Results for 'RaShan Frost'

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  1.  8
    Limited Force and the Fight for the Just War Tradition, by Christian Nikolaus Braun.RaShan Frost - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (1):215-216.
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    The Christian Cosmology of Crawford-Frost.William Albert Crawford-Frost & J. Douglas Rabb - 1989 - Kingston, Ont. : Ronald P. Frye.
  3. What Could a Two-Way Power Be?Kim Frost - 2020 - Topoi 39 (5):1141-1153.
    Alvarez and Steward think the power of agency is a two-way power; Lowe thinks the will is. There is a problem for two-way powers. Either there is a unified description of the manifestation-type of the power, or not. If so, two-way powers are really one-way powers. If not, two-way powers are really combinations of one-way powers. Either way, two-way powers cannot help distinguish free agents from everything else. I argue the problem is best avoided by an Aristotelian view, which posits (...)
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    Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers.Gloria Ruth Frost - 2022 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    In this innovative book, Gloria Frost reconstructs and analyses Aquinas's theories on efficient causation and causal powers, focusing specifically on natural causal powers and efficient causation in nature. Frost presents each element of Aquinas's theories one by one, comparing them with other theories, as well as examining the philosophical and interpretive ambiguities in Aquinas's thought and proposing fresh solutions to conceptual difficulties. Her discussion includes explanations of Aquinas's technical scholastic terminology in jargon-free prose, as well as background on (...)
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  5. How to be a Historically Motivated Anti-Realist: The Problem of Misleading Evidence.Greg Frost-Arnold - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):906-917.
    The Pessimistic Induction over the history of science argues that because most past theories considered empirically successful in their time turn out to be not even approximately true, most present ones probably aren’t approximately true either. But why did past scientists accept those incorrect theories? Kyle Stanford’s ‘Problem of Unconceived Alternatives’ is one answer to that question: scientists are bad at exhausting the space of plausible hypotheses to explain the evidence available to them. Here, I offer another answer, which I (...)
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  6. Confused Terms in Ordinary Language.Greg Frost-Arnold & James R. Beebe - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (2):197-219.
    Confused terms appear to signify more than one entity. Carnap maintained that any putative name that is associated with more than one object in a relevant universe of discourse fails to be a genuine name. Although many philosophers have agreed with Carnap, they have not always agreed among themselves about the truth-values of atomic sentences containing such terms. Some hold that such atomic sentences are always false, and others claim they are always truth-valueless. Field maintained that confused terms can still (...)
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  7. Who Should We Be Online?: A Social Epistemology for the Internet.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    From social media to search engines to Wikipedia, the internet is thoroughly embedded in how we produce, locate, and share knowledge around the world. Who Should We Be Online? provides an account of online knowledge that takes seriously the role of sexist, racist, transphobic, colonial, and capitalist forms of oppression. Frost-Arnold argues against analyzing internet users as a collection of identical generic people with smartphones. The novel epistemology developed in this book recognizes that we are differently embodied beings interacting (...)
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    The worth of nations.Catherine M. Frost - 2001 - Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (4):482–503.
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  9. The philosophy of integration.William Albert Crawford-Frost - 1906 - Boston, Mass.,: Mayhew publishing company. Edited by James Wilson Bright.
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  10. Getting into Mischief: On What it Means to Appeal to the U.S. Constitution.Daniel Frost - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (2):267-287.
    In this chapter I seek to rehabilitate and elaborate the so-called “mischief rule” of English law. I begin by interrogating two views of legal and constitutional interpretation which make symmetrical mistakes about legal interpretation: Larry Alexander and Emily Sherwin’s view in Demystifying Legal Reasoning and Jack Balkin’s in Living Originalism. Against these views I argue that the appropriate interpretation of laws is guided by the “mischief” the legislators were trying to remedy when they created the law and by what the (...)
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    Do first-impression bias effects in mismatch negativity (MMN) diminish with repeated exposure to sound sequences?Frost Jade, Provost Alexander, Winkler István & Todd Juanita - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12.  42
    The Attentive Body: How the Indexicality of Epigenetic Processes Enriches Our Understanding of Embodied Subjectivity.Samantha Frost - 2020 - Body and Society 26 (4):3-34.
