Results for 'Renate Schröder-Werle'

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  1.  9
    Helmut Schneider, Renate Schröder-Werle (Hg.): Leib und Seele. Identität und Differenz.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (2):140-152.
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  2. Ereignisorte des Politischen.Wöhrer Renate, Bartl Angelika, Hinterwaldner Inge, Schröder Jan Konrad, Baer Susanne & Wetzel Michael - 2017 - De Gruyter.
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    Bücherschau: Wiedergelesen / Rezension / Ausstellungsbesprechung.Renate Wöhrer, Angelika Bartl, Inge Hinterwaldner, Jan Konrad Schröder, Susanne Baer & Michael Wetzel - 2017 - In Wöhrer Renate, Bartl Angelika, Hinterwaldner Inge, Schröder Jan Konrad, Baer Susanne & Wetzel Michael (eds.), Ereignisorte des Politischen. De Gruyter. pp. 94-102.
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    Leib und Seele: Identitat und Differenz.Helmut Schneider & Renate Schröder-Werle (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Die Publikation bietet einen geschichtlichen Überblick über die Auseinandersetzung bedeutender Philosophen mit dem ältesten Problem der Philosophie: dem Leib-Seele-Problem. Wenn auch philosophischen Ursprungs, reflektieren die ausgewählten Philosophen die Bezüge zu theologischen, psychologischen, psychosomatischen, naturwissenschaftlichen und medizinischen Dimensionen dieses Problems. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die Herausarbeitung aller Aspekte des Leib-Seele-Problems. So beschäftigen sich die Herausgeber dieses Bandes mit den Fragen, ob Leib und Seele wirklich verschieden oder identisch sind, wie sie aufeinander einwirken und ob die Seele nach dem Tod weiter bestehen (...)
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    Isolde Schröder, Die westfränkischen Synoden von 888 bis 987 und ihre Überlieferung. Munich: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, 1980. Pp. liv, 413. DM 65. [REVIEW]Uta-Renate Blumenthal - 1982 - Speculum 57 (4):973.
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    Viertler, Renate Brigitte: Os fundamentos da teoria antropológica alemã. Etnologia e antropologia em países de língua alemã: 1700–1950. São Paulo: Annablume, 2018. 316 pp. ISBN 978-​85-​391-​0897-​8. Preço: R$ 70,00. [REVIEW]Peter Schröder - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):282-284.
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  7. Renate Bartsch. Adverbialsemantik. Die Konstitution logischsemantischer Repräsentationen von Adverbialkonstruktionen.Ewald Lang & Renate Steinitz - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14:137-151.
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  8. How to Frame a Mathematician.Bernhard Schröder, Martin Schmitt, Deniz Sarikaya & Bernhard Fisseni - 2019 - In Stefania Centrone, Deborah Kant & Deniz Sarikaya (eds.), Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts. Springer Verlag.
    Frames are a concept in knowledge representation that explains how the receiver, using background information, completes the information conveyed by the sender. This concept is used in different disciplines, most notably in cognitive linguistics and artificial intelligence. This paper argues that frames can serve as the basis for describing mathematical proofs. The usefulness of the concept is illustrated by giving a partial formalisation of proof frames, specifically focusing on induction proofs, and relevant parts of the mathematical theory within which the (...)
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    Emergence: Non-deducibility or downwards causation?Jurgen Schroder - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (193):433-52.
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  10. Mechanisms in the analysis of social macro-phenomena.Renate Mayntz - 2004 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (2):237-259.
    mechanism" is frequently encountered in the social science literature, but there is considerable confusion about the exact meaning of the term. The article begins by addressing the main conceptual issues. Use of this term is the hallmark of an approach that is critical of the explanatory deficits of correlational analysis and of the covering-law model, advocating instead the causal reconstruction of the processes that account for given macro-phenomena. The term "social mechanisms" should be used to refer to recurrent processes generating (...)
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    How to frame innovation in mathematics.Bernhard Schröder, Deniz Sarikaya & Bernhard Fisseni - 2023 - Synthese 202 (4):1-31.
    We discuss conceptual change and progress within mathematics, in particular how tools, structural concepts and representations are transferred between fields that appear to be unconnected or remote from each other. The theoretical background is provided by the frame concept, which is used in linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence to model how explicitly given information is combined with expectations deriving from background knowledge. In mathematical proofs, we distinguish two kinds of frames, namely structural frames and ontological frames. The interaction between (...)
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  12. Surrogacy in Australia: New Legal Developments.Renate Klein - 2011 - Bioethics Research Notes 23 (2):23.
