Results for 'Rafał Sikorski'

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  1.  8
    The misidentification syndromes and source memory deficits with their neuroanatomical correlates from neuropsychological perspective.Rafał Sikorski & Emilia J. Sitek - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e376.
    The suggested model is discussed with reference to two clinical populations with memory disorders – patients with misidentification syndromes and those with source memory impairment, both of whom may present with (broadly conceived) déjà vu phenomenon, without insight into false feeling of familiarity. The role of the anterior thalamic nucleus and retrosplenial cortex for autobiographical memory and familiarity is highlighted.
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    Rafał Urbaniak. Leśniewski’s Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics.Rafał Urbaniak & Peter Simons - forthcoming - Philosophia Mathematica:nkw031.
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  3. Values, bias and replicability.Michał Sikorski - 2024 - Synthese 203 (164):1-25.
    The Value-free ideal of science (VFI) is a view that claims that scientists should not use non-epistemic values when they are justifying their hypotheses, and is widely considered to be obsolete in the philosophy of science. I will defend the ideal by demonstrating that acceptance of non-epistemic values, prohibited by VFI, necessitates legitimizing certain problematic scientific practices. Such practices, including biased methodological decisions or Questionable Research Practices (QRP), significantly contribute to the Replication Crisis. I will argue that the realizability of (...)
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    Narration in judiciary fact-finding: a probabilistic explication.Rafal Urbaniak - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (4):345-376.
    Legal probabilism is the view that juridical fact-finding should be modeled using Bayesian methods. One of the alternatives to it is the narration view, according to which instead we should conceptualize the process in terms of competing narrations of what happened. The goal of this paper is to develop a reconciliatory account, on which the narration view is construed from the Bayesian perspective within the framework of formal Bayesian epistemology.
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    A Study in Grzegorczyk Point-Free Topology Part I: Separation and Grzegorczyk Structures.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (6):1197-1238.
    This is the first, out of two papers, devoted to Andrzej Grzegorczyk’s point-free system of topology from Grzegorczyk :228–235, 1960. His system was one of the very first fully fledged axiomatizations of topology based on the notions of region, parthood and separation. Its peculiar and interesting feature is the definition of point, whose intention is to grasp our geometrical intuitions of points as systems of shrinking regions of space. In this part we analyze separation structures and Grzegorczyk structures, and (...)
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    The criminalist's paradox as a counterexample to the principle of total evidence.Michał Sikorski & Alexander Gebharter - 2025 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    The principle of total evidence says that all relevant information should be considered when making an inference about a hypothesis. In this article, we argue that the criminalist’s paradox from the literature on the methodology of forensic science constitutes a counterexample against the principle of total evidence. The paradox arises, for example, when a forensic scientist uses the results from other forensic procedures to inform their own analysis. In such cases, their results can become more reliable, but at the same (...)
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  7. Epistemic Functions of Replicability in Experimental Sciences: Defending the Orthodox View.Michał Sikorski & Mattia Andreoletti - 2023 - Foundations of Science (4):1071-1088.
    Replicability is widely regarded as one of the defining features of science and its pursuit is one of the main postulates of meta-research, a discipline emerging in response to the replicability crisis. At the same time, replicability is typically treated with caution by philosophers of science. In this paper, we reassess the value of replicability from an epistemic perspective. We defend the orthodox view, according to which replications are always epistemically useful, against the more prudent view that claims that it (...)
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    Ideal convergence of bounded sequences.Rafał Filipów, Recław Ireneusz, Mrożek Nikodem & Szuca Piotr - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (2):501-512.
    We generalize the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem on ideal convergence. We show examples of ideals with and without the Bolzano-Weierstrass property, and give characterizations of BW property in terms of submeasures and extendability to a maximal P-ideal. We show applications to Rudin-Keisler and Rudin-Blass orderings of ideals and quotient Boolean algebras. In particular we show that an ideal does not have BW property if and only if its quotient Boolean algebra has a countably splitting family.
