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Robert Ware [27]Robert Bruce Ware [6]Robert X. Ware [5]Robert C. Ware [3]
  1. [no title].Kai Nielsen & Robert Ware (eds.) - 1989 - University of Calgary Press.
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    Some bits and pieces.Robert X. Ware - 1975 - Synthese 31 (3-4):379 - 393.
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    Group Action and Social Ontology.Robert Ware - 1988 - Analyse & Kritik 10 (1):48-70.
    In recent years there has been an interesting turn in the philosophical literature to groups and collective action. At the same time there has been a renewed interest in various forms of methodological individualism. This paper attempts to show the diversity of group action that is overlooked by much of the literature, to clarify some of the ambiguities that plague our language about groups and collectives, and to support the view that social entities are genuine. Some important arguments against social (...)
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  4. Analyzing Marxism.Robert Ware & K. Nielsen - forthcoming - Canadian Journal of Philosophy.
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  5.  43
    A bibliography of George Berkeley, 1933-1962.Colin Murray Turbayne & Robert Ware - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (4):93-112.
  6.  15
    How Marxism Is Analyzed: An Introduction.Robert Ware - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 15:1-26.
    What has come to be called ‘analytical Marxism’ is to be celebrated when properly understood. It is a phenomenon that has engaged some of the best people in philosophy, political science, economics, sociology, and other disciplines. In the last fifteen years there has been a blossoming of anaytic studies on Marx and on Marxism in the mainstreams of academic disciplines, with the first impetus coming from philosophers who had been working in the analytic tradition. During the previous sixty years of (...)
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    Our Knowledge and Our Language.Robert X. Ware - 1973 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):153 - 168.
    I am not sure how confident we can be about our knowledge of the meaning of a sentence, but I am sure that we should be much less confident than we often are about the meaning of a word or non-sentential expression. This paper is an attempt to whittle away our confidence about word-meaning, and it is to this end that I investigate the meaning of the word ‘know'. But the point of the investigation is to show that it is (...)
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    Biology & Society: Reflections on Methodology.Mohan Matthen & Robert Ware - 1994 - Calgary : University of Calgary Press.
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    Introduction.Mohan Matthen & Robert Ware - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 20:1-20.
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  10.  17
    Comparative Political Philosophy: Studies Under the Upas Tree.Barry Cooper, Anthony Parel, K. J. Shah, Majid Tehranian & Robert X. Ware (eds.) - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    Comparative Political Philosophy: Studies Under the Upas Tree examines four major traditions of political philosophy and discusses similarities in their key ideas and assumptions. An intellectually daring enterprise, this fascinating volume focuses on key texts from Chinese, Indian, Western and Islamic political philosophy.
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    Freedom as Justice: Hegel's Interpretation of Plato's Republic.Robert Bruce Ware - 2000 - Metaphilosophy 31 (3):287-310.
    Hegel's interpretation of Plato's political thought provides the principal illustration of his metaphilosophy. However, Hegel has been criticized for imposing his own metaphilosophical agenda upon Plato's work, and for consequently overestimating its descriptive content while underestimating its prescriptively normative features. A reexamination of Hegel's metaphilosophy nevertheless reveals that he appreciated the broader significance of Plato's political philosophy within a conceptual framework that transcends the traditional dichotomy of description and prescription and that explores issues concerning the relation of theory and practice.
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  12.  51
    Acts and action.Robert Ware - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy 70 (13):403-418.
  13. Analyzing Marxism, new essays on analytical Marxism.Robert Ware & Kai Nielsen (eds.) - 1989 - Calgary, Alta., Canada: University of Calgary Press.
  14.  5
    Consciousness and Contradiction: Subjective Freedom and Cultural Fragmentation in Hegel's Philosophy.Robert Bruce Ware - 1994
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  15.  25
    Christology in historical perspective.Robert C. Ware - 1974 - Heythrop Journal 15 (1):53–69.
  16.  27
    Creating Organizations and Institutions for Radical Democracy.Robert Ware - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 3:11-22.
    Typical philosophies of liberation often assume, and sometimes argue, that freedom and democracy will be best experienced through an absence of institutions. Contrary to this trend in theory, the author argues that a better philosophy of liberation will seek to transform institutions, rather than abolish them. Using examples of cooperative experiments in the Basque territories and in Brazil, the author argues that experiences of liberation are achieved through new forms of institutional life that nurture participatory and egalitarian relationships between people.
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  17. Erkölcsi tartalom és társadalmi magyarázat az analitikus marxizmus perspektívájából.Robert Ware - 1998 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 4.
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  18. Filozófia Kanadában.Robert Ware - 1998 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 4.
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  19.  49
    History and reciprocity in Hegel's theory of the state.Robert Bruce Ware - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (3):421 – 445.
    Hegel's logic provides a basis for an interpretation of his philosophy of history and political theory which avoids many of the difficulties that traditionally have been associated with his views, leaving us with a clear and useful model of modern political interaction. The unification of content and form provides for the inherently historicist features of the model, that resolve the traditional dichotomy of description and prescription by presenting the state as a historical process, developing through the opposition between the normative (...)
