Results for 'Qiang He'

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  1.  37
    Adaptive Finite-Time Command Filtered Fault-Tolerant Control for Uncertain Spacecraft with Prescribed Performance.Zhongtian Chen, Qiang Chen, Xiongxiong He & Mingxuan Sun - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    Affective and Cognitive Empathy in Pre-teachers With Strong or Weak Professional Identity: An ERP Study.Juncheng Zhu, Xin Qiang Wang, Xiaoxin He, Yuan-Yan Hu, Fuhong Li, Ming-Fan Liu & Baojuan Ye - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  3.  32
    Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Predefined Performance Control of a Class of Nonlinear Pure-Feedback Systems with Input Delay.Xin Li, Qiang Zhang & Dakuo He - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    This paper presents a problem of observer-based adaptive fuzzy predefined performance control of a class of nonlinear pure-feedback systems with input delay and unknown control direction. Compared with the existing research, a novel predefined performance controller is proposed, which relaxes the assumption that the initial error is known. In addition, it is difficult to design the controllers due to input delay and nonaffine properties of the pure-feedback systems, which can be simplified by Pade approximation. Moreover, dynamic surface control and Nussbaum (...)
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  4. An Evidence Fusion Method with Importance Discounting Factors based on Neutrosophic Probability Analysis in DSmT Framework.Qiang Guo, Haipeng Wang, You He, Yong Deng & Florentin Smarandache - 2017 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 17:64-73.
    To obtain effective fusion results of multi source evidences with different importance, an evidence fusion method with importance discounting factors based on neutrosopic probability analysis in DSmT framework is proposed. First, the reasonable evidence sources are selected out based on the statistical analysis of the pignistic probability functions of single focal elements. Secondly, the neutrosophic probability analysis is conducted based on the similarities of the pignistic probability functions from the prior evidence knowledge of the reasonable evidence sources. Thirdly, the importance (...)
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  5.  25
    Influence Mechanism of Employee Playfulness Personality on Employee Creative Deviance.Qiang Liu, Zhongwei Zhao, Yiran Liu, Yu Guo, Yao He & Hao Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on the antecedent variable and the outcome variable on the individual level, we introduce mediating variables, integrate moderating variables to construct the conceptual model and theoretical framework of the influence mechanism of playfulness personality on creative deviance of employees. Based on the questionnaire survey data of employees in high-tech enterprises, this study adopts the nonparametric percentile Bootstrap method based on deviation correction to empirically discuss the influence mechanism of employee playfulness personality on employee creative deviance. The empirical analysis results (...)
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  6.  20
    Working memory capacity predicts focus back effort under different task demands.Hong He, Yunyun Chen, Xuemin Zhang & Qiang Liu - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 116 (C):103589.
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  7.  26
    Aligning Anatomy Ontologies in the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative.Patrick Lambrix, Qiang Liu & He Tan - forthcoming - The Swedish Ai Society Workshop May 27-28, 2009 Ida, Linköping University.
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  8.  50
    Self-Adaptive K-Means Based on a Covering Algorithm.Yiwen Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Xing Guo, Jintao Wu, Qiang He, Xiao Liu & Yun Yang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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  9.  31
    A Comparative Study of Regional Homogeneity of Resting-State fMRI Between the Early-Onset and Late-Onset Recurrent Depression in Adults.Ji-fei Sun, Li-mei Chen, Jia-kai He, Zhi Wang, Chun-lei Guo, Yue Ma, Yi Luo, de-Qiang Gao, Yang Hong, Ji-Liang Fang & Feng-Quan Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  10.  76
    A landmark-based approach to locate symptom-specific transcranial magnetic stimulation targets of depression.Rongrong Du, Qian Zhou, Tianzheng Hu, Jinmei Sun, Qiang Hua, Yingru Wang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Kongliang He, Yanghua Tian, Gong-Jun Ji & Kai Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTwo subregions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex have been identified as effective repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation targets for the “anxiosomatic” and “dysphoric” symptoms, respectively. We aimed to develop a convenient approach to locate these targets on the scalp.Materials and methodsIn a discovery experiment, the two personalized targets were precisely identified on 24 subjects using a neuronavigation system. Then, a localized approach was developed based on individual scalp landmarks. This “landmark-based approach” was replicated and validated in an independent cohort. Reliability of (...)
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  11.  9
    Ruan he ping: guo ji zheng zhi zhong de qiang quan yu dao de = Mild peace: international political power and morality.Zhengxiang Wei - 2001 - Baoding Shi: Hebei da xue chu ban she.
