Results for 'Polly Hoover'

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  1. Contextual Learning and Latin Language Textbooks.Polly Hoover - 2000 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 94 (1).
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    Working with wikis in writing-intensive classes.Michelle Navarre Cleary, Suzanne Sanders-Betzold, Polly Hoover & Peggy St John - 2009 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 14 (1).
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    Causality in Macroeconomics.Kevin D. Hoover & Kevin D. Autor Hoover - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Causality in Macroeconomics examines causality while taking macroeconomics seriously. A pragmatic and realistic philosophy is joined to a macroeconomic foundation that refines Herbert Simon's well-known work on causal order to make a case for a structural approach to causality. The structural approach is used to understand modern rational expectations models, regime switching models, Granger causality, vector autoregressions, the Lucas critique, and concept exogeneity. Techniques of causal inference based on patterns of stability and instability in the face of identified regime changes (...)
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  4. Adaptive Preferences, Adapted Preferences.Polly Mitchell - 2018 - Mind 127 (508):1003-1025.
    People who have not experienced diseases and health conditions tend to judge them to be worse than they are reported to be by people who have experienced them. This phenomenon, known as the disability paradox, presents a challenge for health policy, and in particular, healthcare resource distribution. This divergence between patient and public preferences is most plausibly explained as a result of hedonic adaptation, a widespread phenomenon in which people tend to adapt fairly quickly to the state they are in, (...)
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  5. Norm enforcement among the Ju/’hoansi Bushmen.Polly Wiessner - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (2):115-145.
    The concept of cooperative communities that enforce norm conformity through reward, as well as shaming, ridicule, and ostracism, has been central to anthropology since the work of Durkheim. Prevailing approaches from evolutionary theory explain the willingness to exert sanctions to enforce norms as self-interested behavior, while recent experimental studies suggest that altruistic rewarding and punishing—“strong reciprocity”—play an important role in promoting cooperation. This paper will use data from 308 conversations among the Ju/’hoansi (!Kung) Bushmen (a) to examine the dynamics of (...)
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  6. Well-being and Pluralism.Polly Mitchell & Anna Alexandrova - forthcoming - Journal of Happiness Studies.
    It is a commonly expressed sentiment that the science and philosophy of well-being would do well to learn from each other. Typically such calls identify mistakes and bad practices on both sides that would be remedied if scientists picked the right bit of philosophy and philosophers picked the right bit of science. We argue that the differences between philosophers and scientists thinking about well-being are more difficult to reconcile than such calls suggest, and that pluralism is central to this task. (...)
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    Patient Safety and the Question of Dignitary Harms.Polly Mitchell, Alan Cribb & Vikki Entwistle - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (1):33-49.
    Patient safety is a central aspect of healthcare quality, focusing on preventable, iatrogenic harm. Harm, in this context, is typically assumed to mean physical injury to patients, often caused by technical error. However, some contributions to the patient safety literature have argued that disrespectful behavior towards patients can cause harm, even when it does not lead to physical injury. This paper investigates the nature of such dignitary harms and explores whether they should be included within the scope of patient safety (...)
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    The Nature of Truth.María José Frápolli - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    The book offers a proposal on how to define truth in all its complexity, without reductionism, showing at the same time which questions a theory of truth has to answer and which questions, although related to truth, do not belong within the scope of such a theory. Just like any other theory, a theory of truth has its structure and limits. The semantic core of the position is that truth-ascriptions are pro-forms, i.e. natural language propositional variables. The book also offers (...)
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    The Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics.Kevin D. Hoover - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics stakes out a pragmatic middle-ground between traditional, prescriptive economic methodology and recent descriptive methodology. The former is sometimes seen as arrogantly telling economists how to do their work and the latter as irrelevant to their practice. The lectures are built around a case study of a concrete example of macroeconomic analysis. They demonstrate that economic methodology and the philosophy of science offer insights that help to resolve the genuine concerns of macroeconomists. Some examples of questions (...)
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    History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences.Kevin D. Hoover - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (3):316-331.