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  9. Rules of Composition: A Mereological Examination of the Dao-You Relation.Rafał Banka - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (4):1025-1041.
    This article proposes a mereological approach to the dao-you relation in the Daodejing. It is claimed here that dao and you can be conceived of as two integrated subregions, defined in terms of rules of composition and their persistence through time. It is shown that dao is an atemporal object (a fourdimensional unrestricted composition), whereas you is a temporal object (a three-dimensional restricted composition). This particular approach can provide a new understanding of essential issues in Daoist metaphysics.
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    Practical Employment of Granular Computing to Complex Application Layer Cyberattack Detection.Rafał Kozik, Marek Pawlicki, Michał Choraś & Witold Pedrycz - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-9.
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  11. Emotions in conceptual spaces.Michał Sikorski & Ohan Hominis - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology.
    The overreliance on verbal models and theories in psychology has been criticized for hindering the development of reliable research programs (Harris, 1976; Yarkoni, 2020). We demonstrate how the conceptual space framework can be used to formalize verbal theories and improve their precision and testability. In the framework, scientific concepts are represented by means of geometric objects. As a case study, we present a formalization of an existing three-dimensional theory of emotion which was developed with a spatial metaphor in mind. Wundt (...)
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  12. Rethinking the Acceptability and Probability of Indicative Conditionals.Michał Sikorski - 2022 - In Stefan Kaufmann, Over David & Ghanshyam Sharma (eds.), Conditionals: Logic, Linguistics and Psychology. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The chapter is devoted to the probability and acceptability of indicative conditionals. Focusing on three influential theses, the Equation, Adams’ thesis, and the qualitative version of Adams’ thesis, Sikorski argues that none of them is well supported by the available empirical evidence. In the most controversial case of the Equation, the results of many studies which support it are, at least to some degree, undermined by some recent experimental findings. Sikorski discusses the Ramsey Test, and Lewis’s triviality proof, (...)
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    Leśniewski's Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics.Rafal Urbaniak - 2013 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    With material on his early philosophical views, his contributions to set theory and his work on nominalism and higher-order quantification, this book offers a uniquely expansive critical commentary on one of analytical philosophy’s great ...
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  14. Minimal Theory of Causation and Causal Distinctions.Michał Sikorski - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (1):53-62.
    The Minimal Theory of Causation, presented in Graßhoff and May, 2001, aspires to be a version of a regularity analysis of causation able to correctly predict our causal intuitions. In my article, I will argue that it is unsuccessful in this respect. The second aim of the paper will be to defend Hitchcock’s proposal concerning divisions of causal relations against criticism made, in Jakob, 2006 on the basis of the Minimal Theory of Causation.
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  15. Lesniewski's Systems of Logic and Mereology; History and Re-Evaluation.Rafal Urbaniak - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Calgary
  16.  25
    Grzegorczyk Points and Filters in Boolean Contact Algebras.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):509-528.
    The purpose of this paper is to compare the notion of a Grzegorczyk point introduced in [19] (and thoroughly investigated in [3, 14, 16, 18]) to the standard notions of a filter in Boolean algebras and round filter in Boolean contact algebras. In particular, we compare Grzegorczyk points to filters and ultrafilters of atomic and atomless algebras. We also prove how a certain extra axiom influences topological spaces for Grzegorczyk contact algebras. Last but not least, we do not refrain from (...)
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  17. Causal Conditionals, Tendency Causal Claims and Statistical Relevance.Michał Sikorski, van Dongen Noah & Jan Sprenger - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1:1-26.
    Indicative conditionals and tendency causal claims are closely related (e.g., Frosch and Byrne, 2012), but despite these connections, they are usually studied separately. A unifying framework could consist in their dependence on probabilistic factors such as high conditional probability and statistical relevance (e.g., Adams, 1975; Eells, 1991; Douven, 2008, 2015). This paper presents a comparative empirical study on differences between judgments on tendency causal claims and indicative conditionals, how these judgments are driven by probabilistic factors, and how these factors differ (...)
