Results for 'Rosemary Ryan'

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    Palliative Care and Terminal Illness.Sr Rosemary Ryan - 2001 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 1 (3):313-320.
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    Recognition memory impairments caused by false recognition of novel objects.Lok-Kin Yeung, Jennifer D. Ryan, Rosemary A. Cowell & Morgan D. Barense - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (4):1384.
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    "Palliative care for" Margaret".Rosemary Ryan - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (4):344-348.
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  4. The preface paradox.Sharon Ryan - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 64 (3):293-307.
  5. Reviving Ulysses contracts.Ryan Spellecy - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (4):373-392.
    : Ulysses contracts have faced paternalism objections since they first were proposed. Since the contracts are designed to override a present request from a legally competent patient in favor of a past request made by that patient, enforcement of these contracts was argued to be unjustifiable strong paternalism. Recent legal developments and new theories of practical reasoning suggest that the discussion of Ulysses contracts should be revived. This paper argues that with a proper understanding of the future-directed planning embodied in (...)
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  6. The Syndrome of Love.Ryan Stringer - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7:480-510.
    What is love? In this paper I argue that love is a psychological syndrome, or an enormously complex cluster of psychological attitudes and dispositions that’s accompanied by a corresponding set of symptoms that flow from it. More specifically, I argue that love is an affectionate loyalty that takes different shapes across cases and that manifests itself in some set of behavioral and emotional expressions, where this set of expressions also varies across cases. After laying down three theoretical constraints that viable (...)
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    "Skies of Generations Past: Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Extinction”.Ryan Crawford - 2023 - Evental Aesthetics 11:3-33.
    In response to the catastrophes of the twentieth century, contemporary writers were often led to revolutionize inherited forms of philosophical presentation. And now, in an age of Anthropocene extinction, such experiments have become necessary once again. To comprehend this most recent of disasters, the present essay develops a practice of the philosophical fragment which, by returning to contemporaneous accounts of Auschwitz, Hiroshima, and Chernobyl, seeks to demonstrate what was both anticipated by and wholly unforeseen from within the perspective of earlier (...)
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    Time / Speech / Sentence / Screen.Ryan Crawford - 2016 - Maske Und Kothurn: Internationale Beiträge Zur Theater-, Film- Und Medienwissenschaft 62 (1):31-44.
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  9. The terror of animality : Arendt, Badiou, Sartre.Ryan Crawford - 2010 - In James R. Watson (ed.), Metacide: In the Pursuit of Excellence. Rodopi.
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    Words and Organs.Ryan Crawford - 2016 - In Ryan Crawford & Erik Vogt (eds.), Adorno and the Concept of Genocide. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 61-72.
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    Feuerbach and gender: the logic of complementarity.Ryan Plumley - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (1):85-105.
    Ludwig Feuerbach's work is often too easily dovetailed with the works of Hegel and Marx and therefore read teleologically as an intermediary step between the two “major” figures. By re-interpreting Feuerbach more as a system critic than as a system builder, this article attempts to elucidate his relationships to the other two. It will also point up the gendered articulation of his critiques of religion and philosophy. The article will show how Feuerbach's use of gender, though remaining fixed within a (...)
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  12. Hybrid Expressivism and the Analogy between Pejoratives and Moral Language.Ryan J. Hay - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):450-474.
    : In recent literature supporting a hybrid view between metaethical cognitivism and noncognitivist expressivism, much has been made of an analogy between moral terms and pejoratives. The analogy is based on the plausible idea that pejorative slurs are used to express both a descriptive belief and a negative attitude. The analogy looks promising insofar as it encourages the kinds of features we should want from a hybrid expressivist view for moral language. But the analogy between moral terms and pejorative slurs (...)
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    An AI ethics ‘David and Goliath’: value conflicts between large tech companies and their employees.Mark Ryan, Eleni Christodoulou, Josephina Antoniou & Kalypso Iordanou - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-16.
