Results for 'S. Rai'

962 found
  1.  49
    Reversible Heat Engines: Bounds on Estimated Efficiency from Inference.Ramandeep S. Johal, Renuka Rai & Günter Mahler - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (2):158-170.
    We consider work extraction from two finite reservoirs with constant heat capacity, when the thermodynamic coordinates of the process are not fully specified, i.e., are described by probabilities only. Incomplete information refers to both the specific value of the temperature as well as the label of the reservoir to which it is assigned. Based on the concept of inference, we characterize the reduced performance resulting from this lack of control. Indeed, the estimates for the average efficiency reveal that uncertainty regarding (...)
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    A House Divided: The Origin and Development of Hindi/Hindavi.R. S. McGregor & Amrit Rai - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):198.
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    Medical ethics and the elderly.G. S. Rai, Gurdeep S. Rai & Iva Blackman (eds.) - 2014 - London: Radcliffe Publishing.
    The Fourth Edition of this bestselling, highly regarded book has been fully revised to incorporate changes in law and clinical guidance making a vital impact on patient management, encompassing: The Equalities Act 2010 which provides a right of older people to treatment without discrimination ; Case law on withdrawing nutrition and hydration ; Updated guidance on resuscitation from the Resuscitation Council, the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Nursing ; The redefining of good medical practice by the General (...)
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    Moral Principles or Consumer Preferences? Alternative Framings of the Trolley Problem.Tage S. Rai & Keith J. Holyoak - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (2):311-321.
    We created paired moral dilemmas with minimal contrasts in wording, a research strategy that has been advocated as a way to empirically establish principles operative in a domain‐specific moral psychology. However, the candidate “principles” we tested were not derived from work in moral philosophy, but rather from work in the areas of consumer choice and risk perception. Participants were paradoxically less likely to choose an action that sacrifices one life to save others when they were asked to provide more reasons (...)
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    ODD (observation-and description-deprived) psychological research.Tage S. Rai & Alan Fiske - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):106-107.
    Most psychological research consists of experiments that put people in artificial situations that elicit unnatural behavior whose ecological validity is unknown. Without knowing the psychocultural meaning of experimental situations, we cannot interpret the responses of WEIRD people, let alone people in other cultures. Psychology, like other sciences, needs to be solidly rooted in naturalistic observation and description of people around the world. Theory should be inductively developed and tested against real-world behavior.
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  6. Ennoiai, ideai, skepseis apo ton Timaion tou Platōnos.Angelos B. Mōraïtidēs - 1968
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    Rational Hypocrisy: A Bayesian Analysis Based on Informal Argumentation and Slippery Slopes.Tage S. Rai & Keith J. Holyoak - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (7):1456-1467.
    Moral hypocrisy is typically viewed as an ethical accusation: Someone is applying different moral standards to essentially identical cases, dishonestly claiming that one action is acceptable while otherwise equivalent actions are not. We suggest that in some instances the apparent logical inconsistency stems from different evaluations of a weak argument, rather than dishonesty per se. Extending Corner, Hahn, and Oaksford's (2006) analysis of slippery slope arguments, we develop a Bayesian framework in which accusations of hypocrisy depend on inferences of shared (...)
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    The Promise of Monsters.Amit S. Rai - 2005 - International Studies in Philosophy 37 (2):81-93.
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    The Vālamīki-RāmāyaṇaThe Valamiki-Ramayana.V. S. Agrawala, Rai Krishnadasa & G. H. Bhatt - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):577.
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  10. The Origin of Life: Individuation and Evolutionism.V. S. Rai - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 66:57-72.
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    Ekzystent︠s︡ialʹna filosofii︠a︡: tradyt︠s︡ii︠a︡ i perspektyvy.K. I︠U︡ Raĭda - 2009 - Kyïv: Vydavet︠s︡ʹ Parapan.
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    Introduction: Sharing Data in a Medical Information Commons.Amy L. McGuire, Mary A. Majumder, Angela G. Villanueva, Jessica Bardill, Juli M. Bollinger, Eric Boerwinkle, Tania Bubela, Patricia A. Deverka, Barbara J. Evans, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, David Glazer, Melissa M. Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Scott D. Kahn, Bartha M. Knoppers, Barbara A. Koenig, J. Mark Lambright, John E. Mattison, Christopher O'Donnell, Arti K. Rai, Laura L. Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, Sharon F. Terry, Adrian M. Thorogood, Michael S. Watson, John T. Wilbanks & Robert Cook-Deegan - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):12-20.
