Results for 'Rachel Yost-Dubrow'

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  1.  33
    Evidence for a relationship between trait gratitude and prosocial behaviour.Rachel Yost-Dubrow & Yarrow Dunham - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):397-403.
  2. Linguistic Interventions and Transformative Communicative Disruption.Rachel Katharine Sterken - 2019 - In Alexis Burgess, Herman Cappelen & David Plunkett (eds.), Conceptual Engineering and Conceptual Ethics. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 417-434.
    What words we use, and what meanings they have, is important. We shouldn't use slurs; we should use 'rape' to include spousal rape (for centuries we didn’t); we should have a word which picks out the sexual harassment suffered by people in the workplace and elsewhere (for centuries we didn’t). Sometimes we need to change the word-meaning pairs in circulation, either by getting rid of the pair completely (slurs), changing the meaning (as we did with 'rape'), or adding brand new (...)
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    Hume's morality: feeling and fabrication.Rachel Cohon - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Rachel Cohon offers an original interpretation of the moral philosophy of David Hume, focusing on two areas.
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  4. Generics in Context.Rachel Sterken - 2015 - Philosophers' Imprint 15.
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  5. Leslie on Generics.Rachel Katharine Sterken - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (9):2493-2512.
    This paper offers three objections to Leslie’s recent and already influential theory of generics :375–403, 2007a, Philos Rev 117:1–47, 2008): her proposed metaphysical truth-conditions are subject to systematic counter-examples, the proposed disquotational semantics fails, and there is evidence that generics do not express cognitively primitive generalisations.
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    Tragic Moral Conflict in Endangered Species Recovery.Rachel Bryant - 2023 - Environmental Ethics 45 (1):3-21.
    Tragic moral conflicts are situations from within which whatever one does—including abstaining from action—will be seriously wrong; even the overall right decision involves violating a moral responsibility. This article offers an account of recovery predicaments, a particular kind of tragic conflict that characterizes the current extinction crisis. Recovery predicaments occur when the human-caused extinction of a species or population cannot be prevented without breaching moral responsibilities to animals by doing violence to or otherwise severely dominating them. Recognizing the harm of (...)
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  7. The Meaning of Generics.Rachel Katharine Sterken - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (8):e12431.
    This article discusses recent theories of the meaning of generics. The discussion is centred on how the theories differ in their approach to addressing the primary difficulty in providing a theory of generic meaning: The notoriously complex ways in which the truth conditions of generics seem to vary. In addition, the article summarizes considerations for and against each theory.
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    Can delusions play a protective role?Rachel Gunn & Lisa Bortolotti - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):813-833.
    After briefly reviewing some of the empirical and philosophical literature suggesting that there may be an adaptive role for delusion formation, we discuss the results of a recent study consisting of in-depth interviews with people experiencing delusions. We analyse three such cases in terms of the circumstances preceding the development of the delusion; the effects of the development of the delusion on the person’s situation; and the potential protective nature of the delusional belief as seen from the first-person perspective. We (...)
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: Exploring new ways of teaching and doing ethics in education in the 21st century.Rachel Anne Buchanan, Daniella Jasmin Forster, Samuel Douglas, Sonal Nakar, Helen J. Boon, Treesa Heath, Paul Heyward, Laura D’Olimpio, Joanne Ailwood, Scott Eacott, Sharon Smith, Michael Peters & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1178-1197.
    Within the rough ground that is the field of education there is a complex web of ethical obligations: to prepare our students for their future work; to be ethical as educators in our conduct and teaching; to the ethical principles embedded in the contexts in which we work; and given the Southern context of this work, the ethical obligations we have to this land and its First Peoples. We put out a call to colleagues whose work has been concerned with (...)
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    No face-like processing for objects-of-expertise in three behavioural tasks.Rachel Robbins & Elinor McKone - 2007 - Cognition 103 (1):34-79.
  11.  84
    Will CRISPR Germline Engineering Close the Door to an Open Future?Rachel L. Mintz, John D. Loike & Ruth L. Fischbach - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (5):1409-1423.
    The bioethical principle of autonomy is problematic regarding the future of the embryo who lacks the ability to self-advocate but will develop this defining human capacity in time. Recent experiments explore the use of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats /Cas9 for germline engineering in the embryo, which alters future generations. The embryo’s inability to express an autonomous decision is an obvious bioethical challenge of germline engineering. The philosopher Joel Feinberg acknowledged that autonomy is developing in children. He advocated that (...)
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    Self-tracking in the Digital Era: Biopower, Patriarchy, and the New Biometric Body Projects.Rachel Sanders - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (1):36-63.
