Results for 'Roma Hooge'

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  1.  4
    Operationalizing collective action for crop diversity in-situ management: insights from a decentralized collective design approach.Elsa T. Berthet, Hermance Louis, Roma Hooge, Sara Bosshardt, Lise Malicet-Chebbah, Gaëlle van Frank, Elodie Baritaux, Audrey Barrier-Guillot, Léa Bernard, Simon Bridonneau, Hélène Montaz, Esther Picq & Isabelle Goldringer - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):485-505.
    The modernization of agriculture in Northern countries has led to a loss of crop diversity, as well as a loss of knowledge, know-how and rights of farmers regarding on-farm seed breeding. In France, the _Réseau Semences Paysannes_ (RSP) brings together collectives of actors (farmers, bakers, citizens, gardeners) mobilized in a quest to reclaim these aspects. Within the framework of the decentralized participatory breeding program conducted in collaboration with INRAE, farmers have co-constructed knowledge in terms of dynamic management of heterogeneous wheat (...)
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  2. Operationalizing collective action for crop diversity in-situ management: insights from a decentralized collective design approach.Elsa T. Berthet, Hermance Louis, Roma Hooge, Sara Bosshardt, Lise Malicet-Chebbah, Gaëlle van Frank, Elodie Baritaux, Audrey Barrier-Guillot, Léa Bernard, Simon Bridonneau, Hélène Montaz, Esther Picq & Isabelle Goldringer - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):485-505.
    The modernization of agriculture in Northern countries has led to a loss of crop diversity, as well as a loss of knowledge, know-how and rights of farmers regarding on-farm seed breeding. In France, the Réseau Semences Paysannes (RSP) brings together collectives of actors (farmers, bakers, citizens, gardeners) mobilized in a quest to reclaim these aspects. Within the framework of the decentralized participatory breeding program conducted in collaboration with INRAE, farmers have co-constructed knowledge in terms of dynamic management of heterogeneous wheat (...)
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    Moral sentiments and cooperation: Differential influences of shame and guilt.Ilona E. de Hooge, Marcel Zeelenberg & Seger M. Breugelmans - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (5):1025-1042.
  4.  33
    Restore and protect motivations following shame.Ilona E. de Hooge, Marcel Zeelenberg & Seger M. Breugelmans - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (1):111-127.
    Shame has been found to promote both approach and withdrawal behaviours. Shame theories have not been able to explain how shame can promote such contrasting behaviours. In the present article, the authors provide an explanation for this. Shame was hypothesised to activate approach behaviours to restore the threatened self, and in situations when this is not possible or too risky, to activate withdrawal behaviours to protect the self from further damage. Five studies with different shame inductions and different dependent measures (...)
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    The exemplary social emotion guilt: Not so relationship-oriented when another person repairs for you.Ilona E. de Hooge - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (7):1189-1207.
    Guilt is considered by many researchers to be the hallmark social emotion. Guilt theories perceive guilt to be a negative emotion with positive interpersonal consequences, and empirical research has shown guilt to motivate prosocial behaviours aimed at restoring the relationship with one's victims. The current research questions the relationship-oriented nature of this emotion. Five experiments reveal that when a person repairs the transgressor's damage caused to a victim, the transgressor's guilt feelings, reparative intentions, and prosocial behaviour decrease. These findings suggest (...)
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  6.  48
    A functionalist account of shame-induced behaviour.Ilona E. de Hooge, Marcel Zeelenberg & Seger M. Breugelmans - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (5):939-946.
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    Legitimation of value practices, value texts, and core values at public authorities.Catharina Nyström Höög & Anders Björkvall - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (4):398-414.
    A large number of Swedish public authorities produce ‘platform of values’ texts that present core values. This article presents a study of how such texts and practices, including the core values they revolve around, are legitimized. Using Van Leeuwen’s legitimation framework, three different data sets are analysed: 47 ‘platform of values’ texts, a focus group discussion with seven senior HR officers, and a quantitative questionnaire study answered by civil servants at three public authorities. The analysis shows how the existence of (...)
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    Det grønne uddannelsesimperativ.Niels Henrik Hooge - 2012 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 1 (1):72-87.
    The paper defines the green education imperative as a normative proposition that expresses a fundamental norm – sustainable development. The proposition combines directions for action, i.e. the right to receive environmental training and education and the duty to provide it, with a specific situation, resulting in an individual norm-based assessment. The imperative has two main interpretations: The strong version, which in its strongest form consists of binding norms that guarantee definitive subjective rights to ecological and sustainable training and education services (...)