    Drawing on a landscape analysis of existing data-sharing initiatives, in-depth interviews with expert stakeholders, and public deliberations with community advisory panels across the U.S., we describe features of the evolving medical information commons. We identify participant-centricity and trustworthiness as the most important features of an MIC and discuss the implications for those seeking to create a sustainable, useful, and widely available collection of linked resources for research and other purposes.
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  13. Roli︠a︡ta na esteticheskoto vŭzpitanie v sferata na bita: materiali ot nauch.-prakt. konf., provedena vŭv V. Tŭrnovo na 7.II.1979 g. s nauch. rŭkovoditel Raĭna Pesheva.Raĭna Pesheva (ed.) - 1979 - Sofii︠a︡: OF.
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    The Effect of Fear of COVID-19 on Green Purchase Behavior in Pakistan: A Multi-Group Analysis Between Infected and Non-infected.Kubra S. Sajid, Shahbaz Hussain, Rai I. Hussain & Bakhtawar Mustafa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and its effects on an individual’s life have altered the consumer behavior. In the context of purchase and consumption, a shift from conventional to green purchase has been noticed. Although the factors underlying this shift were relatively unexplored, the study aimed to identify the factors that influenced a significant role in the green purchases during the outbreak and the relationship of these factors with green purchase behavior. Subsequently, this study investigates and interprets the role of (...)
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  15. Teaching environmental ethics as a method of conflict management.Gary Varner, S. J. Gilbertz & Tarla Rai Peterson - 1996 - In Eric Katz & Andrew Light (eds.), Environmental Pragmatism. Routledge.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ta v krai︠a︡ na XX vek: besedi s Pol Rikʹor, Richard Rorti, Enrike Di︠u︡sel, Rikhard Viser..Ivanka Raĭnova - 1995 - Pleven: Izd-vo EA.
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  17. Istoryko-filosofsʹke doslidz︠h︡enni︠a︡ postekzystent︠s︡ialistsʹkoho myslenni︠a︡.K. I︠U︡ Raĭda - 1998 - Kyïv: Ukraïnsʹkyĭ t︠s︡entr dukhovnoï kulʹtury.
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  18. Ocherki po istorii ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnoĭ idei v Rossii do Darvina.Boris Evgenʹevich Raĭkov - 1947
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    Pharmacogenetic interventions, orphan drugs, and distributive justice: The role of cost-benefit analysis.Arti Rai - 2002 - Social Philosophy and Policy 19 (2):246-270.
    With the human genome mapped, and with the mapping of more than one hundred animal genomes in progress, the amount of genetic data available is increasing exponentially. This exponential increase in data is having an immediate impact on the process of drug development. By using techniques of information technology to manipulate data regarding the genes, proteins, and biochemical pathways associated with various diseases, scientists are beginning to be able to design drugs in a systematic fashion. In the context of any (...)
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  20.  20
    The influence of disability on suicidal behaviour.Howard Meltzer, Traolach Brugha, Michael S. Dennis, Angela Hassiotis, Rachel Jenkins, Sally McManus, Deeraj Rai & Paul Bebbington - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (1):1-12.
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    Ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnyĭ rat︠s︡ionalizm: iskusstvo, soznanie, psikhoterapii︠a︡.V. L. Raĭkov - 2003 - Moskva: MID "Sinergii︠a︡".
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    Jefferson's yeoman farmer as frontier hero a self defeating mythic structure.Tarla Rai Peterson - 1990 - Agriculture and Human Values 7 (1):9-19.
    American agrarianism, as informed by the frontier myth, has provided fundamental inventional resources for agricultural rhetoric. These myths have deflected farmers from positive adaptation, reinforcing instead the self-image of a hero victimized by circumstances. Critical examination of these independent myths reveals their literalized status as well as inconsistencies with fundamental agricultural goals.
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    Theoretical analysis of the electronic, optical and thermal properties of lead strontium telluride alloys Pb1−xSrxTe.F. Chouit, C. Sifi, M. Slimani, H. Meradji, S. Ghemid, R. Khenata, D. P. Rai & S. Bin Omran - 2018 - Philosophical Magazine 98 (4):295-311.
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  24.  12
    Gender Class and Representation.Shirin M. Rai & Catherine Hoskyns - 1998 - European Journal of Women's Studies 5 (3-4):345-365.
