Results for 'Sang-Choong Roh'

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  1.  26
    A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-Concept Clarity, Transformational Leadership, Perceived Work Meaningfulness, and Work Motivation.Sunyoung Oh & Sang-Choong Roh - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Alterations in motor modules and their contribution to limitations in force control in the upper extremity after stroke.Gang Seo, Sang Wook Lee, Randall F. Beer, Amani Alamri, Yi-Ning Wu, Preeti Raghavan, William Z. Rymer & Jinsook Roh - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The generation of isometric force at the hand can be mediated by activating a few motor modules. Stroke induces alterations in motor modules underlying steady-state isometric force generation in the human upper extremity. However, how the altered motor modules impact task performance remains unclear as stroke survivors develop and converge to the three-dimensional target force. Thus, we tested whether stroke-specific motor modules would be activated from the onset of force generation and also examined how alterations in motor modules would induce (...)
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  3. Hanju Yi Chin-sang ŭi churiron yŏnʼgu.Sang-ha Yi - 2007 - Sŏul: Kyŏngin Munhwasa.
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    Corporate charitable contributions: business award winners' giving behaviors.Choong-Yuel Yoo & Jinhan Pae - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (1):25-44.
    We investigate corporate giving behaviors of prestigious business award winners in Korea. In particular, we examine whether firms strategically use corporate giving to enhance corporate reputation. We find that award winners generally make more charitable contributions than nonwinners prior to winning awards and maintain significant charitable contributions after winning awards; multiple award winners make even more charitable contributions than single-award winners; and an increase in charitable contributions does not raise the probability of winning awards in the year after the increase. (...)
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    Tasan cheja 1-ho Ch'iwŏn Hwang Sang i padŭn p'yŏnji.Sang Hwang - 2010 - [Seoul]: Munsa Kojŏn Yŏn'guso. Edited by Kwang-sik Yang.
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    Hyŏn Sang-yun ŭi Chosŏn sasangsa =.Sang-yun Hyŏn - 2010 - Sŏul-si: Simsan. Edited by Sang-yun Hyŏn & Hyŏng-sŏng Yi.
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    Kidang Hyŏn Sang-yun chŏnjip.Sang-yun Hyŏn - 2008 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Nanam.
    1. Wŏnjŏn Chosŏn Yuhaksa -- 2. Chosŏn Yuhaksa -- 3. Chosŏn sasangsa -- 4. Sasang pʻyŏn -- 5. Munhak pʻyŏn.
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  8. Hyŏn Sang-yun ŭi Chosŏn yuhaksa =.Sang-yun Hyŏn - 2010 - Sŏul-si: Simsan. Edited by Hyŏng-sŏng Yi & Sang-yun Hyŏn.
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    Mind and the present: outline of an analytic transcendental philosophy.Peter Rohs - 2020 - Paderborn: Mentis. Edited by Rebecca Walsh.
    In his book, Peter Rohs develops a dualism of process-types founded in a theory of time: a type of mental processes belonging to a time-theoretical ontology and a type of physical processes belonging to a timeless ontology (the ontology of physics). This dualism should be proved as a basis for a non-naturalistic philosophy of mind, through which a libertarian concept of freedom and of personal autonomy can be defended. This theory is, as Rohs tries to demonstrate, compatible with the theory (...)
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    The prajñāpāramitā in Relation to the Three Samādhis.Yoke Meei Choong - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (4):727-756.
    The idea that insight is by nature incompatible with concentration has been a long-term focus of scholarly discussion regarding the interpretation of some sūtra passages that could suggest the occurrence of insight within concentration. In the Prajñāpāramitā literature, the set of three samādhis is identified with insight, the prajñāpāramitā. Some scholars identify the experience of emptiness in these samādhis with a state of concentration, very likely the absorption of extinction. I highlight elsewhere a passage in the Prajñāpāramitā in which preceding (...)
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  11. Zarathustras Schlaf und der Wiederkunftsgedanke : zur zweiten Hälfte der Vorrede.Choong-Su Han - 2014 - In Murat Ates (ed.), Nietzsches Zarathustra auslegen: Thesen, Positionen und Entfaltungen zu "Also sprach Zarathustra" von Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Marburg: Tectum.
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    Joan Mellen (2004) In the Realm of the Senses.Kevin Teo Kia-Choong - 2006 - Film-Philosophy 10 (1):78-82.
    Joan Mellen In the Realm of the Senses London: British Film Institute ISBN: 1 8445 7034 7.
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    “인공지능은 인문학이다”: 구성적 정보 철학적 관점에서.Choong-Shik Park - 2019 - Philosophical Investigation 56 (null):181-212.