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    Fa zhan mu biao: fu qiang, min zhu, wen ming, he xie.Guiqing Xiao - 2013 - Hefei Shi: Anhui ren min chu ban she. Edited by Zhaocheng Zhou & Qigang He.
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    Ru jia wen ming, zui qiang da de tong zhi gong ju: Kongzi si xiang ru he jing guo wu jie duan gai zao, cong min zhu si wei bian zhong yang ji quan.Dayong Ma - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Ren xing chu ban.
    ◎孔子為何周遊列國?因為沒有一個國君想用儒家治國,他只好到處教書遊說。 ◎秦國用法家統一天下,漢高祖劉邦用道家蓄積國力,直到漢武帝登基,儒家才被注意。 ◎儒學為何從沒人理,轉眼變治國工具?這得從董仲舒的「解釋」說起。 ◎儒學就像作業系統,幾千年來更新過四次版本,孔子的儒學不等於現在的儒學。 作者馬大勇,清華大學、上海交通大學國學特聘教授。 曾被推舉為最受歡迎的中文教授。 在本書中,他將儒家文明分為五個時期: 孔子奠基期、孟子成熟期、兩漢經學期、宋代理學期和明代心學期。 解析儒家思維是如何像電腦作業系統一樣,歷經四次的版本更新, 從原本的中庸之道、民為貴、君為輕的民主思想, 一步步變成君權神授,天人感應, 成為各朝代帝王穩固皇權的最佳推手。 就此儒學變成帝王學,開啟了千年以來人民為皇權奴隸的中央集權體制。 ◎孔子的儒學,是教你如何當君子 《論語》中,仁字出現了104次,禮字出現74次, 孔子的重要理念「中庸之道」,更成為宋元以後科舉考試的必讀書。 這個具有人道主義的思維,為何不被當時的統治者如春秋諸侯或秦國採納? 因為亂世中,做君子的好處太少,當小人能得到的利益比較多。 ◎孟子是民主思想的啟蒙者,但被後代皇帝刪掉了 孟子思想的最大亮點就是「民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕」, 這套民主思維後來為何會消失? 因為明太祖朱元璋看到「君為輕」三個字,就把《孟子》一書狠狠摔地上, 刪節版《孟子》就此誕生,往後一百年,學生學到的孔孟儒學知識都是不完整的。 ◎因為董仲舒的「特殊解釋」,從此百家遭罷黜,皇帝獨尊儒術 秦國用法家思想滅六國一統天下,漢高祖劉邦用道家治國,修生養息, 兩大皇權都對儒家思維沒興趣,直到漢武帝劉徹時期, 董仲舒為了拍皇帝馬屁,重新解釋,儒術從此轉化帝王術。 他口中的儒教,跟孔孟闡述的儒學,哪裡不一樣?差在造神。 ◎宋元明清重新詮釋儒學,想當官者必讀四書 宋、元之後,孔子的《中庸》又重新被提起, 因為它教你用大學之道維持國家秩序。 儒學家朱熹更讓《四書集注》成為為官者的必讀聖書。 至於為什麼是宋朝與明朝,跳過了大唐盛世? 因為東漢黨錮之禍殺害許多知識分子,儒家文化走向低谷; 南北朝興盛佛教;至於唐朝則儒、釋、道並重。 直到韓愈寫的《原道》為儒家文明打下基礎,在宋代發揚光大。 打天下靠武力,龍椅要坐穩就靠統治, 儒家思想如何經過五階段改造,從民主思維變中央集權, 而且延續千年「至今」不墜。 本書特色 儒學為何從沒人理,轉眼變治國工具?這得從董仲舒的「解釋」說起。 孔子的儒學,如何經過五階段改造,從民主思維變中央集權。 名人推薦 淡江大學中文系教授/高柏園.
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    Minguo xue zhe lun Feng Youlan =.Renyu Wang (ed.) - 2019 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
    Xue xi he yan jiu Zhongguo zhe xue, yi ban lai shuo, Feng xian sheng shi ke chao er bu ke yue de. Yi si shi, hou ren wan quan ke neng er qie ye ying dang sheng guo Feng xian sheng, dan shi que bu neng rao guo Feng xian sheng. Rao guo Feng xian sheng, bu dan bi ran yao duo fei li qi, er qie rong yi zou wan lu er nan yu shen ru tang ao. Feng (...)
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    (1 other version)Yan Fu's Philosophy of Evolution and the Thought of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi.Yang Dayong - 1992 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 24 (1):55-84.
