30 found
  1. Slurring and common knowledge of ordinary language.Richard Vallee - 2014 - Journal of Pragmatics 61:78-90.
    Ethnic slurs have recently raised interest in philosophy of language. Consider (1) Yao is Chinese and (2) Yao is a chink. A theory of meaning should take into account the fact that sentence (2) has the property of containing a slur, a feature plausibly motivating an utterance of (2) rather than (1), and conveys contempt because it contains that word. According to multipropositionalism, two utterances can have the same official truth conditions and the same truth-value but differ in cognitive significance (...)
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    Words and contents.Richard Vallée - 2018 - Stanford, California: CSLI Publications. Edited by John Perry.
    The papers in Richard Vallée's Words and Contents span twenty-one years. The author navigates the discovery and exploration of different expressions and perspectives on language in this volume. Beginning with referring expressions and later addressing context sensitivity, the book examines how specific words contribute to the contents of utterances and the philosophical issues that surround them.
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    Who Are We?Richard Vallée - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):211-230.
    Personal and demonstrative pronouns are notorious for challenging any theory of natural language. Singular pronouns have received much attention from linguists and philosophers alike during the last three decades. Plural pronouns, on the other hand, have been neglected, especially by philosophers. I want to fill this gap and suggest accounts of ‘we,’ the plural ‘you,’ and ‘they.'Intuitively, singular and plural personal pronouns are ‘counterparts.' Any account of personal pronouns should make sense of this intuition. However, the latter is not very (...)
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  4.  69
    Context-Sensitivity Beyond Indexicality.Richard Vallée - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (1):79-.
    Indexicals shatter the view that sentences and, more generally, linguistic terms are context-insensitive items. A sentence containing an indexical expression such as.
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    Weather Predicates, Unarticulation and Utterances.Richard Vallée - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (2):1-28.
    ABSTRACT Perry contends that an utterance of ‘It is raining’ must be assigned a location before being truth assessed. The location is famously argued to be an unarticulated constituent of the proposition an utterance of expresses. My paper examines this view from a pluri-propositionalist perspective. The sentence contains an impersonal pronoun, ‘it’ and the impersonal verb ‘to rain. I suggest that the utterance of semantically determines ‘to rain’, which is an event, and that that event is instantiated at a time (...)
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    Unarticulated comparison classes.Richard Vallée - 2010 - Pragmatics and Cognition 18 (2):340-364.
    Relative gradable adjectives raise serious problems in semantics. First, I explore a few intuitions about relative gradable predicates and clarify some points. Second, I propose a multipropositionalist, Perry-inspired, perspective on relative gradable predicate utterances. Perry's version of multipropositionalism introduces many different propositions or contents, including indexical content, referential content, and designational content, which are carried by the utterance of a single sentence. It also offers a new approach to relative gradable predicates, and suggests an explanation for the way relative predicates (...)
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  7.  20
    Indexicals in Fiction.Richard Vallée - 2022 - Disputatio 14 (66):305-325.
    Both the semantics of fictional discourse and the semantics of indexicality are canonical topics in the philosophy of language, on which there exists well-known significant literature. However, the same cannot be said for the terrain where they overlap. That is, the distinctive issues raised by fictive uses of indexicals and demonstratives have not been extensively studied per se. The aim of the present essay is to shed some light on this terrain, and to advance our understanding of some of these (...)
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  8.  74
    Speaking My Mind: Expression and Self-Knowledge.Richard Vallee - 2008 - Philosophical Review 117 (2):293-296.
  9. Complex Demonstratives, Articulation, and Overarticulation.Richard Vallée - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (1):97-121.
    ABSTRACT: Complex demonstratives raise problems in semantics and force a re-examination of basic principles underlying the New Theory of Reference. First, I present these problems and the relevant principles. Then, I explore the most common suggestions, for instance, as those put forward by Braun and Dever. Finally, I introduce my own view. The latter is a non-ad hoc extension of the Reflexive-Referential analysis of context-sensitive terms as discussed by Perry. It accounts for familiar problems, including those raised by the fact (...)
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    Compositionnalité et interprétation1.Richard Vallée - 2003 - Philosophiques 30 (2):353-370.