    Drawing on research in posthumanism, science and technology studies and biosemiotics, this essay analyses the challenges epigenetic processes pose for our understanding of embodied subjectivity. It uses the work of Charles Sanders Peirce to argue that epigenetic processes are indexical in their patterned logic, that they are meaning-making processes and that, consequently, they can be conceived as a form of attention. To conceive of bodies as paying attention through epigenetic processes is to rupture the distinction between matter and meaning that (...)
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    Simone Weil and the need for obedience: political, religious, and ethical dimensions.Sasha Lawson-Frost - 2024 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 25 (2):111-135.
    This essay explores the development of Simone Weil's conception of obedience across religious, political, and ethical contexts. By bringing together these strands of Weil's thought, it aims to illuminate some important connections in her treatment of obedience throughout these diverse topics. The author argues that Weil's political treatment of obedience is deeply influenced by ideas in Christian thought, and that this account is situated within an understanding of obedience in the natural world which is itself ethically loaded. Hence it is (...)
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  14.  15
    Global Ethics: Anarchy, Freedom and International Relations.Mervyn Frost - 2008 - Routledge.
    This provocative and original book challenges the commonplace that contemporary international interactions are best understood as struggles for power. Eschewing jargon and theoretical abstraction, Mervyn Frost argues that global politics and global civil society must be understood in ethical terms. International actors are always faced with the ethical question: So, what ought we to do in circumstances like these? Illustrating the centrality of ethics to our understanding of global politics and global civil society with detailed case studies, Frost (...)
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  15. The Rise of ‘Analytic Philosophy’: When and How Did People Begin Calling Themselves ‘Analytic Philosophers’?Greg Frost-Arnold - 2017 - In Sandra Lapointe & Christopher Pincock, Innovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 27-67.
    Many have tackled the question ‘What (if anything) is analytic philosophy?’ I will not attempt to answer this vexed question. Rather, I address a smaller, more manageable set of interrelated questions: first, when and how did people begin using the label ‘analytic philosophy’? Second, how did those who used this label understand it? Third, why did many philosophers we today classify as analytic initially resist being grouped together under the single category of ‘analytic philosophy’? Finally, for the first generation who (...)
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  16.  91
    Aquinas’ Ontology of Transeunt Causal Activity.Gloria Frost - 2018 - Vivarium 56 (1-2):47-82.
    This paper reconstructs and analyzes Thomas Aquinas’ intriguing views on transeunt causal activity, which have been the subject of an interpretive debate spanning from the fifteenth century up until the present. In his Physics commentary, Aquinas defends the Aristotelian positions that the actualization of an agent’s active potential is the motion that it causes in its patient and action and passion are the same motion. Yet, in other texts, Aquinas claims that action differs from passion and “action is in the (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Therapy.David Frost - 2012 - Philosophy Now 93:8-9.
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    The making of 'Botany Bay': 'The real story' and 'the First Fleet: The real story'.Alan Frost - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (1):4.
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  19. An epistemological problem for integration in EBM.Sasha Lawson-Frost - 2019 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 25 (6):938-942.
    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) calls for medical practitioners to “integrate” our best available evidence into clinical practice. A significant amount of the literature on EBM takes this integration to be unproblematic, focusing on questions like how to interpret evidence and engage with patient values, rather than critically looking at how these features of EBM can be implemented together. Other authors have also commented on this gap in the literature, for example, identifying the lack of clarity about how patient preferences and evidence (...)
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    New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics.Diana Coole & Samantha Frost (eds.) - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    New Materialisms brings into focus and explains the significance of the innovative materialist critiques that are emerging across the social sciences and humanities. By gathering essays that exemplify the new thinking about matter and processes of materialization, this important collection shows how scholars are reworking older materialist traditions, contemporary theoretical debates, and advances in scientific knowledge to address pressing ethical and political challenges. In the introduction, Diana Coole and Samantha Frost highlight common themes among the distinctive critical projects that (...)
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    L'innovation est le ton qui fait la chanson : une approche musico-prosodique en secteur Lansad.Dan Frost & Rebecca Guy - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Nous remercions Dan Frost et Rebecca Guy de nous avoir autorisés à reproduire ce texte qui a déjà paru dans Recherches et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité, Vol. 35, N° spécial 1 | 2016 : Du secteur Lansad et des langues de spécialité. Résumé : La production orale pose de nombreuses difficultés pour les apprenants francophones en anglais et peut-être plus encore dans le secteur Lansad où ils sont souvent adultes et où le temps et les ressources sont (...)
