Results for 'Rudolph Haller'

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  1. Conventionalism and it's impact on logical empiricism.Rudolph Haller - 1998 - Philosophia Scientiae 3 (2):95-108.
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    Philosophical modernity and postmodernity in Russia? M. M. Bakhtin's polyphony of voices in the dialogue.Chairperson Rudolph Haller & Clemens Friedrich - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):356-362.
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    Philosophical modernity and postmodernity in Russia? M. M. Bakhtin's polyphony of voices in the dialogue.Rudolph Haller & Clemens Friedrich - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):356-362.
  4. The Correspondence between Albrecht von Haller and Charles Bonnet.Albrecht von Haller, Charles Bonnet & Otto Sonntag - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (1):150-151.
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    The Logical Syntax of Language.Rudolph Carnap - 1936 - Philosophical Review 46 (5):549-553.
  6. Imagination and Interpretation in Kant: The Hermeneutic Import of the Critique of Judgment.Rudolph A. MAKKREEL - 1990
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  7. Carl G. Hempel on scientific theories.Rudolph Carnap - 1963 - In Paul Arthur Schilpp (ed.), The philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. La Salle, Ill.,: Open Court. pp. 958--966.
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    Wien, Berlin, Prag: der Aufstieg der wissenschaftlichen Philosophie : Zentenarien Rudolf Carnap, Hans Reichenbach, Edgar Zilsel.Rudolf Haller & Friedrich Stadler - 1993
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  9. Conceptual exploration.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):2930-2955.
    Conceptual engineering involves revising our concepts. It can be pursued as a specific philosophical methodology, but is also common in ordinary, non-philosophical, contexts. How does our capacity for conceptual engineering fit into human cognitive life more broadly? I hold that conceptual engineering is best understood alongside practices of conceptual exploration, examples of which include conceptual supposition (i.e. suppositional reasoning about alternative concepts), and conceptual comparison (i.e. comparisons between possible concept choices). Whereas in conceptual engineering we aim to change the concepts (...)
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  10. Acquaintance and evidence in appearance language.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46:1-29.
    Assertions about appearances license inferences about the speaker's perceptual experience. For instance, if I assert, 'Tom looks like he's cooking', you will infer both that I am visually acquainted with Tom (what I call the "individual acquaintance inference"), and that I am visually acquainted with evidence that Tom is cooking (what I call the "evidential acquaintance inference"). By contrast, if I assert, 'It looks like Tom is cooking', only the latter inference is licensed. I develop an account of the acquaintance (...)
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    Receptor tyrosine kinase‐dependent neural crest migration in response to differentially localized growth factors.Bernhard Wehrle-Haller & James A. Weston - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (4):337-345.
    How different neural crest derivatives differentiate in distinct embryonic locations in the vertebrate embryo is an intriguing issue. Many attempts have been made to understand the underlying mechanism of specific pathway choices made by migrating neural crest cells. In this speculative review we suggest a new mechanism for the regulation of neural crest cell migration patterns in avian and mammalian embryos, based on recent progress in understanding the expression and activity of receptor tyrosine kinases during embryogenesis. Distinct subpopulations of crest‐derived (...)
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  12. Wittgenstein and austrian philosophy.Rudolf Haller - 1981 - In János Kristóf Nyíri (ed.), Austrian philosophy: studies and texts. München: Philosophia-Verlag.
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  13. (1 other version)Weltaspekte der Philosophie.Rudolph Berlinger, Werner Beierwaltes & W. Schrader (eds.) - 1972 - Amsterdam,: Rodopi.
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    Traditionen und Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie: Festschrift für Rudolf Haller.Rudolf Haller, Wolfgang Leopold Gombocz, Heiner Rutte & Werner Sauer - 1989
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  15. Differences of Taste: An Investigation of Phenomenal and Non-Phenomenal Appearance Sentences.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2022 - In Jeremy Wyatt, Julia Zakkou & Dan Zeman (eds.), Perspectives on Taste: Aesthetics, Language, Metaphysics, and Experimental Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 260-285.
    In theoretical work about the language of personal taste, the canonical example is the simple predicate of personal taste, 'tasty'. We can also express the same positive gustatory evaluation with the complex expression, 'taste good'. But there is a challenge for an analysis of 'taste good': While it can be used equivalently with 'tasty', it need not be (for instance, imagine it used by someone who can identify good wines by taste but doesn't enjoy them). This kind of two-faced behavior (...)
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  16. Ernst Mach--Werk Und Wirkung.Rudolf Haller & Friedrich Stadler - 1988
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    Die Weltnatur des Menschen: Morphopoietische Metaphysik 'Grundlegungsfragen'.Rudolph Berlinger (ed.) - 1988 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    morphopoietische Metaphysik : Grundlegungsfragen Rudolph Berlinger. DIE IRONIE DER FRAGE NACH WELT Erster Abschnitt Der ironische Ansatz der Frage nach Welt Die Formulierung des Themas: „Die Ironie der Frage nach Welt" mag ...
