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Satomi Takahashi [7]Susumu Takahashi [6]S. Takahashi [6]Shōji Takahashi [5]
Shigeko Takahashi [2]Shizuko Takahashi [2]Satoshi Takahashi [2]Shinji Takahashi [2]

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  1.  82
    Moral Issues of Human-Non-Human Primate Neural Grafting.Mark Greene, Kathryn Schill, Shoji Takahashi, Alison Bateman-House, Tom Beauchamp, Hilary Bok, Dorothy Cheney, Joseph Coyle, Terrence Deacon, Daniel Dennett, Peter Donovan, Owen Flanagan, Steven Goldman, Henry Greely, Lee Martin & Earl Miller - 2005 - Science 309 (5733):385-386.
    The scientific, ethical, and policy issues raised by research involving the engraftment of human neural stem cells into the brains of nonhuman primates are explored by an interdisciplinary working group in this Policy Forum. The authors consider the possibility that this research might alter the cognitive capacities of recipient great apes and monkeys, with potential significance for their moral status.
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  2.  29
    Monotone inductive definitions in a constructive theory of functions and classes.Shuzo Takahashi - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 42 (3):255-297.
    In this thesis, we study the least fixed point principle in a constructive setting. A constructive theory of functions and sets has been developed by Feferman. This theory deals both with sets and with functions over sets as independent notions. In the language of Feferman's theory, we are able to formulate the least fixed point principle for monotone inductive definitions as: every operation on classes to classes which satisfies the monotonicity condition has a least fixed point. This is called the (...)
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  3. More than Two Quantifiers.Shoichi Takahashi - 2006 - Natural Language Semantics 14 (1):57-101.
    Comparative quantifiers, such as more than three books, cannot take scope over any quantifier in subject position if they occupy object position. This is clearly different from the behavior of other quantifiers (e.g., universal quantifiers). This paper argues that this scope puzzle is due to a more complex internal structure of comparative quantifiers than other quantifiers. In the decompositional approach that I pursue, comparative quantifiers are decomposed into two generalized quantifiers (i.e., in the case above, the comparative operator er than (...)
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  4.  32
    Shaming and Stigmatizing Healthcare Workers in Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Nancy S. Jecker & Shizuko Takahashi - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):72-78.
    Stigmatization and sharming of healthcare workers in Japan during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic reveal uniquely Japanese features. Seken, usually translated as ‘social appearance or appearance in the eyes of others,’ is a deep undercurrent woven into the fabric of Japanese life. It has led to providers who become ill with the SARS-CoV-2 virus feeling ashamed, while concealing their conditions from coworkers and public health officials. It also has led to healthcare providers being perceived as polluted and their children being told (...)
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  5.  44
    Aesthetic properties of pictorial perception.Shigeko Takahashi - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (4):671-683.
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  6.  92
    Enhancing free choice masked priming via switch trials during repeated practice.Qi Dai, Lichang Yao, Qiong Wu, Yiyang Yu, Wen Li, Jiajia Yang, Satoshi Takahashi, Yoshimichi Ejima & Jinglong Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The masked priming paradigm has been extensively used to investigate the indirect impacts of unconscious stimuli on conscious behaviors, and the congruency effect of priming on free choices has gained increasing attention. Free choices allow participants to voluntarily choose a response from multiple options during each trial. While repeated practice is known to increase priming effects in subliminal visual tasks, whether practice increases the priming effect of free choices in the masked priming paradigm is unclear. And it is also not (...)
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  7.  34
    Neutron irradiation effects in Fe–Cu–Ni–Mn model alloys studied by measurements of magnetic minor hysteresis loops.S. Kobayashi, H. Kikuchi, S. Takahashi, K. Chiba, Y. Kamada & K. Ara - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (26):4047-4058.
  8.  33
    Eye Size Affects Cuteness in Different Facial Expressions and Ages.Lichang Yao, Qi Dai, Qiong Wu, Yang Liu, Yiyang Yu, Ting Guo, Mengni Zhou, Jiajia Yang, Satoshi Takahashi, Yoshimichi Ejima & Jinglong Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Researchers have suggested that infants exhibiting baby schema are considered cute. These similar studies have mainly focused on changes in overall baby schema facial features. However, whether a change in only eye size affects the perception of cuteness across different facial expressions and ages has not been explicitly evaluated until now. In the present study, a paired comparison method and 7-point scale were used to investigate the effects of eye size on perceived cuteness across facial expressions and ages. The results (...)
