Results for 'Salme Saure'

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  1.  5
    Minkä varassa jaksan elää.Salme Saure (ed.) - 1983 - Helsingissä: K. Otava.
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    Disability, Dialogue, and the Posthuman.Ellen Saur & Alexander M. Sidorkin - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (6):567-578.
    This article is the result of a mutual interest in the radical philosophical dialogue discussed by Martin Buber. The radical dialogue is rooted in western European values of humanism, values that are challenged because they exclude women, people with disabilities, non-western, indigenous people and sexual minorities. With our basis in radical dialogue we are discussing flaws within the very concept of dialogue, how dialogue is challenged in encounters between people with severe disabilities and their helpers, and we are proposing a (...)
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    Drei Richtungen der Literaturwissenschaft: Scherer, Walzel, Staiger.Peter Salm - 1970 - Tübingen,: de Gruyter.
    Die Buchreihe Konzepte der Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft gibt Aufschluss ber Prinzipien, Probleme und Verfahrensweisen philologischer Forschung im weitesten Sinne und dient einer Bestimmung des Standorts der Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft. Die Reihe bergreift Einzelsprachen und Einzelliteraturen. Sie stellt sich in den Dienst der Reflexion und Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Die B nde sind zum Teil informierende Einf hrungen, zum Teil wissenschaftliche Diskussionsbeitr ge.
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  4. Marching in bloody sandals and the imagined non-empire. Wilhelm von Humboldt, Johann Gottfried Herder, and Karl Friedrich Schinkel on the Roman Empire, classical antiquity, and the German future.Felix Saure - 2018 - In Wouter Bracke, Jan Nelis & Jan De Maeyer (eds.), Renovatio, inventio, absentia imperii: from the Roman Empire to contemporary imperialism. Bruxelles: Academia Belgica.
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  5. Readings in Biblical morality.Celestine Luke Salm - 1967 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
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    Three modes of criticism.Peter Salm - 1968 - Cleveland,: Press of Case Western Reserve University.
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    Devastation, dismemberment, recovery, reunion: Fifty years of German publishing.Klaus Saur - 1991 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 2 (1):6-10.
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    Der Soldatenkönig Friedrich Wilhelm I. in seiner Zeit.Wolfgang Saur - 2001 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (1):278-281.
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    Transzendenz als Wirklichkeit.Karl Saur - 1965 - Hamburg,: L. Appel.
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    The best book trade organization in the worid?Klaus Saur - 1993 - Logos 4 (3):120-123.
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    The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsiveness.Juha Nasi, Salme Nasi, Nelson Phillips & Stelios Zyglidopoulos - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (3):296-321.
    In this article, the authors investigate the applicability and usefulness of three alternative perspectives on corporate issues management: issue life cycle theory, legitimacy theory, and stakeholder theory. Each perspective makes certain as- sumptions about the nature of issues management activities and certain general predictions about corporate social responsiveness. The authors test the relative applicability of the three theories through a case study of the issues management activities of four large forestry companies in Finland and Canada. The authors conclude that all (...)
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    Incorporating Stakeholder Thinking into the Neo-Classical Capital Circulation Model of the Firm.Salme Näsi & Hannele Mäkelä - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (S1):51-56.
    This paper discusses and provides a tentative model of a firm for purposes of accounting. The paper first presents the neo-classical capital circulation model of the firm—a model that has been an integral part of Finnish business economics and accounting education for at least half a century. During the same period the stakeholder model has become an alternative model of the firm in Scandinavia. These models have represented two alternatives to define the firm in education. In this paper we try (...)
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  13. The evolution of corporate social responsiveness: an exploratory study of Finnish and Canadian forestry companies.Juha Näsi, Salme Näsi, M. Phallus & Stelios Zyglidopoulos - 1997 - Business and Society 36:296-321.
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    A German publishing phenomenon.Klaus G. Saur - 2008 - Logos 19 (2):84-86.
