Results for 'Robin Mccain'

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  1.  42
    Work in progress: Prison deaths, ethnic differences.Garvin Mccain, Calvin Garbin, Robin Mccain & Ming-Hong Huang - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (5):415-417.
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  2. What is My Role in Changing the System? A New Model of Responsibility for Structural Injustice.Robin Zheng - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):869-885.
    What responsibility do individuals bear for structural injustice? Iris Marion Young has offered the most fully developed account to date, the Social Connections Model. She argues that we all bear responsibility because we each causally contribute to structural processes that produce injustice. My aim in this article is to motivate and defend an alternative account that improves on Young’s model by addressing five fundamental challenges faced by any such theory. The core idea of what I call the “Role-Ideal Model” is (...)
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  3. Moral Criticism and Structural Injustice.Robin Zheng - 2021 - Mind 130 (518):503-535.
    Moral agency is limited, imperfect, and structurally constrained. This is evident in the many ways we all unwittingly participate in widespread injustice through our everyday actions, which I call ‘structural wrongs’. To do justice to these facts, I argue that we should distinguish between summative and formative moral criticism. While summative criticism functions to conclusively assess an agent's performance relative to some benchmark, formative criticism aims only to improve performance in an ongoing way. I show that the negative sanctions associated (...)
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  4. Imagining in Oppressive Contexts, or What’s Wrong with Blackface?Robin Zheng & Nils-Hennes Stear - 2023 - Ethics 133 (3):381-414.
    What is objectionable about “blacking up” or other comparable acts of imagining involving unethical attitudes? Can such imaginings be wrong, even if there are no harmful consequences and imaginers are not meant to apply these attitudes beyond the fiction? In this article, we argue that blackface—and imagining in general—can be ethically flawed in virtue of being oppressive, in virtue of either its content or what imaginers do with it, where both depend on how the imagined attitudes interact with the imagining’s (...)
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  5. Bias, Structure, and Injustice: A Reply to Haslanger.Robin Zheng - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (1):1-30.
    Sally Haslanger has recently argued that philosophical focus on implicit bias is overly individualist, since social inequalities are best explained in terms of social structures rather than the actions and attitudes of individuals. I argue that questions of individual responsibility and implicit bias, properly understood, do constitute an important part of addressing structural injustice, and I propose an alternative conception of social structure according to which implicit biases are themselves best understood as a special type of structure.
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  6. What Kind of Responsibility Do We Have for Fighting Injustice? A Moral-Theoretic Perspective on the Social Connections Model.Robin Zheng - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (2):109-126.
    Iris Marion Young’s influential Social Connections Model of responsibility offers a compelling approach to theorizing structural injustice. However, the precise nature of the kind of responsibility modelled by the SCM, along with its relationship to the liability model, has remained unclear. I offer a reading of Young that takes the difference between the liability model and the SCM to be an instance of a more longstanding distinction in the literature on moral responsibility: attributability vs. accountability. I show that interpreting the (...)
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  7. Reconceptualizing solidarity as power from below.Robin Zheng - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (3):893-917.
    I propose a new concept of solidarity, which I call “solidarity from below,” that highlights an aspect of solidarity widely recognized in popular uses of the term, but which has hitherto been neglected in the philosophical literature. Solidarity from below is the collective ability of otherwise powerless people to organize themselves for transformative social change. I situate this concept with respect to four distinct but intertwined questions that have motivated extant theorizing about solidarity. I explain what it means to conceptualize (...)
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    What do people think they're doing? Action identification and human behavior.Robin R. Vallacher & Daniel M. Wegner - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (1):3-15.
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    Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy.Richard Robin - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (3):429-429.
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  10. Theorizing social change.Robin Zheng - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (4):e12815.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 4, April 2022.
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    (1 other version)Philebus.Robin Plato & Waterfield - 1975 - Oxford: Clarendon Press. Edited by J. C. B. Gosling.
    A translation of Plato's dialogue on the nature of pleasure and its relation to thought and knowledge. It includes a cogent introduction, notes, and comprehensive bibliography.
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  12. ‘Knowledge’ ascriptions, social roles and semantics.Robin McKenna - 2013 - Episteme 10 (4):335-350.
    The idea that the concept ‘knowledge’ has a distinctive function or social role is increasingly influential within contemporary epistemology. Perhaps the best-known account of the function of ‘knowledge’ is that developed in Edward Craig’s Knowledge and the state of nature (1990, OUP), on which (roughly) ‘knowledge’ has the function of identifying good informants. Craig’s account of the function of ‘knowledge’ has been appealed to in support of a variety of views, and in this paper I’m concerned with the claim that (...)
