Results for 'Political freedom'

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  1.  33
    Political Freedom.George G. Brenkert - 1991 - Routledge.
    This book examines the underlying theoretical issues concerning the nature of political freedom. Arguing that most previous discussions of such freedom have been too narrowly focused, it explores both conservativism from Edmund Burke to its present resurgence, the radical tradition of Karl Marx, as well as the orthodox liberal model of freedom of John Locke, John Stuart Mill and Isaiah Berlin. _Political Freedom_ argues that these three accounts of political freedom - conservative, liberal and (...)
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  2. Is Political Freedom Compatible with Determinism?Bernard Gendron - 1976 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 57 (4):356.
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    Measuring political freedom.Meghnad Desai - 1995 - In Eileen Barker (ed.), LSE On Freedom. LSE Books. pp. 195.
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  4. Political freedom.R. Forst - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (6):1007-1027.
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  5. Political freedom-Commentary.M. Znoj - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (6):1027-1029.
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  6. Political Freedom and its Roots in Metaphysics.Moshe Kroy - 1977 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 1 (3):205-213.
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    Political Freedom as an Open Question.Karol Chrobak - 2019 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 10 (1):59-76.
    This essay diagnoses the condition of contemporary liberal democracies. It assumes that the current crisis of democracy is not the result of an external ideological threat, but it is the result of the lack of a coherent vision of democracy itself. The author recognises that the key symptom of the contemporary crisis is the decreasing involvement of citizens in public life and their growing reluctance to participate in public debate. He claims that the reason for this is the increasing social (...)
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    Political Freedom in a Deliberative System.Donald Bello Hutt - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (2):167-184.
    Champions of systemic approaches to deliberative democratic theory consider that deliberative systems serve sundry functions. Whether guaranteeing political freedom should be one of those functions has not been explored in the scholarly literature. This article thus examines which conceptions of freedom underpin systemic approaches to deliberative democracy. I explore and circumscribe the analysis to two prominent options: freedom as absence of interference and freedom as non-domination. The answer to which of these alternatives best serves as (...)
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    Political Freedom.Stanley S. Kleinberg & George G. Brenkert - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (171):259.
    This book examines the underlying theoretical issues concerning the nature of political freedom. Arguing that most previous discussions of such freedom have been too narrowly focused, it explores both conservativism from Edmund Burke to its present resurgence, the radical tradition of Karl Marx, as well as the orthodox liberal model of freedom of John Locke, John Stuart Mill and Isaiah Berlin. Political Freedom argues that these three accounts of political freedom - conservative, (...)
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  10.  68
    11 Politics, freedom, and order: Kant's political philosophy.Wolfgang Kersting - 1992 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--342.
  11.  10
    Political freedom in Byzantium: the rhetoric of liberty and the periodization of Roman history.Anthony Kaldellis - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (6):795-811.
    ABSTRACTThis paper proposes an intellectual history of the idea that the later Roman empire and, subsequently, the whole of Byzantium were less ‘free’ in comparison to the Roman Republic. Anxiety over diminished freedom recurred throughout Roman history, but only a few specific expressions of it were enshrined in modern thought as the basis on which to divide history into periods. The theorists of the Enlightenment, moreover, invented an unfree Byzantium for their own political purposes and not by examining (...)
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  12. Political Freedom.Alexander Meiklejohn - 1961 - Ethics 71 (2):141-142.
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    The Problem of Political Freedom.Joseph Raz - 1986 - In The Morality of Freedom. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Central to liberalism is the concept of political freedom. Revisionists wrongly claim that liberty has only instrumental value, but they do nevertheless contribute several cogent arguments relevant to the question of how the value of liberty is to be justified. The doctrine of the presumption of liberty and the thesis that liberty ‘just has’ intrinsic value are rightly rejected by revisionists, since neither can ground distinctions between different freedoms. Linguistic analysis is of limited use to the justification of (...)
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  14.  51
    Political Freedom: The Constitutional Powers of the People. [REVIEW]E. M. J. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (4):703-703.
    An expansion and revision of an earlier work, Free Speech and its Relation to Self-Government. The author enters a lucid and dispassionate plea for the inviolability of the First Amendment. His work should awaken philosophers to the need for further analysis in the field of legal and political science.--J. E. M.
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    Personal Liberty and Political Freedom.Iván Zoltán Dénes - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (1):81-98.
    By freedom, classical liberals meant non-interference, independence from the state, the personal and proprietary liberty of the governed. It is negative freedom as the antithesis both to absolutism and anarchy. In the republican interpretations, the freedom of a free political community is made possible and guaranteed by the institutionalization of the liberty of the political community. Political liberty is the medium, stage and precondition for the freedom of its members. That, in turn, is (...)