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    German publishing feels chill winds of the economy.Klaus G. Saur - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14 (1):12-15.
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    Letter to the Editor.Klaus Saur - 1999 - Logos 10 (2):84.
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    Firm–Employee Relationships from a Social Responsibility Perspective: Developments from Communist Thinking to Market Ideology in Romania. A Mass Media Story.Oana Apostol & Salme Näsi - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):301-315.
    Firm–employee relationships are dependent on the wider societal context and on the role business plays in society. Changes in institutional arrangements in society affect the perceived responsibilities of firms to their personnel. In this study, we examine mass media discussions about firm–employee relationships from a social responsibility perspective via a longitudinal study in Romanian society. Our analysis indicates how the expected responsibilities of firms towards employees have altered with the changing role of firms in society since the early 1990s. These (...)
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  18.  9
    På sviktende kunnskapsgrunnlag? Assistert befruktning for lesbiske par.Sigrun Saur Stiklestad - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):65-84.
    Artikkelen drøfter i hvilken grad den norske loven om assistert befruktning for lesbiske par vektlegger forskningsbasert kunnskap om barnas oppvekstvilkår. En kunnskapsteoretisk diskusjon om forholdet mellom forskning og politikk er sentral i denne drøftingen. Artikkelens empiriske grunnlag er i hovedsak dokumenter om lovprosessen, resultater fra forskningsfeltet generelt og tilsva­rende lovprosess i Sverige. Dessuten drøftes kritikken rettet mot forskningsfel­tet. Artikkelen viser at forskningsbasert kunnskap er gitt så lav prioritet i det norske lovarbeidet at det har skapt tvil om kunnskapsstatus på området. (...)
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  19. Perspective Taking and Avatar-Self Merging.Jochen Müsseler, Sophia von Salm-Hoogstraeten & Christian Böffel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Today, avatars often represent users in digital worlds such as in video games or workplace applications. Avatars embody the user and perform their actions in these artificial environments. As a result, users sometimes develop the feeling that their self merges with their avatar. The user realizes that they are the avatar, but the avatar is also the user—meaning that avatar’s appearance, character, and actions also affect their self. In the present paper, we first introduce the event-coding approach of the self (...)
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    Business Talk on Corporate – Employee Interaction as an Evolutionary Process: The Case of Romania.Oana Apostol & Salme Näsi - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:184-195.
    This paper focuses on corporate social responsibilities to employees, one key stakeholder for each firm. In particular, the views and attitudes of managers and entrepreneurs with respect to various social aspects related to their employees are investigated. The context of this research, Romania, a postcommunist country in Eastern Europe, allows us to look for dissimilarities between the talk of local firms and MNCs or foreign-based companies. The analysis is based on qualitative research and adopts an interpretative approach.The articles of the (...)
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    Emerging Corporate Social Responsibility Thinking in Developing Countries: Increased Societal Expectations or Process of Knowledge Transfer?Oana Apostol, Salme Näsi & Matias Laine - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:101-106.
    This paper looks at the current state-of-the-art and at potential changes in CSR thinking in a developing country: Romania. It seeks to understand what kind oftransformations are emerging in this field and what are the reasons behind them. The analysis is interpretative, using discourse analysis and focuses on the articles of the weekly Romanian business publication Capital. The results indicate that the local business environment features the characteristics of wild capitalism, largely contradicting the idea of responsibility. However, foreign actors have (...)
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    Effects of diagnosed dementia on Medicare and Medicaid program costs.Padmaja Ayyagari, Martin Salm & Frank A. Sloan - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (4):481-494.
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  23. Sovremennai︠a︡ geografii︠a︡: voprosy teorii.U. Mereste & Salme Nõmmik - 1984 - Moskva: "Myslʹ". Edited by Salme Nõmmik.