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    The effects of gender and setting on accountants' ethically sensitive decisions.Robin R. Radtke - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (4):299 - 312.
    This paper investigates whether gender affects ethically sensitive decisions of a personal or business nature. Data from 51 practicing accountants from both public accounting and private industry suggest that while differences exist between female and male accountants in responses to specific situations, overall responses are quite similar. Statistically significant differences were found for only five of the sixteen ethically sensitive situations. Further, when personal and business situations of a similar nature were paired together, two of the eight differences between personal (...)
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  14. Precarity is a Feminist Issue: Gender and Contingent Labor in the Academy.Robin Zheng - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (2):235-255.
    Feminist philosophers have challenged a wide range of gender injustices in professional philosophy. However, the problem of precarity, that is, the increasing numbers of contingent faculty who cannot find permanent employment, has received scarcely any attention. What explains this oversight? In this article, I argue, first, that academics are held in the grips of an ideology that diverts attention away from the structural conditions of precarity, and second, that the gendered dimensions of such an ideology have been overlooked. To do (...)
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  15. Materialism: A Historical and Philosophical Inquiry.Robin Gordon Brown & James Ladyman - 2019 - New York: Routledge. Edited by James Ladyman.
    "The doctrine of materialism is one of the perennial and most controversial ideas in the arts and sciences. Throughout history it has aroused strong passions, and in the Sixteenth and Twentieth centuries was a doctrine over which people were persecuted and killed. Yet it has been equally aligned with empirical, enlightened and tolerant thinking. This book explores the fascinating and important philosophy of materialism in an engaging and thought-provoking way. Opening with an overview of the ideas of some of the (...)
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    Creation, Evolution and Meaning.Robin Attfield - 2006 - Routledge.
    This book presents the case for belief in both creation and evolution at the same time as rejecting creationism. Issues of meaning supply the context of inquiry; the book defends the meaningfulness of language about God, and also relates belief in both creation and evolution to the meaning of life. Meaning, it claims, can be found in consciously adopting the role of steward of the planetary biosphere, and thus of the fruits of creation. Distinctive features include a sustained case for (...)
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  17. A Job for Philosophers: Causality, Responsibility, and Explaining Social Inequality.Robin Zheng - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (2):323-351.
    People disagree about the causes of social inequality and how to most effectively intervene in them. These may seem like empirical questions for social scientists, not philosophers. However, causal explanation itself depends on broadly normative commitments. From this it follows that (moral) philosophers have an important role to play in determining those causal explanations. I examine the case of causal explanations of poverty to demonstrate these claims. In short, philosophers who work to reshape our moral expectations also work, on the (...)
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    A theory of action identification.Robin R. Vallacher - 1985 - Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum. Edited by Daniel M. Wegner.
    'With admirable clarity, Mrs Peters sums up what determines competence in spelling and the traditional and new approaches to its teaching.' -Times Literary Supplement.
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  19. The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics.Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics is an outstanding, comprehensive and accessible guide to the major themes, thinkers, and issues in metaphysics. The Companion features over fifty specially commissioned chapters from international scholars which are organized into three clear parts: History of Metaphysics Ontology Metaphysics and Science. Each section features an introduction which places the range of essays in context, while an extensive glossary allows easy reference to key terms and definitions. The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics is essential reading for students (...)
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    How to do things with theories: an interactive view of language and models in science.Robin F. Hendry & Stathis Psillos - 2007 - In Jerzy Brzezinski, Andrzej Klawiter, Theo A. F. Kuipers, Krzysztof Lastowski, Katarzyna Paprzycka & Piotr Przybysz, The Courage of Doing Philosophy: Essays Dedicated to Leszek Nowak. Rodopi. pp. 123--157.
  21. Le Poidevin on the Reduction of Chemistry.Robin Findlay Hendry & Paul Needham - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (2):339-353.
    In this article we critically evaluate Robin Le Poidevin's recent attempt to set out an argument for the ontological reduction of chemistry independently of intertheoretic reduction. We argue, firstly, that the argument he envisages applies only to a small part of chemistry, and that there is no obvious way to extend it. We argue, secondly, that the argument cannot establish the reduction of chemistry, properly so called.
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  22. Disagreeing about 'Ought'.Robin McKenna - 2014 - Ethics 124 (3):589-597.
    In their ‘Metaethical contextualism defended’ (Ethics, 2010) Gunnar Björnsson & Stephen Finlay argue that metaethical contextualism - roughly, the view that 'ought' claims are semantically incomplete and require supplementation by certain parameters provided by the context in which they are uttered - can deal with two influential problems. The first concerns the connection between deliberation and advice (the 'practical integration problem'). The second concerns the way in which the expression ‘ought’ behaves in intra- and inter-contextual disagreement reports (the 'semantic assessment (...)