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    The Moral Dimensions of Academic Administration.Rudolph Herbert Weingartner - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    What distinguishes academic administration from administration or managing in business? Rudolph Weingartner, arugues that colleges and universities are founded to serve certain purposes; they are supported by governments and private individuals; and, as professional institutions, they have students, among others, as clients to whom they owe education services in ways analogous to the obligations hospitals have via-à-vis their patients. Academic administration is not just another job of managing, but a calling that importantly assists institutions to carry out their missions.
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    Democritus’ Theory of Colour.Kelli Rudolph - 2019 - Rhizomata 7 (2):269-305.
    I argue that Democritus presents a theory of colour in which the predominance of atomic shapes and microstructural arrangements are necessary but not sufficient for colour vision. Focusing primarily on Democritus’ basic colours, I analyse his microstructural account, providing a new analysis of the natural and technological underpinnings of his method of explanation. I argue that the notion of predominance allows Democritus to account for both the variation and the repeatable correspondence of colour perception by setting limits on possible microstructures. (...)
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    Knowledge and racial violence: the shine and shadow of ‘powerful knowledge’.Sophie Rudolph, Arathi Sriprakash & Jessica Gerrard - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (1):22-38.
    This paper offers a critique of ‘powerful knowledge’ – a concept in Education Studies that has been presented as a just basis for school curricula. Powerful knowledge is disciplinary knowledge produced and refined through a process of ‘specialisation’ that usually occurs in universities. Drawing on postcolonial, decolonial and Indigenous studies, we show how powerful knowledge seems to focus on the progressive impulse of modernity while overlooking the ruination of colonial racism. We call on scholars and practitioners working with the powerful (...)
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    Rudolph, Heinrich. Über dieUnzulässigkeit der gegenw ä rtigen Theorie der Materie.H. Rudolph - 1905 - Kant Studien 10 (1-3).
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    The unity of the Platonic dialogue: the Cratylus, the Protagoras, the Parmenides.Rudolph Herbert Weingartner - 1973 - [Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill Co..
  23. The problem of a more general concept of regularity.Rudolph Carnap - 1971 - In Richard C. Jeffrey (ed.), Studies in Inductive Logic and Probability. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 2--145.
    This section discusses mostly some unsolved problems. . . .I hope that some mathematicians who are interested in a classification of sets of real numbers, in particular sets with Lebesgue measure zero, will read it and try to find solutions for the problems here outlined.
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  24. Vom Anfang des Philosophierens.Rudolph Berlinger - 1965 - Frankfurt am Main,: Klostermann.
    Vom Anfang als Prinzip des Philosophierens.--Vom Ursprung der sinnlichen Erfahrung.--Das Ereignis der Wahrheit.--Unus dies par omni?--Die Authentizität der Welt.--Die Idee des Denkens.
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    Kierkegaard: The Analysis of the Psychological Personality.Rudolph Friedmann - 1949 - London,: P. Nevill.
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    Aesthetics.Rudolf Haller (ed.) - 1984 - Hingham, Mass., U.S.A.: D. Reidel [distributor].
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    Beiträge Zur Philosophie von Stephan Körner.Rudolf Haller (ed.) - 1983 - Brill | Rodopi.
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    Democritus' Perspectival Theory of Vision.Kelli Rudolph - unknown
    Democritus' theory of vision combines the notions of images (??????) streaming from objects and air imprints, which gives him the resources to account for the perception of the relative size and distance of objects, not just their characteristics. This perspectival explanation of the visual theory accommodates important but overlooked evidence from Vitruvius. By comparing Democritus' theory with ancient developments in visual representation, my analysis provides a new approach to the evidence of atomist vision. I begin with the process of vision (...)
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  29. Primitive Christianity in Its Historical Setting.Rudolph Bultmann - 1956
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  30. Almenmenneskelige værdier: Platon, Spinoza, Goethe.Rudolph Simonsen - 1963 - København,: Borgen.
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    Neopositivismus: eine historische Einführung in die Philosophie des Wiener Kreises.Rudolf Haller - 1993
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    Metalinguistic Gradability.Rachel Rudolph & Alexander W. Kocurek - 2024 - Semantics and Pragmatics 17 (7):1--53.
    We present a novel semantic and conversational framework for a class of gradable-like constructions. These include metalinguistic comparatives, like "Ann is more a linguist than a philosopher", as well as metalinguistic equatives, degree modifications, and conditionals. To the extent previous literature discusses such metalinguistic gradability, the focus has been on comparatives. We extend our account of metalinguistic comparatives (Rudolph & Kocurek 2020) to cover a broader range of metalinguistic gradable constructions. On our semantic expressivist view, these all serve in (...)