    Yan Fu was the first Chinese person to introduce the teachings of the West to China systematically. Since returning to China from Britain, to which he had been sent to study in 1879, he held an office at the Beiyang Naval College until leaving the institution in 1900. These twenty-some years were precisely the direst moment in the intensifying of China's social crisis, when the imperialists were pressing their aggression toward China and China was being brought to the brink of (...)
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  16.  13
    Ming dai di fang she hui li jiao shi cong lun: yi si xiu li jiao shu wei zhong xin.Kesheng Zhao - 2011 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Chuan bo Zhuzi jia li, xuan jiang Tai zu sheng yu, shi Ming chao zai di fang tui xing de zui zhu yao de liang zhong she hui li jiao xing shi, xian shi chu li zhi shi zhong shi wang chao zheng zhi de yi ge he xin li nian he shou dao te bie qiang diao de she hui zhi li fang shi. Jia li shi wang chao zheng zhi wen hua de yi bu fen, Ming chao (...)
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    Fo xue zhi zhe si jing guan.Li Ye - 2018 - Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
    Ben shu zhi zai yong zhe xue yan jiu de fang shi zheng ti lun shu fo xue ti xi. wei le shi pu tong da zhong neng chu kui wan zheng de fo jiao xi tong, zuo zhe fen bie cong fo jiao de ge di yu pai bie,zhe xue si xiang guan dian,si miao jian zhu yi ji fo jing shu ji lun zhu deng fang mian jin xing liao xiang jin de xu shu ji tao lun. shu (...)
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  18. Collected Papers (Neutrosophics and other topics), Volume XIV.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This fourteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 87 papers in Neutrosophics and other fields, such as mathematics, fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, picture fuzzy sets, information fusion, robotics, statistics, or extenics, comprising 936 pages, published between 2008-2022 in different scientific journals or currently in press, by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 99 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 26 countries: Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Adesina Abdul Akeem Agboola, Akbar Rezaei, Shariful Alam, Marina Alonso, Fran Andujar, (...)
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  19. Collected Papers (on various scientific topics), Volume XIII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This thirteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 88 papers in various fields of sciences, such as astronomy, biology, calculus, economics, education and administration, game theory, geometry, graph theory, information fusion, decision making, instantaneous physics, quantum physics, neutrosophic logic and set, non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, paradoxes, philosophy of science, scientific research methods, statistics, and others, structured in 17 chapters (Neutrosophic Theory and Applications; Neutrosophic Algebra; Fuzzy Soft Sets; Neutrosophic Sets; Hypersoft Sets; Neutrosophic Semigroups; Neutrosophic Graphs; Superhypergraphs; Plithogeny; (...)
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  20.  20
    Wang Yangming yu Yangming wen hua.Xiaoxin Wang & Pinglue Zhao (eds.) - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
    Ben shu gong you ba jiang zu cheng, fen bie shi sheng ren bi ke xue er zhi, Wang Yangming de xin xue ti xi, shi gong yu bing xue, wen xue si xiang yu shi wen chuang zuo, jiao yu si xiang yu shi jian, Yangming hou xue, Yangming xue zai jin xian dai de ying xiang, Yangming wen hua yu Guizhou lü you. Mei ge lun ti lun shu ji zhong, shen du shi zhong, xu shu xing yu (...)
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  21.  33
    A Sociocultural Perspective on English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) Teachers’ Cognitions About Form-Focused Instruction.Qiang Sun & Lawrence Jun Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    There has been much research into teacher beliefs about teaching and learning as seen in the general teacher education literature. In the field of language teacher education, this line of research has been evolving, with the recent trend being streamlined into “teacher cognition” as a generic or umbrella term. Despite increasing amounts of research output so far, research into foreign language teachers’ cognitions about their own teaching and decision-making is still insufficient, particularly with regard to university-level English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers in (...)
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  22.  46
    Modeling and Solving the Dynamic Task Allocation Problem of Heterogeneous UAV Swarm in Unknown Environment.Qiang Peng, Husheng Wu & Na Li - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    As a NP-hard problem that needs to be solved in real time, the dynamic task allocation problem of unmanned aerial vehicle swarm has gradually become a difficulty and hotspot in the current planning field. Aiming at the problems of poor real-time performance and low quality of the solution in the dynamic task allocation of heterogeneous UAV swarm in uncertain environment, this paper establishes a dynamic task allocation model that can meet the actual needs and uses the binary wolf pack algorithm (...)
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  23.  23
    Phase field calculus, curvature-dependent energies, and vesicle membranes.Qiang Du - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (1):165-181.
