Results for 'Re Till'

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  1. Age-differences in memory for orientation and location of repeated pictures.Re Till, Jc Bartlett & Mj Sharps - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):330-330.
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  2. América, Platón y el alma del hombre bajo la democracia.Till Kinzel - 2001 - Res Publica 8:197-215.
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    Johann Georg Hamann - ein Sokrates des 18. Jahrhunderts.Till Kinzel - 2005 - Cultura 2 (2):172-183.
    Johann Georg Hamann, a contemporary of Kant and Herder, was an important German philosopher of the 18th century, whose significance, however, is not sufficiently recognized today. His cryptic and short writings full of allusions and deep scholarship do not make him an easily accessible writer. He was a sharp critic of sophistry maskerading as philosophy, thus taking over the role of Socrates for his time, connecting a defense of Christian beliefs with a radical re-interpretation of enlightenment, thereby trying to enlighten (...)
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  4. ‘The way to the head must be opened through the heart’: Enlightenment and Herzensbildung in Schiller.Till Neuhaus & Alexandre Alves - 2023 - Studia Theodisca 30:5-27.
    The following paper discusses Schiller’s interpretation of the German concept of Bildung. Bildung appears to be a central term in Germany’s culture, especially (but not limited to) the educational realm. As Bildung underwent massive transformations and has been re-interpreted multiple times throughout German history, this paper will start with a definitory exercise trying to organize the dynamics surrounding the term. Secondly, a two-fold historical context – firstly regarding the wider political and social dynamics of the time and secondly, a more (...)
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  5. Introduction: Interdisciplinary model exchanges.Till Grüne-Yanoff & Uskali Mäki - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 48:52-59.
    The five studies of this special section investigate the role of models and similar representational tools in interdisciplinarity. These studies were all written by philosophers of science, who focused on interdisciplinary episodes between disciplines and sub-disciplines ranging from physics, chemistry and biology to the computational sciences, sociology and economics. The reasons we present these divergent studies in a collective form are three. First, we want to establish model-exchange as a kind of interdisciplinary event. The five case studies, which are summarized (...)
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    Tilling as an Ecclesiological “Exercise” in advance.Michael M. Canaris - forthcoming - Philosophy and Theology.
    The essay is a response to an invitation to offer reflections on Richard Lennan’s recent book Tilling the Church for a panel at the annual gathering of the Karl Rahner Society. It situates the work within the distinctive spiritual and intellectual heritage shared by Karl Rahner, Pope Francis, and Lennan’s scholarly community and vocational home at Boston College, namely by reading it through an intentionally Ignatian lens. The review overlays the volume’s ecclesiological explorations with reference to the Spiritual Exercises and (...)
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  7. Re-Introducing The Concept of Mind.Daniel Dennett - 2002 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 7.
    _shazam!–_ the explosive generation of £100.03 of ordinary cash (minus a small quantity extracted by the bank) plus, perhaps, a few stray photons or quarks or gravity waves. He wonders: What kind of containers does the bank use to hold the anti-cash till the regular cash arrives? How are they insulated? Can you store cash and anti-cash in the same box and somehow prevent them from getting in contact? Might there be zombanks that only _seemed_ to store cash and (...)
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    En vallfart till Island-Samtal med Jorge Luis Borges.Jon Helgason - 1999 - Res Publica 45 (oktober).
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    Joule’s Experiment as an Event Triggering a Formalization of a Baconian Science Till Up to an Alternative Theory to Newton’s One.Antonino Drago - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (3):585-605.
    A re-visitation of Joule’s experiment motivates a critical analysis of thermodynamic notions: heat, total energy, first principle, organization of a scientific theory, its relationships with logic and mathematics. A rational re-construction of thermodynamics is suggested according to the model of a problem-based organization, that Sadi Carnot applied to his formulation. The new formulation accomplishes the long time theoretical process started by Joule’s experiment within physicists community's collective mind, i.e. the process of exiting out Baconian science for suggesting a first theory (...)
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  10. Från konstruktion till materialisering.Judith Butler - 1997 - Res Publica 35 (36):24-35.