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  16. Political Freedom. By Cecil Miller. [REVIEW]Alexander Meiklejohn - 1960 - Ethics 71:141.
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  17. Political Freedom after Economic Freefall and Democratic Revolt.Tinneke Beeckman - 2012 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 41 (3):252-262.
    Political Freedom after Economic Freefall and Democratic Revolt Can globalisation lead to more democracy? And if so, what concept of freedom lies at the basis of this development? The ideal of liberal freedom, supposedly exercised by the autonomous, rational individual is no longer tenable. Finding a new way of interpreting self-rule beyond self-interested choice has become a crucial aspect of regenerating democratic spirit. This paper formulates three comments on Winter’s paper. The first comment concerns the resemblance (...)
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  18.  59
    Political Freedom.James Tully - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy 87 (10):517-523.
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    Political Freedom.Sean Sayers - 1993 - Philosophical Books 34 (1):51-53.
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    Political freedom and organic theories of states.Phillip Goggans - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38 (4):531-543.
  21. Determinism and Political Freedom.Ramon Lemos - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):101.
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  22.  61
    The Presumption of Political Freedom.Francesca Raimondi - 2013 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 17 (1):150-169.
    This paper first presents two prominent and antagonistic accounts of political freedom that identify the latter either with the expression of a collective, sovereign will, or with an open process of mutual recognition and consent-based association in action. In the paradigmatic formulations that Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt give of these two models of freedom, one can detect, however a common methodological assumption. In both cases political freedom is conceived as actualizing itself in some original (...)
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  23.  10
    On the Political Freedom of Mill and that of Arendt – Focusing on Freedom of Demos of Athene Polis -. 임정아 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 107:201-219.
    이 글에서 연구자는 고대 아테네인의 자유에 대한 이해를 통하여 정치적 자유가 사적 자유를 억압하는 것이 아니라 오히려 정치적 자유가 필요하다고 주장하는 밀과 아렌트의 ‘정치적 자유’를 말하고자 한다. 정치적 자유를 말하는 철학자들의 정치적 자유 개념들 가운데, 밀의 ‘정치적 자유’ 개념과 아렌트의 ‘정치적 자유’ 개념 간에 분명히 내용상 차이가 있다. 그러나 그럼에도 불구하고, 이 두 철학자는 공통적으로 고대 그리스 아테네의 민주주의에서 논쟁적이고 숙고적인 성격에 의미를 부여하고 개인이 자율적으로 판단하고 주권을 갖는 것에 정치적 자유의 근거를 두고 있다는 점에 연구자는 주목한다. 그리하여 근대의 정치철학자들이 (...)
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  24. Between Form and Event: The Foundation of Political Freedom in Modernity.Miguel E. Vatter - 1998 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation advances the thesis that modern political freedom has an aporetical relation to the possibility of its own foundation. In the first volume, I examine how Machiavelli establishes the internal relation between political freedom and historical contingency that gives rise to the non-foundational concept of political freedom in early modernity. Far from reducing politics to the activity of providing secure foundations for the state, Machiavelli elaborates a conception of politics torn by the antinomical (...)
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    9 On Political Freedom in Public Sphere in View of the Contrast Between Téchne and Túche – A Comparison Between Arendt and Heidegger.Wang Wen-Sheng - 2016 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2016 (1):93-111.
    This paper begins with a discussion of the thesis that politics is a kind of téchne, as Aristotle states. He defines téchne as being the opposite of túche. Hence, politics is neither an exact science nor an accidental opinion; it is, rather, a teachable art or skill. Based on this theme, the paper investigates how Hannah Arendt interprets political freedom in the public sphere as the will of the plural citizens, facing an uncertain future, attempting to still the (...)
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  26. Spinoza's argument for political freedom.Stanley H. Rosen - 1958 - Giornale di Metafisica 13 (4):487.
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  27. Epistemic justice as a condition of political freedom?Miranda Fricker - 2013 - Synthese 190 (7):1317-1332.
    I shall first briefly revisit the broad idea of ‘epistemic injustice’, explaining how it can take either distributive or discriminatory form, in order to put the concepts of ‘testimonial injustice’ and ‘hermeneutical injustice’ in place. In previous work I have explored how the wrong of both kinds of epistemic injustice has both an ethical and an epistemic significance—someone is wronged in their capacity as a knower. But my present aim is to show that this wrong can also have a (...) significance in relation to non-domination, and so to freedom. While it is only the republican conception of political freedom that presents nondomination as constitutive of freedom, I shall argue that non-domination is best understood as a thoroughly generic liberal ideal of freedom to which even negative libertarians are implicitly committed, for non-domination is negative liberty as of right—secured non-interference. Crucially on this conception, non-domination requires that the citizen can contest interferences. Pettit specifies three conditions of contestation, each of which protects against a salient risk of the would-be contester not getting a ‘proper hearing’. But I shall argue that missing from this list is anything to protect against a fourth salient threat: the threat that either kind of epistemic injustice might disable contestation by way of an unjust deflation of either credibility or intelligibility. Thus we see that both testimonial and hermeneutical injustice can render a would-be contester dominated. Epistemic justice is thereby revealed as a constitutive condition of non-domination, and thus of a central liberal political ideal of freedom. (shrink)
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    The Structure of the Concept of Political Freedom in Hannah Arendt’s Philosophy.Katarzyna Eliasz - 2019 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 10 (1):29-42.
