Results for 'Rosemary Sales'

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    Migrant Women and Exclusion in Europe.Rosemary Sales & Eleonore Kofman - 1998 - European Journal of Women's Studies 5 (3-4):381-398.
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    Ethical Ideologies and Older Consumer Perceptions of Unethical Sales Tactics.Rosemary P. Ramsey, Greg W. Marshall, Mark W. Johnston & Dawn R. Deeter-Schmelz - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (2):191-207.
    Demographic differences among consumer groups have become increasingly important to the development of marketing strategies. Marketers depend heavily on the sales force to implement strategies at the consumer level and, not surprisingly, different groups may view the salesperson’s role differently. Unfortunately, unethical sales practices targeted at various consumer groups, and especially at seniors, have been utilized as well. The purpose of this study is to provide initial empirical evidence of the ethical ideological make-up of four age segments outlined (...)
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    La interrupción de la Fenologia: génesis de las investigaciones lógicas de Husserl.Rosemary Rizo Patron de Lener - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 4:83-91.
    "œLa irrupción de la Fenomenologí­a: Génesis de las Investigaciones Lógicas de Husserl" La intencionalidad es un concepto clave en la Fenomenologí­a de Husserl, por medio del cual sale a la luz la tensión proverbial entre la tradición moderna y la "cosa en sí­". Conciente del riesgo de reexaminar un tema que ya ha sido objeto de inumerables interpretaciones, la autora lo usa como hilo conductor para reconstruir la génesis de la obra capital de Husserl, así­ como de la supuesta "irrup- (...)
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    Materialist feminism and the politics of discourse.Rosemary Hennessy - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Rosemary Hennessy confronts some of the impasses in materialist feminist work on rethinking `woman' as a discursively constructed subject. She argues for a theory of discourse as ideology taking into account the work of Kristeva, Foucault and Laclau.
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    Gaia & God an Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1992 - HarperOne.
    As the all-nurturing earth mother goddess. Ruether points out that merely replacing a transcendent male deity with a female one does not answer the "god-problem." What we need, in her view, is a vision of a much more abundant and creative source of life. "A healed relation to each other and to the earth calls for a new consciousness, a new symbolic culture and spirituality." writes Ruether. "We need to transform our inner psyches and the way we symbolize the.
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    Feminist Approaches To Bioethics: Theoretical Reflections And Practical Applications.Rosemarie Tong - 1997 - Westview Press.
    No other cluster of medical issues affects the genders as differently as those related to procreationcontraception, sterilization, abortion, artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, and genetic screening. Rosemarie Tong s approach to feminist bioethics serves as a catalyst to bring together different feminist voices in hope of actually doing something to make gender equity a present reality rather than a mere future possibility.".
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  7. Deliberation and economic valuation: national park management.Rosemary F. James & Russell K. Blamey - 2005 - In Michael Getzner, Clive L. Spash & Sigrid Stagl (eds.), Alternatives for Environmental Valuation. Routledge. pp. 225--243.
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  8. Why dialogues? Plato's serious play.Rosemary Desjardins - 1988 - In Charles L. Griswold (ed.), Platonic Writings/Platonic Readings. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 110--126.
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    Triadicity and Thirdness.Rosemarie Christopherson & Henry W. Johnstone - 1981 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 17 (3):241 - 246.
  10.  13
    Cornel West: The Politics of Redemption.Rosemary Cowan - 2002 - Polity.
    In this new book Rosemary Cowan provides a clear and highly accessible introduction to the work of Cornel West, a provocative and eclectic thinker who has emerged as one of America's foremost public intellectuals.
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    Science without grammar: scientific reasoning in severe agrammatic aphasia.Rosemary Varley - 2002 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen P. Stich & Michael Siegal (eds.), The Cognitive Basis of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 99.
  12.  18
    Visions of Schooling: Conscience, Community, and Common Education.Rosemary C. Salomone - 2000 - Yale University Press.
    At no time in the past century have there been fiercer battles over our public schools than there are now. Parents and educational reformers are challenging not only the mission, content, and structure of mass compulsory schooling but also its underlying premise—that the values promoted through public education are neutral and therefore acceptable to any reasonable person. In this important book, Rosemary Salomone sets aside the ideological and inflammatory rhetoric that surrounds today’s debates over educational values and family choice. (...)
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  13. Review of Rosemary Radford Ruether, Women Healing Earth: Third World Women on Ecology, Feminism, and Religion. [REVIEW]Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20:195-198.
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    The Ethical Dimension of Transcendental Reduction.Rosemary Lerner - 2017 - In Véronique M. Fóti & Pavlos Kontos (eds.), Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political: Essays in Honor of Jacques Taminiaux. Cham: Springer. Translated by R.P. Lerner Rosemary.
