Results for 'Sarah Hanl'

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  1.  7
    “Many are the plans”: An analysis of goals described by youth ministry leaders.Tyler S. Greenway, Kara E. Powell, Lisa E. Hanle, Patrick E. Jacques & Sarah A. Schnitker - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (3):253-268.
    This article examines the content and appraisals of youth ministry leader goals. Responses to an open-ended survey question by 378 leaders primarily working in the United States who held significant responsibility for the discipleship of high school-aged young people in their ministries were coded, resulting in 29 categories of goals. Participants named goals associated with service, relationships in general, relationships with God, biblical/gospel knowledge, and discipleship most frequently. Leaders rated each goal according to factors that contribute to goal achievement and (...)
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    Mental health consumers' perceptions of receiving recovery‐focused services.Sarah L. Marshall, Lindsay G. Oades & Trevor P. Crowe - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):654-659.
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    Habits of Democracy: A Deweyan Approach to Citizenship Education in America Today.Sarah M. Stitzlein - 2014 - Education and Culture 30 (2):61-86.
    Throughout his works, John Dewey makes deep and intriguing connections between democracy, education, and daily life. His ideas have contributed to both the theory and practice of participatory democracy and, although he actually “had surprisingly little to say about democratic citizenship” directly, his scholarship has influenced the ideas of others working on citizenship education and has provided rich notions of democracy, education, experience, and public life underlying it.1 However, Dewey commentators Michael Eldridge and Robert Westbrook worry that, although Dewey promoted (...)
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    Advancing Medicine Ethically: Important Considerations for Innovative Practice.Sarah Haines, Michael Savic & Adrian Carter - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):38-40.
    Earl (2019) argues that the current uniform restriction of innovative practice limits clinicians’ ability to provide optimal treatment and stunts progress in medicine. We agree that it is important...
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    Construction at Work: Multiple Identities Scaffold Professional Identity Development in Academia.Sarah V. Bentley, Kim Peters, S. Alexander Haslam & Katharine H. Greenaway - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:430340.
    Identity construction — the process of creating and building a new future self — is an integral part of a person’s professional career development. However, at present we have little understanding of the psychological mechanisms that underpin this process. Likewise, we have little understanding of the barriers that obstruct it, and which thus may contribute to inequality in career outcomes. Using a social identity lens, and particularly the Social Identity Model of Identity Change (SIMIC), we explore the process of academic (...)
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    Regulated Empathy and Future Generations.Sarah Songhorian - 2024 - Topoi 43 (1):39-48.
    After introducing some of the many issues raised by intergenerational justice, the paper will focus in particular on the motivational problem: Why should we be motivated to act in favor of others when sacrifices on our behalf are required? And more specifically, how can such sacrifices be justified when those we act for are neither born nor easily unidentifiable? While many accounts of moral motivation exist, most scholars will grant that emotional engagement is a strong motivational drive. Hence, the paper (...)
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    Cautious Hope Regarding Information, Misinformation, and Disinformation.Sarah M. Stitzlein - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (1):15-23.
  8. Archaeological ethics and the people of the past.Sarah Tarlow - 2006 - In Chris Scarre & Geoffrey Scarre, The Ethics of Archaeology: Philosophical Perspectives on Archaeological Practice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 199--216.
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    Caroline Muller, Au plus près des 'mes et des corps. Une histoire intime des catholiques au xixe siècle.Sarah A. Curtis - 2020 - Clio 52.
    Dans ce livre novateur, Caroline Muller nous propose une lecture minutieuse de la correspondance entre des femmes (et quelques hommes) de la haute société et leurs directeurs de conscience, ces prêtres chargés de guider la vie spirituelle et de sonder la vie intérieure des catholiques, principalement des femmes, au xixe siècle. En cela, son livre est à la fois une histoire de la spiritualité, de l’aristocratie, du mariage et de la vie familiale, ainsi que de l’intimité et du genre. Échappant...
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    Decoding the Signal Effects of Job Candidate Attraction to Corporate Social Practices.Sarah Sorenson, James E. Mattingly & Felissa K. Lee - 2010 - Business and Society Review 115 (2):173-204.
    This article seeks to go beyond the implied assumption from previous research that job candidate attraction to corporate social practices is equivalent across individuals. To this end, we propose a framework for categorizing individuals' attraction to different corporate social performance profiles. Our framework is grounded in relational models theory and Mitroff's model of managers' “ideal organizations.” An inductive approach was used to elaborate upon the model and assess the extent to which candidates preferences vary. Data were collected from prospective job (...)
