Results for 'Robin Siebert'

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  1.  25
    Strategic framing of genome editing in agriculture: an analysis of the debate in Germany in the run-up to the European Court of Justice ruling.Robin Siebert, Christian Herzig & Marc Birringer - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):617-632.
    New techniques in genome editing have led to a controversial debate about the opportunities and uncertainties they present for agricultural food production and consumption. In July 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union defined genome editing as a new process of mutagenesis, which implies that the resulting organisms count as genetically modified and are subject, in principle, to the obligations of EU Directive 2001/18/EG. This paper examines how key protagonists from academia, politics, and the economy strategically framed the (...)
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  2. What is My Role in Changing the System? A New Model of Responsibility for Structural Injustice.Robin Zheng - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):869-885.
    What responsibility do individuals bear for structural injustice? Iris Marion Young has offered the most fully developed account to date, the Social Connections Model. She argues that we all bear responsibility because we each causally contribute to structural processes that produce injustice. My aim in this article is to motivate and defend an alternative account that improves on Young’s model by addressing five fundamental challenges faced by any such theory. The core idea of what I call the “Role-Ideal Model” is (...)
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    Postmodernism and education.Robin Usher - 1994 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Richard Edwards.
    Postmodernism and Education responds to the interest in postmodernism as a way of understanding social, cultural and economic trends. Robin Usher and Richard Edwards explore the impact which postmodernism has had upon the theory and practice of education, using a broad analysis of postmodernism and an in-depth introduction to key writers in the field, including Lacan, Derrida, Foucault and Lyotard. In examining the impact which this thinking has had upon contemporary theory and practice of education, Usher and Edwards concentrate (...)
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  4. Bias, Structure, and Injustice: A Reply to Haslanger.Robin Zheng - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (1):1-30.
    Sally Haslanger has recently argued that philosophical focus on implicit bias is overly individualist, since social inequalities are best explained in terms of social structures rather than the actions and attitudes of individuals. I argue that questions of individual responsibility and implicit bias, properly understood, do constitute an important part of addressing structural injustice, and I propose an alternative conception of social structure according to which implicit biases are themselves best understood as a special type of structure.
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    Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy.Richard Robin - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (3):429-429.
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    (1 other version)Philebus.Robin Plato & Waterfield - 1975 - Oxford: Clarendon Press. Edited by J. C. B. Gosling.
    A translation of Plato's dialogue on the nature of pleasure and its relation to thought and knowledge. It includes a cogent introduction, notes, and comprehensive bibliography.
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    The effects of gender and setting on accountants' ethically sensitive decisions.Robin R. Radtke - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (4):299 - 312.
    This paper investigates whether gender affects ethically sensitive decisions of a personal or business nature. Data from 51 practicing accountants from both public accounting and private industry suggest that while differences exist between female and male accountants in responses to specific situations, overall responses are quite similar. Statistically significant differences were found for only five of the sixteen ethically sensitive situations. Further, when personal and business situations of a similar nature were paired together, two of the eight differences between personal (...)
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  8. No Epistemic Trouble for Engineering ‘Woman’.Robin McKenna - 2018 - Logos and Episteme 9 (3):335-342.
    In a recent article in this journal, Mona Simion argues that Sally Haslanger’s “engineering” approach to gender concepts such as ‘woman’ faces an epistemic objection. The primary function of all concepts—gender concepts included—is to represent the world, but Haslanger’s engineering account of ‘woman’ fails to adequately represent the world because, by her own admission, it doesn’t include all women in the extension of the concept ‘woman.’ I argue that this objection fails because the primary function of gender concepts—and social kind (...)
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  9. Precarity is a Feminist Issue: Gender and Contingent Labor in the Academy.Robin Zheng - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (2):235-255.
