Results for 'R. Smit'

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  1. Ontwikkelingen in de verpleegkundige ethiek: van regelethiek naar zorgethiek?(Developments in nursing ethics: from a principles approach towards an ethic aof care?).R. Houtepen & M. J. Smits - 1993 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 34 (5):162-167.
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  2. Controlling the distribution of elephants.C. C. Grant, R. Bengis, D. Balfour, M. Peel, W. Davies-Mostert, H. Killian, R. Little, I. Smit, M. Garai, M. Henley, Brandon Anthony & Peter Hartley - 2008 - In R. J. Scholes & K. G. Mennell, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa. Wits University Press.
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    Protecting Privacy While Optimizing the Use of (Health)Data: The Importance of Measures and Safeguards.Julie-Anne R. Smit, Menno Mostert & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):79-81.
    The possibilities for collecting, storing, and processing of data have increased significantly over the last decades. It has been argued that an increasing demand for health data will de...
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    Ethical Considerations in Personalized Medicine.Smit Patel, Chris Slavin & Raj R. Rao - 2020 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 11 (1):89-93.
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    The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Children’s Dietary Behaviors.Crystal R. Smit, Laura Buijs, Thabo J. van Woudenberg, Kirsten E. Bevelander & Moniek Buijzen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, J. van Ruiten, Erik Eynikel, Martin Parmentier, Marcel Poorthuis, Bart J. Koet, Marc Schneiders, H. Rikhof, R. G. W. Huysmans, F. Smit, M. Parmentier, Paul Vanderghote, Peter van Veldhuijsen, A. van de Pavert, Jeroen Vis, Wim Reedijk, Astrid Kaptijn, Martien Parmentier & Hanneke Reuling - 1993 - Bijdragen 54 (1):84-110.
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    Testing a Social Network Intervention Using Vlogs to Promote Physical Activity Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Thabo J. Van Woudenberg, Kirsten E. Bevelander, William J. Burk, Crystal R. Smit, Laura Buijs & Moniek Buijzen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, Wim Weren, Tamis Wever, A. L. H. M. Van Wieringen, J. Luyten, P. C. Beentjes, P. Fransen, M. Poorthuis, J. Lambrecht, J. Smit, W. G. Tillmans, A. H. C. Van Eijk, Th C. de Kruijf, Vincent de Haas, Ulrich Hemel, W. G. Tillman, R. G. W. Huysmans, A. Baekelandt, J. W. Besemer, M. F. G. Parmentier, J. Y. H. Jacobs, H. P. M. Goddijn, J. Besemer, A. V. D. Pavert, H. Bleijendaal, Marcello Gallucci, Ger Groot, C. Traets, A. A. Derksen & W. de Mahieu - 1984 - Bijdragen 45 (1):59-113.
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    Transition of a Sambucus nigra L. dominated woody vegetation into grassland by a self regulating multi-species herbivore assemblage.P. Cornelissen, M. C. Gresnigt, R. A. Vermeulen, J. Bokdam & R. Smit - unknown
    We describe and analyse how large herbivores strongly diminished a woody vegetation, dominated by the unpalatable shrub Sambucus nigra L. and changed it into grassland. Density of woody species and cover of vegetation were measured in 1996, 2002 and 2012 in the grazed Oostvaardersplassen. In 2002 and 2012 we also measured density and cover in an ungrazed control site. In 2002 we measured intensity of browsing and bark loss of Sambucus shrubs in the grazed and control sites. In the grazed (...)
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    The So-Called Silvestris Commentary on the Aeneid and Two Other Interpretations.Julian Ward Jones Jr - 1989 - Speculum 64 (4):835-848.
    As the editors fully perceived, the new critical edition of the so-called commentary of Bernardus Silvestris on the Aeneid of Vergil was but a stage in the development of a basic knowledge of this important work. We could not, with the data available to us, solve certain major problems relating to author and text. We could not, for example, confidently name the author, nor could we adequately describe the genesis of the work. Recently, two studies have appeared — the first (...)
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    Spiritual education for a post-capitalist society.R. Scott Webster - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):288-298.
    The dominance of capitalism, through the hegemony of neoliberal ideology, is maintained as an illusion through the use of four main strategies. In order to obtain the consent of the population, mass schooling tends to produce graduates who accept this illusion because they are vulnerable to these strategies and cannot imagine a post-capitalist world. However, through education, people can better appreciate the problematic reality of unbridled capitalism, such as the degradation of the global ecosystem. It is argued here that programs (...)
