Results for 'Rozmeri Basic'

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  1. What Does It Mean to Be an'American'?Basic Books - 1983 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 57.
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    Attitudes and Knowledge About Plagiarism Among University Students: Cross-Sectional Survey at the University of Split, Croatia.Željana Bašić, Ivana Kružić, Ivan Jerković, Ivan Buljan & Ana Marušić - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (5):1467-1483.
    Plagiarism is one of the most severe academic integrity issues. This study examined students’ knowledge of and attitudes towards plagiarism, tested their ability to recognize plagiarism, and explored the association of study levels and attendance in courses dealing with referencing rules and plagiarism with students’ attitudes and knowledge. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted at the University of Split, comprising the students of all schools and study levels. Overall, results indicate the students were not very familiar with referencing rules and (...)
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    Policy of multiculturalism and resistance of majority.Goran Basic - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (24):149-159.
    The paper discusses the challenges faced by the theoretical thought and practice in Europe concerning the politics of. Though multiculturalism is a complex phenomenon assuming that many social diversities should be brought into accord, in the practice of the Central and Southeast European states it is reduced to the identification of the identities and the recognition of the ethno-cultural minorities' rights. In these regions the politics of multiculturalism meets the resistance of the majority as well as the barriers that slow (...)
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    Policy of multiculturalism: Protection or control of ethnic identities?Goran Basic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (3):167-195.
    Politike multikulturalnosti nisu tekovina moderne i liberalne drzave, kako se to u javnosti najcesce zakljucuje. Sa problemom "kontrole" multikulturalnosti suocavale su se istorijske imperije, drzave "stare" demokratije, kolonijalna i imigrantska drustva, a nakon eksperimenta sa komunizmom i istocno evropske drzave. Modeli politike multikulturalnosti su brojni i zavise od politickih drustvenih i kulturnih prilika u razlicitim delovima sveta, a cesto susedne drzave bliskih kultura razvijaju razlicite politike multikulturalnosti. U radu se razmatraju istorijska i savremena iskustva u vezi sa politikama multikulturalnosti, a (...)
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    European integrations and policy of multiculturality in Serbia.Goran Bašić - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (29):113-118.
    The issue of the policy of multiculturalism toward ethno-cultural minorities in contemporary Serbia has been reviewed within the project Regional and European Aspects of Integrative Processes in Serbia held by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. The aim of this paper is directed toward examination of theoretical and empirical problems regarding the phenomenon of multiculturalism. In spite of the fact that multiculturalism is one of the striking characteristics of modern life in Serbia our social sciences pay a little attention (...)
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    E very day, from the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed, goals influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions. For instance, our.Basic Goal Distinctions - 2012 - In Henk Aarts & Andrew J. Elliot (eds.), Goal-directed behavior. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
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    caracteristica-actividad. See part-whole relation/steps-activity causal relation certainty in. See certainty.Basic Formal Ontology - 2010 - In Alain Auger & Caroline Barrière (eds.), Probing Semantic Relations: Exploration and Identification in Specialized Texts. John Benjamins. pp. 149.
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    LA Paul.Here I. Am Basically Following Fine - 2004 - In Frank Jackson & Graham Priest (eds.), Lewisian Themes: The Philosophy of David K. Lewis. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Richard Boyd.Some Basic Notions - 1991 - In Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout (eds.), The Philosophy of Science. MIT Press.
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    Filozofski život.Marija Lamot, Siniša Matić, Gabriela Bašić, Ljudevit Hanžek, Slaven Lendić, Igor Eterović, Krešimir Babel, Hajrudin Hromadžić, Bruno Ćurko & Elvina Šehić - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (2):465-484.
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  11. Marx, Communism, and Basic Income.Jan Kandiyali - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (4):647-664.
    Should Marxists support universal basic income (UBI), i.e., a regular cash income paid to all without a means test or work requirement? This paper considers one important argument that they should, namely that UBI would be instrumentally effective in helping to bring about communism. It argues that previous answers to this question have paid insufficient attention to a logically prior question: what is Marx’s account of communism? In reply, it distinguishes two different accounts: a left-libertarian version that associates communism (...)
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    Metanormativna načela i normama vođeno društveno međudjelovanje.Berislav Žarnić & Bašić - 2014 - Revus 22:89-104.
