Results for 'Roy Azoulay'

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  1.  33
    Affective and cognitive impact of social overinclusion: a meta-analytic review of cyberball studies.Dan E. Hay, Sun Bleicher, Roy Azoulay, Yogev Kivity & Eva Gilboa-Schechtman - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (3):412-429.
    Belongingness is a central biopsychosocial system. Challenges to belongingness (i.e. exclusion/ostracism) engender robust negative effects on affect and cognitions. Whether overinclusion – getting more than one’s fair share of social attention – favourably impacts affect and cognitions remains an open question. This pre-registered meta-analysis includes twenty-two studies (N = 2757) examining overinclusion in the context of the Cyberball task. We found that the estimated overall effect size of overinclusion on positive affect was small but robust, and the effect on fundamental (...)
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    Uncertainty effects on time to access the internal lexicon.Roy Lachman - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 99 (2):199.
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    Free will in scientific psychology.Roy F. Baumeister - 2008 - .
    Some actions are freer than others, and the difference is palpably important in terms of inner process, subjective perception, and social consequences. Psychology can study the difference between freer and less free actions without making dubious metaphysical commitments. Human evolution seems to have created a relatively new, more complex form of action control that corresponds to popular notions of free will. It is marked by self-control and rational choice, both of which are highly adaptive, especially for functioning within culture. The (...)
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  4. What lies behind misspeaking.Roy Sorensen - 2011 - American Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4):399.
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  5. Believing versus disbelieving in free will: Correlates and consequences.Roy Baumeister - 2012 - Personality and Social Psychology Compass 6 (10):736-745.
    Some people believe more than others in free will, and researchers have both measured and manipulated those beliefs. Disbelief in free will has been shown to cause dishonest, selfish, aggressive, and conforming behavior, and to reduce helpfulness, learning from one’s misdeeds, thinking for oneself, recycling, expectations for occupational success, and actual quality of performance on the job. Belief in free will has been shown to have only modest or negligible correlations with other variables, indicating that it is a distinct trait. (...)
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  6. Recalcitrant variations of the prediction paradox.Roy A. Sorensen - 1982 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 60 (4):355 – 362.
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    Dictatorship on top-circular domains.Gopakumar Achuthankutty & Souvik Roy - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (3-4):479-493.
    We consider domains with a natural property called top-circularity. We show that if such a domain satisfies either the maximal conflict property or the weak conflict property, then it is dictatorial. We obtain the result in Sato :331–342, 2010) as a corollary. Furthermore, it follows from our results that the union of a single-peaked domain and a single-dipped domain is dictatorial.
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  8. (3 other versions)Science et philosophie.Édouard Le Roy - 1899 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 7 (4):375-425.
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  9. Perceiving nothings.Roy Sorensen - 2015 - In Mohan Matthen, The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
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    The symmetry problem.Roy Sorensen - 2013 - In Fred Feldman Ben Bradley, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death. Oxford University Press. pp. 234.
  11.  43
    Memory representations in animals: Some metatheoretical issues.Roy Lachman & Janet L. Lachman - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):380-381.
  12. A Definite No-No.Roy A. Sorensen - 2003 - In J. C. Beall, Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
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    An empathic theory of circularity.Roy Sorensen - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (4):498 – 509.
  14.  18
    The Wonder of Armchair Inquiry.Roy A. Sorensen - 1992 - In Thought Experiments. Oxford and New York: Oup Usa.
    This chapter focuses on armchair inquiry. Thought experiment has the feel of clairvoyance, thus eliciting awe in some and suspicion in others. But the wonder of thought experiment is just a special case of our vague puzzlement about how a question could be answered by merely thinking. There is no mystery when investigators look, measure, and manipulate. Their answers come from the news borne by observation and experiment. But if you just ponder, then the information you have leaving the armchair (...)
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  15.  24
    Approximations to English (AE) and short-term memory: Construction or storage?Roy Lachman & Abigail V. Tuttle - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (4):386.
  16.  36
    Is a test trial a training trial in free recall learning?Roy Lachman & Kenneth R. Laughery - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (1p1):40.
  17.  18
    Object salience and code separation in picture naming.Roy Lachman, Janet L. Lachman, Carroll Thronesbery & Linda S. Sala - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (3):187-190.
  18.  25
    Range of association level (AL) and observing response (OR) effects in postshift concept attainment.Roy Lachman - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):746.
  19.  30
    Rehearsal, test trials, and component processes in free recall.Roy Lachman & Janet L. Mistler - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (3):374.
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    The influence of thirst and schedules of reinforcement-nonreinforcement ratios upon brightness discrimination.Roy Lachman - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (1):80.
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    Carnivals in History.Roy Ladurie - 1981 - Thesis Eleven 3 (1):52-59.
  22.  16
    Military operations and the mind: war ethics and soldiers' well-being.Daniel Lagacé-Roy & Stéphanie A. H. Bélanger (eds.) - 2016 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Offering a Canadian perspective on the emotional health of servicemen and women, Military Operations and the Mind brings together researchers and practitioners from across the country to consider the impact that ethical issues have on the well-being of those who serve. Stemming from an initiative to enhance the lives of serving members by providing them with the best education and training in military ethics before and after deployments, this volume will better inform politics and public policies and enhance the welfare (...)
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  23.  14
    Soviet Civilization.Roy Wood Sellars - 1955 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (2):262-263.
  24.  18
    The Illusion of Immortality.Roy Wood Sellars - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (3):444-445.
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  25. Motive and Intention.Roy Lawrence - 1975 - Mind 84 (333):142-143.
