Results for 'Ruth Bardel'

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  1.  71
    C. Ashby: Classical Greek Theatre: New Views of an Old Subject. Pp. xix + 191, 74 figs. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1999. Cased, £36. ISBN: 0-87745-641-0. [REVIEW]Ruth Bardel - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):577-577.
  2.  32
    Andromache Restored W. Allan: The Andromache and Euripidean Tragedy . Pp. xii + 310. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Cased, £40. ISBN: 0-19-815297-. [REVIEW]Ruth Bardel - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):232-.
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  3. Language Conventions Made Simple.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 1998 - Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):161.
    At the start of Convention (1969) Lewis says that it is "a platitude that language is ruled by convention" and that he proposes to give us "an analysis of convention in its full generality, including tacit convention not created by agreement." Almost no clause, however, of Lewis's analysis has withstood the barrage of counter examples over the years,1 and a glance at the big dictionary suggests why, for there are a dozen different senses listed there. Left unfettered, convention wanders freely (...)
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    Studies in Cognitive Development: Essays in Honour of Jean Piaget.Ruth M. Beard, David Elkind & John H. Flavell - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (1):93.
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    Meaning and Mental Representation.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (2):422.
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    The turn to affect: A critique.Ruth Leys - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (3):434-472.
  7. Biofunctions: Two Paradigms.Ruth Millikan - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman (eds.), Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 113-143.
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  8. Three Dogmas of Normativity.Ruth Chang - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy (2):173-204.
    In this article, I identify and critically examine 3 dogmas of normativity that support a commonly accepted ‘Passivist View' of rational agency. I raise some questions about these dogmas, suggest what we should believe in their place, and moot an alternative ‘Activist View' of what it is to be a rational agent that grows out of rejection of the 3 dogmas. Underwriting the dogmas and the Passivist View, I suggest, is a deeply held but mistaken assumption that the normative domain (...)
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    Francis Galton's Statistical Ideas: The Influence of Eugenics.Ruth Cowan - 1972 - Isis 63 (4):509-528.
  10.  34
    Past-future preferences for hedonic goods and the utility of experiential memories.Ruth Lee, Jack Shardlow, Patrick A. O'Connor, Lesley Hotson, Rebecca Hotson, Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (8):1181-1211.
    Recent studies have suggested that while both adults and children hold past-future hedonic preferences – preferring painful experiences to be in the past and pleasurable experiences to lie in the future – these preferences are abandoned when the quantity of pain or pleasure under consideration is greater in the past than in the future. We examined whether such preferences might be affected by the utility people assign to experiential memories, since the recollection of events can itself be pleasurable or aversive, (...)
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    “I don’t need my patients’ opinion to withdraw treatment”: patient preferences at the end-of-life and physician attitudes towards advance directives in England and France.Ruth Horn - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (3):425-435.
    This paper presents the results of a qualitative interview study exploring English and French physicians’ moral perspectives and attitudes towards end-of-life decisions when patients lack capacity to make decisions for themselves. The paper aims to examine the importance physicians from different contexts accord to patient preferences and to explore the role of advance directives in each context. The interviews focus on problems that emerge when deciding to withdraw/-hold life-sustaining treatment from both conscious and unconscious patients; decision-making procedures and the participation (...)
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  12. Hutcheson and his Critics and Opponents on the Moral Sense.Ruth Boeker - 2022 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 20 (2):143-161.
    This paper takes a new look at Francis Hutcheson's moral sense theory and examines it in light of the views of his rationalist critics and opponents who claim that there has to be an antecedent moral standard prior to any sense or affections. I examine how Gilbert Burnet, Samuel Clarke, and Catharine Trotter Cockburn each argue for the priority of reason over a moral sense and how Hutcheson responds or could respond to their views. Furthermore, I consider the proposal that (...)
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  13. Biofunctions: Two paradigms.Ruth Millikan - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman (eds.), Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 113-143.
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  14.  27
    A new definition for global bioethics: COVID-19, a case study.Ruth Macklin - 2022 - Global Bioethics 33 (1):4-13.
    A truly global bioethics involves cooperation and collaboration among countries. Most of the articles published in bioethics journals address a problem that exists in one or more countries, but the articles typically do not discuss solutions that require collaboration or cooperation. COVAX is one example of proposed international cooperation related to the current COVID-19. pandemic. Yet it is evident that nations have been proceeding on their own with little, if any collaboration. Despite international research ethics guidance from the World Health (...)
