Results for 'Roxane Tapp'

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  1.  42
    Featural processing in recognition of emotional facial expressions.Olivia Beaudry, Annie Roy-Charland, Melanie Perron, Isabelle Cormier & Roxane Tapp - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):416-432.
  2.  57
    Did Anselm Define God? Against the Definitionist Misrepresentation of Anselm’s Famous Description of God.Christian Tapp & Geo Siegwart - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):2125-2160.
    Anselm of Canterbury’s so-called ontological proofs in the Proslogion have puzzled philosophers for centuries. The famous description “something / that than which nothing greater can be conceived” is part and parcel of his argument. Most commentators have interpreted this description as a definition of God. We argue that this view, which we refer to as “definitionism”, is a misrepresentation. In addition to textual evidence, the key point of our argument is that taking the putative definition as what Anselm intended it (...)
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  3.  24
    The Uniqueness of God in Anselm’s Monologion.Christian Tapp - 2014 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 17 (1):72-93.
    In this paper, Anselm’s argument for the uniqueness of God or, more precisely, something through which everything that exists has its being is reconstructed. A first reading of the argument leads to a preliminary reconstruens with one major weakness, namely the incompleteness of a central case distinction. In the successful attempt to construct a more tenable reconstruens some additional premises which are deeply rooted in an Anselmian metaphysics are identified. Anselm’s argument seems to depend on premises such as that if (...)
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  4.  52
    Transformative Disruptions and Collective Knowledge Building: Social Work Professors Building Anti-oppressive Ethical Frameworks for Research, Teaching, Practice and Activism.Roxane Caron, Edward Ou Jin Lee & Annie Pullen Sansfaçon - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (3):298-314.
  5.  51
    Of Milestones and Men.Margaret M. Roxan - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (02):408-.
  6.  29
    Do students in a looping classroom get higher grades and report a better teacher-student relationship than those in a traditional setting?Roxane Tourigny, Isabelle Plante & Carole Raby - 2019 - Tandf: Educational Studies 46 (6):744-759.
    Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2020, Page 744-759.
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    Quality improvement in general practice: enabling general practitioners to judge ethical dilemmas.L. Tapp, A. Edwards, G. Elwyn, S. Holm & T. Eriksson - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3):184-188.
    Quality improvement (QI) is fundamental to maintaining high standards of health care. Significant debate exists concerning the necessity for an ethical approval system for those QI projects that push the boundaries, appearing more similar to research than QI. The authors discuss this issue identifying the core ethical issues in family medicine (FM), drawing upon the fundamental principles of medical ethics, including principles of autonomy, utility, justice and non-maleficence. Recent debate concerning the application of QI ethics boards is discussed with relevance (...)
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  8. Does prosody play a specific role in conversational humor?Roxane Bertrand & Beatrice Priego Valverde - 2011 - Pragmatics and Cognition 19 (2):333-356.
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    La souplesse relative des règles relatives à la fin de vie, corollaire d’un objet insaisissable.Roxane Delpech, Bettina Couderc & Florence Taboulet - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (177):108-113.
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    Circulation de savoirs entre institution de formation et terrains scolaires : analyse de dispositifs de formation à l’enseignement de la production écrite en Suisse romande.Roxane Gagnon & Véronique Laurens - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):69-86.
    In this contribution, we analyse the treatment of professional practice in two training sequences dedicated to the teaching of written French. Firstly, we examine the characteristics of the training devices organised with a combination of school field and training institution scheme. We then focus on interactions between trainer and trainees within two training activities aimed at sharing and reflecting on practicum. The interest of this double perspective lies in the understanding of knowledge circulation between school field and training institution and (...)
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  11. From Literary Tweet to enriched Oral narrative in the Secondary School Slassroom: The Role of the Analysis of Pupils' Productions in the Elaboration of a teaching Sequence.Roxane Gagnon, Sonia Guillemin, José Ticon, Rosalie Bourdage & Caroline Ducrey Evéquoz - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):196-214.
    This contribution presents the process of co-creating a teaching sequence in a research-design project. The sequence focuses on the transformation of a literary tweet into an enriched spontaneous oral narrative. After outlining the didactic model of the genre, we detail the characteristics of the sequence, co-constructed with lower secondary school teachers in French-speaking Switzerland. Then, through a qualitative analysis of the pupils' productions at the beginning and end of the experiment, we examine the effects of the teaching sequence proposed as (...)
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  12.  39
    Commentary on theological resources from the biological sciences.Robert B. Tapp - 1966 - Zygon 1 (1):51-54.
  13.  27
    La diffusion de la pensée de Victor Cousin en Grèce au xixe siècle.Roxane Argyropoulos - 2006 - Rue Descartes 51 (1):30-34.
