Results for 'Public officers. '

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  1. The Path to Public Office: Medicine versus Law.Michael L. Riordan - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (2):316-325.
    Essay by Dr. Michael L. Riordan, the founder of Gilead Sciences, on the comparative utility of a medical versus legal education as preparation for public office.
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    Public Office in Early Rome: Ritual Procedure and Political Practice.S. J. Northwood - 2002 - Classical Review 2:314-316.
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    Misfeasance in a Public Office: A Tort Law Misfit?John Murphy - 2012 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 32 (1):51-75.
    This article explores the peculiarities of the tort of misfeasance in a public office from the perspective of two popular, contemporary theories of tort law: the rights-based theory of Robert Stevens, and the corrective justice theory of Ernest Weinrib. It identifies four significant problems of fit for these theories: viz, the fact that this tort does not protect a clearly defined private law right; the fact that its touchstones of liability include concepts that are highly unusual in tort law (...)
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  4. Political ethics and public office.Dennis Frank Thompson - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Are public officials morally justified in threatening violence, engaging in deception, or forcing citizens to act for their own good? Can individual officials be held morally accountable for the wrongs that governments commit? Dennis Thompson addresses these questions by developing a conception of political ethics that respects the demands of both morality and politics. He criticizes conventional conceptions for failing to appreciate the difference democracy makes, and for ascribing responsibility only to isolated leaders or to impersonal organizations. His book (...)
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  5. Public institutions without public offices : Beccaria's use of political theory in the reform of criminal justice.Malcolm Thorburn - 2022 - In Antje Du Bois-Pedain & Shaḥar Eldar (eds.), Re-reading Beccaria: on the contemporary significance of a penal classic. New York: Hart.
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  6. Medicine: An Apt Preparation for Public Office.Michael L. Riordan - 1984 - Postgraduate Medicine 76 (5):13-18.
    How compatible is a medical training with a future role in public office? Potentially very compatible and advantageous, particularly with regard to public policy issues, argues Dr Michael L Riordan.
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  7. Misfeasance in a public office : a justifiable anomaly within the rights-based approach?Erika Chamberlain - 2011 - In Donal Nolan & Andrew Robertson (eds.), Rights and private law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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  8. Public institutions without public offices : Beccaria's use of political theory in the reform of criminal justice.Malcolm Thorburn - 2022 - In Antje Du Bois-Pedain & Shaḥar Eldar (eds.), Re-reading Beccaria: on the contemporary significance of a penal classic. New York: Hart.
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    A Study on the Perspective of Public Office and Employment of Zhuangzi. 신정근 - 2022 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 58:135-165.
    Scholars in ancient East Asian society tried to practice humanities by going on the path of public office after polishing their studies. In particular, Confucianism viewed study and public office as a virtuous cycle. Among ancient thinkers, Zhuangzi is usually regarded as having a negative attitude towards this. Of course, employment today is wider than public offices in that it encom-passes public offices, public and private enterprises, and self-employed businesses. Employment can be said to have (...)
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    The Political Privacy Dilemma: Private Lives and Public Office.John William Devine - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (3):391-408.
    Should political leaders have a right to privacy? Incursions by new and traditional media into the private lives of political leaders are commonplace. Are such incursions ethically justifiable? Prima facie, the question of ‘political privacy’ seems to involve a conflict between a politician's self-interest in retaining a protected private realm and citizens' public interest in having access to information about their representative's private life. Indeed, this is the structure that the debate has typically assumed. I challenge this orthodox view (...)
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    Moral aspects of dishonesty in public office.William Joseph King - 1949 - Washington,: Catholic Univ. of America Press.
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    A Study on the Exemplary Practice of Public Officer to Serve the People in the Philosophy of Yool Gok. 류성렬 - 2008 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (69):85-112.