    Artificial intelligence ethics requires a united approach from policymakers, AI companies, and individuals, in the development, deployment, and use of these technologies. However, sometimes discussions can become fragmented because of the different levels of governance or because of different values, stakeholders, and actors involved. Recently, these conflicts became very visible, with such examples as the dismissal of AI ethics researcher Dr. Timnit Gebru from Google and the resignation of whistle-blower Frances Haugen from Facebook. Underpinning each debacle was a conflict between (...)
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  14. Dieses Bilderbuchland mit seinem imaginierten Boden. Europa – Adorno – Proust.Ryan Crawford - 2016 - In Gerhard Unterthurner & Erik Michael Vogt (eds.), Bruchlinien Europas: philosophische Erkundungen bei Badiou, Adorno, Žižek und anderen. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant. pp. 214-232. Translated by Anna Wieder & Sergej Seitz.
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    Moby-Dick, American Studies and the Aesthetic Education of Man.Ryan Crawford - 2023 - The New Americanist 2 (2):97-122.
    Moby-Dick has long served as an index of contemporary events and changing paradigms. Yet despite its long and varied history of interpretation, an analysis of the novel’s reception history demonstrates a striking unanimity of purpose. In nearly every instance, Ahab’s excesses and inhumanities are identified and prohibited in the name of ensuring that the novel can aid in the work of furthering the aesthetic education of man. In the process, the artwork’s integrity, achievement and essential irreducibility are subordinated to the (...)
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  16. Risk and terrorism.Alan Ryan - 2007 - In Tim Lewens (ed.), Risk: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    The Praetorship of L. Roscius Otho.F. Ryan - 1997 - Hermes 125 (2):236-240.
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    The powerlessness of fashion.S. Ryan - unknown
    This paper is part of a project to rescue fashion from the social sciences and restore it to philosophy. In Kawamura's Fashion-ology, power is understood solely as legal or institutional power. The work's strictly sociological approach means that, though the two are rightly distinguished, clothing continues to haunt the logic of fashion, and there is little reflection as to why the system of clothing and not some other commodity lends its name to cultural neomania in general. What is lacking is (...)
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    Measles, magic and misidentifications: a defence of the two-factor theory of delusions.Ryan McKay - 2019 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 24 (3):183-190.
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  20. Realist Ethical Naturalism for Ethical Non-Naturalists.Ryan Stringer - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (2):339-362.
    It is common in metaethics today to draw a distinction between “naturalist” and “non-naturalist” versions of moral realism, where the former view maintains that moral properties are natural properties, while the latter view maintains that they are non-natural properties instead. The nature of the disagreement here can be understood in different ways, but the most common way is to understand it as a metaphysical disagreement. In particular, the disagreement here is about the reducibility of moral properties, where the “naturalists” maintain (...)
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  21.  23
    The Political Philosophy of Fénelon.Ryan Patrick Hanley - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    "Fénelon is arguably the most neglected of all the major philosophers of early modernity. His political masterwork was the most-read book in eighteenth-century France after the Bible, yet to now we have lacked a single interpretive monograph in English devoted specifically to his thought. This monograph aims to correct this by providing the first such book-length study. In focusing specifically on Fénelon's political thought, it has three primary aims. The first is to provide a reconstruction of Fénelon's political ideas accessible (...)
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    The Origins and Effects of Filial Piety : How Culture Solves an Evolutionary Problem for Parents.Ryan Nichols - 2013 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 13 (3-4):201-230.
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    What Makes an Environmental Steward? An Individual Differences Approach.Ryan Plummer, Julia Baird & Gillian Dale - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (3):295-322.
    Engaging in environmental stewardship is critical for sustainability. Understanding individual differences and engagement is an important gap in present scholarship and addressing it is necessary to understand individual factors that relate to the types of activities engaged in, motivations and barriers to environmental stewardship. We surveyed 637 Canadian and American adults via Amazon Mechanical Turk, querying a range of demographic, psychological and environmental perceptions factors as well as motivations and barriers to stewardship activities. Respondents were ultimately grouped into Non-Stewards, Home-Oriented (...)
