Results for 'Sandra Wilkens'

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  1. Musica ex Metaphysica: Über das Verhältnis rationalistischer Philosophie zur Wiener Klassik.Sandra Wilkens - 1996 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 103 (2):268-293.
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    Finding Your Voice in the Streets: Street Art and Epistemic Injustice.Sandra Bacharach - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):31-43.
    I argue that activists have co-opted street art as a tool for addressing epistemic injustices, injustices that result from negative identity prejudices that silence certain groups of people unfairly. To defend this claim, I explore the special nature of street art that makes it an especially appropriate tool for activists to enlist in the fight against epistemic injustices. From there, I will examine in detail two case studies which illustrate how street art is used to respond to and correct for (...)
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  3. Why a right to explanation of automated decision-making does not exist in the General Data Protection Regulation.Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - International Data Privacy Law 1 (2):76-99.
    Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that the GDPR will legally mandate a ‘right to explanation’ of all decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems. This right to explanation is viewed as an ideal mechanism to enhance the accountability and transparency of automated decision-making. However, there are several reasons to doubt both the legal existence and the feasibility of such a right. In contrast to the (...)
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  4. Transparent, explainable, and accountable AI for robotics.Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Science (Robotics) 2 (6):eaan6080.
    To create fair and accountable AI and robotics, we need precise regulation and better methods to certify, explain, and audit inscrutable systems.
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  5. Standpoint Theories: Productively Controversial.Sandra Harding - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):192 - 200.
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    Parallel Universes: Companies, Academics, and the Progress of Corporate Citizenship.Sandra Waddock - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (1):5-42.
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    Accountability in a Global Economy: The Emergence of International Accountability Standards.Sandra Waddock - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (1):23-44.
    ABSTRACT:This article assesses the proliferation of international accountability standards (IAS) in the recent past. We provide a comprehensive overview about the different types of standards and discuss their role as part of a new institutional infrastructure for corporate responsibility. Based on this, it is argued that IAS can advance corporate responsibility on a global level because they contribute to the closure of some omnipresent governance gaps. IAS also improve the preparedness of an organization to give an explanation and a justification (...)
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  8. Hobbes and the Question of Power.Sandra Field - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):61-85.
    Thomas Hobbes has been hailed as the philosopher of power par excellence; however, I demonstrate that Hobbes’s conceptualization of political power is not stable across his texts. Once the distinction is made between the authorized and the effective power of the sovereign, it is no longer sufficient simply to defend a doctrine of the authorized power of the sovereign; such a doctrine must be robustly complemented by an account of how the effective power commensurate to this authority might be achieved. (...)
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  9. Early word-learning entails reference, not merely associations.Sandra R. Waxman & Susan A. Gelman - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (6):258-263.
  10. On Psychological Oppression.Sandra Bartky - 1979 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):190-190.
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  11. Encoding and Retrieval Interference in Sentence Comprehension: Evidence from Agreement.Sandra Villata, Whitney Tabor & Julie Franck - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The deliberate control of emotional experience through control of expressions.Sandra E. Duclos & James D. Laird - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (1):27-56.
  13. Toward a Phenomenology of Feminist Consciousness.Sandra Lee Bartky - 1975 - Social Theory and Practice 3 (4):425-439.
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    Consistent (but not variable) names as invitations to form object categories: new evidence from 12-month-old infants.Sandra R. Waxman & Irena Braun - 2005 - Cognition 95 (3):B59-B68.
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    The distinctive characteristics of bullshit: intention, meaningfulness, and source reliability.Sandra Ilić & Kaja Damnjanović - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
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  16. What is Patient-Centered Care? A Typology of Models and Missions.Sandra J. Tanenbaum - 2015 - Health Care Analysis 23 (3):272-287.
    Recently adopted health care practices and policies describe themselves as “patient-centered care.” The meaning of the term, however, remains contested and obscure. This paper offers a typology of “patient-centered care” models that aims to contribute to greater clarity about, continuing discussion of, and further advances in patient-centered care. The paper imposes an original analytic framework on extensive material covering mostly US health care and health policy topics over several decades. It finds that four models of patient-centered care emphasize: patients versus (...)
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    Teleological reasoning about nature: intentional design or relational perspectives?Sandra R. Waxman & Douglas L. Medin - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):166-171.
  18. Judging the Other: Responding to Traditional Female Genital Surgeries.Sandra D. Lane & Robert A. Rubinstein - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (3):31-40.
    Western feminists, physicians, and ethicists condemn the traditional genital surgeries performed on women in some non‐Western cultures. But coming to moral judgment is not the end of the story; we must also decide what to do about our judgments. We must learn to work respectfully with, not independently of, local resources for cultural self‐examination and change.