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  18.  26
    Reprezentacja poznawcza roli zawodowej jako wyznacznik oceny cech psychicznych.Rafał Gorczyca - 1982 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 30 (4):5-31.
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  19. Kontrastywizm epistemiczny.Rafał Palczewski - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    According to contrastivism in epistemology - advocated chiefly by Jonathan Schaffer - the knowledge relation is not binary (s knows that p) but ternary (s knows that p rather than q). Thus knowledge ascriptions are contrast-sensitive. The aim of this paper is to portray, investigate and assess the details of this view. In the first three sections I focus mainly on arguments for contrastivism. Section fourth is devoted to the contrastivist solution to the skeptical puzzle. In the last three sections (...)
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  20.  34
    The Sword and the Crucible. Count Boldizsár Batthyány and Natural Philosophy in Sixteenth-Century Hungary.Rafał T. Prinke - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (4):361-363.
  21.  15
    Zum Monolog des Hanno im plautinischen „Poenulus“ (V. 930–960).Rafał Rosół - 2012 - Hermes 140 (1):89-95.
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  22. Heglowska wersja ekspansji kapitalizmu.Cezary Sikorski - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 293 (4).
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  23.  16
    Like-minded and cross-cutting talk, network characteristics, and political participation online and offline: A panel study.Christian von Sikorski, Franziska Marquart & Jörg Matthes - 2021 - Communications 46 (1):113-126.
    We test the role of like-minded and cross-cutting political discussion as a facilitator of online and offline political participation and examine the role of strong versus weak network ties. Most prior research on the topic has employed cross-sectional designs that may lead to spurious relationships due to the lack of controlled variables. The findings of a two-wave panel survey controlling the autoregressive effects suggest that cross-cutting talk with weak ties significantly dampens online but not offline political participation. However, no such (...)
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  24. O alternatywności procesu transformacji kapitalizmu w socjalizm.Cezary Sikorski - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 257 (4).
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  25.  41
    Rieger Ladislav. On free ℵξ-complete Boolean algebras . Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 38 , pp. 35–52.Roman Sikorski - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (4):286-287.
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    Korespondencja Iji Lazari-Pawłowskiej z Jerzym Giedroyciem.Rafał Stobiecki & Sławomir M. Nowinowski - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:7-11.
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  27. Slingshot arguments: two versions.Rafal Urbaniak - 2009 - The Reasoner 3.
    The first installment of a paper comparing the standard slingshot argument with the doxastic version.
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  28.  14
    No-go zone for Jews? Examining how news on anti-Semitic attacks increases victim blaming.Christian von Sikorski & Pascal Merz - 2023 - Communications 48 (4):539-550.
    Antisemitism is on the rise. Recently, discussions have considered so-called “no-go zones for Jews” (city areas Jews should avoid to reduce the likelihood of being attacked). In this context and drawing from attribution theory, we examined if news consumers perceive a Jewish hate crime victim as partly responsible for being attacked when news coverage explicitly emphasizes that the victim displayed religious symbols (kippah) in a certain inner-city location. We conducted a quota-based survey experiment (N = 392) in Germany (4 groups, (...)
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  29. Komunikowanie się lekarza z pacjentem - potencjalne źródła konfliktu.Rafał S. Wnuk - 2009 - Diametros 22:124-133.
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    Global ethics and human responsibility: challenges for the theory and the discipline.Rafał Wonicki - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (3):261-266.
    The aim of this article is to identify the main challenges for global ethics as an academic discipline. This article assesses the moral and practical justifications for common global principles. Individual and institutional responsibility on the supranational level is connected with the standard of human rights and the relational aspects of the globalised world. It also points out two separate problems which global ethics should aim to solve. The first is metatheoretical and methodological and concerns the discipline's lack of self-reflexiveness. (...)
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  31.  36
    A Study in Grzegorczyk Point-Free Topology Part II: Spaces of Points.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (4):809-843.