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  9.  25
    The Tale of Nala.E. G. & Soh Takahashi - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):226.
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  10.  22
    What is the sensitivity in physical education.Seiji Inoue, Hideshiro Kobayashi, Atsuhiko Yoshida, Ikuo Tokuyama & Shigeto Takahashi - 2002 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 24 (1):43-62.
  11.  16
    Editorial: Neuromodulation in Basic, Translational and Clinical Research in Psychiatry.Ryouhei Ishii, Keiichiro Nishida, Nagy A. Youssef, Kay Jann & Shun Takahashi - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  12.  17
    The Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex in Preferential Decisions for Own- and Other-Age Faces.Ayahito Ito, Kazuki Yoshida, Ryuta Aoki, Toshikatsu Fujii, Iori Kawasaki, Akiko Hayashi, Aya Ueno, Shinya Sakai, Shunji Mugikura, Shoki Takahashi & Etsuro Mori - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Own-age bias is a well-known bias reflecting the effects of age, and its role has been demonstrated, particularly, in face recognition. However, it remains unclear whether an own-age bias exists in facial impression formation. In the present study, we used three datasets from two published and one unpublished functional magnetic resonance imaging study that employed the same pleasantness rating task with fMRI scanning and preferential choice task after the fMRI to investigate whether healthy young and older participants showed own-age effects (...)
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  13.  40
    Neutron irradiation effects on magnetic minor hysteresis loops in nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels.S. Kobayashi, H. Kikuchi, S. Takahashi, Y. Kamada, K. Ara, T. Yamamoto, D. Klingensmith & G. R. Odette - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (12):1791-1800.
  14.  43
    The effect of temperature on laws of minor hysteresis loops in nickel single crystals with compressive deformation.S. Kobayashi, T. Fujiwara, S. Takahashi, H. Kikuchi, Y. Kamada, K. Ara & T. Shishido - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (7):651-664.
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  15.  11
    The Main Challenges in Pediatric Ethics from Around the Globe.N. Nortjé, M. Kruger, J. B. Nie, S. Takahashi, Y. Nakagama, R. Hain, D. Garros, A. M. R. Villalva, J. D. Lantos, J. P. Winters & T. -L. McCleary - 2021 - In Nico Nortjé & Johan C. Bester, Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 3-21.
    This chapter highlighted some salient trends in pediatric ethicsEthics, pediatric from different parts of the globe. It is interesting to note that although diverse, there are many similarities between ethical challenges in pediatrics in different parts of the world.
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  16.  27
    Traditional Woodblock Prints of Japan.Mark H. Sandler, Seiichiro Takahashi & Richard Stanley-Baker - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):271.
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  17. Arisutoterēsu.Seiichirō Takahashi - 1934
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  18.  58
    Contextual information processing of brain in art appreciation.Shigeko Takahashi & Yoshimichi Ejima - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):158-159.
    A psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation will be an experimental discipline that may shed new light on the highest capacities of the human brain, yielding new scientific ways to talk about the art appreciation. The recent findings of the contextual information processing in the human brain make the concept of the art-historical context clear for empirical experimentation.
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  19. Jinrin no rihō: ningen to shizen no kōsatsu.Susumu Takahashi - 1981 - Tokyo: Taimeidō.
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  20. Jinmin no tetsugaku.Shōji Takahashi - 1900 - Tōkyō: Seikisha.
    3. Benshōhōteki yuibutsuron e no michi.
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  21. Jinsei to shūkyō.Satomi Takahashi - 1963
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  22. Kanto no benshōron.Shōji Takahashi - 1969
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  23.  5
    Kansei no genkai: fugōrisei, fujiyūsei, fujōrisei.Shōichirō Takahashi - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Kōdansha.