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  12. Reply to professor Puccetti.R. W. Sperry - 1977 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2 (2):145-146.
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  13. The History of the Synoptic Tradition.R. BULTMANN - 1963
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  14. Eigentumstheorien von Grotius bis Kant.R. Brandt - 1976 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 38 (4):646-646.
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    Yi Ŭr-ho chŏnsŏ.Ŭr-ho Yi - 2000 - Sŏul-si: Yemun Sŏwŏn.
    1. Tasan ŭi kyŏnghak kwa yŏkhak -- 2. Tasanhak chʻongnon -- 3. Tasanhak kwa mongmin simsŏ -- 4. Sirhak sasang kwa Han sasang -- 5.Kaesin yuhak ŭro pon Hanʼguk chʻŏrhaksa -- 6. Kugyŏk Tasan sasŏ -- 7. Sasang uĭhak kwa saengmyŏng ŭihangnon -- 8. Hanʼguk munhwa ŭi insik, kugyŏkkanyangnok -- 9. Chamnok, susangnok, purok.
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    Ce qui est vivant et ce qui est mort dans le matérialisme.R. Ruyer - 1933 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 116:28 - 49.
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    The Platonic Conception of Immortality and its Connexion with The Theory of Ideas. R. K. Gaye.A. R. Ainsworth - 1905 - International Journal of Ethics 15 (3):381-385.
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  18. Principii di logica reale: lezioni fatte nel secondo corso del R. liceo "Umberto I" di Roma.Nicolò R. D' Alfonso - 1894 - Torino: G. B. Paravia e c..
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    Abū al-Ḥasan al-ʻĀmirī: al-tarbawīyāt wa-al-madhhab al-akhlāqī fī falsafat al-saʻādah wa-māniʻāt al-isʻād, al-ʻaql al-ʻamalī fī al-falsafah "al-Mashrīqīyah al-mushriqīyah" min Ibn Sīnā wa-Miskawayh wa-Ibn al-Jazzār ḥattá al-Ghazālī.ʻAlī Zayʻūr - 2022 - Bayrūt: Maktabat Ḥasan al-ʻAṣrīyah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    al-Nafsānīyāt mahārāt tazkhīmīyah wa-iʻṭāʼ maʻná aw ʻitq wa-tafrīd: al-tafsīr wa-al-taghyīr fī al-waʻy wa-al-maḥjūb wa-al-sulūk.ʻAlī Zayʻūr - 2017 - Bayrūt: Maktabat Ḥasan al-ʻAṣrīyah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    The logical form of catuṣkoṭi: A new solution.R. D. Gunaratne - 1980 - Philosophy East and West 30 (2):211-239.
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    Charity Principles in Philosophical Argumentation.R. A. J. Shields - forthcoming - Argumentation:1-20.
    This essay explores what it is to be a principle of charity in philosophical argumentation. In it, I explore some principles of charity found in classic and contemporary literature and textbooks on logic and philosophy. I distinguish between what I will maximal and sub-maximal principles of charity. With this distinction, I taxonomize current principles of charity on offer according to their dialectical function as rules for argument interpretation and reconstruction in philosophical argumentation. Principles of charity, I argue, are best construed (...)
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  23. Fundamentación lógica de la física, de Rudolf Carnap.R. Beneyto - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):155-157.
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  24. Futurismo: Fine dell'esilio E riscoperta.R. Bertacchini - 1998 - Studium 94 (4):583-594.
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  25. Husserl en Heidegger over de fenomenologische reductie en het fenomeen van het zijn.R. Bernet - 1994 - In M. Moors, Jan van der Veken & Jozef van de Wiele, Naar Leeuweriken grijpen: Leuvense opstellen over metafysica. Leuven: Universitaire Pers.
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    (2 other versions)Introduction.R. A. Berman - 2010 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (152):3-6.
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    L'imitation et la logique sociale.R. Berthelot - 1894 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (1):93 - 97.
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    Notes sur la Répétition de Kierkegaard.R. Bespaloff & P. H. Tisseau - 1934 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 117 (5/6):335 - 363.
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  29. Aristote et Platon. L'enjeu philosophique du témoignage des biographes anciens in Heidegger et les Grecs (I).R. Bodeus - 1986 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 4 (1):107-144.
