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Silke Schicktanz [66]S. Schicktanz [2]
  1.  48
    The ethics of ‘public understanding of ethics’—why and how bioethics expertise should include public and patients’ voices.Silke Schicktanz, Mark Schweda & Brian Wynne - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (2):129-139.
    “Ethics” is used as a label for a new kind of expertise in the field of science and technology. At the same time, it is not clear what ethical expertise consists in and what its political status in modern democracies can be. Starting from the “participatory turn” in recent social research and policy, we will argue that bioethical reasoning has to include public views of and attitudes towards biomedicine. We will sketch the outlines of a bioethical conception of “public understanding (...)
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  2.  80
    Research across the disciplines: a road map for quality criteria in empirical ethics research.Marcel Mertz, Julia Inthorn, Günter Renz, Lillian Geza Rothenberger, Sabine Salloch, Jan Schildmann, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):17.
    Research in the field of Empirical Ethics (EE) uses a broad variety of empirical methodologies, such as surveys, interviews and observation, developed in disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, and psychology. Whereas these empirical disciplines see themselves as purely descriptive, EE also aims at normative reflection. Currently there is literature about the quality of empirical research in ethics, but little or no reflection on specific methodological aspects that must be considered when conducting interdisciplinary empirical ethics. Furthermore, poor methodology in an EE (...)
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  3.  55
    Understanding collective agency in bioethics.Katharina Beier, Isabella Jordan, Claudia Wiesemann & Silke Schicktanz - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):411-422.
    Bioethicists tend to focus on the individual as the relevant moral subject. Yet, in highly complex and socially differentiated healthcare systems a number of social groups, each committed to a common cause, are involved in medical decisions and sometimes even try to influence bioethical discourses according to their own agenda. We argue that the significance of these collective actors is unjustifiably neglected in bioethics. The growing influence of collective actors in the fields of biopolitics and bioethics leads us to pursue (...)
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  4. Governance quality indicators for organ procurement policies.David Rodríguez-Arias, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Ivar R. Hannikainen, Janet Delgado, Benjamin Söchtig, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2021 - PLoS ONE 16 (6):e0252686.
    Background Consent policies for post-mortem organ procurement (OP) vary throughout Europe, and yet no studies have empirically evaluated the ethical implications of contrasting consent models. To fill this gap, we introduce a novel indicator of governance quality based on the ideal of informed support, and examine national differences on this measure through a quantitative survey of OP policy informedness and preferences in seven European countries. -/- Methods Between 2017–2019, we conducted a convenience sample survey of students (n = 2006) in (...)
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  5.  61
    ‘In a completely different light’? The role of ‘being affected’ for the epistemic perspectives and moral attitudes of patients, relatives and lay people.Silke Schicktanz, Mark Schweda & Martina Franzen - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):57-72.
    In this paper, we explore and discuss the use of the concept of being affected in biomedical decision making processes in Germany. The corresponding German term ‘Betroffenheit’ characterizes on the one hand a relation between a state of affairs and a person and on the other an emotional reaction that involves feelings like concern and empathy with the suffering of others. An example for the increasing relevance of being affected is the postulation of the participation of people with disabilities and (...)
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  6.  31
    Aging 4.0? Rethinking the ethical framing of technology-assisted eldercare.Mark Schweda & Silke Schicktanz - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-19.
    Technological approaches are increasingly discussed as a solution for the provision of support in activities of daily living as well as in medical and nursing care for older people. The development and implementation of such assistive technologies for eldercare raise manifold ethical, legal, and social questions. The discussion of these questions is influenced by theoretical perspectives and approaches from medical and nursing ethics, especially the principlist framework of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. Tying in with previous criticism, the present contribution (...)
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  7.  74
    Epistemic injustice in dementia and autism patient organizations: An empirical analysis.Karin Jongsma, Elisabeth Spaeth & Silke Schicktanz - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (4):221-233.
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  8. The Diversity of Responsibility: The Value of Explication and Pluralization.Silke Schicktanz & Mark Schweda - 2012 - Medicine Studies 3 (3):131-145.
    Purpose Although the term “responsibility” plays a central role in bioethics and public health, its meaning and implications are often unclear. This paper defends the importance of a more systematic conception of responsibility to improve moral philosophical as well as descriptive analysis. Methods We start with a formal analysis of the relational conception of responsibility and its meta-ethical presuppositions. In a brief historical overview, we compare global-collective, professional, personal, and social responsibility. The value of our analytical matrix is illustrated by (...)
