Results for 'Sami Yamin'

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  1.  51
    (1 other version)Does a Combination of Virtual Reality, Neuromodulation and Neuroimaging Provide a Comprehensive Platform for Neurorehabilitation? – A Narrative Review of the Literature.Wei-Peng Teo, Makii Muthalib, Sami Yamin, Ashlee M. Hendy, Kelly Bramstedt, Eleftheria Kotsopoulos, Stephane Perrey & Hasan Ayaz - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  2. Pragmatist Metaphysics: An Essay on the Ethical Grounds of Ontology.Sami Pihlström - 2009 - Continuum.
    Pragmatist Metaphysics proposes a pragmatist re-articulation of the nature, aims and methods of metaphysics. Rather than regarding metaphysics as a ‘first philosophy’, an inquiry into the world independent of human perspectives, the pragmatist views metaphysics as an inquiry into categorizations of reality laden with human practices. Insofar as our categorizations of reality are practice-laden, they are also, inevitably, value-laden. Sami Pihlström argues that metaphysics does not, then, study the world’s ‘own’ categorial structure, but a structure we, through our conceptual (...)
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    The one-is-more illusion: Sets of discrete objects appear less extended than equivalent continuous entities in both space and time.Sami R. Yousif & Brian J. Scholl - 2019 - Cognition 185 (C):121-130.
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    Pragmatic Pluralism and the Problem of God.Sami Pihlström - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Pragmatism mediates rival extremes, and religion is no exception: The problems of realism versus antirealism, evidentialism versus fideism, and science versus religion, along with other key issues in the philosophy of religion, receive new interpretations when examined from a pragmatist point of view. Religion is then understood as a human practice with certain inherent aims and goals, responding to specific human needs and interests, serving certain important human values, and seeking to resolve problematic situations that naturally arise from our practices (...)
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    İslam ve klasik.Sami Erdem & M. Cüneyt Kaya (eds.) - 2008 - Vefa, İstanbul: Klasik.
  6.  8
    Narrativity, Modernity, and Tragedy.Sami Pihlström - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 16:87-92.
    I argue that the modernist notion of a human self cannot easily be post-modernistically rejected because the need to view an individual life as a unified 'narrative' with a beginning and an end is a condition for asking humanly important questions about its meaningfulness. Such questions are central to philosophical anthropology. However, not only modern ways of making sense of life, such as linear narration in literature, but also premodern ones such as tragedy, ought to be taken seriously in reflecting (...)
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    Using Statistical Models of Morphology in the Search for Optimal Units of Representation in the Human Mental Lexicon.Sami Virpioja, Minna Lehtonen, Annika Hultén, Henna Kivikari, Riitta Salmelin & Krista Lagus - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):939-973.
    Determining optimal units of representing morphologically complex words in the mental lexicon is a central question in psycholinguistics. Here, we utilize advances in computational sciences to study human morphological processing using statistical models of morphology, particularly the unsupervised Morfessor model that works on the principle of optimization. The aim was to see what kind of model structure corresponds best to human word recognition costs for multimorphemic Finnish nouns: a model incorporating units resembling linguistically defined morphemes, a whole-word model, or a (...)
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  8. Hansonian and Harmanian abduction as models of discovery.Sami Paavola - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (1):93 – 108.
    In this article, I compare two varieties of abduction as reconstructive models for analysing discovery. The first is 'Hansonian abduction', which is based on N. R. Hanson's formulations of abduction. The other is 'Harmanian abduction', the Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) model, formulated especially by Gilbert Harman. Peter Lipton has analysed processes of discovery on the basis of his developed form of Harmanian abduction. I argue that Hansonian abduction would, however, be a more apt model for this purpose. As (...)
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  9.  15
    Event representation at the scale of ordinary experience.Sami R. Yousif, Sarah Hye-Yeon Lee, Brynn E. Sherman & Anna Papafragou - 2024 - Cognition 249 (C):105833.
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    Abstract morphemes and lexical representation: the CV-Skeleton in Arabic.Sami Boudelaa & William D. Marslen-Wilson - 2004 - Cognition 92 (3):271-303.
    Overlaps in form and meaning between morphologically related words have led to ambiguities in interpreting priming effects in studies of lexical organization. In Semitic languages like Arabic, however, linguistic analysis proposes that one of the three component morphemes of a surface word is the CV-Skeleton, an abstract prosodic unit coding the phonological shape of the surface word and its primary syntactic function, which has no surface phonetic content (McCarthy, J. J. (1981). A prosodic theory of non-concatenative morphology, Linguistic Inquiry, 12 (...)
