Results for 'Séamus Murphy'

948 found
  1.  8
    Eyewitness: Four Decades of Northern Life.Brendan Murphy & Seamus Kelters - 2003 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    By turns beautiful, poignant, frightening, and funny, Eyewitness is a personal pictorial record of life in Northern Ireland over nearly forty years. Murphy's photographs are accompanied by detailed and candid captions revealing the events, people, and atmosphere in the region. This book is distributed for O'Brien Press, Dublin and is for sale only in the United States, it's territories and dependencies, Canada, and the Philippines.
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    Analytic Theism, Hartshorne, and the Concept of God. [REVIEW]Séamus Murphy - 2000 - Faith and Philosophy 17 (2):267-271.
  3. Why many concepts are metaphorical (Cognition, vol. 61, no. 3 (1996) 309–319).Raymond W. Gibbs Jr & Gregory L. Murphy - 1997 - Cognition 62 (1):99-108.
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  4. Why Delight in Screamed Vocals? Emotional Hardcore and the Case Against Beautifying Pain.Sean T. Murphy - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (4):625-646.
    Emotional hardcore and other music genres featuring screamed vocals are puzzling for the appreciator. The typical fan attaches appreciative value to musical screams of emotional pain, all the while acknowledging it would be inappropriate to hold similar attitudes towards their sonically similar everyday counterpart: actual human screaming. Call this the screamed vocals problem. To solve the problem, I argue we must attend to the anti-sublimating aims that get expressed in the emotional hardcore vocalist’s choice to scream the lyrics. Screamed vocals (...)
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  5. Dialectic of Romanticism: a Critique of Modernism.David Roberts & Peter Murphy - unknown
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    (1 other version)The Revolt against Dualism.Arthur E. Murphy - 1931 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 38 (4):10-11.
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  7. Are God’s Hands Tied By Logic?Benjamin Murphy - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3.
    If logic binds all reality, it would appear that God must be bound by logic. Swinburne argues that logic binds only actual human sentences. His case rests on an argument against Platonism, and the assertion that contradictions are incoherent. I argue that logic binds any possible language and so places a significant limit on God’s actions, that one need not be a Platonist to hold this, and that contradictions are not incoherent. I conclude that if God is an agent, his (...)
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  8. Cognitive And Moral Obstacles To Imputation.Jeffrie Murphy - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
    We often impute responsibility to others for the purpose of retributive punishment - sometimes hoping that they receive the level of suffering proportional to what Kant calls their "inner wickedness". But do we know enough to do this without reckless error? Are we morally pure enough to do this without hypocrisy? The present essay explores these two questions. Oftmals rechnen wir anderen Verantwortlichkeit zu, um durch Strafe Vergeltung zu üben - und dies manchmal in der Hoffnung, daß ihnen gerade der (...)
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    Francis Crick’s Deliberately Provocative Reductionism.Paul Austin Murphy - 2019 - Philosophy Now 130:12-13.
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  10. International humanitarian assistance.Susan P. Murphy - 2012 - In Deen Chatterjee, The Encyclopaedia of Global Justice. US: Springer Publications.
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  11. Prodigal nation : September 11 and the American Jeremiad.Andrew R. Murphy - 2009 - In Matthew J. Morgan, The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy: The Day that Changed Everything? Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Trilogy of Resistance.Timothy S. Murphy (ed.) - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    With _Trilogy of Resistance_, the political philosopher Antonio Negri extends his intervention in contemporary politics and culture into a new medium: drama. The three plays collected for the first time in this volume dramatize the central concepts of the innovative and influential thought he has articulated in his best-selling books _Empire_ and _Multitude_, coauthored with Michael Hardt. In the tradition of Bertolt Brecht and Heiner Müller, Negri’s political dramas are designed to provoke debate around the fundamental questions they raise about (...)
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  13. Takeuchi Yoshimi: displacing the west.Richard F. Calichman, Joseph A. Murphy, David G. Goodman, Shu-Ning Sciban, Fred Edwards, Robert J. Antony, Jane Kate Leonard, Pilwun Shih Wang, Sarah Wang & Kim Su-Young - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  14. Тип: Статья в журнале-научная статья язык: Английский том: 13 номер: 2 год: 1999 страницы: 168-180 цит. В ринц®: 0.Leslie Cannold, Timothy F. Murphy, James A. Humber, Robert F. Almeder & Peter Baume - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (2):168-180.