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    Is Gender a Variable in Conceptions of Rationality? A Survey of Issues.Sandra Harding - 1982 - Dialectica 36 (2‐3):225-242.
    SummaryPhilosophic questions about the adequacy of our prevailing Western conceptions of rationality have emerged from the growing recognition that one cannot simply “add women” as objects of knowledge to the existing bodies of our social and natural knowledge. Recent research in psychology and in moral development theory suggests that our understandings of the rationality of human activity are distorted and obscured by systematically identifying as universally desireable, as Human goals, conceptions of the self, others, and the appropriate relationships between the (...)
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  20. Investigating preservice elementary science teacher reflective thinking using integrated media case‐based instruction in elementary science teacher preparation.Sandra K. Abell, Lynn A. Bryan & Maria A. Anderson - 1998 - Science Education 82 (4):491-509.
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    A experiência de pensar conceitos E o filosofar na inf'ncia na perspectiva de Matthew Lipman.Sandra Dos Santos Alves & Darcísio Natal Muraro - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-36.
    This research seeks to understand the relationship between philosophy and the formation of concepts in childhood from the perspective of Matthew Lipman. As our own research in the area of philosophy of education, we pose the following question as a problem to be analyzed: how can philosophy contribute to the concept formation process in childhood according to Lipman? The development of this problem was organized in five stages. A first seeks to understand and deepen Lipman's conception of Philosophy for Children, (...)
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    Inquiry About and Being with the Natural World in Education for Sustainable Development.Sandra Austin - 2020 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (1):024-026.
    Understanding how best to educate for sustainability must be a priority in this time of environmental uncertainty. This commentary examines the role of inquiry-based learning in education for ….
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    Ensuring PhD Development of Responsible Conduct of Research Behaviors: Who’s Responsible?Sandra L. Titus & Janice M. Ballou - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):221-235.
    The importance of public confidence in scientific findings and trust in scientists cannot be overstated. Thus, it becomes critical for the scientific community to focus on enhancing the strategies used to educate future scientists on ethical research behaviors. What we are lacking is knowledge on how faculty members shape and develop ethical research standards with their students. We are presenting the results of a survey with 3,500 research faculty members. We believe this is the first report on how faculty work (...)
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    Urteil und Fehlurteil.Sandra Lehmann & Sophie Loidolt (eds.) - 2011 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Compreendendo a construção do conceito de Ciência.Sandra Fernandes Leite - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (1):p - 400.
    Traduzido por João Duarte, o livro A Construção das Ciências: As Lógicas das Invenções Científicas, de Gerard Fourez, foi publicado em primeira edição no Brasil em 2002, pelo Instituto Piaget, recebendo uma reimpressão em 2009. O autor trabalha com a perspectiva socioconstrutivista.
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    Marie Bergström, Les nouvelles lois de l’amour. Sexualité, couple et rencontres au temps du numérique.Sandra Lemeilleur - 2020 - Clio 51.
    L’ouvrage présente les résultats d’un travail de recherche mené sur une dizaine d’années. Il offre une mise en relation entre les statistiques de sites de rencontres, celles de l’INSEE et de l’INED et des éléments d’entretiens de 75 usagers hétérosexuels de ces sites de rencontre ayant entre 18 ans et 68 ans recueillis par la chercheuse. L’écriture suit une trame chronologique, de l’histoire de la rencontre à ses nouveaux usages, ce qui rend la compréhension aisée. Dès le début, l’auteure exp...
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  27. Using Text Structure To Improve Social Science Concept Attainment.Sandra J. LeSourd - 1985 - Journal of Social Studies Research 9 (2):1-14.
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  28. Democracy and the Multitude: Spinoza against Negri.Sandra Field - 2012 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 59 (131):21-40.
    Negri celebrates a conception of democracy in which the concrete powers of individual humans are not alienated away, but rather are added together: this is a democracy of the multitude. But how can the multitude act without alienating anyone’s power? To answer this difficulty, Negri explicitly appeals to Spinoza. Nonetheless, in this paper, I argue that Spinoza’s philosophy does not support Negri’s project. I argue that the Spinozist multitude avoids internal hierarchy through the mediation of political institutions and not in (...)
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    The Potential of Bioeconomic Innovations to Contribute to a Social-Ecological Transformation: A Case Study in the Livestock System.Jana Zscheischler, Sandra Uthes, Ingrid Bunker & Jonathan Friedrich - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-26.