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  9.  13
    Editorial: The Image in Science : responses of the Humanities to Visualism in Science.Victoria Höög & Max Liljefors - unknown
  10.  32
    Visualizing the World. Epistemic Strategies in the History of Scientific Illustrations.Victoria Höög - 2012 - Ideas in History. The Journal of the Nordic Society of the History of Ideas 5:2010-2011.
    The history of scientific illustrations is a story that correspond the cultural, economic, political and scientific history of the world. A look into the history of sciences displays that pictures and illustrations had a decisive role for the sciences progressive success and rising societal status from the sixteenth century. The illustrations visualized the unknown to graspable facts. Without the pictures the new discovered continents, the blood circulatory system and the body’s muscles had remained theoretical proclamations. The scientific discoveries became visible (...)
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  11. The Logic of Imagination Acts: A Formal System for the Dynamics of Imaginary Worlds.Joan Casas-Roma, Antonia Huertas & M. Elena Rodríguez - 2019 - Erkenntnis (4):1-29.
    Imagination has received a great deal of attention in different fields such as psychology, philosophy and the cognitive sciences, in which some works provide a detailed account of the mechanisms involved in the creation and elaboration of imaginary worlds. Although imagination has also been formalized using different logical systems, none of them captures those dynamic mechanisms. In this work, we take inspiration from the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, that identifies the different processes involved in the creation of imaginary worlds, (...)
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  12.  42
    Animal experimentation (but without man at the centre of the universe).R. D'Hooge - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (4):213-215.
  13.  11
    Herderio koncepto „Humanität“ raiška Daukanto veikale „BUDĄ Senowęs-Lëtuwiû Kalnienû ĩr Ƶámajtiû“.Roma Bončkutė - 2021 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 108.
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    Responsabilidad ética de la industria farmacéutica sobre la inversión en investigación de las enfermedades olvidadas. Propuesta de mejora.Xavier Casas Roma - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 64:117.
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    The ‘Real-World Approach’ and Its Problems: A Critique of the Term Ecological Validity.Gijs A. Holleman, Ignace T. C. Hooge, Chantal Kemner & Roy S. Hessels - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:529490.
    A popular goal in psychological science is to understand human cognition and behavior in the ‘real-world.’ In contrast, researchers have typically conducted their research in experimental research settings, a.k.a. the ‘psychologist’s laboratory.’ Critics have often questioned whether psychology’s laboratory experiments permit generalizable results. This is known as the ‘real-world or the lab’-dilemma. To bridge the gap between lab and life, many researchers have called for experiments with more ‘ecological validity’ to ensure that experiments more closely resemble and generalize to the (...)
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    Tal vez no tan sujeto...: El individuo, las reglas de juego y lo político.Román G. Cuartango - 2016 - [Palma de Mallorca]: Genueve Ediciones.
    De maneras diversas, la filosofía contemporánea ha sentenciado a muerte al sujeto, pues ha descubierto que, lejos de la autarquía pretendida, aquel se hallaba sujeto a los sistemas económicos, sociales, significativos, etc. Y, pese a todo, parece que no puede simplemente esfumarse su capacidad para hacer algo, para seguir reglas. En algún momento, los sistemas y las estructuras deben ser operados, esto es: sometidos a lances individuales. Por su parte, el juego requiere jugadores a los que hay que reconocer cierta (...)
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  17.  34
    Technoscience comes to Lund: ESS and the Enlighenment Vision.Victoria Höög - unknown
    In 2019 the first neutrons will be fired at the ESS plant, at least to its present plan, located in the outskirts of Lund, the brightest neutron facility in the world. In the scientists’ self-images, this kind of high technology and international cooperative knowledge production is entitled Big Science or Global Science. The concept “technoscience” isn’t used. This chapter will discuss if the concept technoscience makes aspects visible of 21st-century knowledge production that the other labels excludes. My claim is that (...)
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  18.  27
    Taking Ontology Seriously : Quine's Thesis of Holism and Underdetermination Applied to the Sciences in the Age of Technoscience.Victoria Höög - unknown
  19.  14
    The Philosophers on the Market Square. Philosophical Modernism from Vienna to Uppsala.Victoria Höög - unknown
    : The logical empiricists in Vienna and their Swedish counterparts in Uppsala shared a scientific ethos that underlined the philosophical academics as representatives for universalism, disinterest, professional loyalty, organized scepticism and public interest. Rudolf Carnap, Axel Hägerström and Ingemar Hedenius regarded themselves as intellectuals, offering their philosophical tools to society. However, when the scientific ethos was articulated by Robert Merton in 1942, the circumstances had drastically changed. The European tradition was left behind. However, the claim is that neither the professionalism, (...)