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  15.  87
    Knowing What I'm Thinking Of.Ruth Garrett Millikan & Andrew Woodfield - 1993 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 67 (1):91-124.
  16.  36
    The Affects of Populism.Ruth Rebecca Tietjen - forthcoming - Journal of the American Philosophical Association:1-19.
    The current rise of populism is often associated with affects. However, the exact relationship between populism and affects is unclear. This article addresses the question of what is distinctive about populist (appeals to) affects. It does so against the backdrop of a Laclauian conception of populism as a political logic that appeals to a morally laden frontier between two homogenous groups, ‘the people’ and ‘those in power’, in order to establish a new hegemonic order. I argue that it is distinctive (...)
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  17.  42
    Citizenship: Towards a Feminist Synthesis.Ruth Lister - 1997 - Feminist Review 57 (1):28-48.
    A synthesis of rights and participatory approaches to citizenship, linked through the notion of human agency, is proposed as the basis for a feminist theory of citizenship. Such a theory has to address citizenship's exclusionary power in relation to both nation-state ‘outsiders’ and ‘insiders’. With regard to the former, the article argues that a feminist theory and politics of citizenship must embrace an internationalist agenda. With regard to the latter, it offers the concept of a ‘differentiated universalism’ as an attempt (...)
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  18. X-Novel, Natural, Nutritious: Towards a Philosophy of Food.Ruth Chadwick - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (2):193-208.
    The possibilities of genetic engineering, particularly as applied to human beings, have provoked considerable debate for over two decades, but more recently the focus of public concern, at least, has turned to genetically modified food. Food has occasionally caught the attention of philosophers and bioethicists but is now ripe for further attention in the light of the implications of GM for policy in health, economics and politics. Macer has identified opposing reactions to novel foods—to prefer to eat down the food (...)
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    Self‐signs and intensional contexts.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2022 - Mind and Language 38 (4):962-980.
    Paradigm intensional contexts result from the unmarked use of referential expressions as “self‐signs”, signs that refer to themselves as tokens, types, or members of Sellarsian “dot‐quoted” kinds. Self‐signing (but unquoted) linguistic expressions are more difficult to recognize than non‐linguistic self‐signs such as the color of a felt pen's casing that represents the color of ink inside. I will discuss non‐linguistic self‐signing, then examine self‐signing in quotation, in “said that …” contexts and in “believes that … ” contexts. The phenomenon of (...)
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  20.  43
    Why Citizenship: Where, When and How Children?Ruth Lister - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2):693-718.
    This Article addresses the general question of "why citizenship?" through the lens of children’s citizenship. It unpacks the different elements of substantive citizenship and considers what they mean for children: membership and participation; rights; responsibilities; and equality of status, respect and recognition. It then discusses the lessons that may be learned from feminist critiques of mainstream constructions of citizenship, paying particular attention to the question of capacity for citizenship. It concludes by suggesting that much of the literature that is making (...)
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  21.  23
    Nietzsche's Human All Too Human: A Critical Introduction and Guide.Ruth Abbey - 2020 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  22.  85
    Smullyan Arthur Francis. Modality and description.Ruth C. Barcan - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):149-150.
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  23.  25
    Critical Thinking, an Annotated Bibliography.Ruth Ingamells, Jeris F. Cassel & Robert J. Congleton - 1994 - British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (1):96.
  24.  88
    The Barnes Case: Taking Difficult Futility Cases Public.Ruth A. Mickelsen, Daniel S. Bernstein, Mary Faith Marshall & Steven H. Miles - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):374-378.
    The recent Minnesota case of In re Emergency Guardianship of Albert Barnes illustrates an emerging class of cases where a dispute between a family proxy and a hospital over “medical futility” requires legal resolution. The case was further complicated by the patient’s spouse who fraudulently claimed to be the patient’s designated health care proxy and who misrepresented the patient’s previously expressed treatment preferences. Barnes demonstrates the degree of significant administrative and institutional support to the health care team, ethics consultants, and (...)
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  25.  10
    The scientific reputation(s) of John Lubbock, Darwinian gentleman.Ruth Barton - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 95 (C):185-203.