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  14. Introduction. What are the recommendations for oral assessment at school and in training? Issues of professionalization in teacher training.Roxane Gagnon & Stéphane Colognesi - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):17-26.
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  15.  19
    Conserving the vitality of suffering: addressing family constraints to illness conversations.Dianne M. Tapp - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (4):254-263.
    Conserving the vitality of suffering: addressing family constraints to illness conversationsWhen persons are confronted with life‐threatening or chronic illness, there is always a possibility that family members other than the person experiencing the illness also suffer as they attempt to manage their own distress. This paper describes exemplars from a hermeneutic study that explored therapeutic conversations between nurses and families who were living with a member experiencing ischaemic heart disease. These conversations uncovered the complexity of both individual and family suffering (...)
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  16.  22
    Knowing the past.E. J. Tapp - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (11):460-467.
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  17.  53
    On Some Philosophical Aspects of the Background to Georg Cantor’s theory of sets.Christian Tapp - 2005 - Philosophia Scientiae:157-173.
    Georg Cantor a cherché à assurer les fondements de sa théorie des ensembles. Cet article présente les differentiations cantoriennes concernant la notion d’infinité et une perspective historique de l’émergence de sa notion d’ensemble.
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  18.  31
    The Humanbecoming theory as a reinterpretation of the symbolic interactionism: a critique of its specific nature and scientific underpinnings.Diane Tapp & Mireille Lavoie - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (2):e12123.
    Discussions about real knowledge contained in grand theories and models seem to remain an active quest in the academic sphere. The most fervent of these defendants is Rosemarie Parse with her Humanbecoming School of Thought (1981, 1998). This article first highlights the similarities between Parse's theory and Blumer's symbolic interactionism (1969). This comparison will act as a counterargument to Parse's assertions that her theory is original ‘nursing’ material. Standing on the contemporary philosophy of science, the very possibility for discovering specific (...)
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  19.  18
    Less is More: A Normative Evaluation of the ECtHR’s Protection of Commercial Speech.Roxan Degeyter - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-23.
    Academics and legal practitioners unanimously agree that two of the main justifications for protecting free speech are autonomy and democracy. Free speech contributes to both the self-development of individuals, as well as to robust democratic processes, and should therefore be protected. This is also the position of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). However, the explicit endorsement of both justifications might give rise to normative questions regarding its protection of commercial speech. While the Court has acknowledged that commercial speech (...)
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  20.  22
    Blindsight in hindsight.T. D. Tapp - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (1):67-74.
    Philosophers concerned with issues of mind have been turning to the neurosciences, especially neuropsychology, for empirical guidance. While I endorse this emphasis, I find that one important neuropsychological phenomenon, blindsight appears to have been misused by some prominent philosophers. In this paper, I examine this alleged misuse by spelling out the accounts of blindsight given by Daniel Dennett and Ned Block. I attempt to show that both Dennett and Block have ignored many complications surrounding blindsight including subjects' reports of visual (...)
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  21. Utrum verum et simplex convertantur. The Simplicity of God in Aquinas and Swinburne.Christian Tapp - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (2):23-50.
    This paper explores Thomas Aquinas’ and Richard Swinburne’s doctrines of simplicity in the context of their philosophical theologies. Both say that God is simple. However, Swinburne takes simplicity as a property of the theistic hypothesis, while for Aquinas simplicity is a property of God himself. For Swinburne, simpler theories are ceteris paribus more likely to be true; for Aquinas, simplicity and truth are properties of God which, in a certain way, coincide – because God is metaphysically simple. Notwithstanding their different (...)
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  22.  82
    Pierre Manent et la gestion de la diversité religieuse.Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp - 2018 - Ithaque 22:111-134.
    Cet article se propose de situer le livre Situation de la France (2015) de Pierre Manent dans le débat contemporain sur la gestion de la diversité religieuse, et ce, à partir de deux principales thèses interprétatives. La première thèse est que le modèle de Manent s’appuie sur une forme de collectivisme méthodologique. La seconde thèse est que la place que Manent accorde au discours religieux dans la « conversation civique » est justifiée par une volonté de faire contrepoids à la (...)
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  23.  68
    Lost in Translation: Religion in The Public Sphere.Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (4):857-876.
    This paper proposes a Wittgenstein-inspired critique of the prism of translation that frames the recent literature about the debate between Rawls and Habermas on the role of religious reasons in the public sphere. This debate originates with the introduction of Rawls’s proviso in his conception of the public use of reason, 765-807, 1997), which consists in the “translation” of religious reasons into secular ones, which he thinks is necessary in order for religious reasons to be legitimate in the public sphere. (...)