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  9. What German experts expect from individualized medicine: problems of uncertainty and future complication in physician–patient interaction.Arndt Heßling & Silke Schicktanz - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (2):86-93.
    ‘Individualized medicine’ is an emerging paradigm in clinical life science research. We conducted a socio-empirical interview study in a leading German clinical research group, aiming at implementing ‘individualized medicine’ of colorectal cancer. The goal was to investigate moral and social issues related to physician–patient interaction and clinical care, and to identify the points raised, supported and rejected by the physicians and researchers. Up to now there has been only limited insight into how experts dedicated to individualized medicine view its problems. (...)
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  10.  42
    What German experts expect from individualized medicine: problems of uncertainty and future complication in physician-patient interaction.A. Hessling & S. Schicktanz - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (2):86-93.
    ‘Individualized medicine’ is an emerging paradigm in clinical life science research. We conducted a socio-empirical interview study in a leading German clinical research group, aiming at implementing ‘individualized medicine’ of colorectal cancer. The goal was to investigate moral and social issues related to physician–patient interaction and clinical care, and to identify the points raised, supported and rejected by the physicians and researchers. Up to now there has been only limited insight into how experts dedicated to individualized medicine view its problems. (...)
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  11.  44
    Beyond cultural stereotyping: views on end-of-life decision making among religious and secular persons in the USA, Germany, and Israel.Mark Schweda, Silke Schicktanz, Aviad Raz & Anita Silvers - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):13.
    End-of-life decision making constitutes a major challenge for bioethical deliberation and political governance in modern democracies: On the one hand, it touches upon fundamental convictions about life, death, and the human condition. On the other, it is deeply rooted in religious traditions and historical experiences and thus shows great socio-cultural diversity. The bioethical discussion of such cultural issues oscillates between liberal individualism and cultural stereotyping. Our paper confronts the bioethical expert discourse with public moral attitudes. The paper is based on (...)
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  12.  29
    One For All, All For One? Collective Representation in Healthcare Policy.Karin Jongsma, Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty, Aviad Raz & Silke Schicktanz - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):337-340.
    Healthcare collectives, such as patient organizations, advocacy groups, disability organizations, professional associations, industry advocates, social movements, and health consumer organizations have been increasingly involved in healthcare policymaking. Such collectives are based on the idea that individual interests can be aggregated into collective interests by participation, deliberation, and representation. The topic of collectivity in healthcare, more specifically collective representation, has only rarely been addressed in bioethics. This symposium, entitled: “Collective Representation in Healthcare Policy” of the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry draws attention (...)
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  13.  32
    Medicine, market and communication: ethical considerations in regard to persuasive communication in direct-to-consumer genetic testing services.Manuel Schaper & Silke Schicktanz - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Commercial genetic testing offered over the internet, known as direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT), currently is under ethical attack. A common critique aims at the limited validation of the tests as well as the risk of psycho-social stress or adaption of incorrect behavior by users triggered by misleading health information. Here, we examine in detail the specific role of advertising communication of DTC GT companies from a medical ethical perspective. Our argumentative analysis departs from the starting point that DTC GT (...)
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  14.  35
    “What the patient wants…”: Lay attitudes towards end-of-life decisions in Germany and Israel.Julia Inthorn, Silke Schicktanz, Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty & Aviad Raz - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):329-340.
    National legislation, as well as arguments of experts, in Germany and Israel represent opposite regulatory approaches and positions in bioethical debates concerning end-of-life care. This study analyzes how these positions are mirrored in the attitudes of laypeople and influenced by the religious views and personal experiences of those affected. We qualitatively analyzed eight focus groups in Germany and Israel in which laypeople were asked to discuss similar scenarios involving the withholding or withdrawing of treatment, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia. In both (...)
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  15. Public knowledge and attitudes towards consent policies for organ donation in Europe. A systematic review.Alberto Molina-Pérez, David Rodríguez-Arias, Janet Delgado-Rodríguez, Myfanwy Morgan, Mihaela Frunza, Gurch Randhawa, Jeantine Reiger-Van de Wijdeven, Eline Schiks, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2019 - Transplantation Reviews 33 (1):1-8.
