Results for 'Sandra Cooke'

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  1.  62
    Virtue, Practical Wisdom and Character in Teaching.Sandra Cooke & David Carr - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (2):91-110.
    Recent reflection on the professional knowledge of teachers has been marked by a shift away from more reductive competence and skill-focused models of teaching towards a view of teacher expertise as involving complex context-sensitive deliberation and judgement. Much of this shift has been inspired by an Aristotelian conception of practical wisdom (phronesis) also linked by Aristotle to the development of virtue and character. This has in turn led recent educational philosophers and theorists – inspired by latter-day developments in virtue ethics (...)
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    Intimacy for older adults in long-term care: a need, a right, a privilege—or a kind of care?Vanessa Schouten, Mark Henrickson, Catherine M. Cook, Sandra McDonald & Nilo Atefi - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):723-727.
    Background To investigate attitudes of staff, residents and family members in long-term care towards sex and intimacy among older adults, specifically the extent to which they conceptualise sex and intimacy as a need, a right, a privilege or as a component of overall well-being. Methods The present study was a part of a two-arm mixed-methods cross-sectional study using a concurrent triangulation design. A validated survey tool was developed; 433 staff surveys were collected from 35 facilities across the country. Interviews were (...)
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    Moral substitution reimagined.William Cooke, Drew Craddock & Sandra Visser - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 96 (3):191-197.
    In this paper, we suggest that those asking contemporary moral questions involving the punishment of groups, such as the justice of requiring corporations to make recompense for past wrongs or whether one race ought to make reparation payments to another, would find it fruitful to consider an older response to the question of moral substitution. We argue that Anselm of Canterbury’s theory of substitutionary atonement offers some surprising insights into the conditions under which one moral agent making recompense for another’s (...)
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    Iatrogenic loneliness and loss of intimacy in residential care.Catherine Cook, Mark Henrickson, Nilo Atefi, Vanessa Schouten & Sandra Mcdonald - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):911-923.
    Background: There is an international trend for frail older adults to move to residential care homes, rather than ageing at home. Residential facilities typically espouse a person-centred philosophy, yet evidence points to restrictive policies and surveillance resulting in increased loneliness and diminished opportunities for intimacy and sexual expression. Residents may experience what has been termed social death, rather than perceive they are related to by others as socially alive. Aim: To consider how the loss of intimacy and sexuality in residents’ (...)
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    The good teacher: understanding virtues in practice: research report.James Arthur, Kristján Kristjánsson, Sandra Cooke, Emma Brown & David Carr - unknown
    This report describes research focusing on virtues and character in teaching, by which we mean the kind of personal qualities professional teachers need to facilitate learning and overall flourishing in young people that goes beyond preparing them for a life of tests. The ‘good’ teacher is someone who, alongside excellent subject knowledge and technical expertise, cares about students, upholds principles of honesty and integrity both towards knowledge and student–teacher relationships, and who does good work . In the Framework for Character (...)
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    Value pluralism about sexual intimacy in residential care.Vanessa Schouten, Mark Henrickson, Catherine M. Cook, Sandra MacDonald & Narges Atefi - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (3):437-448.
    Background The existing literature on sexuality and intimacy in residential care tends to focus on either the question of rights, or the value of autonomy. Where the literature does reference values other than autonomy, such values are considered in the context of being a guide to whether or not a resident is autonomous, rather than being important values in their own right. Objective This paper draws on qualitative data gathered as part of a larger study in order to inform practice (...)
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    Journal of Moral Education referees in 2007.James Arthur, Mickey Bebeau, Roger Bergman, Lawrence Blum, Tonia Bock, Sandra Bosacki, Daan Brugman, Neil Burtonwood, David Carr & Kaye Cook - 2008 - Journal of Moral Education 37 (2):275-277.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Steven I. Miller, Frank A. Stone, William K. Medlin, Clinton Collins, W. Robert Morford, Marc Belth, John T. Abrahamson, Albert W. Vogel, J. Don Reeves, Richard D. Heyman, K. Armitage, Stewart E. Fraser, Edward R. Beauchamp, Clark C. Gill, Edward J. Nemeth, Gordon C. Ruscoe, Charles H. Lyons, Douglas N. Jackson, Bemman N. Phillips, Melvin L. Silberman, Charles E. Pascal, Richard E. Ripple, Harold Cook, Morris L. Bigge, Irene Athey, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Daniel S. Parkinson, Nyal D. Royse & Isaac Brown - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):1-28.