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  24.  42
    La nation pluraliste : Repenser la diversité religieuse au Québec.Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp & Michel Seymour - 2018 - Montréal, QC, Canada: Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Depuis 2006, le Québec débat âprement des règles gouvernant la laïcité de ses institutions et se trouve confronté à deux modèles apparemment irréconciliables : le républicanisme « jacobin » et le libéralisme individualiste, issus respectivement de la France et du Canada. En s’inspirant de la pensée du philosophe politique John Rawls, les auteurs proposent ici d’explorer une voie médiane mieux adap­tée à l’expérience québécoise. Dans ses travaux tardifs, Rawls met en avant une forme de libéralisme républicain affranchi de l’indi­vidualisme normatif (...)
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  25.  24
    Donald Crosby's Religion of Nature: Some Second Thoughts.Robert B. Tapp - 2005 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 26 (3):184 - 198.
  26.  27
    Book Review: Women and Space. [REVIEW]Roxane Zand - 1982 - Feminist Review 12 (1):104-105.
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    How Strong Is Your Coffee? The Influence of Visual Metaphors and Textual Claims on Consumers’ Flavor Perception and Product Evaluation.Anna Fenko, Roxan de Vries & Thomas van Rompay - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  28.  21
    Der kosmologische Gottesbeweis des Ralph von Battle. Rekonstruktion, Kritik und Einordnung.Christian Tapp & Bernd Goebel - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (3):509-538.
    This paper reconstructs and discusses a proof of God’s existence by Anselm of Canterbury’s friend Ralph of Battle, developed in his recently edited De nesciente, a fictitious dialogue between a Christian and an atheist. Without precedent in antiquity and the Middle Ages, Ralph’s proof has never been examined in detail. It combines a “cogito” argument with a two-part cosmological argument. The paper first presents the textual basis and an exegetical interpretation of Ralph’s reasoning, classifies the parts of the proof historically (...)
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  29.  13
    Bernard Bolzano.Christian Tapp - 2019 - In Klaus Viertbauer & Georg Gasser, Handbuch Analytische Religionsphilosophie. Akteure – Diskurse – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 13-19.
    Bernard Bolzano lebte von 1781 bis 1848, hauptsächlich in Prag. Er war ein bedeutender Philosoph, Mathematiker und Theologe. 1805 empfing er die Priesterweihe.
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  30.  10
    Philosophische Gotteserkenntnis nach Thomas von Aquin.Christian Tapp - 2016 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (2):426-442.
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    Theologie Und Naturwissenschaften.Christian Tapp & Christof Breitsameter (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Galilei und Darwin - diese Namen stehen bis heute für einen tiefgreifenden Konflikt zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaften. Weltweit führende Exponenten des Science-Religion-Dialogs zeigen (einige erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung) an Beispielen der physikalischen Kosmologie, der Evolutionsbiologie oder der Psychologie, wie ein Brückenschlag gelingen kann.
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    Individual differences in the emotional modulation of gaze-cuing.Sarah D. McCrackin & Roxane J. Itier - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):768-800.
    ABSTRACTGaze-cuing refers to the spontaneous orienting of attention towards a gazed-at location, characterised by shorter response times to gazed-at than non-gazed at targets. Previous research suggests that processing of these gaze cues interacts with the processing of facial expression cues to enhance gaze-cuing. However, whether only negative emotions can enhance gaze-cuing is still debated, and whether this emotional modulation varies as a function of individual differences still remains largely unclear. Combining data from seven experiments, we investigated the emotional modulation of (...)
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  33.  7
    Gott und Vernunft: neue Perspektiven zur Transzendentalphilosophie Richard Schaefflers.Bernd Irlenborn & Christian Tapp (eds.) - 2013 - Freiburg: Alber.
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  34.  41
    Entre philosophie politique et droit : le cas de la Loi sur la laïcité de l’État au Québec.Michel Seymour & Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp - 2020 - Les Cahiers de Droit 3 (61):741-775.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it offers a critique of the normative foundations of the 2019 Quebec Act respecting the laicity of the State. This is primarily based on the theses we developed in La nation pluraliste. Repenser la diversité religieuse au Québec (Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2018), and elaborates a suitable diversity management model for Quebec using the republican liberalism described in Rawls’ later work. This discussion draws attention to certain pitfalls in the concept of (...)
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  35.  53
    God, Eternity, and Time.C. Tapp (ed.) - 2011 - Ashgate.
    Their contributions range from analyzing and defending classical conceptions of eternity (Boethius's and Aquinas's) to vindicating everlastingness accounts, and ...
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  36. Recension : James Gordon Finlayson, The Habermas-Rawls Debate, New York, Columbia University Press, 2019, 294 pages. [REVIEW]Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp - 2019 - Philosophiques 46 (2):458–463.