    Background: Several countries have recently changed their model of consent for organ donation from opt-in to opt-out. We undertook a systematic review to determine public knowledge and attitudes towards these models in Europe. Methods: Six databases were explored between 1 January 2008 and 15 December 2017. We selected empirical studies addressing either knowledge or attitudes towards the systems of consent for deceased organ donation by lay people in Europe, including students. Study selection, data extraction, and quality assessment were conducted by (...)
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  16. Erratum to: The ethics of 'public understanding of ethics'—why and how bioethics expertise should include public and patients' voices.Silke Schicktanz, Mark Schweda & Brian Wynne - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (2):251-251.
    “Ethics” is used as a label for a new kind of expertise in the field of science and technology. At the same time, it is not clear what ethical expertise consists in and what its political status in modern democracies can be. Starting from the “participatory turn” in recent social research and policy, we will argue that bioethical reasoning has to include public views of and attitudes towards biomedicine. We will sketch the outlines of a bioethical conception of “public understanding (...)
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  17.  88
    Zum Stellenwert von Betroffenheit, Öffentlichkeit und Deliberation im empirical turn der Medizinethik.Silke Schicktanz - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (3):223-234.
    Für die Medizinethik liegt ein großes Potential sozialempirischer Forschung in der Erhöhung der Kontextsensitivität, dem Sichtbarmachen von sozialen und institutionellen Rollen und dem Einbringen von Stimmen, die bislang zu wenig gehört worden sind. Diese Möglichkeiten bergen jedoch auch das Risiko, dass Deliberation und Argumentation durch Umfragen und Meinungserhebungen ersetzt werden. Der in den Sozialwissenschaften einsetzende participatory turn gibt Anlass, Anliegen und Methoden klassischer sozialempirischer Vorgehensweisen aus normativer Sicht zu hinterfragen. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Konzeptionen von Betroffenheit, Öffentlichkeit und Expertise ist nicht (...)
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  18.  25
    The emergence of temporality in attitudes towards cryo-fertility: a case study comparing German and Israeli social egg freezing users.Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty & Silke Schicktanz - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-26.
    Assistive reproductive technologies are increasingly used to control the biology of fertility and its temporality. Combining historical, theoretical, and socio-empirical insights, this paper aims at expanding our understanding of the way temporality emerges and is negotiated in the contemporary practice of cryopreservation of reproductive materials. We first present an historical overview of the practice of cryo-fertility to indicate the co-production of technology and social constructions of temporality. We then apply a theoretical framework for analysing cryobiology and cryopreservation technologies as creating (...)
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  19. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Ethikberatung im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie.Georg Marckmann, Gerald Neitzke, Annette Riedel, Silke Schicktanz, Jan Schildmann, Alfred Simon, Ralf Stoecker, Jochen Vollmann, Eva Winkler & Christin Zang - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (2):195-199.
    Das deutsche Gesundheitswesen steht durch die schnell steigende Anzahl an CO- VID-19-Erkrankten vor erheblichen Herausforderungen. In dieser Krisensituation sind alle Beteiligten mit ethischen Fragen konfrontiert, beispielsweise nach gerech- ten Verteilungskriterien bei begrenzten Ressourcen und dem gesundheitlichen Schutz des Personals angesichts einer bisher nicht therapierbaren Erkrankung. Daher werden schon jetzt klinische und ambulante Ethikberatungsangebote verstärkt mit Anfragen nach Unterstützung konfrontiert. Wie können Ethikberater*innen Entscheidungen in der Krankenversorgung im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie unterstützen? Welche Grenzen von Ethikberatung sind zu beachten? Bislang liegen hierzu (...)
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  20.  34
    Epistemische Gerechtigkeit. Sozialempirie und Perspektivenpluralismus in der Angewandten Ethik.Silke Schicktanz - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (2):269-283.
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  21.  44
    Addressing ethical challenges of disclosure in dementia prediction: limitations of current guidelines and suggestions to proceed.Zümrüt Alpinar-Sencan & Silke Schicktanz - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background Biomarker research is gaining increasing attention focusing on the preclinical stages of the disease. Such interest requires special attention for communication and disclosure in clinical contexts. Many countries give dementia a high health policy priority by developing national strategies and by improving guidelines addressing disclosure of a diagnosis; however, risk communication is often neglected. Main text This paper aims to identify the challenges of disclosure in the context of dementia prediction and to find out whether existing clinical guidelines sufficiently (...)
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  22. The Cultural Context of End-of-Life Ethics: A Comparison of Germany and Israel.Silke Schicktanz, Aviad Raz & Carmel Shalev - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):381-394.