    This chapter offered in hommage to Jacques Taminiaux’s long and fruitful career reflecting on ontological, political, and aesthetic issues, starts following the lead of his reading of Heidegger’s interpretation of these issues, as following the same “Platonic filiation” as in most of German Idealism’s representatives. Namely, Heidegger seems to interpret praxis beyond all relation to interaction and interlocution, but also that his revaluation of the role of art in politics is because he confers the utmost importance upon poiêsis as an (...)
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    Dwellers in the land: the bioregional vision.Kirkpatrick Sale - 1985 - Athens: University of Georgia Press.
    Dwellers in the Land focuses on the realistic development of these bioregionally focused communities and the places where they are established to create a ...
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    Psychoanalytic Treatment in Adults: A Longitudinal Study of Change.Rosemary Cogan & John H. Porcerelli - 2016 - Routledge.
    The outcomes of psychoanalysis, as with other psychotherapies, vary considerably. _Psychoanalytic Treatment in Adults _examines the results of a longitudinal study of change during psychoanalysis, illuminating the characteristics of patients, analysts and analyses which can help to predict outcomes of treatment. Written by experienced psychologists and psychoanalysts, chapters in the book draw upon sixty case studies to consider how patients with very different analytic outcomes respond at both the beginning and end of their analysis. Psychoanalysts used a clinician report measure, (...)
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    Husserl versus Neo-Kantianism Revisited.Rosemary R. P. Lerner - 2004 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 4:173-208.
  18.  10
    Subjektermächtigung und Naturunterwerfung: künstlerische Selbstverletzung im Zeichen von Kants Ästhetik des Erhabenen.Rosemarie Brucher - 2013 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    "Künstlerische Selbstverletzung - seit den 1960er Jahren international fester Bestandteil der Performance Art - polarisiert, verstört und wirft vor allem Fragen nach Handlungsmotivationen auf. Rosemarie Brucher deutet dieses radikale Phänomen als Bewältigungsversuch bedrohter Autonomie und damit in erster Linie als Ermächtigungsstrategie. In dieser Ambivalenz aus Subjektermächtigung und Naturunterwerfung lässt sich künstlerische Selbstverletzung vor dem Hintergrund von Immanuel Kants Ästhetik des Erhabenen lesen, was die Autorin exemplarisch an VALIE EXPORT und Stelarc darlegt. Eine solche Bezugsetzung eröffnet nicht nur einen innovativen Zugang (...)
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    Dying and Creating: A Search for Meaning.Rosemary Gordon - 2000 - Routledge.
    Dying and creating or, could we put it the other way round, creating and dying? Rosemary Gordon has chosen the first, the challenging title and the one that stimulates the reader to find out how they inter-relate. There are essential links between the facts and the concepts. C. G. Jung devoted much attention to the psychology of death, re-birth and transformation: the author acknowledges her debt to him, to his creative spirit and to the depth of his understanding. As (...)
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  20. Order and justice in international relations.Rosemary Foot, John Lewis Gaddis & Andrew Hurrell (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The relationship between international order and justice has long been central to the study and practice of international relations. For most of the twentieth century, states and international society gave priority to a view of order that focused on the minimum conditions for coexistence in a pluralist, conflictual world. Justice was seen either as secondary or sometimes even as a challenge to order. Recent developments have forced a reassessment of this position. This book sets current concerns within a broad historical (...)
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  21. Feminist Approaches to Bioethics: Theoretical Reflections and Practical Applications.Rosemarie Tong - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (4):112-116.
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  22. Christianity and the Making of the Modern Family.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2000
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    Free Children and Democratic Schools: A Philosophical Study of Liberty and Education.Rosemary Chamberlin - 1989 - Falmer Press.
    This book attempts to relate a theory of liberty to the practice of education, and to work out the implications of beliefs about freedom for our schools and classrooms. The author makes a plea for greater respect for children and argues for greater democracy in education.
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    Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World Religions.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book addresses the practical relevance of the interconnection of feminism, ecology, and religious theological thought, and asks questions about the lack of attention to gender issues in both ecological theology and deglobalization theory. The book looks at issues of globalization, interfaith ecological theology, ecofeminism, and deglobalization movements comparatively across different world religions and across geographical regions.
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  25. Sexism and God-Talk. Towards a Feminist Theology.Rosemary Radford Ruether & Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza - 1984 - Religious Studies 20 (4):699-702.
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  26. Transformationen des Bildungsbegriffs: zur Logik bildungstheoretischen Denkens.Rosemarie Boenicke - 2022 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    The rise of the concept of education to the leading category of modernity initially appears as a life-world equivalent to the settings of subject philosophy and concentrates on the expansion of one's own self- and world reference. With the problematization of subject-philosophical thinking, there are corresponding shifts in meaning in the concept of education: its changes can be understood as an examination of this origin. Based on the writings of Humboldt, Hegel and Novalis, Rosemarie Boenicke shows how responsiveness and reciprocity (...)