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  15. Subversive Spinoza: (un)contemporary variations.Antimo Negri & Timothy S. Murphy - 2004 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave. Edited by Timothy S. Murphy.
  16. Restricted Theological Voluntarism.Mark C. Murphy - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (10):679-690.
    In addressing objections to the theological voluntarist program, the consensus response by defenders of theological voluntarism has been to affirm a restricted theological voluntarism on which some, but not all, important normative statuses are to be explained by immediate appeal to the divine will. The aim of this article is to assess the merits and demerits of this restricted view. While affirming the restricted view does free theological voluntarism from certain objections, it comes at the cost of committing the theological (...)
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    Review of Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Morality Without God[REVIEW]Mark C. Murphy - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (8).
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    (1 other version)Process and Reality. A. N. Whitehead.Arthur E. Murphy - 1930 - International Journal of Ethics 40 (3):433-435.
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    Fair Trade in France: From Individual Innovators to Contemporary Networks.Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse, Amina Béji-Bécheur & Patrick E. Murphy - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S4):589-606.
    Fair trade aims at humanising the capitalist economy by serving the community, instead of simply striving for financial profit. The current fair trade sector is an excellent example of an innovation where networks based on ethical principles can help to effectively serve this market. Our analysis is based on 48 interviews amongst fair trade innovators in France and illustrates the advent of a new type of entrepreneur, one that is grounded in the social and solidarity economy (SSE). Based on a (...)
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  20.  24
    Perceptual load does not modulate auditory distractor processing.Sandra Murphy, Nick Fraenkel & Polly Dalton - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):345-355.
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  21. Research Priorities and the Future of Pregnancy.Timothy F. Murphy - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (1):78-89.
    The term “ectogenesis” has been around for about a century now, and it is generally understood as the development of embryos and fetuses outside a uterus. In this sense, all in vitro fertilization is ectogenesis, but in vitro development can only proceed to a certain point, at which time human embryos are then either implanted in the attempt to achieve a pregnancy, frozen for that use in the future, used in research, or discarded.
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    Book Review: Systematic Theology as a Rationally Justified Public Discourse about God by Michael Agerbo Mørch. [REVIEW]Benjamin Murphy - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (2):397-399.
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    Maybe this old dinosaur isn’t extinct: What does Bayesian modeling add to associationism?Irina Baetu, Itxaso Barberia, Robin A. Murphy & A. G. Baker - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (4):190-191.
    We agree with Jones & Love (J&L) that much of Bayesian modeling has taken a fundamentalist approach to cognition; but we do not believe in the potential of Bayesianism to provide insights into psychological processes. We discuss the advantages of associative explanations over Bayesian approaches to causal induction, and argue that Bayesian models have added little to our understanding of human causal reasoning.
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    Techniques, information et économie.Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, Camille Frémontier-Murphy, Vincent Bontems, Sacha Loeve, Hervé Barreau, Robert Vallée, Éric Brian, Marie Thébaud-Sorger, François Jarrige & Alessandro Stanziani - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (1):187-216.
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    Perspectives on Erving Goffman’s “Asylums” fifty years on.John Adlam, Irwin Gill, Shane N. Glackin, Brendan D. Kelly, Christopher Scanlon & Seamus Mac Suibhne - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):605-613.
    Erving Goffman’s “Asylums” is a key text in the development of contemporary, community-orientated mental health practice. It has survived as a trenchant critique of the asylum as total institution, and its publication in 1961 in book form marked a further stage in the discrediting of the asylum model of mental health care. In this paper, some responses from a range of disciplines to this text, 50 years on, are presented. A consultant psychiatrist with a special interest in cultural psychiatry and (...)
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  26.  42
    Reproductive controls and sexual destiny.Timothy F. Murphy - 1990 - Bioethics 4 (2):121–142.
  27.  18
    Key Physician Behaviors that Predict Prudent, Preference Concordant Decisions at the End of Life.Andre Morales, Alan Murphy, Joseph B. Fanning, Shasha Gao, Kevan Schultz, Daniel E. Hall & Amber Barnato - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (4):215-226.
