Results for 'Political, Sovereignty, Exception, Democracy, Rule of Law.'

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  1.  44
    Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin.Kam Shapiro - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):121-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter BenjaminKam Shapiro (bio)Life is not a mushroom growing out of death.—Carl Schmitt, The Visibility of the ChurchTo isolate death from life, not leaving the one intimately woven in the other, and each one entering into the other’s midst—this is what one must never do.—Jean-Luc Nancy, L’intrus1Carl Schmitt’s theory of the exception was bound (...)
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  2. Norberto Bobbio: The Rule of Law and the Rule of Democracy.Richard Bellamy - 2011 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 3 (5):53-59.
    One of the main themes of Bobbio’s writings was the relationship between law and politics. Yet an ambiguity runs through his writings on this point. He saw politics and law as intimately related, with the one entailed by the other. Yet, the tautologous relationship he saw as existing between the two posed a potential problem – what could be called the Hobbes challenge. For if politics is impossible without law, yet all law flows from politics, then we seem faced with (...)
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    The Rule of Law Under Siege: Selected Essays of Franz L. Neumann and Otto Kirchheimer.William E. Scheuerman (ed.) - 1996 - University of California Press.
    In the pathbreaking essays collected here, Neumann and Kirchheimer demonstrate that the death of democracy and the rise of fascism during the first half of the twentieth century suggest crucial lessons for contemporary political and legal scholars. The volume includes writings on constitutionalism, political freedom, Nazism, sovereignty, and both Nazi and liberal law. Most important, the Frankfurt authors point to the continuing efficacy of the rule of law as an instrument for regulating and restraining state authority, as well as (...)
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    Globalization, Sovereignty, and the Rule of Law: From Political to Economic Constitutionalism?Kanishka Jayasuriya - 2001 - Constellations 8 (4):442-460.
  5.  12
    Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones.José Rubio Carrecedo (ed.) - 2007 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    New Proposals for New Questions Nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones In six sections, the volume deals with different questions of political philosophy. The first section focuses on democratic theories, the second on conceptual debates, discussing topics such as collective rights, the terrorist phenomenon, Libertarianism and conceptions of freedom. In a third section on contemporary debates, perspectives on sovereignity and legitimacy as well as discourse theory versus political liberalism are discussed. The volume also features essays on democracy and law, and in (...)
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    Emergency Politics: Paradox, Law, Democracy.Bonnie Honig - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    This book intervenes in contemporary debates about the threat posed to democratic life by political emergencies. Must emergency necessarily enhance and centralize top-down forms of sovereignty? Those who oppose executive branch enhancement often turn instead to law, insisting on the sovereignty of the rule of law or demanding that law rather than force be used to resolve conflicts with enemies. But are these the only options? Or are there more democratic ways to respond to invocations of emergency politics? Looking (...)
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  7. The Rule of Law in Athenian Democracy. Reflections on the Judicial Oath.Edward Harris - 2007 - Etica E Politica 9 (1):55-74.
    This essay examines the terms of the Judicial Oath sworn by the judges in the Athenian courts during the classical period. There is general agreement that the oath contained four basic clauses: to vote in accordance to the laws and decrees of the Athenian people, to vote about matters pertaining to the charge, to listen to both the accuser and defendant equally, and to vote or judge with one’s most fair judgment . Some scholars believe that the fourth clause gave (...)
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  8.  44
    Democracy and the Rule of Law:Law, Legislation and Liberty, Vol. 3, The Political Order of a Free People. F. A. Hayek.Donald Meiklejohn - 1980 - Ethics 91 (1):117-.
  9.  42
    Book Review: Citizens Without Sovereignty: Equality and Sociability in French Thought, 1670-1789. [REVIEW]Patrick Gerard Henry - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):279-282.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Citizens Without Sovereignty: Equality and Sociability in French Thought, 1670–1789Patrick HenryCitizens Without Sovereignty: Equality and Sociability in French Thought, 1670–1789, by Daniel Gordon; viii & 270 pp. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994, $39.50.Under examination here is the early modern period in France from Louis XIV to the French Revolution when kings ruled absolutely and citizens were without sovereignty. Discarding the traditional image of the Enlightenment as the absolute (...)