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    Illegal literature: toward a disruptive creativity.David S. Roh - 2015 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    What is the cultural value of illegal works that violate the copyrights of popular fiction? Why do they persist despite clear and stringent intellectual property laws? Drawing on the disciplines of new media, law, and literary studies, Illegal Literature suggests that extralegal works such as fan fiction are critical to a system that spurs the evolution of culture. Reconsidering voices relegated to the cultural periphery, David S. Roh shows how infrastructure--in the form of legal policy and network distribution--slows or accelerates (...)
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    Tonghak munmyŏngnon ŭi chuch'ejŏk kŭndaesŏng: O Sang-jun ŭi "Ch'odŭng kyosŏ" tasi ilki.Sang-jun O. - 2019 - Sŏul-si: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Mosinŭn Saramdŭl. Edited by Hye-jŏng Chŏng.
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    Churi ch'ŏrhak ŭi chŏlchŏng Hanju Yi Chin-sang.Sang-ha Yi - 2008 - Kyŏngbuk Andong-si: Han'guk Kukhak Chinhŭngwŏn.
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  17.  10
    Transzendentale Ästhetik.Peter Rohs - 1973 - Meisenheim (am Glan): Hain.
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  18.  10
    Feld, Zeit, Ich: Entwurf einer feldtheoretischen Transzendentalphilosophie.Peter Rohs - 1996
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  19.  9
    Koleksi kebijaksanaan pujangga China.Sang Seong Goh (ed.) - 2018 - Pulau Pinang: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia.
    Collection of quotes of Chinese philosophy by Laozi, Confusius, Sunzi, and Mencius.
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  20.  16
    Heidegger a most.Choong-Su Han - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5).
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  21. Evidence for Two Systems.Sang Ah Lee, Anna Shusterman & Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    ��Disoriented 4-year-old children use a distinctive container to locate a hidden object, but do they reorient by this information? We addressed this question by testing children’s search for objects in a circular room containing one distinctive and two identical containers. Children’s search patterns provided evidence that the distinctive container served as a direct cue to a hidden object’s location, but not as a directional signal guiding reorientation. The findings suggest that disoriented children’s search behavior depends on two distinct processes: a (...)
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  22. ¿ Cuál es la forma adecuada de la filosofía trascendental?Peter Rohs - 1998 - Ideas Y Valores 47 (106):59.
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  23.  7
    Die Vernunft der Erfahrung: eine Alternative zum Anarchismus der Wissenschaftstheorie.Peter Rohs - 1979 - Königstein/Ts.: Forum Academicum in der Verlagsgruppe Athenäum, Hain, Scriptor, Hanstein.
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  24. Is a provable measure of time possible-on the protophysics of time.P. Rohs - 1986 - Philosophische Rundschau 33 (1-2):133-151.
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  25. Ist eine ausweisbare Zeitmessung moglich? Zur Protophysik der Zeit.Peter Rohs - 1986 - Philosophische Rundschau 33 (1-2):133-151.
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  26. Theory of meaning from viewpoint of transcendental philosophy or analytical linguistics.P. Rohs - 1979 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 86 (1):16-41.
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  27. Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan.Peter Rohs - 2017 - In Benedikt Paul Göcke & Ruben Schneider (eds.), Gottes Handeln in der Welt. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
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  28.  9
    Dang dai jiao yu zhe xue.Xinmin Sang - 1988 - Kunming Shi: Yunnan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
  29.  10
    미래 를 위한 한국 교육.Yi Sang-ju - 1997 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi:
    미래주의적 시각에서 한국교육의 개혁방향을 모색한 연구서. 미래사회가 오늘의 교육에 어떠한 의미와 시 사를 던져주는지, 미래에 일어날 사회변동 추세에 맞 추어 한국교육을 어떠한 방향으로 개혁해야하는가 등 등을 검토하였다.
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    Chonjae nŭn saengmyŏng ŭi kangmul: Yi Ki-sang Kyosu ŭi chŏngnyŏn, saeroun haeorŭm ŭl kirimyŏ.Ki-Sang Yi (ed.) - 2012 - Sŏul: Ch'aeryun.
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  31. Young children reorient by computing layout geometry, not by matching images of the environment.Sang Ah Lee & Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    Disoriented animals from ants to humans reorient in accord with the shape of the surrounding surface layout: a behavioral pattern long taken as evidence for sensitivity to layout geometry. Recent computational models suggest, however, that the reorientation process may not depend on geometrical analyses but instead on the matching of brightness contours in 2D images of the environment. Here we test this suggestion by investigating young children's reorientation in enclosed environments. Children reoriented by extremely subtle geometric properties of the 3D (...)
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  32.  48
    The Philosophical Theology of Jonathan Edwards.Sang Hyun Lee - 1988 - Princeton University Press.
    This book demonstrates the originality and coherence of Jonathan Edwards' philosophical theology using his dynamic reconception of reality as the interpretive key. The author argues that what underlies Edwards' writings is a radical shift from the traditional Western metaphysics of substance and form to a new conception of the world as a network of dispositions: active and abiding principles that possess reality apart from their manifestations in actions and events. Edwards' dispositional ontology enables him to restate the Augustinian-Calvinist tradition in (...)