    End-of-life decisions concerning euthanasia, stopping life-support machines, or handling advance directives are very complex and highly disputed in industrialized, democratic countries. A main controversy is how to balance the patient’s autonomy and right to self-determination with the doctor’s duty to save life and the value of life as such. These EoL dilemmas are closely linked to legal, medical, religious, and bioethical discourses. In this paper, we examine and deconstruct these linkages in Germany and Israel, moving beyond one-dimensional constructions of ethical (...)
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  23.  45
    Failed surrogate conceptions: social and ethical aspects of preconception disruptions during commercial surrogacy in India.Sayani Mitra & Silke Schicktanz - 2016 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 11:9.
    BackgroundDuring a commercial surrogacy arrangement, the event of embryo transfer can be seen as the formal starting point of the arrangement. However, it is common for surrogates to undergo a failed attempt at pregnancy conception or missed conception after an embryo transfer. This paper attempts to argue that such failed attempts can be understood as a loss. It aims to reconstruct the experiences of loss and grief of the surrogates and the intended parents as a consequence of their collective failure (...)
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  24.  73
    Public Moralities Concerning Donation and Disposition of Organs: Results from a Cross-European Study.Mark Schweda & Silke Schicktanz - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (3):308-317.
    There are not many international consensuses in the governance of biomedicine. One that exists concerns a general reluctance toward a commercialization of organ procurement. However, with reference to the problem of there is an increasingly louder call in ethical and legal discourse to and to establish a debate on financial incentives Other ethicists and jurists criticize this development, and warn of injustice, exploitation of the poor, and a commodification of the human body.
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  25.  51
    "One man's trash is another man's treasure": exploring economic and moral subtexts of the "organ shortage" problem in public views on organ donation.S. Schicktanz & M. Schweda - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8):473-476.
    The debate over financial incentives and market models for organ procurement represents a key trend in recent bioethics. In this paper, we wish to reassess one of its central premises—the idea of organ shortage. While the problem is often presented as an objective statistical fact that can be taken for granted, we will take a closer look at the underlying framework expressed in the common rhetoric of “scarcity”, “shortage” or “unfulfilled demand”. On the basis of theoretical considerations as well as (...)
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  26. The "spare parts person"? Conceptions of the human body and their implications for public attitudes towards organ donation and organ sale.Mark Schweda & Silke Schicktanz - 2009 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 4:4-.
    BackgroundThe increasing debate on financial incentives for organ donation raises concerns about a "commodification of the human body". Philosophical-ethical stances on this development depend on assumptions concerning the body and how people think about it. In our qualitative empirical study we analyze public attitudes towards organ donation in their specific relation to conceptions of the human body in four European countries (Cyprus, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden). This approach aims at a more context-sensitive picture of what "commodification of the body" (...)
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  27.  48
    Why Public Moralities Matter—The Relevance of Socioempirical Premises for the Ethical Debate on Organ Markets.Mark Schweda & Silke Schicktanz - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (3):217-222.
    The ongoing bioethical debate about organ markets rests not only on theoretical premises, but also on assumptions regarding public views of and attitudes toward organ donation that need closer socioempirical examination. Summarizing results from our previous qualitative social research in this field, this paper illustrates the ethical significance of such public moralities in two respects: On one hand, it analyzes the implicit bias of the common rhetoric of “organ scarcity” which motivates much of the commercialization debate. On the other hand, (...)
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  28.  28
    Patient Representation and Advocacy for Alzheimer Disease in Germany and Israel.Silke Schicktanz, Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty, Aviad Raz & Karin Jongsma - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):369-380.
    This paper analyses self-declared aims and representation of dementia patient organizations and advocacy groups in relation to two recent upheavals: the critique of social stigmatization and biomedical research focusing on prediction. Based on twenty-six semi-structured interviews conducted in 2016–2017 with members, service recipients, and board representatives of POs in Germany and Israel, a comparative analysis was conducted, based on a grounded theory approach, to detect emerging topics within and across the POs and across national contexts. We identified a heterogeneous landscape, (...)
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  29.  21
    Patient Representation: Mind the Gap Between Individual and Collective Claims.Karin R. Jongsma & Silke Schicktanz - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (4):28-30.
    With the increasing attention paid to patient participation in both health care policy-making and health care research, McCoy and colleagues (2020) point to a key ethical issue, namely the quest fo...
