Results for 'Public opinion polls'

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  1.  58
    Ethical considerations regarding public opinion polling during election campaigns.Alex C. Michalos - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (6):403 - 422.
    Commercial public opinion polling is an increasingly important element in practically all elections in democratic countries around the world. Poll results and pollsters are relatively new and autonomous voices in our human communities. Here I try to connect such polling directly to morality and democratic processes. Several arguments have been and might be used for and against banning such polling during elections, i.e., for and against effectively silencing these voices. I present the arguments on both sides of this (...)
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    The Supreme Court at the Bar of Public Opinion Polls.Or Bassok - 2016 - Constellations 23 (4):573-584.
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    Making the People Speak: The Use of Public Opinion Polls in Democracy.Patrick Champagne - 2004 - Constellations 11 (1):61-75.
  4.  9
    (1 other version)Polls, Pollsters, Public Opinion and Political Power in Poland in the Late 1970s.G. Mink - 1981 - Télos 1981 (47):125-132.
  5.  34
    Deliberative public opinion.Kieran C. O’Doherty - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (4):124-145.
    Generally, public opinion is measured via polls or survey instruments, with a majority of responses in a particular direction taken to indicate the presence of a given ‘public opinion’. However, discursive psychological and related scholarship has shown that the ontological status of both individual opinion and public opinion is highly suspect. In the first part of this article I draw on this body of work to demonstrate that there is currently no meaningful (...)
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    Public Opinion: Developments and Controversies in the Twentieth Century.Slavko Splichal - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This major work surveys the historical roots, theoretical foundations, and normative claims of 20th-century conceptualizations of public opinion. It reanalyzes leading traditions, such as those of Lippmann, Dewey, and Noelle-Neumann, and reinvents some unjustly ignored ones, such as Toennies, Harrisson, and Wilson. The book critically examines popular modern research strategies such as polling and the 'spiral of silence' model and looks at the role of mass media in the formation and expression of public opinion.
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  7. Experimenting with a democratic ideal: Deliberative polling and public opinion.James Fishkin & Robert Luskin - 2005 - Acta Politica 40 (3):284–98.
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    Rational Public Opinion or its Manufacture? Reply to Page.George F. Bishop - 2008 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 20 (1-2):141-157.
    ABSTRACT Benjamin Page's thoughtful critique of my book, The Illusion of Public Opinion, strives to reassure readers that all is well—despite the book's extensive documentation of measurement‐error artifacts in numerous public opinion surveys. Page's own careful polling practices are not followed outside of elite academic survey centers. Moreover, even in such well‐run surveys, the respondents are often ignorant of the issues being probed. The fact that nonrandom reasons of some sort must be determining on‐the‐spot survey responses (...)
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  9.  28
    Problematic Ethics: Public Opinion Surveys in Medico-legal Disputes.Tom Koch - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (1):1-10.
    Public opinion surveys and polls have a long history as tools for the reportage of public sentiment. Born in the “straw polls” of nineteenth century politics, their use expanded in the last century to include a range of commercial and social subjects. In recent decades, these have included issues of medico-legal uncertainty including, in a partial list, abortion, fetal tissue research, and the propriety of medical termination. Because public opinion surveys are assumed to (...)
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    Research ethics: The role of ‘public opinion’ in the UK animal research debate.P. Hobson-West - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):46-49.
    Animal research remains a deeply controversial topic in biomedical science. While a vast amount has been written about the ethical status of laboratory animals, far less academic attention has been devoted to the public and, more specifically, to public opinion. Rather than what the public think, this article considers the role of ‘public opinion’. It draws on a recent empirical study which involved interviews with laboratory scientists who use animals in their research, and with (...)
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  11.  16
    In data we (don't) trust: The public adrift in data-driven public opinion models.Slavko Splichal - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    This article seeks to address current debates comparing polls and opinion mining as empirically based figuration models of public opinion in the light of in-depth intellectual debates on the role and nature of public opinion that began after the French Revolution and the controversy over public opinion spurred by the invention of polls. Issues of historical quantification and re-conceptualisation of public opinion are addressed in four parts. The first summarises (...)
