Results for 'Roosevelt Rocha'

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  1. Música e Filosofia em Platão e Aristóteles.Roosevelt Araújo da Rocha Júnior - 2007 - Discurso 37:29-54.
    Este artigo traz uma breve reflexão acerca do valor que a música assume nos pensamentos filosóficos de Platão e de Aristóteles. Mediante esse exercício, também se refletirá sobre o estatuto da música em relação à ideia de filosofia presente nas obras desses autores.
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    Aristóxeno contra Sócrates e Platão.Roosevelt Rocha - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
    Aristóxeno de Tarento (375-335 a. C.) foi um dos principais alunos de Aristóteles. Ele ficou mais conhecido por seus tratados sobre teoria musical, dentre os quais nós temos os Elementos deTeoria Harmônica. Porém, Aristóxeno se notabilizou também como um grande autor de biografias de personalidades como Pitágoras, Arquitas, Sócrates e Platão. Infelizmente dessas obras só chegaram fragmentos até nós. Contudo, da leitura desses fragmentos podemos tirar informações muito interessantes sobre as biografias desses filósofos e sobre o modo como eles foram (...)
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    The ambiguous image of music in Homer and Hesiod.Roosevelt Araújo da Rocha Júnior - 2009 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 3:105-111.
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    The Successful Life: Compiled from the Speeches of Theodore Roosevelt During His European Tour, 1910.Theodore Roosevelt - 1910
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  5. Tratado político de Rocha Pita.Sebastião da Rocha Pita - 1972 - Brasília: Instituto Nacional do Livro. Edited by Heitor Martins.
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  6. Music and Metaphysics.Roosevelt Porter - 1997 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    In the first chapter, two questions are considered: is listening to music necessary for apprehended musical aesthetic qualities? and is listening to music sufficient for apprehending musical aesthetic qualities? I conclude that the answer to the first question is yes by arguing that musical aesthetic qualities are necessarily at least in part perceptual properties. And my answer to the second question is no, since not all of the features of musical aesthetic qualities are perceivable. ;The ontological status of musical works (...)
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    Performances and Individuating Musical Works.Roosevelt Porter - 1996 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 34 (2):201-223.
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    Values Added: The Uses of Educational Philosophies in an Accelerated Teacher Training Program.Grace Roosevelt - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (6):545-560.
    In this article I report on the ways that an educational philosophies course in a performance-based program enables teacher candidates to identify, reflect upon, and evaluate a wide range of educational purposes. The context for the report is an accelerated graduate program in childhood education at a small urban college where intensive fieldwork is required every semester and applied learning is the norm. Using teacher candidates? reactions to selected texts in the history of educational thought as evidence, I aim to (...)
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    Réplica de Víctor Rocha Monsalve.Víctor M. Rocha Monsalve - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (2).
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  10. The Man in the Arena: Speeches and Essays.Theodore Roosevelt & John A. Gable - 1987 - Theodore Roosevelt Association.
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    Wired for Autonomy.Antonio Casado da Rocha & Alvaro Moreno Bergareche - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (5):23-25.
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    Heidegger's Philosophic Pedagogy – By M. Ehrmantraut.Samuel D. Rocha - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (5):568-570.
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    Obedience.Samuel D. Rocha - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (4):627-636.
    This is a phenomenological description of existential obedience, which draws out a contrast between it and ressentiment and existential envy, and compares it with pedagogical obedience. The discussion is developed with reference especially to the work of Erich Fromm, Emerson, and Nietzsche. Eds: This paper forms part of a special issue titled ‘Beyond Virtue and Vice: Education for a Darker Age’, in which the editors invited authors to engage in exercises of ‘transvaluation’. Certain apparently settled educational concepts (from agency and (...)
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  14. Biological Analogies in History.Theodore Roosevelt - 1910 - Oxford University Press, American Branch; [Etc., Etc.].
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    Understanding nursing: the usefulness of a philosophical perspective.Semiramis M. M. Rocha & Regina A. G. Lima - 2000 - Nursing Philosophy 1 (1):50-56.
    The work of nursing involves both treatment orientated action and care orientated action, but there exists a ‘treatment–care’ dichotomy that is structured by social factors and views of knowledge that privilege scientific, instrumental rationality. It is a claim of this paper that there is a need to establish connections between ‘treatment’ and ‘care’. The study of work processes in the healthcare field make it possible for nursing to recognize the technical and social separation of work, the separation between manual and (...)