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    Conclusion.Sarah Stroumsa - 2009 - In Maimonides in His World: Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker. Princeton University Press. pp. 189-192.
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    “Wondrous Paths”: the Ismāʿīlī context of Saadya’s ‘Commentary onSefer Yeṣira’.Sarah Stroumsa - 2015 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 18 (1):74-90.
    The Commentary on Sefer Yeṣira, with its pronounced Pythagorean and Neo-Platonic overtones, written by Saadya Gaon in 931, stands out among the other writings of this Jewish theologian, and raises the question of the purpose of its composition. It has been argued that in writing a commentary on this work of letter-speculation, Saadya responded to mythical and mystical trends in tenth-century Judaism, endeavoring to recast this foundational mystical text as a work of rational philosophy. The present article argues that Saadya (...)
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  13.  21
    Redining the Gods: Politics and Survival in the Creation of Modern Kami.Sarah Thal - 2002 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 29 (3-4):379-404.
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  14. The editor's department.Sarah Grey Thomason - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 409-413.
  15. Cicéron et les gladiateurs : les armes de Lucilius sous la plume cicéronienne.par Sarah Gaucher - 2019 - In Marie-Françoise Marein, Les illusions de l'autonymie: la parole rapportée de l'Autre dans la littérature. Paris: Hermann.
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  16. Grafting the Australian landscape into an Urban Framework. Embedding the city into environmental systems.Bonnie Grant & Sarah Hicks - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 83:96.
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    The place of the spirit: toward a Trinitarian theology of location.Sarah Morice-Brubaker - 2013 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Cyril O'Regan.
    Placing the question -- Patristic Precedents -- Moltmann's perichoretic spaces for God and creation -- No place for the spirit? Jean-Luc Marion's placial refusal -- Notes toward a Trinitarian theology of Place.
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    Thinking developmentally about counterfactual possibilities.Kevin J. Riggs & Sarah R. Beck - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5-6):463-463.
    Byrne implies that working memory development underpins children's ability to represent counterfactuals as possibilities at 3 to 4 years of age. Recent findings suggest that (1) developments in the ability to consider alternatives to reality in children of this age are underpinned by improvements in inhibitory control, not working memory, and (2) children do not develop an understanding of counterfactuals as possibilities until mid-childhood.
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  19. Neo-Platonism and Its Legacy.Jonathan J. Sanford & Sarah Wear - 2011 - Steubenville, Ohio: Franciscan University Press.
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    Schizophrenia patients are impaired in recognition task but more for intentionality than physical causality.Ali Oker, Sarah Del Goleto, Alice Vignes, Christine Passerieux, Paul Roux & Eric-Brunet Gouet - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 67:98-107.
  21.  40
    Exile after ovid - J. ingleheart two thousand years of solitude. Exile after ovid. Pp. XVI + 353. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2011. Cased, £70, us$125. Isbn: 978-0-19-960384-8. [REVIEW]Sarah Carter - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):275-277.
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    Sandra Pierson Prior, The Pearl Poet Revisited. (Twayne's English Authors Series, 512.) New York: Twayne, 1994. Pp. xi, 161; black-and-white frontispiece. $22.95. [REVIEW]Sarah Stanbury - 1997 - Speculum 72 (4):1212-1213.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Sarah Symmons - 1995 - British Journal of Aesthetics 35 (1):189-190.
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    Meredith Cohen and Fanny Madeline, eds., Space in the Medieval West: Places, Territories, and Imagined Geographies. Farnham, Surrey, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2014. Pp. xvi, 245; 17 black-and-white figures, 15 maps, and 4 tables. $119.95. ISBN: 978-1-4724-0237-0. [REVIEW]Sarah Thompson - 2015 - Speculum 90 (2):530-531.
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    Musical Worlds: New Directions in the Philosophy of Music. [REVIEW]Sarah Worth - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (2):425-425.
    In Philip Alperson’s most recently edited collection, he skillfully puts together fifteen new articles on varying aspects of the philosophy of music. For the last two-hundred years the central philosophical question concerning music has been where its meaning lies. Alperson discusses this question in his introductory essay giving a historical introduction primarily through the views of Eduard Hanslick, who denies that the arousal of emotion in the listener or the expression of emotion in the music is the purpose of music. (...)