    Kritičko čitanje Alchourrónove i Bulyginove skupovnoteorijske defnicije normativnoga sustava pokazuje da njegova deduktivna zatvorenost nije neizbježno svojstvo. Slijedeći von Wrightovu pretpostavku da aksiomi standardne deontične logike opisuju svojstva savršenoga normativnog sustava, uvodi se algoritam za prevođenje iz modalnoga u skupovnoteorijski jezik. Prijevod nam otkriva da plauzibilnost pojedinih metanormativnih načela leži na različitim osnovama. Koristeći se metodološkim pristupom koji prepoznaje različite aktere u normama upravljanome međudjelovanju, pokazuje se da su metanormativna načela obveze drugoga reda upućene različitim ulogama. Poseban slučaj jest zahtjev (...)
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    Pierre and the New World Makers, RICHARD J. HALL.Non-Basic Action - 1984 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 62 (3).
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  14. Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology.Robert Arp, Barry Smith & Andrew D. Spear - 2015 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    In the era of “big data,” science is increasingly information driven, and the potential for computers to store, manage, and integrate massive amounts of data has given rise to such new disciplinary fields as biomedical informatics. Applied ontology offers a strategy for the organization of scientific information in computer-tractable form, drawing on concepts not only from computer and information science but also from linguistics, logic, and philosophy. This book provides an introduction to the field of applied ontology that is of (...)
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    Habilitation, Health, and Agency: a Framework for Basic Justice.Lawrence C. Becker - 2012 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues for adopting a new account of the circumstances of justice ("the habilitation framework") for philosophical theories of basic justice. It proposes a concept of basic health as a metric for such theories, and healthy agency as a target for them. It does not, however, propose a specific distributive rule or set of distributive principles. Nor does it propose a specific type of theory to pursue (e.g., utilitarian, contractarian, etc.). The book is thus meant to be (...)
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  16. Metanormative Principles and Norm Governed Social Interaction.Berislav Žarnić & Gabriela Bašić - 2014 - Revus 22:105-120.
    Critical examination of Alchourrón and Bulygin’s set-theoretic definition of normative system shows that deductive closure is not an inevitable property. Following von Wright’s conjecture that axioms of standard deontic logic describe perfection-properties of a norm-set, a translation algorithm from the modal to the set-theoretic language is introduced. The translations reveal that the plausibility of metanormative principles rests on different grounds. Using a methodological approach that distinguishes the actor roles in a norm governed interaction, it has been shown that metanormative principles (...)
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  17. Are reasons normatively basic?Robert Audi - 2022 - Noûs 56 (3):639-653.
    Understanding reasons is essential both for understanding human behavior and for constructing a theory of moral conduct. Reasons have been widely viewed as the most basic elements in normative theory, and moral reasons have been considered the most basic elements in ethics. Arguably, rational acts are those best supported by reasons, and morally right acts are those best supported by moral reasons. There is little doubt, however, that what is good is also important for both the rationality and (...)
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  18. Shall Justice Prevail? Reforming the Epistemic Basic Structure in a Non-Ideal World.Petr Špecián - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (8):75-83.
    Faik Kurtulmuş’s exploration of the epistemic basic structure (EBS) invites us to think about the generation, dissemination, and absorption of knowledge in a society, emphasizing the role of institutions in determining epistemic outcomes. Moreover, Kurtulmuş—in joint work with Gürol Irzık—offers a normative take on the EBS from the viewpoint of the theory of justice and does not shy away from drawing specific policy recommendations. Thus, a powerful, innovative concept is used to extend an influential theory and draw out its (...)
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  19. Justice, the basic social contract and health care.Robert M. Veatch - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics.
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    Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times.Human Rights: Between Text, Context, Realities Political Economy of Human Rights Rights, Realization Legality, Strong Legitimacy: A. Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water, Human Rights Quarterly Sanitation’, The State, Environment Politics of Development & Climate Change - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):343-353.
    Drawing its strength from the UN Charter and UDHR, human rights ethics is a beacon of hope and a promise that requires continuous reaffirmation during these turbulent times. These two documents, with their unwavering faith in ‘fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,’ have shaped our understanding of human rights as global and universal ethics. However, this faith is now being severely (...)
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    Filozofski život.Vinko Grgurev, Marijana Filipeti, Iris Vidmar, Ivan Andrijanić, Gabriela Bašić, Ljudevit Hanžek, Ivana Zagorac, Marija Selak, Ivana Greguric, Ivana Skuhala Karasman, Snježan Hasnaš, Tomislav Krznar, Željka Metesi Deronjić, Ruža Kovačević, Aleksandar Dimitriev, Vanja Brkljač, Krešimir Babel & Elvina Šehić - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (4):997-1042.