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    Democracy and the Rule of Law.Annabelle Lever - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (2):204-206.
    This book addresses the question of why governments sometimes follow the law and other times choose to evade the law. The traditional answer of jurists has been that laws have an autonomous causal efficacy: law rules when actions follow anterior norms; the relation between laws and actions is one of obedience, obligation, or compliance. Contrary to this conception, the authors defend a positive interpretation where the rule of law results from the strategic choices of relevant actors. Rule of (...)
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    Social Democracy and the Rule of Law.Otto Kirchheimer & Franz Neumann - 1987 - Routledge.
    First published in 1987. The legal and political writings of the German Social Democrats Kirchheimer and Neumann, from the period prior to the National Socialist seizure of power, are little known to English readers. This volume presents a selection of important essays from this period, which focus on the prospects for the constitutional realization of a social democratic order in the first German Republic - the Weimar Republic, created out of the collapse of the monarchy in 1918, and destroyed by (...)
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  12. The Rule Of Law Craving For Justice / L’état De Droit En Mal De Justice.Emilian Cioc - 2010 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 1.
    We propose hereafter an analysis of the way in which the post-communism has determined the significance of justice and, in doing so, pretended to reorganize the possibility for a legitimate political community. Given that the public perception points out to a gap between the rule of law and justice, one should understand for what reasons. Does the rule of law have the resources for doing justice? Are the legal procedures enough? Or should we take into consideration the possibility (...)
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    Democratic theories and the problem of political participation in Nigeria: Strengthening consensus and the rule of law.Philip Ujomu & Felix Olatunji - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (1):120-135.
    This paper addresses the problem of the strategies and theories of democratic participation in Nigeria that breed institutional marginality and bad governance due to shortfalls in pursuing the values of justice and empowerment as core democratic characteristics. The same democratic principles such as voting, parliament, constitution, judiciary, that are suggestive of gains such as responsible use, and peaceful transfer of power may not have translated fully into sociopolitical empowerment for responsibility and representation in evolving democratic practice in Nigeria due to (...)
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  14.  61
    Logics of Political Secrecy.Eva Horn - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):103-122.
    In the modern age, the political secret has acquired a bad reputation. With modern democracy’s ideal of transparency, political secrecy is identified with political crime or corruption. The article argues that this repression of secrecy in modern democracies falls short of a substantial understanding of the structure and workings of political secrecy. By outlining a genealogy of political secrecy, it elucidates the logic as well as the blind spots of a current culture of secrecy. It focuses on two fundamental logics (...)
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  15.  6
    Political liberalism, dualist democracy and the call to constituent power.Frank I. Michelman - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (10):1419-1431.
    Alessandro Ferrara’s argument in Sovereignty Across Generations takes shape within a broadly Rawlsian ‘political liberal’ framework of thought about moral underpinnings for a constitutional-democratic practice of politics. Where, exactly (I ask here), is the place within that thought for concern about occurrences in a country’s past of popular constituent power? If the country’s currently established constitutional regime is fully democratic (and is otherwise morally in order) by whatever operational measures you and I might think to apply, why should we or (...)
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  16.  12
    The Politics of Constitutional Reform in China: Rule of Law as a Condition or as a Substitute for Democracy?Th A. J. Toonen & Florian Grotz - 2007 - In Th A. J. Toonen & Florian Grotz, Crossing Borders: Constitutional Development and Internationalisation: Essays in Honour of Joachim Jens Hesse. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Political rationalism and democracy in France in the 18th and 19th centuries.Pierre Rosanvallon - 2002 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 28 (6):687-701.
    In France there is a way of thinking about freedom that often impedes its realization. To understand this question first a fundamental contradiction of the tension between political rationalism and popular sovereignty is examined. The terms of this contradiction are presented along with the ways in which this tension manifested itself in France during the Revolution of the 19th Century. This is also shown by contrasting the French approach to producing the law-state with English liberalism which relies on a balance (...)
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  18.  14
    A cultural history of democracy.Eugenio F. Biagini (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    How has the concept of democracy been understood, manifested, reimagined and represented through the ages? In a work that spans 2,500 years these fundamental questions are addressed by 66 experts, each contributing their overview of a theme applied to a period in history. With the help of a broad range of case material they illustrate the physical, social and cultural contexts of democracy in Western culture from antiquity to the present. Individual volume editors ensure the cohesion of the whole, and (...)
