Results for 'Richard Krajčoviech'

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  1.  16
    Non-uniform time sharing in the concurrent execution of constraint solving.Richard Krajčoviech & Margaréta Kotočová - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 109 (1-2):161-185.
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  2. (1 other version)The Evolution of the Soul.Richard Swinburne - 1986 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This is a revised and updated version of Swinburne's controversial treatment of the eternal philosophical problem of the relation between mind and body. He argues that we can only make sense of the interaction between the mental and the physical in terms of the soul, and that there is no scientific explanation of the evolution of the soul.
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  3. The Mind-Body Problem: A Guide to the Current Debate.Richard Warner & Tadeusz Szubka (eds.) - 1994 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
  4. Hilbert's program then and now.Richard Zach - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette, Philosophy of Logic. Malden, Mass.: North Holland. pp. 411–447.
    Hilbert’s program was an ambitious and wide-ranging project in the philosophy and foundations of mathematics. In order to “dispose of the foundational questions in mathematics once and for all,” Hilbert proposed a two-pronged approach in 1921: first, classical mathematics should be formalized in axiomatic systems; second, using only restricted, “finitary” means, one should give proofs of the consistency of these axiomatic systems. Although Gödel’s incompleteness theorems show that the program as originally conceived cannot be carried out, it had many partial (...)
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    “Women’s Inhumanity Towards Women?” Treatment of Female Crime Suspects by Female Officers of the Nigerian Police.Richard Abayomi Aborisade & Similade Fortune Oni - 2020 - Criminal Justice Ethics 39 (1):54-73.
    This article presents findings from a new qualitative study of female offenders’ interactions with Nigerian policewomen. Against the position of policing literature and feminists and gender advocat...
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    Unconscious processing of multiple nonadjacent letters in visually masked words.Richard L. Abrams - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):585-601.
    The claim that visually masked, unidentifiable words are analyzed at the level of whole word meaning has been challenged by recent findings indicating that instead, analysis occurs mainly at the subword level. The present experiments examined possible limits on subword analysis. Experiment 1 obtained semantic priming from pleasant- and unpleasant-meaning subliminal words in which no individual letter contained diagnostic information about a word’s evaluative valence; thus analysis must operate on information more complex than that contained in individual letters. Experiments 2 (...)
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    The philosophy of John Norris of Bemerton: (1657-1712).Richard Acworth - 1979 - New York: G. Olms.
  8.  18
    (1 other version)Ponderings Ii–Vi: Black Notebooks 1931–1938.Richard Rojcewicz (ed.) - 2016 - Indiana University Press.
    Ponderings II–VI begins the much-anticipated English translation of Martin Heidegger's "Black Notebooks." In a limited edition binding, this series of small notebooks with black covers, Heidegger confided sundry personal observations and ideas over the course of 40 years. The five notebooks in this volume were written between 1931–1938 and thus chronicle Heidegger's year as Rector of the University of Freiburg during the Nazi era. Published in German as volume 94 of the Complete Works, these challenging and fascinating journal entries shed (...)
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    Criticism and the problem of intention.Richard Kuhns - 1960 - Journal of Philosophy 57 (1):5-23.
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    Altered vision near the hands.Richard A. Abrams, Christopher C. Davoli, Feng Du, William H. Knapp Iii & Daniel Paull - 2008 - Cognition 107 (3):1035-1047.
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    A Step Toward Truly Protecting Human Subjects: Reviewing the Review Boards.Richard R. Albrecht - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):54-55.
  12. Disability, priority, and social justice.Richard Arneson - manuscript
    Richard J. Arneson version 7/27/99 Is having a disability more like being a member of a racially stigmatized group or like lacking a talent? Both analogies might be apt. The Americans with Disabilities Act stresses the former analogy. The framing thought is that people with disabilities are objects of prejudice and prejudiced behaviors which wrongfully exclude them from participation in important social practices such as the labor market. Think for example of a blind person whose job applications are always (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Contemporary British Philosophy Personal Statements.Richard I. Aaron & Hywel David Lewis - 1956 - Allen & Unwin.
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    Feeling Sure.Richard I. Aaron - 1956 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 30 (1):1-13.
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    The true and the valid.Richard Ithamar Aaron - 1955 - New York,: Oxford University Press.