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  12.  14
    Power of the people or the expert? The influence of vox pop and expert statements on news-item evaluation, perceived public opinion, and personal opinion.Kathleen Beckers - 2022 - Communications 47 (1):114-135.
    Vox pops, interviews with ordinary people on the street, are one of the most common ways to represent public opinion in television news. Research found that they influence audience judgments more than static base-rate information such as poll results. However, little research has compared vox pops with vivified base-rate information. Most research studying vox pops assumed they are included in the news because of their apparent attractiveness and trustworthiness to audiences. Using a television news experiment comparing statistical base-rate (...)
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    Beyond polling alone: The quest for an informed public.James S. Fishkin - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 18 (1-3):157-165.
    Converse's seminal 1964 article explored three crucial limitations of public opinion as it is revealed in conventional polls: information levels, belief systems, and nonattitudes. These limitations are significant from the standpoint of democratic theory, but it is possible to design forms of public consultation and of social‐science research that will reveal what public opinion might be like if these limitations were somehow overcome. Deliberative Polling is an effort to explore the contours of such a (...)
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  14.  31
    Deliberative Public Consultation via Deliberative Polling: Criteria and Methods.James S. Fishkin - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (S2):19-24.
    This article poses the problem of public consultation on contested policies involving new technologies and competing values or value‐laden goals. It argues that Deliberative Polling, an approach developed by the author, can be usefully employed to engage representative samples to deliberate in depth in controlled experiments so as to yield a picture of the public's considered judgments. It also argues from recent experience that such consultations can be cost effectively conducted online with stratified random samples. It draws on (...)
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  15.  11
    'This poll has not happened yet': temporal play in election predictions.Richard Fitzgerald & Adam Jaworski - 2008 - Discourse and Communication 2 (1):5-27.
    Although the past plays a large part in election campaigns, predictions and promises are its lifeblood, with the various parties promising great things if elected and predicting doom if not. Indeed the `manifestos' usually published at the beginning of an election campaign are a study in pledges, promises and wishes that parties use to entice the electorate to vote for them. Whilst talk of the future often dominates election discourse, one aspect of the future that is largely passed over without (...)
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  16.  11
    L'évolution de l'opinion publique belge : 1971-1974.Nicole Delruelle-Vosswinkel - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (3-4):347-371.
    The article presents some of the results of public opinion polls that were carried out as a part of a panel poll, organized by the «Institut Universitaire de Sondage d'Opinion Publique» and covering 1.500 belgian voters.The article specifically deals with the following items - the meaning of the votes shift between 1971 and 1974 ;- the moment at which voting decisions crystallized in the 10-3-74 elections;- the way in which the political climate was perceived, and the (...)
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  17.  19
    Monitoring Public Interest and Sentiment on Basic Income: Using Google and Twitter Data in the U.S.Soomi Lee & Taeyong Park - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (1):31-49.
    This study uses data from Google Trends and Twitter to analyze how public interest and sentiment towards Universal Basic Income (UBI) changed across all 50 states and Washington D.C. between 2018 and 2021. We specifically selected this time period as it includes both Andrew Yang’s UBI campaign during the Democratic primaries in 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when UBI gained attention due to the federal government’s unconditional cash payment to almost all citizens. To overcome the limitations of (...)
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  18.  50
    Collective Protest Actions by Licensed Health Professionals.Paul J. Reitemeier - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (4):449-459.
    Public opinion polls consistently reveal that U.S. society wants three basic characteristics in its healthcare system: (1) convenient access to skilled professionals and quality services for everyone, including primary care and specialty personnel and services especially for the very seriously ill; (2) personal affordability at both levels of service; and (3) happy health professionals. Meeting these three goals simultaneously has proved to be quite challenging. The goal of universal access to basic and specialty services pulls against the (...)
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  19.  21
    Matters of Opinion. A Comparative Reading of Adorno and Bourdieu.Camilla Brenni - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 50:173-203.