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  26.  47
    Hope and education.Ruth Levitas - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (2):269–273.
    This essay reviews David Halpin's Hope and Education, which aims to bring theories of hope and utopia to bear on the practical processes of schooling in contemporary Britain, and which sees education as an intrinsically hopeful and future-oriented process. It argues that the properly utopian character of Halpin's project is subverted by his espousal of a currently fashionable pragmatism, represented by Richard Rorty and Anthony Giddens, which insists that ‘good’ utopias must be realistic and practical. Utopian hope for a better (...)
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  27.  72
    Susan Okin's Justice, Gender, and the Family: Twenty‐Five Years Later.Ruth Abbey - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (3):636-637.
  28.  9
    Wunder, Spott Und Prophetiewonder, Ridicule and Prophecy. Natural Foolishness in the “Histories of Claus Fool”: Natürliche Narrheit in den »Historien von Claus Narren«.Ruth von Bernuth - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
    Betr. u.a. Sebastian Brants "Narrenschiff.".
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    Beyond Her Sphere: Women and the Professions in American HistoryBarbara J. Harris.Ruth Cowan - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):312-312.
  30.  16
    Biology, Medicine, and Society, 1840-1940Charles Webster.Ruth Cowan - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):266-267.
  31.  22
    Mothers and Daughters of Invention: Notes for a Revised History of TechnologyAutumn Stanley.Ruth Cowan - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):143-144.
  32.  19
    Technology in World Civilization: A Thousand-Year History. Arnold Pacey.Ruth Cowan - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):307-308.
  33.  29
    The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High TechnologyLangdon Winner.Ruth Cowan - 1987 - Isis 78 (1):119-120.
  34.  29
    The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology. Langdon Winner.Ruth Schwartz Cowan - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):296-297.
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    Transfer und Transformation: Galante Prosa zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland.Ruth Florack - 2016 - In Jörn Steigerwald & Daniel Fulda (eds.), Um 1700: Die Formierung der Europäischen Aufklärung: Zwischen Öffnung Und Neuerlicher Schließung. De Gruyter. pp. 224-236.
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    Granville Sharp Pattison: Anatomist and Antagonist, 1791-1851F. L. M. Pattison.Ruth Harris - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):373-374.
  37.  15
    Teach Your Child How to Think.Ruth Ingamells & Edward De Bono - 1993 - British Journal of Educational Studies 41 (1):87.
  38.  30
    Lise Meitner an Otto Hahn: Briefe aus den Jahren 1912 bis 1924: Edition und KommentierungSabine Ernst.Ruth Sime - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):726-726.
  39.  71
    Hume’s nominalism and the Copy Principle.Ruth Weintraub - 2012 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (S1):45-54.
    In this paper, I consider some ways in which the Copy Principle and Hume’s nominalism impinge on one another, concluding that the marriage is not a happy one. I argue for the following claims. First, Hume’s argument against indeterminate ideas isn’t cogent even if the Copy Principle is accepted. But this does not vindicate Locke: the imagistic conception of ideas, presupposed by the Copy Principle, will force Locke to accept something like Hume’s view of the way general terms function, the (...)
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  40.  58
    The ombudsman for research practice.Ruth L. Fischbach & Diane C. Gilbert - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (4):389-402.
    We propose that institutions consider establishing a position of “Ombudsman for Research Practice”. This person would assume several roles: as asounding board to those needing confidential consultation about research issues — basic, applied or clinical; as afacilitator for those wishing to pursue a formal grievance process; and as aneducator to distribute guidelines and standards, to raise the consciousness regarding sloppy or irregular practices in order to prevent misconduct and to promote the responsible conduct of research. While there are compelling features (...)
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  41. Life in three dimensions, or, The well-tempered biological space.Ruth García Chico & José Luis González Recio - 2009 - In José Luis González Recio (ed.), Philosophical essays on physics and biology. New York: G. Olms.
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    William Morris: Art, Work, and Leisure.Ruth Kinna - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (3):493-512.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.3 (2000) 493-512 [Access article in PDF] William Morris: Art, Work, and Leisure Ruth Kinna William Morris's most important contribution to British socialist thought is often said to be his elaboration of a plan for the socialist future. E. P. Thompson, for example, argued that Morris was "a pioneer of constructive thought as to the organization of socialist life within Communist society." (...)