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    Alternative consent models for biobanks: The new spanish law on biomedical research.Antonio Casado da Rocha & José Antonio Seoane - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (8):440-447.
    This article provides an overview of recent contributions to the debate on the ethical use of previously collected biobank samples, as well as a country report about how this issue has been regulated in Spain by means of the new Biomedical Research Act, enacted in the summer of 2007. By contrasting the Spanish legal situation with the wider discourse of international bioethics, we identify and discuss a general trend moving from the traditional requirements of informed consent towards new models more (...)
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    Psychometric Properties of the Brazilian Version of the Sport Anxiety Scale-2.Viviane Vedovato Silva-Rocha, Diogo Araújo de Sousa & Flávia L. Osório - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    O masculinismo gore-ejaculatório e a ameaça rugosa.Rick Afonso-Rocha - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:301-334.
    I analyze the deimopolitical functioning of cisgender-straight-bolsonarist masculinity as a norm of recognition characterized not only by the fear of penetrating the anus, but essentially marked by the fear of having an anus. I seek to analyze the production of fear of the existence of the anus as an intrinsic element in the fabrication of supposed social threats in cisgender-straight-bolsonarism. Through a topographic metaphorization that locates/means the excluded as the anus of the social, the “enemy” appears as a mark of (...)
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  19. Recueil de documents relatifs a la lévitation du corps humain.A. de Rochas - 1897 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 44:214-214.
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    Animais, homens e sensações segundo Descartes.Ethel Menezes Rocha - 2004 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 45 (110):350-364.
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    Ensino Religioso: abordagem antropológica e abertura transdisciplinar.Luiz Cláudio Rocha - forthcoming - Horizonte:872.
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  22. Observações sobre a dúvida cartesiana.Ethel Rocha - 2010 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:5-24.
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  23. Growth that starts from thinking.Eleanor Roosevelt - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.), This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the Count d'Antraigues and the international social contract tradition.Grace Roosevelt - 2009 - History of Political Thought 30 (1):97-110.
    In 1790 the Count d'Antraigues, an eccentric eighteenth-century anti- revolutionary spy, claimed that he had been given a sequel to Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Social Contract explaining how states could prevent wars by forming international associations but that he had destroyed the manuscript because it might pose a threat to the French monarchy. Recent Rousseau scholars have generally assumed that d'Antraigues was lying. I suggest that the manuscript in question was a copy of the summary that Rousseau wrote in 1760 of the (...)
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    Reconsidering Dewey in a Culture of Consumerism: A Rousseauean Critique.Grace Roosevelt - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:283-291.
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    Reflexões sobre Professoralidade, Profissionalização, Profissionalidade, Profissionalismo e sua relação com o Desenvolvimento Profissional Docente.Cláudio César Torquato Rocha & Adriana Teixeira Bastos - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (71):923-964.
    Reflexões sobre Professoralidade, Profissionalização, Profissionalidade, Profissionalismo e sua relação com o Desenvolvimento Profissional Docente Resumo: Várias são as categorias teóricas que guardam relação com o tema desenvolvimento profissional docente. Professoralidade, profissionalização, profissionalismo são algumas delas, mas geralmente não aparecem conjuntamente nem em relação do DPD. Por isto, este trabalho visa a analisar estes conceitos em relação ao DPD. A investigação foi desenvolvida a partir de metodologia baseada na pesquisa bibliográfica. Os argumentos evidenciaram que o DPD, na atualidade, perpassa questões da (...)
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  27. Autonomy Within Subservient Careers.James Rocha - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (3):313-328.
    While there is much literature on autonomy and the conditions for its attainment, there is less on how those conditions reflect on agents’ ordinary careers. Most people’s careers involve a great deal of subservient activity that would prevent the kind of control over agents’ actions that autonomy would seem to require. Yet, it would seem strange to deny autonomy to every agent who regularly follows orders at work—to do so would make autonomy a futile ideal. Most contemporary autonomy accounts provide (...)
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  28. Cross-genre argument mining: Can language models automatically fill in missing discourse markers?Gil Rocha, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Jonas Belouadi & Steffen Eger - 2024 - Argument and Computation:1-41.
    Available corpora for Argument Mining differ along several axes, and one of the key differences is the presence (or absence) of discourse markers to signal argumentative content. Exploring effective ways to use discourse markers has received wide attention in various discourse parsing tasks, from which it is well-known that discourse markers are strong indicators of discourse relations. To improve the robustness of Argument Mining systems across different genres, we propose to automatically augment a given text with discourse markers such that (...)