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    The progress of affirmative action: Accreditation and diversity. [REVIEW]Joseph B. Murphy, Sarah R. Blanshei, James F. Guyot, Howard L. Simmons, Joel Segall & Jim Sleeper - 1992 - Minerva 30 (4):531-552.
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    Book Review: Healing dramas and clinical plots: the narrative and structure of experience. [REVIEW]Christopher Newell & Sarah Breier - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (2):176-177.
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    “Under the sword of Damocles”: psychologists relate their experience of a professional misconduct complaint.Hanlé Kirkcaldy, Esmé van Rensburg & Kobus du Plooy - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (5):401-412.
    ABSTRACT Health practitioners run the risk of ethical board complaints or legal action against them in their professional careers. This experience can have a detrimental impact on personal wellness and professional practice. This study reports on the subjective experience of ten South African psychologists who received complaints. Semi structured interviews were conducted, and the transcripts analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The data indicates that the participants experienced the effects of a complaint on an intensely personal level and the experience of (...)
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  29.  46
    Erwin Schrödinger's Reaction to Louis de Broglie's Thesis on the Quantum Theory.Paul Hanle - 1977 - Isis 68 (4):606-609.
  30.  22
    "Community" Art by Sarah G.Sarah G. - 2023 - Questions 23:16-17.
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    “A Widely Applicable Model”: Teaching Sarah Manguso’s The Two Kinds of Decay Across Institutions.Sarah Boykin Hardy, Elizabeth Starr, Cindie Aaen Maagaard, Shena McAuliffe, Erin McConnell & Krista Quesenberry - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (4):431-453.
    Many of those teaching at the intersection of medicine and the humanities are siloed within institutional spaces. This essay recounts the teaching of Sarah Manguso’s The Two Kinds of Decay to students across different academic contexts and considers what we can learn when we put classrooms in conversation with each other. This essay argues for the value of texts like Manguso’s, which explicitly hold the narrating subject and form of illness narrative up for critical examination. The authors call for (...)
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    The coming of age of Erwin Schrödinger: His quantum statistics of ideal gases.Paul A. Hanle - 1977 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 17 (2):165-192.
  33.  32
    My Life: Recollections of a Nobel LaureateMax Born.Paul Hanle - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):354-355.
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    The Function of Metaphor in Medieval Neoplatonism , written by Sarah Pessin.Sarah Pessin - 2015 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9 (2):249-252.
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    The History of Quantum Theory. Friedrich Hund, Gordon Reece.Paul Hanle - 1976 - Isis 67 (4):625-626.
  36.  48
    Sarah Demmrich, Uwe Wolfradt: Die ‚Gottesidee‘ als Wesensmerkmal der Religion im Denken Karl Girgensohns.Uwe Wolfradt & Sarah Demmrich - 2019 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 26 (2):86-103.
    Der protestantische Theologe Karl Girgensohn (1875–1925) ist 1903 mit seinem frühen Werk über das Wesen der Religion an die Öffentlichkeit getreten, welches einen starken religionsphilosophischen Standpunkt zum Ausdruck bringt. Kernüberlegung ist hierbei eine kognitive Theorie des Religiösen, in der die Gottesidee zentral ist. Unter Berücksichtigung der Biographie Girgensohns geht der vorliegende Beitrag auf diese frühe Studie zum Wesen der Religion ein und skizziert den Übergang des Autors von einem philosophischen zu einem experimentell-introspektiven Ansatz der Religiositätsforschung, welcher dann zum Fundament für (...)
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  37. Concepts in Conceptual Engineering.Sarah Sawyer - forthcoming - In Stephan Schmid & Hamid Taieb, A Philosophical History of the Concept. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  38. Becoming Sea-swallowed: Sarah Cameron Sunde’s 36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea.Raegan Truax & Sarah Cameron Sunde - 2024 - Technoetic Arts 22 (2):167-182.
    Can shifting to tidal time potentially slow the catastrophic realities of sea-level rise? Sarah Cameron Sunde’s 36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea is a site-specific performance during which Sunde stands in a tidal bay for a full cycle as water engulfs her body and then reveals it again. The public participates. What began in 2013 as a poetic impulse has grown into a complex series of nine durational performances involving communities around the world. In this article, durational (...)
