une trajectoire singulière issue de la clinique des auteurs, le lien entre la construction des imagos parentales chez une femme française issue de l’immigration maghrébine et son adhésion à l’idéologie religieuse radicale de Daech. Il s’agit plus précisément d’entrevoir les échecs et les impasses de l’institution familiale et sociale et la manière dont cette jeune femme s’est saisie de la Umma (la communauté des musulmans dans le monde) – dont la racine Um signifie en arabe (...)
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    The pursuit of “restrictive” enhancement: A phenomenological argument.Sarah A. Gardner - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):106-123.
    Current philosophical literature is saturated with the debate on biomedical enhancement, where bio-liberals and conservatives alike make compelling arguments for and against the enterprise. However, this literature is yet to consider the impact such enhancement would have on the individual’s actual lived experience. This article seeks to remedy that by situating the bioethics debate within the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, specifically theorising how biomedical enhancement of the physical kind would impact Merleau-Ponty’s notion of the body-subject. The central issue arises when (...)
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    Narrative research and service user/survivor stories: A New Frontier for Research Ethics?Sarah Carr - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (3):233-236.
    Russo suggests that the personal narratives of those who have experienced mental and emotional distress now constitute a diverse and dispersed, nonetheless considerable, body of knowledge that is of interest to non–user/survivor researchers. The issues she raises about the potential use of that knowledge pose practical and ethical challenges to both user/survivor researchers and those from other research traditions. On reading this paper, I became conscious of my own work, where I have explored my personal experiences in the context of (...)
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  30. Learning lessons about how to learn from mistakes : errors, medicine and the law.Sarah Devaney - 2024 - In Sara Fovargue & Craig Purshouse, Leading works in health law and ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  31. Physicians' Use of Deep Features: Expertise Differences in Patient Categorization.Sarah L. Devantier, John Paul Minda, Wael Hadarra & Mark Goldszmidt - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Cell death proteins: An evolutionary role in cellular adaptation before the advent of apoptosis.Sarah A. Dick & Lynn A. Megeney - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (11):974-983.
    Programmed cell death (PCD) or apoptosis is a broadly conserved phenomenon in metazoans, whereby activation of canonical signal pathways induces an ordered dismantling and death of a cell. Paradoxically, the constituent proteins and pathways of PCD (most notably the metacaspase/caspase protease mediated signal pathways) have been demonstrated to retain non‐death functions across all phyla including yeast, nematodes, drosophila, and mammals. The ancient conservation of both death and non‐death functions of PCD proteins raises an interesting evolutionary conundrum: was the primordial intent (...)
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  33.  5
    Scientists, Metaphysicians, and Sorcerers Supreme.Sarah K. Donovan & Nicholas Richardson - 2018 - In Marc D. White, Doctor Strange and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 111–124.
    In Aaron and Bachalo's work, Doctor Stephen Strange exemplifies the characteristics and methods of the natural philosophers in clashes with his mystical enemies, Lord Imperator and the Empirikul. It's easy to be distracted by Doctor Strange's fancy spells, unique job title, or flashy cape, but we should also recognize that he is a Sorcerer Supreme, who demonstrates both discipline and intellect. Like the historical philosopher‐scientists, Doctor Strange studies metaphysics and its relationship to the physical world. When intellectuals began to challenge (...)
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  34.  4
    Choose right: building better interpersonal relationships.Sarah Feldbrand - 2022 - Lakewood, NJ: Lishmoa Lilmod U'le'lamed.
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    Essentials: a commentary on Derech Hashem by Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato: inspiration & stories.Sarah Feldbrand - 2012 - Lakewood, NJ: Israel Book Shop.
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    Buddhist Archaeology in Republican China: A New Relationship to the Past.Sarah E. Fraser - 2011 - In Fraser Sarah E., Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 167, 2009 Lectures. pp. 155.
    This chapter presents the text of a lecture on Buddhist archaeology in Republican China given at the British Academy's 2008 Elsley Zeitlyn Lecture on Chinese Archaeology and Culture. This texxt explains that Chinese archaeologists have transformed the notion of the nation and its artistic history with a series of dramatic discoveries during the Republican Period. It evaluates the impact of archaeological copies painted by Zhang Daqian and Wang Ziyun and explores how they rediscovered and popularised the history of early figure (...)