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    Ethics: An overview.Robin Attfield - unknown
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  24. Action and Active Powers.Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Philosophia 52:1399-1417.
    This paper explores the distinction between active and passive powers. Interest in the distinction has recently been revived in some quarters of the philosophy of action as some have sought to elucidate the distinction between action and passion (the changes that happen to a substance) in terms of the former (Hyman, 2015; Mayr, 2011; Lowe 2013). If there is a distinction between active and passive powers, parallel to the distinction between action and passion, what is it? In this paper, I (...)
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    Many‐models medicine: diversity as the best medicine.Robin Nunn - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (5):974-978.
  26. Challenging The Process View of Action.Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Manuscrito 47 (1):2024-0028.
    There is an ongoing debate in the ontology of action about whether actions are processes, events, relations, or sui generis entities. This paper focuses on the process view, the view that actions are processes. I challenge it in two ways. First, I argue that some actions are not processes because their performance need not be associated with or accompanied by a process. Second, I critically discuss three main arguments that have been advanced to support the process view. My view, the (...)
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  27. Life without Belief: A Madhyamaka Defense of the Livability of Pyrrhonism.Robin Brons - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (2):329-351.
    Despite the striking similarities between Pyrrhonian skepticism and Madhyamaka Buddhism, few lessons have been drawn from the parallels between the two traditions. Here, it is argued that Madhyamaka Buddhism verifies the livability of Pyrrhonian skepticism. After establishing that Pyrrhonism and Madhyamaka can be understood as undertaking the same project, it is shown that Madhyamaka philosophy is able to refute objections to the viability of Pyrrhonism. Finally, it is demonstrated that Madhyamaka is still a lived practice in Tibetan Buddhism, and it (...)
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    Mutual Incorporation, Intercorporeality, and the Problem of Mediating Systems.Robin L. Zebrowski - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (3):25-37.
    In this paper, I explore the ways that phenomenological concepts like intercorporeality and mutual incorporation offer new tools in trying to make sense of human experiences via mediating systems. In particular, I think about how the COVID-19 pandemic hastened a large population into mediated interactions, and what is lost, perhaps contingently or perhaps intrinsically, when human experiences are mediated in this way. I look to research in presence, skillful interaction, and enactive social cognition to argue that there remains something ineffable (...)
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    The Logos Paradox: Heraclitus, Material Language, and Rhetoric.Robin Reames - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (3):328-350.
    In her 1996 and 2006 essays “Being and Becoming: Rhetorical Ontology in Early Greek Thought” and “The Task of the Bow: Heraclitus’ Rhetorical Critique of Epic Language,” Carol Poster was the first to argue for the historical and theoretical relevance of Heraclitus in the discipline of rhetoric. Despite the admonitions of Edward Schiappa (1999) and Thomas Cole (1991) against applying rhetorical theories that only emerged after the fourth century BCE to pre- or proto-rhetorical texts, Poster argues that Heraclitus merits the (...)
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    Utilitarianism: A Contemporary Statement.Robin Barrow - 1991 - Routledge.
    In this book, first published in 1991, the author Dr Robin Barrow adopts the view that utilitarianism is the most coherent and persuasive ethical theory we have and argues in favour of a specific form of rule-utilitarianism. This book will be of interest to students of philosophy.
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    Putting Space Back on the Map: globalisation, place and identity.Robin Usher - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (1):41-55.
  32.  32
    Sexual conflict in the epics.Robin Fox - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (2):135-144.
    Sexual competition in the epics is looked at for examples of conflict between older or more powerful males and younger or subordinate males over fertile females, a pattern that would have characterized the human environment of evolutionary adaptation (EEA). In the Iliad and Odyssey, the Old Testament, the Arthurian Cycle (and its Celtic originals), the Volsunga Saga, and El Cid, this pattern is found to be the frame or prime mover or a central feature of the narrative. It is suggested (...)
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  33. Des Kinaidokolpites dans un ostracon grec du désert oriental (Égypte).Helene Cuvigny & C. Robin - 1996 - Topoi 6 (2):697-720.
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  34. Thomas Hobbes' relationship with Francis Bacon - an introduction.Robin Bunce - 2003 - Hobbes Studies 16 (1):41-83.
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    Attractions to and Repulsions from Chance.Robin Pope - 1998 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 5:95-107.
    This paper is concerned with the discussion of the phenomenon sometimes described as “the utility and disutility of chance” both from the descriptive and the prescriptive point of view Emphasis is not on axioms and formal properties but on the psychological content of decision theoretic constructs.