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  11. Die Moral zwischenstaatlicher Politik im klassischen Griechenland : Thukydides und sein Kontext.Polly Law - 2011 - In Ernst Baltrusch & Christian Wendt, Ein Besitz für immer?: Geschichte, Polis, und Völkerrecht bei Thukydides. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Lost and Found: Personal Reflections on Educational Earnestness and the Power of Love.Polly Graham - 2018 - Educational Theory 68 (2):161-176.
  13. Introductory Essays Reformation and the Uses of Reception.Polly Ha - 2010 - In Polly Ha & Patrick Collinson, The Reception of Continental Reformation in Britain. British Academy.
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    Abduction and the New Riddle of Induction.James F. HarrisKevin D. Hoover - 1980 - The Monist 63 (3):329-341.
    Although the relevance and importance of his work has been recognized only belatedly, Charles Sanders Peirce was, throughout his life, a careful student and significant contributor to the development of logic, scientific theory, and philosophy generally. Occasionally, complete appreciation of Peirce's efforts has been hampered because his work is often unique and, at times, highly idiosyncratic. Yet, we hope to show in this paper that for one aspect of his work in logic Peirce did not abandon the ordinary without purpose. (...)
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  15. National Parks and the Woman's Voice: A History.Polly Welts Kaufman - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (3/4):548-548.
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    Public Health Control Measures in Response to Global Pandemics and Drug Resistance.Polly J. Price - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (s2):49-56.
    These teaching materials explore the specific powers of governments to implement control measures in response to communicable disease, in two different contexts:The first context concerns global pandemic diseases. Relevant legal authority includes international law, World Health Organization governance and the International Health Regulations, and regulatory authority of nations.The second context is centered on U.S. law and concerns control measures for drug-resistant disease, using tuberculosis as an example. In both contexts, international and domestic, the point is to understand legal authority to (...)
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  17. A philosophical approach for volunteers.Polly Franklin Williams - 1974 - [Washington: National Student Volunteer Program, Volunteers in Service to America, ACTION.
  18. Is Macroeconomics for Real?Kevin D. Hoover - 1995 - The Monist 78 (3):235-257.
    Argues that ontological reduction of macroeconomics to microeconomics is untenable. Existence of macroeconomic aggregates; Microfoundations of macroeconomics; Examinations of the general price level; Limits of the scientific development of microeconomics.
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    The bat-and-ball problem: a word-problem debiasing approach.Jerome D. Hoover & Alice F. Healy - 2021 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (4):567-598.
    Three experiments explored the effects of word problem cueing on debiasing versions of the bat-and-ball problem. In the experimental condition order, participants solved a simpler isomorphic version of the problem prior to solving a standard version that, critically, had the same item-and-dollar amounts. Conversely, in the control condition order, participants solved the standard version prior to solving the isomorph. Across the first 2 experiments, participants cued with the isomorph were more likely to correctly solve the standard version of the problem. (...)
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    Poverty and Human Rights: Sen's 'Capability Perspective' Explored.Polly Vizard - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    This book provides a major new cross-disciplinary framework for thinking about poverty and human rights. Drawing on the fields of ethics, economics, and international law, Vizard demonstrates how the work of Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen has expanded and deepened human rights discourse across traditional disciplinary divides.
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    Identity, structure, and causal representation in scientific models.Kevin D. Hoover - 2013 - In Hsiang-Ke Chao, Szu-Ting Chen & Roberta L. Millstein, Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 35-57.
    Recent debates over the nature of causation, casual inference, and the uses of causal models in counterfactual analysis, involving inter alia Nancy Cartwright (Hunting Causes and Using Them), James Woodward (Making Things Happen), and Judea Pearl (Causation), hinge on how causality is represented in models. Economists’ indigenous approach to causal representation goes back to the work of Herbert Simon with the Cowles Commission in the early 1950s. The paper explicates a scheme for the representation of causal structure, inspired by Simon, (...)
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    First principles, fallibilism, and economics.Kevin D. Hoover - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 14):3309-3327.
