Results for 'Polina Baranova'

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  1.  41
    Engaging with environmental stakeholders: Routes to building environmental capabilities in the context of the low carbon economy.Polina Baranova & Maureen Meadows - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):112-129.
    The transition to a low carbon economy demands new strategies to enable organizations to take advantage of the potential for “green” growth. An organization's environmental stakeholders can provide opportunities for growth and support the success of its low carbon strategies, as well as potentially acting as a constraint on new initiatives. Building environmental capabilities through engagement with environmental stakeholders is conceptualized as an important aspect for the success of organizational low carbon strategies. We examine capability building across a range of (...)
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    Enhancing the student experience through service design.Polina Baranova, Sue Morrison & Jean Mutton - 2011 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 15 (4):122-128.
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  3. Nietzsche, postmodernism and the phenomenon of Arvydas Šliogeris in contemporary Lithuanian philosophy.Jūratė Baranova - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (1):53-69.
    This article is based on the presupposition that postmodern philosophy has been largely influenced by Nietzsche's writings. The author raises the question of how Nietzsche and postmodern philosophy are interpreted in the contemporary philosophical discourse in Lithuania. The conclusion drawn is that many philosophy critics in Lithuania are interested in Nietzsche's philosophy (Mickevižius, Sodeika, Šerpytytè, Sverdiolas, Baranova) and in the problems of postmodern philosophy (Keršytè, Rubavižius, Žukauskaité, Serpytytè, Šverdiolas, Baranova, Norkus). The article also raises a second crucial question: (...)
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  4. Contemporary philosophical discourse in Lithuania.Jurate Baranova (ed.) - 2005 - Washington, D.C.: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
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    The first meeting of the Sententiae community.Polina Oprya - 2023 - Sententiae 42 (2):208-210.
    Report on the first Sententiae community meeting which took place on April 29, 2023.
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    The Ethics of the Categorical Imperative. Lossky under the Influence of Kant.Polina R. Bonadyseva - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (4):60-75.
    The Russian intuitivist philosopher Nikolay Lossky repeatedly admitted Kant’s substantial formative influence on him as a scholar. Moreover, Lossky was a disciple of the Russian Kantian Aleksander Vvedensky, and was one of the most successful translators of the first Critique. However, his own philosophical project is rather the opposite of the critical programme. While in the framework of Lossky’s epistemology the specificities of his reading of Kant have received a fair amount of attention in Russian scholarship, in the ethical field (...)
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  7. Karl Otto Apel’s Neo-Kantianism: How is Possible Contemporary Normative Ethics?Jūratė Baranova - 2007 - Problemos 72:145-155.
    Straipsnyje svarstoma ðiuolaikinës normatyviosios etikos paieðkos galimybë, pasitelkiant Karlo Otto Apeliotokio bandymo pavyzdá ir suprieðinant já su Jürgeno Habermaso diskurso etika bei Maxo Weberio irKarlo Raimundo Popperio politinës moralës projektais. Autorë pripaþásta, kad Apelio pastangos suteiktiðiuolaikinei etikai vieningà normatyviná pagrindà iðkrenta ið bendros á vertybiø pliuralizmà linkstanèiosðiuolaikinës etikos perspektyvos. Kita vertus, jos manymu, siekiant iðsaugoti Kanto etikos formaliuosiusaspektus, jo transcendentalines intencijas, galima nepastebëti svarbiø Kanto etikos turinio aspektø.Mûsø galva, formalus procedûriðkumas ar normatyvumas neiðsemia Kanto etikos galimybiø.Pagrindiniai þodþiai: Apelis, Weberis, Popperis, (...)
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    Lithuanian Philosophy: Persons and Ideas.Jurate Baranova - 2000 - CRVP.
  9.  17
    LRRC8s revisited: And now they SWELL! (Retrospective on DOI 10.1002/bies.201100173).Ancha Baranova - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (11):1017-1018.
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    Ritmo sąvokos metamorfozės Gilles’io Deleuze’o ir Félixo Guattari tekstuose.Jūratė Baranova - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
    Straipsnyje svarstoma galimybė, ar ritmo konceptas, funcionuojantis Gillesio Deleuze’o ir Félixo Guattari tekstuose, negalėtų padėti atsekti minties judėjimo linijų nuo filosofijos link skirtingų meno formų ir atgal. Pradedant nuo dinaminės problemų ir sąvokų kartografijos, kurią kaip tinkamą tokiems minties eksperimentams įžvelgė Anne Sauvagnargues, Jamesas M. Buchananas, Ronaldas Bogue, Stephenas Zepke, šiame tyrime siūloma sąvoka ritmas yra tinkama kaip siejamoji galimų filosofijos ir įvairių menų sankabos jungtis. Ritmas Deleuze’o ir Guattari tekstuose tampa filosofine sąvoka ir įgauna ontologinį statusą, transcenduojantį siauras filosofijos (...)
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  11. Dialectical-materialism : a philosophical framework, a theoretical "weapon" and a framing research tool.Polina-Theopoula Chrysochou - 2019 - In Derek Ford, Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education: Common Concepts for Contemporary Movements. Boston: Brill.
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    Types and varieties of marketing in the context of digitalization: classification and essence.Polina Andreevna Gorokhova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):14-17.
    The purpose of the article is to analyze and classify marketing in the context of digitalization. The article examines the approaches of researchers to the definition and classification of modern marketing trends. The author's classification of types, types and varieties of marketing in modern conditions is proposed.