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  24. Incorporating'Just Profit'Guidelines in Transnational Codes.Leo V. Ryan - 1994 - In W. Michael Hoffman (ed.), Emerging global business ethics. Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books. pp. 191--200.
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  25. The Power of Feminist Judgments?Rosemary Hunter - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (2):135-148.
    Recent years have seen the advent of two feminist judgment-writing projects, the Women’s Court of Canada, and the Feminist Judgments Project in England. This article analyses these projects in light of Carol Smart’s feminist critique of law and legal reform and her proposed feminist strategies in Feminism and the Power of Law (1989). At the same time, it reflects on Smart’s arguments 20 years after their first publication and considers the extent to which feminist judgment-writing projects may reinforce or trouble (...)
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    Supply Chain Responsibility and Sustainability.Ryan Atkins & Cam Caldwell - 2020 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 39 (2):147-168.
    Decisions made by supply chain managers have a far-reaching impact on the economic, environmental, and social performance of entire supply chains, even though many activities in the supply chain occur beyond the direct control of those managers. Some firms establish a line of moral disengagement, beyond which they distance themselves from the impact of the activities of the supply chain. This research addresses the question of why some managers choose to take responsibility for the sustainability of their supply chain, while (...)
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    (1 other version)Adam Smith's inquiry into the nature and causes of the death of nations.Ryan Patrick Hanley - forthcoming - Constellations.
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    Protesting too much: Self-deception and self-signaling.Ryan McKay, Danica Mijović-Prelec & Dražen Prelec - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (1):34-35.
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  29. Women's Lives/Feminist Knowledge: Feminist Standpoint as Ideology Critique.Rosemary Hennessy - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (1):14-34.
    Feminist standpoint theory posits feminism as a way of conceptualizing from the vantage point of women's lives. However, in current work on feminist standpoint the material links between lives and knowledges are often not explained. This essay argues that the radical marxist tradition standpoint theory draws on-specifically theories of ideology post-Althusser-offers a systemic mode of reading that can redress this problem and provide the resources to elaborate further feminism's oppositional practice and collective subject.
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    Introducing the Learning Practice – I. The characteristics of Learning Organizations in Primary Care.Rosemary Rushmer, Diane Kelly, Murray Lough, Joyce E. Wilkinson & Huw T. O. Davies - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (3):375-386.
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    Being in the face of nameless mystery: Levinas and the trace of doctrine.S. J. Ryan G. Duns - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (1):97–109.
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    El agustinismo de John Colet.Barry T. Ryan & José Oroz - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):227-232.
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  33. The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology [Book Review].Tom Ryan - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (2):252.
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  34. The Praetorship of P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther.F. Ryan - 2000 - Hermes 128 (2):246-247.
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  35. 'The Quaestorship and Aedileship of M'. Aquillius.F. Ryan - 1996 - Hermes 124 (1):115-116.
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    The Quaestorships of Hirtuleius and M. Fonteius.F. Ryan - 1996 - Hermes 124 (2):250-253.
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  37. Fairness and Philosophy.Alan Ryan - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (2):597-606.
    The paper puts forward a pluralistic account of fairness within which concepts of equality of sacrifice and outcome, desert, and randomized outcomes within a fair framework all have their place. The distinction between efficiency and fairness is set out early on, and it is later argued that only efficient social arrangements can withstand the questioning about the fairness of the way they distribute their benefits to their beneficiaries and impose demands on those whose taxes pay for them that the modern (...)
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  38. Law and history in black and white.Penelope Mathew, Rosemary Hunter & Hilary Charlesworth - 1995 - In Rosemary Hunter, Richard Ingleby & Richard Johnstone (eds.), Thinking about law: perspectives on the history, philosophy, and sociology of law. St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin. pp. 3--37.
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    The Politics of God in the Christian Tradition.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (3):329-338.