  24.  7
    Ru jia xin xing lun.Qiang Han - 1998 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  25. Wang Bi yu Zhongguo wen hua.Qiang Han - 2001 - Guiyang Shi: Jing xiao Xin hua shu dian.
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  26. Bian zheng wei wu zhu yi li shi wei wu zhu yi zi xue gang yao.Qiang Huang (ed.) - 1986 - [Amoy]: Fujian sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Cong biao xiang dao jie ru: ke xue shi jian de zhe xue yan jiu = Cong biaoxiang dao jieru.Qiang Meng - 2008 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  28.  32
    An Overview of the International Symposium on" The Change of Direction in Life Aesthetics of the New Century: A Dialogue between East and West.Zhao Qiang - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 1:021.
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  29.  21
    Consumption Reduction Solution of TV News Broadcast System Based on Wireless Communication Network.Haifeng Qiang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    At present, the news broadcast system using mobile network on the market provides the basic functions required by TV stations, but there are still many problems and shortcomings. In view of the main problems existing in the current system and combined with the actual needs of current users, this paper has preliminarily developed a news broadcast system based on 5G Live. The card frame adaptive strategy significantly improves the user experience by using gradual video frame buffering technology. Hardware codec technology (...)
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  30. Cheng Xuanying ping zhuan.Yu Qiang - 2006 - Nanjing: Nanjing da xue chu ban she.
  31.  84
    The philosophies of laozi and zhuangzi and the bamboo-slip essay hengxian.Yu Qiang - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (1):88-115.
    The bamboo slip essay Hengxian æ’å ˆis historically valuable because it serves to further the ontological understanding and comprehension of issues related to the existence of the universe from the perspective of Laozi’s Daoist thought. Hengxian explores important propositions such as how Qi originated and activated itself and they came out of the same source but differed in nature from several aspects. The idea that Hengxian is ‘being’ without any definiteness responds to the issue of the relationship of difference and (...)
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  32.  8
    Zheng zhi xue ji chu li lun de guan nian: Jia zhi yu zhi shi de lun bian.Qiang Yan - 2002 - Guangzhou: Zhongshan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Fanbin Kong.
    本书以政治科学的基础理论为核心,以当代思想和思维水平为支持,批判性地系统阐述了基础理论研究在政治知识求取中的重要地位和作用,涉及政治科学的学科论、范式论、方法论和范畴论四个论题,指出回归基础理论的研究 是当今政治科学繁荣的根本途径。.
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  33.  27
    The Predictive Values of Changes in Local and Remote Brain Functional Connectivity in Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma Patients According to Support Vector Machine Analysis.Qiang Fu, Hui Liu & Yu Lin Zhong - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    PurposeThe primary angle-closure glaucoma is an irreversible blinding eye disease in the world. Previous neuroimaging studies demonstrated that PACG patients were associated with cerebral changes. However, the effect of optic atrophy on local and remote brain functional connectivity in PACG patients remains unknown.Materials and MethodsIn total, 23 patients with PACG and 23 well-matched Health Controls were enrolled in our study and underwent resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning. The regional homogeneity method and functional connectivity method were used to evaluate the (...)
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  34.  43
    A Novel Approach to Face Verification Based on Second-Order Face-Pair Representation.Qiang Hua, Chunru Dong & Feng Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    No such thing as one-size-fits-all in AI ethics frameworks: a comparative case study.Vivian Qiang, Jimin Rhim & AJung Moon - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-20.
    Despite the bombardment of AI ethics frameworks (AIEFs) published in the last decade, it is unclear which of the many have been adopted in the industry. What is more, the sheer volume of AIEFs without a clear demonstration of their effectiveness makes it difficult for businesses to select which framework they should adopt. As a first step toward addressing this problem, we employed four different existing frameworks to assess AI ethics concerns of a real-world AI system. We compared the experience (...)
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  36.  44
    Nip and tuck at the neuromuscular junction: A role for proteases in developmental synapse elimination.Qiang Chang & Rita J. Balice-Gordon - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (4):271-275.
    During late embryonic and early postnatal development, synaptic connections are extensively modified so that some functional connections are weakened and eliminated from a neural circuit while others are strengthened and maintained. The mechanisms that underlie synapse elimination are beginning to be understood from studies of the neuromuscular junction. A recent paper(1) provides some intriguing insights into the role proteases may play in the developmental disassembly of neuromuscular synapses.
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  37.  21
    Verbal-spatial and visuospatial coding of power–space interactions.Qiang Dai & Lei Zhu - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 63:151-160.