    Cet article propose de faire dialoguer Adorno et Bourdieu en explorant certains de leurs textes sur l’opinion personnelle, l’opinion publique et le sondage d’opinion. À partir de leurs réflexions respectives concernant ces phénomènes socialement interdépendants, il s’agit de mettre en relief ce qui rapproche et distingue ces deux penseurs. En examinant d’abord la question de l’intériorisation de la domination par les acteurs sociaux, puis la production sociale et médiatique d’opinions et d’habitus communs, et enfin la consolidation a-critique (...)
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    A comparison of five business philosophies.Paul Miesing & John F. Preble - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (6):465 - 476.
    While the media and public opinion polls suggest that the state of business ethics is declining, surveys of corporate managers on the subject are less than conclusive. This study presents results of a survey of 487 adult, MBA, and undergraduate business students on the business philosophies of Machiavellianism, Darwinism, Objectivism, Relativism, and Universalism. The findings were consistent with earlier research which showed prospective managers to be less ethical than practicing ones and that women and those reporting a (...)
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  21.  25
    Valuing Values: Better Public Engagement on Nanotechnology Demands a Better Understanding of the Diversity of Publics.Craig Cormick & Simon Hunter - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (1):57-71.
    As public attitude research evolves, often becoming more complex and variable, we are coming to understand that public attitudes are also more complex and variable than can often be captured by a single opinion poll, and more sophisticated forms of analyses are needed that look not just at a breadth of attitudes, but at a breadth of publics. The Australian Department of Industry undertook a public attitude study in 2012 that was not only longitudinal, looking at (...)
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  22.  16
    L'opinion publique et les conflits de classes.Nicole Delruelle - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (4):563-588.
    This article tries to confront the answers to certain questions in the opinion poll with the analysis of class conflict in our types of societies.It is wrong to say that people have modified the image they have of society, or that they would not consider it in terms of division and conflict any langer : conflicts are rather well perceived by public-opinion ; their aggravation is felt by many.According to the results of the poll, public (...) holds it that positions in the professional authority structure tend to be no longer identical with positions in the authority structure in society as a whole. This distinction goes together with a diminution of the importance of the professional role. While quite well perceiving authority conflicts, the public seems to try to keep at some «distance» from these conflicts.According to their electorate's structure, political «families» express images of society either rather in terms of division and coercion, or more in terms of integration. (shrink)
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    Revisiting “the Voice of the People”: An Evaluation of the Claims and Consequences of Deliberative Polling.Laurel S. Gleason - 2011 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 23 (3):371-392.
    ABSTRACT Political scientist James Fishkin has devised “deliberative polling” as a means to better informed, more autonomous, and more reflective participant opinion. After a deliberative poll, this improved form of public opinion can be disseminated to the general public and to policy makers so as to influence public opinion (as it is normally construed) and public policy. Close examination of the results of deliberative polling, however, suggests no evidence of a normatively desirable gain (...)
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  24.  35
    The Lawyer, the Judge, the Historian: Shaping the Meaning of the Boston Massacre, American Revolution, and Popular Opinion from 1770 to the Present Day. [REVIEW]William Pencak - 2009 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (1):69-82.
    Both the Kevelson Seminar topic, ‘Lawyers as Makers of Meaning,’ and the appearance of a highly-publicized television series in the United States dedicated to the life of President John Adams (1735–1826) invite inquiry into Adams’ role as a lawyer who shaped the meaning of the American Revolution (and his role in bringing it about). Three trials from Adams’ early legal career illustrate that he presented both himself and fellow resistance leader James Otis, Jr., as heroic loners struggling for the rights (...)
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  25.  60
    Does Public Ignorance Matter?Robert S. Erikson - 2007 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 19 (1):23-34.
    ABSTRACT Recent scholarship has attempted to restore the reputation of the American electorate, even though its level of political interest and information has not measurably increased. Scott Althaus’s Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics challenges this revisionist optimism, arguing that opinion polls misrepresent the interests of a large segment of society, and that they therefore get too much attention as a guide to policy makers, because those being polled are so ill informed. But Althaus overestimates the degree to which (...)