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  22. Basic notions of information structure.Manfred Krifka - 2008
    This article takes stock of the basic notions of Information Structure (IS). It first provides a general characterization of IS following Chafe (1976) within a communicative model of Common Ground (CG), which distinguishes between CG content and CG management. IS is concerned with those features of language that concern the local CG. It then defines and discusses the notions of Focus (as indicating alternatives) and its various uses, Givenness (as indicating that a denotation is already present in the CG), (...)
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  23. Maurice Merleau-Ponty: basic writings.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 2004 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Thomas Baldwin.
    Merleau-Ponty was a pivotal figure in twentieth century French philosophy. He was responsible for bringing the phenomenological methods of the German philosophers, Husserl and Heidegger, to France and instigated a new wave of interest in this approach. His influence extended well beyond the boundaries of philosophy and can be seen in theories of politics, art and language. This is the first volume to bring together a comprehensive selection of Merleau-Ponty's writing and presents a cross-section of his work which shows the (...)
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    Filozofski život.Iris Vidmar, Marijana Filipeti, Emil Kušan, Gabrijela Bašić, Tonči Valentić, Luka Boršić, Marko Tokić, Iva Rinčić, Hrvoje Jurić, Ivan Majić & Bruno Ćurko - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):407-431.
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    Reconsidering the reciprocity objection to unconditional basic income.Andrew Lister - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (3):209-228.
    This article reconsiders the reciprocity objection to unconditional basic income based on the idea that reciprocity is not only a duty but a limiting condition on other duties. If the objection wer...
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  26. Black Hole Physics. Basic Concepts and New Developments.H. -H. V. Borzeszkowski - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (8):1317-1320.
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  27. Basic sensible qualities and the structure of appearance.David Hilbert & Alex Byrne - 2008 - Philosophical Issues 18 (1):385-405.
    A sensible quality is a perceptible property, a property that physical objects (or events) perceptually appear to have. Thus smells, tastes, colors and shapes are sensible qualities. An egg, for example, may smell rotten, taste sour, and look cream and round.1,2 The sensible qualities are not a miscellanous jumble—they form complex structures. Crimson, magenta, and chartreuse are not merely three different shades of color: the first two are more similar than either is to the third. Familiar color spaces or color (...)
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  28. Theories for use: On the bearing of basic science on practical problems.Martin Carrier - 2010 - In M. Dorato M. Suàrez (ed.), Epsa Epistemology and Methodology of Science. Springer. pp. 23--33.
    Funding policies for science are usually directed at supporting technological innovations. The im-pact and success of such policies depend crucially on how science and technology are connected to each other. I propose an “interactive view” of the relationship between basic science and technol-ogy development which comprises the following four claims: First, technological change derives from science but only in part. The local models used in accounting for technologically relevant phenomena contain theoretical and non-theoretical elements alike. Second, existing technologies and (...)
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  29. Liberal Egalitarianism, Basic Rights, and Free Market Capitalism.Daniel Shapiro - 1993 - Reason Papers 18:169-188.
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  30. The basic constructive logic for a weak sense of consistency.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (1):89-107.
    In this paper, consistency is understood as the absence of the negation of a theorem, and not, in general, as the absence of any contradiction. We define the basic constructive logic BKc1 adequate to this sense of consistency in the ternary relational semantics without a set of designated points. Then we show how to define a series of logics extending BKc1 within the spectrum delimited by contractionless minimal intuitionistic logic. All logics defined in the paper are paraconsistent logics.
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    Basic Predicate Calculus.Wim Ruitenburg - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (1):18-46.
    We establish a completeness theorem for first-order basic predicate logic BQC, a proper subsystem of intuitionistic predicate logic IQC, using Kripke models with transitive underlying frames. We develop the notion of functional well-formed theory as the right notion of theory over BQC for which strong completeness theorems are possible. We also derive the undecidability of basic arithmetic, the basic logic equivalent of intuitionistic Heyting Arithmetic and classical Peano Arithmetic.
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  32. East-West: the basic tendencies of world philosophy.N. Z. Baitenova - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (2):75-80.
    Today, unfortunately, we can not speak about the presence of one entire world philosophy. It is connected with the fact that the history of world philosophy is investigated from the position of eurocentrism, and what we consider as world philosophy actually is the West-European philosophy. In world philosophy, Eastern philosophy is represented only by three blocks: classical Chinese, Indian and Arabian philosophies. Even when we speak about Eastern philosophy, frequently it is examined as a marginal part of world philosophy which (...)
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  33. A new basic set of proof transformations.Anjolina G. de Oliveira & Rjgb de Queiroz - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (1):124-126.
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    Ethics in Nursing Practice: Basic Principles and Their Application.F. J. Fitzpatrick - 1988 - Linacre Centre for Health Care Ethics.
