Results for 'S. Hassas'

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  1. Single Agents Can Be Constructivist too.O. L. Georgeon & S. Hassas - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):40-42.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Exploration of the Functional Properties of Interaction: Computer Models and Pointers for Theory” by Etienne B. Roesch, Matthew Spencer, Slawomir J. Nasuto, Thomas Tanay & J. Mark Bishop. Upshot: We support Roesch and his co-authors’ theoretical stance on constructivist artificial agents, and wish to enrich their “exploration of the functional properties of interaction” with complementary results. By revisiting their experiments with an agent that we developed previously, we explore two issues that they deliberately left (...)
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    Hassas Ayar Açıklamaya Muhtaç Mıdır?Enis Doko - 2019 - Kader 17 (1):1-14.
    Çağdaş fizik evrenimizin yaşam için hassas ayarlı olduğunu göstermiştir. Evrenin yaşam için hassas ayarlı olması demek fizik yasaları, başlangıç koşulları ve temel fizik sabitlerinin alabileceği muhtemel değerlerden çok azı yaşama izin vermesi demektir. Bazı teist düşünürler hassas ayarın Tanrı’nın varlığı lehinde geliştirilebilecek Tasarım kanıtlarında öncül görevi görebileceğini iddia etmişlerdir. Diğer taraftan bazı felsefeci ve bilim insanları hassas ayar gözlemenin birden fazla evrenin var olduğunu savunan çok evrenler hipotezini desteklediğini iddia etmişlerdir. Bu iki yaklaşım da hassas (...)
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    İlmî, Sosyal, Kültürel ve Siyasi Etkileri Bağlamında Kur’an’ın Noktalanma ve Harekelenmesi ve Ebû Amr ed-D'nî'nin Bu Sürece Katkısı.İmran Çelik - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (2):471-495.
    Önceki semavi kitapların tahrifi, Kur’an’ın mevsûkiyeti konusunda Müslümanları daha hassas davranma psikolojisine sevk etmiştir. Kur’an’ın Hz. Peygamber tarafından yazdırılması ve sahabeler tarafından ezberlenilmesi ve sonraki süreçlerde; korunması, doğru okunması, lafızlarının muhafazası ve Mushaf üzerine yapılan ve yine sahih okumaya yönelik tasarrufların hepsi önemli addedilmiştir. Kur’an’ın cem’i, istinsahı, noktalama ve harekeleme işlemleri, yaşanmakta olan sosyal, kültürel ve ilmî sürecin bir gereği olarak ihtiyaca mebni gayretler olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Kur’an’ın noktalanması ve harekelenmesi; tarihi seyri, sosyo-kültürel, ilmî ve siyasi saikleri ile (...)
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    Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Tarafından Geliştirilen Öğretim Programlarının Program Geliştirme Süreçleri Açısından İncelenmesi.Hüseyin Algur - 2023 - Atebe 10:1-37.
    Eğitim-öğretim sürecinin sistemli bir şekilde devam etmesini temin eden öğretim programları, önceden belirlenen öğretim hedeflerinin gerçekleştirilmesi için yol haritası belirler. Öğretim programları, öğretim hedeflerini göz önünde bulundurarak hazırlanan ders içeriği, öğrenmeyi gerçekleştirmek üzere işe koşulacak öğretim yöntem ve teknikleri ile çeşitli eğitimsel uygulamaları kapsayan koordine çabaların tümüdür. Formal düzeyde Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı (DİB) gözetiminde yürütülen din öğretimi faaliyetlerinde de öğretim programlarının kullanılması söz konusu öğretim faaliyetlerinin daha sistemli ve etkin olarak uygulanmasına katkı sunmaktadır. Geliştirilen öğretim programları hem yaygın din eğitimi (...)
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    Şiî Tefsir Geleneğinde Nesh Teorisi.Sabuhi Shahavatov - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (12):88-99.