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  20.  24
    The Philosophy of Maps. Reality and Representation in Pre- and Postmodern Times.Victoria Höög - unknown
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    Соціокультурні детермінанти релігійного життя Давнього Риму.Andrianna Roma - 2020 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):172-187.
    Життя соціуму нерозривно пов’язане з певною соціокультурною реальністю, детермінованою низкою різновекторних чинників. У Давньому Римі, як і в будь-якому іншому домодерному суспільстві, релігійний компонент відігравав важливу роль. По-перше, релігія постає одним із ключових культуротворчих факторів. По-друге, вона є важливим соціально-політичним чинником. По-третє, виконуючи регулятивну, світоглядну та компенсаторну функції, релігія стає ключем для розуміння світу глибинних людських переживань, основа яких навіть під впливом часу не зазнає значних трансформацій, а отже, їх дослідження виявляється актуальним й до нині. Загальноприйнятою є думка, що саме (...)
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  22.  6
    Las huellas de la palabra: filosofía y ciencias sociales.Román Reyes - 1998 - Madrid: Huerga & Fierro.
  23.  35
    The social side of shame: approach versus withdrawal.Ilona E. De Hooge, Seger M. Breugelmans, Fieke M. A. Wagemans & Marcel Zeelenberg - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (8):1671-1677.
    ABSTRACTAt present, the consequences and functions of experiences of shame are not yet well understood. Whereas psychology literature typically portrays shame as being bad for social relations, motivating social avoidance and withdrawal, there are recent indications that shame can be reinterpreted as having clear social tendencies in the form of motivating approach and social affiliation. Yet, until now, no research has ever put these alternative interpretations of shame-motivated behaviours directly to the test. The present paper presents such a test by (...)
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  24. The moral sanctity of legal functions.I. I. I. Roma - 1972 - Ethics 82 (2):124-136.
  25.  48
    “Ought”-“is” and the demand for explanatory completeness.Emilio Roma - 1970 - Journal of Value Inquiry 4 (4):302-307.
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    On a Contraction-Less Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Conjunction and Fusion.Romà J. Adillon & Ventura Verdú - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (1):11-30.
    In this paper we prove the equivalence between the Gentzen system G LJ*\c , obtained by deleting the contraction rule from the sequent calculus LJ* (which is a redundant version of LJ), the deductive system IPC*\c and the equational system associated with the variety RL of residuated lattices. This means that the variety RL is the equivalent algebraic semantics for both systems G LJ*\c in the sense of [18] and [4], respectively. The equivalence between G LJ*\c and IPC*\c is a (...)
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  27.  29
    Index to Russell's The Impact of Science on Society.Roma Hutchinson - 2004 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 24 (2):173-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2402\INDEXISS.242 : 2005-05-19 13:34 ibliographies, rchival nventories, ndexes INDEX TO RUSSELL’S THE IMPACT OF SCIENCE ON SOCIETY R H Summerfields, The Glade Escrick, York  , .. @.. he edition of the richly allusioned The Impact of Science on Society Tindexed here is that of George Allen and Unwin, published in London in . The pagination of Simon and Schuster’s edition (New York, ) is (...)
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    Index to Russell's New Hopes for a Changing World.Roma Hutchinson - 2001 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 21 (1).
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  29. Paulo Freire e Amílcar Cabral : razões revolucionárias e a descolonização das mentes.José Eustáquio Romão - 2012 - In José Eustáquio Romão & Moacir Gadotti, Paulo Freire e Amílcar Cabral: a descolonização das mentes. São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Ed, L Editora e Livraria Instituto Paulo Freire.
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  30. Una mirada geográfica al fenómeno de la brujería.Francesc Roma I. Casanovas - 2008 - Studium 14:201-218.
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    A new normative theory of probabilistic logic.Romas Aleliunas - 1990 - In Kyburg Henry E. , Loui Ronald P. & Carlson Greg N. , Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 387--403.
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  32. Association and Intentionality Within the Context of Aesthetic Meaning.Emilio L. Roma - 1962 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
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    Lesion to Hippocampus Changes Resting State Functional Connectivity in Rat Brain Reflecting Structural Damage.Siugzdaite Roma, Descamps Benedicte, Van Den Berge Nathalie, Wu Guorong, Van Mierlo Pieter, Fias Wim, Raedt Robrecht & Marinazzo Daniele - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The Moral Sanctity of Legal Functions.Emilio Roma - 1972 - Ethics 82 (2):124-136.
