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  1.  28
    Interaction between sensory spatial aftereffects and persistence of response following behavioral compensation.J. K. Collins & G. Singer - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):301.
  2.  91
    Behavioral Immune System Responses to Coronavirus: A Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Explanation of Conformity, Warmth Toward Others and Attitudes Toward Lockdown.Alison M. Bacon & Philip J. Corr - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Behavioral immune system describes psychological mechanisms that detect cues to infectious pathogens in the immediate environment, trigger disease-relevant responses and facilitate behavioral avoidance/escape. BIS activation elicits a perceived vulnerability to disease which can result in conformity with social norms. However, a response to superficial cues can result in aversive responses to people that pose no actual threat, leading to an aversion to unfamiliar others, and likelihood of prejudice. Pathogen-neutralizing behaviors, therefore, have implications for social interaction as well (...)
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    Fostering Children’s Connection to Nature Through Authentic Situations: The Case of Saving Salamanders at School.Stephan Barthel, Sophie Belton, Christopher M. Raymond & Matteo Giusti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:302887.
    The aim of this paper is to explore how children learn to form new relationships with nature. It draws on a longitudinal case study of children participating in a stewardship project involving the conservation of salamanders during the school day in Stockholm, Sweden. The qualitative method includes two waves of data collection: when a group of 10-year-old children participated in the project (2015) and two years after they participated (2017). We conducted 49 interviews with children as well as using participant (...)
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    Are adaptation aftereffects for facial emotional expressions affected by prior knowledge about the emotion?Joanna Wincenciak, Letizia Palumbo, Gabriela Epihova, Nick E. Barraclough & Tjeerd Jellema - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):602-615.
    Accurate perception of the emotional signals conveyed by others is crucial for successful social interaction. Such perception is influenced not only by sensory input, but also by knowledge we have about the others’ emotions. This study addresses the issue of whether knowing that the other’s emotional state is congruent or incongruent with their displayed emotional expression (“genuine” and “fake”, respectively) affects the neural mechanisms underpinning the perception of their facial emotional expressions. We used a visual adaptation paradigm to investigate (...)
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    Absence of modulatory action on haptic height perception with musical pitch.Michele Geronazzo, Federico Avanzini & Massimo Grassi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139245.
    Although acoustic frequency is not a spatial property of physical objects, in common language, pitch, i.e., the psychological correlated of frequency, is often labeled spatially (i.e., “high in pitch” or “low in pitch”). Pitch-height is known to modulate (and interact with) the response of participants when they are asked to judge spatial properties of non-auditory stimuli (e.g., visual) in a variety of behavioral tasks. In the current study we investigated whether the modulatory action of pitch-height extended (...)
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    Interethnic Interaction, Strategic Bargaining Power, and the Dynamics of Cultural Norms.John Andrew Bunce & Richard McElreath - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (4):434-456.
    Ethnic groups are universal and unique to human societies. Such groups sometimes have norms of behavior that are adaptively linked to their social and ecological circumstances, and ethnic boundaries may function to protect that variation from erosion by interethnic interaction. However, such interaction is often frequent and voluntary, suggesting that individuals may be able to strategically reduce its costs, allowing adaptive cultural variation to persist in spite of interaction with out-groups with different norms. We examine five mechanisms influencing the dynamics (...)
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    Responses Toward Injustice Shaped by Justice Sensitivity – Evidence From Germany.Rebecca Bondü, Anna K. Holl, Denny Trommler & Manfred J. Schmitt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Anger, indignation, guilt, rumination, victim compensation, and perpetrator punishment are considered primary responses associated with justice sensitivity. However, injustice and high JS may predispose to further responses. We had N = 293 adults rate their JS, 17 potential responses toward 12 unjust scenarios from the victim’s, observer’s, beneficiary’s, and perpetrator’s perspectives, and several control variables. Unjust situations generally elicited many affective, cognitive, and behavioral responses. JS generally predisposed to strong affective responses toward injustice, including sadness, pity, disappointment, and (...)