    Feminist philosophers have challenged a wide range of gender injustices in professional philosophy. However, the problem of precarity, that is, the increasing numbers of contingent faculty who cannot find permanent employment, has received scarcely any attention. What explains this oversight? In this article, I argue, first, that academics are held in the grips of an ideology that diverts attention away from the structural conditions of precarity, and second, that the gendered dimensions of such an ideology have been overlooked. To do (...)
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  10. Irrelevant Cultural Influences on Belief.Robin McKenna - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (5):755-768.
    Recent work in psychology on ‘cultural cognition’ suggests that our cultural background drives our attitudes towards a range of politically contentious issues in science such as global warming. This work is part of a more general attempt to investigate the ways in which our wants, wishes and desires impact on our assessments of information, events and theories. Put crudely, the idea is that we conform our assessments of the evidence for and against scientific theories with clear political relevance to our (...)
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  11.  13
    Reinhold Niebuhr and Christian Realism.Robin W. Lovin - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a new assessment of the work of the twentieth century's best-known public theologian. Reinhold Niebuhr's ability to make sense of international politics, racial tension, labour unrest, and cultural transformations gained him a wide audience, but his responsiveness to changing times was grounded in a remarkably consistent theology. Today, Christian realism remains an important way to understand politics and society in theological terms, but the enduring themes of Niebuhr's work must also be related to new generations of thinkers in (...)
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  12. A Job for Philosophers: Causality, Responsibility, and Explaining Social Inequality.Robin Zheng - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (2):323-351.
    People disagree about the causes of social inequality and how to most effectively intervene in them. These may seem like empirical questions for social scientists, not philosophers. However, causal explanation itself depends on broadly normative commitments. From this it follows that (moral) philosophers have an important role to play in determining those causal explanations. I examine the case of causal explanations of poverty to demonstrate these claims. In short, philosophers who work to reshape our moral expectations also work, on the (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Radical Sciences of Mind.Robin M. Muller - 2018 - Synthese (Suppl 9):1-35.
    In this paper, I critically reconstruct the development of Merleau-Pontyan phenomenology and “radical embodied cognitive science” out of Berlin-School Gestalt theory. I first lay out the basic principles of Gestalt theory and then identify two ways of revising that theory: one route, followed by enactivism and ecological psychology, borrows Gestaltist resources to defend a pragmatic ontology. I argue, however, that Merleau-Ponty never endorses this kind of ontology. Instead, I track his second route toward an ontology of “flesh.” I show how (...)
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  14. The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics.Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics is an outstanding, comprehensive and accessible guide to the major themes, thinkers, and issues in metaphysics. The Companion features over fifty specially commissioned chapters from international scholars which are organized into three clear parts: History of Metaphysics Ontology Metaphysics and Science. Each section features an introduction which places the range of essays in context, while an extensive glossary allows easy reference to key terms and definitions. The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics is essential reading for students (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Pluralism about Knowledge.Robin McKenna - 2017 - In Coliva Annalisa & Pedersen Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding, Epistemic Pluralism. Londra, Regno Unito: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 171-198.
    In this paper I consider the prospects for pluralism about knowledge, that is, the view that there is a plurality of knowledge relations. After a brief overview of some views that entail a sort of pluralism about knowledge, I focus on a particular kind of knowledge pluralism I call standards pluralism. Put roughly, standards pluralism is the view that one never knows anything simpliciter. Rather, one knows by this-or-that epistemic standard. Because there is a plurality of epistemic standards, there is (...)
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  16.  80
    How to do things with theories: an interactive view of language and models in science.Robin F. Hendry & Stathis Psillos - 2007 - In Jerzy Brzezinski, Andrzej Klawiter, Theo A. F. Kuipers, Krzysztof Lastowski, Katarzyna Paprzycka & Piotr Przybysz, The Courage of Doing Philosophy: Essays Dedicated to Leszek Nowak. Rodopi. pp. 123--157.
  17.  86
    Could gambling save science? Encouraging an honest consensus.Robin Hanson - 1995 - Social Epistemology 9 (1):3-33.