    Tarih boyunca Kur’an’ı anlama ve yorumlama faaliyetinin metodolojik bir zemine oturtulmasına yönelik çabaların semeresi olarak oluşup şekillenen klasik Ulûmu’l-Kur’an bahislerinden biri olan nesh konusu Sünnî gelenekte olduğu kadar Şiî gelenekte de farklı yorumlara konu olmuştur. Şiî müfessirler çoğunlukla bu kavramın anlam ve izahı ile ilgili olarak Sünnî meslektaşlarıyla benzer tutumlar sergilemiş olsalar da belli kırılma noktalarında onların kendilerine özgü yaklaşımlara sahip olduğu da gözlemlenebilmektedir. Özellikle nesh ve bedâ kavramları arasındaki benzerlik ve karşıtlık noktaları ile neshin Kur’an dilindeki isimlerinden biri olan (...)
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    Bilimsel Modellerin Sağlamlığı Üzerine.Ahmet Çevik - 2021 - Felsefe Arkivi 55:49-65.
    Sağlamlık analizi (robustness analysis), çok sayıda birbirinden bağımsız prosedür aracılığıyla aynı sonucun elde edilmeye çalışıldığı epistemik bir stratejidir. Söz konusu strateji bilim pratiğinde açıklama verme ve öndeyi türetiminde başvurulan modellerde sıklıkla kullanılır. Bilimsel modellerin ne derece sağlam ve hassas olduğunun belirlenmesi ile ilgili bir yöntem olduğu için sağlamlık analizi hem bilim insanları hem de bilim felsefecileri açısından epistemik bir öneme sahiptir. Bu makalede öncelikle, sağlamlık analizleri tarihsel çerçevede ele alınmaktadır. Ardından literatürde yer alan farklı sağlamlık analizi sınıflandırmaları ve sağlamlık (...)
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    Nafia for the Tigris: The Privy Purse and the infrastructure of development in late Ottoman Iraq, 1882–1914.Camille Lyans Cole - 2024 - History of Science 62 (4):488-510.
    Between 1893 and 1908, at least six private consortia and the municipality of Baghdad were denied permission to operate steamships on the Tigris and Euphrates on the grounds that a navigation concession had already been granted to the Privy Purse ( hazine-i hassa). The Privy Purse justified its insistence on monopoly with reference to the emerging ideology of development ( nafia), though its ideas about the role of steam technology in nafia stood in contrast to those of private investors and (...)
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    Hume’s Psychology of the Passions: The Literature and Future Directions.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):565-605.
    in a recent article entitled “Hume on the Passions,” Stephen Buckle opens with the claim that Hume’s theory of the passions has largely been neglected. “Apart from a couple of famous sections in the Treatise concerning the sources of action,” he writes, “the subject matter has rarely excited interest.”1 His analysis of why the subject of the passions in Hume has been uninspiring points to the fact that readers have largely misunderstood the point of Hume’s theory. They usually regard the (...)
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    Lonergan's theology of revelation.George S. Worgul - 1975 - Bijdragen 36 (1):78-94.
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    Nietzsche's return to an aesthetic beginning.Wilhelm S. Wurzer - 1978 - Man and World 11 (1-2):59-77.
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    Locke's copy of the extract (abreg ) of his essay (1688)?Jean S. Yolton - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 4 (1):149 – 151.
  12. Social Ethics, Tr. From [Sittliches Sein Und Sittliches Werden, by H.H.S.].Theobald Ziegler & H. S. H. - 1892
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    Myth, philosophy, art, and science in Jan Patočka's thought.Vlastimil Zuska & Miloš Ševčík (eds.) - 2014 - Prague: Karolinum press.
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  14. Functional Affinities of Man, Monkeys, and Apes.S. Zuckerman - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (34):248-249.
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    Adam Smith's Science of Morals.Páll S. Árdal - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (4):542.
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    On the embedding of Nelson's logics.S. P. Odintsov - 2002 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 31 (4):241-248.
  17. Nravstvennye print︠s︡ipy stroiteli︠a︡ kommunizma.M. G. Zhuravkov & O. P. T︠S︡elikova (eds.) - 1965 - Moskva,: Myslʹ.
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  18. The Tsar's Colonels: Professionalism, Strategy, and Subversion in Late Imperial Russia. By David Alan Rich.F. S. Zuckerman - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (1):153-155.
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  19. Brahmasūtra-catuḥsūtrī: the first four aphorisms of Brahmasūtras along with Śaṅkarācārya's commentary with English translation, notes, and index = Brahmasūtracatuḥsūtrī: Śrīśāṅkarabhāṣyasahitā.Haradatta Śarmā - 1940 - Poona: Oriental Book Agency. Edited by Śaṅkarācārya.
