Results for 'Rasmus Persson'

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  1.  18
    Registering and repair-initiating repeats in French talk-in-interaction.Rasmus Persson - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (5):583-608.
    This article examines the prosody and sequential organisation of repeats in French talk-in-interaction. Repeats in French are used for initiating repair, as well as for registering receipt. I show for two sequential contexts – after first pair parts and after second pair parts – that the action import of the repeat depends on its prosodic design; prosody allows participants to differentiate between repair-initiating and receipt-registering repeats. While questioning repeats make a response conditionally relevant, registering repeats do not – however, they (...)
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  2. The Genetic Reification of 'Race'? A Story of Two Mathematical Methods.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2014 - Critical Philosophy of Race 2 (2):204-223.
    Two families of mathematical methods lie at the heart of investigating the hierarchical structure of genetic variation in Homo sapiens: /diversity partitioning/, which assesses genetic variation within and among pre-determined groups, and /clustering analysis/, which simultaneously produces clusters and assigns individuals to these “unsupervised” cluster classifications. While mathematically consistent, these two methodologies are understood by many to ground diametrically opposed claims about the reality of human races. Moreover, modeling results are sensitive to assumptions such as preexisting theoretical commitments to certain (...)
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    From Morality to the End of Reason: An Essay on Rights, Reasons, and Responsibility.Ingmar Persson - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Many philosophers think that if you're morally responsible for a state of affairs, you must be a cause of it. Ingmar Persson argues that this strand of common sense morality is asymmetrical, in that it features the act-omission doctrine, according to which there are stronger reasons against performing some harmful actions than in favour of performing any beneficial actions. He analyses the act-omission doctrine as consisting in a theory of negative rights, according to which there are rights not to (...)
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    Broad consent for biobanks is best – provided it is also deep.Rasmus Bjerregaard Mikkelsen, Mickey Gjerris, Gunhild Waldemar & Peter Sandøe - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-12.
    As biobank research has become increasingly widespread within biomedical research, study-specific consent to each study, a model derived from research involving traditional interventions on human subjects, has for the sake of feasibility gradually given way to alternative consent models which do not require consent for every new study. Besides broad consent these models include tiered, dynamic, and meta-consent. However, critics have pointed out that it is normally not known at the time of enrolment in what ways samples deposited in a (...)
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  5. Race and Biology.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2017 - In Linda Alcoff, Luvell Anderson & Paul Taylor (eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Race. Routledge.
    The ontology of race is replete with moral, political, and scientific implications. This book chapter surveys proposals about the reality of race, distinguishing among three levels of analysis: biogenomic, biological, and social. The relatively homogeneous structure of human genetic variation casts doubt upon the practice of postulating distinct biogenomic races that might be mapped onto socially recognized race categories.
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  6. Evo-Devo as a Trading Zone.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2014 - In Alan C. Love (ed.), Conceptual Change in Biology: Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives on Evolution and Development. Berlin: Springer Verlag, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
    Evo-Devo exhibits a plurality of scientific “cultures” of practice and theory. When are the cultures acting—individually or collectively—in ways that actually move research forward, empirically, theoretically, and ethically? When do they become imperialistic, in the sense of excluding and subordinating other cultures? This chapter identifies six cultures – three /styles/ (mathematical modeling, mechanism, and history) and three /paradigms/ (adaptationism, structuralism, and cladism). The key assumptions standing behind, under, or within each of these cultures are explored. Characterizing the internal structure of (...)
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  7. Parts and theories in compositional biology.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (4):471-499.
    I analyze the importance of parts in the style of biological theorizing that I call compositional biology. I do this by investigating various aspects, including partitioning frames and explanatory accounts, of the theoretical perspectives that fall under and are guided by compositional biology. I ground this general examination in a comparative analysis of three different disciplines with their associated compositional theoretical perspectives: comparative morphology, functional morphology, and developmental biology. I glean data for this analysis from canonical textbooks and defend the (...)
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  8.  26
    Model Transformers for Dynamical Systems of Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Rasmus Kraemmer Rendsvig - 2015 - In Wiebe Van Der Hoek, Wesley H. Holliday & W. Wang (eds.), ogic, Rationality, and Interaction. LORI 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9394. Springer.