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    Women in Pieces: The Filmic Re/constructions of Josefina Molina.MarÌa Su·rez Lafuente - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (4):395-407.
    The aim of this article is to show the way in which film director Josefina Molina dissects the effect traditional education had on Spanish women. In Evening Performance, Molina deconstructs the life of a wife as an individual, while in Most Naturalshe centres on the family as a social unit. Once both, wife and family, are torn and displayed ‘in pieces’, the director reconstructs them as a new, hopeful whole. These films study the difficult transition Spanish women had to undergo (...)
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  12. Solidaritet og modernitet i Durkheims lære om den sosiale arbeidsdelingen.Erik-Oddvar Eriksen - 1985 - In Anders Molander & Arne Overrein (eds.), Det Moderna, från Rousseau till Habermas: texter från Nordiska sommaruniversitets studiekrets "Historia, historiefilosofi och historieskrivning". Aalborg: Nordiska sommaruniversitet.
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    Artumwandlung durch umkonstruktion, umkonstruktion durch aktives reagieren der organismen.Hans Böker - 1935 - Acta Biotheoretica 1 (1-2):17-34.
    Comparative biological morphology with the study of active reaction is contrasted with Genetics as the study of passive mutation. The students of Genetics investigate anatomical characters only, never anatomical constructions, which are capable of reorganisation when the biological-morphological equilibrium of the organism has been disturbed. The biological anatomy ofOpisthocomus cristatus andStringops habroptilus shows, that three successive disturbances in the bio-morphological equilibrium are reacted to purposively by anatomical re-construction. These reactions are no accidental mutations, but are anatomical reactions, related to, and (...)
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    Dealing with Humpty Dumpty: Research, Practice, and the Ethics of Public Health Surveillance.Amy L. Fairchild - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (4):615-623.
    Alice considered [the idea of un-birthday presents] a little. “I llke birthday presents best,” she said at last.“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” cried Humpty Dumpty. … “[There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents… And only one for birthday presents, you know. There’s a ‘glory’ for you!”“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory,’” Alice said.Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t—till I tell you. I meant ‘there’s a nice knock-down argument (...)
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  15.  21
    The Logic of Essentialism: An Interpretation of Aristotle’s Modal Syllogistic.Paul Thom - 1996 - Dordrecht, Boston, and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Aristotle's modal syllogistic has been an object of study ever since the time of Theophrastus; but these studies have been somewhat desultory. Remarkably, in the 1990s several new lines of research have appeared, with series of original publications by Fred Johnson, Richard Patterson and Ulrich Nortmann. Johnson presented for the first time a formal semantics adequate to a de re reading of the apodeictic syllogistic; this was based on a simple intuition linking the modal syllogistic to Aristotelian metaphysics. Nortmann developed (...)
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    Культурно-символічна картина світу латинського християнського середньовіччя: Онтологічний вимір.Yurii Svatko - 2020 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 5:26-59.
    The present paper is a continuation of the previous appearances by the author addressing the phenomenon of the cultural-symbolic world pictures as typologically founded in the “epoch-making” ontologies and culturally expressed versions of history. In their construction, philosophy is responsible for the love of wisdom, history – for the given in making the consciousness of being, culture – for the personal expression of human history. This article re-constructs the world picture of the Latin Christian Medieval Ages, adequate to the author’s (...)
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    Five Poems.Amit Majmudar - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):105-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Five Poems AMIT MAJMUDAR Observing Orpheus I hear the meaning turn back in his throat like Eurydice on the way up from the darkness. Music’s meaning is its making. As for me, I am one more animal in his entourage, learning a new thirst, finding a new south. None of us knew we had this instinct in us. If deserts hide wildflowers until first rain, bright ears are blossoming (...)
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    Break.Clarice Douille - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (2):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BreakClarice DouilleBreakWe have low expectations for M3s this early in their clerkships. I'm disappointed in you; I had higher expectations for you.""Be yourself. But …""I can see where ____ was coming from. You lack emotional intelligence.""I expected you to have constant questions because of what's going on with your mom.""Don't insert yourself into conversations.""You are a med student; you don't have a reputation yet … you can't change medicine. (...)
