Results for 'Ryuichi Sawa'

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  1.  30
    Guidelines for Assessment of Gait and Reference Values for Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters in Older Adults: The Biomathics and Canadian Gait Consortiums Initiative.Olivier Beauchet, Gilles Allali, Harmehr Sekhon, Joe Verghese, Sylvie Guilain, Jean-Paul Steinmetz, Reto W. Kressig, John M. Barden, Tony Szturm, Cyrille P. Launay, Sébastien Grenier, Louis Bherer, Teresa Liu-Ambrose, Vicky L. Chester, Michele L. Callisaya, Velandai Srikanth, Guillaume Léonard, Anne-Marie De Cock, Ryuichi Sawa, Gustavo Duque, Richard Camicioli & Jorunn L. Helbostad - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    When Is Perception Top-Down and When Is It Not? Culture, Narrative, and Attention.Sawa Senzaki, Takahiko Masuda & Keiko Ishii - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (7):1493-1506.
    Previous findings in cultural psychology indicated that East Asians are more likely than North Americans to be attentive to contextual information (e.g., Nisbett & Masuda, ). However, to what extent and in which conditions culture influences patterns of attention has not been fully examined. As a result, universal patterns of attention may be obscured, and culturally unique patterns may be wrongly assumed to be constant across situations. By carrying out two cross-cultural studies, we demonstrated that (a) both European Canadians and (...)
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    Treatise on the influence of theism, transhumanism, and posthumanism on nursing and rehabilitation healthcare practice.Ryuichi Tanioka, Feni Betriana & Rozzano C. Locsin - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (3):e12350.
    Reservations concerning the ontologies of theism, transhumanism and posthumanism compel an explicatory discourse on their influences on Nursing and rehabilitation healthcare. Key journals in Nursing and health sciences have recently devoted themed issues on intelligent machine technologies such as humanoid healthcare robots and other highly technological healthcare devices and practice initiatives. While the technological advance witnessed has been a cause for celebration, questions still remain that are focused on the epistemological concerns. The purpose of this article is to discuss theistic (...)
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    Reverse Public Announcement Operators on Expanded Models.Ryuichi Sebastian Haney - 2018 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 27 (3):205-224.
    Past public announcement operators have been defined in Hoshi and Yap :259–281, 2009) and Yap, to describe an agent’s knowledge before an announcement occurs. These operators rely on branching-time structures that do not mirror the traditional, relativization-based semantics of public announcement logic, and favor a historical reading of past announcements. In this paper, we introduce reverse public announcement operators that are interpreted on expanded models. Our model expansion adds accessibility links from an epistemic model \ to a filtrated submodel of (...)
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    Rene Girard and the Ultimate Reality and Meaning of Human Conflict and Violence.Russell J. Sawa - 2003 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 26 (4):247-262.
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    The Connection Between Medicine and Religion: Towards a More Meaningful Paradigm.Russell J. Sawa - 2021 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 38 (1-2):20-36.
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  7. Saichō and Kūkai: A conflict of interpretations.Ryuichi Abe - 1995 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 22 (1-2).
  8. Should We Improve Human Nature? An Interrogation from an Asian Perspective.Ryuichi Ida - 2009 - In Nick Bostrom & Julian Savulescu, Human Enhancement. Oxford University Press.
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  9. Shin Keruzen Kenkyu Keruzen Seitan Hyakunen Kinen Ronshu.Ryuichi Nagao & Hans Kelsen - 1981 - Mokutakusha.
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  10. Kyomu shisō kenkyū =.Masamichi Ōsawa (ed.) - 1975
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    法哲学批判.Ryuichi Nagao (ed.) - 1983 - Tōkyō: Shinzansha.
    1. Hōriron -- 2. Hōshisō -- 3. Jitteihō no kiso riron.
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  12.  26
    10. Key Issues in Genetic Research, Testing, and Patenting.Russell J. Sawa & Barry F. Brown - 2007 - In Daniel Monsour, Ethics & the New Genetics: An Integrated Approach. University of Toronto Press. pp. 143-164.