    This article employs Foucauldian and feminist analytics to advance a critical approach to wearable digital health- and activity-tracking devices. Following Foucault’s insight that the growth of individual capabilities coincides with the intensification of power relations, I argue that digital self-tracking devices (DSTDs) expand individuals’ capacity for self-knowledge and self-care at the same time that they facilitate unprecedented levels of biometric surveillance, extend the regulatory mechanisms of both public health and fashion/beauty authorities, and enable increasingly rigorous body projects devoted to the (...)
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    Telling it Like it Isn't: Representations of Science in Tomorrow's World.Rachel Kerys Murrell - 1987 - Theory, Culture and Society 4 (1):89-104.
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  14. Not Quite Nirvana.Rachel Neumann - 2013 - In Melvin McLeod (ed.), The best Buddhist writing 2013. Boston: Shambhala.
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  15.  28
    Reflective Writing about Near-Peer Blogs: A Novel Method for Introducing the Medical Humanities in Premedical Education.Rachel Conrad Bracken, Ajay Major, Aleena Paul & Kirsten Ostherr - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (4):535-569.
    Narrative analysis, creative writing, and interactive reflective writing have been identified as valuable for professional identity formation and resilience among medical and premedical students alike. This study proposes that medical student blogs are novel pedagogical tools for fostering peer-to-peer learning in academic medicine and are currently underutilized as a near-peer resource for premedical students to learn about the medical profession. To evaluate the pedagogical utility of medical student blogs for introducing core themes in the medical humanities, the authors conducted qualitative (...)
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  16.  12
    International students and alternative visions of diaspora.Rachel Brooks & Johanna Waters - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (5):557-577.
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  17.  18
    Can We Take the Religion out of Religious Decision-Making? The Case of Quaker Business Method.Rachel Muers & Nicholas Burton - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (3):363-374.
    In this paper, we explore the philosophical and theological issues that arise when a ‘religious’ process of decision-making, which is normally taken to require specific theological commitments both for its successful use and for its coherent explanation, is transferred into ‘secular’ contexts in which such theological commitments are not shared. Using the example of Quaker Business Method, we show how such a move provokes new theological questions, as well as questions for management studies.
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    Hospital patients' reports of medical errors and undesirable events in their health care.Rachel E. Davis, Nick Sevdalis, Graham Neale, Rachel Massey & Charles A. Vincent - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):875-881.
  19.  48
    (2 other versions)Vera Lucia Soares, a escritura dos silêncios. Assia djebar E o discurso do colonizado no feminino, universidade federal fluminense ­eduff, niterói, Rio de janeiro, 1988.Rachel Soihet - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:29-29.
    L'examen du parcours personnel et littéraire d'Assia Djebar, femme, écrivain et algérienne, est l'axe de l'approche de Vera Lucia Soares. Pour analyser les différentes composantes de son objet d'étude Soares a recours à quelques-uns des théoriciens les plus renommés ­ Roger Chartier, Paul Ricoeur, Todorov, entre autres ­ et les utilise de façon magistrale pour disséquer l'oeuvre d'Assia Djebar, sous les angles les plus divers. Il faut aussi signaler la bibliographie spécialisée sur laq..
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  20. Why Spirit is the Natural Ally of Reason: Spirit, Reason, and the Fine in Plato's Republic.Rachel Singpurwalla - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 44:41-65.
    In the Republic, Plato argues that the soul has three distinct parts or elements, each an independent source of motivation: reason, spirit, and appetite. In this paper, I argue against a prevalent interpretation of the motivations of the spirited part and offer a new account. Numerous commentators argue that the spirited part motivates the individual to live up to the ideal of being fine and honorable, but they stress that the agent's conception of what is fine and honorable is determined (...)
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    Where’s the problem? Considering Laing and Esterson’s account of schizophrenia, social models of disability, and extended mental disorder.Rachel Cooper - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (4):295-305.
    In this article, I compare and evaluate R. D. Laing and A. Esterson’s account of schizophrenia as developed in Sanity, Madness and the Family, social models of disability, and accounts of extended mental disorder. These accounts claim that some putative disorders should not be thought of as reflecting biological or psychological dysfunction within the afflicted individual, but instead as external problems. In this article, I consider the grounds on which such claims might be supported. I argue that problems should not (...)
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  22.  18
    Natural Kinds.Rachel Cooper - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Paradigmatically, natural kinds are the kinds of thing or stuff that are classified by the natural sciences. The periodic table provides perhaps the best example of the potential importance of natural kinds for science. In the philosophy of psychiatry, debates over whether mental disorders can be natural kinds emerge because kinds of mental disorder are manifestly different from chemical kinds in various ways. While chemical kinds are precise, psychiatric kinds are fuzzy. While chemical kinds are objective, the identification of psychiatric (...)
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  23. (1 other version)The Philosopher in Flight: The Digression (172C–177C) in the Theaetetus.Rachel Rue - 1993 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 11:71-100.