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  43.  55
    What’s so Hard about Hard Choices?Ruth Chang - 2024 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 17 (1):aa-aa.
    What, exactly, is so hard about hard choices? I suggest that what is distinctively hard about hard choices is that they present us with the volitional difficulty of putting ourselves behind an alternative and thereby making it true of ourselves that we have most reason to do one thing rather than another. Making it true through your commitments that, for instance, you have most reason to be a philosopher rather than a lawyer makes the choice between the careers hard. This (...)
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  44. Character Development in Shaftesbury’s and Hume’s Approaches to Self.Ruth Boeker - 2022 - In Dan O'Brien (ed.), Hume on the Self and Personal Identity. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This essay examines the relation between philosophical questions concerning personal identity and character development in Shaftesbury’s and Hume’s philosophy. Shaftesbury combines a metaphysical account of personal identity with a normative approach to character development. By contrasting Shaftesbury’s and Hume’s views on these issues, I examine whether character development presupposes specific metaphysical views about personal identity, and in particular whether it presupposes the continued existence of a substance, as Shaftesbury assumes. I show that Hume’s philosophy offers at least two alternatives. Moreover, (...)
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  45. The Right Not to Know: A Challenge for Accurate Self-Assessment.Ruth F. Chadwick - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):299-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 11.4 (2004) 299-301 [Access article in PDF] The Right Not to Know: A Challenge for Accurate Self-Assessment Ruth F. Chadwick Anderson and Lux present a very interesting and thought-provoking argument for the view that accurate self-assessment is a requirement for personal autonomy. What I want to suggest is that although this may be helpful in the context with which these authors are primarily concerned, (...)
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  46. Powers and Capacities: The New Aristotelianism.Ruth Groff & John Greco (eds.) - 2012
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    Wholes, parts, form and powers: Dave Elder-Vass: The causal power of social structures: Emergence, structure and agency. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 240pp, US $85.00 HB.Ruth Porter Groff - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):399-402.
    Wholes, parts, form and powers Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9585-6 Authors Ruth Porter Groff, Department of Political Science, Saint Louis University, 3750 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108-3412, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Selektion zum Wohl des zukünftigen Kindes?: Präimplantationsdiagnostik, „prokreatives Wohltun“ und die Verantwortung angehender Eltern.Ruth Denkhaus - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (1):27-48.
    Der Beitrag setzt sich kritisch mit dem Prinzip des prokreativen Wohltuns von Julian Savulescu und seinen Implikationen für den Umgang mit der Präimplantationsdiagnostik auseinander. PB fordert angehende Eltern dazu auf, aus mehreren möglichen zukünftigen Kindern dasjenige auszuwählen, dessen Leben voraussichtlich am besten verlaufen wird. Paare mit Kinderwunsch sind danach zumindest unter bestimmten Umständen moralisch verpflichtet, eine PID in Anspruch zu nehmen, um die Weitergabe genetisch bedingter Krankheiten zu verhindern. Die Auswahl von Embryonen im Rahmen einer PID kann jedoch nur dann (...)
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    Standards of Music Education and the Easily Administered Child/Citizen: The Alchemy of Pedagogy and Social Inclusion/Exclusion.Thomas S. Popkewitz & Ruth Gustafson - 2002 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 10 (2):80-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Standards of Music Education and the Easily Administered Child/Citizen: The Alchemy of Pedagogy and Social Inclusion/Exclusion Thomas S. Popkewitz and Ruth Gustafson University of Wisconsin-Madison Educational standards are forsome a corrective device to promote the twin goals of excellence and equity by making explicit the performance outcomes ofschooling. For others, performance standards do not do what they say and install the wrong goals for teaching. But various sides (...)
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  50.  33
    Performing right-wing political identities on reader comments pages.Ruth Breeze - 2022 - Pragmatics and Society 13 (1):85-106.
    Recent discourse research has examined the rise of right-wing populism. Yet the predominant focus on political parties and politicians means that we know less about how right-wing identities are performed among ordinary people with different degrees of political engagement. This paper examines reader comments pages in three British newspapers, analysing how participants perform, defend and reinforce their political identities in online fora. It traces how supporters of the far-right United Kingdom Independence Party perform collective identities and enact political antagonisms. The (...)
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