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    Changes in Finnish Managers’ Strategic Priorities.Juha Näsi, Salme Näsi, Johanna Kujala & Pasi Sajasalo - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:255-260.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the changes in managers’ moral attitudes, stakeholder orientation and economic interests from 1994 to 2004. Dataare presented concerning 8-10 stakeholder groups and 50-58 moral issues.
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  25. Brill Online Books and Journals.Peter Weidhaas, Klaus Saur, Yury F. Maisuradze, Henry Chakava, Khil-Boo Park, Glenn Moss, Yoshiko Wakayama, Michael D. Rudiak, Eamon T. Fennessy & Madel Crasta - 1993 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4 (3).
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    (1 other version)Inducing empathy affects cardiovascular reactivity reflected in changes in high-frequency heart rate variability.Claudia Sassenrath, Michael Barthelmäs, Johanna Saur & Johannes Keller - forthcoming - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion:1-7.
  27.  32
    100 Jahre Wandervogel: Geschichte - Deutung - Wirkung. 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Geistesgeschichte vom 1. - 3. November 2001 in Berlin-Steglitz. [REVIEW]Wolfgang Saur - 2002 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 54 (2):171-178.
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    Institutional Implications for Stakeholder Modelling: Looking at Institutions in a Centralised Economy. [REVIEW]Oana Apostol & Salme Näsi - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (S1):33-38.
    Originating in the Anglo-American management literature, stakeholder thinking embraces a set of common reasoning and rests on a range of assumptions that pay little attention to the institutional variations across countries and regions with different economic systems. Our aim in this article is to contribute to the stakeholder literature by discussing the significance and implications of this institutional diversity for the stakeholder model.
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    Special Issue on Stakeholder Thinking: A Tribute to Juha Nasi. [REVIEW]R. Edward Freeman, Salme Nasi & Grant Savage - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (S1):1-1.
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    Modern Art and Scientific ThoughtThe Poem as Plant: A Biological View of Goethe's Faust.Horst S. Daemmrich, John Adkins Richardson & Peter Salm - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (3):407.
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    The Sustainability Reporting of Municipalities: A Fad, Mimicry or True Development?Matias Laine, Hannele Mäkelä, Salme Näsi & Oana Apostol - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:318-323.
    The study provides insights on why large Finnish municipalities are engaging in sustainability reporting. The dataset consists of the sustainability disclosures of five large Finnish cities and of a set of interviews conducted with the personnel responsible for composing the sustainability reports in these cities. Preliminary findings suggest that this rising practice is again an example of a fad, arising as the public sector organizations mimic the corporate sector without anyone really pondering whether the municipalities and the public sector as (...)
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  32. Brill Online Books and Journals.Laurens van Krevelen, Philip G. Altbach, Paul Harwood, Klaus Saur, James W. Chan, Desmond Clarke, Amadio Arboleda, Eve Horwitz-Gray, Marc Aronson & Nicholas Clee - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10 (2).
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  33. Commentariorum Petri Fonsecælusitani, Doctoris Theologi... In Libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis Stagiritæ Tomus Primus [-Secundus]. Continet Hic Tomus Quatuor [-Quinti] Priorum Librorum Explicationem.Pedro da Fonseca, Lazarus Zetzner, Johan Theobald Schönwetter, Johannes Saur & Aristotle - 1599 - Typis Ioannis Saurij, Impensis Lazari Zetzneri.
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  34. Salm ŭi chinsil ŭl chʻajasŏ.Pyŏng-jin Pak - 1985 - Sŏul: Yungmunsa.
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  35. Salm e taehan myŏngsang: Handŭl Hong Sŏn-hŭi Paksa yugojip.Sŏn-hŭi Hong - 1982 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Tʻaegŭk Chʻulpʻansa.
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  36. Salm ŭi chŏngchʻi sasang.Hyo-sŏn Im - 1984 - Sŏul: Hanʼgilsa.
