Results for 'Rouss Hall'

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  1. Ten little treasures of game theory and ten intuitive contradictions.Jacob K. Goeree, Charles A. Holt & Rouss Hall - unknown
    This paper reports laboratory data for games that are played only once. These games span the standard categories: static and dynamic games with complete and incomplete information. For each game, the treasure is a treatment in which behavior conforms nicely to predictions of the Nash equilibrium or relevant refinement. In each case, however, a change in the payoff structure produces a large inconsistency between theoretical predictions and observed behavior. These contradictions are generally consistent with simple intuition based on the interaction (...)
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  2. Natural kinds as categorical bottlenecks.Laura Franklin-Hall - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (4):925-948.
    Both realist and anti-realist accounts of natural kinds possess prima facie virtues: realists can straightforwardly make sense of the apparent objectivity of the natural kinds, and anti-realists, their knowability. This paper formulates a properly anti-realist account designed to capture both merits. In particular, it recommends understanding natural kinds as ‘categorical bottlenecks,’ those categories that not only best serve us, with our idiosyncratic aims and cognitive capacities, but also those of a wide range of alternative agents. By endorsing an ultimately subjective (...)
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  3. Explaining Causal Selection with Explanatory Causal Economy: Biology and Beyond.Laura R. Franklin-Hall - 2015 - In P.-A. Braillard & C. Malaterre, Explanation in Biology: An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences. Springer. pp. 413–438.
    Among the factors necessary for the occurrence of some event, which of these are selectively highlighted in its explanation and labeled as causes-and which are explanatorily omitted, or relegated to the status of background conditions? Following J. S. Mill, most have thought that only a pragmatic answer to this question was possible. In this paper I suggest we understand this ‘causal selection problem’ in causal-explanatory terms, and propose that explanatory trade-offs between abstraction and stability can provide a principled solution to (...)
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  4. Causation and the Price of Transitivity.Ned Hall - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy 97 (4):198.
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    Navigating by Mind and by Body Two Research Communities in Psychology.Barbara Tversky & Jordan Hall - 2003 - Cognition:1-10.
    Within psychology, at least two research communities study spatial cognition. One community studies systematic errors in spatial memory and judgement, accounting for them as a consequence of and clue to normal perceptual and cognitive processing. The other community studies navigation in real space, isolating the contributions of various sensory cues and sensori- motor systems to successful navigation. The former group emphasizes error, the latter, selective mechanisms, environmental or evolutionary, that produce fine-tuned correct responses. How can these approaches be reconciled and (...)
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  6. Aleite@indiana.Edu.Adam Leite & Sycamore Hall - unknown
    In Knowledge and Its Limits, Timothy Williamson argues that knowledge is a purely mental state, that is, that it is never a complex state or condition comprising mental factors and non-mental, environmental factors. Three of his arguments are evaluated: arguments from (1) the non-analyzability of the concept of knowledge, (2) the “primeness” of knowledge, and (3) the (alleged) inability to satisfactorily specify the “internal” element involved in knowledge. None of these arguments succeeds. Moreover, consideration of the third argument points the (...)
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    Remaining True to Ourselves.Andrew Franklin-Hall - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 27 (1).
    It is common to think that, in making choices for others, we should consider their values. But do the current interests of people with dementia ever depend on what they used to value? Or do their interests depend solely on what matters to them from now on? Two approaches are especially prominent in the philosophical literature. Some believe that the capacity to value or significantly care about things bestows a certain standing on the person’s present perspective, making it inappropriate to (...)
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    Rousseau on international relations.Hall Gardner - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (4):587-589.
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    Civil Litigation and the Opioid Epidemic: The Role of Courts in a National Health Crisis.Abbe R. Gluck, Ashley Hall & Gregory Curfman - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):351-366.
    The devastating impact of the national opioid epidemic has given rise to hundreds of lawsuits. This article details the extremely broad range of legal claims, compares the opioid cases to other public health litigation efforts, including tobacco, and describes the special mechanism — a multidistrict litigation — through which more than 700 opioid-related cases have been consolidated thus far, with settlement almost certain to follow.
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    Toward a Queer Crip Feminist Politics of Food.Kim Q. Hall - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (2):177-196.
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    Effect of visual after-sensations upon brain potential patterning under different degrees of attention.L. E. Travis & M. E. Hall - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 22 (5):472.
  12. Metaphysics, its critique, and post-metaphysical theology : an introductory essay.Hartmut von Sass & Eric E. Hall - 2014 - In Hartmut von Sass & Eric E. Hall, Groundless gods: the theological prospects of post-metaphysical thought. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
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    The Cambridge History of Japan, Volume 5: The Nineteenth Century.Anne Walthall, John W. Hall & Marius B. Jansen - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):807.