    Klein, Renate The practice of surrogacy in Australia has been controversial since its beginning in the late 1980s. In 1988, the famous 'Kirkman case' in the state of Victoria put surrogacy on the national map. This was a two-sisters surrogacy - Linda and Maggie Kirkman and the resulting baby Alice - in which power differences between the two women were extraordinarily stark: Maggie was the glamorous and well spoken woman of the world; Linda who carried the baby, was the (...)
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  13.  21
    Dynamic Conceptual Semantics: A Logico-Philosophical Investigation into Concept Formation and Understanding.Renate Bartsch - 1998 - Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications.
    Presented in this book is a theory of concept formation and understanding that does not make use of a notion of an innate mental language as a means of concept representation. Instead, experimental concepts are treated semantically as stabilising structuring of growing sets of data, which are sets of experienced satisfaction situations for expressions, and theoretical concepts are based on coherent sets of general sentences held true. There are two kinds of structures to be established: general concepts by means of (...)
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  14. Knowledge of Rules, Causal Systematicity, and the Language of Thought.Jürgen Schröder - 1998 - Synthese 117 (3):313 - 330.
    Martin Davies' criterion for the knowledge of implicit rules, viz. the causal systematicity of cognitive processes, is first exposed. Then the inference from causal systematicity of a process to syntactic properties of the input states is examined. It is argued that Davies' notion of a syntactic property is too weak to bear the conclusion that causal systematicity implies a language of thought as far as the input states are concerned. Next, it is shown that Davies' criterion leads to a counterintuitive (...)
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    The ethics of COVID-19 tracking apps – challenges and voluntariness.Renate Klar & Dirk Lanzerath - 2020 - Research Ethics 16 (3-4):1-9.
    As COVID-19 continues to spread, a variety of COVID-19 tracking apps (CTAs) have been introduced to help contain the pandemic. Deployment of this technology poses serious challenges of effectiveness, technological problems and risks to privacy and equity. The ethical use of CTAs depends heavily on the protection of voluntariness. Voluntary use of CTAs implies not only the absence of a legal obligation to employ the app but also the absence of more subtle forms of coercion such as enforced exclusion from (...)
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    Science and Environmental Health. Case of Radon Radiation.Renat Apkin - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (4):37-42.
    This paper offers a contribution to ecophilosophy from the perspective of the scientific research of the environment. The problem considered in the paper deals with a specific issue of environmental risk, namely, the problem of radon ionizing radiation and the highest permissible security norms of it. This problem, now rarely discussed in ecological communities, is one of more important for humankind’s health and safe existence. The awareness of harmful and beneficial biological effects of various environmental factors is a basic step (...)
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    Subjektivität und Selbsttranszendenz: unterwegs zu einem neuen Idealismus.Renate Breuninger & Peter L. Oesterreich (eds.) - 2020 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Sozialwissenschaftliches Erklären: Probleme der Theoriebildung und Methodologie.Renate Mayntz - 2009 - Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
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    Zeit, Geschichte, Ewigkeit in Franz Rosenzweigs Stern der Erlösung.Renate Schindler - 2007 - Berlin: Parerga.
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    Jedność przyrody, rzeczywistość czy iluzja.Józef Werle - 1992 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Os agentes da instrução pública.Flávia Obino Corrêa Werle - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):77-81.
    Discute a instrução pública a partir de seus agentes e os processos formativos de seleção, instrução, contratação, especialização e diferenciação que ao longo do tempo constituíram o professor contribuindo para a formação do cidadão e institucionalização da educação no Rio Grande do Sul.
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  22. Razão e Democracia — Uso Público da Razão e Política Deliberativa em Habermas.Denilson Luis Werle - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1).
    O objetivo do artigo é examinar como Habermas, orientado pela intuição normativado uso público da razão, reconstrói uma concepção procedimental de democracia deliberativa, que, sem desconsiderar da dimensão estratégica e instrumental da esfera pública e da política, reformula a dimensão epistêmica da democracia: a aceitabilidade racional dos acordos políticos. Inicialmente, apresento brevemente a análise sociológica e histórica do conceito de esfera pública crítica, realizada em Mudança Estrutural da Esfera Pública (1962), para, em seguida, expor duas linhas de argumentação sobre o (...)
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    The Theater in Hegel: Reflexivity, Understanding and Historicity.Marco Aurelio Werle - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 46:153-163.