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    Rethinking Human Rights, Democracy, and Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization.Jean L. Cohen - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (4):578-606.
    The traditional conception construes human rights as moral rights all people have due to some basic feature or interests deemed intrinsically valuable. This comported well with the revival of the discourse of human rights in the wake of atrocities committed during WWII. It served as a useful referent for local struggles against foreign rule and domestic dictatorship in the 1980s. Since 1989, human rights discourse acquired a new function: the justification of sanctions, military invasions, and transformative occupation administrations by (...)
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  20.  16
    (1 other version)The Crisis in the Rule of Law in the Contemporary American Context.William L. McBride - 2008 - Bioethics and New Epoch 46 (2):305-315.
    The article is a critical examination of the crisis in the rule of law in the context of contemporary politics in the USA. It sorts out some examples of American national and foreign policy regarding the so called ‘cult of democracy’. The article is divided in two parts. The first part consists of the report, which concerns, respectively, official US government relationships to international law; the power of the Presidency; and the role of the Supreme Court. The second part (...)
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  21.  33
    Aristotle on the Rule of Law.Steve Wexler & Andrew Irvine - 2006 - Polis 23 (1):116-138.
    In Politics III.10 and IV.4, Aristotle discusses the difference between governments that are regulated by the rule of law and those that are not. Although he concludes that the rule of law helps guard against arbitrary and injudicious government action, Aristotle is also sensitive to the fact that in a democracy it is essential for the people to remain sovereign over the law. His discussion is helpful for understanding, not only the tension between the 'rule of law' (...)
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  22.  55
    The State and the Rule of Law.Andrzej Zoll - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2 (1):7-13.
    The changes brought about in Poland and elsewhere in Europe by the fall of Communism have given rise to hopes for the establishment of a political system differing from the one which had been the fate of these countries. In place of totalitarianism, a new political system is to be created based on the democratic principles of a state under the rule of law. The transformation from totalitarianism to democracy is a process which has not yet been completed in (...)
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  23.  17
    The Rule of Law in Times of Crisis.Andrej J. Zwitter - 2012 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 98 (1):95-111.
    This article aims to contribute to the theoretical discussion about the rule of law and about its definition by looking at situations where the rule of law is put to the test - states of emergency. States of emergency and laws of exception have specific characteristics, one fundamental characteristic being that legislative power is shifted to the executive - in other words, democracies become less democratic. By analysing the principle of the rule of law in conjunction with (...)
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  24.  20
    The Rule of Law as a Theater of Debate.Jeremy Waldron - 2004 - In Justine Burley, Dworkin and His Critics: With Replies by Dworkin. Philosophers and their Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 319–336.
    This chapter contains section titled: I II III.
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  25.  15
    Was the Rule of Law the Only Casualty of Polity Design in the New Latin American Constitutionalism?Franz Xavier Barrios-Suvelza - 2023 - Jus Cogens 5 (2):229-253.
    The objective of this article is to introduce a new concept for grouping all countermajoritarian instruments which became the true casualties of polity design during the New Latin American Constitutionalism (NLAC). This theoretical endeavor, which has not been undertaken until now, will be discussed on the basis of the constitutional upheavals that occurred between 1999 and 2009 in Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia. By addressing a specific theme of this experience, namely its implications for the relationship between democracy and countermajoritarian devices, (...)
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    The Rule of Law, Comprehensive Doctrines, Overlapping Consensus, and the Future of Europe.Matej Avbelj - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (3):242-258.
    For more than a decade now a profound rule-of-law crisis has gripped the European Union, and while the fight for the rule of law has topped not only the academic but also the judicial and political agenda, the results have been disappointingly meagre. This article argues that the main reason for that should be sought in a political strategic move of justifying the assaults on the rule of law by resorting to an “illiberal democracy.” This premeditated political (...)
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    Between the Norm and the Exception: The Frankfurt School and the Rule of Law.William E. Scheuerman - 1997 - MIT Press.