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  8. Are Automatic Conceptual Cores the Gold Standard of Semantic Processing? The Context‐Dependence of Spatial Meaning in Grounded Congruency Effects.Lauren A. M. Lebois, Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall & Lawrence W. Barsalou - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1764-1801.
    According to grounded cognition, words whose semantics contain sensory-motor features activate sensory-motor simulations, which, in turn, interact with spatial responses to produce grounded congruency effects. Growing evidence shows these congruency effects do not always occur, suggesting instead that the grounded features in a word's meaning do not become active automatically across contexts. Researchers sometimes use this as evidence that concepts are not grounded, further concluding that grounded information is peripheral to the amodal cores of concepts. We first (...)
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  9. Training in compensatory strategies enhances rapport in interactions involving people with Möebius Syndrome.John Michael, Kathleen Bogart, Kristian Tylen, Joel Krueger, Morten Bech, John R. Ostergaard & Riccardo Fusaroli - 2015 - Frontiers in Neurology 6 (213):1-11.
    In the exploratory study reported here, we tested the efficacy of an intervention designed to train teenagers with Möbius syndrome (MS) to increase the use of alternative communication strategies (e.g., gestures) to compensate for their lack of facial expressivity. Specifically, we expected the intervention to increase the level of rapport experienced in social interactions by our participants. In addition, we aimed to identify the mechanisms responsible for any such increase in rapport. In the study, five teenagers with MS interacted with (...)
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  10.  42
    Relationships between the superior colliculus and hippocampus: Neural and behavioral considerations.Nigel Foreman & Robin Stevens - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):101-119.
    Theories of superior collicular and hippocampal function have remarkable similarities. Both structures have been repeatedly implicated in spatial and attentional behaviour and in inhibitory control of locomotion. Moreover, they share certain electrophysiological properties in their single unit responses and in the synchronous appearance and disappearance of slow wave activity. Both are phylogenetically old and the colliculus projects strongly to brainstem nuclei instrumental in the generation of theta rhythm in the hippocampal EECOn the other hand, close inspection of behavioural and (...)
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  11.  10
    Effects of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation and Neurofeedback on Alpha (EEG) Dynamics: A Review.Mária Orendáčová & Eugen Kvašňák - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Transcranial alternating current stimulation and neurofeedback are two different types of non-invasive neuromodulation techniques, which can modulate brain activity and improve brain functioning. In this review, we compared the current state of knowledge related to the mechanisms of tACS and NFB and their effects on electroencephalogram activity and on aftereffects, including the duration of their persistence and potential behavioral benefits. Since alpha bandwidth has been broadly studied in NFB and in tACS research, the studies of NFB and tACS (...)
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  12.  27
    Reptilian Cognition: A More Complex Picture via Integration of Neurological Mechanisms, Behavioral Constraints, and Evolutionary Context.Timothy C. Roth, Aaron R. Krochmal & Lara D. LaDage - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (8):1900033.
    Unlike birds and mammals, reptiles are commonly thought to possess only the most rudimentary means of interacting with their environments, reflexively responding to sensory information to the near exclusion of higher cognitive function. However, reptilian brains, though structurally somewhat different from those of mammals and birds, use many of the same cellular and molecular processes to support complex behaviors in homologous brain regions. Here, the neurological mechanisms supporting reptilian cognition are reviewed, focusing specifically on spatial cognition and the (...)
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    Principal Components Analysis Using Data Collected From Healthy Individuals on Two Robotic Assessment Platforms Yields Similar Behavioral Patterns.Michael D. Wood, Leif E. R. Simmatis, Jill A. Jacobson, Sean P. Dukelow, J. Gordon Boyd & Stephen H. Scott - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    BackgroundKinarm Standard Tests is a suite of upper limb tasks to assess sensory, motor, and cognitive functions, which produces granular performance data that reflect spatial and temporal aspects of behavior. We have previously used principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of multivariate data using the Kinarm End-Point Lab. Here, we performed PCA using data from the Kinarm Exoskeleton Lab, and determined agreement of PCA results across EP and EXO platforms in healthy participants. We additionally examined whether further (...)