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  37.  20
    Sovereign Asset and Liability Management (SALM): Perspective of Pandemic COVID-19 Outbreak in Oecd Countries, Including Poland.Kamilla Marchewka-Bartkowiak & Daniel Budzeń - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):297-319.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is global and affects all countries in the world. The difference in the financial impact assessment of its outbreak concerns, inter alia, the state of preparation of the public sector in the previous period. The article assumes that countries which coordinated the structure of sovereign assets and liabilities before 2020 were less exposed to the negative effects of financial risks resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uses data and methodology of the International Monetary Fund and the (...)
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  38. Ch'amsarang: salm i kot sarang in'ga.Sŏn-uk Kim - 1982 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Mirae Munhwasa.
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    Johannes Antiochenus Fr. 200 Salm. und Prokop.Edwin Patzig - 1893 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 2 (3).
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  40. Inʼgan ŭi salm kwa haebang ŭi nolli.Il-cho Chang - 1982 - Sŏul: Hanʼgilsa.
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    (1 other version)Wolfgang Lubitz, Trotsky Bibliography (Second Revised Edition, Munich, New York, London, Paris, K.G. Saur, 1988).Peter Beilharz - 1989 - Thesis Eleven 22 (1):144-144.
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  42. Kunin kwa yulli: choguk kwa minjok ŭl wihan salm.Ŭng-yŏl Kim - 1985 - [Seoul]: Yukkun Kyoyuk Saryŏngbu.
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  43.  30
    An Arabian Princess between Two Worlds: Memoirs, Letters Home, Sequels to the Memoirs, Syrian Customs and Usages, by Sayyida Salme/Emily Ruete.Fedwa Malti-Douglas & E. van Donzel - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):794.
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  44. Laetatus sum in eo quod dixerunt mihi: In Domum Ibimus (Salm 121, 1). Breve excursus sul pellegrinaggio nella Bibbia.Gd Palma - 1999 - Miscellanea Francescana 99 (3-4):439-480.
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  45.  52
    Egli (F.) Euripides im Kontext zeitgenössischer intellektueller Strömungen. Analyse der Funktion philosophischer Themen in den Tragödien und Fragmenten. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 189.) Pp. 334. Munich and Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2003. Cased, €90. ISBN: 978-3-598-77801-. [REVIEW]William Allan - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):14-16.
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    H.-G. Nesselrath: Platon und die Erfindung von Atlantis. (Lectio Teubneriana 11.) Pp. 62. Munich and Leipzig: K. G. Saur, 2002. Cased, €18. ISBN: 3-598-77560-1. [REVIEW]Christopher Chaffin - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (1):243-243.
  47.  52
    R. Merkelbach, J. Stauber: Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. Band 3. Der ‘Ferne Osten’ und das Landesinnere bis zum Tauros. Pp. xii + 416, maps, ills. Munich and Leipzig: K. G. Saur verlag, 2001. Cased, DM 218. ISBN: 3-598-77448-6. [REVIEW]Hugh Elton - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (2):486-487.
  48.  33
    Synaesthesia C. Catrein: Vertauschte Sinne. Untersuchungen zur Synästhesie in der römischen Dichtung . (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 178.) Pp. 240. Munich and Leipzig: K. G. Saur Verlag, 2003. Cased, €82. ISBN: 3-598-77727-. [REVIEW]Nicholas Horsfall - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):491-.
  49.  30
    Longinus the platonist I. männlein-Robert: Longin: Philologe und philosoph. Eine interpretation der erhaltenen zeugnisse . Pp. 795. Munich and leipzig: K. G. saur, 2001. Cased, €138. Isbn: 3-598-77692-. [REVIEW]Heinz[Hyphen]Günther Nesselrath - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (02):323-.
  50.  40
    V OLKER F RITZ B RÜNING, Bibliographie der alchemistischen Literatur. Band 1: Die alchemistischen Druckwerke von der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis zum Jahr 1690. München: K. G. Saur, 2004. Pp. xii+500. ISBN 3-598-11603-9. €248.00. [REVIEW]Pamela Smith - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (2):289-290.
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