    " -- Seyla Benhabib, Harvard University "Winner, 1996 Elaine and David Spitz Book Prize for the best book on liberal and democratic theory, Conference for the Study of Political Thought.
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  28.  7
    The rule of the people and the rule of law in classical Greek thought.Jakub Jinek (ed.) - 2021 - Prague: Filosofia, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
    The rule of law and the law of nature -- The rule of law in Athenian democracy and Plato's Laws -- Protagoras on democracy and the rule of law -- Sophistic criticisms of the rule of law -- What make a law good? -- Plato's Socrates and the law codes of Athens -- The role of law in the classification of democratic constitutions in Aristotle, Pol. IV.
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    The Messianic Thought of the Rule of Law.Antoni Abat I. Ninet - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (3):733-755.
    The first segment starts with a definition of two dimensions of the concept of rule of law; related to the notion of sovereignty and as a concept to control arbitrariness on the part of the ruler. The segment proceeds to give a historical account of the notion and the different stages of its epistemological configuration, from the ancient Greek notion of Eunomia and its incompatibility with the popular rule to the current notion, where the rule of law (...)
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    Rousseau’s Project of Founding & Governing a Republic as a General-Will-Based Constitutional Democratic State Centering on the transformation of zoon politikon to the Sovereign Citizen developed from l’homme egal et libre as the singularity point of modern paradigm for democracy -. 백소라 & 홍윤기 - 2020 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 142:25-68.
    자신의 저술에서 민주주의를 옹호하거나 민주주의자를 자처한 적이 전혀 없음에도 불구하고 루소의 정치철학이 현대 민주주의의 정치원칙를 제공했다는데는 아무도 이의를 제기하지 않는다. 그렇다면 그 정치철학의 어떤 요인이 루소를 현대 민주주의 확립에 있어 가장 영향력 있는 사상가로 꼽히게 만드는가? 본고에서 연구자들은 루소 사상과 민주주의 연관성, 그리고 일반의지론에 대한 기존 연구들의 성과와 한계를 살펴본 후, 루소가 제시하는 “정치적 권리의 올바른 원칙”으로서의 “일반의지” 개념이 고전고대의 정치사상, 특히 아리스토텔레스의 『정치학』을 넘어 민주주의 정치철학의 현대적 전회에 어떤 기여를 하였는지 논한다.BR공화주의 관점에서 볼 때 아리스토텔레스와 루소는 연속성을 가졌다고 생각되어 (...)
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  31. Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy.Jurgen Habermas (ed.) - 1996 - Polity.
    In Between Facts and Norms, Jürgen Habermas works out the legal and political implications of his Theory of Communicative Action (1981), bringing to fruition the project announced with his publication of The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere in 1962. This new work is a major contribution to recent debates on the rule of law and the possibilities of democracy in postindustrial societies, but it is much more. The introduction by William Rehg succinctly captures the special nature of the (...)
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  32.  18
    Recourse, Litigation, and the Rule of Law.Matthew A. Shapiro - 2024 - Law and Philosophy 43 (6):689-713.
    Recent high-profile lawsuits have supported competing narratives that alternately depict civil litigation as an essential instrument of the rule of law and a threat to the ideal. This essay argues that each narrative captures an important element of truth and that Gerald Postema’s account of the rule of law in his book Law’s Rule helps us (albeit unwittingly) to see why. While Postema presents recourse for alleged abuses of power as a universal and enduring facet of the (...)
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    All Judges Are Political Except When They Are Not: Acceptable Hypocrisies and the Rule of Law.John Q. Stilwell - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):369-369.
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  34. Introduction: Symposium on Paul Gowder, the rule of law in the real world.Matthew J. Lister - 2018 - St. Louis University Law Journal 62 (2):287-91.
    This is a short introduction to a book symposium on Paul Gowder's recent book, _The Rule of Law in thee Real World_ (Cambridge University Press, 2016). The book symposium will appear in the St. Luis University Law Journal, 62 St. Louis U. L.J., -- (2018), with commentaries on Gowder's book by colleen Murphy, Robin West, Chad Flanders, and Matthew Lister, along with replies by Paul Gowder.