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  14. Robert Boyle on Natural Philosophy.M. B. Hall - 1965
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    'That's not quite the way we see it' : the epistemological challenge of visual data.K. Wall, S. Higgins, E. Hall & P. Woolner - unknown
    In research textbooks, and much of the research practice, they describe, qualitative processes and interpretivist epistemologies tend to dominate visual methodology. This article challenges the assumptions behind this dominance. Using exemplification from three existing visual data sets produced through one large education research project, this article considers the affordances and constraints of the research process focusing particularly on analysis. It examines how and when the visual can be incorporated, gives some critical reflections on the role and use of visual methods (...)
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  16. Interpreting Plato's Cave as an Allegory of the Human Condition.Dale Hall - 1980 - Apeiron 14 (2):74 - 86.
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    Informing People About Their Genetic Risks.Jan Deckers & Dominic Hall - 2017 - Philosophy Now 119:10-11.
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  18. Creation and Authority: The Natural Law Foundations of Locke’s Account of Parental Authority.Andrew Franklin-Hall - 2012 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):255-279.
    John Locke occupies a central place in the contemporary philosophical literature on parental authority, and his child-centered approach has inspired a number of recognizably Lockean theories of parenthood.2 But unlike the best historically informed scholarship on other aspects of Locke's thought, those interested in his account of parental rights have not yet tried to understand its connection to debates of the period or to Locke's broader theory of natural law. In particular, Locke's relation to the seventeenth-century conversation about the role (...)
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  19. Choreographing the Borderline.Joshua M. Hall - 2012 - Philosophy Today 56 (1):49-58.
    In this paper I will investigate Kristeva’s conception of dance in regard to the trope of the borderline. I will begin with her explicit treatments of dance, the earliest of which occurs in Revolution in Poetic Language, in terms of (a) her analogy between poetry and dance as practices erupting on the border of chora and society, (b) her presentation of dance as a phenomenon bordering art and religion in rituals, and (c) her brief remarks on dance gesturality. I will (...)
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    Understanding Concepts of Place in Recreation Research and Management.Linda Everett Kruger, Troy Elizabeth Hall & Maria C. Stiefel (eds.) - 2008 - U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
    Over a 3-day weekend in the spring of 2004 a group of scientists interested in extending understanding of place as applied in recreation research and management convened a working session in Portland, Oregon. The purpose of the gathering was to clarify their understanding of place-related concepts, approaches to the study of people-place relations, and the application of that understanding in recreation management for the purpose of integrating perspectives from different disciplines, discussing approaches to understanding and measuring sense of place, and (...)
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    Editorial: Physical activity, self-regulation, and executive control across the lifespan.Sean P. Mullen & Peter A. Hall - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  22. The effect of audio tours on learning and social interaction: An evaluation at Carlsbad Caverns National Park.Levi T. Novey & Troy E. Hall - 2007 - Science Education 91 (2):260-277.
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  23. Logical Theatrics, or Floes on Flows: Translating Quine with the Shins.Joshua M. Hall - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    I will begin this comparative analysis with Quine, focusing on the front matter and first chapter of Word and Object (alongside From a Logical Point of View and two other short pieces), attempting to illuminate there a (1) basis of excessive, yet familiar, chaos, (2) method of improvised, dramatic distortion, and (3) consequent neo-Pragmatist metaphysics. Having elaborated this Quinian basis, method and metaphysics, I will then show that they can be productively translated into James Mercer’s poetic lyrics for The Shins, (...)
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  24. Reconciling the disability critique and reproductive liberty: The case of negative genetic selection.Melinda C. Hall - 2013 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 6 (1):121-143.
    The disability critique of negative genetic selection is frequently accused of threatening reproductive liberty. This paper describes the disability critique and defends it against that objection. It also contends that the critique can work to deflate belief in genetic determinism. Recognizing the influence of genetic determinism helps advocate for existing persons in the disability community and protects reproductive liberty. The disability critique can point to genetic determinism but does not suggest a ban or obstacles to the choice of negative genetic (...)
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  25. Alfarabi's Imaginative Critique: Overflowing Materialism in Virtuous Community.Joshua M. Hall - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (2):175-192.
    Though currently marginalised in Western philosophy, tenth-century Arabic philosopher Abu Nasr Alfarabi is one of the most important thinkers of the medieval era. In fact, he was known as the ‘second teacher’ (after Aristotle) to philosophers such as Avicenna and Averroes. As this epithet suggests, Alfarabi and his successors engaged in a critical and creative dialogue with thinkers from other historical traditions, including that of the Ancient Greeks, although the creativity of his part is often marginalised as well. In this (...)