    This paper is devoted to clarifying Hannah Arendt’s concept of political freedom by the means of analysing its structure. My analysis proceeds in three steps. Firstly, I distinguish a pre-political concept of freedom as exercising spontaneity, which is at the root of Arendt’s understanding of political freedom. Secondly, I analyse her account of freedom as exercising action and indicate its relationship to the elementary freedom of spontaneity. Arendt endowed action with a distinguished (...)
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    The Theory and Practice of Political Freedom in Interdisciplinary Perspective: Introduction.Katarzyna Eliasz - 2019 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 10 (1):9-14.
    This paper is devoted to clarifying Hannah Arendt’s concept of political freedom by the means of analysing its structure. My analysis proceeds in three steps. Firstly, I distinguish a pre-political concept of freedom as exercising spontaneity, which is at the root of Arendt’s understanding of political freedom. Secondly, I analyse her account of freedom as exercising action and indicate its relationship to the elementary freedom of spontaneity. Arendt endowed action with a distinguished (...)
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  30.  17
    The Plebeian Experience: A Discontinuous History of Political Freedom.Lazer Lederhendler (ed.) - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    How do people excluded from political life achieve political agency? Through a series of historical events that have been mostly overlooked by political theorists, Martin Breaugh identifies fleeting yet decisive instances of emancipation in which people took it upon themselves to become political subjects. Emerging during the Roman plebs's first secession in 494 BCE, the _plebeian experience_ consists of an underground or unexplored configuration of political strategies to obtain political freedom. The people reject (...)
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    Burning All Illusions: A Guide to Personal and Political Freedom.David Edwards - 1996 - South End Press.
    This is a book about freedom. Above all about the idea that there is often no greater obstacle to freedom than the assumption that it has already been attained. What prison, after all, could be more secure than that deemed to be "the world," where boundaries of action and thought are assumed to define not the limits of the permissible, but the limits of the possible. In the past we have been prisoners of tyrants and dictators, and consequently (...)
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    The Struggle for Civil Liberties: Political Freedom and the Rule of Law in Britain, 1914-1945.Keith Ewing & Conor Anthony Gearty - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    'This is a powerful piece of advocacy. I'd pick Ewing and Gearty for my counsels any day.' -Bernard Porter, LRBThis book is an account of the struggle for civil liberties against the State in which groups such as the anti-war protestors, the Irish nationalists, the Communist party, trade unionists, and the unemployed workers' movement found themselves involved in the first half of the twentieth century. All had to fight for their civil liberties in the face of strong opposition from the (...)
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  33.  66
    Fugitive Rousseau: slavery, primitivism, and political freedom.Jimmy Casas Klausen - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Critics have claimed that Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a primitivist who was uncritically preoccupied with "noble savages" and that he remained oblivious to the African slave trade. Fugitive Rousseau demonstrates why these charges are wrong and argues that a fresh, "fugitive" perspective on political freedom is bound up with the themes of primitivism and slavery in Rousseau's political theory. Rather than trace Rousseau's arguments primarily to the social contract tradition of Hobbes and Locke, Fugitive Rousseau places Rousseau squarely (...)
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  34. Moving preferences and sites in democratic life.On Freedom & Deliberative Democracy - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (3):370-396.
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  35. Social justice and political freedom: Revisiting Hannah Arendt's conception of need.James P. Clarke - 1993 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 19 (3-4):333-347.
  36.  20
    The Plebeian Experience: A Discontinuous History of Political Freedom.Martin Breaugh & Dick Howard - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    How do people excluded from political life achieve political agency? Through a series of historical events that have been mostly overlooked by political theorists, Martin Breaugh identifies fleeting yet decisive instances of emancipation in which people took it upon themselves to become political subjects. Emerging during the Roman plebs's first secession in 494 BCE, the _plebeian experience_ consists of an underground or unexplored configuration of political strategies to obtain political freedom. The people reject (...)
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  37.  19
    The Concept of Political Freedom.William T. Blackstone - 1973 - Social Theory and Practice 2 (4):421-438.