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  14.  20
    Spatial adaptation and aftereffect with optically transformed vision: Effects of active and passive responding and the relationship between test and exposure responses.G. Singer & R. H. Day - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):725.
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    Controversies in neuroscience V: Persistent pain: Neuronal mechanisms and clinical implications: Introduction.Bill Roberts, Paul Cordo & Stevan Harnad - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):0-0.
    Pain is not a single entity but is instead a collection of sensory experiences commonly associated with tissue damage. There is growing recognition that not all pains are equivalent, that pains and pathologies are not related in a simple manner, and that acute pains differ in many respects from persistent pains. Great strides have been made in improving our understanding of the neuronal mechanisms responsible for acute pain, but the studies leading to these advances have also led to the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Effects of Guanfacine and Phenylephrine on a Spiking Neuron Model of Working Memory.Peter Duggins, Terrence C. Stewart, Xuan Choo & Chris Eliasmith - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4):117-134.
    We use a spiking neural network model of working memory capable of performing the spatial delayed response task to investigate two drugs that affect WM: guanfacine and phenylephrine. In this model, the loss of information over time results from changes in the spiking neural activity through recurrent connections. We reproduce the standard forgetting curve and then show that this curve changes in the presence of GFC and PHE, whose application is simulated by manipulating functional, neural, and biophysical properties (...)
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  17.  34
    Hippocampus, delay neurons, and sensory heterogeneity.Michael Colombo & Charles G. Gross - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):766-767.
    We raise three issues concerning the Eichenbaum, Otto & Cohen (1994) model. (1) We argue against the strict division of labor that Eichenbaum et al. attribute to neocortical and limbic regions. (2) We raise the possibility that the anterior and posterior portions of the hippocampus may be important for different types of information processing. (3) We argue that, rather than reflecting relational processing, different neural responses to “match” and “nonmatch” trials may relate to different required spatial responses.
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  18. Visuospatial Integration: Paleoanthropological and Archaeological Perspectives.Emiliano Bruner, Enza Spinapolice, Ariane Burke & Karenleigh A. Overmann - 2018 - In Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Fabio Di Vincenzo & Francesca De Petrillo (eds.), Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer Verlag. pp. 299-326.
    The visuospatial system integrates inner and outer functional processes, organizing spatial, temporal, and social interactions between the brain, body, and environment. These processes involve sensorimotor networks like the eye–hand circuit, which is especially important to primates, given their reliance on vision and touch as primary sensory modalities and the use of the hands in social and environmental interactions. At the same time, visuospatial cognition is intimately connected with memory, self-awareness, and simulation capacity. In the present article, we review (...)
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    The Holobiont Blindspot: Relating Host-Microbiome Interactions to Cognitive Biases and the Concept of the “Umwelt”.Jake M. Robinson & Ross Cameron - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cognitive biases can lead to misinterpretations of human and non-human biology and behavior. The concept of the Umwelt describes phylogenetic contrasts in the sensory realms of different species and has important implications for evolutionary studies of cognition (including biases) and social behavior. It has recently been suggested that the microbiome (the diverse network of microorganisms in a given environment, including those within a host organism such as humans) has an influential role in host behavior and health. In this paper, (...)
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  20.  53
    Temporal delays, not underactivation of detection processes may be responsible for neglect.I.-han Chou & Peter H. Schiller - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):675-676.
    We have shown that FEF lesion-induced extinction could be compensated for by changing the relative temporal onsets of two targets presented on either side of the midline. Monkeys were trained to make saccades to either of two identical visual stimuli presented with various stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA). In intact animals the targets were chosen with equal probability when they appeared simultaneously. After unilateral FEF lesions an SOA of 67–116 msec had to be introduced, with the contralesional target appearing first, to (...)