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  26.  15
    Etyczne i wychowawcze aspekty opinii publicznej.bp Adam Lepa - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (2):109-119.
    This paper is concerned with the issue of public opinion considered from two points of view: ethical and educational. It has been inspired by the insufficient knowledge of society about public opinion as well as the gullibility of the general public as regards the acceptance of the results of public opinion polls. Therefore, the ethical and educational dimension of this phenomenon are not recognized, which results in a severe lack of research and (...)
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  27.  45
    Post-Brexit Immigration Policy: Reconciling Public Perceptions with Economic Evidence.Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij, H. Rolfe, N. Hudson-Sharp & J. Runge - 2018 - National Institute of Social and Economic Research.
    Existing research shows consistently high levels of concern among people in the UK over the scale of immigration and its impact on jobs, wages and services. At the same time, that same body of research does not provide much in the way of detail about the nature of these concerns. This is partly because much of the data is from opinion polls which say little about the priorities and perspectives that underlie the aggregate numbers. Moreover, very little research (...)
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  28.  43
    Why Public Programs Matter — And Will Continue to Matter — Even after Health Reform.Elizabeth J. Fowler & Timothy Stoltzfus Jost - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (4):670-676.
    As we write this paper in spring 2008, many are hopeful that November’s election will open the door to some form of comprehensive health care reform. In all likelihood, we will elect a president who has campaigned to a greater or lesser extent on promises of improving access to health care, improving quality, and reducing costs. Equally important, it seems likely that the 111th Congress is preparing to undertake meaningful health care reform. And perhaps most important, despite recent attention to (...)
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  29.  38
    Trends in public approval of euthanasia and suicide in the US, 1947-2003.O. D. Duncan - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (5):266-272.
    Debates about end of life decisions should accept that public opinion on these matters is still fluidChanges in the past half century in the attitudes of the American public regarding euthanasia and suicide in the case of incurable disease have been dramatic, and they attest to the success of a social movement that has been in part a phenomenon “of the times” . But they are also in part a consequence of a highly visible social movement and (...)
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  30.  47
    Public reasoning about voluntary assisted dying: An analysis of submissions to the Queensland Parliament, Australia.David G. Kirchhoffer & Chi-Wai Lui - 2020 - Bioethics 35 (1):105-116.
    The use of voluntary assisted dying as an end‐of‐life option has stimulated concerns and debates over the past decades. Although public attitudes towards voluntary assisted dying (including euthanasia and physician‐assisted suicide) are well researched, there has been relatively little study of the different reasons, normative reasoning and rhetorical strategies that people invoke in supporting or contesting voluntary assisted dying in everyday life. Using a mix of computational textual mining techniques, keyword study and qualitative thematic coding to analyse public (...)
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  31.  67
    The Education of John Dewey: A Biography.Jay Martin - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    During John Dewey's lifetime, one public opinion poll after another revealed that he was esteemed to be one of the ten most important thinkers in American history. His body of thought, conventionally identified by the shorthand word "Pragmatism," has been the distinctive American philosophy of the last fifty years. His work on education is famous worldwide and is still influential today, anticipating as it did the ascendance in contemporary American pedagogy of multiculturalism and independent thinking. His University of (...)
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  32. Organizational Factors Encouraging Ethical Decision Making: An Exploration into the Case of an Exemplar.Shannon Bowen - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (4):311-324.
    What factors in the organizational culture of an ethically exemplary corporation are responsible for encouraging ethical decision making? This question was analyzed through an exploratory case study of a top pharmaceutical company that is a global leader in ethics. The participating organization is renowned in public opinion polls of ethics, credibility, and trust. This research explored organizational culture, communication in issues management and public relations, management theory, and deontological or utilitarian moral philosophy as factors that might (...)
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  33. An ethical and social examination of the death penalty as depicted in two current films made in a ―pro-death penalty society‖.Atsushi Asai & Sakiko Maki - 2011 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 21 (3):95-98.