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    Contingencies.Elizabeth Rottenberg - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (1):128-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ContingenciesElizabeth RottenbergAnalysis does precious little, but the little it does is precious.—Therese BenedekI’d like to begin with an anecdote of a slightly confessional nature. If I mention this anecdote, it’s because it came to me by chance as an association to what French analyst and philosopher Monique David-Ménard, in her introduction to Éloge des hasards dans la vie sexuelle, calls “positive contingency” or the “positive aspect of chance” (David-Ménard (...)
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    On Music and Tradition.Allaerts W. - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (2):1-13.
    In this paper we elaborate on the question how to bridge the gap between contemporary (New) music and the tradition of the past, often called ‘classical’ music. First we analyze the notion of tradition (in classical music) as being distinct from traditional music, nationalism and traditionalism. A central role in this paper is dedicated to the role of counterpoint education following J.J. Fux’s Gradus ad Parnassum in the development of Central-European classical music between the late Renaissance and late Romantic periods. (...)
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    South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today.Robert Arp (ed.) - 2006 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    If you think Saddam and Satan make a kinky couple, wait till you get a load of _South Park and Philosophy_. Get your Big Wheels ready, because we’re going for a ride, as 22 philosophers take us down the road to understanding the big-picture issues in this small mountain town. A smart and candid look at one of television’s most subversive and controversial shows, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year Draws close parallels between the irreverent nature of _South Park_ (...)
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    Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair.Carolina Hotchandani - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (3):633-634.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Carolina Hotchandani 633 Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair Now it happened that Metis was going to have a daughter, and she sat inside Zeus’s head hammering out a helmet and weaving a splendid robe for the coming child. Soon Zeus began to suffer from pounding headaches and cried out in agony. All the gods came running to help him, and skilled Hephaestus grasped his tools and (...)
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    Psychanalyse du Cuirassé Potemkine : désir et révolution, de Reich à Deleuze et Guattari.Florent Gabarron-Garcia - 2012 - Actuel Marx 52 (2):48-61.
    During the first revolts of 1905, the soldiers, as Lenin noted with a certain perplexity, surrendered and the revolution thus failed fail, although there was nothing which stood as an obstacle to them anymore. The situation calls for a reexamination of the question of power and exploitation in relation to sexuality, and of the conventional reading which argues that the sailors are urged by an uncontrollable unconscious guilt to desire a punishment through the superego. The present article seeks to invert (...)
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    Moral philosophy as the foundation of normative media theory: The case of African Ubuntuism.Pieter J. Fourie - 2007 - Communications 32 (1):1-29.
    In the South African debate about the role of the media in the new South African society, the African moral philosophy ubuntuism is from time to time raised as a framework for African normative media theory. Up till now, the possibility of using ubuntuism as a normative framework can, however, not yet be described as a focused effort to develop a comprehensive theory on the basis of which media performance could be measured from ‘an African perspective’. Rather, the topic (...)
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  25. Сучасна міська геральдика луганщини.Evgeniya Maksymenko - 2013 - Схід 6 (126):225-228.
    The article deals with the contemporary processes in the field of heraldry in Luhansk region limited by the chronological framework of the early 90's of the twentieth century till the present time. The choice of the theme is determined by the fact that no comprehensive analysis of the development of the city emblem has been made. It is also necessary to make historical and professional analysis of all its aspects, namely the peculiarities of its development, the features of the (...)
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    Das Förderprofil der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 1949 bis 1969.Karin Orth - 2004 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 27 (4):261-283.
    The DFG, short for ‘Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft’ , was founded in 1920 and re-founded after the 2. World War in 1949. This article concentrates on the activities of the DFG in the period between 1949 and the end of the sixties and on the two major programmes because until now it has not been known, how many — and more importantly — which studies in which disciplines had been financed by the DFG.All together almost 54.000 studies were accomplished with the support (...)