    공직 사회가 제자리에 서서 건강한가의 여부는 국가의 치란 흥망에 관건이 된다. 즉 위로는 公卿으로부터 아래로는 胥吏에 이르기까지 각기 맡은 바 직무를 성실히 수행하여 관리들의 공직윤리가 건전해야만 국가 기강이 확립되고 국력을 창출할 수 있다. 율곡은 당시의 어둡고 절박한 시대적 상황속에서 현실에 대한 냉엄하고도 정확한 현실감각과 함께 그것에 대한 섬세한 원인규명을 위해 예리한 심층분석의 안목과 견식을 충분히 발휘했던 것이다. 그래서 그는 인간중심적인 개혁의식을 가지면서, 소인들의 방해에도 불구하고 개혁의 당위성을 피력하고, 이를 실천해 나가는 역동적인 삶을 살았던 것이다. 어느 사회나 어느 시대를 막론하고 모든 (...)
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    Sortition in the republic R. Stewart: Public office in early Rome: Ritual procedure and political practice . Pp. 255. Ann Arbor: The university of michigan press, 1998. Cased, £34. Isbn: 0-472-10785-. [REVIEW]S. J. Northwood - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (02):314-.
  14. Public Relations Guide for New Precrime Officers.Peter Murphy - 2011 - In D. E. Wittkower (ed.), Philip K. Dick and Philosophy: Do Androids Have Kindred Spirits? Open Court Pub Co. pp. 207-216.
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  15. In the public interest: 150 years of the Victorian Auditor-General's office [Book Review].Robert Bender - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 118:21.
    Bender, Robert Review of: In the public interest: 150 years of the Victorian Auditor-General's office, by Peter Yule, 2002, VAGO, 304 pages.
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    Office Is a Thing Borrowed.Daniel Lee - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (3):409-440.
    Jean Bodin’s analysis in Six Livres de la République is often understood as evidence of his alleged political absolutism. This article examines Bodin’s theory of offices to argue that this is a misguided view of Bodin’s political thought. I begin by revisiting Bodin’s distinction between the “sovereignty” and the “government” of the state. It is in the analysis of the latter that Bodin constructs a normative doctrine warning of the dangers of “ seigneurial” rule. As I show, Bodin’s purpose was (...)
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    Ethics in public life: adapted from Ethics, conflicts, and offices: a guide for local officials.A. Fleming Bell - 1998 - [Chapel Hill, N.C.]: Institute of Government, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Edited by A. Fleming Bell.
    A sensible code of right and wrong for public officials everywhere, this book explores what ethics and the public trust mean. It includes sample codes of ethics and examines ways to improve the ethical climate of government. Excerpted and adapted from a longer work, Ethics, Conflicts, and Offices: A Guide for Local Officials, which also covers conflict of interest and office-holding laws in North Carolina.
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  18. From Synagogue to Church: Public Services and Offices in the Earliest Christian Communities.James Tunstead Burtchaell - 1992
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    "Office Is a Thing Borrowed": Jean Bodin on Offices and Seigneurial Government.Daniel Lee - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (3):0090591713476050.
    Jean Bodin’s analysis in Six Livres de la République is often understood as evidence of his alleged political absolutism. This article examines Bodin’s theory of offices to argue that this is a misguided view of Bodin’s political thought. I begin by revisiting Bodin’s distinction between the “sovereignty” and the “government” of the state. It is in the analysis of the latter that Bodin constructs a normative doctrine warning of the dangers of “seigneurial” rule. As I show, Bodin’s purpose was to (...)
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    Collective Responsibility and the Career Military Officer’s Right to Public Dissent.Chad W. Seagren - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):41-59.
    Current norms among professional military officers that govern obedience and dissent strongly discourage officers from offering public criticism of policy enacted by civilian authorities, even if that policy is immoral, illegal, or unconstitutional. We identify a set of circumstances that create a moral imperative for an officer to take action and we leverage prevailing ethical guidelines to argue that in certain cases, even individual officers not directly involved in the execution of the policy have moral standing to offer (...) criticism of it. We consider the consequences of relaxing norms prohibiting public dissent and explore the trade-off between tolerating immoral policy and the likelihood of mistakenly criticizing appropriate policy. Finally, we offer evidence that current military-civilian relations in the United States are such that placing higher value on dissent would benefit professional military officers and may improve policy. (shrink)
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  21. The Office of Scientific Integrity.David P. Hamilton - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (2):171-175.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Office of Scientific IntegrityDavid P. Hamilton (bio)For most of the 1980s, the specter of scientific fraud popped into public view every few years, usually only to submerge again. Faced with several well-publicized cases of scientists who blatantly faked their data—among the best-known being Harvard cardiologist John Darsee (whose colleagues watched him forge data) (Broad and Wade 1982, p. 14) and Sloan-Kettering Institute immunologist William Summerlin (who painted (...)