    In the eyes of its practitioners, economics is both a deductive science and an empirical science. The starting point of its deductions might be thought of as first principles. But what is the status of such principles? The tension between foundationalism, the idea that there are necessary and secure first principles for economic inquiry, and fallibilism, the idea that no belief can be certified as true beyond the possibility of doubt, is explored. Empirical disciplines require some sort of falsifiability. Yet, (...)
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  23. Nonstationary time series, cointegration, and the principle of the common cause.Kevin D. Hoover - 2003 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (4):527-551.
    Elliot Sober ([2001]) forcefully restates his well-known counterexample to Reichenbach's principle of the common cause: bread prices in Britain and sea levels in Venice both rise over time and are, therefore, correlated; yet they are ex hypothesi not causally connected, which violates the principle of the common cause. The counterexample employs nonstationary data—i.e., data with time-dependent population moments. Common measures of statistical association do not generally reflect probabilistic dependence among nonstationary data. I demonstrate the inadequacy of the counterexample and of (...)
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  24. Gorillas we have missed: Sustained inattentional deafness for dynamic events.Polly Dalton & Nick Fraenkel - 2012 - Cognition 124 (3):367-372.
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  25. Towards a politics for human rights: Ambiguous humanity and democratizing rights.Joe Hoover - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (9):0191453713498390.
    Human rights are a suspect project – this seems the only sensible starting point today. This suspicion, however, is not absolute and the desire to preserve and reform human rights persists for many of us. The most important contemporary critiques of human rights focus on the problematic consequences of the desire for universal rights. Some defenders of human rights accept elements of this critique in their reformulations, but opponents remain wary of the desire to think and act in human rights (...)
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    The Reception of Continental Reformation in Britain.Polly Ha & Patrick Collinson - 2010 - British Academy.
    This volume explores the relationship between reformations on the European continent and in Britain. Addressing issues from book history, to popular politics and theological polemic, it identifies how British reception contributed to continued reform on the continent, and considers the perception (and invention) of England's 'exceptional' status.
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    Nietzsche, the Genealogy, and metaphor.Chairperson A. J. Hoover & William E. Duvall - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):376-381.
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    Response to Louise Pascale, "Dispelling the Myth of the Non-Singer: Embracing Two Aesthetics for Singing".Maya Frieman Hoover - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):202-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Response to Louise Pascale, “Dispelling the Myth of the Non-Singer: Embracing Two Aesthetics for Singing”Maya HooverLouise Pascale encourages a redefinition of the word "singer" and suggests ways to make it apply to a broader spectrum of people. The problem with the current definition, she believes, is that it is outdated and needs to be changed in order to better embrace the ideals of current society. In order to (...)
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  29. The Logic of Causal Inference: Econometrics and the Conditional Analysis of Causation.Kevin D. Hoover - 1990 - Economics and Philosophy 6 (2):207-234.
    Discontented people might talk of corruption in the Commons, closeness in the Commons and the necessity of reforming the Commons, said Mr. Spenlow solemnly, in conclusion; but when the price of wheat per bushel had been the highest, the Commons had been the busiest; and a man might lay his hand upon his heart, and say this to the whole world, – ‘Touch the Commons, and down comes the country!’.
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    Abduction and the New Riddle of Induction.Kevin D. Hoover - 1980 - The Monist 63 (3):329-341.
    Although the relevance and importance of his work has been recognized only belatedly, Charles Sanders Peirce was, throughout his life, a careful student and significant contributor to the development of logic, scientific theory, and philosophy generally. Occasionally, complete appreciation of Peirce's efforts has been hampered because his work is often unique and, at times, highly idiosyncratic. Yet, we hope to show in this paper that for one aspect of his work in logic Peirce did not abandon the ordinary without purpose. (...)
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    When facts go down the rabbit hole: Contrasting features and objecthood as indexes to memory.Merrit A. Hoover & Daniel C. Richardson - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):533-542.
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    Ética e Educação: um diálogo entre o pensamento de Paulo Freire e de Jürgen Habermas.José Renato Polli - 2018 - Filosofia E Educação 10 (1):5-20.