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  13. Masʼūlīyat al-muḥāmī al-madanīyah ʻan akhṭāʼihi al-mihnīyah.ʻAbd al-Bāqī Maḥmūd Sawādī - 1996 - ʻAmmān: Maktabat Dār al-Thaqāfah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Emotion or Evaluation: Cultural Differences in the Parental Socialization of Moral Judgement.Sawa Senzaki, Jason M. Cowell, Yuki Shimizu & Destany Calma-Birling - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Moral reasoning develops rapidly in early childhood. Recent evidence from cognitive neuroscience literature suggests that the development of moral reasoning is supported by an integration of cognitive and affective components. However, the role of culture in the development of moral reasoning in young children is under-investigated. Previous cross-cultural research suggests that culture shapes how people interpret other’s behaviors. In particular, people raised in independent cultures, such as the United States, tend to form impressions of others and attribute others’ behaviors to (...)
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  15. Kōi no daisūgaku: Supensā Buraun kara shakai shisutemu-ron e.Masachi Ōsawa - 1988 - Tōkyō: Seidosha.
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  16. Kojin shugi: Shutirunā no shisō to shōgai.Masamichi Ōsawa - 1988 - Tōkyō: Seidosha.
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  17. (1 other version)Bioethics for the Twenty-first Century.Russell J. Sawa - 2007 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 30 (4):301-313.
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  18.  34
    Mekkî B. ebî tâli̇bi̇n kiraat i̇lmi̇ne katkisi.Abdullah Sawas - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (13):137-162.
    Kur’ân-ı Kerîm ilimlerini araştırmak Allah indinde en şerefli amellerdendir. Özellikle de bu, Resulullah’ın ashabına öğrettiği vecih üzere vahiy lafızlarını nakletme olgusunu üstlenen kıraat ilmini araştırma olunca. Kur’ân-ı Kerîm İslam şeriatının ilk kaynağı olduğundan eskiden ve şuan âlimler Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’le ilgili olan tefsir, kıraat, dil bilim, i‘râb ve benzeri ilimlere önem vermişlerdir. Ben bu âlimlerden biri hakkında konuşmak istedim. O da çeşitli şeriat ilimlerinde ilim ehli arasındaki yüksek konumundan ötürü İmam Ebû Muhammed Mekkî b. Ebî Talib’tir. Mekkî, şeriat ilimlerin çoğunu elde (...)
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  19. Towards a New Paradigm: A Foundation for Integrating Paranormal Experience as Part of Our Framework for Thinking.Russell J. Sawa - 2021 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 38 (1-2):106-119.
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    Free-vibration acoustic resonance of a nonlinear elastic bar.Ryuichi Tarumi & Yoshihito Oshita - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (5):772-786.
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    Some remarks on the range of Poisson's ratio in isotropic linear elasticity.Ryuichi Tarumi, Hassel Ledbetter & Yoji Shibutani - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (10):1287-1299.
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    Gendai shisō no jidai: "rekishi no yomikata" o tou.Masachi Ōsawa - 2014 - Tōkyō: Seidosha. Edited by Ryūichi Narita.
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  23. Integrative Thinking in Medicine: The Underlying Assumptions about reality to Expand the Horizon of the Physician.Russell J. Sawa - 2001 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 24 (4):305-323.
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  24. Toward a Systemic Metaphysics and the Evolution of Human Nature.Russell Sawa - 2009 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 32 (2-3-4):237-256.
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  25. The Urgent Needs of Medicine: Addressing New Horizons of Meaning Between Patient and Provider.Russell J. Sawa - 2006 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 29 (1-2):62-77.
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  26.  17
    Wspólna waluta jako remedium w przygotowaniu państw Eurolandu na kryzys gospodarczy i sprawne funkcjonowanie strefy euro?Dawid Sawa - 2022 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 27 (1):257-268.
    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sytuacji oraz kondycji finansowej strefy euro i próba zorientowania się w tym względzie na przyszłość. Kryzys strefy euro to największe wyzwanie dla całego Eurolandu, ale i Unii Europejskiej. Zła sytuacja finansowa i stagnacja z nią związana zmuszają do refleksji i podjęcia działań naprawczych. Nie wyciągnięcie wniosków generuje problemy i dezintegruje całą strefę euro. W artykule zostaną postawione: hipotezy, tezy oraz pytania badawcze.
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    جهود مكي بن ابي طالب في علم القراءات.Abdullah Sawas - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (13):290-315.