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    Contextualizing compliance officers and their state of practice.Maria Krambia-Kapardis, Ioanna Stylianou & Salomi Demetriou - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (3):385-411.
    The compliance officers' (CO) profession has been evolving over the last few decades. The expectations placed upon the individuals holding such a position vary across jurisdictions, but they are all expected to ensure employees and management of the business entity comply with the law. Given the limited research on CO in Europe, and the increasing public interest in this profession, the current authors have carried out a survey in Cyprus in an effort to map out and contextualize the CO' (...)
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    Making the Case for Laws That Improve Health: The Work of the Public Health Law Research National Program Office.Scott C. Burris & Evan D. Anderson - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):15-20.
    No one who attended the 2010 national public health law conference hosted by the Public Health Law Association and the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics could miss the sense of excitement and momentum. The revival of this annual public health law meeting, with the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the energetic leadership of the PHLA president and board, ASLME’s expert guidance, and a rousing address by Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the Centers for (...)
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  24. Public Reason, Religious Restraint and Respect.Richard North - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (2):179-193.
    In recent years liberals have had much to say about the kinds of reasons that citizens should offer one another when they engage in public political debates about existing or proposed laws. One of the more notable claims that has been made by a number of prominent liberals is that citizens should not rely on religious reasons alone when persuading one another to support or oppose a given law or policy. Unsurprisingly, this claim is rejected by many religious citizens, (...)
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    An analysis of moral dissent: An army officer's public protest of the Vietnam war.William A. Gouveia - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (1):53-60.
    What course of action do officers have when their conscience is in conflict with their duty? William A. Gouveia, Jr., describes the case of Col. David Hackworth, whose moral indignation at the conduct of the Vietnam War led him to public condemnation of the conflict, and the premature end of his brilliant military career. Gouveia argues that Hackworth's story has continuing relevancy and highlights important issues of the military?civilian relationship in a democracy.
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  26. Political Offices and American Constitutional Democracy: Senator, Activist, Organizer.Andrew Sabl - 1997 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    A constitutional democracy is characterized by "governing pluralism": there is no single source of sovereignty and no single consensus on what political life should look like. Starting from this premise, and using the United States as the example of such a democracy, the work treats the ethics of three kinds of political leaders in American politics. The work examines the offices of senator, moral activist, and community organizer, in each case trying to identify the distinctive purpose of the office or (...)
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  27. The Locke Manuscripts among the Shaftesbury Papers in the Public Record Office.J. Milton - 1996 - Locke Studies 27:109-130.
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    Public companies as social institutions.Janice Dean - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (4):302–310.
    Many UK public companies invest considerable resources in charitable donations and community involvement. Using semi‐structured interviews with public company officers, the author sought to investigate the motivations behind this activity. Was it undertaken because of an expectation of commercial benefit, out of a sense of obligation, or for other reasons? It appeared that public companies were increasingly anxious to make connections between corporate activity in the community and business activities. Public companies linked with local communities clearly (...)
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    Public Integrity.J. Patrick Dobel - 2002 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    In this groundbreaking book, J. Patrick Dobel describes and analyzes the elements that constitute integrity in public office. Drawing on case studies, memoirs, interviews, and fiction (e.g., John Le Carré), Dobel addresses such issues as when to resign and when to stay in office. He examines the temptations of power, the relation between private and public life, and the role of honor and prudence in making personal decisions. He applies not only moral theory but also the insights of (...)
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    A Critical Guide to the Kwantung Provincial Archives Deposited at the Public Record Office of London.Edward Rhoads & David Pong - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):347.
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  31. Religion, Rhetoric, and Running for Office: Public Reason on the U.S. Campaign Trail.Steven Michels & Brian Stiltner - 2009 - In Nigel Biggar & Linda Hogan (eds.), Religious Voices in Public Places. Oxford University Press.
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    Scientific Records in the British Public Record Office.Michael Jubb - 1985 - History of Science 23 (4):379-389.