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    The mechanisms responsible for the flash-lag effect cannot provide the motor prediction that we need in daily life.Jeroen B. J. Smeets & Eli Brenner - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):215-216.
    The visual prediction that Nijhawan proposes cannot explain why the flash-lag effect depends on what happens after the flash. Moreover, using a visual prediction based on retinal image motion to compensate for neuronal time delays will seldom be of any use for motor control, because one normally pursues objects with which one intends to interact with ones eyes.
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    When and Why Negative Supervisor Gossip Yields Functional and Dysfunctional Consequences on Subordinate Interactive Behaviors.Chen Ding, Mengting Su, Jialiang Pei, Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu & Shuming Zhao - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    Existing research primarily focuses on negative gossip among peers at the same hierarchical level, often overlooking the impact of such gossip when it comes from supervisors about subordinates with rank differences. Our study investigates subordinates’ varying reactions to negative supervisor gossip, exploring the role of attribution-based boundary conditions and rumination-driven mechanisms. Results from a two-wave, two-source field study show that subordinates with a negative attribution style perceive negative supervisor gossip as an indirect and covert harm, leading to affective rumination and (...)
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    Ecological considerations support color physicalism.James J. Clark - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):24-25.
    We argue that any theory of color physicalism must include consideration of ecological interactions. Ecological and sensorimotor contingencies resulting from relative surface motion and observer motion give rise to measurable effects on the spectrum of light reflecting from surfaces. These contingencies define invariant manifolds in a sensory-spatial space, which is the physical underpinning of all subjective color experiences.
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    Pratiques interactives et immersives; pratiques spatiales critiques. La réalité augmentée de l'espace d'exposition (with an abstract in English).Alessandra Mariani - 2012 - Mediatropes 3 (2):52-81.
    [Interactive and Immersive Practices; Critical Spatial Practices. The Augmented Reality of the Exhibition Space] The rise of installations, as well as immersive and interactive spaces, in both art and science museums has accustomed the public to heightened interactivity, leading to a better understanding of social, natural and scientific phenomena. These spatial systems have also paved the way for the production of innovative environments within exhibition design. This article aims to present a brief overview of the origins of immersive (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership: Investigating Their Interactive Effect on Employees’ Socially Responsible Behaviors.Kenneth De Roeck & Omer Farooq - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4):923-939.
    This research investigates the interlinkage between corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership in inducing employees’ socially responsible behaviors. Specifically, building on organizational identification theory and cue consistency theory, we develop and test an integrated moderated mediation framework in which employees’ perception of ethical leadership moderates the mediating mechanism between their perceptions of CSR, organizational identification, and SRBs. The findings highlight the need for consistency between employees’ perceptions of CSR and ethical leadership to foster their propensity to further social good through (...)
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  26.  35
    Multisensory and Modality-Specific Influences on Adaptation to Optical Prisms.Elena Calzolari, Federica Albini, Nadia Bolognini & Giuseppe Vallar - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:295601.
    Visuo-motor adaptation to optical prisms displacing the visual scene (prism adaptation, PA) is a method used for investigating visuomotor plasticity in healthy individuals and, in clinical settings, for the rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect. In the standard paradigm, the adaptation phase involves repeated pointings to visual targets, while wearing optical prisms displacing the visual scene laterally. Here we explored differences in PA, and its aftereffects (AEs), as related to the sensory modality of the target. Visual, auditory, and multisensory (...)
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  27. Behavioral and neural interaction between spatial inhibition of return and the Simon effect.Pengfei Wang, Luis J. Fuentes, Ana B. Vivas & Qi Chen - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Word recognition in the split brain and PET studies of spatial stimulus-response compatibility support contextual integration.Marco Iacoboni - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):690-691.