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    Addressing human vulnerability to climate change: Toward a 'no regrets' approach.Rasmus Heltberg, Steen Jorgensen & Paul B. Siegel - unknown
    This paper presents and applies a conceptual framework to address human vulnerability to climate change. Drawing upon social risk management and asset-based approaches, the conceptual framework provides a unifying lens to examine links between risks, adaptation, and vulnerability. The result is an integrated approach to increase the capacity of society to manage climate risks with a view to reduce the vulnerability of households and maintain or increase the opportunities for sustainable development. We identify 'no-regrets' adaptation interventions, meaning actions that generate (...)
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  10.  65
    The retreat of reason: a dilemma in the philosophy of life.Ingmar Persson - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Retreat of Reason brings back to philosophy the ambition of offering a broad vision of the human condition. One of the main original aims of philosophy was to give people guidance about how to live their lives. Ingmar Persson resumes this practical project, which has been largely neglected in contemporary philosophy, but his conclusions are very different from those of the ancient Greeks. They typically argued that a life led in accordance with reason, a rational life, would also (...)
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  11. Rights and the asymmetry between creating good and bad lives.Ingmar Persson - 2009 - In David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts (eds.), Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem. Springer. pp. 29--47.
  12.  19
    The Phenomenology of Embodied Subjectivity, Contributions to Phenomenology 71.Rasmus Thybo Jensen & Dermot Moran (eds.) - 2013 - Springer.
  13. World Navels.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2014 - Cartouche of the Canadian Cartographic Association 89:15-21.
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    The concerted praxis of being human: A philosophico-anthropological essay on being and provocation.Rasmus Dyring - 2014 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 18 (1).
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    Beyond the Moral Strategy.Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 23:91-98.
    These notes take their starting point in the question posed by Lawrence Vogel: “Does environmental ethics need a metaphysical grounding?” and answers this question negatively. It is argued that Hans Jonas’ Das Prinzip Verantwortung does not come to an adequate understanding of the historical relation between metaphysics and technology, and that Jonas consequently fails to appreciate the specific role played by environmentalism within this relation. It is also argued that this specific role is more easily understandable if resources present in (...)
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    Preface. Rethinking Explanation.Johannes Persson & Petri Ylikoski - 2007 - In Johannes Persson & Petri Ylikoski (eds.), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Springer.
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  17.  5
    Den platoniske dialog Theages: oversættelse og fortolkning.Rasmus Sevelsted - 2012 - København: Museum Tusculanums Forlag.
    Blandt de værker, der er overleveret under Platons navn, er den forholdsvis ukendte Theages. Det er en ganske kort dialog, som ikke desto mindre behandler et kernespørgsmål i Platons forfatterskab: Hvordan opnår man visdom? Den har tydelige referencer til en række kendte passager i Platons værk, fx iForsvarstalen, Symposion, Staten og Theaitetos. Desuden viser den nogle af de berømteste sider af Platons Sokrates: Hans guddommelige tegn, hans særlige ironi, hans forhold til sofisterne og til de mennesker, der vil følge ham. (...)
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  18.  43
    Probing spacetime with a holographic relation between spacetime and entanglement.Rasmus Jaksland - unknown
    This paper introduces and examines the prospects of the recent research in a holographic relation between entanglement and spacetime pioneered by Mark van Raamsdonk and collaborators. Their thesis is that entanglement in a holographic quantum state is crucial for connectivity in its spacetime dual. Utilizing this relation, the paper develops a thought experiment that promises to probe the nature of spacetime by monitoring the behavior of a spacetime when all entanglement is removed between local degrees of freedom in its dual (...)
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  19.  46
    When Maps Become the World.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2020 - University of Chicago Press.
    Map making and, ultimately, _map thinking_ is ubiquitous across literature, cosmology, mathematics, psychology, and genetics. We partition, summarize, organize, and clarify our world via spatialized representations. Our maps and, more generally, our representations seduce and persuade; they build and destroy. They are the ultimate record of empires and of our evolving comprehension of our world. This book is about the promises and perils of map thinking. Maps are purpose-driven abstractions, discarding detail to highlight only particular features of a territory. By (...)
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  20.  30
    Auditory awareness negativity is an electrophysiological correlate of awareness in an auditory threshold task.Rasmus Eklund & Stefan Wiens - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 71:70-78.
  21. Schaffner’s Model of Theory Reduction: Critique and Reconstruction.Rasmus Gr⊘Nfeldt Winther - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (2):119-142.
