Results for 'Rangel Frías'

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  1.  77
    Political equality, plural voting, and the leveling down objection.David Peña-Rangel - 2022 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 21 (2):122-164.
    Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Volume 21, Issue 2, Page 122-164, May 2022. I argue that the consensus view that one must never level down to equality gives rise to a dilemma. This dilemma is best understood by examining two parallel cases of leveling down: one drawn from the economic domain, the other from the political. In the economic case, both egalitarians and non-egalitarians have resisted the idea of leveling down wages to equality. With no incentives for some people to work (...)
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  2.  32
    A critique of mutualism’s combination of the Aristotelian and Kantian traditions.Francisco Javier Lopez Frías - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 45 (2):161-176.
    ABSTRACTIn this article, I will identify two key normative principles at the core of Robert L. Simon’s mutualist theory of sport, namely, the respect-for-the-opponent principle and the idea that sport is a practice aimed at pursuing excellence. The former is a Kantian principle grounded in human beings’ rationality, and the latter is an Aristotelian principle related to the development of excellences as a means to human flourishing. After having presented and analyzed both principles, I will critically evaluate Simon’s attempt to (...)
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  3.  14
    “La Necesidad de Reconstruir Un Contexto”: Aplicación de la Teoría de Los Modelos de Mundo En Noticias de Crimen Familiar Publicados En la Nota Roja En México.Abigail Méndez Rangel - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 15:174-198.
    La Nota Roja en México es una manifestación periodística bien consolidada en la cultura en México, cada año se venden miles de ejemplares en los lugares más cotidianos de esta sociedad. Así pues, este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal presentar un debate que resulta fundamental para la teoría de los modelos de mundo: la necesidad de “reconstrucción del contexto” que nace de la discusión que se plantea en Crítica y sabotaje con los planteamientos derridianos (Firma acontecimiento contexto. La Diseminación) y (...)
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  4.  48
    Beyond Habermas, with Habermas: Adjudicating Ethical Issues in Sport through a Discourse Ethics-based Normative Theory of Sport.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):43-58.
    In this article, I revise the normative account of sport that I proposed in ‘William J. Morgan’s “conventionalist internalism” approach. Furthering internalism? A critical hermeneutical response.’ I first present Habermas’ discursive ethics, placing emphasis on his interpretation of the relationship between moral (Kantian) and ethical (Hegelian/hermeneutical) principles. Then, I provide a reformulation of my account by both drawing on Habermas and going beyond him—as I go beyond Habermas, I will refer to the account as ‘discourse-ethics based.’ To further explore the (...)
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  5. Commentary: Why drug legalization should be opposed.Charles B. Rangel - 1998 - Criminal Justice Ethics 17 (2):2-2.
  6.  36
    El impacto de "Tras la virtud" de Alasdair Macintyre en la filosofía del deporte: los equívocos del paradigma internalista.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42:179-202.
    En este artículo analizaremos el impacto que el libro de Alasdair MacIntyre Tras la virtud ha tenido en el ámbito de la filosofía del deporte. Nuestro punto de partida será que los filósofos del deporte han diferenciado entre propuestas internalistas y externa-listas del deporte siguiendo la distinción de MacIntyre entre bienes internos y externos a las prácticas sociales. Con el fin de mostrar si esta apropiación del lenguaje de MacIntyre es adecuada, responderemos a la pregunta de si el deporte actual (...)
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  7.  23
    Encouraging Emotional Conversations in Children With Complex Communication Needs: An Observational Case Study.Gabriela A. Rangel-Rodríguez, Mar Badia & Sílvia Blanch - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:674755.
    Children with complex communication needs (CCN) regularly have barriers to express and discuss emotions, and have fewer opportunities to participate in emotional conversations. The study explores and analyzes the changes after a training program focused on offering an interactive home learning environment that encouraged and modeled emotion-related conversations between a parent and a child with CCN within storybook-reading contexts. An observational design (nomothetic/follow-up/multidimensional) was used to explore and analyze the changes in the communicative interaction around emotions between mother-child. Augmentative and (...)
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  8.  82
    The "man's image" in the reflexive process of the continuing teacher formation.Mary Rangel & Jéssica do Nascimento Rodrigues - 2013 - Synesis 5 (1):64-76.
  9.  85
    A Kantian view of Suits’ Utopia: ‘a kingdom of autotelically-motivated game players’.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (1):138-151.
    In this paper, I engage the debate on Suits’ theory of games by providing a Kantian view of Utopia. I argue that although the Kantian aspects of Suits’ approach are often overlooked in comparison to its Socratic-Platonic aspects, Kant’s ideas play a fundamental role in Suits’ proposal. In particular, Kant’s concept of ‘regulative idea’ is the basis of Suits’ Utopia. I regard Utopia as Suits’ regulative idea on game playing. In doing so, I take Utopia to play a double role (...)