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    The Political Life of Black Motherhood.Jennifer C. Nash - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (3):699.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 3. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 699 Jennifer C. Nash The Political Life of Black Motherhood In 1976, Adrienne Rich wrote, “We know more about the air we breathe, the seas we travel, than about the nature and meaning of motherhood.”1 In the four decades since the publication of Rich’s now-canonical Of Woman Born, Andrea O’Reilly has argued for the advent of “maternal theory” (...)
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    Church and Culture: German Catholic Theology, 1860–1914 by Thomas Franklin O’Meara, O.P.John Ford - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):354-357.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:354 BOOK REVIEWS (continuously) revisable character, he falls back on an account of theology as rhetoric so as to make the best of a bad job. For persuasion is what we use when we know demonstration is hopeless. As a result, Professor Cunningham's study, which could most usefully have "placed" a variety of theologies of past, present, and, prospectively, future on the spectrum of (onto-) logic, poetic, and rhetoric, (...)
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    Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century.A.-T. Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2010 - Springer Verlag.
    The discussion on the phenomenology of life will continue to be crucial to the general outlook and direction of phenomenological investigations. The imp- tance of it is not only the fact that it is an innovation in the philosophical circle, but it is also an effort that contributes to the re-reading of the hitherto ex- gerated differences between phenomenology and metaphysics. What is new and signi?cant about life is that even though it is evident in the?ow of the history of (...)
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    Integralanthropologie in Kontext von Immanuel Kant.Michael Ch Michailov, Eva Neu & Michael Schratz - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:203-214.
    The central question: "What is the Human?" is since Platon till today not answered. Kant distinguishes a physiological and a pragmatic anthropology: The Human knows the nature by senses, but himself by "pure apperception... from physical determinations independently personality (homo noumenon)..., different to... (homo phenomenon)". Kant's idea of the anthropology according to R. Brandt is a holistic totality with three spheres: phenomenal, pragmatic and moral-teleological. The philosophical (Gelen, Scheler), pedagogical (Roth, etc.), medical (V. von Weizsäcker, etc.), also the new (...)
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    Stylistics and Synonymity.E. D. Hirsch Jr - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 1 (3):559-579.
    Among philosophers as well as linguists the battle is still joined between those who view the correlation between meaning and linguistic form as strictly determined by convention and those who argue for the essential indeterminacy of the relationship between meaning and form.1 Plato's Cratylus aside, the philosphical dialogue that forms the locus classicus of this debate is the following: "You're holding it upside down!" Alice interrupted. "To be sure I was!" Humpty Dumpty said gaily, as she turned it round for (...)
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  32. The Gravity of Pure Forces.Nico Jenkins - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):60-67.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 60-67. At the beginning of Martin Heidegger’s lecture “Time and Being,” presented to the University of Freiburg in 1962, he cautions against, it would seem, the requirement that philosophy make sense, or be necessarily responsible (Stambaugh, 1972). At that time Heidegger's project focused on thinking as thinking and in order to elucidate his ideas he drew comparisons between his project and two paintings by Paul Klee as well with a poem by Georg Trakl. In front of Klee's (...)
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    Why they mattered: The return of politics to puritan new England: Mark Peterson.Mark Peterson - 2013 - Modern Intellectual History 10 (3):683-696.
    Puritans had big stories to tell, and they cast themselves big parts to play in those stories. The fervent English Protestants who believed that the Elizabethan Church urgently needed further reformation, and the self-selecting band among them who went on to colonize New England, were sure that they could re-create the churches of the apostolic age, and eliminate centuries’ worth of Romish accretions. By instituting scriptural forms of worship, these purified churches might have a beneficial influence on the state as (...)
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    Beyond Aesthetics and Politics: "Philosophical and Axiological Studies on the Avant-Garde, Pragmatism, and Postmodernism".Krzysztof Piotr Skowronski (ed.) - 2013 - Editions Rodopi.
    The book presents five philosophical and axiological studies devoted to the relationship between aesthetics and politics. It shows this relationship throughout the works of some avant-gardists, pragmatists, and postmodernists. It is also a voice in the discussion about the meaning of the fine arts and aesthetics in the context of the political aims and norms. This voice claims that the political dimension of art and aesthetics should be studied much more seriously than it has been till today, and needs (...)