    Je présente le principe de compositionnalité et deux arguments classiques en sa faveur — un argument de Davidson et un autre attribuable aux sémanticiens vériconditionnalistes. Je soutiens ensuite que deux catégories d’expressions — les pronoms pluriels et les contextuels — constituent des contre-exemples pour l’argument vériconditionnaliste, mais pas pour l’argument de Davidson. La raison en est que les premiers ont de fortes exigences quant aux entités constituant la valeur sémantique des expressions linguistiques faisant partie du lexique d’une langue, alors que (...)
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    Descriptions, référence et anaphore.Richard Vallée - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (4):611-.
    Dans le paradigme russellien, les termes dénotants ou termes quantifiés comme «plusieurs hommes», «quelques hommes», «tous les hommes», sont analysés à l'aide de quantificateurs, de variables, de prédicats et de connecteurs logiques à l'intérieur de phrases complètes exprimant des propositions générales. Les descriptions définies comme les descriptions indéfinies y sont aussi traitées comme des termes quantifiés.
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    Does Sherlock Holmes Exist?Richard Vallée - 2020 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):63-80.
    Fictional names have specific, cognitively relevant features, putting them in a category apart from the category of ordinary names. I argue that we should focus on the name or name form itself and refrain from looking for an assignment procedure and an assigned referent. I also argue that we should reject the idea that sentences containing fictional names express singular propositions. These suggestions have important consequences for the intuition that ‘Sherlock Holmes exists’ is either true or false, and they put (...)
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  13.  30
    Intentionnalité et référence directe.Richard Vallée - 2007 - Philosophiques 34 (1):159-164.
  14.  57
    Insensitive Enough Semantics.Richard Vallée - 2006 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 10 (1):67-79.
    According to some philosophers, sentences like (1) “It is raining” and (2) “John is ready” are context sensitive sentences even if they do not contain indexicals or demonstratives. That view initiated a context sensitivity frenzy. Cappelen and Lepore (2005) summarize the frenzy by the slogan “Every sentence is context sensitive” (Insensitive Semantics, p. 6, note 5). They suggest a view they call Minimalism according to which the truth conditions of utterances of sentences like (1)/(2) are exactly what Convention T gives (...)
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    Learning "big".Richard Vallèe - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (1):489-506.
    I argue that we are wrong in thinking that all assertive sentences reflect reality. My argument is grounded on the semantics of comparative sentences. I also contend that utterances are designed to fit reality. My view relies on the idea that the notion of truth fit for sentences – a metalinguistic notion – is not metaphysical in nature, while a notion of truth capturing our intuitions concerning utterances of comparative sentences is. In that respect, intuitions concerning utterances of compa-rative sentences (...)
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  16.  32
    Le problème de l’esprit d’autrui. Discussion de quelques solutions récentes.Richard Vallée - 1988 - Philosophiques 15 (2):421-451.
    Les quatre thèses suivantes ont pour résultat qu'il devient impossible de justifier sa croyance en l'existence d'états mentaux hors les siens propres : on a un accès direct à ses propres états mentaux ; on n'a qu'un accès indirect aux états mentaux d'autrui ; le matérialisme est indéfendable et toute prétention à la connaissance doit respecter des contraintes empiristes. L'argument par analogie, une tactique classique pour justifier cette croyance, est insoutenable, en particulier lorsqu'il se base sur le comportement linguistique. Un (...)
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    Le retour du psychologisme en théorie de la signification.Richard Vallée - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (4):777-.
    Traditionnellement, une théorie de la signification doit rendre compte à la fois des conditions de vérité des phrases des langues naturelles et des relations évidentes qu'entretiennent le langage et la pensée. À ce titre, le paradigme frégéen est un modele du genre. Une phrase y est dite exprimer une pensée, laquelle lui sert de valeur cognitive et a une valeur de vérité. Différentes occurrences d'une même phrase expriment une même pensée. Si cette phrase a une occurrence dans un contexte d'attitude (...)
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    Note sur l'identité intentionnelle.Richard Vallée - 1999 - Philosophiques 26 (1):37-52.