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  10.  90
    Ethics, Brain Injuries, and Sports: Prohibition, Reform, and Prudence.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Mike McNamee - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (3):264-280.
    In this paper, we explore the issue of the elimination of sports, or elements of sports, that present a high risk of brain injury. In particular, we critically examine two elements of Angelo Corlett’s and Pam Sailors’ arguments for the prohibition of football and Nicholas Dixon’s claim for the reformation of boxing to eliminate blows to the head based on the empirical assumption of an essential or causal connection between brain injuries incurred in football and the development of a degenerative (...)
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  11.  21
    Autonomy, relationality, and brain-injured athletes: a critical examination of the Concussion in Sport Group’s Consensus Statements between 2001 and 2023.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Mike McNamee - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):383-403.
    This article critically examines the development and consensus outputs of the Concussion in Sport Group. We examine the six Consensus Statements between 2001 and 2023 to explore the challenges that the presence of contextual forces pose to the development of effective and ethically justifiable medical guidelines to manage situations involving brain-injured athletes. First, we discuss the implicit and explicit ethical framework and goals underlining the statements. Secondly, drawing on a relational account of athlete choice, we expound on the limitations of (...)
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  12. Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport.Cesar R. Torres, Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & María José Martínez Patiño - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):33-49.
    In this article, we scrutinize views that justify exclusionary policies regarding transgender athletes based primarily on physiological criteria. We introduce and examine some elements that deserve...
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  13.  95
    The Ethics of Cloning Horses in Polo.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Cesar R. Torres - 2019 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (1):125-139.
    The ethics of using genetic engineering to enhance athletic performance has been a recurring topic in the sport philosophy and bioethics literature. In this article, we analyze the ethics of cloning horses for polo competition. In doing so, we critically examine the arguments most commonly advanced to justify this practice. In the process, we raise concerns about cloning horses for polo competition, centering on normative aspects pertaining to sport ethics usually neglected by defenders of cloning. In particular, we focus on (...)
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  14.  25
    Continuidad de las innovaciones tecnológicas: el reto de las intervenciones biomédicas de mejora humana.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2013 - Isegoría 48:213-228.
    Uno de los debates más recientes referentes a la innovación tecnológica entre los especialistas en ética es aquel sobre la mejora humana, el cual ha surgido a raíz de la posibilidad de modificar los límites de la naturaleza humana usando el poder de la ciencia. Muchos filósofos nos han avisado del peligro de modificar técnicamente nuestra naturaleza humana. Otros, por contra, defienden que no existe diferencia moral relevante alguna entre las nuevas técnicas biomédicas de mejora y las tecnologías aceptadas como (...)
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  15. Dos relaciones inéditas sobre la fundación del monasterio Jerónimo de Guijosa (1559-1771).José Vicente de Frías Balsa - 1998 - Ciudad de Dios 211 (2):621-643.
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  16.  54
    Golf as Meaningful Play. A Philosophical Guide.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (1):107-110.
    UEFA’s Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations represent the most restrictive regulatory intervention European club football has ever seen. Put simply, it demands from clubs to operate on the basis of their own football-related incomes. While the policy has attracted considerable attention from the economic and social sciences, very few contributions systematically investigate it from a philosophical-ethical perspective. The present paper fills this research gap by posing questions on FFP in relation to fair play as a normative concept. We draw on (...)
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  17.  33
    Doping and Anti-Doping Policy in Sport: Ethical, Legal, and Social Perspectives.Francisco Javier Lópex Frías - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (1):86-91.
  18.  38
    A revalidation of the school participant empowerment scale amongst science and mathematics teachers.Virginia Snodgrass Rangel, Milijana Suskavcevic, Andrew Kapral & Wallace Dominey - 2018 - Educational Studies 46 (1):117-134.
    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to explore the validity and reliability of the School Participant Empowerment Scale amongst science and mathematics teachers. Using a sample of 257 elementary a...
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  19.  28
    Folk Tales of the Maldives.Xavier Romero-Frías - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  20.  17
    Concussion and brain injuries in sport: conceptual, ethical and legal perspectives.Francisco Javier López Frías & Mike McNamee - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):259-266.
    This special issue examines critical ethical, legal, and policy debates surrounding brain trauma in sport, focusing on challenges in concussion management practices and protocols. Brain injury concerns extend beyond traditional contact sports like boxing, encompassing sporting activities involving rapid acceleration, deceleration, and surface impacts, such as cycling and equestrian sports. Among such problems are the identification and management of brain injuries, the roles of officials and healthcare professionals, and the broader implications for sport integrity and athlete careers. The special issue (...)