    In Japan, although various arguments exist regarding the appropriateness of the death penalty, nationwide public opinion polls regarding the death penalty revealed that 85.6% of respondents supported maintaining the death penalty in 2009. Under these circumstances, it is worthwhile to deliberate the ethical and social issues surrounding the death penalty as depicted in Japanese films from medical humanities perspectives. In the present paper, we discuss two recent films concerning the death penalty, 13 kaidan directed by Masahiro Nagasawa, (...)
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    What does the British public think about human-animal hybrid embryos?D. A. Jones - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3):168-170.
    In the recent UK debate on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, there have been conflicting claims about the extent of public support for, or opposition to, human–animal hybrids. Self-selecting polls tend to show opposition to hybrids. Representative-sample polling shows spontaneous opposition but can elicit conditional approval of research, combined with underlying unease. Public opinion is very finely divided, with people generally opposed to this research unless it is likely to lead to medical advances.
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    Did Habermas Cede Nature to the Positivists?Gordon R. Mitchell - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (1):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.1 (2003) 1-21 [Access article in PDF] Did Habermas Cede Nature to the Positivists? Gordon R. Mitchell Jürgen Habermas's "colonization of the lifeworld" thesis (1987, 332-73) posits that many of society's pathologies are due to the tendency of institutions to convert social issues that ought to be sorted out by a debating citizenry into technical problems ripe for resolution by expert bureaucracies, thus pre-empting important (...) discussion. Habermas has attempted to lay bare the pernicious effects of this colonization process in his analysis of public opinion polling, welfare policy, education, German reunification, immigration, and other social issues (see Habermas 1997, 1994, and 1970; Holub 1992). In each of these contexts, Habermas has publicly challenged the encroachment of scientistic modes of decision-making into spheres where joint communicative action by deliberating citizens would yield more appropriate and legitimate judgments. This critical impulse is also evident in Habermas's methodological reflections on the proper role of academic scholarship, where he has argued vigorously against attempts to graft "objectivating" methods of natural scientific inquiry onto research projects in the social sciences (1971, 304-17).From all of this, one might gather that Habermas's commitment to rolling back the influence of technical forms of reasoning is connected to some intrinsic quarrel he has with the natural sciences. Yet such a sweeping generalization is hard to sustain in light of the fact that Habermas does not oppose technical reasoning per se; he recognizes that the daunting complexity of social life in late capitalism requiresthat certain "steering" tasks be delegated to systems that utilize largely instrumental logics to co-ordinate action. Likewise, he acknowledges that the disciplines of the natural sciences necessarily play important supporting roles in such steering projects.One normative presupposition of Habermas's colonization thesis is that there exists some proper boundary demarcating where the sphere of technical reasoning ends and the realm of communicative rationality begins. [End Page 1] On one side of this boundary, Habermas has provided many details on what he sees as the essential qualities of a properly functioning "public sphere," where "new social movements" continuously reweave the threads of communicative fabric holding society together (1996, 359-87), and where "historico-hermeneutic" academic study reflects on public life, sluicing insight back into the capillaries of democratic deliberations (1987, 374-403).What lies on the other side of the boundary is murkier. The proper role of natural scientific investigation has received relatively scant attention in Habermas's critical theory of society, and this has led to some confusion regarding his account of the natural sciences, as well as debate over whether this account has political purchase. One would think that sympathetic commentators, such as Helen Longino (who bases much of her own coherence theory of scientific truth on Habermas), would have reassuring things to say on this point. Yet her lukewarm assessment that, "in trying to clear a space for an autonomous social and critical theory, [Habermas] has ceded nature to the positivists" (1990, 202), raises questions about the flexibility and scope of Habermas's theory of communicative action as a basis for critique of scientific practice.One way to test Habermas's account of the natural sciences on this count is to put his views in conversation with science studies commentators who share a similar commitment to the idea that dialogue and argumentation are constitutive elements of scientific practice. Such an approach recasts the "ceding to positivism" question into a moment of controversy over the role of dialogue, not only as an essential motor driving the scientific enterprise, but also as a vehicle for democratic decision-making on issues related to the purpose and direction of scientific inquiry in society.Part one of this essay locates discursive norms embedded pragmatically in the notion of scientific objectivity. By bringing a modified version of Habermas's theory of communicative action into conversation with other approaches to science studies that foreground intersubjective dialogue as the key motor driving the scientific enterprise, I develop a foundation for robust criticism of systematically distorted scientific communication. Specific strategies of... (shrink)
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    A Pragmatic Approach to Business Ethics.Alex C. Michalos - 1995 - SAGE Publications.