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    Masterpiece Theatre: An Academic Melodrama.Sandra M. Gilbert & Susan Gubar - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (4):693-717.
    We’d like to do a little hypnosis on you. Imagine that you’re ensconced in your own family room, your study, or your queen-sized bed. Settling back, you pick up the remote, flick on the TV, and naturally you turn to PBS. This is what you hear:Host 1: Good evening. Welcome to Masterpiece Theatre. Because Alistair Cooke is away on assignment in Alaska, we’ve agreed to host the show tonight, and that’s both a pleasure and a privilege because our program (...)
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    Re-Presenting the Good Society.Maeve Cooke - 2006 - MIT Press.
    Contemporary critical social theories face the question of how to justify the ideas of the good society that guide their critical analyses. Traditionally, these more or less determinate ideas of the good society were held to be independent of their specific sociocultural context and historical epoch. Today, such a concept of context-transcending validity is not easy to defend; the "linguistic turn" of Western philosophy signals the widespread acceptance of the view that ideas of knowledge and validity are always mediated linguistically (...)
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  11.  56
    Language and Reason: A Study of Habermas's Pragmatics.Maeve Cooke - 1997 - MIT Press.
    Language and Reason opens up new territory for social theorists by providing thefirst general introduction to Habermas's program of formal pragmatics: his reconstruction of theuniversal principles of possible understanding that, he argues, ...
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  12. Interactive Team Cognition.Nancy J. Cooke, Jamie C. Gorman, Christopher W. Myers & Jasmine L. Duran - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (2):255-285.
    Cognition in work teams has been predominantly understood and explained in terms of shared cognition with a focus on the similarity of static knowledge structures across individual team members. Inspired by the current zeitgeist in cognitive science, as well as by empirical data and pragmatic concerns, we offer an alternative theory of team cognition. Interactive Team Cognition (ITC) theory posits that (1) team cognition is an activity, not a property or a product; (2) team cognition should be measured and studied (...)
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  13. Is Trilled Smell Possible? How the Structure of Olfaction Determines the Phenomenology of Smell.Ed Cooke & Erik Myin - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (11-12):59-95.
    Smell 'sensations' are among the most mysterious of conscious experiences, and have been cited in defense of the thesis that the character of perceptual experience is independent of the physical events that seem to give rise to it. Here we review the scientific literature on olfaction, and we argue that olfaction has a distinctive profile in relation to the other modalities, on four counts: in the physical nature of the stimulus, in the sensorimotor interactions that characterize its use, in the (...)
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  14. The language of music.Deryck Cooke - 1959 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    First published in 1959, this original study argues that the main characteristic of music is that it expresses and evokes emotion, and that all composers whose music has a tonal basis have used the same, or closely similar, melodic phrases, harmonies, and rhythms to affect the listener in the same ways. He supports this view with hundreds of musical examples, ranging from plainsong to Stravinsky, and contends that music is a language in the specific sense that we can identify idioms (...)
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  15. A Secular State for a Postsecular Society? Postmetaphysical Political Theory and the Place of Religion.Maeve Cooke - 2007 - Constellations 14 (2):224-238.
  16. Duties to Companion Animals.Steve Cooke - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (3):261-274.
    This paper outlines the moral contours of human relationships with companion animals. The paper details three sources of duties to and regarding companion animals: (1) from the animal’s status as property, (2) from the animal’s position in relationships of care, love, and dependency, and (3) from the animal’s status as a sentient being with a good of its own. These three sources of duties supplement one another and not only differentiate relationships with companion animals from wild animals and other categories (...)