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  33. Talking about appearances: the roles of evaluation and experience in disagreement.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (1):197-217.
    Faultless disagreement and faultless retraction have been taken to motivate relativism for predicates of personal taste, like ‘tasty’. Less attention has been devoted to the question of what aspect of their meaning underlies this relativist behavior. This paper illustrates these same phenomena with a new category of expressions: appearance predicates, like ‘tastes vegan’ and ‘looks blue’. Appearance predicates and predicates of personal taste both fall into the broader category of experiential predicates. Approaching predicates of personal taste from this angle suggests (...)
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  34. Philosophy in the West Readings in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy [Edited by] Joseph Katz [and] Rudolph H. Weingartner. With New Translations by John Wellmuth and John Wilkinson.Joseph Katz & Rudolph H. Weingartner - 1965 - Harcourt, Brace & World.
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  35. Comparing conventions.Rachel Etta Rudolph & Alexander W. Kocurek - 2020 - Semantics and Linguistic Theory 30:294-313.
    We offer a novel account of metalinguistic comparatives, such as 'Al is more wise than clever'. On our view, metalinguistic comparatives express comparative commitments to conventions. Thus, 'Al is more wise than clever' expresses that the speaker has a stronger commitment to a convention on which Al is wise than to a convention on which she is clever. This view avoids problems facing previous approaches to metalinguistic comparatives. It also fits within a broader framework—independently motivated by metalinguistic negotiations and convention-shiftingexpressions— (...)
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  36. Primitive Christianity in Its Contemporary Setting.Rudolph Bultmann & R. H. Fuller - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (124):83-84.
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    Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye.Rudolph Arnheim - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (3):425-426.
  38. History and Eschatology.Rudolph Bultmann - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (1):66-67.
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    And ontology.Rudolph Carnap - 2005 - In Nico Stehr & Reiner Grundmann (eds.), Knowledge: critical concepts. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--267.
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  40. Perception and inferences.Rudolf Haller - 1974 - Ajatus 36:166-177.
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    Stress, Cortisone and Homeostasis. Adrenal Cortex Hormones and Physiological Equilibrium, 1936–1960.Lea Haller - 2010 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 18 (2):169-195.
    This article investigates the emergence of the concept of stress in the 1930s and outlines its changing disciplinary and conceptual frames up until 1960. Originally stress was a physiological concept applied to the hormonal regulation of the body under stressful conditions. Correlated closely with chemical research into corticosteroids for more than a decade, the stress concept finally became a topic in cognitive psychology. One reason for this shift of the concept to another discipline was the fact that the hormones previously (...)
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  42. Uber Meinong.Rudolf Haller - 1973 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 27 (2/3=104/105):148.
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  43. Wittgenstein and the future of philosophy: a reassessment after 50 years: papers of the 24th international Wittgenstein symposium.Rudolf Haller & Klaus Puhl (eds.) - 2002
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    Wittgenstein: Eine Neubewertung/Towards a Re-evaluation.Rudolf Haller & Johannes Brandl (eds.) - 1990 - Verlag Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
    An läßlich der I 00. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages von Ludwig Wittgenstein, dem wohl bedeutendsten Philosophen unseres Jahrhunderts und Namensgeber der veranstaltenden Gesellschaft, wurde das 14. Internationale Symposium in Kirchberg gänzlich unter die programmatische Perspektive einer Neubewertung seiner Philosophie gestellt. Dem Anlasse entsprechend war dieses Symposium das weitaus größte aller bisherigen mit nahezu 600 Teilnehmern und 230 Vorträgen. Nur 138 davon konnten in die Akten des 14. Symposiums aufgenommen werden, dietrotzdieser Auswahl über 1000 Seiten stark wurden. Wegen dieses außerordentlichen Umfangs ist (...)
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  45. Bradley's Appearance and Reality.Rudolph Kagey - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28:137.
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    Dilthey and the Neo-Kantians: The Dispute Over the Status of the Human and Cultural Sciences.Rudolph Makkreel & Sebastian Luft - unknown
  47. Johann Gottlieb Fichte: zum hundertjährigen jubilaum seiner Reden an die deutsche nation.Rudolph Meincke - 1908 - Hamburg: Otto Meissners Verlag.
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  48. Die Einheit von Metaphysik und Physik. Zu Leibniz'Anfangsgründen der Naturphilosophie und Phänomenologie.Enno Rudolph - 1986 - Philosophia Naturalis 23 (1):49-69.
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    Schwerpunkt: Adornos geschichtsphilosophischer Naturbegriff.Matthias Rudolph, Thomas Mario Hirschlein & Robert Ziegelmann - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (6):983-988.
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  50. The Gospel of Matthew.Rudolph Schnackenburg - 2002
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