    Allah katında en şerefli amellerden biri Kur’ân ilimleri hakkında araştırma yapmaktır. Özellikle Rasulullah’ın ashabına öğretmiş olduğu vahiy vecihlerinin lafızlarını nakletme olgusunu üstlenen kırâat ilmi hakkında araştırma yapmanın ayrı bir yeri vardır. Kur’ân-ı Kerim İslam şeriatının ilk kaynağı olduğundan dolayı geçmiş ve günümüz alimleri kendisiyle alakalı olan tefsir, kırâat, dil bilimi, i’râb ve benzeri ilimlere ehemmiyet vermişlerdir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda çeşitli islami ilimler hakkında ilim ehli zatlar arasındaki yüksek mevkii bulunan İmam Ebû Muhammed Mekkî b. Ebî Talib’i ele aldık. Kırâat, (...)
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    On Insight, Objectivity, and the Pathology of Families.Russell J. Sawa & Hugo A. Meynell - 2000 - Method 18 (2):145-160.
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  29.  9
    Spirituality and Healing: Results of a Ten-Year Study of Spiritual Healers.Russell J. Sawa - 2020 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 37 (3-4):142-157.
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    Foundations of interdisciplinarity: A Lonergan perspective. [REVIEW]Russell J. Sawa - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (1):53-61.
    The postmodern enterprise, with its foundationlessness, fragmentariness, constructivism, and neopragmatism challenges interdisciplinarity. This paper discusses functional specialization and interdisciplinary method which provides a basis for interdisciplinary collaboration. In functional specialization, successive stages in the process of coming to know are distinguished. These stages correspond to Lonergan’s four levels of consciousness, namely experiencing the data, coming to understanding through addressing questions which arise from the data, and judgment about which hypothesis best fits the data. Authenticity, which involves genuine attentiveness, intelligence, reasonableness, (...)
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  31. Sei Tomasu Akinasu no shizenhō no shisō.Ōsawa Akira - 1954 - In Kōtarō Tanaka & Tomoo Odaka, Shizenhō to sekaihō: Tanaka Sensei kanreki kinen. Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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  32.  53
    The Awakening of Faith: Attributed to Asvaghosha.Yoshito S. Hakeda & Ryuichi Abe - 2005 - Columbia University Press.
  33.  16
    Japan's Modern Divide: The Photographs of Hiroshi Hamaya and Kansuke Yamamoto.Kotaro Iizawa, Ryuichi Kaneko & Jonathan Reynolds - 2013 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    This title offers an illustrated overview of the evolution of two very different strains of modern Japanese photography. In the 1930s, Japanese photography evolved in two very directions: one toward a documentary style, the other favouring an experimental, or avant-garde, approach strongly influence by Western Surrealism. This book explores these two divergent paths through the work of two remarkable figures: Hiroshi Hamaya and Kansuke Yamamoto. Hiroshi Hamaya was born and raised in Tokyo and, after an initial period of creative experimentation, (...)
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    Surname and consanguineous marriages in japan.Yoko Imaizumi & Ryuichi Kaneko - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (4):401-413.
    A survey of consanguineous marriages in Japan was conducted on 1 September 1983, by questionnaires. The total number of couples surveyed was 9225. They were chosen from six widely different areas and the inbreeding coefficients from isonymy and pedigrees were estimated for each area. Random inbreeding remained constant with the marriage year whereas total (F) and non-random (Fn) inbreeding from isonymy and inbreeding from pedigrees ([alpha]) decreased with the marriage year in each area. Estimates of genetic microdifferentiation from surnames were (...)
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    Rakuro Saikyu-bo.Shio Sakanishi, Akio Koizumi & Shunichi Sawa - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (1):101.
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    Art in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism.Glenn T. Webb, Takaaki Sawa & Richard L. Gage - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):223.
  37.  27
    Cotton Mather (1663-1728) on Ultimate Reality and Meaning.Andrew J. Reck & Russell J. Sawa - 2001 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 24 (4):280-291.