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    Basic Mistakes in Performance.Kim Frost - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 44:17-21.
    Most contemporary theories of action maintain that there are basic actions. A basic action is something that one does intentionally without doing anything else intentionally as means to that end. Most contemporary theories of action also maintain that there are non-basic actions that are mistakes in performance, where a mistake in performance is a case of mucking up what one meant to do, without the failure being the result of prevention or abnormal interference. But most contemporary theories of action deny (...)
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    Bibliographical Checklist: Seventeenth Update.Kristine W. Frost & Herman J. Saatkamp - 2001 - Overheard in Seville 19 (19):39-42.
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    Readers and Retailed Literature: Findings from a UK public high street survey of purchasers’ expectations from books.Simon Frost - 2017 - Logos 28 (2):27-43.
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    Re-considering the turn to biology in feminist theory.Samantha Frost - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (3):307-326.
    This article argues that feminist theorists should conceive of the life sciences not only as a factual resource but also as a figural resource. It proposes that in shifting our conceptual orientation to biological science from fact to figure, feminists will be able to give theoretical life to scientific findings about the ways in which social environments and material habitats are processes integral to our development, growth, and social and political well-being. The figuration of ourselves as specifically biocultural creatures will (...)
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    Language, Democracy, and the Paradox of Constituent Power: Declarations of Independence in Comparative Perspective.Catherine Frost - 2021 - Routledge.
    In this book, Catherine Frost uses evidence and case studies to offer a re-examination of declarations of independence and the language that comprises such documents. Considered as a quintessential form of founding speech in the modern era, declarations of independence are however poorly understood as a form of expression, and no one can completely account for how they work. Beginning with the founding speech in the American Declaration, Frost uses insights drawn from unexpected or unlikely forms of founding (...)
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  27. Arguments for Identity: Three Concepts of Identity and How They Relate to Arguments for the Justice of Group Rights.Catherine Frost - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 16.
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    Are Fungal Pathogens Manipulating Human Behavior?Peter Frost - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (4):591-601.
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  29. Ethics, Responsibility and Self-Care. Journalism Standards on the Job.Chris Frost - 2019 - In Ann Luce, Ethical reporting of sensitive topics. New York: Routledge, Taylor Francis Group.
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  30. Opposing apartheid: democrats against the Leninists.Mervyn Frost - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  31. Ports, Cairns and anchors.H. Frost - 1996 - Topoi 6 (2):869-902.
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    Does Sequence Foreknowledge or Concurrent Task Affect First-Impression Bias in Mismatch Negativity?Frost Jade, McDonnell Kelly, Provost Alexander & Todd Juanita - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  33.  16
    Response to Comments.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 93:189-196.
    Karen Frost-Arnold's response to comments Respuesta de Karen Frost-Arnold a los comentarios Karen Frost-Arnold's response to comments.
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    Action, Knowledge, and Will.Kim Frost - 2017 - Philosophical Review 126 (3):404-410.
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    A Critical Introduction to Alexandre Kojève’s Esquisse D’Une PhénomÉnologie Du Droit.Bryan-Paul Frost - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (3):595 - 640.
    SINCE ITS PUBLICATION IN 1981, Alexandre Kojève’s Esquisse d’une phénoménologie du droit has received scant scholarly attention. Except for a brief note on the book by Michael S. Roth, and some scattered references here and there, the Esquisse has been eclipsed by Kojève’s Introduction à la lecture de Hegel and by his debate and longstanding correspondence with Leo Strauss in the latter’s On Tyranny. Despite the renown of these two books, the Esquisse is an indispensable work in Kojève’s corpus as (...)
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  36. Hegels Ästhetik.Walter Frost - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:176-176.
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    International Ethics.Mervyn Frost (ed.) - 2011 - SAGE Publications.
    Actors in international politics need to navigate a host of ethical challenges when deciding how to act in a certain context. They are confronted by the question: "What, from an ethical point of view, should I do?" with regard to a wide range of issues including the conduct of war, the just distribution of aid and trade, human rights, the care of the global environment, the rights of asylum seekers and refugees, genocide, money laundering, global terror, and many others. This (...)
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    Preferences for figural complexity as a function of cognitive style.Alan G. Frost & Martin S. Lindauer - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (3):221-224.
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    Sex differences may indeed exist for 3-d navigational abilities: But was sexual selection responsible?Peter Frost - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):443-444.