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    Metaphors We Love By: The Shift from Animal to Fruit Metaphors in Classical Arabic Ghazal.Sami Chatti - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (2):184-197.
    Classical Arabic poetry is replete with animal and fruit metaphors commonly used for endearment purposes. The comparative analysis of love metaphors in classical ghazal shows, however, a shift in the poetics of love from the use of animal metaphors in Badi poetry to the occurrence of fruit imagery in Bedouin ghazal. Based on a selection of classical Arabic love poetry, the paper traces the journey of love and sexuality to illustrate the conceptual change from the prevalence of the gazelle metaphor (...)
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  12.  57
    The social dynamics of secrecy: Rethinking information and privacy through Georg Simmel.Sami Coll - 2012 - International Review of Information Ethics 17:07.
    This article argues that Georg Simmel's ideas on secrecy can shed new light on current debates around the relevance or otherwise of privacy as a protection against surveillance interventions. It suggests an interactional approach to privacy, and considers it as a dynamic process which redefines the boundary between what information should be disclosed and what information should be concealed in every social interaction. Simmel argues that this "natural" process relies on the identification of the interlocutor: her psychological/emotional involvement in the (...)
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    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Domestic Violence-Psychological Consequences, the Legal Framework and its Treatment in the Republic of North Macedonia.Sami Mehmeti, Emine Zendeli, Arta Selmani-Bakiu & Hatixhe Islami - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (1):121-141.
    In this paper the authors present the psychological consequences of social isolation on domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the legal framework in the RNM on addressing the phenomenon of domestic violence. In this age of globalization and drive for material conformity, family life is quite difficult to cope with. This “war” for material comfort during the pandemic, has strained and stressed many families as a result of the created circumstances. Public safety measures, including physical distance and (...)
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  14. Pragmatic Realism and Ethics: A Transcendental Meditation on the Possibility of an Ethical Argument for Moral Realism.Sami Pihlström - 2003 - In John R. Shook, Pragmatic Naturalism and Realism. Prometheus. pp. 199--238.
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  15. 80 vuotta Ajatuksia Poimintoja Suonien Filosofisen Yhdistyksen vuosikirjan historiasta.Sami Pihlström - 2006 - Ajatus 63:53.
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    Yin yue yu kong jian: guan yu yin yue ying xiang ji fa zhi tan tao = Music and space: the techniques of acoustic composition.Yamin Xu - 2006 - Taibei Shi: Zhongguo wen hua da xue Huagang chu ban bu.
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  17. Recent reinterpretations of the transcendental.Sami Pihlström - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (3):289-314.
    This essay examines critically a number of characteristics of transcendental philosophy. The question, ?What, if anything, distinguishes transcendental philosophy and transcendental arguments from other types of philosophy and argument??, is given a negative answer: nothing, no essential thing, demarcates transcendental argumentation or philosophy from other kinds of philosophical reflection. In particular, argumentative structure alone is not a defining feature of transcendental philosophy. Illustrative examples of recent debates on the meaning and philosophical relevance of the ?transcendental? are discussed in the essay: (...)
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  18.  58
    Morphological units in the Arabic mental lexicon.Sami Boudelaa & William D. Marslen-Wilson - 2001 - Cognition 81 (1):65-92.
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    Investigating the “Flow” Experience: Key Conceptual and Operational Issues.Sami Abuhamdeh - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20.  13
    Philosophical exercise. Arthur Danto on Nietzsche.Sami Syrjämäki - 2009 - Rivista di Estetica 40:105-119.
    1. Introduction It has become a commonplace that philosophy has a special connection to its history. This relation has been addressed in various ways, but I will concentrate on one line of conversation, which has concentrated on two methods of reading historical writings: rational and historical reconstructions. These two genres of the historiography of philosophy are often taken as a starting point, even if one goes on to question the confrontation between the two methods. The most influenti...
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  21. Power, suffering, and courts : reflections on promoting health rights through judicialization.Alicia Ely Yamin - 2011 - In Alicia Ely Yamin & Siri Gloppen, Litigating health rights: can courts bring more justice to health? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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  22.  32
    Judgments of spatial extent are fundamentally illusory: ‘Additive-area’ provides the best explanation.Sami R. Yousif, Richard N. Aslin & Frank C. Keil - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104439.
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    On analytic filters and prefilters.Samy Zafrany - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):315-322.
    We show that every analytic filter is generated by a Π 0 2 prefilter, every Σ 0 2 filter is generated by a Π 0 1 prefilter, and if $P \subseteq \mathscr{P}(\omega)$ is a Σ 0 2 prefilter then the filter generated by it is also Σ 0 2 . The last result is unique for the Borel classes, as there is a Π 0 2 -complete prefilter P such that the filter generated by it is Σ 1 1 -complete. (...)
