Results for 'Richard Scoffier'

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  1.  27
    «Mort de l'homme» en architecture.Vincent Jacques & Richard Scoffier - 2015 - Symposium 19 (2):93-110.
    Cet article expose les linéaments d’une recherche en cours. Celle-ci se base sur l’hypothèse que certaines tendances de l’architecture contemporaine, malgré des formes a priori dissemblables, développent un espace architectural d’une profonde cohérence, nouvelle épistémè de la pratique architecturale. Autrement dit, nous nous posons la question de savoir quelles sont les conditions qui rendent possible une certaine architecture contemporaine. Mais pour nous, l’effort épistémologique n’est pas une fin en soi; notre recherche ne vise pas à opposer certaines formes à d’autres, (...)
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    Orienting of Attention.Richard D. Wright & Lawrence M. Ward - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is a succinct introduction to the orienting of attention.
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  3. Identity in Fiction.Richard Woodward - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (3):646-671.
    Anthony Everett () argues that those who embrace the reality of fictional entities run into trouble when it comes to specifying criteria of character identity. More specifically, he argues that realists must reject natural principles governing the identity and distinctness of fictional characters due to the existence of fictions which leave it indeterminate whether certain characters are identical and the existence of fictions which say inconsistent things about the identities of their characters. Everett's critique has deservedly drawn much attention and (...)
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    (1 other version)The Natural Law and International Relations.Richard Zegers - 1950 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 24:78-81.
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    The Role of the Sensible Species in St. Thomas’ Epistemology.Richard T. Zegers - 1974 - International Philosophical Quarterly 14 (4):455-474.
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    The Road Less Traveled.Richard A. Zellner - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (1):131-133.
    My heart was removed and replaced on May 17, 2006. No melodrama is intended here, just an unadorned factual statement. Transplants are transformative. In my case, that transformation led to bioethics.
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    The evolution of sexuality in chimpanzees and bonobos.Richard W. Wrangham - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (1):47-79.
    The evolution of nonconceptive sexuality in bonobos and chimpanzees is discussed from a functional perspective. Bonobos and chimpanzees have three functions of sexual activity in common (paternity confusion, practice sex, and exchange for favors), but only bonobos use sex purely for communication about social relationships. Bonobo hypersexuality appears closely linked to the evolution of female-female alliances. I suggest that these alliances were made possible by relaxed feeding competition, that they were favored through their effect on reducing sexual coercion, and that (...)
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  8. Problems of sincerity.Richard Moran - 2005 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 105 (3):341-361.
    It is undeniable that the assumption of sincerity is important to assertion, and that assertion is central to the transmission of beliefs through human testimony. Discussions of testimony, however, often assume that the epistemic importance of sincerity to testimony is that of a (fallible) guarantee of access to the actual beliefs of the speaker. Other things being equal, we would do as well or better if we had some kind of unmediated access to the beliefs of the other person, without (...)
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  9. Extreme Cosmopolitanisms Defended.Richard J. Arneson - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (5):555-573.
    Some theorists hold that there is no serious, significant issue concerning cosmopolitanism. They hold that cosmopolitanism is either the anodyne doctrine that we have some duties to distant strangers merely on the ground of shared humanity or the absurd doctrine that we have no special moral duties based on special-ties such as those of friendship, family, and national community. This essay argues against this deflationary position by defending (1) a very extreme cosmopolitan doctrine that denies special-tie moral duties altogether and (...)
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    Neural Plasticity, Neuronal Recycling and Niche Construction.Richard Menary - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (3):286-303.
    In Reading in the Brain, Stanislas Dehaene presents a compelling account of how the brain learns to read. Central to this account is his neuronal recycling hypothesis: neural circuitry is capable of being ‘recycled’ or converted to a different function that is cultural in nature. The original function of the circuitry is not entirely lost and constrains what the brain can learn. It is argued that the neural niche co-evolves with the environmental niche in a way that does not undermine (...)