    El artículo examina la concepción hegeliana del arte moderno a la luz de las consideraciones sobre el teatro en las Lecciones de estética. Dicha concepción se modifica respecto a la época clásica y la antigüedad con la irrupción del principio de la subjetividad en el arte. Se descubren así las dimensiones histórica, reflexiva y comprensiva del arte que anticipan una hermenéutica del arte bajo la consigna de un “arte para nosotros”: un arte que deja de estar anclado en las representaciones (...)
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    Franz Brentano und die Zukunft der Philosophie: Studien zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Wissenschaftssystematik im 19. Jahrhundert.Josef M. Werle - 1989 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
    Studien zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Wissenschaftssystematik im 19. Jahrhundert Josef M. Werle. Drittes Kapitel Argumente zugunsten der Zukunft der Philosophie II: Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche und wissenschaftssystematische ...
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    Johann Georg Hamann und Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi.Renate Knoll - 1963 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    Standards and standards organizations in the international free trade regime.Raymund Werle - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (3):127-140.
  27.  12
    The 1980 Polish Strike and the Strike Cycles in the 1970s.Renate Damus - 1981 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1981 (47):104-110.
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    Building common ground in global teamwork through re-representation.Renate Fruchter & Rodolphe Courtier - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (3):233-245.
    We explore in this paper the relation between activities, communication channels and media, and common ground building in global teams. We define re-representation as a sequence of representations of the same concept using different communication channels and media. We identified the re - representation technique to build common ground that is used by team members during multimodal and multimedia communicative events in cross-disciplinary, geographically distributed settings. Our hypotheses are as follows: (1) Significant sources of information behind decisions and request for (...)
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    Reden von G'tt und das Erste Testament.Renate Jost - 2009 - In Stefan Gehrig, Stefan Seiler & Helmut Utzschneider (eds.), Gottes Wahrnehmungen: Helmut Utzschneider zum 60. Geburtstag. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. pp. 66.
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  30. „Verkehrte Welt.Renate Lachmann - 2001 - In H. Gründer (ed.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Schwabe. pp. 11.
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    Interpretation und Willkür in feministischtheologischer Literatur.Renate Laut - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 43 (4):360-364.
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    Staat und Gewissen im technischen Zeitalter: Prolegomena einer politologischen Aufklärung.Renate Martinsen - 2004 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
    Gegenstand dieser politikwissenschaftlichen Arbeit ist weder die >Textur des Gewissens von Politikern, noch das sozialöffentliche Gewissen, also die Untersuchung von Wohlfahrts-sytemen. Es geht vielmehr um Konzeptionen des moralisch-individuellen Gewissens und der darin konturierten Beziehung zum politischen System. Zentrales Thema ist mithin die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von individueller Freiheit und politischer Ordnung. Dabei wird das semantische Feld im Kontext der Termini Gewissen, Moral und Ethik neu formuliert. Mittels einer Analyse der Gewissensdiskurse in der Frühmoderne sowie in der Spätmoderne läßt sich (...)
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    Tense across Languages.Renate Musan & Monika Rathert (eds.) - 2011 - Niemeyer.
    "This book addresses recent developments in the study of tense from a cross-paradigm and cross-linguistic point of view. Leading international scholars explore challenging ideas about tense at the interfaces between semantics and syntax as well as syntax and morphology. The book is divided into three main subsections: 1) Tense in tenseless languages; 2) Tense, mood, and modality, and 3) Descriptive approaches to some tense phenonema. Although time is a universal dimension of the human experience, some languages encode reference to time (...)
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    Automatic Approach Tendencies toward High and Low Caloric Food in Restrained Eaters: Influence of Task-Relevance and Mood.Renate A. M. Neimeijer, Anne Roefs, Brian D. Ostafin & Peter J. de Jong - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  35. The Study of Organizations.Mayntz Renate - 1964 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 32:239-255.
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    Führt der physikalismus zu absurden konsequenzen?Jürgen Schröder - 1997 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 28 (2):385-388.
    Does Physicalism lead to absurd results? Franz von Kutschera argued in his book „Grundfragender Erkenntnistheorie” that the weakest version of physicalism, i. e. the thesis that physical facts determine all the facts there are, leads to the absurd result that events in a remote future determine the present brain states of a person. It is shown that the argument is flawed in several respects and that the absurd result is not a consequence of physicalism but of an auxiliary premiss of (...)
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  37. Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Naturphilosophie. Über ihren Sinn im Lichte der heutigen Naturerkenntnis.Renate Wahsner - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (4):738-739.
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    A Subjetividade como Fundamento da Técnica.Marco Aurélio Werle - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (1):59-70.