    Neste trabalho apresentamos alguns resultados da pesquisa de doutorado desenvolvida junto à faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2002 e 2006, com o título: Ética do discurso e Ética Universal do Ser Humano: convergências entre Paulo Freire e Jurgen Habermas. Trata-se de uma breve descrição dos resultados obtidos, no intuito de aproximar o pensamento de dois autores complexos e de grande importância no pensamento filosófico mundial. Por um lado temos Paulo Freire e sua preocupação em relacionar educação (...)
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    Defining What is Good: Pluralism and Healthcare Quality.Polly Mitchell, Alan Cribb & Vikki A. Entwistle - 2019 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 29 (4):367-388.
    'Quality' is a widely invoked concept in healthcare, and 'quality improvement' is now a central part of healthcare service delivery. However, these concepts and their associated practices represent relatively uncharted territory for applied philosophy and bioethics. In this paper, we explore some of the conceptual complexity of quality in healthcare and argue that quality is best understood to be conceptually plural. Quality is widely agreed to be multidimensional and as such constitutively plural. However, we argue that quality is plural in (...)
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  34. Reductionism in Economics: Intentionality and Eschatological Justification in the Microfoundations of Macroeconomics.Kevin D. Hoover - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):689-711.
    Macroeconomists overwhelmingly believe that macroeconomics requires microfoundations, typically understood as a strong eliminativist reductionism. Microfoundations aims to recover intentionality. In the face of technical and data constraints macroeconomists typically employ a representative-agent model, in which a single agent solves the microeconomic optimization problem for the whole economy, and take it to be microfoundationally adequate. The characteristic argument for the representative-agent model holds that the possibility of the sequential elaboration of the model to cover any number of individual agents justifies treating (...)
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  35. Counterfactuals and Causal Structure.Kevin D. Hoover - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo, Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press.
  36. Externalism, deference and availability.Maria J. Frápolli - 2007 - In María José Frápolli, Saying, meaning and referring: essays on François Recanati's philosophy of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  37. Quantitative evaluation of idealized models in the new classical macroeconomics.Kevin D. Hoover - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 86 (1):15-34.
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    How did They Say That? Ethics Statements and Normative Frameworks at Best Companies to Work For.Kristine F. Hoover & Molly B. Pepper - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):605-617.
    This empirical study explores aspects of how companies that are positively recognized by their workforce as “Best Companies to Work For” convey the underlying principles of their “trustworthy” culture. The study examines the normative ethical frameworks and affective language utilized in the ethics statements. Although multiple studies have considered normative ethical frameworks in individual ethical decision making, few have considered normative ethical frameworks in organization ethics statements. In addition, this study expands the analysis to include the ethic of care. Of (...)
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    The struggle for the soul of macroeconomics.Kevin D. Hoover - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (2):80-89.
    Critics argued that the 2007–09 financial crisis was failure of macroeconomics, locating its source in the dynamic, stochastic general-equilibrium model and calling for fundamental re-orientation of the field. Critics exaggerated the role of DSGE models in actual policymaking, and DSGE modelers addressed some criticisms within the DSGE framework. But DSGE modelers oversold their success and even claimed that their approach is the sine qua non of competent macroeconomics. The DSGE modelers and their critics renew an old debate over the relative (...)
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    Against islamic universalism: al-Hnabali's 1990 attempt to prove that Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya affirm the eternity of hell-fire.Jon Hoover - 2013 - In Birgit Krawietz, Georges Tamer & Alina Kokoschka, Islamic theology, philosophy and law: debating Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 377-399.
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    The Origin of the Conflict between Hegel and Schleiermacher at Berlin.Jeffrey Hoover - 1988 - The Owl of Minerva 20 (1):69-79.
    The antagonism between G. W. F. Hegel and Friedrich Schleiermacher during their thirteen years of association as colleagues at the University in Berlin has been well documented in recent Hegel scholarship. What is left unexplained by this scholarship is the sudden onset of Schleiermacher’s animosity toward Hegel upon the latter’s arrival in Berlin. Although there had been differences of opinion between these two figures from their earliest publications—Hegel had already criticized Schleiermacher’s Speeches on Religion in 1802 in Faith and Knowledge (...)