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    The Anchors of Democracy: A New Division of Powers, Representation, Sense of Limits by Rocco Pezzimenti.Adam Carrington - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):361-363.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Anchors of Democracy: A New Division of Powers, Representation, Sense of Limits by Rocco PezzimentiAdam CarringtonPEZZIMENTI, Rocco. The Anchors of Democracy: A New Division of Powers, Representation, Sense of Limits. Herefordshire, U.K.: Gracewing, 2021. 207 pp. Paper, $22.00Rocco Pezzimenti's The Anchors of Democracy: A New Division of Powers, Representation, Sense of Limits is an ambitious book. A professor at LUMSA, Rome, he seeks to consider anew the (...)
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  36. Hobbesian democracy.Frank van Dun - unknown
    We can characterise modern democracies of the Western type as Hobbesian democracies.1 In a modern democracy the State is a political Sovereign of the Hobbesian kind, enjoying a constitutional authority that for all practical purposes is absolute, having the potential of reaching every nook and cranny of its subjects’ life and work. Its authority is restrained only by the requirement of respect for certain formalities and procedures, and the lingering memory of something called the rule of law.2 Hobbesian (...)
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  37. ‘Liberal Democracy’ in the ‘Post-Corona World’.Shirzad Peik - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 14 (31):1-29.
    ABSTRACT A new ‘political philosophy’ is indispensable to the ‘post-Corona world,’ and this paper tries to analyze the future of ‘liberal democracy’ in it. It shows that ‘liberal democracy’ faces a ‘global crisis’ that has begun before, but the ‘novel Coronavirus pandemic,’ as a setback for it, strongly encourages that crisis. ‘Liberalism’ and ‘democracy,’ which had long been assumed by ‘political philosophers’ to go together, are now becoming decoupled, and the ‘liberal values’ of ‘democracy’ are eroding. To find why and (...)
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    The “Era of the City” as an Emerging Challenge to Liberal Constitutional Democracy.Ran Hirschl - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (4):455-473.
    Extensive urbanization is one of the most significant demographic and geopolitical phenomena of our time. Yet, with few exceptions, constitutional theory has failed to turn its attention to this crucial trend. In particular, the burgeoning constitutional literature aimed at addressing phenomena such as democratic backsliding, constitutional retrogression, and populist threats to judicial independence and the rule of law has failed to respond to the significance of place as an emerging cleavage in contemporary politics. An alarming disconnect has emerged between (...)
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    Plato and the Rule of Law.Francisco L. Lisi - 2013 - Méthexis 26 (1):83-102.
    According to the usual interpretation, Plato's last dialogue, the Laws, indicates a substantial change in his political thought, namely the defence of the Rule of Law as the best possible political order. Therefore, he has been considered the first representative of this central concept for the modern State. The present paper points to the radical differences between Plato'sconception and the contemporary understanding of the Rule of Law. It also explains his interpretation of the function of the law in (...)
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    The State and the Rule of Law.Blandine Kriegel - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Blandine Kriegel, at one time a collaborator with Michel Foucault, is one of France's foremost political theorists. This translation of her celebrated work L'Etat et les esclaves makes available for English-speaking readers her impassioned defense of the state. Published in France in 1979 and republished in 1989, this work challenged not only the anti-statism of the 1960s but also generations of romanticism in politics that, in Kriegel's view, inadvertently threatened the cause of liberty by refusing to distinguish between the despotic (...)
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  41.  29
    Thoughtfulness and the Rule of Law.Jeremy Waldron - 2023 - Harvard University Press.
    Political theorist Jeremy Waldron makes a bracing case against identifying rule of law with predictability. Seeing the rule of law as just one value to which democracies aspire, he embraces thoughtfulness rather than rote rule-following, flexibility even at the cost of vagueness, and emphasizing procedure and argument over predictable outcomes.
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    (1 other version)Time of Transitions.Jürgen Habermas - 2006 - Polity.
    We live in a time of turbulent change when many of the frameworks that have characterized our societies over the last few centuries – such as the international order of sovereign nation-states – are being called into question. In this new volume of essays and interviews, Habermas focuses his attention on these processes of change and provides some of the resources needed to understand them. What kind of international order should we seek to create in our contemporary global age? How (...)