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    Public and Political Life.Sam Crane - 2013 - In Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Dao: Ancient Chinese Thought in Modern American Life. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 133–167.
    For Confucians, public life — holding political office or assuming some sort of community leadership role — is a natural expression of moral accomplishment. Daoists would care little for either Bill Clinton or John Roberts. The personal faults of the former president would not surprise the writers of the Daodejing or Zhuangzi. Daoism and Confucianism provide very different views on who should lead and how leaders should perform. The more activist Confucian ideal of an exemplary leader, living a morally (...)
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    Chief financial officers' perceptions concerning the ima's standards of ethical conduct.Glen D. Moyes & Kyungjoo Park - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (2):189-194.
    Do chief financial officers (CFOs) of publicly held corporations agree with the Institute of Management Accountants' (IMA) Standards of Ethical Conduct and are they willing to adopt them? To address these issues, a survey was conducted concerning the Standards. The IMA issued the Pronouncement of Standards in June, 1982.In November, 1992, 790 survey questionnaires were mailed to chief financial officers (CFOs) of corporations listed in Forbes. These CFOs held the positions of vice president of finance and controller. Completed questionnaires were (...)
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    Discussions: A note on an early draft of Locke's essay in the public record office.Charlotte S. Johnston - 1954 - Mind 63 (250):234-238.
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    Critical Public Health Legal Theory: Proposing a New Approach to Public Health Law as a Tribute to Professor Charity Scott.Jean C. O’Connor - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):388-390.
    It was a great privilege to know Professor Charity Scott. I first met her when I was finishing Emory University’s joint law and public health program in the early 2000s, through the Office of General Counsel at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the early days of CDC’s Public Health Law Program, now the Office of Public Health Law Services. In those days, introductions were generous and frequent for excited students beginning their careers, but meeting (...)
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    Ruling passions: political offices and democratic ethics.Andrew Sabl - 2002 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    How should politicians act? When should they try to lead public opinion and when should they follow it? Should politicians see themselves as experts, whose opinions have greater authority than other people's, or as participants in a common dialogue with ordinary citizens? When do virtues like toleration and willingness to compromise deteriorate into moral weakness? In this innovative work, Andrew Sabl answers these questions by exploring what a democratic polity needs from its leaders. He concludes that there are systematic, (...)
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    Public Management as Corporate Social Responsibility: The Economic Bottom Line of Government.Athanasios Chymis, Paolo D'Anselmi & Massimiliano Di Bitetto (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This collection of case studies in public management bridges the gap between mainstream CSR - confined to the for-profit corporations - and the vast bodies of workers and organizations that make up government and its public administration. The variety and discretion of managerial endeavours in public management calls for accountability and responsibility of government beyond current legal instruments: The book argues that CSR must be brought to bear with government. In government in fact, knowledge management is not (...)
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    The consolation of Queen Elizabeth I: the queen's translation of Boethius's De consolatione philosophiae: Public Record Office, Manuscript SP 12/289. Boethius, Noel Harold Kaylor & Philip Edward Phillips - 2009 - Tempe, Ariz.: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Edited by Elizabeth, Noel Harold Kaylor & Philip Edward Phillips.
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    Deconstructing public participation in the governance of facial recognition technologies in Canada.Maurice Jones & Fenwick McKelvey - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    On February 13, 2020, the Toronto Police Services (TPS) issued a statement admitting that its members had used Clearview AI’s controversial facial recognition technology (FRT). The controversy sparked widespread outcry by the media, civil society, and community groups, and put pressure on policy-makers to address FRTs. Public consultations presented a key tool to contain the scandal in Toronto and across Canada. Drawing on media reports, policy documents, and expert interviews, we investigate four consultations held by the Toronto Police Services (...)
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    The Idea of Accountable Office in Ancient Greece and Beyond.Melissa Lane - 2020 - Philosophy 95 (1):19-40.
    While leaders in many times and places from ancient Greece to today have been called to account, it has been claimed that leaders in ancient Athens were called to account more than any other group in history. This paper surveys the distinctive ways in which Athenian accountability procedures gave the democratic people as a whole a meaningful voice in defining, revealing, and judging the misuse of office, and in holding every single official regularly and personally accountable for their use of (...)