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  17. Critical pluralism unmasked.Brandon Cooke - 2002 - British Journal of Aesthetics 42 (3):296-309.
    Artworks frequently are the objects of multiple and apparently conflicting aesthetic judgements. This commonplace of the artworld poses a challenge for realist metaphysics, because to assert conflicting judgements of an artwork seems to amount to asserting p & p. Critical pluralism is an ever-more frequently invoked solution to this impasse. What its varieties share in common is the claim that the disagreement between judgements is only an apparent one. I argue, however, that critical pluralism masquerades either as relativism or anti-realism. (...)
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  18. Avoiding authoritarianism: On the problem of justification in contemporary critical social theory.Maeve Cooke - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (3):379 – 404.
    Critical social theories look critically at the ways in which particular social arrangements hinder human flourishing, with a view to bringing about social change for the better. In this they are guided by the idea of a good society in which the identified social impediments to human flourishing would once and for all have been removed. The question of how these guiding ideas of the good life can be justified as valid across socio-cultural contexts and historical epochs is the most (...)
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    Ethics and Fictive Imagining.Brandon Cooke - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (3):317-327.
    Sometimes it is wrong to imagine or take pleasure in imagining certain things, and likewise it is sometimes wrong to prompt these things. Some argue that certain fictive imaginings—imaginings of fictional states of affairs—are intrinsically wrong or that taking pleasure in certain fictive imaginings is wrong and so prompting either would also be wrong. These claims sometimes also serve as premises in arguments linking the ethical properties of a fiction to its artistic value. However, even if we grant that it (...)
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  20. Translating truth.Maeve Cooke - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):479-491.
    The article considers the role of translation in encounters between religious citizens and secular citizens. It follows Habermas in holding that translations rearticulate religious contents in a way that facilitates learning. Since he underplays the complexities of translation, it takes some steps beyond Habermas towards developing a more adequate account. Its main thesis is that the required account of translation must keep sight of the question of truth. Focusing on inspirational stories of exemplary figures and acts, it contends that a (...)
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    Danger signs of unethical behavior: How to determine if your firm is at ethical risk.Robert Allan Cooke - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (4):249 - 253.
    This paper is designed to do three things. First, it discusses some of the key trends in business ethics in the academic and corporate communities. Initiatives like the Arthur Andersen Business Ethics Program are noted. Secondly, the paper examines certain basic misconceptions about the field and concludes that the adage that good ethics is good business is still true. Finally, the paper highlights fourteen business attitudes or practices that may put a firm at ethical risk. For example, the paper discusses (...)
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  22. Questioning autonomy: The feminist challenge and the challenge for feminism.Maeve Cooke - 1999 - In Richard Kearney & Mark Dooley, Questioning ethics: contemporary debates in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 258--282.
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  23. Habermas, feminism and the question of autonomy.Maeve Cooke - 1999 - In Peter Dews, Habermas. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 178--210.
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  24. Authenticity and Autonomy.Maeve Cooke - 1997 - Political Theory 25 (2):258-288.
  25.  54
    Private Autonomy and Public Autonomy: Tensions in Habermas’ Discourse Theory of Law and Politics.Maeve Cooke - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (4):559-582.
    Habermas dialogically recasts the Kantian conception of moral autonomy. In a legal-political context, his dialogical approach has the potential to redress certain troubling features of liberal and communitarian approaches to democratic politics. Liberal approaches attach greater normative weight to negatively construed individual freedoms, which they seek to protect against the interventions of political authority. Communitarian approaches prioritize the positively construed freedoms of communal political participation, viewing legal-political institutions as a means for collective ethical self-realization. Habermas’ discourse theory of law and (...)
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  26. Transcendence in Postmetaphysical Thinking. Habermas' God.Maeve Cooke - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):21-44.
    Habermas emphasizes the importance for critical thinking of ideas of truth and moral validity that are at once context-transcending and immanent to human practices. in a recent review, Peter Dews queries his distinction between metaphysically construed transcendence and transcendence from within, asking provocatively in what sense Habermas does not believe in God. I answer that his conception of “God” is resolutely postmetaphysical, a god that is constructed by way of human linguistic practices. I then give three reasons for why it (...)