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  33.  31
    Handlungen und Ereignisse.Peter Rohs - 2000 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 54 (1):1 - 22.
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  34.  19
    An Elucidation of the Citation from Hölderlin’s Poem “The Journey” in Heidegger’s Essay “The Origin of the Work of Art”.Choong-Su Han - 2023 - Kritike 16 (3):172-179.
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  35.  56
    Beiträge der Heideggerschen Philosophie zum Maschinenzeitalter.Choong-Su Han - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 21:97-104.
    Living in “the Machine Age” (dem Maschinenzeitalter), we can not avoid asking ourselves, whether every one of us lives as "a Part" (ein Bestand) in the world much like a cog in “a Machine” (einer Maschine). Heidegger made this concept clear by his phenomenology. In addition, he regarded a human being as a special Part, that could transform all beings into Parts. In order to overcome this dangerous situation, namely, "the Desolation of the Being" (dieSeinsverlassenheit), he considers deeper at “the (...)
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  36. Heidegger and a Bridge.Choong-Su Han - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5):412-418.
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  37.  14
    Heideggers erläuterung der hölderlinschen dichtung: Die verwandlung Des biographischen im gedichteten.Choong-Su Han - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (144):497-511.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die vorliegende Arbeit unternimmt den Versuch, zu erklären, was Heidegger mit dem Ausdruck “die Verwandlung des Biographischen im Gedichteten” bei seiner Erläuterung der Hölderlinschen Hymne Andenken meint. Viele Literaturwissenschaftler interessieren sich für das Entstehungsdatum der Hymne und die damaligen Erlebnisse Hölderlins, um daraus die Hymne zu interpretieren. Im Vergleich mit ihnen richtet Heidegger wenig sein Augenmerk darauf, weil er glaubt, dass das Biographische des Dichters unmittelbar nichts mit dem Inhalt des Gedichtes zu tun hat. Bei der Dichtung geschieht Heidegger (...)
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  38.  35
    Heideggers Rezeption des Taoismus: Die Notwendigkeit des Unnötigen in der Leistungsgesellschaft.Choong-Su Han - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138):509-520.
    in German Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich zwei Schriften Heideggers, die bisher kaum untersucht worden sind, nämlich Die Einzigkeit des Dichters und Abendgespräch in einem Kriegsgefangenenlager in Rußland zwischen einem Jüngeren und einem Älteren. Diese Schriften sind vor allem insofern bemerkenswert, als der taoistische Gedanke der Notwendigkeit des Unnötigen in ihrem Zentrum steht. Heideggers Rezeption dieses Gedankens ist, wie im vorliegenden Beitrag gezeigt wird, aber keine bloße Aufnahme, sondern vielmehr eine schöpferische Aneignung des ostasiatischen Gedankengutes für sein eigenes Seinsdenken. Zunächst (...)
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    Yulgok p'yŏngjŏn: Han'guksa esŏ kajang mŏnjŏ ilgŏya hal inmul.Sang-ha Pak - 2023 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Churyusŏng.
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  40. Argumente für einen transzendentalphilosophischen Wahrheitsbegriff.Peter Rohs - 2001 - In Wolfgang Kuhlmann (ed.), Anknüpfen an Kant: Konzeptionen der Transzendentalphilosophie. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 11-27.
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  41. Das Problem der vermittelten Unmittelbarkeit in der Hegeischen Logik.Peter Rohs - 1974 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 81 (2):371-80.
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  42. Der temporale Dualismus.Peter Rohs - 1987 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 21 (52):69-86.
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  43. E. Topitsch, Mythos-Philosophie-Politik.P. Rohs - 1972 - Philosophische Rundschau 18:137.
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  44. In what sense is the causal principle a condition of the possibility of experience.P. Rohs - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (4):436-450.
  45. Noch einmal: das Kausalprinzip als Bedingung der Möglichkeit von Erfahrung.Peter Rohs - 1992 - Kant Studien 83 (1):84-96.
  46. Once again, the causal principle as condition of the possibility of empirical knowledge.P. Rohs - 1992 - Kant Studien 83 (1):84-96.
  47.  30
    Oikeiosis: Jenseits von Herder oder Darwin.Peter Rohs - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 47 (1):113 - 117.
  48. On the remarks of Meixner, Uwe.P. Rohs - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (4):454-456.
  49.  22
    Pflichtethik oder Wertethik? Zu Franz von Kutscheras "Grundlagen der Ethik".Peter Rohs - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 39 (1):101 - 109.
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    Die Subjekt-Objekt-Dialektik in der transzendentalen Phänomenologie: das Seinsproblem zwischen Idealismus u. Realismus.Peter Rohs - 1973 - Meisenheim (am Glan): Hain.
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