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    Parents' Perceptions of Decision Making for Children.Betsy Anderson & Barbara Hall - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (1):15-19.
    Futile treatment. Do not resuscitate. These terms and the thoughts they evoke may be unfamiliar to families with ill children. Similarly, laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, are probably unfamiliar. Yet these terms and laws, and, more important, their implications, are part of a new world of health care into which more families are thrust—the world of wrenching and complicated decisions.Although the number of these situations is increasing and even (...)
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    Cultural Analysis of Corporate Social Action.James E. Mattingly, Harry T. Hall & Craig VanSandt - 2018 - Business and Society Review 123 (4):661-696.
    Previous studies of corporate environmental and social action identify exactly three similar patterns of activity. They provide divergent structural explanations for these patterns, as networks of institutional constraint, and networks of local inter-dependence, respectively. A theory of sociocultural viability, known in anthropology and policy science as Cultural Theory, explains that social systems consist of four patterns of social interaction, shaped by two distinct structural factors. Our own analysis of 45 items of environmental, social, and governance factors reconcile extant studies’ findings (...)
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    Tanuma Okitsugu , Forerunner of Modern Japan.Helen Craig McCullough & John Whitney Hall - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (1):40.
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    Effects of isolation rearing on keypecking in young domestic chicks.James F. Zolman, Joyce A. Hall & Christie L. Sahley - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (6):506-508.
  30. St. Vitus’s Women of Color: Dancing with Hegel.M. Hall Joshua - 2017 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 9 (1).
    In the first section of this essay, I offer a brief overview of Hegel’s dozen or so mentions of dance in his Lectures on Aesthetics, focusing on the tension between Hegel’s denigration of dance as an “imperfect art” and his characterization of dance as a potential threat to the other arts. In the second section, I turn to an insightful essay from Hans-Christian Lucas on Hegel’s “Anthropology,” focusing on his argument that the Anthropology’s crucial final sections threaten to undermine Hegel’s (...)
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    Dealing with Ennui: To What Extent Is “Cognitive Enhancement” a Form of Self-Medication for Symptoms of Depression?Jayne Lucke, Brad Partridge & Wayne Hall - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 4 (1):17-17.
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  32. Correspondence Vol. VII: 1670-1671 und VIII: 1671—1672.Henry Oldenburg, A. Rupert Hall & Marie Boas Hall - 1972 - Studia Leibnitiana 4 (2):157-160.
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  33. Time-Traveling Image: Gilles Deleuze on Science-Fiction Film.Joshua M. Hall - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 50 (4):31-44.
    The first section of this article focuses on the treatment of “time travel” in science-fiction literature and film as presented in the secondary literature in that field. The first anthology I will consider has a metaphysical focus, including (a) relating the time travel of science fiction to the banal time travel of all living beings, as we move inexorably toward the future; and (b) arguing for the filmstrip as the ultimate metaphor for time. The second anthology I will consider has (...)
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  34. Sartre and the Virtual.Henry Somers-Hall - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (Supplement):126-132.
    Based on a close reading of Sartre’s essay, The Transcendence of the Ego, this paper shows the importance of Sartre’s arguments against the transcendental ego for the Deleuzian project of restructuring the transcendental field. Sartre formulates four propositions which he takes to be the implications of the rejection of the transcendental ego as found in Kant and Husserl. The paper attempts to show how these propositions are derived, and furthermore how they become reinterpreted by Deleuze into nascent forms of transcendental (...)
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  35. The History of Grammar in the Middle Ages. Collected Papers.R. Hunt & G. Bursill-Hall - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (1):122-123.
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    Bibliography of Works in English on Aristotle's: Political Theory Published Since 1960.J. B. Morrall & Dale Hall - 1978 - Polis 1 (2):19-22.
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  37. Braille learning-one modality is sometimes better than 2.Se Newman, Wl Sawyer, Ad Hall & Lgj Hill - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (1):17-18.
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    (2 other versions)General Bibliography.P. P. Nioholson & Dale Hall - 1977 - Polis 1 (1):7-10.
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  39. Exploring Video Feedback in Philosophy.Tanya Hall, Dean Tracy & Andy Lamey - 2016 - Teaching Philosophy 39 (2):137-162.
    This paper explores the benefits of video feedback for teaching philosophy. Our analysis, based on results from a self-report student survey along with our own experience, indicates that video feedback possesses a number of advantages over traditional written comments. In particular we argue that video feedback is conducive to providing high-quality formative feedback, increases detail and clarity, and promotes student engagement. In addition, we argue that the advantages of video feedback make the method an especially apt tool for addressing challenges (...)