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    Local-province chief executive officer and managerial myopia: Evidence from China.Qian Chen, Xiang Gao, Shuzhen Niu, Xiao Wang & Qian Wei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Managerial myopia occurs when executives value short-term benefits to the extent that firm long-run development will be obstructed. Recent studies have shown that the locality effect plays an important role in managerial myopia—local United States chief executive officers who work near their home states are less likely to behave myopically because of more effective monitoring and greater reputation concern. In an emerging market, government policies play a more important role in the strategic planning enterprises. A local CEO may have better (...)
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    The Politics of Expertise in Congress: The Rise and Fall of the Office of Technology Assessment. Bruce BimberTwenty Years of Science in the Public Interest: A History of the Congressional Science and Engineering Fellowship Program. Jeffrey K. Stine. [REVIEW]Bob Filner - 1997 - Isis 88 (2):321-322.
  44. POSTMASTER: Periodicals-class postage paid at Boston, Mass., and additional mailing offices. Send address changes to Journals Department, Blackwell Publish-ers, 350 Main Street, Maiden, MA 02148. Printed in the United States of America© 1998 by the Joint Publication Board of Zygon. ISSN 0591-2385. [REVIEW]A. Zygon - 1998 - Zygon 33 (1-2):179.
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    Two Illustrations from South Korea and Some Reflections about the Public Administration Studies: Are We Granted to Pillory the Ethics or Social Justice.Kiyoung Kim - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy 2 (4):48.
    Amidst the ideology, efficiency and bitter contention of international economy, the importance of leadership or public administration had long been under-stressed as an avenue for any better solution. Nonetheless, within a changing mode of interaction in the global community, an increasing ethos for the kind of common basis of ethics or agreement, at least in the level of class administrators or noble citizenry including the academicians, business leaders, bureaucrats and so, could be congruent for the public good on (...)
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    Office politics: Reading the business management manual as political theory.J. C. Myers - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (3):221-241.
    Like the public political sphere, the world of the workplace contains literary works offering analysis, advice and philosophy to those in positions of command. In this article, I read business management advice manuals as works of political theory, focusing on their treatment of the problem of legitimacy in the relationship between employer and employee. I highlight and analyze key strategies of legitimation, draw their connections to discussions of legitimacy in the history of political thought and examine changes in workplace (...)
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    Scientific Forensics: How the Office of Research Integrity can Assist Institutional Investigations of Research Misconduct During Oversight Review.John E. Dahlberg & Nancy M. Davidian - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (4):713-735.
    The Division of Investigative Oversight within the U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI) is responsible for conducting oversight review of institutional inquiries and investigations of possible research misconduct. It is also responsible for determining whether Public Health Service findings of research misconduct are warranted. Although ORI findings rely primarily on the scope and quality of the institution’s analyses and determinations, ORI often has been able to strengthen the original findings by employing a variety of analytical methods, often computer based. (...)
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    Corporate Social Monitoring: A Comparison of the Relative Values of Religious Activists and Public Affairs Officers.Krishnamurty Muralidhar, Karen Paul & Bernadette M. Ruf - 1996 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 15 (2):51-67.
  49. #HerStory: The Psychological Well-Being, Lived Experiences, and Challenges Faced by Female Police Officers.Jayra Blanco, Ella Marie Doloque, Shelwina Ruth Bonifacio, Galilee Jordan Ancheta, Charles Brixter Sotto Evangelista, Janelle Jose, Jericho Balading, Andrea Mae Santiago, Liezl Fulgencio, Christian Dave Francisco & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):20-32.
    Police officers are vital to maintaining security and the continuity of national functions. Thus, Police officers are more exposed to different kinds of psychological concerns. However, a female in this kind of profession, based on various studies, experienced higher levels of stress because of other factors. Further, the primary goal of this study is to investigate the psychological well-being, lived experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms of female police officers. Employing the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the findings of this study were: (1) (...)
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    Armand Fougnies: Mécène. (Collection Lebègue, No. 83.) Pp. 68. Brussels: Office de Publicity S.C., 1947. Paper, 25 fr.R. Syme - 1948 - The Classical Review 62 (3-4):164-.
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