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    Cross-Cultural Comparisons on Surrogacy and Egg Donation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives From India, Germany and Israel.Sayani Mitra, Silke Schicktanz & Tulsi Patel (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is the first to bring together an interdisciplinary collection of essays on surrogacy and egg donation from three socially, legally and culturally distinct countries - India, Israel and Germany. It presents contributions from experts in the field of social and cultural sciences, bioethics, law as well as psychology and provides critical-reflective comparative analysis of the socio-ethical factors shaping surrogacy and egg donation practices across these three countries. This book highlights the importance of a comparative perspective to ‘make sense’ (...)
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  31.  64
    Exploring the Positions of German and Israeli Patient Organizations in the Bioethical Context of End-of-Life Policies.Aviad Raz, Isabella Jordan & Silke Schicktanz - 2014 - Health Care Analysis 22 (2):143-159.
    Patient organizations are increasingly involved in national and international bioethical debates and health policy deliberations. In order to examine how and to what extent cultural factors and organizational contexts influence the positions of patient organizations, this study compares the positions of German and Israeli patient organizations (POs) on issues related to end-of-life medical care. We draw on a qualitative pilot study of thirteen POs, using as a unit of analysis pairs comprised of one German PO and one Israeli PO that (...)
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  32.  39
    Impact of gender and professional education on attitudes towards financial incentives for organ donation: results of a survey among 755 students of medicine and economics in Germany.Julia Inthorn, Sabine Wöhlke, Fabian Schmidt & Silke Schicktanz - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):56.
    There is an ongoing expert debate with regard to financial incentives in order to increase organ supply. However, there is a lacuna of empirical studies on whether citizens would actually support financial incentives for organ donation.
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  33.  87
    Why the way we consider the body matters – Reflections on four bioethical perspectives on the human body.Silke Schicktanz - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:30.
    Within the context of applied bioethical reasoning, various conceptions of the human body are focused upon by the author in relation to normative notions of autonomy.
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  34.  86
    Medizinethik und Empirie – Standortbestimmungen eines spannungsreichen Verhältnisses.Silke Schicktanz & Jan Schildmann - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (3):183-186.
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  35. Ethical considerations of the human–animal-relationship under conditions of asymmetry and ambivalence.Silke Schicktanz - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (1):7-16.
    Ethical reflection deals not only with the moral standing and handling of animals, it should also include a critical analysis of the underlying relationship. Anthropological, psychological, and sociological aspects of the human–animal-relationship should be taken into account. Two conditions, asymmetry and ambivalence, are taken as the historical and empirical basis for reflections on the human–animal-relationship in late modern societies. These conditions explain the variety of moral practice, apart from paradoxes, and provide a framework to systematize animal ethical problems in a (...)
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  36.  32
    Physicians’ communication patterns for motivating rectal cancer patients to biomarker research: Empirical insights and ethical issues.Sabine Wöhlke, Julia Perry & Silke Schicktanz - 2018 - Clinical Ethics 13 (4):175-188.
    In clinical research – whether pharmaceutical, genetic or biomarker research – it is important to protect research participants’ autonomy and to ensure or strengthen their control over health-related decisions. Empirical–ethical studies have argued that both the ethical concept and the current legalistic practice of informed consent should be adapted to the complexity of the clinical environment. For this, a better understanding of recruitment, for which also the physician–patient relationship plays an important role, is needed.Our aim is to ethically reflect communication (...)
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    Critical analysis of communication strategies in public health promotion: An empirical‐ethical study on organ donation in Germany.Solveig Lena Hansen, Larissa Pfaller & Silke Schicktanz - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (2):161-172.
    Given the need for organs, public organizations use social marketing strategies to increase the number of donors. Their campaigns employ a variety of moral appeals. However, their effects on audiences are unclear. We identified 14 campaigns in Germany from over the last 20 years. Our approach combined a multimodal analysis of categorized posters with a qualitative analysis of responses, collected in interviews or focus groups, of 53 persons who were either skeptical or undecided about organ donation. The combined analyses revealed (...)
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  38.  27
    Bioethics and the argumentative legacy of atrocities in medical history: Reflections on a complex relationship.Silke Schicktanz, Susanne Michl & Heiko Stoff - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):499-507.