    Partindo de uma abordagem da conexão entre a técnica e a subjetividade no pensamento de Martin Heidegger, a partir de A questão da técnica e A época da imagem de mundo, o artigo pretende tematizar o modo como o ser humano se coloca no mundo, de acordo com a questão do ser. Para tanto, é preciso recorrer ao ensaio A origem da obra de arte, no qual se indica uma noção "produtiva" de técnica (techné) a partir do fenômeno da arte (...)
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    Do pensamento à poesia: Heidegger e Hölderlin.Marco Aurelio Werle - 1998 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 3 (2):97-112.
    O autor investiga as várias referencias de Heidegger à concepção poética de Hölderlin para mostrar como ela é decisiva para determinar o conjunto da compreensão de filosofia e de linguagem heideggerianas.
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    Heidegger E a produção técnica E artística da natureza.Marco Aurélio Werle - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (s2):95-108.
    O artigo examina como Heidegger pensa, a partir da natureza, o “produzir” técnico e artístico, tendo como referência certas noções centrais da história do pensamento, desde o registro inaugural dos termos gregos techné, poiesis e physis, e seus desdobramentos por meio da tradução latina, até seu reordenamento na metafísica da época moderna.
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    Social and societal marketing.Carolina Oc Werle - forthcoming - Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World.
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  42. Vattimo eo carácter estético da época atual.Marco Aurélio Werle - 2007 - A Parte Rei 54:23.
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    Tense, predicates, and lifetime effects.Renate Musan - 1997 - Natural Language Semantics 5 (3):271-301.
  44.  33
    Modernization and the logic of interorganizational networks.Renate Mayntz - 1993 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 6 (1):3-16.
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    Die Macht moralischer Argumente: Produktionsverlagerungen zwischen wirtschaftlichen Interessen und gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung.Martin Schröder - 2011 - Wiesbaden: VS, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Martin Schroder zeigt, wie Gewerkschaften, Betriebsrate und soziale Bewegungen Unternehmen mit moralischen Argumenten kritisieren und inwiefern dies unternehmerisches Handeln beeinflusst.
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    Teaching seven principles for public health ethics: towards a curriculum for a short course on ethics in public health programmes.Peter Schröder-Bäck, Peter Duncan, William Sherlaw, Caroline Brall & Katarzyna Czabanowska - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):73.
    Teaching ethics in public health programmes is not routine everywhere – at least not in most schools of public health in the European region. Yet empirical evidence shows that schools of public health are more and more interested in the integration of ethics in their curricula, since public health professionals often have to face difficult ethical decisions.
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    The Grammar of Adverbials: A Study in the Semantics and Syntax of Adverbial Constructions.Renate Bartsch - 1976 - North-Holland.
    Interesting observations and problems emerge as the author pursues a complete calculus of an adverbial logic. Author Bartsch establishes a total of 18 adverbial subcategories and proposes an equal number of logico-semantic basic constructions in a predicate logical notation to explain them. The logico-semantic basic constructions bring out certain aspects of adverbial semantics, insofar as they can be specified by predicate logical means. However, for a logical and linguistic analysis of adverbials to be complete, sentence semantic analysis - provided it (...)
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    On combinations of propositional dynamic logic and doxastic modal logics.Renate A. Schmidt & Dmitry Tishkovsky - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (1):109-129.
    We prove completeness and decidability results for a family of combinations of propositional dynamic logic and unimodal doxastic logics in which the modalities may interact. The kind of interactions we consider include three forms of commuting axioms, namely, axioms similar to the axiom of perfect recall and the axiom of no learning from temporal logic, and a Church–Rosser axiom. We investigate the influence of the substitution rule on the properties of these logics and propose a new semantics for the test (...)
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  49. Intention, Emotion, and Action: A Neural Theory Based on Semantic Pointers.Tobias Schröder, Terrence C. Stewart & Paul Thagard - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (5):851-880.
    We propose a unified theory of intentions as neural processes that integrate representations of states of affairs, actions, and emotional evaluation. We show how this theory provides answers to philosophical questions about the concept of intention, psychological questions about human behavior, computational questions about the relations between belief and action, and neuroscientific questions about how the brain produces actions. Our theory of intention ties together biologically plausible mechanisms for belief, planning, and motor control. The computational feasibility of these mechanisms is (...)
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  50. Ursprünge des Atheismus. Untersuchungen zur Metaphysikund Religionskritik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts.Winfried Schröder - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (1):174-175.
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