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  29. Aggressive Hook Ups: Modeling Aggressive Casual Sex on BDSM for Moral Permissibility.James Rocha - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (2):173-192.
    Aggressive techniques within casual sex encounters, such as taking sexual liberties without permission or ignoring rejection, can, perhaps unintentionally, complicate consent. Passive recipients may acquiesce out of fear, which aggressors may not realize. Some philosophers argue that social norms are sufficiently well known to make this misunderstanding unlikely. However, the chance of aggression leading to non-consensual sex, even if not great, is high enough that aggressors should work diligently to avoid this potentially grave result. I consider how this problem plays (...)
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    A opressão simbólica e a resposta do oprimido.Raquel Rocha de Queiroz E. Sousa & Andrey da Silva Brugger - 2018 - Ratio Juris 13 (26):179-192.
    O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de conectar a teoria criada por Pierre Bourdieu sobre a violência simbólica e o texto de Audre Lorde, The use of anger: women responding to racism do seu livro Sister Outsider; demonstrando a importância do debate sobre a relação entre dominante e dominado a partir do viés racial, tema abordado por ambos autores em seus textos. Com este fito, pretendemos diferenciar os resultados objetivos do ódio, raiva e culpa, bem como o modo que as (...)
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  31. As transformações da rede urbana na região de Marabá-PA: 1980-2000.Leandro Mendes Rocha - 2007 - In Elio Cantalício Serpa & Marcos Antonio de Menezes (eds.), Escritas da história: narrativa, arte e nação. Uberlândia, Minas Gerais: EDUFU.
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    Pensar el porvenir. La disyunción futuro/porvenir en la deconstrucción de J. Derrida.Delmiro Rocha - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:117-123.
    La deconstrucción de Derrida sitúa el concepto «futuro» en el interior del programa de lo que, parafraseando a Heidegger, llama la metafísica de la presencia. Como potencialidad el futuro es ya presente en su indivisibilidad con la presencia, con el ahora (instante, nûn) desde donde, de Aristóteles a Hegel, se articula. Mas para Derrida un acontecimiento debe venir de lo incontrolable, del porvenir mismo. El «pensar el porvenir» arranca, pues, desde su imposibilidad, desde la aporía de su no-lugar; y la (...)
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  33. Scientia sexualis versus ars erotica: Foucault, van Gulik, Needham.Leon Antonio Rocha - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (3):328-343.
    This paper begins with a discussion of the scientia sexualis/ars erotica distinction, which Foucault first advances in History of Sexuality Vol. 1, and which has been employed by many scholars to do a variety of analytical work. Though Foucault has expressed his doubts regarding his conceptualization of the differences between Western and Eastern discourses of desire, he never entirely disowns the distinction. In fact, Foucault remains convinced that China must have an ars erotica. I will explore Foucault’s sources of authority. (...)
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  34. L'extériorisation de la sensibilité.A. de Rochas - 1896 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 41:212-216.
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    Situated legal systems and their operational semantics.Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (1):43-102.
    This work adopts H. Kelsen’s concept of legal system, proposes a formal definition for such notion, and introduces an operational semantical framework for legal systems that are situated in agent societies. Agent societies are defined. Relevant formal properties of situated legal systems are discussed; the way they are exposed in the operational semantical framework is explained, and their truth formally proved. Also, for the sake of a better understanding of the legal-theoretic assumptions of the paper, recurring issues regarding Kelsen’s theory (...)
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    Adorno e a Crítica À Ontologia Fundamental de Martin Heidegger.Cleidson de Jesus Rocha - 2022 - Revista Dialectus 26 (26):32-44.
    É propósito deste artigo confrontar criticamente o modo de pensar adorniano expresso na primeira parte da Dialética Negativa, e a ontologia fundamental de Martin Heidegger. Para tanto, iniciamos apresentando o sentido do pensar em Heidegger, que busca, não a explicação das causas, mas as significações do ser. Em seguida discorremos sobre as matrizes fundamentais do pensamento de Theodor Adorno, enquanto desdobramento da tradição marxista, a fim de salientar a fonte principal da posição hegeliano-marxista de Adorno e da escola de Frankfurt. (...)
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    Towards a Comprehensive Concept of Patient Autonomy.Antonio Casado da Rocha - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (2):37-38.