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  37.  80
    Quantum Pseudo-Telepathy.Gilles Brassard, Anne Broadbent & Alain Tapp - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (11):1877-1907.
    Quantum information processing is at the crossroads of physics, mathematics and computer science. It is concerned with what we can and cannot do with quantum information that goes beyond the abilities of classical information processing devices. Communication complexity is an area of classical computer science that aims at quantifying the amount of communication necessary to solve distributed computational problems. Quantum communication complexity uses quantum mechanics to reduce the amount of communication that would be classically required. Pseudo-telepathy is a surprising application (...)
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  38.  25
    Rethinking the concept of a personal God: classical theism, personal theism, and alternative concepts of God.Thomas Schärtl, Christian Tapp & Veronika Wegener (eds.) - 2016 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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  39. Some aspects of causation in history.E. J. Tapp - 1952 - Journal of Philosophy 49 (3):67-79.
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    Toward a Psychology of Social Change: A Typology of Social Change.Roxane de la Sablonnière - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  41.  30
    Blindsight in hindsight.J. D. Tapp - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (1):67-74.
    Philosophers concerned with issues of mind have been turning to the neurosciences, especially neuropsychology, for empirical guidance. While I endorse this emphasis, I find that one important neuropsychological phenomenon, blindsight appears to have been misused by some prominent philosophers. In this paper, I examine this alleged misuse by spelling out the accounts of blindsight given by Daniel Dennett and Ned Block. I attempt to show that both Dennett and Block have ignored many complications surrounding blindsight including subjects' reports of visual (...)
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  42. Bolzano über das Handeln Gottes.Christian Tapp - 2017 - In Benedikt Paul Göcke & Ruben Schneider, Gottes Handeln in der Welt. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
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  43.  12
    Can One Separate Me From My Life?Christian Tapp - 2011 - In Christian Kanzian, Winfried Löffler & Josef Quitterer, The Ways Things Are: Studies in Ontology. Ontos. pp. 181-190.
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  44.  15
    Die Einzigkeit Gottes im Proslogion des Anselm von Canterbury.Christian Tapp - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (1):15-25.
    Existence and uniqueness are standard questions in cases where definite descriptions are used. In his Proslogion Anselm of Canterbury uses definite and non-definite descriptions of God: He is “id/aliquid quo maius cogitari non potest” (and similar). While Anselm’s proof for the existence of God is widely discussed, including its relations to those famous descriptions, this is not the case for the question of uniqueness. Is there at most one perfect being or might there be more than one? ‘Of course there (...)
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  45.  9
    Design-Argumente für die Existenz Gottes.Christian Tapp - 2019 - In Klaus Viertbauer & Georg Gasser, Handbuch Analytische Religionsphilosophie. Akteure – Diskurse – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 110-123.
    Unter ›Design-Argumenten‹ fasst man Argumente zusammen, die von der Existenz bestimmter struktureller Merkmale M der natürlichen, also nicht auf menschliches Handeln zurückgehenden Welt auf die Existenz eines nicht-menschlichen intelligenten Urhebers dieser Merkmale schließen. Da die strukturellen Merkmale M in der Regel eine bestimmte Zweckmäßigkeit und damit den Anschein einer Anpassung an bestimmte Ziele einschließen, wie man ihn von menschlichen Artefakten kennt, die für einen bestimmten Zweck gemacht sind, nennt man diese Merkmale auch › Design‹ und den erschlossenen Urheber einen ›Designer‹.
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  46. Design-Argumente für die Existenz Gottes.Christian Tapp - 2019 - In Klaus Viertbauer & Georg Gasser, Handbuch Analytische Religionsphilosophie. Akteure – Diskurse – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Metzler.
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  47.  21
    Reference to an Infinite Being.Christian Tapp - 2015 - In Dieter Schönecker, Plantinga's Warranted Christian Belief: Critical Essays with a Reply by Alvin Plantinga. De Gruyter. pp. 41-64.
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    Vorwort.Christof Breitsameter & Christian Tapp - 2014 - In Christian Tapp & Christof Breitsameter, Theologie Und Naturwissenschaften. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  49.  30
    The Driving Force of the Market - Essays in Austrian Economics - Israel M. Kirzner.Roxane Perrier-Collin - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
  50.  34
    The Structure of Causal Explanations in Population Biology.Erik Weber & Roxan Degeyter - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (3):449-476.
    The scope of this paper can be clarified by means of a well-known phenomenon that is usually called ‘industrial melanism’: the fact that the melanic form of the peppered moth became dominant in industrial areas in England in the second half of the nineteenth century. Such changes in relative phenotype frequencies are important explananda for population biologists. Apart from trying to explain such changes over time, population biologists also often try to explain differences between populations, e.g. why yellow shell colour (...)
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