  16.  43
    Author's Response.Richard L. Abel - 2008 - Legal Ethics 11 (1):126-128.
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    Books that Shaped the Century.Richard Abel - 1999 - Logos 10 (3):133-153.
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    (1 other version)Fiction: An art form or entertainment?Richard Abel & Stephen Horvath - 2002 - Logos 13 (1):29-35.
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    Letters to the editor.Richard Abel & Thomas Shapcott - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 7 (2):159-161.
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    Marshall McLuhan revisited.Richard Abel - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 12 (1):12-19.
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    Reproduction of the species publicator codex.Richard Abel - 1990 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (1):22-26.
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    Litigation on Third Party Prescription Programs: An Update.Richard R. Abood - 1985 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 13 (2):75-81.
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    Über den zahlbegriff bei Leibniz..Richard Achsel - 1905 - Burg b.M.,: Druck von A. Hopfer. Edited by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
  24.  35
    That Same Old Line: The Doctrine of Legitimate Authority.Richard Adams - 2015 - Philosophical Forum 46 (1):71-89.
    The jus ad bellum doctrine of legitimate authority, conceived by St. Augustine and evolved by St. Thomas Aquinas, that a sovereign might identify a just cause and declare war without reference to the nation’s soldiers or citizens, continues to inform thinking about just war. Contesting this claim, the present paper reasons that without the moral confidence of the soldiers who serve, no conflict can be justified. The paper claims that soldiers have relevant and important ideas about the justice of the (...)
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  25.  32
    Nationalism and African Communal Identity in Marguerite Abouet’s and Clement Oubrerie’s Aya de Yopougon.Richard Oko Ajah - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (3):85-99.
    Nationalism has become a contested construct because scholars doubt its ideological authenticity and global migratory consciousness, which promotes transcultural / transnational identity, and problematizes its raison d’être. Though Abouet and Oubrerie’s graphic novel could be read as a portrayal of the emerging urban center and its postmodern identities, this study rather investigates how Aya de Yopougon galvanizes juvenile nationalistic consciousness through age-long African communal identity. Using the postcolonial theory, the paper argues that the epistemology of nationalism, as a forerunner of (...)
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  26.  10
    „… daß Sie Ihre Tätigkeit einstellen müssen”︁: Die Entlassung Sergej Tschachotins aus dem Heidelberger Kaiser‐Wilhelm‐Institut 1933.Richard Albrecht - 1987 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 10 (2):105-112.
    Abstract“…that you must have to stop working here.” How Sergej Chakhotin was forced to leave the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at Heidelberg in 1933. ‐ In this essay the author presents some basically unpublished material according to the dismissal of the Russian natural scientist Sergej Chakhotin, a former assistant of I. P. Pavlov. Chakhotin, who got a sholarship granted by an American institution, worked since 1930 at the newly established Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at Heidelberg, as a scientist. Moreover, he practically engaged (...)
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    Philosophy and Rhetoric: A Critical Discussion.Richard M. Zaner - 1968 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 1 (2):61 - 77.
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  28. Action, conduct, and self-control.Richard J. Bernstein - 1965 - In Perspectives on Peirce. New Haven,: Yale University Press. pp. 66--91.
  29. The State as a Firm.Richard D. Auster & Morris Silver - 1981 - Ethics 91 (2):338-339.
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  30. Subjective logic: Logic as rational belief dynamics.Richard Johns - manuscript
    What I’m calling “Subjective Logic” is a new approach to logic. Fundamentally it is a theory about what sentences mean, i.e. a theory of the proposition, but it includes an account of logical consequence, the propositional connectives, probability, and the nature of truth.
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    An unrecorded Jean crespin imprint.Richard Kornicki - 1986 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 48 (1):121-123.
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  32. Anschauen und Denken. Kritische Bemerkungen zu Rickerts heterothetischem Denkprinzip.Richard Kroner - 1924 - Rivista di Filosofia 13:90.
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  33. Gedanken betreffend die abstrakte Malerei.Richard Kroner - 1964 - Archiv für Philosophie 12 (3/4):328.
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    What Is Really Real?Richard Kroner - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (3):351 - 362.