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  21.  52
    Psychoanalyzing the Grasshopper: Society, Work and Repressed Play in Suits’ Riddle.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (2):251-265.
    In this article, I draw on psychoanalysis to provide a novel understanding of Suits’ theory of games by analyzing the riddle in the Grasshopper’s recurring dream, which Suits presents in his semina...
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  22.  72
    Will robots ever play sports?Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & José Luis Pérez Triviño - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):67-82.
    This paper addresses the possibility of robots engaging in sports. Recently, several movies like Ex-Machina, Chappi, and Transcendence challenge the spectator to think of the consequences of creating artificial intelligences. Although we refer to athletes who have outstanding sporting performances as machines, for example, in cycling people say ‘the cyclist looked like a machine with wheels,’ the potential participation of such AI in sport has not been addressed. For our argument’s sake, we will assume that the creation of human-like robots (...)
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  23.  40
    A Framework to Evaluate Justice Claims in the Russian State-Led Doping Case.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias, Brett Diaz & Rachel Park - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (4):427-442.
    In this article, we examine scholarly analyses of justice and develop a framework that can help assess the claims from the parties in the Russian state-led doping scandal, including, but not limited to, Russian athletes, non-Russian athletes, the World Anti-Doping Agency, and sport governing bodies. The two key components of this justice framework are pluralism and relationality/contextuality. We argue that a justice framework built upon these elements better captures the nature of justice. We conclude that no party in the Russian (...)
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  24.  62
    Does play constitute the good life? Suits and Aristotle on autotelicity and living well.Francisco Javier Lopez Frías - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (2):168-182.
    Bernard Suits’ account of play as an autotelic activity has been greatly influential in the philosophy of sport. Suits borrows the notion of ‘autotelicity’ from Aristotle’s ethics, formulating diff...
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  25.  58
    Economic Inequality and the Permissibility of Leveling Down.David Peña-Rangel - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (5):803-832.
    In this paper I argue that the political and economic domains are analogous for distributive purposes. The upshot of this conclusion is that because we normally think that an unequal distribution of votes is objectionable even if these inequalities are strictly necessary to improve the lives of less informed voters, so we should conclude that an unequal distribution of resources might be similarly objectionable even if strictly necessary to make the worse off better off. Leveling down economic resources is therefore (...)
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  26.  56
    Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport: Expanded Framework, Criticisms, and Policy Recommendations.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Cesar R. Torres - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-21.
    In a previous paper entitled ‘Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport,’ we claim that analyses of the inclusion or exclusion of transgender athletes in competitive sport must go beyond physiological criteria and incorporate the notions of embodied experience and embodied advantage. Our stance has recently been challenged as impractical and excessively exclusionary. In this paper, we address these challenges and build upon them to expand on the policy implications of our original (...)
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  27.  42
    Book Symposium on Return of the Grasshopper: Games, Leisure and the Good Life in the Third Millennium.Francisco Javier López Frías, Christopher C. Yorke, Filip Kobiela, Christopher Bartel, Gwen Bradford, Scott Kretchmar, J. S. Russell & William J. Morgan - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-40.
    Bernard Suits’ groundbreaking work, The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia, has profoundly shaped the philosophy of sport. Its sequel, Return of the Grasshopper: Games, Leisure, and the Good Life in the Third Millennium, released in October 2022, enriches scholarly understandings of Suits’ views on games, emphasizing the normative aspects of gameplay and its impact on people’s pursuit of the good life. In this book symposium, world-leading Suits scholars analyze the Suitsian conception of gameplay and its relevance to his views on (...)
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  28. Do mundo digital às humanidades digitais.Danny Rangel - 2013 - Revista Techne 1 (1).
  29.  19
    How to Build a Better Human. An Ethical Blueprint, por Gregory Pence.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2014 - Quaderns de Filosofia 1 (2):139-143.
    How to Build a Better Human, escrito por el filósofo norteamericano Gregory E. Pence, resulta un soplo de aire fresco en lo que se refiere al debate bioético sobre la mejora humana (human enhancement). Consciente de que este tema es, sin duda, la cuestión del momento dentro de la bioética, Pence se propone elaborar una metodología, así como una propuesta, que se alejen de las de quienes simplifican demasiado la realidad del debate adscribiéndose a uno de los grupos que le (...)
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  30.  25
    Socio-demographic characteristics of teenage motherhood.Ramos Rangel Yamila, Borges Caballero Deyanila & Marta Valladares Anais - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):31-49.