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    Hume's Probability Argument of I,iv,1.Richard DeWitt - 1985 - Hume Studies 11 (2):125-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:125, HUME'S PROBABILITY ARGUMENT OF?,??,? In the Treatise,?,??,?, Hume presents an follows:' argument which, in the barest of outlines, goes as 1 (Pl) Every proposition has a probability less than one. (P2) If reason were the basis of our beliefs, then we would have no beliefs. (follows from (Pl)) (P3) We in fact do have beliefs. Hence, (P4) Reason is not the basis of our beliefs. The argument has (...)
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    Philosophy in Colonial India.Sharad Deshpande (ed.) - 2015 - New Delhi: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume focuses on the gradual emergence of modern Indian philosophy through the cross-cultural encounter between indigenous Indian and Western traditions of philosophy, during the colonial period in India, specifically in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This volume acknowledges that what we take 'Indian philosophy' or 'modern Indian philosophy' to mean today is the sub-text of a much wider, complex and varied Indian reception of the West during the colonial period. Consisting of -twelve chapters and a thematic introduction, the (...)
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    Entre la science et la legende : la chôra selon Albert Rivaud, lecteur presque oublié du Timée.Karel Thein - 2022 - Chôra 20:187-214.
    In his 1906 book The problem of becoming and the notion of matter in Greek philosophy from its origins till Theophrastus, Albert Rivaud puts forward an entirely original (and nowadays largely forgotten) interpretation of the receptacle or chôra in Plato’s Timaeus. On his reading, Timaeus’ introduction of chôra signals the limits of the possibility to explain the formation of the cosmos by means of the opposition between the intelligible and the sensible. Opposing Aristotle and others in his wake, Rivaud (...)
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    Sens Ja. Koncepcja podmiotu w filozofii indyjskiej (sankhja-joga).Jakubczak Marzenna - 2013 - Kraków, Poland: Ksiegarnia Akademicka.
    The Sense of I: Conceptualizing Subjectivity: In Indian Philosophy (Sāṃkhya-Yoga) This book discusses the sense of I as it is captured in the Sāṃkhya-Yoga tradition – one of the oldest currents of Indian philosophy, dating back to as early as the 7th c. BCE. The author offers her reinterpretation of the Yogasūtra and Sāṃkhyakārikā complemented with several commentaries, including the writings of Hariharānanda Ᾱraṇya – a charismatic scholar-monk believed to have re-established the Sāṃkhya-Yoga lineage in the early 20th century. The (...)
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  39. Rational interaction for moral sensitivity: A postmodern approach to moral decision-making in business. [REVIEW]G. J. Rossouw - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (1):11 - 20.
    Moral dissensus is a distinct feature of our time. This is not only true of our post-modern culture in general, but also of business culture specifically. In this paper I start by explaining how modernist rationality has produced moral dissensus without offering any hope of bringing an end to it in the foreseeable future. Opting for a form of post-modernist rationality as the only viable way of dealing with moral dissensus, I then make an analysis of a number of ways (...)
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    (Un)mask yourself! Effects of face masks on facial mimicry and emotion perception during the COVID-19 pandemic.Till Kastendieck, Stephan Zillmer & Ursula Hess - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (1):59-69.
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    Hiding Behind Machines: Artificial Agents May Help to Evade Punishment.Till Feier, Jan Gogoll & Matthias Uhl - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (2):1-19.
    The transfer of tasks with sometimes far-reaching implications to autonomous systems raises a number of ethical questions. In addition to fundamental questions about the moral agency of these systems, behavioral issues arise. We investigate the empirically accessible question of whether the imposition of harm by an agent is systematically judged differently when the agent is artificial and not human. The results of a laboratory experiment suggest that decision-makers can actually avoid punishment more easily by delegating to machines than by delegating (...)
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    Die Araber Und Die Antike Wissenschaftstheorie: [Übersetzung Aus Dem Ungarischen von Johanna Till Und Gábor Kerekes].Miklos Maróth, Johanna Till & Gábor Kerekes - 1990 - Brill.