    RÉSUMÉ L’identité intentionnelle soulève des énigmes quant au comportement linguistique de certains pronoms anaphoriquement liés à des quantificateurs restreints, mais qui ne peuvent être considérés comme des variables liées par ces quantificateurs. J’examine ce problème et suggère une solution, qui est une généralisation de la notion de pronom de texte, conçue afin d’analyser certains pronoms qui ont un comportement linguistique similaire. ABSTRACT Intentional identity raises problems with respect to the linguistic behavior of anaphoric pronouns linked to restricted quantifiers but that (...)
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    On local bars and imported beer.Richard Vallée - 2012 - Pragmatics and Cognition 20 (1):62-87.
    “Imported“ is a member of a large family of adjectives, including “enemy“, “domestic“, “local“, “exported“, “foreign“. Call these terms contextuals. Contextuals are prima facie context-sensitive expressions in that the same contextual sentence can have different truth-values, and hence different truth-conditions, from utterance to utterance. I use Perry's multipropositionalist framework to get a new angle on contextuals. I explore the idea that the lexical linguistic meaning of contextual adjectives introduces two conditions to the cognitive significance of an utterance. These conditions contain (...)
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    On not being a dentist.Richard Vallée - 2004 - Manuscrito 27 (1):227-233.
    Negative properties, like not flying, are controversial. I oppose Chateaubriand’s view on these properties and offer semantic arguments against their inclusion in ontology. I distinguish predicate negation and sentential negation, and examine the syntactic and semantic behaviour of predicate negation. I contend that predicate negation is identical with sentential negation. If it is not, then we lose a lot of intuitive inferences found in natural languages and make no clear metaphysical gain. Other arguments based on Ockham’s razor are offered.
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    Pascal Engel , Lire Davidson. Interprétation et holisme, Paris, Éditions de l’Éclat, 1994, 234 p.Richard Vallée - 1996 - Philosophiques 23 (2):464-467.
  22.  38
    Signification conventionnelle et non-littéralité.Richard Vallée - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (1):51-.
    Humpty-Dumpty affirmait que les mots signifiaient exactement ce qu'il lui plaisait qu'ils signifient, «ni plus, ni moins». Il a parfois des défenseurs chez les chercheurs qui se sont penchés sur le problème de la non-littéralité. On peut cependant affirmer qu'ur locuteur, s'il utilise non littéralement des expressions qui ont ure signification conventionnelle, ne peut en changer à volonté la signification pour leur faire signifier exactement ce qu'il a l'intention de signifier. Par exemple, quelqu'un qui fait une métaphore ne peut changer (...)
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    What is wrong with negative properties.Richard Vallée - 2004 - Manuscrito 27 (2):361-382.
    Negative properties, like not flying, are controversial. I introduce negative properties, and offer semantic arguments against the inclusion of such properties in ontology. I distinguish predicate negation and sentential negation, and examine the syntactic and semantic behaviour of predicate negation. I contend that predicate negation is identical with sentential negation. If it is not, then we lose a lot of intuitive inferences found in natural languages and make no clear metaphysical gain. Other arguments based on Ockham’s razor are offered. Finally, (...)
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  24. Brian Orend, Michael Walzer on War and Justice. [REVIEW]Richard Vallee - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22:61-63.
  25. John T. Kearns, Using Language: The Structure of Speech-Acts. [REVIEW]Richard Vallée - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (9):375-376.
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    Review of Maximilian de gaynesford, I: The Meaning of the First Person Term[REVIEW]Richard Vallée - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (11).
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    Penser en contexte. Le phénomène de l'indexicalité. La controverse John Perry et Gareth Evans Eros Corazza et Jérôme Dokic Collection «Tiré à part» Combas, Éditions de L'Éclat, 1993, 144 p. [REVIEW]Richard Vallée - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (3):556-.
  28.  55
    Récanati, François, Philosophie du langage (et de l'esprit), Gallimard, Folio essais, 2008, 268 p.Récanati, François, Philosophie du langage (et de l'esprit), Gallimard, Folio essais, 2008, 268 p. [REVIEW]Richard Vallée - 2010 - Philosophiques 37 (1):237-241.
  29.  51
    Steven Davis, , Pragmatics. A Reader, New-York/Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, 595 pages. [REVIEW]Richard Vallée - 1992 - Philosophiques 19 (1):157-162.
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    The Problem of the Essential Indexical and Other Essays John Perry New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 1992, XIV, 340 p. [REVIEW]Richard Vallée - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (3):553-.
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