    This distinction between something that is really real and something that is seemingly real is of great moment. It cannot be dismissed, even though the Platonic scheme in its historical form might be abandoned. There are degrees of reality in the contents of our experience. Fleeting impressions or emotions are less real than the eternal nature of things. Errors, falsities, illusions and deceptions are less real than truth. And yet it cannot be denied that the fleeting impressions and emotions, that (...)
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  35. Literature and Philosophy.Richard Kuhns - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (4):488-489.
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  36. Rule and case.Richard Kuhns - 1964 - In Sidney Hook, Law and philosophy. [New York]: New York University Press.
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    Functions of the Derrida Archive: philosophical receptions.Richard J. Lane - 2003 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
    " The Derrida Archive is divided into Critical and Supporting Receptions. This is an analysis of the Functions that the monograph finds working.
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    Understanding humans: serendipity and anthropology‖.Richard Leakey - 2010 - In Mark de Rond & Iain Morley, Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22--27.
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    (1 other version)What Bernard Lonergan Learned from Susanne K. Langer.Richard M. Liddy - 1995 - Lonergan Workshop: Language of the Heart: Lonergan, Images, and Feelings 11:53-90.
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    What philosophy does.Richard Charles Lindley - 1978 - London: Open Books. Edited by Roger Fellows & Graham Macdonald.
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  41. Idealistische Sozialkritik und deutscher Weltberuf.Richard Pippert - 1969 - Basel,: Beltz.
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  42. Condorcet's Epistemology and His Politics.Richard H. Popkin - 1989 - In Marcelo Dascal, Ora Gruengard, Jean-Louis Labarrière, Jean Hampton, Don Herzog, Sergio Cremaschi, Richard H. Popkin, Stephen Holmes, Myriam Bienenstock, Robert Paul Wolff, John Elster, Gideon Freudenthal, Alastair Hannay, James E. Bohman, Harry Redner & Istvàn M. Fehér, Knowledge and Politics: Case Studies in the Relationship Between Epistemology and Political Philosophy. Edited by Marcelo Dascal & Ora Gruengardand. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. pp. 111.
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    The high road to Pyrrhonism.Richard Henry Popkin - 1980 - Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. Edited by Richard A. Watson & James E. Force.
    In this sequel to his classic study The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Descartes, Popkin examines the important role played by the revival and reformulation of classical scepticism in eighteenth-century philosophy.
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  44. Is Law an Autonomous Discipline? The Response of Conventionalism.Richard A. Posner - 1987 - Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.
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  45. Secondary Smoke Surrounds the Capital Punishment Debate.C. Richard - 1994 - Criminal Justice Ethics 13 (1).
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    Hydrilla, a new noxious aquatic weed in California.Richard R. Yeo, W. B. McHenry, Howard Ferris, Michael V. McKenry, Robert M. Boardman, Sherman V. Thomson, Milton N. Schroth, William J. Moller, Wilbur O. Reil & James A. Beutel - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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    Sex, Emancipation, and Aesthetics: Ars Erotica and the Cage of Eurocentric Modernity.Richard Shusterman - 2021 - Foucault Studies 31 (1):44-60.
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    BioEssays 8/2020.Richard Gawne, Kenneth Z. McKenna & Michael Levin - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (8):2070081.
    Graphical AbstractThe exquisite morphology of a complex body results from the sum of competitive and cooperative interactions among its subsystems. More details can be found in article number 1900245 by Richard Gawne et al. The cover image shows immunohistochemical staining (in red) of the head of a tadpole of Xenopus laevis, showing the brain, nostrils, and peripheral innervation.
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    The Beginnings of Philosophy in Greece.Richard Gotshalk - 2000 - Upa.
    Philosophy arose in Greece in a three-fold birth, first in 6th century Ionia, then in 6th century south Italy, and finally in 5th century Athens. This triple-birth, together with the character and differences of these three beginnings, becomes intelligible when the historical background and matrix involved are recalled. Richard Gotshalk begins this work with an extended sketch of that background, emphasizing the emergence of poetry as a truth-revealer beyond myth and the role of Homer and Hesiod in shaping by (...)
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    The wisest essay I ever read.Richard E. Creel - 2007 - Think 5 (15):15-22.
    Richard Creel shares a practical gem of wisdom he discovered in the work of Hegel.
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