    In the second installment to Gruszczyński and Pietruszczak we carry out an analysis of spaces of points of Grzegorczyk structures. At the outset we introduce notions of a concentric and \-concentric topological space and we recollect some facts proven in the first part which are important for the sequel. Theorem 2.9 is a strengthening of Theorem 5.13, as we obtain stronger conclusion weakening Tychonoff separation axiom to mere regularity. This leads to a stronger version of Theorem 6.10. Further, we show (...)
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  32. Plural quantifiers: a modal interpretation.Rafal Urbaniak - 2014 - Synthese 191 (7):1-22.
    One of the standard views on plural quantification is that its use commits one to the existence of abstract objects–sets. On this view claims like ‘some logicians admire only each other’ involve ineliminable quantification over subsets of a salient domain. The main motivation for this view is that plural quantification has to be given some sort of semantics, and among the two main candidates—substitutional and set-theoretic—only the latter can provide the language of plurals with the desired expressive power (given that (...)
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  33.  40
    Selection for action and selection for awareness: Evidence from hemispatial neglect.Robert Rafal, Robert Ward & Shai Danziger - 2006 - Brain Research. Special Issue 1080 (1):2-8.
  34. Legal Probabilism.Rafal Urbaniak & Marcello Di Bello - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  35. Space, points and mereology. On foundations of point-free Euclidean geometry.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (2):145-188.
    This article is devoted to the problem of ontological foundations of three-dimensional Euclidean geometry. Starting from Bertrand Russell’s intuitions concerning the sensual world we try to show that it is possible to build a foundation for pure geometry by means of the so called regions of space. It is not our intention to present mathematically developed theory, but rather demonstrate basic assumptions, tools and techniques that are used in construction of systems of point-free geometry and topology by means of mereology (...)
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    Case Study of R-1234yf Refrigerant: Implications for the Framework for Responsible Innovation.Rafał Wodzisz - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1413-1433.
    Safety and care for the natural environment are two of the most important values that drive scientific enterprise in twentieth century. Researchers and innovators often develop new technologies aimed at pollution reduction, and therefore satisfy the strive for fulfilment of these values. This work is often incentivized by policy makers. According to EU directive 2006/40/EC on mobile air conditioning since 2013 all newly approved vehicles have to be filled with refrigerant with low global warming potential. Extensive and expensive research financed (...)
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  37.  27
    Characterizing existence of certain ultrafilters.Rafał Filipów, Krzysztof Kowitz & Adam Kwela - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (9):103157.
  38. Is forensic science in crisis?Michał Sikorski - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-34.
    The results of forensic science are believed to be reliable, and are widely used in support of verdicts around the world. However, due to the lack of suitable empirical studies, we actually know very little about the reliability of such results. In this paper, I argue that phenomena analogous to the main culprits for the replication crisis in psychology are also present in forensic science. Therefore forensic results are significantly less reliable than is commonly believed. I conclude that in order (...)
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  39.  16
    Katětov order between Hindman, Ramsey and summable ideals.Rafał Filipów, Krzysztof Kowitz & Adam Kwela - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (7):859-876.
    A family $$\mathcal {I}$$ I of subsets of a set X is an ideal on X if it is closed under taking subsets and finite unions of its elements. An ideal $$\mathcal {I}$$ I on X is below an ideal $$\mathcal {J}$$ J on Y in the Katětov order if there is a function $$f{: }Y\rightarrow X$$ f : Y → X such that $$f^{-1}[A]\in \mathcal {J}$$ f - 1 [ A ] ∈ J for every $$A\in \mathcal {I}$$ A (...)
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    From Contact Relations to Modal Operators, and Back.Rafał Gruszczyński & Paula Menchón - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (5):717-748.
    One of the standard axioms for Boolean contact algebras says that if a region __x__ is in contact with the join of __y__ and __z__, then __x__ is in contact with at least one of the two regions. Our intention is to examine a stronger version of this axiom according to which if __x__ is in contact with the supremum of some family __S__ of regions, then there is a __y__ in __S__ that is in contact with __x__. We study (...)
