Results for 'Roxane Witke'

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  1.  33
    Women in Chinese Society.Karen Kane, Margery Wolf & Roxane Witke - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):203.
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    Less is More: A Normative Evaluation of the ECtHR’s Protection of Commercial Speech.Roxan Degeyter - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-23.
    Academics and legal practitioners unanimously agree that two of the main justifications for protecting free speech are autonomy and democracy. Free speech contributes to both the self-development of individuals, as well as to robust democratic processes, and should therefore be protected. This is also the position of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). However, the explicit endorsement of both justifications might give rise to normative questions regarding its protection of commercial speech. While the Court has acknowledged that commercial speech (...)
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    La diffusion de la pensée de Victor Cousin en Grèce au xixe siècle.Roxane Argyropoulos - 2006 - Rue Descartes 51 (1):30-34.
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    Transformative Disruptions and Collective Knowledge Building: Social Work Professors Building Anti-oppressive Ethical Frameworks for Research, Teaching, Practice and Activism.Roxane Caron, Edward Ou Jin Lee & Annie Pullen Sansfaçon - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (3):298-314.
  5.  12
    La souplesse relative des règles relatives à la fin de vie, corollaire d’un objet insaisissable.Roxane Delpech, Bettina Couderc & Florence Taboulet - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (177):108-113.
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    Circulation de savoirs entre institution de formation et terrains scolaires : analyse de dispositifs de formation à l’enseignement de la production écrite en Suisse romande.Roxane Gagnon & Véronique Laurens - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):69-86.
    In this contribution, we analyse the treatment of professional practice in two training sequences dedicated to the teaching of written French. Firstly, we examine the characteristics of the training devices organised with a combination of school field and training institution scheme. We then focus on interactions between trainer and trainees within two training activities aimed at sharing and reflecting on practicum. The interest of this double perspective lies in the understanding of knowledge circulation between school field and training institution and (...)
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  7. From Literary Tweet to enriched Oral narrative in the Secondary School Slassroom: The Role of the Analysis of Pupils' Productions in the Elaboration of a teaching Sequence.Roxane Gagnon, Sonia Guillemin, José Ticon, Rosalie Bourdage & Caroline Ducrey Evéquoz - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):196-214.
    This contribution presents the process of co-creating a teaching sequence in a research-design project. The sequence focuses on the transformation of a literary tweet into an enriched spontaneous oral narrative. After outlining the didactic model of the genre, we detail the characteristics of the sequence, co-constructed with lower secondary school teachers in French-speaking Switzerland. Then, through a qualitative analysis of the pupils' productions at the beginning and end of the experiment, we examine the effects of the teaching sequence proposed as (...)
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  8. Does prosody play a specific role in conversational humor?Roxane Bertrand & Beatrice Priego Valverde - 2011 - Pragmatics and Cognition 19 (2):333-356.
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    Do students in a looping classroom get higher grades and report a better teacher-student relationship than those in a traditional setting?Roxane Tourigny, Isabelle Plante & Carole Raby - 2019 - Tandf: Educational Studies 46 (6):744-759.
    Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2020, Page 744-759.
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  10. Introduction. What are the recommendations for oral assessment at school and in training? Issues of professionalization in teacher training.Roxane Gagnon & Stéphane Colognesi - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):17-26.
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    Of Milestones and Men.Margaret M. Roxan - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (02):408-.
  12.  53
    Toward a Psychology of Social Change: A Typology of Social Change.Roxane de la Sablonnière - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Book Review: Women and Space. [REVIEW]Roxane Zand - 1982 - Feminist Review 12 (1):104-105.
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    How Strong Is Your Coffee? The Influence of Visual Metaphors and Textual Claims on Consumers’ Flavor Perception and Product Evaluation.Anna Fenko, Roxan de Vries & Thomas van Rompay - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Facial expression discrimination varies with presentation time but not with fixation on features: A backward masking study using eye-tracking.Karly N. Neath & Roxane J. Itier - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (1):115-131.
  16.  10
    Re-creation After Business Failure: A Conceptual Model of the Mediating Role of Psychological Capital.Roxane De Hoe & Frank Janssen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In case of failure, entrepreneurs could endure various financial, psychological, and social costs. These intertwined costs could affect their learning from failure. All individuals do not react in the same way when dealing with adversity. Rather than focusing on consequences of business failure, we took a more positive approach by using the Conservation of Resources model theory to build our conceptual model. Psychological capital, which refers to “an individual’s positive psychological state of development characterized by high levels of self-efficacy, optimism, (...)
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  17.  34
    The Structure of Causal Explanations in Population Biology.Erik Weber & Roxan Degeyter - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (3):449-476.