    Slippery slope‐, taboo‐breaking‐ or Nazi‐analogy‐arguments are common, but not uncontroversial examples of the complex relationship between bioethics and the various ways of using historical arguments in these debates. In our analysis we examine first the relationship between bioethics and medical history both as separate disciplines and as argumentative practices. Secondly, we then analyse six common types of historical arguments in bioethics (slippery slope‐, analogy‐, continuity‐, knockout/taboo‐, ethical progress‐ and accomplice‐arguments), some as arguments within the academic debate of bioethics, others as (...)
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    Planning later life with dementia: comparing family caregivers’ perspectives on biomarkers with laypersons’ attitudes towards genetic testing of dementia prediction.Zümrüt Alpinar-Sencan, Leopold Lohmeyer & Silke Schicktanz - 2020 - New Genetics and Society 39 (1):52-79.
    Predictive medicine presents opportunities to consider later life under conditions of illness, such as dementia. This paper examines how family caregivers (N = 27) assess the opportunity of prediction and early diagnosis of dementia for oneself based on their particular experience. Furthermore, it compares their attitudes with laypersons’ attitudes (N = 43) towards genetic testing of APOE. By this, we elaborate how much personal experience impacts anticipation and affects, but also moral attitudes towards predictive medicine. Differences in our settings do (...)
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  40.  38
    Nachdenken im Kinosessel? Bioethische Reflexion durch Filme als eine neue Möglichkeit der Diskussion von Standpunkten und Betroffenheit.Sabine Wöhlke, Solveig Lena Hansen & Silke Schicktanz - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (1):1-8.
    ZusammenfassungIm Spielfilm Never Let Me Go werden Klone als vulnerable und heteronome Individuen dargestellt, die zur anonymen Organspende gezwungen werden. In diesem Beitrag wird die Darstellung dieser Figuren in ihrer individuellen Entwicklung und gesellschaftlichen Sozialisation unter der Frage untersucht, welche Bezüge sich zu bioethischen Aspekten ergeben. Die Klone befinden sich in einer Situation der „privilegierten Deprivation“: Aus Sicht der Zuschauer sind sie sozial benachteiligt und können sich nicht zu komplett autonomen Wesen entwickeln, aber aus ihrer eigenen Perspektive sind sie im (...)
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  41.  49
    Cross-cultural perspectives on intelligent assistive technology in dementia care: comparing Israeli and German experts’ attitudes.Hanan AboJabel, Johannes Welsch & Silke Schicktanz - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    Background Despite the great benefits of intelligent assistive technology (IAT) for dementia care – for example, the enhanced safety and increased independence of people with dementia and their caregivers – its practical adoption is still limited. The social and ethical issues pertaining to IAT in dementia care, shaped by factors such as culture, may explain these limitations. However, most studies have focused on understanding these issues within one cultural setting only. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore and (...)
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  42.  52
    Zwischen Selbst-Deutung und Interpretation durch Dritte:: Zum Wechselverhältnis von soziokulturellen und ethischen Aspekten von Patientenverfügungen.Silke Schicktanz - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):181-190.
    ZusammenfassungDie enorme Bedeutung, die Patientenverfügungen in der aktuellen ethisch-rechtlichen Diskussion zukommt, steht in gewissem Widerspruch zur geringen öffentlichen Bereitschaft, eine solche abzufassen. Dies wirft die ethische Frage auf, welche Argumente für das Abfassen von Patientenverfügungen sprechen. Zentral sind hierbei strebensethische Aspekte, die auf das Wünschenswerte und Lebenskluge einer solchen Entscheidung abheben. Mit einem um die soziokulturelle Perspektive erweiterten Identitätskonzept lässt sich für die Patientenverfügung als sinnvolles Instrument der Selbst-Deutung und Lebensplanung argumentieren. Zugleich verweist die soziokulturelle Dimension auf neue ethische Probleme (...)
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    “I would rather have it done by a doctor”—laypeople’s perceptions of direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT) and its ethical implications.Manuel Schaper, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):31-40.
    Direct-to-consumer genetic testing has been available for several years now, with varying degrees of regulation across different countries. Despite a restrictive legal framework it is possible for consumers to order genetic tests from companies located in other countries. However, German laypeople’s awareness and perceptions of DTC GT services is still unexplored. We conducted seven focus groups with German laypeople to explore their perceptions of and attitudes towards commercial genetic testing and its ethical implications. Participants were critical towards DTC GT. Criticism (...)
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    Kollektivität im Gesundheitswesen: Ethische Theorien und Praxisfelder von Gruppen als Akteuren: Anlässlich der Jahrestagung der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin 2019 in Göttingen.Silke Schicktanz - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (2):109-111.