  38. Repensando o Antropoceno.André Luiz Pinto da Rocha - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):128-142.
    The study is based on the narrative structure of the film “Mindwalk”, Bernt Amadeus Capra, in which three characters of the plot (a scientist, a politician and a poet) meet and begin to talk about issues such as the influence of technology on society, the reduction of pollution and the degradation of nature. In a similar way, what is proposed is the interaction between three authors, three activities and three cultures, in this case, the English scientist, author of the Gaia (...)
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    A gnose se Sampaio Bruno.Afonso Rocha - 2009 - Sintra: Zéfiro.
    A VISÃO FILOSÓFICA DA GNOSE DE SAMPAIO BRUNO, O MAIS IMPORTANTE MÍSTICO GNÓSTICO PORTUGUÊS DOS TEMPOS MODERNOS Autor da concepção gnóstica mais reflectida, mais coerente e mais abrangente sob o ponto de vista filosófico e metafísico-teológico, Sampaio Bruno será nos tempos modernos o mais representativo e importante místico gnóstico português Procurando fundamentar a proposta de uma religião esotérica universal, Sampaio Bruno realiza a ideia de uma nova concepção da gnose em detrimento da velha gnose, que é essencialmente consubstanciada pelo judaísmo (...)
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    Algo más que un cambio en el clima: evidencias, razones y emociones en las narrativas de la pandemia ambiental y ecológica.Jesús Rey Rocha & Emilio Muñoz Ruiz - 2024 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 73:57-81.
    Destacamos la importancia de la comunicación para comprender adecuadamente el proceso de deterioro medioambiental y ecológico del planeta Tierra. Proponemos cesar en el uso del término cambio climático para comunicar este proceso, que caracterizamos como pandemia ambiental y ecológica de origen antrópico. Defendemos una comunicación orientada a la persuasión y a la búsqueda de consenso basada en la aceptación del disenso a través de la argumentación y el diálogo. Una comunicación que combine la razón de los datos y las evidencias, (...)
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  41. Função do Conceito de Idéia Inata na Prova da Existência da Subst'ncia Infinita Apresentada na V Meditação de Descartes.Ethel Rocha - 2007 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 17 (2).
    No presente artigo pretendo examinar a função do conceito de idéia inata no contexto da argumentação cartesiana da V Meditação das Meditações Metafísicas. Minha hipótese é a de que se trata de um conceito fundamental para garantir a distinção entre idéias de essências forjadas pelo pensamento de idéias de essências verdadeiras e imutáveis. Com essa análise pretendo mostrar que a V Meditação, bem como todas as outras tem um caráter fundamentalmente epistemológico: Descartes ali pretende apresentar os critérios para o reconhecimento (...)
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  42. Imediaticidade e incorrigibilidade da consciência dos estados mentais em Descartes.Ethel Rocha - 1999 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:79-89.
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    Lo justo como don en la filosofía española del siglo XXI: hacia una ética del don en clave personalista, hermenéutica y existencial.Martín Rocha Espíndola - 2022 - Barcelona: JMB Bosch Editor. Edited by Juana Sánchez-Gey.
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    O pensamento moderno em Portugal: traços emblemáticos.Afonso Rocha - 2015 - Porto: Universidade Católica Editora.
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  45. Princípio de Causalidade, Existência de Deus e Existência de Coisas Externas.Ethel Rocha - 2000 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 10 (1).
    Meu objetivo nesse artigo é o de reconstruir a primeira prova da existência de Deus e a prova do mundo externo como estas são apresentadas por Descartes nas Meditações Metafísicas tendo como fim examinar o modelo de causalidade nelas envolvido. Pretendo mostrar que embora Descartes, nas duas provas, ao recorrer ao princípio de causalidade, expressamente mencione um único e mesmo modelo de causalidade, a saber, o modelo segundo o qual a causa transmite sua essência ou parte dela a seu efeito, (...)
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    2. An Alternative to Economic Man: The Limitation of Desire in Rousseau’s Emile.Grace Roosevelt - 2009 - In Simon Kow, John Duncan & Mark Blackell (eds.), Rousseau and Desire. University of Toronto Press. pp. 46-61.
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    Applied ethics: being one of the William Belden Noble lectures for 1910.Theodore Roosevelt - 1911 - Cambridge, [Mass.]: Harvard University.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  48. A reconstruction of Rousseau's Fragments on the State of War.Grace G. Roosevelt - 1987 - History of Political Thought 8 (2):225-232.
  49. And the dawn of the “american century” will be held April 18–19, 1998.Theodore Roosevelt - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 89 (407).
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    Formative Contingencies: Learning from Robbie.Grace Roosevelt - 2018 - Educational Theory 68 (3):325-335.
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