    Background This study introduces an empirical approach for studying the role of prudence in physician treatment of end-of-life (EOL) decision making.Methods A mixed-methods analysis of transcripts from 88 simulated patient encounters in a multicenter study on EOL decision making. Physicians in internal medicine, emergency medicine, and critical care medicine were asked to evaluate a decompensating, end-stage cancer patient. Transcripts of the encounters were coded for actor, action, and content to capture the concept of Aristotelian prudence, and then quantitatively and qualitatively (...)
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Ethics and Collateral Findings in Pragmatic Clinical Trials”.Stephanie Morain, Debra Mathews, Juli Murphy Bollinger & Jeremy Sugarman - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (1):W9-W11.
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  29. Populism and Democracy: a reading of Australian Radical Nationalism.John Murphy - 1987 - Thesis Eleven 16 (1):85-99.
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  30. Serodiscordance in regular relationship.Dean Murphy, Jeanne Ellard & Christy Newman - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 2:1-4.
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  31.  23
    Mr. Lewis and the a priori.Arthur E. Murphy - 1932 - Journal of Philosophy 29 (7):169-181.
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  32. Notes and News.Charles T. Murphy - 1972 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 65 (8-9):280.
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    Nature, custom, and stipulation in the semiotic of John Poinsot.James Bernard Murphy - 1991 - Semiotica 83 (1-2):33-68.
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    On Making Historical Techniques More Specific: "Real Types" Constructed with a Computer.George Murphy & M. Mueller - 1967 - History and Theory 6 (1):14-32.
    Programming computers to construct "real types," generally descriptive of a class of societies, makes explicit all steps in the thought process of such constructions because unambiguous instructions to, the computer are needed. The historian uses his judgment to choose a data field and variables that may be relevant in forming a type. He then looks for matches; he divides the data field into groups according to one variable and sees if the other variables differ significantly according to these groups. In (...)
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  35. Political geography.Alexander B. Murphy - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier.
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    Political reconciliation, the rule of law and post-traumatic stress disorder.Colleen Murphy - 2006 - In Nancy Potter, Trauma, Truth and Reconciliation: Healing Damaged Relationships. Oxford University Press.
    I discuss why one critical aspect of the process of political reconciliation involves the restoration of mutual respect for the rule of law and suggest that psychological research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) provides valuable resources for understanding how successfully to restore such mutual respect.
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  37. Reason and society.W. T. Murphy - 1990 - In Philip Windsor, Reason and history: or only a history of reason. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
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    "Re-Bell-" Compounds, The.Paul R. Murphy - 1949 - Classical Weekly 43:71.
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  39. Richard Fumerton, Epistemology.P. Murphy - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (2):113.
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    Report of the california meeting of the american philosophical association.Arthur E. Murphy - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (6):141-151.
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    Spectography.Roberta Murphy - 2005 - Feminist Studies 31 (1):110-115.
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    Subjectivation.Mark Murphy - 2017 - In David Scott, Understanding Foucault, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury.
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  43. Science and Religion in Dialogue.Nancey Murphy - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Perception as a Capacity For Knowledge. By John McDowell. Pp.64, Milwaukee, Marquette University Press, 2011, $15.00. [REVIEW]Benjamin Murphy - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (4):691-692.
  45. No More Fresh Starts. [REVIEW]M. C. Murphy - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):563-573.
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  46. Review of Human Rights and Human Well-being. [REVIEW]Colleen Murphy - forthcoming - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  47.  23
    Notariato medievale Bolognese. I: Scritti di Giorgio Cencetti. II: Atti di un convegno . Rome: Consiglio Nazionale de Notariato, 1977. I: Pp. vi, 398; 2 color plates, 24 black-and-white plates. II: Pp. 283; 1 color plate, 12 black-and-white plates.Giuseppe Scarazzini, ed., Statuti notarili di Bergamo . Rome: Consiglio Nazionale de Notariato, 1977. Pp. 206; 1 color plate, 6 black-and-white plates. [REVIEW]James J. Murphy - 1979 - Speculum 54 (4):887-888.
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    Pragmatism and sociology : Emile Durkheim , xii + 143 pp., cloth £17.50. [REVIEW]John W. Murphy - 1985 - History of European Ideas 6 (2):214-215.
  49. Review. [REVIEW]Mark Murphy - 2008 - The Thomist 72:167-171.
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  50.  54
    An Interview with Seamus Heaney.Frank Kinahan & Seamus Heaney - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (3):405-414.
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