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  45. Should the family have a role in deceased organ donation decision-making? A systematic review of public knowledge and attitudes towards organ procurement policies in Europe.Alberto Molina-Pérez, Janet Delgado, Mihaela Frunza, Myfanwy Morgan, Gurch Randhawa, Jeantine Reiger-Van de Wijdeven, Silke Schicktanz, Eline Schiks, Sabine Wöhlke & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2022 - Transplantation Reviews 36 (1).
    Goal: To assess public knowledge and attitudes towards the family’s role in deceased organ donation in Europe. -/- Methods: A systematic search was conducted in CINHAL, MEDLINE, PAIS Index, Scopus, PsycINFO, and Web of Science on December 15th, 2017. Eligibility criteria were socio-empirical studies conducted in Europe from 2008 to 2017 addressing either knowledge or attitudes by the public towards the consent system, including the involvement of the family in the decision-making process, for post-mortem organ retrieval. Screening and data collection (...)
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    Xenotransplantation.Silke Schicktanz - 2018 - In Johann S. Ach & Dagmar Borchers (eds.), Handbuch Tierethik: Grundlagen – Kontexte – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. pp. 288-294.
    Als Xenotransplantation werden medizinische Interventionen bezeichnet, die die Transplantation oder Infusion lebender tierischer Zellen, Gewebe oder Organe in den Menschen beinhalten. Der Begriff schließt auch all jene Maßnahmen ein, in denen menschliche Körperflüssigkeiten, Zellen, Gewebe oder Organe exvivo in Kontakt mit lebenden tierischen Zellen, Gewebe oder Organen kommen. Im weiteren Sinne steht der Begriff Xenotransplantation für jede Form von artenübergreifender Transplantation.Der in der biomedizinischen Forschung seit Ende der 1990er Jahre vorrangig verfolgte Ansatz der Xenotransplantation zielt darauf ab, Schweine als Organquelle (...)
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    The Concept of “Genetic Responsibility” and Its Meanings: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Medical Sociology Literature.Jon Leefmann, Manuel Schaper & Silke Schicktanz - 2017 - Frontiers in Sociology 18 (1):1-22.
    The acquisition of genetic information (GI) confronts both the affected individuals and healthcare providers with difficult, ambivalent decisions. Genetic responsibility (GR) has become a key concept in both ethical and socioempirical literature addressing how and by whom decision-making with respect to the morality of GI is approached. However, despite its prominence, the precise meaning of the concept of GR remains vague. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature review on the usage of the concept of GR in qualitative, socioempirical studies, to (...)
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  48. Individual benefits and collective challenges: Experts’ views on data-driven approaches in medical research and healthcare in the German context.Silke Schicktanz & Lorina Buhr - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Healthcare provision, like many other sectors of society, is undergoing major changes due to the increased use of data-driven methods and technologies. This increased reliance on big data in medicine can lead to shifts in the norms that guide healthcare providers and patients. Continuous critical normative reflection is called for to track such potential changes. This article presents the results of an interview-based study with 20 German and Swiss experts from the fields of medicine, life science research, informatics and humanities (...)
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    When it gets personal in “personalised medicine”: clinical researchers’ and patients’ perspectives on counseling and communication in an empirical–ethical comparison.Sabine Wöhlke, Arndt Heßling & Silke Schicktanz - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (3):215-222.
    ZusammenfassungDas Paradigma einer „personalisierten Medizin“ in der klinischen Forschung und Praxis wirft verschiedene Fragen nach Notwendigkeit, Erwartung, Chancen und Risiken auf. In einer laufenden empirisch-ethischen Studie untersuchen wir klinische Forscher- und Patientenperspektiven hinsichtlich des zukünftigen Einsatzes „personalisierter Medizin“ beim Rektumkarzinom. Ziel der Studie ist es, mittels Interviews mit Ärzten/forschern und Patienten und teilnehmender Beobachtung bei Arzt-Patient-Gesprächen ethisch relevante Aspekte der Erforschung und Behandlung im Kontext „personalisierter Medizin“ zu explorieren. Die Analyse von Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den Gruppierungen dient der Detektion (...)
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    Exploring the Ethical Issues in Organ Transplantation.Solveig Lena Hansen & Silke Schicktanz - 2021 - In Solveig Lena Hansen & Silke Schicktanz (eds.), Ethical Challenges of Organ Transplantation. Transcript Verlag. pp. 11-20.
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