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  25.  16
    _Sêrat Bayanullah: A study of Raden Panji Natarata's thoughts on Javanese Sufism through classical Javanese literature_.Mila I. Rahmawati, Wakit A. Rais & Prasetyo A. W. Wibowo - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    This study describes Raden Panji Natarata's thoughts as a humanist, poet and religious scholar who thinks that the concepts of Javanese Sufism and Islamic Sufism are two contradictory ideas. Raden Panji Natarata describes his ideas through the medium of têmbang macapat (Javanese song) in a classic Javanese literature entitled Sêrat Bayanullah. Sêrat Bayanullah, which is used as a source of data for this research, is a collection of the Pura Mangkunegaran library, Surakarta, with catalogue number A-393. The scope of this (...)
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  26.  13
    Bezdnata na samostta i otbli︠a︡sŭt︠s︡ite na absoli︠u︡tnoto: kŭm khermenevtikata na fenomenologicheskite t︠s︡ennostni teorii.Ivanka Raĭnova - 2019 - Vienna: Axia Academic Publishers.
    After the end of the era of "absolute idealism", philosophy is falling into a sort of "identity crisis," which requires the constant rethinking of its essence as a specific type of knowledge, and also of its subject and method. As a result of the attempts to "save" philosophy, meta-physics was replaced by ontology, the absolute - by the attempts of an "open system" and/or integral thinking, and the place of the identity of truth, good and beautiful were taken by axiology. (...)
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  27.  8
    Globalizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ta: filosofski i sot︠s︡iologicheski aspekti.Vikhren Buzov & Ivan Raĭchev (eds.) - 2010 - Veliko Tŭrnovo: UI " Kiril I Metodiĭ".
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    Choosing Death Over Survival: A Need to Identify Evolutionary Mechanisms Underlying Human Suicide.Diya Chatterjee & Rishabh Rai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:689022.
    The act of killing self contradicts the central purpose of human evolution, that is, survival and propagation of one’s genetic material. Yet, it continues to be one of the leading causes of human death. A handful of theories in the realm of evolutionary psychology have attempted to explain human suicide. The current article analyses the major components of certain prominent viewpoints, namely, Inclusive fitness, Bargaining model, Pain-Brain model, Psychological aposematism, and few other perspectives. The article argues that relatively more weightage (...)
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  29. Sot︠s︡ialʹnye problemy i faktory intensifikat︠s︡ii nauchnoĭ dei︠a︡telʹnosti: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. A. I︠A︡dov & D. D. Raĭkova (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Simone de Beauvoir: 50 Jahre nach dem Anderen Geschlecht.Ivanka Raĭnova & Suzanne Moser (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Kaum ein Buch hat so viele und so kontroverse Reaktionen verursacht wie Simone de Beauvoirs "Das Andere Geschlecht". Der Sammelband gibt einen Einblick in die aktuelle internationale Beauvoir-Debatte und die Art und Weise wie das fünfzigjährige Jubiläum des "Anderen Geschlechts" gefeiert wurde. Die Autorinnen versuchen die verschiedenen Grundthemen von Beauvoirs Werk, wie Geschlecht und Körper (D. Lamoureux, M. Couillard, M. L. Femenías), Gleichheit und Differenz (S. Kruks, Y. Raynova, S. Bainbrigge), Ausschluss und Anerkennung (D. Bergoffen, S. Moser), Verantwortung und Engagement (...)
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    Fear and Violence as Organizational Strategies: The Possibility of a Derridean Lens to Analyze Extra-judicial Police Violence.Srinath Jagannathan, Rajnish Rai & Christophe Jaffrelot - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (3):465-484.
    Governments and majoritarian political formations often present police violence as nationalist media spectacles, which marginalize the rights of the accused and normalize the discourse of majoritarian nationalism. In this study, we explore the public discourse of how the State and political actors repeatedly labeled a college-going student Ishrat Jahan, who died in a stage-managed police killing in India in 2004, as a terrorist. We draw from Derrida’s ethics of unconditional hospitality to show that while police violence is aimed at constructing (...)
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  32.  22
    Taking the Long Way Around: Towards A Depathologized Ethical Framework of Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth.Navin Kariyawasam & Nanky Rai - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):926-937.
    Political debate regarding trans youth’s access to gender-affirming care (GAC) has pushed many to advocate for GAC by pointing to tragic, pathological outcomes of non-treatment, namely suicide. However, these pathologized arguments are a harmful ethical “shortcut” which should be replaced by a meaningful engagement with the ethics of providing GAC to youth.
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    A Triad Approach to Best Interests when Responding to Discharge Demands from Hospitalized Patients Lacking in Mental Capacity to Decide on Treatment.See Muah Lee, Nydia Camelia Mohd Rais & Gerard Porter - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):129-139.