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  24. The Tripartite Theory of Motivation in Plato’s Republic.Rachel Singpurwalla - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (11):880-892.
    Many philosophers today approach important psychological phenomena, such as weakness of the will and moral motivation, using a broadly Humean distinction between beliefs, which aim to represent the world, and desires, which aim to change the world. On this picture, desires provide the ends or goals of action, while beliefs simply tell us how to achieve those ends. In the Republic, Socrates attempts to explain the phenomena using a different distinction: he argues that the human soul or psyche consists in (...)
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  25. Reasoning with the Irrational.Rachel Singpurwalla - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (2):243-258.
    It is widely held by commentators that in the Protagoras, Socrates attempts to explain the experience of mental conflict and weakness of the will without positing the existence of irrational desires, or desires that arise independently of, and so can conflict with, our reasoned conception of the good. In this essay, I challenge this commonly held line of thought. I argue that Socrates has a unique conception of an irrational desire, one which allows him to explain the experience of mental (...)
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    Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Benefit Sharing– Learning Lessons from the San-Hoodia Case.Rachel Wynberg, Doris Schroeder & Roger Chennells (eds.) - 2009 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Benefit Sharing is the first in-depth account of the Hoodia bioprospecting case and use of San traditional knowledge, placing it in the global context of indigenous peoples’ rights, consent and benefit-sharing. It is unique as the first interdisciplinary analysis of consent and benefit sharing in which philosophers apply their minds to questions of justice in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), lawyers interrogate the use of intellectual property rights to protect traditional knowledge, environmental scientists analyse implications (...)
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    Hidden Antinomies of Practical Reason, and Kant’s Religion of Hope.Rachel Zuckert - 2018 - Kant Yearbook 10 (1):199-217.
    In the Critique of Practical Reason, Kant argues that morality obliges us to believe in the immortality of the soul and the existence of God. I argue, however, that in two late essays – “The End of All Things” and “On the Miscarriage of all Philosophical Trials in Theodicy” – Kant provides moral counterarguments to that position: these beliefs undermine moral agency by giving rise to fanaticism or fatalism. Thus, I propose, the Kantian position on the justification of religious belief (...)
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  28. Plato on Women and the Private Family.Rachel Singpurwalla - 2024 - In Sara Brill & Catherine McKeen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 202-216.
    Plato’s attitude towards women in his major political works, the Republic and Laws, is complex. On the one hand, Plato argues that in well-run cities, women should hold positions of rule; but on the other, he suggests that women are inferior to men with respect to virtue. To reconcile these conflicting attitudes, some scholars argue that Plato’s progressive proposals are about women as they could be given the right education and environment, while his derogatory comments are about women as they (...)
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    Question‐Answering for Intelligent On‐Line Help: The Process of Intelligent Responding.Rachel M. Pilkington - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (4):455-489.
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    Philosophical Métissage and the Decolonization of Difference: Luce Irigaray, Daniel Maximin, and the Elemental Sublime.Rachel Jones - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 5 (2):139-156.
    ABSTRACTThis article draws on Daniel Maximin’s extended essay on Caribbean identity, Les fruits du cyclone, to open up the potential in Luce Irigaray’s work for a decolonizing, elemental sublime. In so doing, it hopes to produce the kind of generative crossing that Maximin invokes via the figure of métissage: a term that recalls the forced breeding of the transatlantic slave trade, even as Maximin deploys it to resist the violence of colonialism and to affirm the unmasterable effects of the crossings (...)
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    Ostensive signals support learning from novel attention cues during infancy.Rachel Wu, Kristen S. Tummeltshammer, Teodora Gliga & Natasha Z. Kirkham - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  32. A qualitative study using traditional community assemblies to investigate community perspectives on informed consent and research participation in western Kenya.Rachel Vreeman, Eunice Kamaara, Allan Kamanda, David Ayuku, Winstone Nyandiko, Lukoye Atwoli, Samuel Ayaya, Peter Gisore, Michael Scanlon & Paula Braitstein - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):23-.
    Background International collaborators face challenges in the design and implementation of ethical biomedical research. Evaluating community understanding of research and processes like informed consent may enable researchers to better protect research participants in a particular setting; however, there exist few studies examining community perspectives in health research, particularly in resource-limited settings, or strategies for engaging the community in research processes. Our goal was to inform ethical research practice in a biomedical research setting in western Kenya and similar resource-limited settings. Methods (...)
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    Irony: Context and Salience.Rachel Giora & Ofer Fein - 1999 - Metaphor and Symbol 14 (4):241-257.
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    Blameworthiness and constitutive control.Rachel Achs - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (12):3695-3715.