    Polygyny does not necessarily entail sexual selection of men. All factors that affect the operational sex ratio must be considered. Data from contemporary hunter-gatherers indicate higher mortality rates in men than in women, and lost female reproductive time. If sexual selection did occur in ancestral hunter-gatherers, it was probably men selecting women and not women selecting men.
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    Thucydides i. 137. 2.Frank J. Frost - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (01):15-16.
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    The Memorial of the Childless Man: A Study in Hebrew Thought on Immortality.Stanley Brice Frost - 1972 - Interpretation 26 (4):437-450.
    The Supper is indeed the memorial of a childless man, Jesus of Nazareth, who still today gives life to countless sons and daughters.
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  42. APA Author Meets Critics for Shepherd, The Shape of Agency.Kim Frost, Sarah K. Paul & Joshua Shepherd - manuscript
    These comments, which take the form of criticism and response, were the basis of a zoom conversation at the Eastern APA, January 2021. Josh is putting them up on philpapers (with permission from all involved) in case they are helpful to people interested in the themes of this book.
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    Ethical issues in vaccine trial participation by adolescents: qualitative insights on family decision making from a human papillomavirus vaccine trial in Tanzania.Lucy Frost, Ms Tusajigwe Erio, Hilary Whitworth, Ms Graca Marwerwe, Richard Hayes, Kathy Baisley, Silvia de SanJosé, Deborah Watson-Jones & Kirstin Mitchell - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-16.
    Background Research in children is essential for them to benefit from the outcomes of research but involvement must be weighed against potential harms. In many countries and circumstances, medical research legally requires parental consent until the age of 18 years, with poorly defined recommendations for assent prior to this. However, there is little research exploring how these decisions are made by families and the ethical implications of this. Aim To explore key ethical debates in decision-making for participation of children and (...)
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  44.  76
    Dismissing the Moral Sceptic: A Wittgensteinian Approach.Sasha Lawson-Frost - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1235-1251.
    Cartesian scepticism poses the question of how we can justify our belief that other humans experience consciousness in the same way that we do. Wittgenstein’s response to this scepticism is one that does not seek to resolve the problem by providing a sound argument against the Cartesian sceptic. Rather, he provides a method of philosophical inquiry which enables us to move past this and continue our inquiry without the possibility of solipsism arising as a philosophical problem in the first place. (...)
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  45. Hobbes and Republican Liberty.Quentin Skinner & Samantha Frost - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (5):694-705.
  46. Iris Murdoch on moral vision.Sasha Lawson-Frost & Samuel Cooper - 2021 - Think 20 (59):63-76.
    Iris Murdoch was a philosopher and novelist who wrote extensively on the themes of love, goodness, religion, and morality. In this article, we explore her notion of ‘moral vision’; the idea that morality is not just about how we act and make choices, but how we see the world in a much broader sense.
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  47. Authority and legitimacy in Alexandre Kojève's The notion of authority.Bryan-Paul Frost - 2022 - In Luis J. Pedrazuela, Alexandre Kojève: a man of influence. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  48. Architecture, Liturgy and Processions: Bishop Grosseteste's Lincoln and Bishop Poore's Salisbury.Christian Frost - 2014 - In Nicholas Temple, John Hendrix & Christia Frost, Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral: tracing relationships between medieval concepts of order and built form. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
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    Exploring Girard's Concerns about Human Proximity: Attachment and Mimetic Theory in Conversation.Kathryn M. Frost - 2019 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 26 (1):47-63.
    René Girard developed his theory largely as a response to what he saw as Freud's profound discovery, namely, a recognition that violence and conflict are at the root of all social relations. Girard, however, rejected Freud's psychology of the autonomous subject and his emphasis on the family of origin dynamics in favor of the intersubjective experience of mimetic desire occurring between persons anywhere at any age. With imitation of others as the guiding theoretical principle of mimetic theory, Girard placed psychological (...)
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    Complex Causation, Reason, Freedom: Rethinking the Politics in Hobbes.Samantha Frost - 2024 - Hobbes Studies 37 (2):187-196.
    In this symposium response, I suggest that a key to thinking about the implications of Hobbes’s materialism for his arguments about ethics, politics, and law is to trace his efforts to defend complex causation. I suggest that when we read Hobbes as trying to hold onto complex causation as an ontological and epistemological fact, we have to rethink the relationship between freedom, reason, sovereignty, and the law.
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