    Hospitalized patients lacking the mental capacity to consent to treatment may demand to be discharged from the hospital against medical advice. Forced custody of these patients, including the use of restraints, may be required if the plan is to proceed with treatment. This raises ethical concerns with regard to depriving people of their liberty. The determination of the wishes and values of the patient and her best interests may sometimes vary, depending on the assessor or the clinical team entrusted to (...)
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    Wayang Kamasan Painting and Its Development in Bali’s Handicrafts.I. Wayan Mudra, Anak Agung Gede Rai Remawa & I. Komang Arba Wirawan - 2020 - Cultura 17 (1):139-157.
    The puppet arts in Bali can be found in the wayang Kamasan painting at Kamasan Village, Klungkung Regency. This painting inspired the creation and development of new handicraft in Bali. The objectives this research: 1. To find the wayang Kamasan painting in Klungkung Regency; 2. To find the development of handicraft types in Bali inspired by wayang Kamasan painting. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach, and data collection by observation, interview, and documentation. The results that wayang Kamasan painting is (...)
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    Why Do We Need to Discuss the Practice of Veiling?Reetu Jaiswal & Puja Rai - forthcoming - Sophia:1-20.
    Veiling is one of the sources of seclusion of women from and within society. _Ghūnghat_ (_avagunṭhana, purdāh_) or veiling is primarily associated with covering one’s face which performs various functions. The rationale for veiling could be that it becomes a source of refuge to women from the gaze of others, sometimes providing them with a place of their own, without any interference from others, maintains their respectability and _mān_ or _izzat_ (honour), and becomes a sign of their modesty in society. (...)
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  36.  16
    Aesthetic and Space Concept of Visual Composition in Interior and Architecture of Bali Madya Dwelling.A. Gede Rai Remawa, Imam Santosa & Biranul Anas Zaman - 2013 - Cultura 10 (2):157-168.
    Global era is an era of acculturation which may surface difficulties due to the tendency of becoming global chaos that may influence people’s thought. Everyonehas their own views and has made changes with their own worldview perception; hybrid and heterodox. Changes without wisdom will eliminate local elements.This phenomenon has influenced myriad forms of visual composition and architecture of Bali Madya dwelling. Balinese culture has gone through various changes since Rsi Markandeya in the 9th century, Empu Kuturan in the 10th century (...)
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    Aesthetic and Space Concept of Visual Composition in Interior and Architecture of Bali Madya Dwelling.A. A. Gede Rai Remawa, Imam Santosa & Biranul Anas Zaman - 2013 - Cultura 10 (2):157-168.
    Global era is an era of acculturation which may surface difficulties due to the tendency of becoming global chaos that may influence people’s thought. Everyonehas their own views and has made changes with their own worldview perception; hybrid and heterodox. Changes without wisdom will eliminate local elements.This phenomenon has influenced myriad forms of visual composition and architecture of Bali Madya dwelling. Balinese culture has gone through various changes since Rsi Markandeya in the 9th century, Empu Kuturan in the 10th century (...)
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  38. Ego, Egoism and the Impact of Religion on Ethical Experience: What a Paradoxical Consequence of Buddhist Culture Tells Us About Moral Psychology.Jay L. Garfield, Shaun Nichols, Arun K. Rai & Nina Strohminger - 2015 - The Journal of Ethics 19 (3-4):293-304.
    We discuss the structure of Buddhist theory, showing that it is a kind of moral phenomenology directed to the elimination of egoism through the elimination of a sense of self. We then ask whether being raised in a Buddhist culture in which the values of selflessness and the sense of non-self are so deeply embedded transforms one’s sense of who one is, one’s ethical attitudes and one’s attitude towards death, and in particular whether those transformations are consistent with the predictions (...)
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  39.  6
    Lettres intimes.Dominique Mougel, René Mougel, Michel Fourcade, Sylvain Guéna, Jacques Maritain & Raïssa Maritain (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Desclée De Brouwer.
    Tout ce qui est dans l'oeuvre de Jacques, nous l'avons d'abord vécu à l'état de difficulté vitale et d'expérience, - les questions de l'art et de la morale, de la philosophie, de la foi, de la prière, de la contemplation. Cela nous a d'abord été donné à vivre, à chacun selon sa nature et la grâce de Dieu », notait Raïssa en 1934. Cette correspondance confirme le propos, qui nous fait pénétrer dans « l'amour fou » de deux vies données (...)
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  40. Pedagogicheskie idei Abu Raĭkhana Beruni.Z. G. Nurutdinova & S. R. Radzhabov - 1989 - Tashkent: Izd-vo "Fan" Uzbekskoĭ SSR. Edited by S. R. Radzhabov.