    The pace of scientific progress may be hindered by the tendency of our academic institutions to reward being popular rather than being right. A market-based alternative, where scientists can more formally 'stake their reputation', is presented here. It offers clear incentives to be careful and honest while contributing to a visible, self-consistent consensus on controversial scientific questions. In addition, it allows patrons to choose questions to be researched without choosing people or methods. The bulk of this paper is spent in (...)
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  18.  36
    Writing the Manic Subject: Rhetorical Passivity in Plato's Phaedrus.Robin Reames & Courtney Sloey - 2021 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 54 (1):1-24.
    ABSTRACT This essay questions the reading of Plato's Phaedrus according to which writing is understood as a mechanism of objectivity and critical distance. Plato's denomination of writing as a “pharmakon” indicates a deep ambiguity in his definition of writing—an ambiguity embodied in Phaedrus's written speech. The speech triggers both critical analysis and a simultaneous “rhetorical passivity,” whereby upon hearing the speech Socrates is consumed by a manic power. Although Socrates explicitly decries the detrimental consequences of writing in the Myth of (...)
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    After Snowden – the evolving landscape of privacy and technology.Robin Wilton - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):328-335.
    Purpose This paper aims to provide a non-academic perspective on the research reports of the JICES “Post-Snowden” special edition, from the viewpoint of a privacy advocate with an IT background. Design/methodology/approach This paper was written after reviewing the country reports for Japan, New Zealand, PRC and Taiwan, Spain and Sweden, as well as the Introduction paper. The author has also drawn on online sources such as news articles to substantiate his analysis of attitudes to technical privacy protection post-Snowden. Findings Post-Snowden, (...)
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  20.  85
    The Logic of the Chiasm in Merleau-Ponty's Early Philosophy.Robin M. Muller - 2017 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 4.
    The trajectory of Merleau-Ponty’s career is often seen as a progressive development: he begins by analyzing scientific consciousness in The Structure of Behavior, complements that account with a phenomenological analysis of behavior as lived in Phenomenology of Perception, and then overcomes the “philosophy of consciousness” to which the earlier texts are committed in the turn toward an ontology of flesh in The Visible and the Invisible. Through close readings of Merleau-Ponty’s engagements with Gestalt psychology in The Structure of Behavior, I (...)
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  21.  43
    Timing contradictions in von Neumann and Morgenstern's axioms and in savage's?sure-thing? proof.Robin Pope - 1985 - Theory and Decision 18 (3):229-261.
  22. Des Kinaidokolpites dans un ostracon grec du désert oriental (Égypte).Helene Cuvigny & C. Robin - 1996 - Topoi 6 (2):697-720.
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    Meet-completions and ordered domain algebras.R. Egrot & Robin Hirsch - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (4):584-600.
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    Law and human values.Robin S. O'Regan - 1976 - St. Lucia, Q.: University of Queensland Press.
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    The Logos Paradox: Heraclitus, Material Language, and Rhetoric.Robin Reames - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (3):328-350.
    In her 1996 and 2006 essays “Being and Becoming: Rhetorical Ontology in Early Greek Thought” and “The Task of the Bow: Heraclitus’ Rhetorical Critique of Epic Language,” Carol Poster was the first to argue for the historical and theoretical relevance of Heraclitus in the discipline of rhetoric. Despite the admonitions of Edward Schiappa (1999) and Thomas Cole (1991) against applying rhetorical theories that only emerged after the fourth century BCE to pre- or proto-rhetorical texts, Poster argues that Heraclitus merits the (...)
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    The Opioid Epidemic in Indian Country.Robin T. Tipps, Gregory T. Buzzard & John A. McDougall - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):422-436.