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    The Miracle of Metaphor: Rethinking the State of Exception with Rosenzweig and Schmitt.Bonnie Honig - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):78-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Miracle of MetaphorRethinking the State of Exception with Rosenzweig and SchmittBonnie Honig (bio)For the word is mere inception until it finds reception in an ear and response in a mouth.—Franz Rosenzweig, The Star of RedemptionThe legal anthropologist Carol Greenhouse opens her book on time, A Moment’s Notice, with a story recorded by Goethe, who, when traveling through Italy, observed a trial and took note of its peculiar timekeeping (...)
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    Impotence, Perspicuity and the Rule of Law: James Madison's Critique of Republican Legislation.Jack Rakove - 2013 - In Andreas Niederberger & Philipp Schink, Republican democracy: liberty, law and politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This chapter examines the nature of legislative deliberation and the political sources of legislative majorities as dominant themes of American constitutional thinking. Drawing on James Madison's insights based on his memorandum ‘Vices of the Political System of the U. States’, it considers how the American conception of the rule of law developed amid the republican innovations of the late eighteenth century. It looks at the constitutional crisis of the late 1780s and the underlying aspects of governance in the colonies-becoming-commonwealths (...)
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  45. Political Constitutionalism: A Republican Defence of the Constitutionality of Democracy.Richard Bellamy - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    Judicial review by constitutional courts is often presented as a necessary supplement to democracy. This book questions its effectiveness and legitimacy. Drawing on the republican tradition, Richard Bellamy argues that the democratic mechanisms of open elections between competing parties and decision-making by majority rule offer superior and sufficient methods for upholding rights and the rule of law. The absence of popular accountability renders judicial review a form of arbitrary rule which lacks the incentive structure democracy provides to (...)
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    The Politics of Revolt: On Benjamin and Critique of Law.Ari Hirvonen - 2011 - Law and Critique 22 (2):101-118.
    In his essay ‘Critique of Violence’, Walter Benjamin subjects violence to a critique in order to establish the criterion for violence itself as a principle. His starting point is the distinction between law-positing and law-preserving violence. However, these are for him inseparable and subjected to the law of historical change: the history of the law is nothing but the dialectical rising and falling of legal orders. Benjamin’s analysis of legal violence and his criticism of parliamentary democracies, this article advances, should (...)
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    (1 other version)‘Who’ or ‘what’ is the rule of law?Steven L. Winter - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (5):655-673.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 5, Page 655-673, June 2022. The standard account of the relation between democracy and the rule of law focuses on law’s liberty-enhancing role in constraining official action. This is a faint echo of the complex, constitutive relation between the two. The Greeks used one word – isonomia – to describe both. If democracy is the system in which people have an equal say in determining the rules that govern social life, then the (...)
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  48. Constitutional democracy and the legitimacy of judicial review.Samuel Freeman - 1990 - Law and Philosophy 9 (4):327 - 370.
    It has long been argued that the institution of judicial review is incompatible with democratic institutions. This criticism usually relies on a procedural conception of democracy, according to which democracy is essentially a form of government defined by equal political rights and majority rule. I argue that if we see democracy not just as a form of government, but more basically as a form of sovereignty, then there is a way to conceive of judicial review as a legitimate democratic (...)
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    Forms and Levels of Rationality in Hobbes.Ermanno Vitale - 2012 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (6):191-215.
    The article aims to assess Hobbes’ methodological legacy. After a brief review of different interpretations of Hobbes relevant to the subject, I center the discussion on the reading advanced by Norberto Bobbio and the notion of three “different forms and levels of rationality”: First, Hobbes’ dichotomy-based reasoning that radically contended the Aristotelian tradition, as well as biblical hermeneutics used by medieval theologians. Second, individualism as a method for collective decision making, one that led to socalled “game theory” and moral individualism (...)
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    Building the civic consciousness of the socialist rule of law in Vietnam nowadays.Dung Bui Xuan - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):67-80.
    Vietnam is implementing global socio-economic integration, so the law must also be renovated to meet the requirements of international integration. Because the law is attached to the country's institutions, it shows the consistency in Vietnam's politics, economy, and diplomacy. In the world, the rule of law is a typical value that humanity aims for because it upholds the law, expressing our nation's aspiration for a democratic and equal society. Therefore, Vietnam has built a socialist rule of law. To (...)
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