Results for 'Ricardo Dip'

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  1.  11
    Propedêutica jurídica: uma perspectiva jusnaturalista.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha & Ricardo Dip - 2001 - Campinas, SP, Brasil: Millennium Editora. Edited by Ricardo Dip.
    Repisando a trilha clássica de aproximação ao Direito, o livro repropõe o método realista para pensar o Direito. Um estar de novo do pensamento jurídico tradicional, com sua persistente atualidade, está a exigir que se retome e guarde a analogia do termo Direito e a conclusão de que, antes de mais, sendo o Direito uma coisa, a 'coisa justa', seus demais possíveis conceitos são somente analogados secundários que, por importantes se estimem, demandam sempre referência subalterna àquele prius significativo - antes (...)
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    Can compliance restart integrity? Toward a harmonized approach. The example of the audit committee.Reyes Calderón, Ricardo Piñero & Dulce M. Redín - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (2):195-206.
    The compliance-based approach and the integrity approach have been the mainstream responses to corporate scandals. This paper proposes that, despite each approach comprising necessary elements, neither offers a comprehensive solution. Compliance and integrity, far from being mutually exclusive, reinforce each other. Working together, in a correct relationship, they build a harmonized system that yields positive synergies and which also advocates prudence. It enables the generation of a culture of compliance that tends to minimize the technical and ethical errors in decision (...)
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    Health Departments and PrEP: A Missed Opportunity for Public Health.Carri Comer & Ricardo Fernández - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (S1):64-68.
    The paper identifies common barriers and challenges to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake and offers considerations for state and local public health departments to address barriers and retool infrastructure to increase access to PrEP to new users. Authors identify synergistic opportunities with federal agencies and funders to advance PrEP-related HIV prevention efforts, that prioritize strategies and investments to provide PrEP to people who could benefit from the intervention but are unaware of PrEP or struggle to access it. Barriers discussed and examined (...)
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    The Role of Surface Similarity in Analogical Retrieval: Bridging the Gap Between the Naturalistic and the Experimental Traditions.Máximo Trench & Ricardo A. Minervino - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (6):1292-1319.
    Blanchette and Dunbar have claimed that when participants are allowed to draw on their own source analogs in the service of analogical argumentation, retrieval is less constrained by surface similarity than traditional experiments suggest. In two studies, we adapted this production paradigm to control for the potentially distorting effects of analogy fabrication and uneven availability of close and distant sources in memory. Experiment 1 assessed whether participants were reminded of central episodes from popular movies while generating analogies for superficially similar (...)
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  5.  14
    Introduction to Information Ethics from a Marxian Perspective.Marco Schneider & Ricardo M. Pimenta - 2017 - International Review of Information Ethics 26.
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  6. part 5. Bioethics and health justice. Research ethics.Udo Schüklenk & Ricardo Smalling - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows, The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
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    Is there a geometric module for spatial orientation? Insights from a rodent navigation model.Denis Sheynikhovich, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Thomas Strösslin, Angelo Arleo & Wulfram Gerstner - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (3):540-566.
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    Abduction in economics: a conceptual framework and its model.Fernando Tohmé & Ricardo Crespo - 2013 - Synthese 190 (18):4215-4237.
    We discuss in this paper the scope of abduction in Economics. The literature on this type of inference shows that it can be interpreted in different ways, according to the role and nature of its outcome. We present a formal model that allows to capture these various meanings in different economic contexts.
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    Queer Patients and the Health Care Professional—Regulatory Arrangements Matter.Udo Schuklenk & Ricardo Smalling - 2013 - Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (2):93-99.
    This paper discusses a number of critical ethical problems that arise in interactions between queer patients and health care professionals attending them. Using real-world examples, we discuss the very practical problems queer patients often face in the clinic. Health care professionals face conflicts in societies that criminalise same sex relationships. We also analyse the question of what ought to be done to confront health care professionals who propagate falsehoods about homosexuality in the public domain. These health care professionals are more (...)