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    Habermas's Evolutions.Robert X. Ware - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):591 - 620.
    Jürger Habermas has been attempting to develop a critical theory of society with a practical intent, on the basis of communication and a theory of the evolution of practical and moral social competence. He thinks that the studies of language rules and language learning from Piaget, Searle, Chomsky and others have and continue to provide models elsewhere - from productive activity to moral activity. Moreover, the models are said to extend to social learning, which will be exhibited in the development (...)
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    Hegel: The Logic of Self-Consciousness and the Legacy of Subjective Freedom.Robert Bruce Ware (ed.) - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    This volume offers a new interpretation of Hegel's thought, challenging traditional readings and reconsidering Hegel in terms of his understanding of his own philosophy. Ware connects Hegel to analytic philosophy through mathematical logic.
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  22. Hegel: The Logic of Self-Consciousness and the Legacy of Subjective Freedom.Robert Bruce Ware - 2001 - Mind 110 (437):281-284.
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  23.  25
    Marcello Musto, ed. , Marx for Today . Reviewed by.Robert Ware - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (5):396-399.
  24.  20
    Marx on Emancipation and Socialist Goals: Retrieving Marx for the Future.Robert X. Ware - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book responds to the need for a retrieval and renewal of the work of Karl Marx through close philosophical analysis of his publications, manuscripts, and letters — especially those relevant to politics, morality, and the future. This philosophical study stands out because of its two principal features. First, it reviews and develops ideas about the future, though often only briefly discussed by Marx and his commentators, drawn from Marx's work. Second, it focuses on collective matters that are critical for (...)
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  25.  49
    Marx, The Division of Labor, and Human Nature.Robert Ware - 1982 - Social Theory and Practice 8 (1):43-71.
  26.  26
    (1 other version)Nations and Social Complexity.Robert Ware - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 22:133-157.
    In the last three decades, we in the West have seen nationalism turn from an apparently progressive force, as in Cuba, Vietnam, and many countries in Africa, into a negative force of degenerating chaos, as in Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, and Rwanda. Elsewhere, during the same decades, the record of nationalism has been, or at least been perceived to have been, more mixed, for example in Belgium, Canada, and India. The assessments themselves are uncertain and suspect, however. Maybe (...)
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  27.  21
    Philosophy in China Today.Robert Ware - 1987 - Social Theory and Practice 13 (3):265-286.
  28.  88
    The division of linguistic labor and speaker competence.Robert Ware - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 34 (1):37 - 61.
  29.  26
    The resurrection of Jesus, I: Theological orientations.Robert C. Ware - 1975 - Heythrop Journal 16 (1):22–35.
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    The resurrection of Jesus, II: Historical-critical studies.Robert C. Ware - 1975 - Heythrop Journal 16 (2):174–194.
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  31. Berlell Ollman, Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx's Method. [REVIEW]Robert Ware - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (4):281-283.
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  32. Bertell Ollman, Dialectical Investigations. [REVIEW]Robert Ware - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (5):255-257.
  33.  6
    (1 other version)Collective and Corporate Responsibility. [REVIEW]Robert Ware - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (1):117-119.
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    Critical notice. [REVIEW]Robert Ware - 1980 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):149-168.
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  35. John Mepham and David Hillel-Reuben, eds., Issues in Marxist Philosophy, Vol. IV. [REVIEW]Robert Ware - 1983 - Philosophy in Review 3 (6):296-299.
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    John W Burbidge, Real Process: How Logic and Chemistry Combine in Hegel's Philosophy of Nature, Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1996, pp x + 274, Hb £55.95. [REVIEW]Robert Bruce Ware - 1997 - Hegel Bulletin 18 (2):38-43.
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    Living High and Letting Die: Our Illusion of Innocence. [REVIEW]Robert Ware - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (2):428-430.
    Unger extends Singer’s arguments and demands for aiding serious sufferers, especially children, of whom over ten million die yearly of easily preventable diseases. According to Unger, our callous behaviour in ignoring such suffering is partly the result of dispositions that distort our moral understandings and motivations. He sees our present practices as barbarous, and argues for a liberationist position on morality, calling for major revisions in our moral thinking and practices. He even gives the 1-800 numbers which, with a credit (...)
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    Marx. [REVIEW]Robert Ware - 1985 - Teaching Philosophy 8 (1):92-94.
  39.  56
    Self-Management and the Crisis of Socialism. [REVIEW]Robert Ware - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (1):174-176.
    Michael Howard begins with quick sketches of the travesties that show the crisis of global capitalism and then introduces the book’s comprehensive study showing the fertile seeds of socialism. The only suggestion of a perceived crisis of socialism is in the title and in a few sentences in the introduction about crises of identity on the left and about crises of “principles, institutions, and practices”, of socialism, the themes of the three parts of this wide-ranging book. The extensive discussion of (...)
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