    The scope of this paper can be clarified by means of a well-known phenomenon that is usually called ‘industrial melanism’: the fact that the melanic form of the peppered moth became dominant in industrial areas in England in the second half of the nineteenth century. Such changes in relative phenotype frequencies are important explananda for population biologists. Apart from trying to explain such changes over time, population biologists also often try to explain differences between populations, e.g. why yellow shell colour (...)
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    Understanding My Culture Means Understanding Myself: The Function of Cultural Identity Clarity for Personal Identity Clarity and Personal Psychological Well‐Being.Esther Usborne & Roxane Sablonnière - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (4):436-458.
    Culture is acknowledged to be a critical element in the construction of an individual's identity; however, in today's increasingly multicultural environments, the influence of culture is no longer straightforward. It is now important to explore cultural identity clarity—the extent to which beliefs about identity that arise from one's cultural group membership are clearly and confidently understood. We describe a novel theoretical model to explain why having a clear and confident understanding of one's cultural identity is important for psychological well-being, as (...)
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  19. Inquiry into Australia's future oil supply and alternative transport fuels Submission by Western Australian Cycling Committee.Roxane le Guen & Parliament House - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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  20.  30
    The Driving Force of the Market - Essays in Austrian Economics - Israel M. Kirzner.Roxane Perrier-Collin - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
  21.  19
    Carl Joachim Classen, Die Stadt im Spiegel der Descriptiones und Laudes urbium in der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur bis zum Ende des zwölften Jahrhunderts. Hildesheim and New York: Georg Olms, 1980. Paper. Pp. 128. DM 16.80. [REVIEW]Charles Witke - 1983 - Speculum 58 (1):257-258.
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  22.  31
    Individual differences in the emotional modulation of gaze-cuing.Sarah D. McCrackin & Roxane J. Itier - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):768-800.
    ABSTRACTGaze-cuing refers to the spontaneous orienting of attention towards a gazed-at location, characterised by shorter response times to gazed-at than non-gazed at targets. Previous research suggests that processing of these gaze cues interacts with the processing of facial expression cues to enhance gaze-cuing. However, whether only negative emotions can enhance gaze-cuing is still debated, and whether this emotional modulation varies as a function of individual differences still remains largely unclear. Combining data from seven experiments, we investigated the emotional modulation of (...)
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  23.  88
    Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.) - 2021 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book promotes the research of present-day women working in ancient and medieval philosophy, with more than 60 women having contributed in some way to the volume in a fruitful collaboration. It contains 22 papers organized into ten distinct parts spanning the sixth century BCE to the fifteenth century CE. Each part has the same structure: it features, first, a paper which sets up the discussion, and then, one or two responses that open new perspectives and engage in further reflections. (...)
  24.  20
    The Gaze Cueing Effect and Its Enhancement by Facial Expressions Are Impacted by Task Demands: Direct Comparison of Target Localization and Discrimination Tasks.Zelin Chen, Sarah D. McCrackin, Alicia Morgan & Roxane J. Itier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The gaze cueing effect is characterized by faster attentional orienting to a gazed-at than a non-gazed-at target. This effect is often enhanced when the gazing face bears an emotional expression, though this finding is modulated by a number of factors. Here, we tested whether the type of task performed might be one such modulating factor. Target localization and target discrimination tasks are the two most commonly used gaze cueing tasks, and they arguably differ in cognitive resources, which could impact how (...)
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    Featural processing in recognition of emotional facial expressions.Olivia Beaudry, Annie Roy-Charland, Melanie Perron, Isabelle Cormier & Roxane Tapp - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):416-432.
  26.  38
    Why Is Bigger Not Always Better in Primary Health Care Practices? The Role of Mediating Organizational Factors.Raynald Pineault, Sylvie Provost, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Mylaine Breton & Jean-Frédéric Levesque - 2016 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 53:004695801562684.
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    Comunidades de leitores: cultura juvenil e os atos de descolecionar.Maria da Penha Casado Alves & Roxane Helena Rodrigues Rojo - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (2):145-162.
    RESUMO Este artigo se propõe discutir a constituição de comunidades de leitores, a partir de concepções advindas do Círculo de Bakhtin sobre linguagem, forças centrífugas e centrípetas; de Canclini sobre cultura/coleção; de reflexões de autores contemporâneos sobre juventudes e cultura juvenil e de Chartier sobre leitura. Interessa-nos problematizar como se constituem essas comunidades e como se dão as práticas leitoras em torno de obras que se colocam fora do cânone e da “boa leitura”. Investigamos, em uma pesquisamaior, como esses jovens (...)
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    Publications of Israel M. Kirzner.Neelkant S. Chamilall, Roxane Perrier-Collin & Peter J. Boettke - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
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    Pathogenicity in the tubercle bacillus: molecular and evolutionary determinants.Stephen V. Gordon, Daria Bottai, Roxane Simeone, Timothy P. Stinear & Roland Brosch - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (4):378-388.