    The national opioid epidemic is severely impacting Indian Country. In this article, we draw upon data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to describe the contours of this crisis among Native Americans. While these data are subject to significant limitations, we show that Native American opioid overdose mortality rates have grown substantially over the last seventeen years. We further find that this increase appears to at least parallel increases seen among non-Hispanic whites, who are often thought to be (...)
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    Moving Beyond Marriage: Healthcare and the Social Safety Net for Families.Robin Fretwell Wilson - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):636-643.
    This article teases out the relationship between family form and the state's social safety nets around healthcare, showing the deep unfairness of measuring social safety nets by whether a couple marries. By continuing to tie healthcare benefits to specific family structures, we perpetuate the “galloping” inequality marking America today.This article concludes that, whatever happens with the thousands of benefits given to married couples in other domains, social policy should move beyond marriage with respect to healthcare. Delinking support for healthcare coverage (...)
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    How are saccades generated?John M. Findlay & Robin Walker - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):706-713.
    Our target article discussed how emerging knowledge of the physiological processes involved in the control of saccadic eye movements provided the basis for a functional framework in which to understand the programming of such movements. The commentators raised many interesting issues in their varied responses that ranged from detailed discussion of the physiological substrate through issues of saccade control in reading. New evidence at the physiological level demonstrates that some elaborations are needed to the framework we proposed. Most clearly, the (...)
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  29. Consensus By Identifying Extremists.Robin D. Hanson - 1998 - Theory and Decision 44 (3):293-301.
    Given a finite state space and common priors, common knowledge of the identity of an agent with the minimal (or maximal) expectation of a random variable implies ‘consensus’, i.e., common knowledge of common expectations. This ‘extremist’ statistic induces consensus when repeatedly announced, and yet, with n agents, requires at most log2 n bits to broadcast.
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    Scale and pattern of atrophy in the chronic stages of moderate-severe TBI.Robin E. A. Green, Brenda Colella, Jerome J. Maller, Mark Bayley, Joanna Glazer & David J. Mikulis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  31.  15
    Mind over matter: Perceived phantom/prosthesis co-location contributes to prosthesis embodiment in lower limb amputees.Robin Bekrater-Bodmann - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 98 (C):103268.
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    Memory and the A-Series.Robin Le Poidevin - 2006 - In Friedrich Stadler & Michael Stöltzner, Time and History: Proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg Am Wechsel, Austria 2005. Frankfurt, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 31-42.
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  33. Reliabilism and Relativism.Robin McKenna - 2015 - In McKenna Robin, Proceedings of the 38th International Wittgenstein Society Conference.
    Process reliabilism says that a belief is justified iff the belief-forming process that produced it is sufficiently reliable. But any token belief-forming process is an instance of a number of different belief-forming process types. The problem of specifying the relevant type is known as the ‘generality problem’ for process reliabilism. This paper proposes a broadly relativist solution to the generality problem. The thought is that the relevant belief-forming process type is relative to the context. While the basic idea behind the (...)
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  34. Les rapports de l'être et de la connaissance d'après Platon.Léon Robin - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (4):425-425.
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    Attractions to and Repulsions from Chance.Robin Pope - 1998 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 5:95-107.
    This paper is concerned with the discussion of the phenomenon sometimes described as “the utility and disutility of chance” both from the descriptive and the prescriptive point of view Emphasis is not on axioms and formal properties but on the psychological content of decision theoretic constructs.
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    Place, Space, and Time in the Sign of Property.Robin Paul Malloy - 2009 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (3):265-277.
    Property is a complex sign in semiotics. It is also the source of tension and conflict in law. This paper examines property in triadic terms consisting of what Charles S. Peirce would identify as the icon (firstness), the index (secondness), and the symbol (thirdness). From this perspective the paper explores the ideas of place, space, and time at the iconic level of the sign of property. Discussion addresses the way in which property serves as a coded system for communicating information (...)
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  37. Teaching for conceptual change in elementary and secondary science methods courses.Robin Marion, Peter W. Hewson, B. Robert Tabachnick & Kathryn B. Blomker - 1999 - Science Education 83 (3):275-307.