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  26. Your growing child and religion.Roy Stuart Lee - 1963 - New York,: Macmillan.
  27.  40
    Vagueness Implies Cognitivism.Roy A. Sorensen - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1):1 - 14.
  28. Spectacular absences : a companion guide.Roy Sorensen - 2018 - In Thomas Crowther & Clare Mac Cumhaill, Perceptual Ephemera. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  29. Moral dilemmas, thought experiments, and conflict vagueness.Roy A. Sorensen - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 63 (3):291 - 308.
  30.  45
    Blindspotting and Choice Variations of the Prediction Paradox.Roy A. Sorensen - 1986 - American Philosophical Quarterly 23 (4):337 - 352.
  31. Mirror notation: Symbol manipulation without inscription manipulation.Roy A. Sorensen - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 28 (2):141-164.
    Stereotypically, computation involves intrinsic changes to the medium of representation: writing new symbols, erasing old symbols, turning gears, flipping switches, sliding abacus beads. Perspectival computation leaves the original inscriptions untouched. The problem solver obtains the output by merely alters his orientation toward the input. There is no rewriting or copying of the input inscriptions; the output inscriptions are numerically identical to the input inscriptions. This suggests a loophole through some of the computational limits apparently imposed by physics. There can be (...)
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  32.  69
    Vagueness within the language of thought.Roy A. Sorensen - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (165):389-413.
  33.  98
    Ambiguity, Discretion, and the Sorites.Roy Sorensen - 1998 - The Monist 81 (2):215-232.
    Sooner or later, every paradox is accused of equivocation. Usually sooner. For equivocation is a simple, well understood fallacy. People first try to explain a mystery in terms of what is familiar. If postulating a simple ambiguity fails, more subtle ambiguities will be postulated. Those who persist with this diagnosis elaborate the charge of equivocation into an esoteric form.
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  34.  55
    Evolution, culture, and the possibility of peace.Roy F. Baumeister & Brad J. Bushman - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e3.
    Glowacki's work meshes well with our view of human nature as having evolved to use culture to improve survival and reproduction. Peace is a cultural achievement, requiring advances in social organization and control, including leaders who can implement policies to benefit the group, third-party mediation, and intergroup cooperation. Cultural advances shift intergroup interactions from negative-sum (war) to positive-sum (trade).
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  35.  75
    A strengthened prediction paradox.Roy A. Sorensen - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (145):504-513.
  36.  12
    Commercial Applications of Skepticism.Roy Sorensen - 2004 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Pyrrhonian skepticism. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This essay argues that Pyrrhonian skeptics, including Fogelin, are conditional skeptics, and hence not really skeptics at all. Conditional skeptics refute themselves, for when they assert conditionals, they make assertions. Since these conditionals are philosophical in content, Pyrrhonians do not avoid all philosophical assertions as they claim to do.
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    Pure Moorean Propositions.Roy A. Sorensen - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (3):489 - 505.
    This paper is devoted to a solution to Moore's problem. After explaining what Moore's problem is and after considering the main approaches toward solving the problem, I provide a definition of Moorean sentences in terms of pure Moorean propositions. My solution to Moore's problem essentially involves a description of how one can contradict oneself without uttering a contradiction, and a set of definitions that exactly determines which sentences are Moorean and which are close relatives of Moorean sentences.
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    Une philosophie nouvelle.Edouard le Roy - 1912 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  39. Lying with Conditionals.Roy Sorensen - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (249):820-832.
    If you read this abstract, then you will understand what my essay is about. Under what conditions would the preceding assertion be a lie? Traditional definitions of lying are always applied to straight declaratives such as ‘The dog ate my homework’. This one sided diet of examples leaves us unprepared for sentences in which conditional probability governs assertibility. The truth-value of conditionals does not play a significant role in the sincere assertion of conditionals. Lying is insincere assertion. So the connection (...)
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  40.  26
    The Art of the Body in the Discourse of Postmodernity.Roy Boyne - 1988 - Theory, Culture and Society 5 (2-3):527-542.
  41.  47
    Philosophical Therapy.Roy Brand - 2000 - International Studies in Philosophy 32 (1):1-22.
  42. Dogme et Critique.Edouard Le Roy - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 64:643-647.
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    La science positive et les philosophies de la liberté.Édouard Le Roy - 1900 - Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie 1:313-341.
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    (2 other versions)The Metaphysics of Precision and Scientific Language.Roy A. Sorensen - 1997 - Noûs 31 (S11):349-374.
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    Arguing, reasoning, and the interpersonal (cultural) functions of human consciousness.Roy F. Baumeister, E. J. Masicampo & C. Nathan DeWall - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (2):74-74.
    Our recent work suggests that (1) the purpose of human conscious thought is participation in social and cultural groups, and (2) logical reasoning depends on conscious thought. These mesh well with the argument theory of reasoning. In broader context, the distinctively human traits are adaptations for culture and inner processes serve interpersonal functions.
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    A Meaningful Discussion of Evolution and Meaning: Reply to Commentaries.Roy F. Baumeister & William von Hippel - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (1):69-76.
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    A realist theory of science.Roy Bhaskar - 1978 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
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    Pseudo-Problems: How Analytic Philosophy Gets Done.Roy A. Sorensen - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  49. Ce que la microphysique apporte ou suggère a la philosophie.Edouard Le Roy - 1935 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 42 (2):151-184.
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    De la vicissitude ou variete des choses en l'univers.Loys Le Roy - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54:186.
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