  38.  25
    Ecology of Freedom: Competitive Tests of the Role of Pathogens, Climate, and Natural Disasters in the Development of Socio-Political Freedom.Kodai Kusano & Markus Kemmelmeier - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:343080.
    Many countries around the world embrace freedom and democracy as part of their political culture. However, culture is at least in part a human response to the ecological challenges that a society faces; hence, it should not be surprising that the degree to which societies regulate the level of individual freedom is related to environmental circumstances. Previous research suggests that levels of societal freedom across countries are systematically related to three types of ecological threats: prevalence of (...)
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  39.  27
    Music, the passions, and political freedom in Rousseau.Tracy B. Strong - unknown
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    Civil and Political Freedom in Hegel.David A. Duquette - 1990 - Southwest Philosophy Review 6 (1):37-44.
  41.  49
    Duquette, Hegel, and Political Freedom.Joseph Bien - 1990 - Southwest Philosophy Review 6 (2):111-113.
  42. Citizen Clausewitz" : Aron's Clausewitz in defense of political freedom.Joel Mouric - 2015 - In José Colen & Élisabeth Dutartre-Michaut (eds.), The Companion to Raymond Aron. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US.
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  43. Camp and Glamour as Expressions of Aesthetic, Moral and Political Freedom.Wioletta Kazimierska-Jerzyk - 2009 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 11:175-198.
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  44. the Female Psyche'.R. Just & Slavery Freedom - 1985 - History of Political Thought 6:1-188.
  45.  46
    What’s Wrong with Homophobic Bakeries? A Critical Discussion of Discrimination and its Interaction with Political Freedoms and Religious Conscience, Drawing on the Asher’s Bakery Case in Northern Ireland and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen’s Theory of Discrimination.David Lawrence - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):61-76.
    The Asher’s Bakery case raises questions around discrimination against political causes and freedom of religious conscience. Using the Asher’s case, this essay builds on Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen’s work to develop a theory of discrimination which accounts for discrimination of political causes. The essay explores the normative implications of this account including the rights members of salient political causes, and discusses various objections; in particular, how discrimination claims should be balanced against freedom of religious conscience in a (...)
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  46.  82
    Freedom’s Right. The Social Foundations of Democratic Life.Axel Honneth - 2013 - New York: Polity.
    The theory of justice is one of the most intensely debated areas of contemporary philosophy. Most theories of justice, however, have only attained their high level of justification at great cost. By focusing on purely normative, abstract principles, they become detached from the sphere that constitutes their “field of application” - namely, social reality. Axel Honneth proposes a different approach. He seeks to derive the currently definitive criteria of social justice directly from the normative claims that have developed within Western (...)
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  47. Economic Sanctions and Political Repression: Assessing the Impact of Coercive Diplomacy on Political Freedoms. [REVIEW]Dursun Peksen & A. Cooper Drury - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (3):393-411.
    This article offers a thorough analysis of the unintended impact economic sanctions have on political repression—referred to in this study as the level of the government respect for democratic freedoms and human rights. We argue that economic coercion is a counterproductive policy tool that reduces the level of political freedoms in sanctioned countries. Instead of coercing the sanctioned regime into reforming itself, sanctions inadvertently enhance the regime’s coercive capacity and create incentives for the regime’s leadership to commit (...) repression. Cross-national time series data support our argument, confirming that the continued use of economic sanctions (even when aimed at promoting political liberalization and respect for human rights) will increase the level of political repression. These findings suggest that both scholars and policy makers should pay more attention to the externalities caused by economic coercion. (shrink)
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  48. Hannah Arendt: Existential phenomenology and political freedom.Wayne F. Allen - 1982 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 9 (2):170-190.
    This paper has three purposes: first, to explicate the ex istential basis of Arendt's theory of action. This will be done by first tracing the intellectual derivation of Arendt's existentialism and the modifications she made to fit it in to her public realm. Second, I will demonstrate the con nection between Arendt's existentialism and her formula tion of political freedom. Third, I will illustrate throughout that Arendt's political ideas, if they are to be properly understood, must be (...)
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  49.  45
    Autonomy, History and Political Freedom in Kant's Political Philosophy.Gunnar Beck - 1999 - History of European Ideas 25 (5):217-241.
  50. Without a Voice of One's Own: Aphonia as an Obstacle to Political Freedom.Joonas S. Martikainen - 2021 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 97:105–128.
    In this article I use Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s existential phenomenology as a method for presenting a disclosing critique of aphonia as the loss of a political voice of one’s own. I claim that aphonia is a phenomenon that is qualitatively different from a lack of opportunities for democratic participation and a lack of the communicative capabilities required for effective political participation. I give examples from sociological literature on social exclusion and political apathy, and then diagnose them using Merleau-Ponty’s (...)
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