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    Études sur la signification et la place de la Physique dans la philosophie de Platon.L. Robin - 1918 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 86:177 - 220.
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    Place, Space, and Time in the Sign of Property.Robin Paul Malloy - 2009 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (3):265-277.
    Property is a complex sign in semiotics. It is also the source of tension and conflict in law. This paper examines property in triadic terms consisting of what Charles S. Peirce would identify as the icon (firstness), the index (secondness), and the symbol (thirdness). From this perspective the paper explores the ideas of place, space, and time at the iconic level of the sign of property. Discussion addresses the way in which property serves as a coded system for communicating information (...)
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  38. Teaching for conceptual change in elementary and secondary science methods courses.Robin Marion, Peter W. Hewson, B. Robert Tabachnick & Kathryn B. Blomker - 1999 - Science Education 83 (3):275-307.
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    [Mahayana Theology: A Dialogue with Critics]: Response.Robin Matthews - 1993 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 13:51.
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    Gender, immunity and the regulation of longevity.Robin C. May - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):795-802.
    For humans and many other animals, gender is a fact of life. Most individuals are born either male or female and their sex will have an enormous influence on their behaviour, physiology and life history. In this review, I consider the effect gender has on lifespan. In particular, I discuss the role played by behaviour, immunity and oxidative damage in determining sex‐dependent differences in longevity. I consider existing explanations for the effect of gender on lifespan and how these explanations fit (...)
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    Einfühlung and Abstraction in the Moving Image: Historical and Contemporary Reflections.Robin Curtis - 2012 - Science in Context 25 (3):425-446.
    ArgumentDespite the fact that “empathy” is often simply used as a translation ofEinfühlung, the two terms have distinct meanings and distinct disciplinary affiliations. This text considers the manner in which the moving image invites spatial forms of engagement akin to those described both by historical accounts ofEinfühlung, a form of engagement that pertains not only to the activities of humans represented within images, but also to the aesthetic qualities of images in a more abstract sense and to the forms to (...)
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    How are saccades generated?John M. Findlay & Robin Walker - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):706-713.
    Our target article discussed how emerging knowledge of the physiological processes involved in the control of saccadic eye movements provided the basis for a functional framework in which to understand the programming of such movements. The commentators raised many interesting issues in their varied responses that ranged from detailed discussion of the physiological substrate through issues of saccade control in reading. New evidence at the physiological level demonstrates that some elaborations are needed to the framework we proposed. Most clearly, the (...)
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    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Theorizing Social Change.Robin Zheng - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (10):e12948.
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    How is empirical content possible? Sellars after McDowell.Robin Beauté - 2024 - Synthese 204 (165):1-22.
    John McDowell and Wilfrid Sellars respectively intend to develop a conception of the relationship between mind and world that must subvert a fundamental dilemma between the Myth of the Given and Coherentism: both are committed to the “transcendental task” of accounting for the way in which conceptual activity is directed towards a reality that is not a mere reflection of it. This article focuses on a divergence between their respective conceptions of this transcendental task. According to McDowell, this task involves (...)
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  45. On the Acausality of Time, Space, and Space-Time.Robin Le Poidevin - 1992 - Analysis 52 (3):146 - 154.
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    Memory and the A-Series.Robin Le Poidevin - 2006 - In Friedrich Stadler & Michael Stöltzner, Time and History: Proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg Am Wechsel, Austria 2005. Frankfurt, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 31-42.
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    (De)legitimizing Scottish independence on Twitter: A multimodal comparison of the main official campaigns.Robin Engström - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (6):580-599.
    The Scottish independence referendum in 2014 saw the breakthrough of online political campaigning in the UK. Despite the outcome, research and media alike concluded that the main pro-independence campaign, Yes Scotland, outdid the main pro-union campaign, Better Together, in the online battle. This article addresses this discrepancy by exploring how YS and BT used social media affordances in order to legitimize their own and de-legitimize their opponents’ positions. The material consists of multimodal tweets published by YS and BT in the (...)
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  48. Yinyang (yin-yang).Robin R. Wang - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  49. Disciplinary subjects and the human sciences.Robin Williams - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (2):1-5.
  50.  33
    A Justice-Oriented Account of Moral Responsibility for Implicit Bias.Robin Zheng - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    I defend an account of moral responsibility for implicit bias that is sensitive to both normative and pragmatic constraints: an acceptable theory of moral responsibility must not only do justice to our moral experience and agency, but also issue directives that are psychologically effective in bringing about positive changes in judgment and behavior. I begin by offering a conceptual genealogy of two different concepts of moral responsibility that arise from two distinct sources of philosophical concerns. We are morally responsible for (...)
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