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    Emil L. Post and the problem of mechanical provability: a survey of Post's contributions in the centenary of his birth.Halina Święczkowska (ed.) - 1998 - Białystok: Chair of Logic, Informatics and Philisiophy of Science University of Białystok.
  21. efforts to organize knowledge, such as Ephraim Chambers's Cyclopedia, were closely connected to the commonplace book,“A Solution to the Multitude of Books: Ephraim Chalmers's Cyclopedia (1728) as 'the Best Book in the Universe,'”.Richard Yeo’S. Suggestion That Enlightenment - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (1):61-72.
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  22. ... This only object with which nothing is honoured.S. Zizek - 2005 - Filozofski Vestnik 26 (2).
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    A herd of red deer. A study of animal behaviour.S. Zuckerman - 1938 - The Eugenics Review 30 (1):64.
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    Sinanthropus and other fossil men: their relations to each other and to modern types.S. Zuckerman - 1933 - The Eugenics Review 24 (4):273.
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    (1 other version)Kontemporain situationisme.S. U. Zuidema - 1958 - Philosophia Reformata 23 (2):85-94.
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  26. Predlozhenie i ego otnoshenie k i︠a︡zyku i rechi.V. A. Zvegint︠s︡ev - 1976 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo univ-ta.
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  27. The Reception of Kant's Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.Sally S. Sedgwick (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The period from Kant to Hegel is one of the most intense and rigorous in modern philosophy. The central problem at the heart of it was the development of a new standard of theoretical reflection and of the principle of rationality itself. The essays in this volume, published in 2000, consider both the development of Kant's system of transcendental idealism in the three Critiques, the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, and the Opus Postumum, as well as the reception and transformation (...)
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    Cognitive correlates of hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson’s disease.S. A. Factor, M. K. Scullin, A. B. Sollinger, J. O. Land, C. Wood-Siverio, L. Zanders, A. Freeman, D. L. Bliwise, W. M. McDonald & F. C. Goldstein - 2014 - Journal of the Neurological Sciences 347 (1-2):316–21.
    BACKGROUND: Hallucinations and delusions that complicate Parkinson’s disease could lead to nursing home placement and are linked to increased mortality. Cognitive impairments are typically associated with the presence of hallucinations but there are no data regarding whether such a relationship exists with delusions. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that hallucinations would be associated with executive and visuospatial disturbance. An exploratory examination of cognitive correlates of delusions was also completed to address the question of whether they differ from hallucinations. METHODS: 144 PD subjects (...)
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    'An Inconsequent Ado About Matters of No Consequence': Comic Turns in Plato's "Euthydemus".S. Montgomery Ewegen - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (1):15-32.
    Scholarship on the Euthydemus has largely focused on the protreptic character of the Euthydemus—that is, the manner by which Socrates attempts to turn the young Cleinias toward philosophy. By focusing on the dramatic structure of the text, and above all its comic tenor, this article argues that it is Crito—he to whom Socrates tells his hilarious story of his encounter with the two sophist-brothers—who is the real object of Socrates’s protreptic speech.
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  30. Hegel’s System and the Necessity and Intelligibility of Evil, Part II.S. J. W. L. Lacroix - 1971 - Idealistic Studies 1 (2):102-119.
    Hegel’s basic position so far on the various meanings of evil as necessary and thereby intelligible directly in the development of spirit might be summed up as follows. Evil is always a necessary moment of instability which gives impetus in the movement from various meanings of particularity to various meanings of universality; from the more abstract expression of potential unity and truth to the more actualized notion and unity.
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  31. Let\'s Call for a Civil Movenment'.Jacek Kuroń\'S. Appeal - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (3):101-102.
  32. Sot︠s︡ialʹnye problemy nauki i nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa: ukazatelʹ osnovnoĭ sovetskoĭ i inostrannoĭ literatury, 1960-1983.E. S. Aralova & N. I. Makeshin (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t nauch. informat︠s︡ii po obshchestvennym naukam.
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    Haack's evidence and inquiry.Review author[S.]: Bruce Aune - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (3):627-632.