  35. Teoría del nexo: la estructura léxico-semántica de la nexuación interoracional.Román del Cerro & L. J. - 1984 - [Alicante]: Subsecretariado de Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante.
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    Can parallel processing and competitive inhibition explain the generation of saccades?M. A. Frens, I. T. C. Hooge & H. H. L. M. Goossens - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):685-686.
    The framework of Findlay & Walker's target article provides a first attempt to model the saccadic system at all levels. Their scheme is based on two main principles. These are “parallel processing of saccade timing and metrics” and “competitive inhibition through winner-take-all strategies.” In our opinion, however, both concepts are in their strictest sense at odds with the current knowledge of the saccadic system, and need to be refined to make the scheme more relevant.
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  37. The Jew of Malta'.Roma Gill - 1995 - Scientia 38:1975-76.
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    Od kultury ja do kultury siebie: o zwrotnych formach w projektach tożsamościowych.Roma Sendyka - 2015 - Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych "Universitas".
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    Is Pari $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{n}$$ āmavāda a doctrine of causality?Roma Ray - 1982 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 10 (4):377-396.
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    El escepticismo antiguo: posibilidad del conocimiento y búsqueda de la felicidad.Ramón Román Alcalá - 1994 - Córdoba: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Córdoba.
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  41. Filósofos de la vida.Mario Javier Tobán Román - 2018 - In Enrique Fernández García & Daniel A. Pasquier, Ensayos sobre educación. Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Instituto de Ciencia, Economía, Educación y Salud.
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  42.  15
    La teoría hostosiana del poder constituyente.Wilkins Román-Samot - 2007 - Lorain, Ohio: Instituto de Estudios Hispanoamericanos.
    Aesta investigacion se ha centrado en la serie de conceptos juridicos que Eugenio Maria de Hostos (1839-1903) expone primordialmente en Nociones de Derecho constitucional (1902) y en Lecciones de Derecho constitucional (1887). Junto a la obra de Hostos, a manera de un estudio comparado de su cultura constitucional (o juridica), nos hemos interesado por indagar en la posible materia prima de sus ideas propias, resultado de sus lecturas, de sus observaciones directas y de las continuas meditaciones a que lo solicita (...)
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  43.  23
    Ethical Idealism, Technology and Practice: a Manifesto.Joan Casas-Roma - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-24.
    Technology has become one of the main channels through which people engage in most of their everyday activities. When working, learning, or socializing, the affordances created by technological tools determine the way in which users interact with one another and their environment, thus favoring certain actions and behaviors, while discouraging others. The ethical dimension behind the use of technology has been already studied in recent works, but the question is often formulated in a protective way that focuses on shielding the (...)
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  44. Essays in epistemology.Roma Chakraborty & Uma Chattopadhyay (eds.) - 2009 - Kolkata: Das Gupta & Company.
    Contributed seminar papers organized by Dept. of Philosophy, University of Calcutta.
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  45. A Common Frame for Formal Imagination.Joan Casas-Roma, M. Elena Rodríguez & Antonia Huertas - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (4):603-634.
    In this paper, we review three influential theories of imagination in order to understand how the dynamics of imagination acts could be modeled using formal languages. While reviewing them, we notice that they are not detailed enough to account for all the mechanisms involved in creating and developing imaginary worlds. We claim those theories could be further refined into what we call the Common Frame for Imagination Acts, which defines a framework that can be used to study the dynamics of (...)
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  46.  39
    The logic of imaginary scenarios.Joan Casas-Roma, Antonia Huertas & M. Elena Rodríguez - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (3):363-388.
    Imagining is something we use everyday in our lives and in a wide variety of ways. In spite of the amount of works devoted to its study from both psychology and philosophy, there are only a few formal systems capable of modelling it; besides, almost all of those systems are static, in the sense that their models are initially predefined, and they fail to capture the dynamic process behind the creation of new imaginary scenarios. In this work, we review some (...)
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    Index to Portraits from Memory.Roma Hutchinson - 1997 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 17 (2):171-180.
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  48. Bernard Mandeville's Skeptical Political Philosophy.Rui Bertrand Romão - 2015 - In John Christian Laursen & Gianni Paganini, Skepticism and political thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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    Index to Authority and the Individual.Roma Hutchinson - 1999 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 19 (2).
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  50. Brahman-jiva-Jagat relation: A unique theory.Roma Chaudhuri - 2002 - In Ravīndra Kumāra Paṇḍā, Studies in Vedānta philosophy. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 219.
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