  38. A Review And Prospect Of Research On The Mental Illness Stigma.Qiang Li & Wen-jun Gao - 2009 - Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 4:123-132.
    Mental illness stigma is imposed on patients in mental illness stigma mark, mainly referring to the disease and psychological stereotypes lead to the loss of social status and discrimination. Study confirmed the existence of stigma would prevent the patient's treatment and rehabilitation, stigma issues resulting widespread concern in the world health community, which is a hotspot of research on the impact of stigma. Labeling theory and theories of stigma affect the correct label for the analysis of the mechanism; stigma of (...)
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    Quan qiu shi guan xia de Kongzi xue shuo =.Guangzhong Qiang - 2011 - Haikou Shi: Nan fang chu ban she.
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  40. "Wu" de jue qi: qian xian dai wan qi Zhongguo shen mei feng shang de bian qian.Qiang Zhao - 2016 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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  41. Capture of 3D Human Motion Pose in Virtual Reality Based on Video Recognition.Qiang Fu, Xingui Zhang, Jinxiu Xu & Haimin Zhang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-17.
    Motion pose capture technology can effectively solve the problem of difficulty in defining character motion in the process of 3D animation production and greatly reduce the workload of character motion control, thereby improving the efficiency of animation development and the fidelity of character motion. Motion gesture capture technology is widely used in virtual reality systems, virtual training grounds, and real-time tracking of the motion trajectories of general objects. This paper proposes an attitude estimation algorithm adapted to be embedded. The previous (...)
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  42.  9
    SIM-GCN: similarity graph convolutional networks for charges prediction.Qiang Ge, Jing Zhang & Xiaoding Guo - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-23.
    In recent years, the analysis of legal judgments and the prediction of outcomes based on case factual descriptions have become hot research topics in the field of judiciary. Among them, the task of charge prediction aims to predict the applicable charges of a judicial case based on its factual description, making it an important research area in the intelligent judiciary. While significant progress has been made in machine learning and deep learning, traditional methods are limited to handling data in Euclidean (...)
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    Product Market Competition and Firm Performance: Business Survival Through Innovation and Entrepreneurial Orientation Amid COVID-19 Financial Crisis.Qiang Liu, Xiaoli Qu, Dake Wang, Jaffar Abbas & Riaqa Mubeen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The product market competition has become a global challenge for business organizations in the challenging and competitive market environment in the influx of the COVID-19 outbreak. The influence of products competition on organizational performance in developed economies has gained scholars’ attention, and numerous studies explored its impacts on business profitability. The existing studies designate mixed findings between the linkage of CSR practices and Chinese business firms’ healthier performance in emerging economies; however, the current global crisis due to the coronavirus has (...)
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  44.  34
    Identity and national identity.Qiang Liu & David Turner - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (12):1080-1088.
    This article reviews the history of international mobility of students from China to other countries over the century and a half from 1870 to the present day. Different motivations, goals, courses, and knowledge are considered, together with how the purposes of individuals have matched national policy. Implications for the future development in a globalized context are briefly considered.
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    Photoionization microscopy of Rydberg hydrogen atom near a dielectric surface.Qiang Chen & Dehua Wang - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (33):3712-3726.
  46. Xian dai xin ru xue xin xing li lun ping shu.Qiang Han - 1992 - Shenyang: Liaoning sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  47. Chinese University Diploma: Can its International Image be Improved?Niu Qiang - 2007 - Ethics 4 (4):351-376.
  48.  4
    Jing ji lun li xue.Yihua Qiang - 2001 - Wuhan: Hubei ren min chu ban she.
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    College Students’ Psychological Health Analysis Based on Multitask Gaussian Graphical Models.Qiang Tian, Rui Wang, Shijie Li, Wenjun Wang, Ou Wu, Faming Li & Pengfei Jiao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    Understanding and solving the psychological health problems of college students have become a focus of social attention. Complex networks have become important tools to study the factors affecting psychological health, and the Gaussian graphical model is often used to estimate psychological networks. However, previous studies leave some gaps to overcome, including the following aspects. When studying networks of subpopulations, the estimation neglects the intrinsic relationships among subpopulations, leading to a large difference between the estimated network and the real network. Because (...)
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  50.  26
    Assessment of 3D inhomogeneous microstructure of highly alloyed aluminium foam via dual energy K-edge subtraction imaging.Qiang Zhang, Hiroyuki Toda, Yasutaka Takami, Yoshio Suzuki, Kentaro Uesugi & Masakazu Kobayashi - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (14):1853-1871.
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