    Schaffner’s model of theory reduction has played an important role in philosophy of science and philosophy of biology. Here, the model is found to be problematic because of an internal tension. Indeed, standard antireductionist external criticisms concerning reduction functions and laws in biology do not provide a full picture of the limits of Schaffner’s model. However, despite the internal tension, his model usefully highlights the importance of regulative ideals associated with the search for derivational, and embedding, deductive relations among mathematical (...)
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  22. The Structure of Scientific Theories.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Scientific inquiry has led to immense explanatory and technological successes, partly as a result of the pervasiveness of scientific theories. Relativity theory, evolutionary theory, and plate tectonics were, and continue to be, wildly successful families of theories within physics, biology, and geology. Other powerful theory clusters inhabit comparatively recent disciplines such as cognitive science, climate science, molecular biology, microeconomics, and Geographic Information Science (GIS). Effective scientific theories magnify understanding, help supply legitimate explanations, and assist in formulating predictions. Moving from their (...)
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  23.  16
    Diffusion, Influence and Best-Response Dynamics in Networks : An Action Model Approach.Rasmus Kraemmer Rendsvig - 2014 - In Ronald de Haan (ed.), Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2014 Student Session. pp. 63-75.
    Threshold models and their dynamics may be used to model the spread of ‘behaviors’ in social networks. Regarding such from a modal logical perspective, it is shown how standard update mechanisms may be emulated using action models – graphs encoding agents’ decision rules. A small class of action models capturing the possible sets of decision rules suitable for threshold models is identified, and shown to include models characterizing best-response dynamics of both coordination and anti-coordination games played on graphs. We conclude (...)
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  24. On the dangers of making scientific models ontologically independent: Taking Richard Levins' warnings seriously.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (5):703-724.
    Levins and Lewontin have contributed significantly to our philosophical understanding of the structures, processes, and purposes of biological mathematical theorizing and modeling. Here I explore their separate and joint pleas to avoid making abstract and ideal scientific models ontologically independent by confusing or conflating our scientific models and the world. I differentiate two views of theorizing and modeling, orthodox and dialectical, in order to examine Levins and Lewontin’s, among others, advocacy of the latter view. I compare the positions of these (...)
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  25.  20
    Effects of a Manual Response Requirement on Early and Late Correlates of Auditory Awareness.Rasmus Eklund, Billy Gerdfeldter & Stefan Wiens - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  26.  33
    Logical Dynamics and Dynamical Systems.Rasmus Kraemmer Rendsvig - unknown
    This thesis is on information dynamics modeled using *dynamic epistemic logic*. It takes the simple perspective of identifying models with maps, which under a suitable topology may be analyzed as *topological dynamical systems*. It is composed of an introduction and six papers. The introduction situates DEL in the field of formal epistemology, exemplifies its use and summarizes the main contributions of the papers.Paper I models the information dynamics of the *bystander effect* from social psychology. It shows how augmenting the standard (...)
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  27. Part-whole science.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2011 - Synthese 178 (3):397-427.
    A scientific explanatory project, part-whole explanation, and a kind of science, part-whole science are premised on identifying, investigating, and using parts and wholes. In the biological sciences, mechanistic, structuralist, and historical explanations are part-whole explanations. Each expresses different norms, explananda, and aims. Each is associated with a distinct partitioning frame for abstracting kinds of parts. These three explanatory projects can be complemented in order to provide an integrative vision of the whole system, as is shown for a detailed case study: (...)
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  28. Philosophical cartography.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2021 - In David Ludwig & Inkeri Koskinen (eds.), Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science. New York: Routeldge.
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    Causalite et lois de la nature.Johannes Persson - 2003 - Mind 112 (448):741-746.
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    Is auditory awareness negativity confounded by performance?Rasmus Eklund, Billy Gerdfeldter & Stefan Wiens - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 83:102954.
  31. Consciousness as existence as a form of neutral monism.Ingmar Persson - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (7-8):128-146.
    I shall here raise and attempt to answer -- given the constraints of space, rather dogmatically -- some fundamental questions as regards the fertile and far-reaching doctrine Ted Honderich has in the past called Consciousness as Existence.
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  32.  48
    Morality From Compassion.Ingmar Persson - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    According to Arthur Schopenhauer, compassion is the basis of morality. He sees concern for justice as a negative form of compassion, directed at not harming anyone, as opposed to the more far-reaching, positive form of benefiting. He thinks a higher degree of compassion involves realizing that the spatio-temporal separation of individuals is illusory and that in reality they are all identical. Such compassion is impartial and all-encompassing. Compassion is suited to be the centre of morality because its object are negative (...)