    A pragmatic approach to business ethics is argued for in this volume, which demonstrates the usefulness of the approach by applying it to a variety of issues. These issues are broad and far-reaching and include the relations between rational and moral//ethical decision-making, the limits of loyalty to employers, the impact of trust on business and the role of commercial public opinion polling during elections. The author also covers advertising, tobacco promotion, manufacture and marketing of armaments, concentration and taxation (...)
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  37. Trusting in others’ biases: Fostering guarded trust in collaborative filtering and recommender systems.Jo Ann Oravec - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 17 (3):106-123.
    Collaborative filtering is being used within organizations and in community contexts for knowledge management and decision support as well as the facilitation of interactions among individuals. This article analyzes rhetorical and technical efforts to establish trust in the constructions of individual opinions, reputations, and tastes provided by these systems. These initiatives have some important parallels with early efforts to support quantitative opinion polling and construct the notion of “public opinion.” The article explores specific ways to increase trust (...)
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  38. Can a Democrat change US Middle East policy?Noam Chomsky - unknown
    "Eighty-one per cent say when making 'an important decision' government leaders 'should pay attention to public opinion polls because this will help them get a sense of the public's views,"' reports the Program on International Policy Attitudes, in Washington.
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    Genetics and Life Insurance: Medical Underwriting and Social Policy.Arthur L. Caplan - 2004 - MIT Press.
    Experts discuss the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of genetic testing in determining eligibility for life insurance. Insurance companies routinely use an individual's medical history and family medical history in determining eligibility for life insurance; this is part of the process of medical underwriting. Insurers have also long used genetic information, often derived from family history, in underwriting. But rapid advances in gene identification and genetic testing are changing the way we look at genetic information. Should the (...)
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    Attitudes of healthcare professionals and the public towards the sale of kidneys for transplantation.A. Guttmann & R. D. Guttmann - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (3):148-153.
    We conducted a survey of attitudes towards the sale of kidneys for transplantation within and without the medical community. Half of those polled received a case of a young man in India whose only chance for survival was to purchase a kidney, the other half a case of a Canadian man who was suffering side-effects from dialysis and had been on the transplant waiting list for three years. We found the percentage of responses allowing the patients to purchase a kidney (...)
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  41. The Rationality of Voting and Duties of Elected Officials.Marcus Arvan - 2016 - In Emily Crookston, David Killoren & Jonathan Trerise (eds.), Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents. New York: Routledge. pp. 239-253.
    In his recent article in Philosophy and Public Affairs, 'The Paradox of Voting and Ethics of Political Representation', Alexander A. Guerrero argues it is rational to vote because each voter should want candidates they support to have the strongest public mandate possible if elected to office, and because every vote contributes to that mandate. The present paper argues that two of Guerrero's premises require correction, and that when those premises are corrected several provocative but compelling conclusions follow about (...)
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    Contradictions in perceiving corruption by Russia’s population and its presentation in the official discourse.Alexander Pavroz - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:7-21.
    Introduction. The problem of corruption continues to be relevant in Russia. More research is needed to effectively combat corruption. Studying corruption in the context of general issues of contemporary Russian politics is particularly relevant in this regard. Purpose. The article is aimed at disclosing contradictions associated with perceiving corruption by the population of Russia and its representation in the official discourse. Methods. The author uses the following methods: analysis of statistical data, analysis of the results of public opinion (...)