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  10.  30
    The School Climate and Academic Mindset Inventory (SCAMI): Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Invariance Across Demographic Groups.Christopher A. Kearney, Ricardo Sanmartín & Carolina Gonzálvez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    School climate is a multidimensional construct of the quality of a student’s academic environment, often subsuming dimensions such as safety, instructional practices, social relationships, school facilities, and school connectedness. Positive school climate has beneficial effects on a wide range of adjustment variables in youth, including academic achievement, mental health, school attendance and graduation, and school-based behavior. Studies regarding school climate assessment have burgeoned in recent years but remain marked by limited sample sizes, narrow developmental levels, restricted items, unclear psychometric strength (...)
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  11.  12
    A dialogue between East and West: looking to a human revolution.Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner - 2008 - New York: I.B. Tauris. Edited by Daisaku Ikeda.
    How far do cultures affect the future of the planet? Can the debate on the environment and global warming be influenced by the cultures of East and West understanding each other better? In this consistently provocative dialogue, two of the most influential thinkers of recent times propose that only a 'human revolution' - a shift in the hearts and minds of individuals - can stimulate a revolution in humanity's relationship with the planet. Such a planetary revolution first requires a transformation (...)
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  12. The Chesterton Review en Español.Ricardo M. de la Torre - 2008 - The Chesterton Review En Español 2 (1):273-275.
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  13.  8
    El historiador en su gabinete: el juicio histórico y la filosofía de la historia.Ricardo Gutiérrez Aguilar - 2013 - Madrid: Plaza y Valdés.
  14.  9
    The philosophy of Kant.Ricardo Gutiérrez Aguilar (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    Illustrations and examples have always been deemed rare in the otherwise abundant materials Kant sent to be printed. In this sense, tradition has made out of the Königsbergs philosopher a rather arid writer. He himself advocated for the perks of a proper scholastic method in presenting arguments. It is thus a common place among scholars that Herr Professor valued discursive clarity over any whimsical rhetorical garments the popular thinker could have been tempted to wield in defense of his surely more (...)
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    Portrait of the Old Country.Rowan Ricardo Phillips - 2007 - CLR James Journal 13 (1):11-12.
  16.  38
    Abstract Valuation Semantics.Carlos Caleiro & Ricardo Gonçalves - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (4):677-712.
    We define and study abstract valuation semantics for logics, an algebraically well-behaved version of valuation semantics. Then, in the context of the behavioral approach to the algebraization of logics, we show, by means of meaningful bridge theorems and application examples, that abstract valuations are suited to play a role similar to the one played by logical matrices in the traditional approach to algebraization.
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    Pandemia e política: de volta à ontologia pela linguagem e pelo diálogo. Aproximações entre Giorgio Agamben e Martin Buber.Ricardo Calderaro Rocha - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e54.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as implicações críticas da imunização biopolítica da vida humana a partir das reflexões de Roberto Esposito, problematizando a seguinte questão: em tempos de pandemia viral e, consequentemente, de Estados emergenciais, de que maneira o paradigma imunitário atua sobre a vida humana? A hipótese que gostaríamos de desenvolver parte do relevo de que, em crises agudas, o paradigma imunitário é tensionado ao seu limite, convergindo para a produção de Estados de emergência segundo os quais (...)
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  18. Reconstructing subjectivity.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  19. Reconstructing subjectivity.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  20. Unsettling complacency.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    La tecnología y la defensa.Ricardo Torrón Durán - 2000 - Arbor 165 (651):509-517.
    Desde los albores de la Historia (el Neolítico) ha existido siempre una estrecha relación entre la Tecnología y la Defensa, Esta relación presenta aspectos de gran interés en la primera y segunda Revolución Industrial. Hoy día, introducida ya la 3ª Revolución Industrial o Era de los Sistemas, el uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías (y principalmente las referentes a la Información/Comunicación) hacen a la sociedad más vulnerable. La Ingeniería Militar no debe ser ajena al planteamiento y solución de este problema.
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    ¿Fenomenología del sur?Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:7-15.
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    Digital video as research practice: Methodology for the millennium.Wesley Shrum, Ricardo Duque & Timothy Brown - 2005 - Journal of Research Practice 1 (1):Article M4.