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  33.  39
    On the prospects of longtermism.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (8):709-712.
    This article objects to two arguments that William MacAskill gives in What We Owe the Future in support of optimism about the prospects of longtermism, that is, the prospects of positively influencing the longterm future. First, it grants that he is right that, whereas humans sometimes benefit others as an end, they rarely harm them as an end, but argues that this bias towards positive motivation is counteracted by the fact that it is practically easier to harm than to benefit. (...)
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  34. Sinking Cohen's Flagship — or Why People with Expensive Tastes Should not be Compensated.Rasmus Sommer Hansen & Søren Flinch Midtgaard - 2011 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (4):341-354.
    G. A. Cohen argues that egalitarians should compensate for expensive tastes or for the fact that they are expensive. Ronald Dworkin, by contrast, regards most expensive tastes as unworthy of compensation — only if a person disidentifies with his own such tastes (i.e. wishes he did not have them) is compensation appropriate. Dworkinians appeal, inter alia, to the so-called ‘first-person’ or ‘continuity’ test. According to the continuity test, an appropriate standard of interpersonal comparison reflects people's own assessment of their relative (...)
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  35. Are Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) Psychopaths Dangerous, Untreatable, and Without Conscience? A Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence.Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen, Jarkko Jalava & Stephanie Griffiths - 2020 - Psychology, Public Policy and Law 26 (3):297–311.
    The Hare Psychopathy Checklist (PCL; Hare, Neumann, & Mokros 2018) scales are among the most widely used forensic assessment tools. Their perceived utility rests partly on their ability to assess stable personality traits indicative of a lack of conscience, which then facilitates behavioral predictions useful in forensic decisions. In this systematic review, we evaluate the empirical evidence behind 3 fundamental justifications for using the PCL scales in forensics, namely, that they are empirically predictive of (1) criminal behavior, (2) treatment outcomes, (...)
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    “Vi forlænger vore hjerner med datamaskiner”: Prognoser om det postindustri- elle samfund og konstruktionen af dansk fremtidsforskning, 1967-1975.Rasmus Skov Andersen - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    Denne artikel undersøger fremkomsten af dansk fremtidsforskning i forbindelse med samtidige prognoser omkring det postindustrielle videns- og informationssamfunds kommen. Artiklen demonstrerer, hvordan postindustriel teori og hertil knyttede opfattelser omkring fundamentale samfundsforandringer dannede baggrund for fremtidsforskernes interventioner i væsentlige samtidige debatter omkring fremtidens planlægning og politiske organisation. De teknologiske og økonomiske udviklinger, der fulgte med overgangen til det postindustrielle samfund, blev opfattet som uundgåelige af de danske fremtidsforskere, hvilket ledte til et narrativ omkring behovet for konstant og planlagt innovation i alle (...)
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    Thomas Mann - Gennem krigens sygdomme mod en ny humanisme.Rasmus Navntoft - 2014 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 70:47-64.
    The German author and Nobel Prize winner Thomas Mann perceived World War I as a moral battle against the civilization project rooted in the European enlightenment. Like many other German intellectuals of that time, Mann stresses an opposition between the concept of culture and that of civilization – this conflict is seen as inherent in the European soul – and defends Germany’s right to remain a culture that does not evolve into a civilization. The concept of culture can contain irrational (...)
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  38. INFORSK, Department of Sociology, Umea university, S-901 87 Ume&, Sweden.O. Persson - 1988 - In A. F. J. Van Raan (ed.), Handbook of quantitative studies of science and technology. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.. pp. 229.
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  39. Rosings misslyckade illusionist-nummer.Ingmar Persson - 1986 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 7 (4):36.
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    Perceptions and Justifications of Environmental Impacts of Second Home Use: A Norwegian Study.Rasmus Nedergård Steffansen, Jin Xue, Harpa Stefansdottir & Petter Næss - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):104-131.
    Abstract:This paper examines how second home users perceive their own and aggregate impacts on the environment, while also exploring the justifications they give for such impacts. We combine findings from two Norwegian studies. We find that second home users tend to perceive their own use as less environmentally detrimental than the average use. Positive perceptions about own impacts can partially be explained by the standard of second homes and number of years with access to it. Negative perceptions of aggregate impacts (...)
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  41.  34
    Reply to Bykvist and Campbell on Possible Beings.Ingmar Persson - forthcoming - Utilitas:1-8.