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  27. Schooling for Women's Work.Rosemary Deem - 1980
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    Thinking about law: perspectives on the history, philosophy, and sociology of law.Rosemary Hunter, Richard Ingleby & Richard Johnstone (eds.) - 1995 - St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
    There is more to law than rules, robes and precedents. Rather, law is an integral part of social practices and policies, as diverse and complex as society itself. Thinking About Law offers a comprehensive introduction to the ways in which law has been presented and represented. It explores historical, sociological, economic and philosophical perspectives on the major legal and political debates in Australia today. The contributors examine the position of Aborigines in the Australian legal system and the impact of the (...)
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    Ruling by the Book.Rosemarie LaValva - 2007 - Mediaevalia 28 (2):121-136.
  30.  12
    Logik, Kausalität, Freiheit: ausgewählte Aufsätze = Logic, causation, freedom: selected papers.Rosemarie Rheinwald - 2012 - Paderborn: Mentis. Edited by Oliver R. Scholz & Jan G. Michel.
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  31. The summer 1996.Antiquities Sales & Features Egyptian - 1996 - Minerva 7.
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  32. Why machines cannot feel.Rosemarie Velik - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (1):1-18.
    For a long time, emotions have been ignored in the attempt to model intelligent behavior. However, within the last years, evidence has come from neuroscience that emotions are an important facet of intelligent behavior being involved into cognitive problem solving, decision making, the establishment of social behavior, and even conscious experience. Also in research communities like software agents and robotics, an increasing number of researchers start to believe that computational models of emotions will be needed to design intelligent systems. Nevertheless, (...)
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    Easy-Come-Easy-Go: Moral Hazard in the Context of Return to Education.Rosemary L. Walker & Liviu Florea - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (2):201-217.
    This empirical study advances the understanding of the theory of investment in human capital by outlining limitations to its applicability in the context of return to education. The study uses the concept of moral hazard to examine circumstances when financial support for education purpose generates less desirable post-graduation incomes. This study explores the relationship between financial support and post-graduation incomes using data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation that is designed to measure the economic situation of individuals. Results (...)
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    The Rational Enterprise: Logos in Plato's Theaetetus.Rosemary Desjardins - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Finds in Plato's dialogue not only a discussion, but also a demonstration of his philosophical principles.
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    Interview with Rosemary Hopcroft for Theory and Society.Kevin McCaffree & Rosemary Hopcroft - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-12.
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  36. That was then, this is now: The understanding of authority and obedience by a selected group of women religious in Australia.Rosemarie Joyce - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (3):305.
    Joyce, Rosemarie Since the middle of last century, there has been a gradual change in Australian society with regard to how one understands and practises authority and obedience. In the past, those who were in positions of authority, be it church or civil, could expect to be revered and their decisions to be obeyed even if there was no personal agreement with the decision in question. But the situation has changed and continues to change. Many would agree that those who (...)
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  37. Der Formalismus und seine Grenzen. Untersuchungen zur neueren Philosophie der Mathematik.Rosemarie Rheinwald - 1987 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 41 (1):156-159.
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    Ecofeminism: First and third world women.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1997 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 18 (1):33 - 45.
  39. (1 other version)Hayek revisited: Mind as a process of classification.Rosemary Agonito - 1975 - Behaviorism 3 (2):162-71.
  40. Women and Redemption: A Theological History.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1998
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  41. Phantasia and Error.Rosemary Twomey - 2021 - In Caleb M. Cohoe (ed.), Aristotle's on the Soul: A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Long Arc of Legality: Hobbes, Kelsen, Hart, written by Dyzenhaus, David.Rosemarie Wagner - 2023 - Hobbes Studies 36 (2):235-243.
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  43. The Paradox of Pleasure and Pain: a Study of the Concept of Pain in Aristotle.Rosemary Agonito - 1976 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 57 (2):105.
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  44. Teleology of Human Nature for Mentality?Rosemarie Arbur - 1983 - In Robert Myers (ed.), The Intersection of Science Fiction and Philosophy: Critical Studies. Greenwood Press. pp. 71--91.
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  45. Men's work, women's work.Rosemary Crompton & Kay Sanderson - 2001 - In Mary Evans (ed.), Feminism: critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. New York: Routledge. pp. 378.
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    Expanding Responsibility for the Just War: A Feminist Critique .Rosemary Kellison - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Feminist ethics -- Necessity and the evasion of responsibility -- Relational personhood and the violence of war -- Intention matters -- From evading to expanding responsibility -- Taking responsibility for harmdoing in war -- Just war and just peace.
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    The knife edge of experience.Rosemary Haughton - 1972 - London,: Darton, Longman & Todd.
  48. Specifying interactional markers of schizophrenia in clinical consultations.Rosemarie McCabe - 2009 - In Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall (eds.), Against theory of mind. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Identifying Boundaries in Care: Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Men Who Have Sex with Men.Rosemary McKechnie - 1999 - In Tamara Kohn & Rosemary McKechnie (eds.), Extending the boundaries of care: medical ethics and caring practices. New York, N.Y.: Berg. pp. 21--1135.
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  50. Disputed Questions: On Being a Christian.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1989
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