    Fundamento: Los adolescentes constituyen un grupo vulnerable y la maternidad en esta etapa, una problemática de actualidad. Objetivo: exponer particularidades sociodemográficas y de la maternidad en madres adolescentes del municipio de Cumanayagua, en el período septiembre a mayo del año 2014. Método: estudio descriptivo, corte transversal. Se trabajó con el universo conformado por 35 madres adolescentes y sus hijos. Se operó con un formulario de datos sociodemográficos, el análisis de documentos y la entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados fueron procesados por el (...)
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  31.  17
    A Arqueologia na Era Digital: Contexto e tendências.Danny Rangel & Nelson Almeida - 2012 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (2).
    Desde a sua génese, a Arqueologia encontra-se entre as ciências naturais e as ciências sociais e humanísticas. Esta posição partilhada e a procura de uma maior compreensão dos seus objetos de estudo específicos, criou nos profissionais de Arqueologia uma necessidade de recorrerem a várias metodologias (e tecnologias) originárias de outras disciplinas. De forma similar a outras ciências, a Arqueologia é uma área permeável à experimentação e aplicação de conceitos teórico-práticos exógenos que levou, inclusive, à formação de diversas especialidades que unem (...)
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  32. La hibridación cultural de América. Breve revisión de Cornelius de Pauw y Javier Clavijero.Laura Alicia Soto Rangel - 2025 - Valenciana 35:261-292.
    El presente trabajo analiza las representaciones de América y los americanos en el siglo XVIII con base en los conceptos de hibridación cultural de García Canclini y de tradición de Ambrosio Velasco. La primera parte del estudio examina la hibridación del territorio americano según las dos ediciones de la Enciclopedia de Diderot, destacando la complejidad discursiva en torno al concepto del salvaje propuesto por Cornelius De Pauw. Posteriormente, se realiza una revisión crítica de las interpretaciones nacionalistas de Xavier Clavijero, cuestionando (...)
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  33.  53
    The defining components of the cyborg: cyborg-athletes, fictional or real?Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):97-111.
    In this paper, I engage in the debate on the definition of the cyborg. I identify the two defining components of the traditional definition of the cyborg: the symbiotic relationship between human nature and technology; and the embodiment of a superhuman or inhuman feature or ability. Then, I trace these two components in the scholarly debate on the cyborg. To conclude, I explore the role the scholarly view of the cyborg plays in the debate on cyborg-athletes in the philosophy of (...)
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  34.  51
    The Psycho-Biological Bases of Sports Supporters' Behaviour: The Virtuous Supporter.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (4):423-438.
    Given current studies in moral psychology and following recent cases of wrong behaviour occurred in elite sporting events ? e.g. the racist chants scandals in the English Premier League or the events following Mourinho's poke in the eye scandal ? I shall analyse the extent to which supporters' brain make-up is determining them to behave in an ?unfair way?. Yet this paper is not just a work on descriptive ethics, but a normative ethics work. Therefore, once I have developed the (...)
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  35.  16
    (1 other version)El futuro será de nosotros, dijeron los soñadores ante el colapso: esbozos de transhumanismo gótico.Ricardo Andrade Rangel - 2024 - Otrosiglo 7 (2):213-236.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar dos problemas fundamentales del transhumanismo: la edición genética (específicamente el caso de CRISPR/Cas9) y el _mind uploading _a la luz del concepto de tecnología gótica. La apropiación de la categoría de lo gótico pretende vislumbrar las contradicciones de la racionalidad científica y tecnológica gracias a algunas de sus premisas filosóficas (hibridación, fantasmagoría, entre otras). Al mismo tiempo y derivado de estos análisis, se hará un bosquejo de los problemas relacionados con una futura sociedad (...)
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  36.  66
    Bernard Suits’ Response to the Question on the Meaning of Life as a Critique of Modernity.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (3-4):406-418.
    ABSTRACTThe Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia by Bernard Suits is one of the most influential works in the philosophy of sport. In the book, Suits investigates two fundamental issues in general p...
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  37.  10
    Creciendo paso a paso.Flaminio de Oliveira Rangel - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:06-07.
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  38.  42
    César Torres (ed.), Niñez, deporte Y actividad física: Reflexiones sobre Una relación compleja, madrid, miño Y dávila editores, 2008.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2011 - Dilemata 5:195-200.
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  39.  31
    The Challenges of Modern Sport to Ethics. From Doping to Cyborgs.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (3):413-417.
  40.  20
    El valor de superarse. Deporte y humanismo, por Guillem Turró Ortega.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2014 - Quaderns de Filosofia 1 (1):77-80.