    The neural substrates of context effects in word perception are still largely unclear. Interhemispheric priming phenomena in word recognition, typically observed in normal subjects, are absent in commissurotomized patients. This suggests that callosal fibers may provide contextual integration. In addition, certain characteristics of human frontal cortical fields subserving sensorimotor learning, as investigated by positron emission tomography, provide evidence for contextual integration not confined to the visual system. This supports the notion of common aspects of cortical computations in different cerebral areas.
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    Spatial phenomena in material places. Reflections on sensory substitution, shape perception, and the external nature of the senses.Filip Mattens - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (5):833-854.
    From the outside, our senses are spatially integrated in our body in manifestly different ways. This paper starts from the suggestion that the philosophical formulation of the problem of spatial perception, as it flows from the modern opposition of mind and world, is partly responsible for the fact that philosophers have often explicitly disregarded the spatial nature of the senses themselves. An indirect consequence is that much philosophical work focuses on how the senses can – or cannot – (...)
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  30.  13
    Vision Verbs Emerge First in English Acquisition but Touch, not Audition, Follows Second.Lila San Roque, Elisabeth Norcliffe & Asifa Majid - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (6):e13469.
    Words that describe sensory perception give insight into how language mediates human experience, and the acquisition of these words is one way to examine how we learn to categorize and communicate sensation. We examine the differential predictions of the typological prevalence hypothesis and embodiment hypothesis regarding the acquisition of perception verbs. Studies 1 and 2 examine the acquisition trajectories of perception verbs across 12 languages using parent questionnaire responses, while Study 3 examines their relative frequencies in English corpus data. (...)
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    The spatial context of the aesthetic experience in interactive art: An inter-subjective relationship.Veroniki Korakidou & Dimitris Charitos - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):277-283.
    This article investigates the aesthetic experience within telematic space, using terms introduced by kleinian psychoanalysis. We argue that the object of the aesthetic experience in multi-sensory interactive installations can be analysed within a spatial context of a dual nature, involving both the physical space of the installation and the virtual space of the participating subject’s perception, a hybrid space. Therefore, we discuss the aesthetic experience of interactive artworks as an intersubjective relationship between the artist and the audience, where (...)
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  32.  10
    The oblique effect: Interactions with visual persistence and spatial configuration.Georgia L’Hommedieu & Glenn E. Meyer - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (6):347-350.
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    Response to spatial and nonspatial change in wild (WWCPS) and Wistar rats.Wojciech Pisula, Klaudia Modlińska & Rafał Stryjek - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (2):124-131.
    Response to spatial and nonspatial change in wild and Wistar rats The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the effects of domestication on exploration in rats. The comparison was made between wild Warsaw-Wild-Captive-Pisula-Stryjek rats and Wistar laboratory rats. The study used a purpose-built maze divided into zones connected with a corridor. Objects were placed in two out of four zones. Their location and shape were subject to experimental manipulation. Transporter used to move rats to the maze provided (...)
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    Evolutionary responses by butterflies to patchy spatial distributions of resources in tropical environments.Allen M. Young - 1980 - Acta Biotheoretica 29 (1):37-64.
    The greatest diversity of butterflies and their host plants occurs in tropical regions. Some groups of butterflies in the tropics exhibit monophagous feeding in the larval stage, exploiting only one family of plants; others are polyphagous, feeding on plants in two or more distinct families. The two major types of tropical habitats for butterflies, namely primary and secondary forests, offer very different evolutionary opportunities for the exploitation of plants as larval food. Butterflies are faced with the major logistical problem, as (...)
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    Responsible consumption choices and individual values: an algebraic interactive approach.Syed Sibghatullah Shah & Tariq Shah - 2023 - Mind and Society 22 (1):1-32.