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    Transforming Celebrity Objects: Implications for an Account of Psychological Contagion.Kristan A. Marchak & D. Geoffrey Hall - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (1-2):51-72.
    The celebrity effect is the well-documented phenomenon in which people ascribe an enhanced worth to artefacts owned by famous individuals. This effect has been attributed to a belief in psychological contagion, the transmission of a person’s essence to an object via contact. We examined people’s judgments of the persisting worth of celebrity-owned artefacts following transformations of their parts/material and found that the celebrity effect was evident only for post-transformation artefacts that were composed of parts/material that had direct physical contact with (...)
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    Who Gets to Decide? The Role of Institutional Logics in Shaping Stakeholder Politics and Insurgency.James E. Mattingly & Harry T. Hall - 2008 - Business and Society Review 113 (1):63-89.
  42. Attachment psychotherapy and God image.Jacqueline L. Noffke & Todd W. Hall - 2008 - In Glendon Moriarty & Louis Hoffman, God Image Handbook for Spiritual Counseling and Psychotherapy: Research, Theory, and Practice. Haworth Pastoral Press.
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    Social and Medical Trends in Female Sterilization in Aberdeen, 1951–72.Bernard J. Nottage, Marion H. Hall & Barbara E. Thompson - 1977 - Journal of Biosocial Science 9 (4):487-500.
    This paper reports the social and medical characteristics of women resident in Aberdeen city who were sterilized in 195162 and 197152 women were offered sterilization, the majority being lower social class mothers with five or more children who were sterilized concurrently with abortion; the small number of upper social class women had one or two children and were sterilized for medical or obstetric reasons. By 196172, women themselves requested sterilization, the two–three child family was the norm, the proportion of upper (...)
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    Hegel's philosophy of history.K. Rosenkranz & G. S. Hall - 1872 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 6 (4):340 - 350.
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  45. Questions of Race in J. S. Mill’s Contributions to Logic.Joshua M. Hall - 2014 - Philosophia Africana 16 (2):73-93.
    This article is part of a larger project in which I attempt to show that Western formal logic, from its inception in Aristotle onward, has both been partially constituted by, and partially constitutive of, what has become known as racism. In contrast to this trend, the present article concerns the major philosopher whose contribution to logic has been perhaps the most derided and marginalized, and yet whose character and politics are, from a contemporary perspective, drastically superior—John Stuart Mill. My approach (...)
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    Aesthetic Attributes of Museum Environmental Experience: A Pilot Study With Children as Visitors.Claudia Annechini, Elisa Menardo, Rob Hall & Margherita Pasini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  47. Bergson and the Development of Sartre’s Thought.Henry Somers-Hall - 2017 - Research in Phenomenology 47 (1):85-107.
    _ Source: _Volume 47, Issue 1, pp 85 - 107 The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of Henri Bergson to the philosophical development of Jean-Paul Sartre’s thought. Despite Sartre’s early enthusiasm for Bergson’s description of consciousness, and the frequent references to Bergson in Sartre’s early work, there has been virtually no analysis of the influence of Bergson’s thought on Sartre’s development. This paper addresses this deficit. The first part of the paper explores Sartre’s analysis of the (...)
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  48. Nerve/Nurses of the Cosmic Doctor: Wang Yang-ming on Self-Awareness as World-Awareness.Joshua M. Hall - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (2):149-165.
    In Philip J. Ivanhoe’s introduction to his Readings from the Lu-Wang School of Neo-Confucianism, he argues convincingly that the Ming-era Neo-Confucian philosopher Wang Yang-ming (1472–1529) was much more influenced by Buddhism (especially Zen’s Platform Sutra) than has generally been recognized. In light of this influence, and the centrality of questions of selfhood in Buddhism, in this article I will explore the theme of selfhood in Wang’s Neo-Confucianism. Put as a mantra, for Wang “self-awareness is world-awareness.” My central image for this (...)
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  49. Guide and case studies.S. H. Vollmer & N. S. Hall - unknown
    The goal of this small book and accompanying DVD is to help you to have a better experience in your laboratory by getting you to step back and take a global look at what is involved in making progress in the laboratory.
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    Clinical law: what do clinicians want to know? The demography of clinical law.Robert Wheeler & Nigel Hall - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (4):229-234.
    This is the first description of the questions that clinicians ask a department of clinical law, relating to the legal rules applicable to the care of their patients.ObjectivesTo describe in detail the demography of clinical legal enquiries made by clinicians of all professions concerning the care of their patients. To collate and categorise the varieties of enquiry, to identify phenotypic patterns. To provide colleges, regulators, commissioners, educators and the NHS with an insight into hitherto undescribed subject matter, better to understand (...)
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