    In contrast to the great majority of mycobacterial species that are harmless saprophytes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other closely related tubercle bacilli have evolved to be among the most important human and animal pathogens. The need to develop new strategies in the fight against tuberculosis (TB) and related diseases has fuelled research into the evolutionary success of the M. tuberculosis complex members. Amongst the various disciplines, genomics and functional genomics have been instrumental in improving our understanding of these organisms. In this (...)
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  30.  18
    COVID-19, economic threat and identity status: Stability and change in prejudice against Chinese people within the Canadian population.Victoria Maria Ferrante, Éric Lacourse, Anna Dorfman, Mathieu Pelletier-Dumas, Jean-Marc Lina, Dietlind Stolle & Roxane de la Sablonnière - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:901352.
    ObjectivesPrevious studies found a general increase in prejudice against Chinese people during the first months of the pandemic. The present study aims to consider inter-individual heterogeneity in stability and change regarding prejudice involving Chinese people during the pandemic. The first objective is to identify and describe different trajectories of prejudice over a seven-month period during the pandemic. The second and third objectives are to test the association between trajectory group membership and antecedent variables such as: socio-demographic factors (i.e., age, gender, (...)
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    Do Gender-Predominant Primary Health Care Organizations Have an Impact on Patient Experience of Care, Use of Services, and Unmet Needs?Pineault Raynald, Borgès Da Silva Roxane, Provost Sylvie, Fournier Michel, Prud’Homme Alexandre & Levesque Jean-Frédéric - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801770968.
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    Horace C. Witke: Horace's Roman Odes: a Critical Examination. (Mnemosyne Suppl. 77.) Pp. viii + 85. Leiden: Brill, 1983. Paper, fl. 32. V. Cremona: La poesia civile di Orazio. Pp. 469. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1982. Paper. [REVIEW]A. J. Woodman - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (01):17-18.
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    Approaches to Catullus T. P. Wiseman: Catullan Questions. Pp. x+70. Leicester: University Press, 1969. Paper, £1 net. Charles Witke: Enarratio Catulliana. Pp. viii+51. Leiden: Brill, 1968. Paper, fl. 13.50. [REVIEW]E. J. Kenney - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (01):43-45.
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  34. "William Blake's Epic: Imagination Unbound": Joanne Witke[REVIEW]Sheila M. A. Smith - 1987 - British Journal of Aesthetics 27 (2):192.
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  35. Resisting Sexual Violence: What Empathy Offers.Sarah Clark Miller - 2019 - In Wanda Teays, Analyzing Violence Against Women. Cham: Springer. pp. 63-77.
    The primary aim of this essay is to investigate modalities of resistance to sexual violence. It begins from the observation that the nature of what we understand ourselves to be resisting—that is, how we define the scope, content, and causes of sexual violence—will have profound implications for how we are able to resist. I critically engage one model of resistance to sexual violence: feminist philosophical scholarship on self-defense, highlighting several shortcomings in how the feminist self-defense discourse inadvertently frames sexual violence. (...)
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  36. Fear, Liberty, and Honorable Death in Montesquieu’s Persian Letters.Megan Gallagher - 2016 - Eighteenth-Century Fiction 28 (4):623-644.
    I read Montesquieu’s 'Persian Letters' as an attempt to theorize a liberated alternative to despotic rule. As Montesquieu argues in 'The Spirit of the Laws,' fear—specifically fear of the ruler’s emotional and material excesses—dominates the life of the despotic subject. Although in the 'Letters' the seraglio is the despotic state’s parallel, the seraglio is the site of over owing and barely governed passions. Montesquieu’s solution to the excesses of the seraglio is not the eradication of emotion; rather, he o ers (...)
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    Mobilizing the Sense of “Fat”: A Phenomenological Materialist Approach.Jenny Slatman - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (4):675-692.
    This paper aims to mobilize the way we think and write about fat bodies while drawing on Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophy of the body. I introduce Nancy’s approach to the body as an addition to contemporary new materialism. His philosophy, so I argue, offers a form of materialism that allows for a phenomenological exploration of the body. As such, it can help us to understand the lived experiences of fat embodiment. Additionally, Nancy’s idea of the body in terms of a “corpus”—a (...)
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    Rethinking Music Education and Social Change by Alexandra Kertz-Welzel (review).Graça Mota - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (1):99-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rethinking Music Education and Social Change by Alexandra Kertz-WelzelGraça MotaAlexandra Kertz-Welzel, Rethinking Music Education and Social Change (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022)I began to read this book shortly after the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian troops. Amidst this most terrible and brutal context, reading and re-reading the book that Alexandra Kertz-Welzel offers was both a blessing and an intense exercise of food for thought. A blessing as (...)
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