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  34. (1 other version)Locke’s Philosophy of Science and Knowledge.R. S. Woolhouse - 1971 - Philosophy 47 (181):276-278.
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    The Devil's Choice: Re-Thinking Law, Ethics, and Symptom Relief in Palliative Care.Roger S. Magnusson - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (3):559-569.
    Health professionals do not always have the luxury of making “right” choices. This article introduces the “devil's choice” as a metaphor to describe medical choices that arise in circumstances where all the available options are both unwanted and perverse. Using the devil's choice, the paper criticizes the principle of double effect and provides a re-interpretation of the conventional legal and ethical account of symptom relief in palliative care.
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    The Forgotten Stain on The Soul: Eleonore Stump's Defence of The Catholic Doctrine of Original Sin.S. J. Zoll - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (5):527-539.
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    Errata: Tenses, analyticity and time's eternity.Stephen E. Braude'S. - 1976 - Philosophia 6 (3-4):544-544.
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    Een confrontatie tussen barths theologische theologie en Merleau-ponty's filosofische filosofie.S. U. Zuidema - 1959 - Philosophia Reformata 24 (2):90-96.
  39. Obshchai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ sot︠s︡ialisticheskogo prava.S. S. Alekseev - 1963 - Sverdlovsk,:
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  40. Hai ēthikai dynameis tēs zōēs.Dēmētrios N. Aliprantēs - 1974 - [s.n.],:
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    Advaita of Śaṅkara, a reappraisal: impact of Buddhism and Sāṁkhya on Śaṅkara's thought.ŚyāGo Mudgala - 1975 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
    Influence of Buddhism and Sankhya school of Hindu philosophy on Shankaracharya, Hindu Vedantist; a study.
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  42. The origins of humanism, its educational context and its early development: a review article of Ronald Witt's 'In the Footsteps of the Ancients'.Ronald G. Witt’S. - 2002 - Vivarium 40:2.
  43. Tibor Machan, The Passion for Liberty Tibor Machan, Putting Humans First: Why We Are Nature's Favorite.S. Yates - 2004 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 18:91-98.
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    Helmholtz's theory of perception: An investigation into its conceptual framework.P. M. S. Hacker - 1995 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9 (3):199 – 214.
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    DIALECTICS IN TURMOIL: adorno’s literal reading of sade.William S. Allen - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):115-131.
    Consideration of the work of Sade in relation to Adorno usually refers to the much-discussed chapter from Dialektik der Aufklärung. But Adorno made a number of other remarks across his career that suggest a very different reading. I will discuss the three most significant of these remarks and show how they develop an approach to the libidinal aspect of aesthetic experience that challenges our understanding of the relation of thought and language. In doing so, Sade’s works indicate an extraordinary liberation (...)
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    حكمة العاريفن في دفع شبه المخالفين: Mulla Muḥammad-Ṭāhir Qummī's Ḥikmat Al-ʻārifin.Ata Anzali & S. M. Hadi Gerami (eds.) - 2017 - Brill.
    In _Opposition to Philosophy in Safavid Iran_ Ata Anzali and S.M. Hadi Gerami offer a critical edition of what is arguably the most erudite and extensive critique of philosophy from the Safavid period. The editors’ extensive introduction offers an in-depth analysis that places the work within the broader framework of Safavid intellectual and social history.
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  47. (1 other version)Kritika sovremennykh burzhuaznykh ėticheskikh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ.O. G. Drobnit︠s︡kiĭ - 1967 - Moskva,: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola. Edited by T. A. Kuzʹmina.
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    Die Pamflet van Dr H.S. Pretorius "Die Kerknaam".S. P. Engelbrecht - 1953 - HTS Theological Studies 10 (1/2).
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    Penology and Eschatology in Plato's Myths.S. P. Ward - 2002 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This work is the first to demonstrate the differences and similarities between Plato's myths and the traditional kind of which he was critical. It also actively demonstrates the extent to which his own myths support or undermine the philosophical ideas of the dialogues in which they are set. It offers new arguments and criticism on point of detail concerning modern interpretations.
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    S.-Y. Kuroda. Classes of languages and linear-bounded automata. Information and control, vol. 7 , pp. 207–223.Peter S. Landweber - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):116-117.
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