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  24. Religious fundamentalism in Asia.B. D'Sami - 2000 - Journal of Dharma 25 (3-4):369-375.
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    Medical Ceramics in the Wellcome Institute of the History of MedicineJohn K. Crellin.Sami Hamarneh - 1970 - Isis 61 (1):130-131.
  26. Walter Benjamins "trans-materialistischer" Materialismus : ein Postskriptum zur Adorno-Benjamin Debatte der 1930er Jahre.Sami Khatib - 2012 - In Carolin Duttlinger, Ben Morgan & Tony Phelan, Walter Benjamins anthropologisches Denken. Freiburg: Rombach.
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    As representações literárias de seres mitológicos feitas por Platão: estudo de caso de Orfeu.Sami Hiasmin dos Santos Nobre & Rafael César Pitt - 2020 - Investigação Filosófica 11 (1):115.
    Este artigo pretende abordar a representação que Platão fez do personagem mítico. O objetivo é responder à seguinte questão: como Platão representou Orfeu? Assim, de acordo com esta pergunta traçamos três objetivos para chegarmos à conclusão. O primeiro objetivo tem como meta principal apresentar obras literárias antigas nas quais Orfeu é citado. Isto nos permitirá ter uma perspectiva interna do mundo antigo sobre este personagem, ajudando no momento de julgar a representação feita por Platão. O segundo objetivo traz as citações (...)
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  28. Abduktivistinen salapoliisimetodologia-esimerkkinään Semmelweisin lapsivuodekuumetutkimukset.Sami Paavola - 1998 - Ajatus 55:211-239.
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    A Meaningful Life in a Meaningless Cosmos? Two Rival Approaches.Sami Pihlström - 2007 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 3 (1):4-17.
    This paper discusses the ancient problem of meaningful life. Given the amount of evil and absurdity in the world around us, how can human life be experienced as meaningful? Two traditional approaches to this issue are identified and critically discussed: the life of action and the life of contemplation. It is argued that none of these can resolve the problem in a satisfactory manner. Finally, the notion of guilt is briefly taken up as one potential source of meaning.
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  30. Poder, sufrimiento y los tribunales. Reflexiones acerca de la promoción de los derechos de la salud por la vía de la judicialización.Alicia Ely Yamin - 2013 - In Alicia Ely Yamin, Siri Gloppen & Elena Odriozola, La lucha por los derechos de la salud: ¿puede la justicia ser una herramienta de cambio? México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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  31. Number adaptation: A critical look.Sami R. Yousif, Sam Clarke & Elizabeth M. Brannon - 2024 - Cognition 249 (105813):1-17.
    It is often assumed that adaptation — a temporary change in sensitivity to a perceptual dimension following exposure to that dimension — is a litmus test for what is and is not a “primary visual attribute”. Thus, papers purporting to find evidence of number adaptation motivate a claim of great philosophical significance: That number is something that can be seen in much the way that canonical visual features, like color, contrast, size, and speed, can. Fifteen years after its reported discovery, (...)
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  32. The Transcendental Method and (Post-)Empiricist Philosophy of Science.Sami Pihlström & Arto Siitonen - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (1):81-106.
    This paper reconsiders the relation between Kantian transcendental reflection and 20th century philosophy of science. As has been pointed out by Michael Friedman and others, the notion of a "relativized a priori" played a central role in Rudolf Carnap's, Hans Reichenbach's and other logical empiricists' thought. Thus, even though the logical empiricists dispensed with Kantian synthetic a priori judgments, they did maintain a crucial Kantian doctrine, viz., a distinction between the level of establishing norms for empirical inquiry and the level (...)
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    Turing determinacy and the continuum hypothesis.Ramez L. Sami - 1989 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 28 (3):149-154.
    From the hypothesis that all Turing closed games are determined we prove: (1) the Continuum Hypothesis and (2) every subset of ℵ1 is constructible from a real.
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    Paternalistic Leadership and Job Embeddedness With Relation to Innovative Work Behaviors and Employee Job Performance: The Moderating Effect of Environmental Dynamism.Mohammad Ali Yamin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current study strives to examine the determinants of employee innovative work behavior and job performance. Therefore, an integrated research model is developed with the help of paternalistic leadership style and job embeddedness theory to investigate employee behavior toward innovative work behavior. The research model is extended with the moderating effect of environmental dynamism between the relationship of innovative work behavior and employee job performance. Data were collected from 411 employees working in small medium enterprises. For inferential analysis, the structural (...)