    Reseña de Turró Ortega, Guillem (2013) El valor de superarse. Deporte y humanismo.
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  41. Emmanuel Mounier, um pensamento dentro da vida: uma introdução ao personalismo mounieriano.Pascoal Rangel - 1976 - Belo Horizonte: Editôra O Lutador.
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  42.  19
    Psychological Predictors of Precautionary Behaviors in Response to COVID-19: A Structural Model.Martha Frías-Armenta, Nadia Saraí Corral-Frías, Victor Corral-Verdugo & Marc Yancy Lucas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The first lines of defense during an epidemic are behavioral interventions, including stay-at-home measures or precautionary health training, aimed at reducing contact and disease transmission. Examining the psychosocial variables that may lead to greater adoption of such precautionary behaviors is critical. The present study examines predictors of precautionary practices against coronavirus disease 2019 in 709 Mexican participants from 24 states. The study was conducted via online questionnaire between the end of March and the beginning of April 2020, when the pandemic (...)
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  43.  28
    Book Symposium on Return of the Grasshopper: Games, Leisure and the Good Life in the Third Millennium.Francisco Javier López Frías & Christopher C. Yorke - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-36.
    Bernard Suits’ groundbreaking work, The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia, has profoundly shaped the philosophy of sport. Its sequel, Return of the Grasshopper: Games, Leisure, and the Good Life in the Third Millennium, released in October 2022, enriches scholarly understandings of Suits’ views on games, emphasizing the normative aspects of gameplay and its impact on people’s pursuit of the good life. In this book symposium, world-leading Suits scholars analyze the Suitsian conception of gameplay and its relevance to his views on (...)
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  44.  27
    Seeking and Confronting Self-Imposed Challenges Set One Free: Suits, Psychoanalysis, and Sport Philosophy.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):105-121.
    Since Sigmund Freud developed and popularized psychoanalysis, this psychological theory has significantly influenced contemporary thinking, particularly in philosophical disciplines focused on understanding human behavior and addressing social problems. Take the examples of political philosophy, race theory, and feminist thought, among many others. However, although sport philosophy qualifies as one such discipline, scholars in this field have given little to no attention to psychoanalysis and psychoanalytical theorists. Remarkably, psychoanalytical notions, especially those of Eric Berne and Norman O. Brown, significantly shaped Bernard (...)
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  45.  10
    Aclaraciones sobre la mejora humana.Francisco Javier López Frías - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 62.
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  46.  13
    La oposición entre la razón instrumental y la lúdica en la propuesta utópica de Bernard Suits.Francisco Javier López Frías & Xavier Gimeno Monfort - 2020 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (287):1571-1585.
    En este texto analizamos el estudio que Bernard Suits hace del uso instrumental de la razón en The Grasshopper a través de su utopía. Para ello, analizamos el papel que juega la razón instrumental en la teoría del juego y en la utopía de Suits. Luego, comparamos el uso instrumental de la razón con lo que denominamos «actitud lúdica». Esta última encarna la racionalidad lúdica que los jugadores han de adoptar para jugar al juego y vivir en el mundo utópico (...)
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  47.  15
    Constitucionalismo popular contestatario.David Peña Rangel - 2013 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 38:225-243.
    Si partimos de la idea que un régimen democrático debe entenderse como un sistema de autogobierno, la Constitución, en tanto está, por decirlo de algún modo, en manos de unos cuantos, presenta una aparente contradicción con el ideal democrático. El constitucionalismo popular surge precisamente con el propósito de atenuar la contradicción inserta en la mayoría de las democracias constitucionales: ¿por qué un puñado de ciudadanos deben poder interpretar una Constitución que ata y vincula a todos los miembros de la comunidad (...)
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  48.  7
    Conversaciones sobre redes educativas con “piel en carne viva” – problematizando la dicotomía entre hecho e imaginación.Leonardo Rangel, Sueli Lago Pinheiro & Marcia Costa Rodrigues - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es resaltar los movimientos singulares basados ​​en la investigación de la vida cotidiana y presentar otras formas de “sentir, percibir, imaginar, pensar” en/de/con (el) mundo. Optamos por conversaciones con los autores para resaltar que los movimientos de formación se dan en las redes que componen las diferentes vidas cotidianas, no en el sujeto, ni en el objeto, sino en las relaciones en el devenir.
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  49.  24
    Hermenéutica analógica: derecho y derechos la Torre Rangel & Jesús Antonio (eds.) - 2004 - Aguascalientes: Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes.
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  50. La poesía de Blas de Otero.Alfonso Rangel Guerra - 1960 - Humanitas 2 (2).
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