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  30. Quando uno psichiatra parla di psicosi ha già di fatto nella sua mente una distinzione, una scelta di campo, che esclude tutte le condizioni di disturbo psichico chiaramente connesse e derivanti da alterazioni organi-che del Sistema Nervoso e ovviamente il più spesso intrise di alterazioni delle funzioni mnestiche. La attenzione è cioè rivolta, in termini jasper.R. Bodei, G. M. Edelntann, F. Petrella, G. E. Rusconi & O. Sacks - 1995 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 8:46.
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  31. Martyred Village: Commemorating the 1944 Massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane. By Sarah Farmer.R. J. B. Bosworth - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (4):523-523.
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    The Concept of Morality.R. J. Hirst - 1961 - Philosophical Quarterly 11 (44):285-286.
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    REVIEWS-Relevant logics and their rivals, Volume II.R. Brady & Nicholas Griffin - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (1):70-71.
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    The insanity defense and the theory of motivation.R. B. Brandt - 1988 - Law and Philosophy 7 (2):123 - 146.
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    On an almost perfect skull of a new primitive theriodont.R. Broom - 1903 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 14 (1):197-205.
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  36. Theologie im III. Millennium. Quo Vadis?R. Brosse - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (3):371-378.
  37. The History of Jesus Christ.R. L. Bruckberger - 1965
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    Conscious vs. Unconscious: In Defence of the Former.R. Bryant - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (9-10):35-49.
    In this paper I combine the embodiment thesis with extended mind theory by introducing a unique theory on consciousness based on one of the most neglected philosophers: Von Hartmann. There will be a discussion based on two contemporary debates within the field of cognition: the computational theory versus the embodied theory of mind and consciousness versus unconsciousness. With the help of the theory of Von Hartmann, I will ask the question why we are unconscious -- as both Von Hartmann and (...)
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    Voprosy ėtiki i ėstetiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.R. A. Burkhanov & L. A. Polishchuk (eds.) - 1997 - Nizhnevartovsk: Izd-vo Nizhnevartovskogo pedagog. in-ta.
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    Plato on the Value of Philosophy by Tushar Irani.R. Bensen Cain - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (4):747-748.
    Irani takes a strongly thematic and interpretive approach to Plato's dialogues by working through a system of interdependent concepts and arguments that are central to understanding Plato's views on philosophy, its value, and methods. One may approach the network of themes in various ways, but a natural starting point is with the preface, introduction, and Irani's description of the book as "primarily a work of interpretation" of two Platonic dialogues that constitute its subject matter, the Gorgias and Phaedrus.In the introduction, (...)
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  41. Practical methods for improving the welfare of horses, donkeys, and other working draught animals in developing areas.R. Heleski Camie, K. McLean Amy & C. Swanson Janice - 2010 - In Temple Grandin, Improving animal welfare: a practical approach. Cambridge, MA: CAB International.
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    Small Filter forcing.R. Michael Canjar - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (3):526-546.
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    Dinamica y diversidad poblacional del genero Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) en Palo Seco, Panama.R. Carranza & A. Miranda - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  44. El hombre (breve ensayo filosófico).R. Carrasquilla & Humberto[From Old Catalog] - 1934 - Medellín,: Imp. oficial.
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    S. Vassalli, Italiano.R. Cartocci - 2007 - Polis 21 (3):540-540.
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    Microfinance, Mission Drift, and the Impact on the Base of the Pyramid: A Resource‐Based Approach.R. Mitch Casselman & Linda M. Sama - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (4):437-461.
    This article draws on resource‐based theory and the literature on strategic intent to develop a theoretical model that explains the concept of mission drift in microfinance institutions . We argue that the differential strategic intents of commercially oriented, for‐profit, and socially oriented nonprofit organizations drive the acquisition of disparate resources and capabilities, which in turn drives distinct performance outcomes, including a focus on different markets within the overall base of the pyramid . The article suggests that it is the dynamic (...)
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    Reaction time behavior after caffeine and coffee consumption.R. H. Cheney - 1936 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 19 (3):357.
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  48. Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts in Cognitive Science, Volume 2: Symbolic AI.R. Chrisley (ed.) - 2000
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  49. Wahres Recht?: Das Recht Wahren: Dennis Pattersons law and truth und das Problem des Rechts in der gegenwärtigen amerikanischen Hechtstheorie.R. Christensen - 1999 - Rechtstheorie 30 (1):94-108.
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    Ecological Ethics and Politics.R. L. Clark - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (3):184-186.
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