    This paper develops an algebraic formulation summarizing various forms of socioeconomic interaction in and across individuals, groups, corporations, and states. The proposed articulation accelerates the understanding that coordination among economic agents leads to the efficient allocation of resources in society. The study considers an approach whereby the State has a regulatory role which helps attain responsible consumption and production choices (RCP). This study has the potential to encourage the use of resources in a way that promotes RCP decisions based on (...)
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    Sensory Re-weighting for Postural Control in Parkinson’s Disease.Kelly J. Feller, Robert J. Peterka & Fay B. Horak - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:437406.
    Postural instability in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by impaired postural responses to transient perturbations, increased postural sway in stance and difficulty transitioning between tasks. In addition, some studies suggest that loss of dopamine in the basal ganglia due to PD results in difficulty using proprioceptive information for motor control. Here, we quantify the ability of subjects with PD and age-matched control subjects to use and re-weight sensory information for postural control during steady-state conditions of continuous rotations of the (...)
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  37. Toward a quantitative description of large-scale neocortical dynamic function and EEG.Paul L. Nunez - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):371-398.
    A general conceptual framework for large-scale neocortical dynamics based on data from many laboratories is applied to a variety of experimental designs, spatial scales, and brain states. Partly distinct, but interacting local processes (e.g., neural networks) arise from functional segregation. Global processes arise from functional integration and can facilitate (top down) synchronous activity in remote cell groups that function simultaneously at several different spatial scales. Simultaneous local processes may help drive (bottom up) macroscopic global dynamics observed with electroencephalography (...)
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    Attachment Relationships as Semiotic Scaffolding Systems.Patricia M. Crittenden & Andrea Landini - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (2):257-273.
    This paper describes the semiotic process by which parents, as attachment figures, enable infants to learn to make meaning. It also applies these ideas to psychotherapy, with the therapist functioning as transitional attachment figures to patients where therapy attempts to change semiotic processes that have led to maladaptive behavior. Three types of semiotic processes are described in attachment terminology and these are offered as possible precursors of a neuro-behavioral nosology tying mental illness to adaptation. Non-conscious biosemiotic processes in infant-parent (...)
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    Neural correlates of the behavioral-autonomic interaction response to potentially threatening stimuli.Tom F. D. Farrow, Naomi K. Johnson, Michael D. Hunter, Anthony T. Barker, Iain D. Wilkinson & Peter W. R. Woodruff - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Emotional responses in mother-infant musical interactions: A developmental perspective.Elena Longhi - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):586-587.
    With this commentary, I raise two issues relevant to the theoretical framework from a developmental perspective. First, the infants' emotional responses are induced by the music as well as by the multimodal information they perceive in interaction with their mothers, and these responses change with time. Second, contrary to what is suggested in the target article, musical expectancy is already experienced by young infants.
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    The interaction of motor and sensory signals in proprioception.John Stein - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):162-163.
  42.  33
    Predictable and self-initiated visual motion is judged to be slower than computer generated motion.John A. Dewey & Thomas H. Carr - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):987-995.
    Self-initiated action effects are often perceived as less intense than identical but externally generated stimuli. It is thought that forward models within the sensorimotor system pre-activate cortical representations of predicted action effects, reducing perceptual sensitivity and attenuating neural responses. As self-agency and predictability are seldom manipulated simultaneously in behavioral experiments, it is unclear if self-other differences depend on predictable action effect contingencies, or if both self- and externally generated stimuli are modulated similarly by predictability. We factorially combined variation in (...)
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  43. Grip force as a functional window to somatosensory cognition.Birgitta Dresp-Langley - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:1026439.
    Analysis of grip force signals tailored to hand and finger movement evolution and changes in grip force control during task execution provide unprecedented functional insight into somatosensory cognition. Somatosensory cognition is a basis of our ability to manipulate, move, and transform objects of the physical world around us, to recognize them on the basis of touch alone, and to grasp them with the right amount of force for lifting and manipulating them. Recent technology has permitted the wireless monitoring of grip (...)