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  35. Three Abductive Solutions to the Meno Paradox – with Instinct, Inference, and Distributed Cognition.Sami Paavola & Kai Hakkarainen - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (3):235-253.
    This article analyzes three approaches to resolving the classical Meno paradox, or its variant, the learning paradox, emphasizing Charles S. Peirce’s notion of abduction. Abduction provides a way of dissecting those processes where something new, or conceptually more complex than before, is discovered or learned. In its basic form, abduction is a “weak” form of inference, i.e., it gives only tentative suggestions for further investigation. But it is not too weak if various sources of clues and restrictions on the abductive (...)
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    Amiri Baraka’s Repertory Theatre Revisited.Samy Azouz - 2009 - Radical Philosophy Review 12 (1-2):21-39.
    The turbulent 1960s in America testifies to the artistic and intellectual need and move beyond the liberal cult of fantasy and inaction. Amiri Baraka (formerly LeRoi Jones) views the social and political reality in its dynamism, and not in its immutability or stasis. Black art, within a repressive society, must be perceived as an arm, a weapon and not a means of banter or fun. Werner Sollors considers him as the engagé artist par excellence. The political art that Baraka espouses (...)
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    A semi-coherent interface with nanoledges intersecting the free surface of an elastic half-space.Sami Dhouibi, Salem Neily, Sami Youssef & Roland Bonnet - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-17.
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    Adaptive Integral-Based Robust Q-S Synchronization and Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Hyperchaotic Complex Systems.Sami Ud Din, Muhammad Rafiq Mufti, Humaira Afzal, Majid Ali & Muhammad Abdul Moiz Zia - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    This communique presents the Q-S synchronization of two nonidentical complex nonlinear hyperchaotic systems with unknown parameters. An adaptive controller based on adaptive integral sliding mode control and parameter update laws are designed to realize the synchronization and parameter identification to a given map vector. The aforementioned strategy’s employment demands the transformation of a system into a specific structure containing a nominal part and some unknown terms. An integral sliding mode controller is used to stabilize the error system by designing nominal (...)
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  39.  19
    Christian-Muslim dialogue in Egypt.Samy Fawzy - 2000 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 17 (1):34-36.
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    Ibn al-Haitham. Hakim Mohammed Said.Sami Hamarneh - 1972 - Isis 63 (1):118-119.
  41.  21
    The Scientific Enterprise and Christian Faith. Malcolm A. Jeeves.Sami Hamarneh - 1970 - Isis 61 (3):401-402.
  42.  11
    It's still debatable!: using socioscientific issues to develop scientific literacy, K-5.Sami Kahn - 2019 - Arlington, VA: National Science Teaching Association.
    It's Still Debatable! encourages scientific literacy by showing you how to teach the content and thinking skills K- 5 students need to explore real-world questions like these: - Is football too dangerous for kids? - Do we need zoos? - Should distracted walking be illegal? At the core of the exploration is the Socioscientific Issues Framework. It uses debatable, science-related societal questions, or socioscientific issues, to address science content, help children learn to apply the content, and encourage them to become (...)
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    al-Suhrawardī.Sāmi al Kaiyālī - 1966 - Miṣr: Dār al-Maʻārif.
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    Cilt Hastalıklarına Yönelik Bir Halk Hekimliği Uygulaması: Gelincik Ocağı (Çavlu Köyü - Fikriye Pına.Sami Kiliç - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 10):627-627.
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    Rain Volley Applications in Uşak and Its Surroundings.Sami Kiliç - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:503-514.
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    Yezîdîsm and the Harr'nî Traces in Yezîdîsm.Sami Kiliç - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:285-296.
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    Peircean Modal Realism: Remarks on the Normative Methodology of Pragmatist Metaphysics.Sami Pihlström - 2012 - In Cornelis De Waal & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński, The normative thought of Charles S. Peirce. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 231-258.
  48.  19
    Pragmatism with Purpose: Selected Writings by Peter Hare.Pihlström Sami - 2017 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 53 (2):335-339.
    The author of the book under review here needs no introduction to the readers of this journal. Peter H. Hare, who served for several decades as a distinguished professor and department chair at the SUNY Buffalo Philosophy Department, was a co-editor of Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society for more than thirty years and played an absolutely crucial role in supporting and enhancing scholarship on pragmatism and American philosophy not only in the United States but globally, always insisting on (...)
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  49. Wickedness inscribed in freedom : Jean-Luc Nancy on evil.Sami Santanen - 2010 - In Ari Hirvonen & Janne Porttikivi, Law and evil: philosophy, politics, psychoanalysis. New York, N.Y.: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Identity, “Identology” and World Religions.Samy S. Swayd - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):30-43.
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