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    Posuto Reisen jidai no kagaku/gijutsu.Hideto Nakajima, Masachi Ōsawa, Takumi Satō, Atsushi Sugita & Tōru Morotomi (eds.) - 2017 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    Culture and Attention: Future Directions to Expand Research Beyond the Geographical Regions of WEIRD Cultures.Takahiko Masuda, Batgerel Batdorj & Sawa Senzaki - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Cross-Cultural Biotechnology: A Reader.Stella Gonzalez Arnal, Donald Chalmers, David Kum-Wah Chan, Margaret Coffey, Jo Ann T. Croom, Mylène Deschênes, Henrich Ganthaler, Yuri Gariev, Ryuichi Ida, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Martin O. Makinde, Anna C. Mastroianni, Katharine R. Meacham, Bushra Mirza, Michael J. Morgan, Dianne Nicol, Edward Reichman, Susan E. Wallace & Larissa P. Zhiganova (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book is a rich blend of analyses by leading experts from various cultures and disciplines. A compact introduction to a complex field, it illustrates biotechnology's profound impact upon the environment and society. Moreover, it underscores the vital relevance of cultural values. This book empowers readers to more critically assess biotechnology's value and effectiveness within both specific cultural and global contexts.
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  41.  19
    Study of α ↔ β transformation in the dimorphic clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30.Baoli Du, Yuta Saiga, Kousuke Kajisa, Toshiro Takabatake, Eiji Nishibori & Hiroshi Sawa - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (19-21):2541-2552.
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  42.  23
    Intraday Activity Levels May Better Reflect the Differences Between Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder Than Average Daily Activity Levels.Tsunehiko Tanaka, Kumiko Kokubo, Kazunori Iwasa, Kosuke Sawa, Naoto Yamada & Masashi Komori - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Examining cultural drifts in artworks through history and development: cultural comparisons between Japanese and western landscape paintings and drawings.Kristina Nand, Takahiko Masuda, Sawa Senzaki & Keiko Ishii - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  44. Experts' attitudes towards medical futility: an empirical survey from Japan. [REVIEW]Alireza Bagheri, Atsushi Asai & Ryuichi Ida - 2006 - BMC Medical Ethics 7 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundThe current debate about medical futility is mostly driven by theoretical and personal perspectives and there is a lack of empirical data to document experts and public attitudes towards medical futility.MethodsTo examine the attitudes of the Japanese experts in the fields relevant to medical futility a questionnaire survey was conducted among the members of the Japan Association for Bioethics. A total number of 108 questionnaires returned filled in, giving a response rate of 50.9%. Among the respondents 62% were healthcare professionals (...)
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  45.  28
    Sawa Frydman: A Polish Legal Realist.Urszula Moś - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (1):72-78.
  46. Taḥrīk al-sawākin fī shuʼūn al-tarbiyah =.Maḥjūb Ibn Mīlād - 1960 - Tūnis: Bū Salāmah.
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    Book Review: Abe Ryuichi, The Weaving of Mantra: Kukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse. [REVIEW]George J. Tanabe Jr - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 28 (1-2):153-156.
  48. Can Rats Reason?Savanah Stephane - 2015 - Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 2 (4):404-429.
    Since at least the mid-1980s claims have been made for rationality in rats. For example, that rats are capable of inferential reasoning (Blaisdell, Sawa, Leising, & Waldmann, 2006; Bunsey & Eichenbaum, 1996), or that they can make adaptive decisions about future behavior (Foote & Crystal, 2007), or that they are capable of knowledge in propositional-like form (Dickinson, 1985). The stakes are rather high, because these capacities imply concept possession and on some views (e.g., Rödl, 2007; Savanah, 2012) rationality indicates (...)
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  49.  22
    The qur’anic Jesus: Isa al-Masih in the qur’an.Waryono Abdul Ghafur, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo & Mohammed Sahrin Bin Haji Masri - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):349-373.
    The perspective on Isa al-Masih or Jesus has been one point of separation and a source of endless tension between Islam and Christianity. While Western tradition believes that Isa al-Masih is the son of God, Islam ensures that Isa is the son of a human being, a servant of God or a prophet and a messenger of God. This paper is not intended to resolve this debate, but through a thematic study by examining verses that reveal about Isa al-Masih in (...)
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    The qur’anic Jesus.Waryono Abdul Ghafur, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo & Mohammed Sahrin Bin Haji Masri - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):269-288.
    This article examines the theological polemics between Islam and Christianity focusing on the prophetic attribution of Isa al-Masih in Islamic tradition. It takes a close look at the Qur’anic construction upon the Prophet Isa al-Masih as a human being who served as a messenger of God, while briefly comparing the Islamic construction to the Christian tradition projecting Isa-al-Masih as the son of God. Rather than emphasising differences between the two traditions, this article, through the Quranic concept kalimatun sawa’, sheds (...)
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