    The book then discusses another group of issues ("whether it is, what it is, how and why it is"), which determined the argumentation, the axiomatic ordering of the sciences, and concludes with a demonstration on the basis of concrete ...
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    Metaphysics, Politics, and Philosophy.Till Kinzel - 2009 - Cultura 6 (1):7-21.
    The Canadian thinker George Grant offers a critique of modernity that tries to come to terms with the challenge of Heidegger to Plato. Against philosophical approaches which claim that any kind of metaphyics is obsolete and should be overcome, Grant attempted to think through what the rejection of metaphysics by important modern forms of philosophy means. Grant’s thought looked back to Plato for a conception of justice that he felt was endangered in the modern world. In particular, his philosophical thinking (...)
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    The Making of the Economy: A Phenomenology of Economic Science.Till Düppe - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    The Making of the Economy uses Husserl's critique of formalism in natural science in The Crisis of the European Sciences work as the template for an analogous critique of formalism in economic science. The historical narrative focuses on the emergence of formal economic analysis out of a series of successive life-worlds, or concrete historical situations. This generates new substantive understanding of both the historical material and the current discourse of crisis surrounding economics. It will appeal to historians and philosophers of (...)
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  45. What is a logic translation?Till Mossakowski, Răzvan Diaconescu & Andrzej Tarlecki - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (1):95-124.
    We study logic translations from an abstract perspective, without any commitment to the structure of sentences and the nature of logical entailment, which also means that we cover both proof- theoretic and model-theoretic entailment. We show how logic translations induce notions of logical expressiveness, consistency strength and sublogic, leading to an explanation of paradoxes that have been described in the literature. Connectives and quantifiers, although not present in the definition of logic and logic translation, can be recovered by their abstract (...)
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    Berchtesgaden (19 november 1940) : voorgeschiedenis, inhoud en resultaat.Albert De Jonghe - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (1):41-54.
    The leopoldistic version of the events before Berchtesgaden - politically the most important period in the Question Royale during the occupation - is from the start till the end historically not grounded. The known facts prove that the King was absolutely not passive in political matters. He doesn't reject the proposal for a meeting with Hitler. Already on May 31 he declares to agree in principle to meet the Führer. On June 26 he again expresses this willingness. In October (...)
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    De evaluatie van de fusie in Gent.Placide De Paepe - 1982 - Res Publica 24 (3-4):643-647.
    The fear that the border municipalities would be overwhelmed by the larger entity of the central city of Ghent was countered by a number of accompanying measures such as the stimulation of organised activities, the offering of opportunities for participation, and the provision of decentralised services. The equitable representation of the sub-municipalities in the new administrative organs and the opportunities for contact that derived therefrom reassured the residents of the outskirts. The effortwas made with the reorganisation of the municipal apparatus (...)
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    Nicolás Gómez Dávila: Parteigänger verlorener Sachen.Till Kinzel - 2005 - Schnellroda: Edition Antaios.
  49.  29
    The generation of the GDR: Economists at the Humboldt University of Berlin caught between loyalty and relevance.Till Düppe - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (3):50-85.
    The German Democratic Republic was in existence for 41 years. A single generation spent its whole professional life there – namely those born in the early 1930s who carried this state’s hopes. With Karl Mannheim’s notion of generations as a unit in the sociology of knowledge in mind, this article describes this generation’s typical experiences from the point of view of a particularly telling group: economists at the Humboldt University of Berlin. I present their socialization in Nazi Germany, their formative (...)
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  50.  56
    Urteil und Anschauung. Kants metaphysische Deduktion der Kategorien.Till Hoeppner - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book develops a textually grounded reconstruction of Kant’s argument in the Metaphysical Deduction. The argument proceeds in three steps, developing, first, a concept of judgment on which to base the table of logical functions, next a concept of synthesis of intuition that explains the content of the categories, and finally a concept of the understanding on which the categories belong a priori to the same capacity through which we judge. -/- The investigation presented here is an argumentative reconstruction of (...)
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