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    Is That a Fact?: A Field Guide for Evaluating Statistical and Scientific Information.Mark Battersby - 2009 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    We are inundated by scientific and statistical information, but what should we believe? How much should we trust the polls on the latest electoral campaign? When a physician tells us that a diagnosis of cancer is 90% certain or a scientist informs us that recent studies support global warming, what should we conclude? How can we acquire reliable statistical information? Once we have it, how do we evaluate it? Despite the importance of these questions to our lives, many of (...)
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    Women's Movements in America: Their Successes, Disappointments, and Aspirations.Rita James Simon & Gloria Danziger - 1991 - Praeger.
    This work is a survey of the efforts through which women have changed their place in American society from the nation's founding to the present. Examining the historical struggle for suffrage, legal and property rights, and rights in the work place, the authors show how these experiences have shaped a contemporary movement for economic, political, and social equality that has become increasingly independent and less and less likely to place women's issues second to other national concerns. The authors recount a (...)
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    From Tradition to Innovation: A Study of Right-Wing Conservative Parties in Contemporary Poland.Антон Михайлович КОСТЮК - 2023 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 6 (1):100-108.
    The purpose of this article is to systematize and generalize information about the political right-conservative movement in modern Poland. In the course of the study, the potential for support for right-wing parties exists in every society. It can grow due to two groups of factors. The first concerns issues related to the difficult economic situation, the modernization of societies or cultural aspects, which are called demand-related in the literature. The second large group consists of supply factors: factors of possible political (...)
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  46.  23
    Sweden, the crown of the state.Torbjörn Larsson - 1991 - Res Publica 33 (1):49-60.
    Tbe role of Swedish royal family has been reduced to an almost exclusively ceremonial one during the 20th century, and this reduction of functions has possibly been carried out further in Sweden than in any other monarchy - with the exception of Japan. The Swedish King is for example no longer responsible even pro forma for the formation of the Government, but it took a long time before he was thus stripped of all his power.By the mid-1800s his influence on (...)
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    In Search of Equity: Health Needs and the Health Care System.Ronald Bayer, Professor Ronald Bayer, Arthur L. Caplan & Norman Daniels - 1983 - Springer.
    I Several years ago, when the Carter administration announced that it would support congressional action to end the public fund ing of abortions, the President was asked at a press conference whether he thought that such a policy was unfair; he responded, "Life is unfair." His remarks provoked a storm of controversy. For other than those who, for principled reasons, opposed abor tion on any grounds, it seemed that the President's comments were cruel, violating what was thought to be (...)
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    Les élections législatives du 17 décembre 1978 : Analyse des résultats.William Fraeys - 1979 - Res Publica 21 (2):309-328.
    This article is a summary of the results of the parliamentary election held on 17th December 1978. The balloting came in the wake of an early dissolution of the legislative bodies elected in 1977.The main feature of the election is that voters largely confirmed the 1977 voting patterns and that the new bodies wilt be very similar to the former ones.The only really significant trend is the falling off of Volksunie and the ahead movement of Flemish liberals. A second characteristic, (...)
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    Restitution in the context of institutional lock-in.Magdalena Załęczna - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 20 (1-2):153-175.
    This article presents the problem of lack of restitution in Poland in the political, social and economic context. The author presents the theory of institutional lock-in, referring to the hitherto course of the political, social and economic transformation processes in Poland. She is focusing on the research problem in form of an institutional lock-in on the route to general restitution process. The author examines the path shaping and path dependence to understand the current negative attitude toward restitution presented by the (...)
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  50.  38
    A new approach to multinational social responsibility.Jacob Naor - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (3):219 - 225.
    Multinational business activity has expanded dramatically since the end of World War II. The increased presence of foreign corporations and the generally strategic significance of such presence for host countries, has increasingly confronted both sides with the need to develop guidelines governing the conduct of such operations.The new voluntary approach to guideline development suggested here is based on the proposition that the fundamental aim of business activity is the satisfaction of socially desirable needs. Under this approach, MNC's should attempt to (...)
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