    This essay has its origin in a project on the globalization of science that rediscovered the wisdom of past research practices through the technology of the future. The main argument of this essay is that a convergence of digital video technologies with practices of social surveillance portends a methodological shift towards a new variety of qualitative methodology. Digital video is changing the way that students of the social world practice their craft, offering not just new ways of presenting but new (...)
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  24.  24
    Translating psoriasis treatment guidelines into clinical practice – the need for educational interventions and strategies for broad dissemination.Alexander Nast, Ricardo Erdmann, Delano Pathirana & Berthold Rzany - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):803-806.
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    Darwin and Inheritance: The Influence of Prosper Lucas.Ricardo Noguera-Solano & Rosaura Ruiz-Gutiérrez - 2009 - Journal of the History of Biology 42 (4):685-714.
    An important historical relation that has hardly been addressed is the influence of Prosper Lucas's Treatise on Natural Inheritance on the development of Charles Darwin's concepts related to inheritance. In this article we trace this historical connection. Darwin read Lucas's Treatise in 1856. His reading coincided with many changes concerning his prior ideas on the transmission and expression of characters. We consider that this reading led him to propose a group of principles regarding prepotency, hereditary diseases, morbid tendencies and atavism; (...)
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  26.  18
    Walter Benjamin’s Concept of History and the plague of post-truth.Marco Schneider & Ricardo M. Pimenta - 2017 - International Review of Information Ethics 26.
    Tomas Aquinas defined truth as the correspondence between things and understanding. Castro Alves paints the horror of the slave nautical traffic. In his essay On the Concept of History, Walter Benjamin reminds us: “The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the ‘emergency situation’ in which we live is the rule.” This ‘emergency situation’ was Fascism. Albert Camus defended his romance La Peste against the accusation of Roland Barthes that is was “dehors de l’histoire”, pointing out that it was not (...)
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  27. Reason as a heterogenous tool: The case of notice to refugees.Jose Ricardo Souza Rodrigues - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (120):437-448.
  28.  16
    Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity.Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book engages with the writings of W.G. Sebald, mediated by perspectives drawn from curriculum and architecture, to explore the theme of unsettling complacency and confront difficult knowledge around trauma, discrimination and destruction. Moving beyond overly instrumentalist and reductive approaches, the authors combine disciplines in a scholarly fashion to encourage readers to stretch their understandings of currere. The chapters exemplify important, timely and complicated conversations centred on ethical response and responsibility, in order to imagine a more just and aesthetically experienced (...)
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    The seven degrees of activity of the human soul in Saint Augustine’s "de Quantitate Animae".Sérgio Ricardo Strefling - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (3):179-200.
    A alma é, sem dúvida, um dos problemas que mais interessou a Santo Agostinho; ele a define como uma substância partícipe da razão adequada ao governo de um corpo. A alma não tem quantidade corporal, contudo, é uma coisa grande. Este estudo pretende refletir sobre os sete graus de atividade da alma, os quais o autor apresenta na sua obra De quantitate animae. São eles: a animação, a sensação, a arte, a virtude, a tranquilidade, o ingresso e a contemplação. The (...)
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    Prolegômenos dostoievskianos para uma reaproximação entre a polifonia de Mikhail Bakhtin e a dialética.Flávio Ricardo Vassoler - 2011 - Bakhtiniana 6 (1):59-78.
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    A novel algebraic structure of the genetic code over the galois field of four DNA bases.Robersy Sánchez & Ricardo Grau - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (1):27-42.
    A novel algebraic structure of the genetic code is proposed. Here, the principal partitions of the genetic code table were obtained as equivalent classes of quotient spaces of the genetic code vector space over the Galois field of the four DNA bases. The new algebraic structure shows strong connections among algebraic relationships, codon assignment and physicochemical properties of amino acids. Moreover, a distance function defined between the codon binary representations in the vector space was demonstrated to have a linear behavior (...)
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  32.  28
    Prof. Ricardo Yepes (Subdirector del Instituto de Ciencias para la Familia), Leonardo Polo. Su vida y escritos.Ricardo Yepes - 2006 - Studia Poliana:15-21.