    Environmental crises, which are consequences of resource-intensive lifestyles and are characterized to a large extent by both a changing climate and a loss of biodiversity, stress the urgent need for a global social-ecological transformation of the agro-food system. In this regard, the bioeconomy and bioeconomic innovations have frequently been seen as instrumental in addressing these grand challenges and contributing to more sustainable land use. To date, the question of how much bioeconomic innovations contribute to sustainability objectives remains unanswered. Against this (...)
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    Wie hilfreich sind „ethische Richtlinien“ am Einzelfall?: Eine vergleichende kasuistische Analyse der Deutschen Grundsätze, Britischen Guidelines und Schweizerischen Richtlinien zur Sterbebegleitung.Sandra Bartels, Mike Parker, Tony Hope & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (3):191-205.
    ZusammenfassungEntscheidungen der Therapiebegrenzung und in der Betreuung am Lebensende sind häufig komplex und von ethischen Problemen begleitet. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht die entscheidende Frage, wie hilfreich existierende „Ethik-Richtlinien“, die eine ethische Orientierung bei solchen Entscheidungen geben sollen, in der klinischen Praxis tatsächlich sind. Die Frage, welchen Nutzen „Ethik-Richtlinien“ bei der Entscheidungsfindung haben oder haben können, wird hier exemplarisch an einem klinischen Fallbeispiel aus einer Ethik-Kooperationsstudie in der Intensivmedizin analysiert. Vergleichend werden hierzu „Ethik-Richtlinien“ aus Deutschland, der Schweiz und aus Großbritannien (...)
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    Wie hilfreich sind „ethische Richtlinien“ am Einzelfall?Sandra Bartels, Mike Parker, Tony Hope & Prof Dr Stella Reiter-Theil - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (3):191-205.
    Entscheidungen der Therapiebegrenzung und in der Betreuung am Lebensende sind häufig komplex und von ethischen Problemen begleitet. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht die entscheidende Frage, wie hilfreich existierende „Ethik-Richtlinien“, die eine ethische Orientierung bei solchen Entscheidungen geben sollen, in der klinischen Praxis tatsächlich sind. Die Frage, welchen Nutzen „Ethik-Richtlinien“ bei der Entscheidungsfindung haben oder haben können, wird hier exemplarisch an einem klinischen Fallbeispiel aus einer Ethik-Kooperationsstudie in der Intensivmedizin analysiert. Vergleichend werden hierzu „Ethik-Richtlinien“ aus Deutschland, der Schweiz und aus Großbritannien (...)
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    The psychological status of overgenerated sentences.Sandra E. Freedman & Kenneth I. Forster - 1985 - Cognition 19 (2):101-131.
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    Evidence by any other name. Commentary on Tonelli (2006), Integrating evidence into clinical practice: an alternative to evidence-based approaches. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 248-256.Sandra J. Tanenbaum - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):273-276.
  34. Schopenhauer's Transformation of the Kantian Sublime.Sandra Shapshay - 2012 - Kantian Review 17 (3):479-511.
    Schopenhauer singles out Kant's theory of the sublime for high praise, calling it ‘by far the most excellent thing in the Critique of Aesthetic Judgement’, yet, in his main discussion of the sublime, he ridicules Kant's explanation as being in the grip of scholastic metaphysics. My first aim in this paper is to sort out Schopenhauer's apparently conflicted appraisal of Kant's theory of the sublime. Next, based on hisNachlaß,close readings of published texts and especially of his account of the experience (...)
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    Finding Wisdom Within—The Role of Seeing and Reflective Practice in Developing Moral Imagination, Aesthetic Sensibility, and Systems Understanding.Sandra Waddock - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:177-196.
    This paper explored the linkages among moral imagination, systems understanding, and aesthetic sensibility as related to the emergence (eventually) of wisdom. I develop a conceptual framework that links these capacities to wisdom through the capacity to “see” moral and ethical issues, which I argue is related to “the good”, to see a realistic understanding of systems in which the observer is embedded, or “the true”, and to appreciate the aesthetic qualities associated with a system or situation, or “the beautiful”. The (...)
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    Introduction: Legal and Regulatory Issues in Pain Management.Sandra H. Johnson - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (4):265-266.
    The capacity to treat pain has never been greater; but, as you will read in the articles that follow, the problem of undertreated and neglected pain in the United States persists. Deep-seated perceptions and practices undergird this strong and well-documented pattern of neglect. Among the reasons frequently noted for the inadequacy of treatment for pain, however, is that the legal system actually penalizes effective interventions to relieve pain while it leaves neglect of pain unthreatened. It is the mission of the (...)
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    Customary Standard of Care: A Challenge for Regulation and Practice.Sandra H. Johnson - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (6):9-10.