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  35. On the Transcendental Import of Kelsen's Basic Norm.Gerhard Luf - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson (ed.), Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the enquiry into the import and function of the basic norm in Hans Kelsen's legal theory, the interpretations of special interest are those dealing with the notion of the basic norm as the ‘logico-transcendental’ condition for cognition in legal science, or with the relation of Kelsen's juridico-scientific method to Kant's practice philosophy. Two thinkers in particular have written along these lines, Norbert Leser and Ralf Dreier, respectively. This chapter begins by describing the positions taken up by the (...)
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    On the Definitions of Basic Kinds of Properties.Jiří Raclavský - 2008 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 15 (1):80-83.
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  37. Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate.Gerhard F. Hasel - 1972
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  38. J. Roger Hindley, Basic Simple Type Theory.H. -J. Tiede - 1999 - Journal of Logic Language and Information 8:473-476.
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  39. Encounter as the basic unit of social-interaction.Rolf Voneckartsberg - 1965 - Humanitas 1 (2):195-215.
  40. Marx and the basic concepts of sociological theory : from a seminar transcript in the summer semester of 1962.Theodor W. Adorno - 2022 - In Werner Bonefeld & Chris O'Kane (eds.), Adorno and Marx: negative dialectics and the critique of political economy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Indian philosophy: basic concepts and important themes.Augustine Thottakara - 2015 - Bengaluru: Dharmaram Publications.
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    Models and structures as basic concepts for the design of a creative curriculum.Robert A. E. Myers - unknown
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  43. Religious Belief as Basic.Alvin Plantinga - 1999 - In Eleonore Stump & Michael J. Murray (eds.), Philosophy of Religion: The Big Questions. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 6--285.
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    Four-valued expansions of Dunn-Belnap's logic (I): Basic characterizations.Alexej P. Pynko - 2020 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 49 (4):401-437.
    Basic results of the paper are that any four-valued expansion L4 of Dunn-Belnap's logic DB4 is de_ned by a unique conjunctive matrix ℳ4 with exactly two distinguished values over an expansion.
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  45. Antinomy of Basic Action.Kim Frost - 2015 - In Roman Altshuler & Michael J. Sigrist (eds.), Time and the Philosophy of Action. New York: Routledge.
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    Night Vision: Basic, Clinical and Applied Aspects.R. F. Hess, L. T. Sharpe & K. Nordby (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    This detailed 1990 book describes the light and dark adaptation of receptoral and post-receptoral mechanisms from a number of perspectives. The authors emphasise the importance of the study of achromatopsia, a rare congenital condition in which the visual mechanisms that mediate day vision are absent whilst those that mediate night vision remain intact.
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  47. Terminology and basic concepts.Frederick Pollock - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 437.
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    Filozofski život.Dunja Marušić Brezetić, Krunoslav Petrunić, Senka Suman, Snježan Hasnaš, Vinko Grgurev, Ivana Kragić, Tomislav Petković, Gabriela Bašić, Ljudevit Hanžek, Krešimir Babel, Ivana Greguric, Stjepan Radić, Tomislav Krznar, Marija Selak, Ksenija Matuš, Bruno Ćurko, Ivana Zagorac, Ivana Skuhala Karasman & Tina Marasović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):809-848.
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  49. Basic Income, Gender Justice and the Costs of Gender-Symmetrical Lifestyles.Anca Gheaus - 2008 - Basic Income Studies 3 (3).
    I argue that, in the currently gender-unjust societies a basic income would not advance feminist goals. To assess the impact of a social policy on gender justice I propose the following criterion: a society is gender-just when the costs of engaging in a lifestyle characterized by gender-symmetry (in both the domestic and public spheres) are, for both men and women, smaller or equal to the costs of engaging in a gender-asymmetrical lifestyle. For a significant number of women, a (...) income would increase the costs of leading gender-symmetrical lifestyles because it would make it easier for both women and men to pursue gender-unjust preferences. I argue that preference satisfaction is distinct from justice. I conclude by showing why a basic income would lead to further privatisation of caregiving, and I outline the negative effects this would have on women. (shrink)
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  50. (1 other version)Analogy as a basic function of thinking.А Хомяков - 2025 - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilIT&C) 2:23-41.
    We present an analytical study that puts forward a hypothesis about the role of analogy in thinking. The article presents a critique of the structural mapping hypothesis in analogy as an explanation of the analogical argument and will offer an alternative explanation — the functional hypothesis of the analogical argument. It will also be shown how such functions of thinking as recognition and memory, metaphor and syllogism, generalization and ontology, deduction and induction can be realized with the help of the (...)
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