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    Gender and Leadership: A Frame Analysis of University Home Web Page Images.Kristine F. Hoover, Deborah A. O’Neil & Michael Poutiatine - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (1):15-27.
    With calls for (business) leaders to contribute to greater global fairness and social justice (BAWB 2006; Maak and Pless Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 537–550, 2009), this paper considers gender equality on University home web page images as one means of communicating equal access to leadership roles for both men and women. Although there are many paths for leadership development, one important purpose of Universities is to create people who will potentially become leaders in our society (Shapiro 2005). We analyzed (...)
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    How can economics be an inductive science?Kevin D. Hoover - 2009 - Economics and Philosophy 25 (2):202.
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    Social Memory in Athenian Public Discourse: Uses and Meanings of the Past by Bernd Steinbock.Polly Low - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (1):152-155.
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    (1 other version)Socialist Transformation in Greece.Adamantia Pollis - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (61):101-111.
    While not a coherent body of thought, the socialist ideology of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) and its leader, Andreas Papandreou, diverges from the socialist principles of post-World War II social democratic parties of Western Europe. The latter spoke for the working class in advanced industrialized societies. These social democrats accepted the legitimacy of capitalism and, assuming continued economic growth, advocated reformist policies. Such programs were meant to strengthen the welfare state and bring about a more equitable distribution of income. (...)
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    The deep history of imaginary worlds.Polly Wiessner - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e304.
    If recent exploratory traditions tap into evolved psychological dispositions to explore, wouldn't humans be expected to have drawn on such dispositions long before the written word? Trickster oral traditions fill this role in all levels of society, affluence, and on all continents, inverting the boundaries of social worlds and those between humans and animals, fostering cultural innovation.
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    Reconstructing Human Rights: A Pragmatist and Pluralist Inquiry Into Global Ethics.Joe Hoover - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    We live in a human-rights world. The language of human-rights claims and numerous human-rights institutions shape almost all aspects of our political lives, yet we struggle to know how to judge this development. Scholars give us good reason to be both supportive and sceptical of the universal claims that human rights enable, alternatively suggesting that they are pillars of cross-cultural understanding of justice or the ideological justification of a violent and exclusionary global order. All too often, however, our evaluations of (...)
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  48. Saying, meaning and referring: essays on François Recanati's philosophy of language.María José Frápolli (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The distinguished philosopher of language, Francois Recanati, has proposed a wide-ranging truth-conditional model of pragmatics. In this collection, various aspects of his theories are addressed by distinguished contributors, and are then commented on or answered by Recanati himself. This allows the reader to be drawn into the central debate within philosophy of language and cognitive science as to what kind of pragmatics system is needed.
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    Conditional handedness: Handedness changes in multiple personality disordered subject reflect shift in hemispheric dominance.Polly Henninger - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (3):265-287.
    This study investigates whether the host personality and the primary alterpersonality of a woman with multiple personality disorder are controlled by the left and right hemispheres, respectively. Results support the hypothesis. Behavioral and preference measures indicate that Pe is strongly right handed and Pa is left handed. Verbal and musical dichotic tests show significantly greater accuracy for stimuli presented to the left ear for Pa and to the right ear for Pe. It is concluded that shifts in hemisphericity involve redistribution (...)
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    Vagueness and variety in person-centred care.Polly Mitchell, Alan Cribb & Vikki Entwistle - 2022 - Wellcome Open Research.
    Person-centred care is a cornerstone of contemporary health policy, research and practice. However, many researchers and practitioners worry that it lacks a 'clear definition and method of measurement,' and that this creates problems for the implementation of person-centred care and limits understanding of its benefits. In this paper we urge caution about this concern and resist calls for a clear, settled definition and measurement approach. We develop a philosophical and conceptual analysis which is grounded in the body of literature concerning (...)
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