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    Neural response to emotional faces with and without awareness; event-related fMRI in a parietal patient with visual extinction and spatial neglect.Patrik Vuilleumier, J. L. Armony, Karen Clarke, Masud Husain, Julia Driver & Raymond J. Dolan - 2002 - Neuropsychologia 40 (12):2156-2166.
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    Time of the End? More-Than-Human Humanism and Artificial Intelligence.Massimo Lollini - 2022 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 7 (1).
    The first part (“Is there a future?”), discusses the idea of the future in the context of Carl Schmitt’s vision for the spatial revolutions of modernity, and then the idea of Anthropocene, as a synonym for an environmental crisis endangering the very survival of humankind. From this point of view, the conquest of space and the colonization of Mars at the center of futuristic and technocratic visions appear to be an attempt to escape from human responsibilities on Earth. The (...)
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    Family Accommodation Scale for Sensory Over-Responsivity: A Measure Development Study.Ayelet Ben-Sasson, Tamar Yonit Podoly & Eli Lebowitz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Family accommodation refers to the attempt of family members to prevent their child’s distress related to psychopathology. Family accommodation can limit meaningful participation in personal and social routines and activities. Accommodation has been studied extensively in the context of childhood anxiety and has been linked to greater impairment, and poor intervention outcomes. Like anxiety, sensory over-responsivity symptoms are associated with heightened distress and thus, may also be accommodated by family members. The current study describes the validation of a new (...)
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    (1 other version)Caregiver–chimpanzee interactions with species-specific behaviors.Mary Lee A. Jensvold, Jacquelyn C. Buckner & Gina B. Stadtner - 2010 - Interaction Studies 11 (3):396-409.
    The relationships between captive primates and their caregivers are critical ones and can affect animal welfare. This study tested the effect of caregivers using chimpanzee behaviors or not, in daily interactions with captive chimpanzees. In the Chimpanzee Behavior condition the caregiver presented chimpanzee behaviors. In the Human Behavior condition the caregiver avoided using chimpanzee behaviors. The chimpanzees had individual patterns of response and had significant differences in their responses to each condition. These data are compared to a similar study (...)
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  48.  17
    Numerosity Perception in Peripheral Vision.Min Susan Li, Clement Abbatecola, Lucy S. Petro & Lars Muckli - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Peripheral vision has different functional priorities for mammals than foveal vision. One of its roles is to monitor the environment while central vision is focused on the current task. Becoming distracted too easily would be counterproductive in this perspective, so the brain should react to behaviourally relevant changes. Gist processing is good for this purpose, and it is therefore not surprising that evidence from both functional brain imaging and behavioural research suggests a tendency to generalize and blend information in the (...)
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  49.  50
    The Princess and the Philosopher: Letters of Elisabeth of the Palatine to Rene Descartes (review).Richard A. Watson - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):277-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Princess and the Philosopher: Letters of Elisabeth of the Palatine to Rene DescartesRichard A. WatsonAndrea Nye. The Princess and the Philosopher: Letters of Elisabeth of the Palatine to Rene Descartes. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999. Pp. xiii + 187. Cloth, $57.95. Paper, $18.95.Princess Elisabeth was an acute, persistent critic of Descartes's philosophy. Because he liked her and she was a princess, Descartes did not dismiss her (...)
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    Navigating by Mind and by Body Two Research Communities in Psychology.Barbara Tversky & Jordan Hall - 2003 - Cognition:1-10.
    Within psychology, at least two research communities study spatial cognition. One community studies systematic errors in spatial memory and judgement, accounting for them as a consequence of and clue to normal perceptual and cognitive processing. The other community studies navigation in real space, isolating the contributions of various sensory cues and sensori- motor systems to successful navigation. The former group emphasizes error, the latter, selective mechanisms, environmental or evolutionary, that produce fine-tuned correct responses. How can these approaches (...)
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