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  37. A humanistic baseline in the rural school.Sarah Freye & Dini Metro-Roland - 2025 - In Cara E. Furman & Tomas de Rezende Rocha, Teachers and philosophy: essays on the contact zone. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Supporting and Contextualizing Pediatric ECMO Decision-Making Using a Person-Centered Framework.Sarah Friebert, Adiaratou Ba, Ryan A. Nofziger, Daniel H. Grossoehme, Patricia L. Raimer & Julie M. Aultman - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (3):245-257.
    There is a critical need to establish a space to engage in careful deliberation amid exciting, important, necessary, and groundbreaking technological and clinical advances in pediatric medicine. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is one such technology that began in pediatric settings nearly 50 years ago. And while not void of medical and ethical examination, both the symbolic progression of medicine that ECMO embodies and its multidimensional challenges to patient care require more than an intellectual exercise. What we illustrate, then, is a (...)
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    Bridging Gaps: Reconstructing Kant's Theory of Imagination.Sarah L. Gibbons - 1994 - Oxford: Oxford Philosophical Monographs.
    This book departs from much of the scholarship on Kant by demonstrating the centrality of imagination to Kant's philosophy as a whole. In Kant's works, human experience is simultaneously passive and active, thought and sensed, free and unfree: these dualisms are ofen thought of as unfortunate byproducts of his system. Gibbons, however, shows that imagination performs a vital function in 'bridging gaps' between the different elements of cognition and experience. Thus, the role imagination plays in Kant's works expresses his fundamental (...)
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    (2 other versions)Research notes.Sarah Gill - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (6):44-44.
  41.  78
    William James’s Conception of Reality: Found, Not Manufactured.Sarah E. Glenn - 2003 - International Philosophical Quarterly 43 (2):207-218.
    Richard Rorty places William James in the same category of thinkers as Hegel. These thinkers, he claims, do not believe that philosophical discussion involves any reference to a reality external to their dialogue. Rorty’s claim initially seems justified, for Jamesdoes after all speak of the malleability of reality and insists that reality is part of experience. However, the fact that reality is part of experience does not necessarily mean that it is created by experience. Indeed, James insists that the reality (...)
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    Shugoshin: a centromeric guardian senses tension.Sarah E. Goulding & William C. Earnshaw - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (6):588-591.
    To ensure accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis, the spindle checkpoint monitors chromosome alignment on the mitotic spindle. Indjeian and colleagues have investigated the precise role of the shugoshin 1 protein (Sgo1p) in this process in budding yeast.1 The Sgo proteins were originally identified as highly conserved proteins that protect cohesion at centromeres during the first meiotic division. Together with other recent findings,2 the study highlighted here has identified Sgo1 as a component that informs the mitotic spindle checkpoint when spindle tension (...)
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    Republication: In that case. [REVIEW]Sarah Winch - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (2):267-268.
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    Philosophy of Lyric Voice: The Cognitive Value of Page and Performance Poetry. [REVIEW]Sarah Feldman - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
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    Review of James Dreier (ed.), Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory[REVIEW]Sarah Stroud - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (10).
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    (1 other version)Ben A. Minteer. The Landscape of Reform: Civic Pragmatism and Environmental Thought in America. viii + 264 pp., illus., bibl., notes, index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2006. $28. [REVIEW]Sarah S. Elkind - 2008 - Isis 99 (3):637-638.
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    Evolution in an Anthropological View. By C. Loring Brace. Pp. 407. (AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 2000.) $26.95, ISBN 0-7425-0263-5, paperback. [REVIEW]Sarah Elton - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (1):153-160.
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    “Under the sword of Damocles”: psychologists relate their experience of a professional misconduct complaint.Hanlé Kirkcaldy, Esmé van Rensburg & Kobus du Plooy - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (5):401-412.
    ABSTRACT Health practitioners run the risk of ethical board complaints or legal action against them in their professional careers. This experience can have a detrimental impact on personal wellness and professional practice. This study reports on the subjective experience of ten South African psychologists who received complaints. Semi structured interviews were conducted, and the transcripts analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The data indicates that the participants experienced the effects of a complaint on an intensely personal level and the experience of (...)
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    Erwin Schrödinger's Reaction to Louis de Broglie's Thesis on the Quantum Theory.Paul Hanle - 1977 - Isis 68 (4):606-609.
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    "Community" Art by Sarah G.Sarah G. - 2023 - Questions 23:16-17.
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