    Este trabajo describe la vida y escritos de L. Polo hasta 1996. A los 25 años descubrió su método de pensamiento: el abandono del limite mental. Vivió en Madrid, Roma, Granada y Pamplona. Amante de la verdad y de la libertad personal. Entre sus obras más profundas se encuentran las que componen su Curso de teoría del conocimiento y su Antropología trascendental.
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    Kierkegaard con Barthes: eros o la escritura “imposible”.Patricia Dip - 2024 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 43 (1).
    El objetivo de este artículo es doble. Por un lado, poner en evidencia que la última etapa del pensamiento de Barthes puede ser entendida como la búsqueda de una “ética de la escritura”, cuyo modelo Kierkegaard representa, como el propio Barthes intuye en la Lección inaugural de la Cátedra de Semiología literaria del Collège de France dictada en 1977, en la que se refiere al autor danés como paradigma de la ruptura de la estructura alienante de la lengua. Por otro (...)
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  34. La crisis de los valores cristianos en el siglo XIX: Kierkegaard y Nietzsche.Patricia Carina Dip - 2002 - Universitas Philosophica 38:191-204.
  35.  24
    La paradoja del juicio de responsabilidad moral en Temor y Temblor.Patricia C. Dip - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 28 (1):172-195.
    The main purpose of this article consists in discussing the idea of moral responsibility in Abraham’s case as it is put forward in Fear and Trembling. With this idea in mind, the notion of ethical heteronomy that the author defends is opposed to kantian ethical autonomy. From this viewpoint, religious sacrifice not only cannot but also must not be ethically justified. The discussion is developed considering Kierkegaard’s ideas from the perspective of different contemporary ethical theories.
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    (1 other version)To Preface the Response to the'Criticisms' of Ricardo Nirenberg and David Nirenberg Reply.Ricardo L. Nirenberg & David Nirenberg - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (2):381-387.
  37.  38
    Becoming a Fraternal Organization: Insights from the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti.Ricardo Zózimo, Miguel Pina E. Cunha & Arménio Rego - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):383-399.
    We uncover fundamental dimensions of the process through which organizations embed the practice of fraternity through embarking on an organizational journey in the direction of the common good. Building on the latest encyclical of Pope Francis, _Fratelli Tutti_, about fraternal and social friendship, we offer insight into the understanding of what it means to become a fraternal organization and reflect on the key ethical and paradoxical challenges for organizations aiming at collectively contributing to the common good. We add to previous (...)
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  38.  81
    God and cosmos in stoicism.Ricardo Salles (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a collective study, in nine new essays, of the close connection between theology and cosmology in Stoic philosophy.
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  39.  26
    Valeur d’usage et signifiant : notes pour une théorie unifiée.Ricardo Abduca - 2018 - Actuel Marx 64 (2):146-161.
    Cet article explore un parallèle entre deux innovations fondatrices des épistémès contemporaines, celles de Marx et de Saussure, en constatant l’isomorphisme entre les concepts de valeur d’usage et de signifiant. Après un rapide repérage de l’emploi du terme « valeur d’usage » dans la tradition marxiste, on examine la valeur d’usage comme corps, plutôt que comme besoin ou fonction utile. En considérant le concept de valeur d’usage au prisme de celui de signifiant, on met à preuve les questions de l’arbitraire, (...)
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  40.  18
    La paradoja del análisis conceptual del cristianismo en El concepto de la angustia.Patricia Carina Dip - 2005 - Enfoques 17 (2):123-148.
    This article is devoted to analyze the kierkegaardian concept of original Sin with the main purpose of highlighting that, even though Kierkegaard uses some resources “analogous” to analytical philosophy, the results are not connected with this tradition of thought. Existential concepts are presen..
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  41.  11
    La religión bajo sospecha: Freud y Gramsci.Patricia Carina Dip - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:43-60.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar dos modelos complementarios de laicización de la cultura formulados a principios del siglo XX a partir de la confrontación con el paradigma religioso, a saber: el psicoanálisis freudiano y el socialismo del joven Gramsci. La hipótesis que conduce el análisis es la siguiente: la comprensión gramsciana del problema de la cultura introduce la dimensión política desconocida en los escritos antropológicos de Freud. Es la introducción de esta dimensión la que explica que Gramsci no (...)