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  11. Equipoise, Knowledge and Ethics in Clinical Research and Practice.Richard Ashcroft - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (3-4):314-326.
    It is widely maintained that a clinical trial is ethical only if some form of equipoise between the treatments being compared obtains. To be in equipoise between two treatments A and B is to be cognitively indifferent between the statement ‘A is strictly more effective than B’ and its negation. It is natural to claim that equipoise regarding A and B is necessary for randomised assignment to treatments A and B to be beneficent and non‐maleficent and is sufficient for such (...)
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    Introduction.Richard Yeo - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):301-302.
  13.  26
    The pragmatic turn.Richard J. Bernstein - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    Richard J. Bernstein argues that many of the important themes in philosophy during the past 150 years are variations and developments of ideas that were prominent in the classical American pragmatists: Charles S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey, and George H. Mead. The pragmatic thinkers reject a sharp dichotomy between subject and object, mind-body dualism, the quest for certainty, and the spectator theory of knowledge. They seek to bring about a sea change in philosophy that highlights the social character (...)
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    Collective and Corporate Responsibility.Richard T. De George - 1987 - Noûs 21 (3):448-450.
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  15. Statistical explanation vs. statistical inference.Richard Jeffrey - 1970 - In Carl G. Hempel, Donald Davidson & Nicholas Rescher (eds.), Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel. pp. 104--113.
  16. SJ, How Brave a New World.Richard Mccormick - forthcoming - Dilemmas in Bioethics (Garden City.
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  17. Intentionality, cognitive integration and the continuity thesis.Richard Menary - 2009 - Topoi 28 (1):31-43.
    Naturalistic philosophers ought to think that the mind is continuous with the rest of the world and should not, therefore, be surprised by the findings of the extended mind, cognitive integration and enactivism. Not everyone is convinced that all mental phenomena are continuous with the rest of the world. For example, intentionality is often formulated in a way that makes the mind discontinuous with the rest of the world. This is a consequence of Brentano’s formulation of intentionality, I suggest, and (...)
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  18. Political realism: Introduction.Richard North - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (4):381-384.
    Balancing practical and theoretical knowledge,Political Scienceis a comprehensive and jargon-free introduction to the fieldrs"s basic concepts and themes. This bestselling brief text uses diverse real-world examples to show students the value of avoiding simplifications in politics, the relevance of government, and the importance of participation. Written from Mike Roskinrs"s unique and engaging point-of-view,Political Scienceremains the best at providing the clear explanations, practical applications, and current examples that will welcome students to a vital field of study.
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    Leibniz’s Syncategorematic Actual Infinite.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2018 - In Igor Agostini, Richard T. W. Arthur, Geoffrey Gorham, Paul Guyer, Mogens Lærke, Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Ohad Nachtomy, Sanja Särman, Anat Schechtman, Noa Shein & Reed Winegar (eds.), Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 155-179.
    It is well known that Leibniz advocated the actual infinite, but that he did not admit infinite collections or infinite numbers. But his assimilation of this account to the scholastic notion of the syncategorematic infinite has given rise to controversy. A common interpretation is that in mathematics Leibniz’s syncategorematic infinite is identical with the Aristotelian potential infinite, so that it applies only to ideal entities, and is therefore distinct from the actual infinite that applies to the actual world. Against this, (...)
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    Gombrich, formalism and the description of works of art.Richard Woodfield - 1994 - British Journal of Aesthetics 34 (2):134-145.
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  21. LIRA—License renewal assistant: An expert system advisor for system and component screening.Richard M. Wood, Raymond J. DeLuke, Yi Lu & Steven R. Catron - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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    Can Microfinance Work? How to Improve Its Ethical Balance and Effectiveness by Lesley Sherrat: New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.Richard F. Works - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (3):421-423.
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    Should HECs in secular institutions seek right-to-life advocates as members?Richard A. Wright - 1994 - HEC Forum 6 (5):321-322.
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    Correspondent's Report from China.Richard Wu - 2009 - Legal Ethics 12 (2):237.