    According to “voluntarists,” voluntary control is a necessary precondition on being blameworthy. According to “non-voluntarists,” it isn’t. I argue here that we ought to take seriously a type of voluntary control that both camps have tended to overlook. In addition to “direct” control over our behavior, and “indirect” control over some of the consequences of our behavior, we also possess “constitutive” control: the capacity to govern some of our attitudes and character traits by making choices about what to do that (...)
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  35. Feminine Stubble.Rachel Burgess - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):230-237.
  36. Kant, Hegel and Irigaray: From 'Chemism' to the Elemental.Rachel Jones - 2020 - In Sorin Baiasu & Alberto Vanzo (eds.), Kant and the Continental Tradition: Sensibility, Nature, and Religion. New York: Routledge.
  37.  38
    Ideas and Organizations in British Geology: A Case Study in Institutional History.Rachel Laudan - 1977 - Isis 68 (4):527-538.
  38.  23
    A test of two processes: The effect of training on deductive and inductive reasoning.Rachel G. Stephens, John C. Dunn, Brett K. Hayes & Michael L. Kalish - 2020 - Cognition 199 (C):104223.
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  39. The Academic Anxiety Inventory: Evidence for Dissociable Patterns of Anxiety Related to Math and Other Sources of Academic Stress.Rachel G. Pizzie & David J. M. Kraemer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Direct and generative retrieval of autobiographical memories: The roles of visual imagery and executive processes.Rachel J. Anderson, Stephen A. Dewhurst & Graham M. Dean - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:163-171.
  41.  13
    (1 other version)Histories of Sciences and their uses.Laudan Rachel - 1993 - History of Science 31 (1):1-34.
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  42. Edith Stein's Concept of Empathy and the Problem of the Holocaust Witness: War Diaries of Polish Warsaw Writers.Rachel Feldhay Brenner - 2015 - In Mette Lebech & John Haydn Gurmin (eds.), Intersubjectivity, humanity, being: Edith Stein's phenomenology and Christian philosophy. Oxford: Peter Lang.
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    Competent steps in determination of cell fate.Rachel Brewster & Nadia Dahmane - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (6):455-458.
    Competence is an active state that defines the way in which cells respond to an inductive signal. A challenge of developmental biology is to explain not just the nature of the signalling molecules that promote cell specification or differentiation, but also how cells acquire competence to respond to these signals and what that reflects in molecular terms. A recent paper by Carmena et al.(1) has revealed how several signalling mechanisms are used sequentially and in specific combinations to specify two mesodermal (...)
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    Memory integration in the autobiographical narratives of individuals with autism.Rachel S. Brezis - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:126909.
    IntroductionAs part of a unifying theory of autism, Ben Shalom (2009) proposed that while procedural, perceptual and semantic memory functions are intact in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the more integrative level of episodic memory is impaired. According to Ben Shalom, this reduced integration may be due to the reduced function of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), which may also explain the reduced integration found in motor, sensory-perceptual and emotional processes in ASD. The present review examines this hypothesis, by focusing on (...)
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  45.  17
    Higher Education Studies Today and for the Future: A UK Perspective.Rachel Brooks - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (5):517-535.
    Scholarship on higher education research (i.e., research on the topic of higher education) within the UK has frequently emphasised some of the weaknesses with work in this area, sometimes juxtaposi...
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  46. Libralism and the Right to Secede.Rachel Brown - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 16.
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    Righting Ecofeminist Ethics.Rachel Brown - 2004 - Environmental Ethics 26 (3):247-265.
    Rights have been criticized as incorporating features that are antithetical to ecofeminism: rights are allegedly inherently adversarial; they are based on a conception of the person that fails to reflect women’s experience, biased in an illegitimate way toward humans rather than nonhumans, overly formal, and incapable of admitting the importance of emotion in ethics. Such criticisms are founded in misunderstandings of the ways in which rights operate and may be met by an adequate theory of rights. The notions of entitlement (...)
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    Menander, samia 606–8.Rachel Bruzzone - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59 (2):640-.
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    Le visage épistolaire de Paul : en quête des visages dans la Lettre aux Romains.Rachel de Villeneuve - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (2):247-268.
    Rachel de Villeneuve La lettre fut le moyen pour Paul de garder le contact avec les premières communautés judéo-chrétiennes, ou parfois d’en créer un, comme pour la communauté de Rome. De nombreuses études ont bien montré la force présentielle qu’ont exercée les missives pauliniennes. Cet article veut pousser plus loin l’idée de la lettre-présence en posant l’hypothèse que c’est aussi un visage, une figure de l’apôtre, qui se dessine grâce à la lecture de chaque lettre. Paul parvient à imposer (...)
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    Auditory and motor imagery modulate learning in music performance.Rachel M. Brown & Caroline Palmer - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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