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  41.  49
    Conference report.Rafal Ablamowicz, Pertti Lounesto & Johannes Maks - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (6):735-748.
  42.  24
    The Sum Relation as a Primitive Concept of Mereology.Rafał Gruszczyński & Dazhu Li - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-17.
    Mereology in its formal guise is usually couched in a language whose signature contains only one primitive binary predicate symbol representing the part of relation, either the proper or improper one. In this paper, we put forward an approach to mereology that uses mereological sum as its primitive notion, and we demonstrate that it is definitionally equivalent to the standard parthood-based theory of mereological structures.
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  43. Human Person and Freedom according to Karol Wojtyła.Rafal K. Wilk - 2007 - International Philosophical Quarterly 47 (3):265-278.
    Karol Wojtyła—the future pope John Paul II—chose the human being, especially in its personalistic dimension, as the main point of his philosophical research. Inaccordance with the metaphysical rule agere sequitur esse, he investigated the dynamisms proper to a human being: the reactive dynamism of the human body, the emotive dynamism of the human psyche, and the personalistic dynamism associated with free choice of the will. These allowed him to experience and understand the human being as a complex yet integrated entity. (...)
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  44. Neologicist Nominalism.Rafal Urbaniak - 2010 - Studia Logica 96 (2):149-173.
    The goal is to sketch a nominalist approach to mathematics which just like neologicism employs abstraction principles, but unlike neologicism is not committed to the idea that mathematical objects exist and does not insist that abstraction principles establish the reference of abstract terms. It is well-known that neologicism runs into certain philosophical problems and faces the technical difficulty of finding appropriate acceptability criteria for abstraction principles. I will argue that a modal and iterative nominalist approach to abstraction principles circumvents those (...)
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  45.  56
    Parts of Falling Objects: Galileo’s Thought Experiment in Mereological Setting.Rafał Gruszczyński - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):1583-1604.
    This paper aims to formalize Galileo’s argument against the Aristotelian view that the weight of free-falling bodies influences their speed. I obtain this via the application of concepts of parthood and of mereological sum, and via recognition of a principle which is not explicitly formulated by the Italian thinker but seems to be natural and helpful in understanding the logical mechanism behind Galileo’s train of thought. I also compare my reconstruction to one of those put forward by Atkinson and Peijnenburg (...)
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  46.  7
    Z badań nad metodą tablic semantycznych.Rafał Dutkiewicz - 1988 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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  47. Utrum electuaria solvant ieiunium?Rafał Hryszko - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):247-270.
    Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony charakterystyce poglądów wybranych scholastyków i dekretalistów z XIII wieku dotyczących kwestii spożywania w poście słodkich wyrobów aptekarzy, zwanych po łacinie _electuaria_, w angielskiej literaturze przedmiotu znanych jako _electuary_. Autor omówił to zagadnienie, opierając się na analizie fragmentów dzieł autorstwa: Wilhelma z Auxerre (_Summa aurea_, znanym też jako _Summa in IV Sententiarum_), Aleksandra z Hales (_Summa teologii_), Tomasza z Akwinu (_Komentarz do czterech ksiąg Sentencji Piotra Lombarda_ (łac. _Scriptum super libros Sententiarum_) i _Summa teologii_), Innocentego IV (_Commentaria (...)
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  48.  21
    Unemployment, Hunger, Imprisonment (Part One).Rafał Jakubowicz - 2017 - Nowa Krytyka 38:167-180.
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    Wywracanie kultury: o dandysach, hipsterach i mutantach.Rafal Ksiezyk - 2018 - Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne.
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  50. Heiner F. Klemme, \"David Hume zur Einführung\", Junius Verlag, Hamburg 2007, ss. 192.Rafał Michalski - 2008 - Filo-Sofija 8 (1(8)).
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