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  42.  18
    The Real and the Human Imbricated… Žižek and Zubiri vs. Miller.Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - 2023 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 70:83-103.
    This article reflects on how the issue of the Real allows us to rethink the human of today in a more complete and up-to-date way. And for this purpose, two apparently dissimilar perspectives of understanding the Real are discussed: that of the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, which is rooted in Lacan’s psychoanalysis, and that of the Spanish philosopher Xavier Zubiri, which is born from a deep critical dialogue with Heidegger’s ontology. This paper will show the unity of two visions of (...)
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  43.  5
    Angustia y existencia: la psicología de Kierkegaard según Rollo May.Patricia C. Dip - 2023 - Universitas Philosophica 40 (81).
    En el primer estudio sistemático sobre la psicología de Kierkegaard, Kierkegaard´s Psychology (1972), escrito en danés por Kresten Nordentoft, el autor considera que el primer intento de presentar las teorías psicológicas de Kierkegaard fue realizado por Rollo May en The Meaning of Anxiety (1950). Además de esta obra, en 1958, junto con Ernest Angel y Henri Ellenberguer, May edita Existence. A new dimension in Psychiatry and Psychology. El objetivo de este artículo consiste en describir el modo en que May concibe (...)
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    Metalinguistic effects.Ricardo Mena - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (2):545-565.
    We can communicate linguistic information by asserting sentences that are not explicitly about linguistic matters. Stalnaker offers a pragmatic account of this phenomenon. It is not clear that such an account is correct. In this article I offer an alternative account that does not rely on pragmatic mechanisms and which captures many of the insights in Stalnaker's theory of linguistic communication. The view is inspired by Barker's semantics of vague adjectives.
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    Against the accommodation of subjective healthcare provider beliefs in medicine: counteracting supporters of conscientious objector accommodation arguments.Ricardo Smalling & Udo Schuklenk - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):253-256.
    We respond in this paper to various counter arguments advanced against our stance on conscientious objection accommodation. Contra Maclure and Dumont, we show that it is impossible to develop reliable tests for conscientious objectors' claims with regard to the reasonableness of the ideological basis of their convictions, and, indeed, with regard to whether they actually hold they views they claim to hold. We demonstrate furthermore that, within the Canadian legal context, the refusal to accommodate conscientious objectors would not constitute undue (...)
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  46. La persona como fuente de autenticidad.Ricardo Yepes - 1997 - Acta Philosophica 6 (1):83-100.
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    Quod erat demonstrandum: Understanding and Explaining Equations in Physics Teacher Education.Ricardo Karam - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (5-6):661-698.
    In physics education, equations are commonly seen as calculation tools to solve problems or as concise descriptions of experimental regularities. In physical science, however, equations often play a much more important role associated with the formulation of theories to provide explanations for physical phenomena. In order to overcome this inconsistency, one crucial step is to improve physics teacher education. In this work, we describe the structure of a course that was given to physics teacher students at the end of their (...)
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  48. ᾽Εκπύρωσις and the Goodness of God in Cleanthes.Ricardo Salles - 2005 - Phronesis 50 (1):56 - 78.
    The ἐκπύρωσις, or world's conflagration, followed by the restoration of an identical world seems to go against the rationality of the Stoic god. The aim of this paper is to show that Cleanthes, the second head of the School, can avoid this paradox. According to Cleanthes, the conflagration is an inevitable side-effect of the necessary means used by god to sustain the world. Given that this side-effect is contrary to god's sustaining activity, but unavoidable, god's rationality requires the restoration of (...)
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    Encounters with Nineteenth-Century Continental Philosophy: Discussions and Debates.Jon Stewart & Patricia Carina Dip (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: BRILL.
    The nineteenth century was a dynamic time of philosophical development. This volume explores the rich tradition of nineteenth-century Continental philosophy, highlighting the importance of this tradition for the leading streams of thought of the twentieth and twenty-first century.
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  50. New theories of discursive democracy: A user's guide.Ricardo Blaug - 1996 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 22 (1):49-80.
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