    Law wrangles with setting and applying standards for the practice of medicine in many different arenas. One of the most prominent is medical malpractice litigation in which the trial process examines a physician's performance and measures it against the standard of care. The profession's prevailing custom, with some substantial tolerance for “respectable minority” views, has been the gold standard for scrutinizing physician practice and treatment decisions in the malpractice context. Using the profession's custom as the measure against which a physician's (...)
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  38. Music lessons from infants.Sandra E. Trehub - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    Business Unusual: Corporate Responsibility in a 2.0 World.Sandra Waddock & Malcolm Mcintosh - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (3):303-330.
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    The dubbing ceremony revisited: Object naming and categorization in infancy and early childhood.Sandra R. Waxman - 1999 - In Douglas L. Medin & Scott Atran, Folkbiology. MIT Press. pp. 233--284.
  41. Schopenhauer’s Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art.Sandra Shapshay - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (1):11-22.
    This essay focuses on Schopenhauer’s aesthetics and philosophy of art, areas of his philosophy which have attracted the most philosophical attention in recent years. After discussing the subjective and objective aspects of aesthetic experience on his account, I shall offer interpretations of Schopenhauer’s theory of the sublime and solution to the problem of tragedy. In addition, I shall touch upon the liveliest interpretive debates concerning his aesthetic theory: the intelligibility of the “Platonic Ideas” as the objects of aesthetic experience and (...)
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    Attentional Networks in Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease.Sandra E. Black - unknown
    By combining a flanker task and a cuing task into a single paradigm, the authors assessed the effects of orienting and alerting on conflict resolution and explored how normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) modulate these attentional functions. Orienting failed to enhance conflict resolution; alerting was most beneficial for trials without conflict, as if acting on response criterion rather than on information processing. Alerting cues were most effective in the older groups— healthy aging and AD. Conflict resolution was impaired only (...)
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    The Rehabilitation of Common Sense: Social Representations, Science and Cognitive Polyphasia.Sandra Jovchelovitch - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):431-448.
    In Psychoanalysis, its image and its public Moscovici introduced the theory of social representations and took further the project of rehabilitating common sense. In this paper I examine this project through a consideration of the problem of cognitive polyphasia, and the continuity and discontinuity between different systems of knowing. Focusing on the relations between science and common sense. I ask why, despite considerable evidence to the contrary, the scientific imagination tends to deny its relation to common sense and believe that (...)
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    What’s New? Gestures Accompany Inferable Rather Than Brand-New Referents in Discourse.Sandra Debreslioska & Marianne Gullberg - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Taking Stock of SIM: Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management.Sandra Waddock - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1426-1447.
    This essay articulates two aspects of a changing Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division of the Academy of Management (AOM). First, the essay highlights the ways in which SIM’s central focus has shifted and changed over the years. Then, it briefly looks at the forces that are currently shaping SIM within AOM, particularly in spreading what used to be the central core of SIM throughout AOM, and discusses some of the implications of this shift. This devolution of content suggests the (...)
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  46. Beyond Corporate Responsibility: Implications for Management Development.Sandra Waddock & Malcolm Mcintosh - 2009 - Business and Society Review 114 (3):295-325.
    Since the mid‐1990s we have witnessed the rise of numerous constructive and positive activities aimed at developing or enhancing corporate responsibility and corporate citizenship as well as anti‐globalization and anticorporate activism. And, of course, in 2008, we witnessed the meltdown of financial markets and numerous financial institutions as well as some major companies teetering on the brink of collapse. What is actually needed to create the world that many people want to live in may in fact be a new relationship (...)
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    Perspectives on evidence‐based practice from consumers in the US public mental health system.Sandra J. Tanenbaum - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):699-706.
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    Toward a New Understanding of Moral Pluralism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (3):263-275.
    The current literature in business ethics is tending toward an unacknowledged moral pluralism, with all the problems this position entails. An adequate moral pluralism cannot be achieved by a synthesis of existing theoretical alternatives for moral action. Rather, what is needed is a radical reconstruction of the understanding of the moral situation that undercuts some of the traditional dichotomies, provides a solid philosophical grounding which is inherently pluralistic, and offers a new understanding of what it is to think morally. The (...)
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    Qu'est-ce que l'analyse?Sandra Lapointe - 2008 - Vrin.
    S. Lapointe s'interroge sur l'analyse logique, sur les différents procédés d'analyse qui en découlent et sur l'importance que l'on doit y accorder en philosophie. Avec des textes de B. Bolzano et E. Kant.
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  50. The Greatest Difficulty for Plato’s Theory of Forms: the Unknowability Argument of Parmenides 133c—134c.Sandra Peterson - 1981 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 63 (1):1-16.
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