    This article traces the development of the idea of God from the ancient Near East thought into Patristic Christianity with its fusion with Greek philosophy. The article details five patterns that shape the way in which God language in Christianity influences social and political systems: androcentrism or male domination over women; anthropocentrism or human domination over nature; ethnocentrism or the domination of a `chosen' people over other people; militarism, and asceticism or the dualism and hierarchy of mind over body. It (...)
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  40. Semantics of work-correlation of terms drudgery, toil, labor, work.Jj Ryan - 1971 - Humanitas 7 (2):133-140.
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    Nation-States, Empires, Wars, Hostilities.Cheyney Ryan - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (3):367-379.
    A starting point for thinking about war and preparations for war is that today the average citizen in Western countries has absolutely no interest in fighting in a war him or herself. The best study of this phenomenon rightly notes that what might be called the “great refusal” of ordinary people to involve themselves in actual war making reflects what might be called the “great disillusionment” with war itself. However, this has not meant the end of war, or of preparations (...)
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    Woolcock, Ruse, again.J. A. Ryan - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (5):733-735.
    I summarize recent discussion in this journal and in Woolcock(1999) of the relevance of evolution to the question of thereality of moral rightness and wrongness. I show thata satisfactory version of Ruse-type evolutionaryethics has been adequately defended.
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  43. A Comedy of Errors or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Sensibility‐Invariantism about ‘Funny’.Ryan Doerfler - 2012 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 93 (4):493-522.
    In this article, I argue that sensibility‐invariantism about ‘funny’ is defensible, not just as a descriptive hypothesis, but, as a normative position as well. What I aim to do is to make the realist commitments of the sensibility‐invariantist out to be much more tenable than one might initially think them to be. I do so by addressing the two major sources of discontent with sensibility‐invariantism: the observation that discourse about comedy exhibits significant divergence in judgment, and the fact that disagreements (...)
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    The Lament of the Demobilized.Cheyney Ryan - 2023 - In Graham Parsons (ed.), _How to End a War: Essays on Justice, Peace, and Repair_. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Differences in Technical Performance of Players From ‘The Big Five’ European Football Leagues in the UEFA Champions League.Qing Yi, Ryan Groom, Chen Dai, Hongyou Liu & Miguel Ángel Gómez Ruano - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Forest Family: Australian Culture, Art, and Trees.John Charles Ryan & Rodney James Giblett (eds.) - 2018 - Brill | Rodopi.
    _Forest Family_ highlights the importance of old-growth forests to Australian art, community, culture, history, and politics. The volume will be of interest to general readers of environmental history, as well as scholars in critical plant studies and the environmental humanities.
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  47. Keeping busy.Alan Ryan - 2005 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 72 (2):427-446.
    “Busyness” like many concepts trades on contrast. The most obvious contrast is with “real work” and ‘really working.” “Busy work” is usually pretend work; we try to look as though we are achieving something but all we are doing is shuffling the paper on our desks, polishing the inlet manifold rather than diagnosing the fault about to destroy the engine, marching our soldiers up to the top of the hill and marching them down again rather than engaging the enemy. All (...)
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  48. Photography, visual revolutions, and Victorian geography.James R. Ryan - 2005 - In David N. Livingstone & Charles W. J. Withers (eds.), Geography and revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 199--238.
  49.  7
    9 Truth, reason and the spectre of contingency.Kevin Ryan - 2007 - In Siniša Malešević & Mark Haugaard (eds.), Ernest Gellner and contemporary social thought. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 227.
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    The Most Good You Can Do with Your Kidneys: Effective Altruism and the Organ-Shortage Problem.Ryan Tonkens - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (3):350-376.
    Effective altruism is a growing philosophical and social movement, whose members design their lives in ways aligned with doing the most good that they can do. The main focus of this paper is to explore what effective altruism has to say about the moral obligations people have to do good with their organs, in the face of an organ-shortage problem. It is argued that an effective altruism framework offers a number of valuable theoretical and practical insights relevant to ongoing debate (...)
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