    人間の愛は「不合理」なもの?自由だと勝手に信じている人間が実際には「不自由」なのではないか?なぜ人間は生まれて死ななければならないという「不条理」に遭遇しているのか?そもそも、人間とは何か...?―「 行為」「意志」「存在」の限界をテーマに、行動経済学者や認知科学者、進化論者、実存主義者など多様な分野の学者からカント主義者や急進的フェミニスト、会社員、運動選手、大学生も加わり、楽しく深い広い議論を繰 り広げる。そこから見えてくる人間の姿とは―。.
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  24.  10
    Kokoro no hakken: Kagaku-hen.Shinji Takahashi - 1981 - Tōkyō: Sanopō Shuppan.
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  25.  5
    Li Tuixi he zhu jing zhe xue.Susumu Takahashi - 1991 - [Yanji shi]: Yanbian ren min chu ban she.
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  26. Ningen no unmei to jiyū.Shōji Takahashi - 1960
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  27. Rekishi no tetsugaku.Shōji Takahashi & Makoto Tokunaga (eds.) - 1980
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  28.  22
    Rayleigh relation and scaling power laws in minor hysteresis loops.S. Takahashi & S. Kobayashi - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (17):2216-2226.
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  29. Rekishi to benshōhō.Satomi Takahashi - 1939 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  30. Shu Ki to Ō Yōmei.Susumu Takahashi - 1977
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  31. Tetsugaku gairon.Satomi Takahashi - 1972
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  32.  6
    Tetsugaku no shomondai.Shōji Takahashi (ed.) - 1984 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
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  33. Takahashi Satomi zenshū.Satomi Takahashi - 1973 - Fukumura Shuppan.
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  34. Takahashi tetsugaku: zettaiai ni okeru taiken to sonzai no kaimei.Satomi Takahashi - 1955 - Tōkyō: Fukumura Shoten. Edited by Tōyō Nobechi.
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  35.  19
    Use of Stroop Test for Sports Psychology Study: Cross-Over Design Research.Shinji Takahashi & Philip M. Grove - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:614038.
    Background:In sports psychology research, the Stroop test and its derivations are commonly used to investigate the benefits of exercise on cognitive function. The measures of the Stroop test and the computed interference often have different interclass correlation coefficients (ICC). However, the ICC is never reported in cross-over designs involving multiple variances associated with individual differences.Objective:We investigated the ICC of the Stroop neutral and incongruent tests and interference (neutral test—incongruent test), and reverse Stroop task using the linear mixed model.Methods:Forty-eight young adults (...)
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  36. Watakushi no tetsugaku to jinseikan.Satomi Takahashi - 1951
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  37. Zentai no tachiba.Satomi Takahashi - 1943
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  38.  19
    Managing enzyme promiscuity in plant specialized metabolism: A lesson from flavonoid biosynthesis.Toshiyuki Waki, Seiji Takahashi & Toru Nakayama - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (3):2000164.
    Specificities of enzymes involved in plant specialized metabolism, including flavonoid biosynthesis, are generally promiscuous. This enzyme promiscuity has served as an evolutionary basis for new enzyme functions and metabolic pathways in land plants adapting to environmental challenges. This phenomenon may lead, however, to inefficiency in specialized metabolism and adversely affect metabolite‐mediated plant survival. How plants manage enzyme promiscuity for efficient specialized metabolism is, thus, an open question. Recent studies of flavonoid biosynthesis addressing this issue have revealed a conserved strategy, namely, (...)
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  39.  82
    The decision-making process for the fate of frozen embryos by Japanese infertile women: a qualitative study. [REVIEW]Shizuko Takahashi, Misao Fujita, Akihisa Fujimoto, Toshihiro Fujiwara, Tetsu Yano, Osamu Tsutsumi, Yuji Taketani & Akira Akabayashi - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):9-.
    BackgroundPrevious studies have found that the decision-making process for stored unused frozen embryos involves much emotional burden influenced by socio-cultural factors. This study aims to ascertain how Japanese patients make a decision on the fate of their frozen embryos: whether to continue storage discard or donate to research.MethodsTen Japanese women who continued storage, 5 who discarded and 16 who donated to research were recruited from our infertility clinic. Tape-recorded interviews were transcribed and analyzed for emergent themes.ResultsA model of patients’ decision-making (...)
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