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    Redeeming redemption: The utopian dimension of critical social theory.Maeve Cooke - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (4):413-429.
    Critical social theory has an uneasy relationship with utopia. On the one hand, the idea of an alternative, better social order is necessary in order to make sense of its criticisms of a given social context. On the other hand, utopian thinking has to avoid ‘bad utopianism’, defined as lack of connection with the actual historical process, and ‘finalism’, defined as closure of the historical process. Contemporary approaches to critical social theory endeavour to avoid these dangers by way of a (...)
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    Argumentation and Transformation.Maeve Cooke - 2002 - Argumentation 16 (1):81-110.
    I consider argumentation from the point of view of context-transcendent cognitive transformation through reference to the critical social theory of Jürgen Habermas. My aim is threefold. First, to make the case for a concept of context-transcendent cognitive transformation. Second, to clarify the transformatory role of argumentation itself by showing that, while argumentation may contribute constructively to context-transcendent cognitive transformation, such transformation presupposes the existence of a reality conceptually independent of argumentation. Third, to cast light on the problem of how to (...)
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  29.  71
    Resurrecting the Rationality of Ideology Critique: Reflections on Laclau on Ideology.Maeve Cooke - 2006 - Constellations 13 (1):4-20.
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    Habermas and Consensus.Maeve Cooke - 1993 - European Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):247-267.
  31. Why a right to explanation of automated decision-making does not exist in the General Data Protection Regulation.Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - International Data Privacy Law 1 (2):76-99.
    Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that the GDPR will legally mandate a ‘right to explanation’ of all decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems. This right to explanation is viewed as an ideal mechanism to enhance the accountability and transparency of automated decision-making. However, there are several reasons to doubt both the legal existence and the feasibility of such a right. In contrast to the (...)
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    Recall of participation in research projects in cancer genetics: some implications for research ethics.Sarah Cooke, Gillian Crawford, Michael Parker, Anneke Lucassen & Nina Hallowell - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (4):180-184.
    The aim of this study is to assess patients' recall of their previous research participation. Recall was established during interviews and compared with entries from clinical notes. Participants were 49 patients who had previously participated in different types of research. Of the 49 patients, 45 (92%) interviewees recalled 69 of 109 (63%) study participations. Level of recall varied according to the type of research, some participants clearly recalled the details of research aims, giving consent and research procedures. Others recalled procedures (...)
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  33.  47
    Ethics and politics in the Anthropocene.Maeve Cooke - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (10):1167-1181.
    The most fundamental challenge facing humans today is the imminent destruction of the life-generating and life-sustaining ecosystems that constitute the planet Earth. There is considerable evidence...
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  34.  98
    Are ethical conflicts irreconcilable?Maeve Cooke - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (2):1-19.
    The discussion starts with the fact of ethical disagreement in contemporary liberal democracies. In responding to the question of whether such conflicts are reconcilable, it proposes a normative model of deliberative democracy that seeks to avoid the privatization of ethical concerns. It is argued that many contemporary models of democracy privatize ethical matters either because of a view that ethical conflicts are fundamentally irreconcilable or because of a mis trust of the ideal of rational consensus in the fields of law (...)
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    A space of one’s own: autonomy, privacy, liberty.Maeve Cooke - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (1):22-53.
    The value of a negatively defined private space is defended as important for the development of personal autonomy. It is argued that negative liberty is problematic when split off from its connection with this ideal. An ethical interpretation of personal autonomy is proposed according to which a private space is one of autonomy's preconditions. This leads to a conceptualization of privacy that is fruitful in two respects: it permits an account of privacy laws that avoids certain pitfalls, and it serves (...)
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  36. Realizing the post-conventional self.Maeve Cooke - 1994 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 20 (1-2):87-101.
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    Changing Lens: Broadening the Research Agenda of Women in Management in China.Fang Lee Cooke - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (2):375-389.