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    [Mahayana Theology: A Dialogue with Critics]: Response.Robin Matthews - 1993 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 13:51.
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    Gender, immunity and the regulation of longevity.Robin C. May - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):795-802.
    For humans and many other animals, gender is a fact of life. Most individuals are born either male or female and their sex will have an enormous influence on their behaviour, physiology and life history. In this review, I consider the effect gender has on lifespan. In particular, I discuss the role played by behaviour, immunity and oxidative damage in determining sex‐dependent differences in longevity. I consider existing explanations for the effect of gender on lifespan and how these explanations fit (...)
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    Internal and External Questions about God: ROBIN LE POIDEVIN.Robin Le Poidevin - 1995 - Religious Studies 31 (4):485-500.
    Characteristic of metaphysics are general questions of existence, such as ‘Are there numbers?’ This kind of question is the target of Carnap's argument for deflationism, to the effect that general existential questions, if taken at face value, are meaningless. This paper considers deflationism in a theological context, and argues that the question ‘Does God exist?’ can appropriately be grouped with the ‘metaphysical’ questions attacked by Carnap. Deflationism thus has the surprising consequence that the correct approach to theism is that of (...)
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  41. Integrating laptops into campus learning: Theoretical, administrative and instructional fields of play.Daniel Anderson, Robin Seaton Brown, Todd Taylor & Kathryn Wymer - 2002 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 7 (1).
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    Is Metaphysics an Emotional Matter?Robin Le Poidevin - 2016 - The Philosophers' Magazine 74:76-81.
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  43. (1 other version)Revue 1nternat1onale de ph1losoph1e.Robin le Po1dev1n & Theistic Discourse andFictional Truth - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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    More Realistic Forecasting of Future Life Events After Psilocybin for Treatment-Resistant Depression.Taylor Lyons & Robin Lester Carhart-Harris - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  45. Can Manipulators Mislead Market Observers?Robin Hanson - unknown
    We study experimental markets where privately informed traders exchange simple assets, and where uninformed third parties are asked to forecast the values of these assets, guided only by market prices. Although prices only partially aggregate information, they significantly improve the forecasts of third parties. In a second treatment, a portion of traders are given preferences over the forecasts made by observers. Although we find evidence that these traders attempt to manipulate prices in order to influence the beliefs of observers, we (...)
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  46. On the Acausality of Time, Space, and Space-Time.Robin Le Poidevin - 1992 - Analysis 52 (3):146 - 154.
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    Responsibility from the Margins by David Shoemaker.Robin Zheng - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (2):9-17.
    David Shoemaker's highly innovative and intricately argued new book brings much of his previous work together with substantial original material to form a detailed and cohesive treatment of responsibility. The book is engaging, crisp, and admirably clear. It is marvelously ambitious in its strategy and framework, engagement with multiple literatures, and decidedly novel approach to Strawsonian theory. Moral philosophers, psychologists, clinicians and practitioners, and anyone who has ever wondered about "marginal agents"—people with dementia, autism, depression, OCD, and psychopathy—will find much (...)
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    Introduction.Pierre Macherey & Robin M. Muller - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (1):1-10.
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    Reconsidering the Subject.Pierre Kerszberg & Translated by Robin M. Muller - 2009 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30 (1):87-110.
  50.  11
    Participation, procedure and accountability: `you said' speech markers in negotiating reports of ambiguous phenomena.Simon Allistone & Robin Wooffitt - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (3):407-427.
    In this article we study how reported speech markers are used as procedural resources in a laboratory based parapsychology experiment to investigate forms of anomalous communication, such as extrasensory perception. In particular, we focus on how specific activities in a key part of the experiment are mediated by the use of `you said' formulations which project that whatever is said next is a paraphrase or a verbatim report of what the recipient had said earlier. We identify two uses of reported (...)
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