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  25. Two initiatives to improve legal ethics regulation: Correspondent's report from China.Richard Wu - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (2):252.
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    ""New places for" Old Spots": The changing geographies of domestic livestock animals.Richard Yarwood & Nick Evans - 1998 - Society and Animals 6 (2):137-165.
    This paper considers the real and imagined geographies of livestock animals. In doing so, it reconsiders the spatial relationship between people and domesticated farm animals. Some consideration is given to the origins of domestication and comparisons are drawn between the natural and domesticated geographies of animals. The paper mainly focuses on the contemporary geographies of livestock animals and, in particular, "rare breeds" of British livestock animals. Attention is given to the spatial relationship these animals have with people and the place (...)
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  27. Does the Gettier problem rest on a mistake?Richard Kirkham - 1984 - Mind 93 (372):501-513.
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    Gurus and Griots: Revisiting the research informed consent process in rural African contexts.Richard Appiah - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundResearchers conducting community-based participatory action research (CBPAR) in highly collectivistic and socioeconomically disadvantaged community settings in sub-Saharan Africa are confronted with the distinctive challenge of balancing universal ethical standards with local standards, where traditional customs or beliefs may conflict with regulatory requirements and ethical guidelines underlying the informed consent (IC) process. The unique ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural diversities in these settings have important implications for the IC process, such as individual decisional autonomy, beneficence, confidentiality, and signing the IC document.Main textDrawing (...)
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  29.  85
    Infinite Number and the World Soul; in Defence of Carlin and Leibniz.Richard Arthur - 1999 - The Leibniz Review 9:105-116.
    In last year’s Review Gregory Brown took issue with Laurence Carlin’s interpretation of Leibniz’s argument as to why there could be no world soul. Carlin’s contention, in Brown’s words, is that Leibniz denies a soul to the world but not to bodies on the grounds that “while both the world and [an] aggregate of limited spatial extent are infinite in multitude, the former, but not the latter, is infinite in respect of magnitude and hence cannot be considered a whole”. Brown (...)
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  30. (1 other version)The problem of future contingencies.Richard Taylor - 1957 - Philosophical Review 66 (1):1-28.
  31.  35
    Diophantine Induction.Richard Kaye - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 46 (1):1-40.
    We show that Matijasevič's Theorem on the diophantine representation of r.e. predicates is provable in the subsystem I ∃ - 1 of Peano Arithmetic formed by restricting the induction scheme to diophantine formulas with no parameters. More specifically, I ∃ - 1 ⊢ IE - 1 + E ⊢ Matijasevič's Theorem where IE - 1 is the scheme of parameter-free bounded existential induction and E is an ∀∃ axiom expressing the existence of a function of exponential growth. We conclude by (...)
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  32. The Smart theory of moral responsibility and desert.Richard Arneson - 2003 - In Serena Olsaretti (ed.), Desert and justice. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)The theory of universals.Richard Ithamar Aaron - 1952 - Oxford [Eng.]: Clarendon Press.
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  34. Comparative concepts.Richard Dietz - 2013 - Synthese 190 (1):139-170.
    Comparative concepts such as greener than or higher than are ways of ordering objects. They are fundamental to our grasp of gradable concepts, that is, the type of meanings expressed by gradable general terms, such as "is green" or "is high", which are embeddable in comparative constructions in natural language. Some comparative concepts seem natural, whereas others seem gerrymandered. The aim of this paper is to outline a theoretical approach to comparative concepts that bears both on the account of naturalness (...)
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  35. (1 other version)The Language of Time.Richard Gale - 1969 - Mind 78 (311):453-460.
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  36. Justice is not equality.Richard J. Arneson - 2008 - Ratio 21 (4):371-391.
    This essay disputes G. A. Cohen's claim that John Rawls's argument for the difference principle involves an argument from moral arbitrariness to equality and then an illicit move away from equality. Moreover, the claim that an argument from moral arbitrariness establishes equality as the essential distributive justice ideal is found wanting.
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    Neutrality and Utility.Richard J. Arneson - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):215 - 240.
