Russell E. Smith [11]Russell Smith [6]Ruth L. Smith [3]Ruth Smith [2]
Russell Edward Smith [1]Ru Smith [1]Ruairi Smith [1]Russell G. Smith [1]

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  1.  40
    Order and Disorder: The Naturalization of Poverty.Ruth L. Smith - 1991 - Social Philosophy Today 5:317-342.
  2.  13
    Replies to David Hollenbach.Gregory Baum, Ruth Smith & Robert Benne - 1987 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 7:41-53.
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  3. Digital crime in the twenty-first century.P. N. Grabosky & Russell G. Smith - 2001 - Journal of Information Ethics 10 (1):8-26.
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  4.  8
    The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art: The Human Agenda (Special Edition).Jack Graveney, Alexander Kardos-Nyheim, Nadia Jahnecke, Aleksandra Violana, Alex Guard, Alex de Wild, Benjamin Keener, Daniel Morgan, Donari Yahzid, Hanine Kadi, Hannah Herbert-Owen, Helena de Guise, Jem Sandhu, Mishael Knight, Oona Lagercrantz, Ruairi Smith & Varda Saxena (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art.
    The Human Agenda is the first Special Edition of The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art (CJLPA), an interdisciplinary journal founded at the University of Cambridge. Focused on the unique intersections of law, politics and art in the context of human rights, contributors to the Special Edition include David Baragwanath, Luis Moreno Ocampo, Nadia Murad, Nancy Hollander, Andrew Clapham, Vladimir Osechkin, Mansour al-Omari, and many others. A full table of contents is available through the publication's own page.
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  5.  18
    Light Path: On the Realist Mathematisation of Motion in the Seventeenth Century.Russell Smith - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (2):43-79.
    This paper focuses on the mathematisation of mechanics in the seventeenth century, specifically on how the representation of compounded rectilinear motions presented in the ancient Greek Mechanica found its way into Newton’s Principia almost two thousand years later. I aim to show that the path from the former to the latter was optical: the conceptualisation of geometrical lines as paths of reflection created a physical interpretation of dia­grammatic principles of geometrical point-motion, involving the kinematics and dynamics of light reflection. Upon (...)
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  6. Oratio Placabilis Deo: Eriugena's Fragmentary Eucharistic Teaching in light of the Doctrine of the Periphyseon.Ru Smith - 1989 - Dionysius 13:85-114.
  7.  19
    Shining a light on Harriot and Galileo: On the mechanics of reflection and projectile motion.Russell Smith - 2015 - History of Science 53 (3):296-319.
    Decades before Newton’s Principia ushered in the age of modern science, Aristotelian physics faced a serious challenge against its weakest point, in the quest to construct a new theory of projectile motion. Yet how were such new principles of motion conceived, without reference to an established theory of mechanics? This paper explores the conceptual space between the rejection of Aristotle’s physics and the appearance of Newton’s physics in which people such as Harriot and Galileo sought new ways to understand mechanical (...)
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  8. Social responsibility: a term we can do without.Rutherford Smith - 1988 - Business and Society Review 31 (6).
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  9.  7
    The Gospel of Life and the Vision of Health Care: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.Russell Edward Smith (ed.) - 1996 - Pope John Center.
    In 1996 the Pope John Center (now the National Catholic Bioethics Center) offered a workshop for bishops to examine Pope John Paul II's landmark encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). This collection of essays represents the proceedings of that workshop for scholars and students.
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  10.  9
    The Persistence of World Renunciation in Moral Theory.Ruth Smith - 1991 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 11:269-274.
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  11.  22
    “Uproar, bulk, rage, suffocation, effort unceasing, frenzied and vain”: Beckett’s Transports of Rage.Russell Smith - 2016 - Journal of Medical Humanities 37 (2):137-147.
    In a 1961 interview, Beckett warded off philosophical interpretations of his work: ‘I’m no intellectual. All I am is feeling’. Despite the emotional intensity of Beckett’s post-war writing, Beckett criticism has tended to ignore this claim, preferring the kinds of philosophical readings that Beckett here rejects. In particular, Beckett criticism underestimates the element of rage in his work. This paper argues that Beckett’s post-war breakthrough is enabled by a radical reconsideration of the nature of feeling and of rage in particular. (...)
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  12.  29
    Women and War. [REVIEW]Ruth L. Smith - 1990 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 2 (1):67-68.
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