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  39. I—Sarah Patterson: Descartes on Nature, Habit and the Corporeal World.Sarah Patterson - 2013 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 87 (1):235-258.
    Descartes says that the Meditations contains the foundations of his physics. But how does the work advance his geometrical view of the corporeal world? His argument for this view of matter is often taken to be concluded with the proof of the existence of bodies in the Sixth Meditation. This paper focuses on the work that follows the proof, where Descartes pursues the question of what we should think about qualities such as light, sound and pain, as well as the (...)
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  40. Is Sarah Palin a feminist?Linda Martín Alcoff & Sarah K. Miraglia - unknown
    We have been teaching gender issues and feminist theory for many years, and we know that there is certainly a diversity of views among women, and men, about what counts as feminist or as good for women. Some may see a competent woman running for V.P as inevitably a step forward for women's equality. But consider this.
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  41. Credal Dilemmas.Sarah Moss - 2014 - Noûs 48 (3):665-683.
    Recently many have argued that agents must sometimes have credences that are imprecise, represented by a set of probability measures. But opponents claim that fans of imprecise credences cannot provide a decision theory that protects agents who follow it from foregoing sure money. In particular, agents with imprecise credences appear doomed to act irrationally in diachronic cases, where they are called to make decisions at earlier and later times. I respond to this claim on behalf of imprecise credence fans. Once (...)
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    Ethics, accountability, and the social professions.Sarah Banks - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book explores the far-reaching ethical implications of recent changes in the organization and practice of the social professions, including social work, community and youth work. Drawing on moral philosophy, professional ethics and new empirical research, the author explores such questions as: * Can any occupation justifiably claim a special set of ethics? * What is the impact of the new 'ethics of distrust' on the autonomy discretion and creativity of practitioners? * How does inter-professional working challenge conceptions of professional (...)
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  43.  63
    Sarah’s List Exchange Experience.Sarah A. McDaniel - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):26-29.
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    Book Review: Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation & Sexual Assault: Challenging the Myths by Corina Schulze, Sarah Koon-Magnin, and Valerie Bryan. [REVIEW]Sarah Prior - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (6):1000-1002.
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    Kant on Civil Society and Welfare.Sarah Holtman - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    What justifies state-sponsored supports for individual welfare within a Kantian political system, as well as the purpose and extent of such supports and the form they may take, are vexed questions. This Element characterizes and assesses main contenders by examining the competing interpretations of Kant's larger political theory that found their social welfare claims. It then develops and defends an alternative based in civic respect. This emphasizes the perspective and institutional commitments that Kant's model of citizenship entails and what is (...)
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    Contre l’autonomie.Sarah Conly & Gérald Baril - 2014 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Dans les sociétés modernes, le respect de l'autonomie est souvent considéré comme la voie royale menant à la reconnaissance de la valeur intrinsèque des personnes. Or, la philosophe américaine Sarah Conly refuse d'emprunter la voie de la sacralisation de l'autonomie. Puisant aux sources de la philosophie, de l'économie comportementale et de la psychologie sociale, elle montre plutôt le caractère irréfléchi de nos décisions et soutient en conséquence que certains de nos choix, présumés autonomes, sont en grande partie nuisibles à (...)
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    Book review: Sarah J White and John A Cartmill, Communication in Surgical Practice. [REVIEW]Sarah Bro Trasmundi - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (4):447-450.
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    Reading: How Readers Beget Imagining.Sarah Bro Trasmundi & Stephen J. Cowley - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  49. Getting Expressivism Out of the Woods.Sarah Zoe Raskoff - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5.
    In a recent paper, Jack Woods advances an intriguing argument against expressivism based on Moore’s paradox. Woods argues that a central tenet of expressivism—which he, following Mark Schroeder, calls the parity thesis—is false. The parity thesis is the thesis that moral assertions express noncognitive, desire-like attitudes like disapproval in exactly the same way that ordinary, descriptive assertions express cognitive, belief-like attitudes. Most contemporary defenders of expressivism seem not only to accept the parity thesis but also to rely on it to (...)
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  50. Listening deafly and the rhetoric of sound: voice, silence, and listening in Hollywood films.Sarah Mayberry Scott - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, Sarah Mayberry Scott analyzes contemporary films to investigate how the history and values of the Deaf world provides opportunities for how the concepts of voice, silence, and listening can be expanded to include a diverse plurality of embodied experiences.
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