    According to the ideal of tolerance, the state is supposed to be neutral or evenhanded in its dealings with religious sects and doctrines. The tolerant state does not pursue policies aimed at favoring one sect over another.
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    The epistemology of development, evolution, and genetics: selected essays.Richard M. Burian - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection examine developments in three fundamental biological disciplines--embryology, evolutionary biology, and genetics--in conflict with each other for much of the twentieth century. They consider key methodological problems and the difficulty of overcoming them. Richard Burian interweaves historical appreciation of the settings within which scientists work, substantial knowledge of the biological problems at stake and the methodological and philosophical issues faced in integrating biological knowledge drawn from disparate sources.
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    Disjoint pattern database heuristics.Richard E. Korf & Ariel Felner - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 134 (1-2):9-22.
  40. (1 other version)Why is that art?Richard Kamber & Taylor Enoch - 2018 - In Florian Cova & Sébastien Réhault (eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Aesthetics. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 79-102.
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    Regulating biomedical enhancements in the military.Richard Edmund Ashcroft - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (2):47 – 49.
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    Darwinian algorithms and the Wason selection task: A factorial analysis of social contract selection task problems.Richard D. Platt & Richard A. Griggs - 1993 - Cognition 48 (2):163-192.
  43. Against Freedom of Conscience.Richard J. Arneson - unknown
    Is there a moral right to freedom of conscience? Should a legal right to freedom of conscience be established in each country on Earth? This essay argues for negative answers to both questions. The term freedom of conscience might refer to freedom of thought and the freedom of expression that sustains freedom of thought. In this sense we might affirm the right of each person to form individual opinions about the right and the good, about what we owe one another (...)
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    Evolution of Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes: A Novel Alternative Paradigm.Richard P. Meisel - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (9):1900212.
    Sex chromosomes can differ between species as a result of evolutionary turnover, a process that can be driven by evolution of the sex determination pathway. Canonical models of sex chromosome turnover hypothesize that a new master sex determining gene causes an autosome to become a sex chromosome or an XY chromosome pair to switch to a ZW pair (or vice versa). Here, a novel paradigm for the evolution of sex determination and sex chromosomes is presented, in which there is an (...)
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  45.  69
    Anadic logic and English.Richard E. Grandy - 1976 - Synthese 32 (3-4):395 - 402.
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    Rights, Boundaries, and the Bonds of Community: A Qualified Defense of Moral Parochialism.Richard Dagger - 1985 - The American Political Science Review 79 (2):436-447.
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    Is There Something Special about Religious Disagreement?Richard Feldman - 2021 - In Matthew A. Benton & Jonathan L. Kvanvig (eds.), Religious Disagreement and Pluralism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 108-126.
  48.  14
    Vegan revolution: saving our world, revitalizing Judaism.Richard Schwartz - 2020 - Brooklyn, NY: Lantern Publishing & Media.
    For over four decades, Richard Schwartz has engaged with two ethically rich ways of living that, as he charts in this book, he came to appreciate in middle age: Judaism and veganism. Having been born into a secular Jewish family, it was his marriage and an increasing commitment to social justice that propelled him to study and rediscover the essence of his Jewish faith. That sense of social justice further raised his awareness of the environmental movement, and, ultimately, to (...)
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  49. Attention and the aesthetic object.Richard W. Lind - 1980 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 39 (2):131-142.
  50.  11
    Reconceptualizing Stem Education: The Central Role of Practices.Richard Alan Duschl & Amber S. Bismack (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Reconceptualizing STEM Education_ explores and maps out research and development ideas and issues around five central practice themes: Systems Thinking; Model-Based Reasoning; Quantitative Reasoning; Equity, Epistemic, and Ethical Outcomes; and STEM Communication and Outreach. These themes are aligned with the comprehensive agenda for the reform of science and engineering education set out by the 2015 PISA Framework, the US Next Generation Science Standards and the US National Research Council’s A Framework for K-12 Science Education. The new practice-focused agenda has implications (...)
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