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    The futures of ‘us’: A critical phenomenology of the aporias of ethical community in the Anthropocene.Rasmus Dyring - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (3):304-321.
    In this essay, I undertake a critical phenomenological exposition of the conditions of ethical community as they present themselves in the light of the Anthropocene. I begin by approaching the present human condition by following Arendt in her considerations of what more recently has been termed the Anthropocene. I will take her notion of the process character of action as a lodestar in a so-called anarcheological reading of Aristotle that opens for a thinking of unbounded possibility and unbounded affinity and (...)
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  43. Genetic Protection Modifications: Moving Beyond the Binary Distinction Between Therapy and Enhancement for Human Genome Editing.Rasmus Bjerregaard Mikkelsen, Henriette Reventlow S. Frederiksen, Mickey Gjerris, Bjørn Holst, Poul Hyttel, Yonglun Luo, Kristine Freude & Peter Sandøe - 2019 - CRISPR Journal 2 (6):362-369.
    Current debate and policy surrounding the use of genetic editing in humans often relies on a binary distinction between therapy and human enhancement. In this paper, we argue that this dichotomy fails to take into account perhaps the most significant potential uses of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in humans. We argue that genetic treatment of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, breast- and ovarian-cancer causing BRCA1/2 mutations and the introduction of HIV resistance in humans should be considered within a new category of genetic protection (...)
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  44. Motor intentionality and the case of Schneider.Rasmus Thybo Jensen - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (3):371-388.
    I argue that Merleau-Ponty’s use of the case of Schneider in his arguments for the existence of non-conconceptual and non-representational motor intentionality contains a problematic methodological ambiguity. Motor intentionality is both to be revealed by its perspicuous preservation and by its contrastive impairment in one and the same case. To resolve the resulting contradiction I suggest we emphasize the second of Merleau-Ponty’s two lines of argument. I argue that this interpretation is the one in best accordance both with Merleau-Ponty’s general (...)
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    Reasons in Action: A Reductionist Account of Intentional Action.Ingmar Persson - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Ingmar Persson offers an original view of the processes of human action: deliberating on the basis of reasons for and against actions, making a decision about what to do, and implementing the decision in action in a way that makes the action intentional.
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    (1 other version)Ontologies and Politics of Biogenomic 'Race'.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther & Jonathan Michael Kaplan - 2013 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 60 (136):54-80.
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    Prioritarianism and Welfare Reductions.Ingmar Persson - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (3):289-301.
    Derek Parfit has argued that egalitarianism is exposed to a levelling down objection because it implies, implausibly, that a change, which consists only in the better-off sinking to the level of the worse-off, is in one respect better, though it is better for nobody. He claims that, in contrast, the prioritarian view that benefits to the worse-off have greater moral weight escapes this objection. This article contends, first, that prioritarianism is equally affected by the levelling down objection as is egalitarianism, (...)
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    When Experience Turns Critical: the Anarcheological Reduction as Methodological Device in Critical Phenomenology.Rasmus Dyring - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (1):77-93.
    Building on a phenomenological analysis of the Tunisian Revolution, this article puts forward the concept of critical experience as a type of experience in which the very experiential structures prove subversive of otherwise established orders (e.g. political, ethical, technological, epistemological etc.). In order to trace the anarchic, but generative impulses of such critical experience, the article develops a variation of the phenomenological reduction called an anarcheological reduction. In the anarcheological reduction, registers of critical experience are accessed in which the aforementioned (...)
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  49. Prediction in selectionist evolutionary theory.Rasmus Gr⊘Nfeldt Winther - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):889-901.
    Selectionist evolutionary theory has often been faulted for not making novel predictions that are surprising, risky, and correct. I argue that it in fact exhibits the theoretical virtue of predictive capacity in addition to two other virtues: explanatory unification and model fitting. Two case studies show the predictive capacity of selectionist evolutionary theory: parallel evolutionary change in E. coli, and the origin of eukaryotic cells through endosymbiosis.
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    The right perspective on responsibility for ill health.Karl Persson - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):429-441.
    There is a growing trend in policy making of holding people responsible for their lifestyle-based diseases. This has sparked a heated debate on whether people are responsible for these illnesses, which has now come to an impasse. In this paper, I present a psychological model that explains why different views on people’s responsibility for their health exist and how we can reach a resolution of the disagreement. My conclusion is that policymakers should not perceive people as responsible while health care (...)
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