    Human resource management (HRM) is underpinned by, and contributes to, the business ethics of the organization. Opportunities available to men and women as managers, and the role of managers more broadly, are critical in shaping business ethics in contemporary organizations. Research on women in management therefore provides an important lens through which to understand the institutional and cultural context of HR ethics as part of the business ethics of a country. To date, women in management in China remains an under-charted (...)
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  38. Habermas, autonomy and the identity of the self.Maeve Cooke - 1992 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 18 (3-4):269-291.
  39. Transparent, explainable, and accountable AI for robotics.Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Science (Robotics) 2 (6):eaan6080.
    To create fair and accountable AI and robotics, we need precise regulation and better methods to certify, explain, and audit inscrutable systems.
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    Factors contributing to the outcome of oxidative damage to nucleic acids.Mark D. Evans & Marcus S. Cooke - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (5):533-542.
    Oxidative damage to DNA appears to be a factor in cancer, yet explanations for why highly elevated levels of such lesions do not always result in cancer remain elusive. Much of the genome is non‐coding and lesions in these regions might be expected to have little biological effect, an inference supported by observations that there is preferential repair of coding sequences. RNA has an important coding function in protein synthesis, and yet the consequences of RNA oxidation are largely unknown. Some (...)
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  41. Kant, Teleology, and Sexual Ethics.S. Vincent M. Cooke - 1991 - International Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1):3-13.
  42.  39
    Business ethics at the crossroads.Robert Allan Cooke - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (3):259 - 263.
    During the last decade, the intensity of interest in the subject of business ethics has surprised even the most ardent defenders of the movement. It is easy to become euphoric over such developments. Yet, we should not be lulled into believing that such growth has no limits. The fact is that the movement stands at a watershed where certain alternative courses of action are available. In this paper, I outline what some of those crossroads are and what the consequences will (...)
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  43. Dual character of concepts and the discourse theory of law.Maeve Cooke - 2012 - In Matthias Klatt, Institutionalized reason: the jurisprudence of Robert Alexy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Risk Assessment and Rational Decision Theory.Roger M. Cooke - 1982 - Dialectica 36 (4):329-351.
    SummaryI contend on both theoretical and historical grounds that quantitative risk assessment is relevant for policy determination only as a cost estimate. In particular, it provides a method for estimating the costs of a hypothetical insurance policy against the potential liabilities associated with a given course of action. It is not relevant to the question of rational choice under risk.RésuméJe montre, en partant d'arguments aussi bien théoriques qu'historiques, que le calcul quanti‐tatif des risques n'aide à la détermination d'une politique à (...)
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  45. Civil disobedience and conscientious objection.Maeve Cooke & Danielle Petherbridge - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):953-957.
    The question of civil disobedience has preoccupied philosophical discourse at least since Thoreau's articulation of disobedience as a form of non-compliance and Rawls' classic definition outlined in the wake of the civil rights and student protest movements of the 1960s. It has become increasingly clear, however, that these classic definitions are being challenged and rethought from a variety of traditions in the wake of contemporary protests. These articles engage with the most recent debates surrounding civil disobedience and conscientious objection, opening (...)
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    Islam: Cage it or unravel it?Cooke Bill - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (4):43.
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  47. Deism.Bill Cooke - 2007 - In T. Flynn, The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief. Prometheus. pp. 240--243.
  48. Privacy and autonomy: A comment on Jean Cohen.M. Cooke - 2004 - In Beate Rössler, Privacies: philosophical evaluations. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 98--112.
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    Germ–line engineering, freedom, and future generations.Elizabeth F. Cooke - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (1):32–58.
    New technologies in germ–line engineering have raised many questions about obligations to future generations. In this article, I focus on the importance of increasing freedom and the equality of freedom for present and future generations, because these two ideals are necessary for a just society and because they are most threatened by the wide–scale privatisation of GLE technologies. However, there are ambiguities in applying these ideals to the issue of genetic technologies. I argue that Amartya Sen's capability theory can be (...)
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    Kant, Teleology, and Sexual Ethics.Cooke - 1991 - International Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1):3-13.
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