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    A Right to Privacy and Confidentiality: Ethical Medical Care for Patients in United States Immigration Detention.Amanda M. Gutierrez, Jacob D. Hofstetter, Emma L. Dishner, Elizabeth Chiao, Dilreet Rai & Amy L. McGuire - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):161-168.
    Recently, John Doe, an undocumented immigrant who was detained by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, was admitted to a hospital off-site from a detention facility. Custodial officers accompanied Mr. Doe into the exam room and refused to leave as physicians examined him. In this analysis, we examine the ethical dilemmas this case brings to light concerning the treatment of patients in immigration detention and their rights to privacy. We analyze what US law and immigration detention standards allow regarding immigration (...)
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    Rethinking gender mainstreaming in agricultural innovation policy in Nepal: a critical gender analysis.Rachana Devkota, Laxmi Prasad Pant, Helen Hambly Odame, Bimala Rai Paudyal & Kelly Bronson - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1373-1390.
    Gender mainstreaming has been prioritised within the national agricultural policies of many countries, including Nepal. Yet gender mainstreaming at the national policy level does not always work to effect change when policies are implemented at the local scale. In less-developed nations such as Nepal, it is rare to find a critical analysis of the mainstreaming process and its successes or failures. This paper employs a critical gender analysis approach to examine the gender mainstreaming efforts in Nepal as they move from (...)
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    Perspectives on early sex assignment and communication with parents in children with disorders of sexual development.Husrav Sadri, Sheza Abootty, Aureen D'Cunha, Sandeep Rai & Rathika Damodara Shenoy - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):259-263.
    Disorders of sexual development are a heterogeneous group of disorders in which chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex development is atypical. The majority of these children are recognized at birth by ambiguous genitalia. Legal and societal pressures require the physician and parents to assign sex rapidly. Though sex assignment is undebated in several disorders of sexual development, many others need an individualized approach to gender-related concerns. Gender dysphoria is prevalent in disorders of sexual development, and early gender-defining surgeries have potentially lifelong (...)
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    A Rhetorical Critique of 'Nonmarket' Economic Valuations for Natural Resources.Markus J. Peterson & Tarla Rai Peterson - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (1):47-65.
    Various 'nonmarket' economic valuation methods have been used to compute 'total' value of nonmarketed natural resources and related recreation. We first outline the history of these valuation techniques and use the Exxon Valdez disaster response and the valuation of whooping cranes, an endangered species, as examples of how these tools can constrain policy. We then explain how, by excluding non-economic social spheres, economic valuation techniques produce a terministic screen that deforms policy makers' vision of the ecological problems faced by society. (...)
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    Lala Lajpat Rai’s Classification of Nationalism: Can It Help Us to Understand Contemporary Nationalist Movements?Nalini Bhushan & Jay L. Garfield - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):363-374.
    India has been independent for 70 years now, and it is a good time to reflect on the political philosophy that underwrote the movement that gained that independence. When we do so, we discover the origins of a political vocabulary that is still in use today, although sadly not used with the same rigor and precision with which it was used then. We also find that those who recur to Indian political thought from the pre-independence period tend to return to (...)
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    “Everybody knows what a pothole is”: representations of work and intelligence in AI practice and governance.S. J. Bennett, Benedetta Catanzariti & Fabio Tollon - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    In this paper, we empirically and conceptually examine how distributed human–machine networks of labour comprise a form of underlying intelligence within Artificial Intelligence (AI), considering the implications of this for Responsible Artificial Intelligence (R-AI) innovation. R-AI aims to guide AI research, development and deployment in line with certain normative principles, for example fairness, privacy, and explainability; notions implicitly shaped by comparisons of AI with individualised notions of human intelligence. However, as critical scholarship on AI demonstrates, this is a limited framing (...)
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    Democrația și dreptatea socială, viitorul omenirii: drumul spre Rai în lumea de pe Terra.Valer Gabrian - 2003 - Baia Mare: Editura Gutinul.
  48.  7
    Filosofii︠a︡ Rammokhana Rai︠a︡: opyt rekonstrukt︠s︡ii.Tatʹi︠a︡na Skorokhodova - 2018 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo "Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie".
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    Les grandes amitiés de Jacques et Raïssa Maritain: catalogue de l'exposition.Frédéric Ripoll - 1995 - Vénasque, Pernes: Editions du Carmel.
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    “Ogre” or “Saint”? Reopening the gilles de rais trial: Michel tournier's Gilles & Jeanne.Brenda Dunn‐Lardeau & Sandra Beckett - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):1133-1139.
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