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    A psychometric study of the Russian-language version of the “Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development–third edition”: An assessment of reliability and validity.Polina Pavlova, Dmitry Maksimov, Dmitry Chegodaev & Sergey Kiselev - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development–third edition is one of the most widely used tools for assessing child development, and adapted versions of this instrument have been successfully used in many countries. No comprehensive psychometric studies of the Bayley-III have yet been performed in Russia.Materials and methodsThis psychometric study was part of the longitudinal study conducted by the Ural Federal University in 2016–2020. Within the project, the original Bayley-III manual was translated into Russian and then used in a (...)
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    The emergence of frequency effects in eye movements.Polina M. Vanyukov, Tessa Warren, Mark E. Wheeler & Erik D. Reichle - 2012 - Cognition 123 (1):185-189.
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    Osip Mandelstam: Music as Philosophy.Polina S. Volkova - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (2):146-153.
    This article addresses the issue of music in the works of Osip Mandelstam. Based on works of both Russian and international scholars, the author examines the markers for music as philosophy in Mand...
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    I try not to save my soul, but to understand it.Polina Vrublevskaya - 2022 - Approaching Religion 12 (1):149-164.
    This article presents a comparative study of the experiences of young adults on a spiritual quest in cultural and religious contexts where they have not yet been properly studied, that is Lutheran Finland, Roman Catholic Poland and Orthodox Russia. The study seeks to contribute to the further refinement of the concept of spiritual quest in order to enhance its utility and applicability across different cultural and religious contexts. The analysis revealed several aspects inherent in spiritual quest but which can be (...)
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  17.  35
    Why Kant is a Weak Conceptualist.Ruslanas Baranovas - 2019 - Problemos 95:81-93.
    [full article, abstract in English; abstract in Lithuanian] The question whether Kant is a conceptualist has attracted significant attention of Kant scholars in recent decades. I present all three dominant positions in the debate and argue that strong conceptualism and nonconceptualism are less plausible interpretations of Kant’s philosophy. I argue that the first cannot explain Kant’s commitments related to the incongruents, animals, and infants. The second one, meanwhile, cannot explain Kant’s argument on causation against Hume. At the end of the (...)
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  18.  98
    Against empathy: The case for rational compassion.Polina Kukar - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):479-482.
    Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion brings a critique of empathy to mainstream, non-academic readership. Bloom uses a narrow understanding of empathy—“the act of feeling what you thin...
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  19. Kant’s Doctrines of Right, Law, and Freedom. Report of the Second International Summer School.Polina Bonadyseva & Alexander S. Kiselev - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (3):103-112.
  20.  25
    Antoninas Artaud ir Gilles’io Deleuze’o modernaus kino filosofija.Jüratė Baranova - 2014 - Problemos 86:83-97.
    Straipsnis skiriamas prancūzų aktoriaus, poeto, scenaristo, žiaurumo teatro idėjos autoriaus Antonino Artaud idėjų pėdsakų šifravimui Gilles’io Deleuze’o kino filosofijoje. Straipsnyje keliami klausimai: kuo Artaud idėjų traktuotė antrajame knygos „Kinas“ tome „Vaizdinys-laikas“ skiriasi nuo čia pat aptariamų rusų režisieriaus Sergejaus Eisensteino idėjų įtakos? Kaip modernaus kino filosofijoje veikia Deleuze’ui svarbi Artaud mintis apie pamatinę minties bejėgystę, įkūnytą pačioje mintyje? Ar iš Artaud pasiskolintas „kūno be organų“ konceptas išveda į kasdienį ir ceremonijų kūną, apie kurį rašo Deleuze’as kaip apie modernaus kino ženklą? (...)
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  21. Kant’s Fourth Antinomy and the Odyssey of Levinas’s Subject.J. Baranova - 2009 - Topos 21 (1).
  22.  18
    Kantas ir Deleuze'as: Kokia Yra Gilianusia Vaizduotės Paslaptis?Jüratė Baranova - 2013 - Problemos 84:153-169.
    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Kanto nužymėtos ir Deleuze’o eksperimentiniame mąstyme rekonstruotos vaizduotės kaip vieno iš trijų proto gebėjimų raiškos lauko alternatyvos. Siekiama atsakyti į paties Deleuze’o išsikeltą kantišką klausimą: kokia yra giliausia paslaptis? Aptinkamos kelios atsakymo alternatyvos. Šiame tyrime paaiškėjo, kad Deleuze’o atsakymai į paties išsikeltą klausimą „kokia yra giliausia vaizduotės paslaptis?“ patiria metamorfozes, kurios apsuka ratą. Nuo pradinės pozicijos, kai vaizduotė veikia tik paklusdama intelektui ar protui, ji juda link laisvo trijų nepriklausomų sugebėjimų – intelekto, proto, vaizduotės atitikimo, paskui – link (...)
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  23. Rhythm and Refrain: In Between Philosophy and Arts (2016).Jurate Baranova (ed.) - 2016 - Vilnius: Lithuanian University of educational sciences.
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  24. Trys atsakymai į klausimą "Kas yra žmogus?" / "What is Man?" Three answers.Jūratė Baranova - 2001 - Žmogus ir Žodis 3:4-12.
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    Vision and visuality in buddhism and beyond: an introduction.Polina Lukicheva, Rafael Suter & Wolfgang Https://Orcidorg Behr - 2020 - .
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    Plus nue qu’Isadora Duncan. La nouvelle danse russe après la révolution d’Octobre.Polina Manko - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):143-156.
    This article addresses the role of nudity on stage in the emergence of modernities in dance, focusing in particular on the largely unexplored context of Russia after the October Revolution of 1917. By studying the discourses about and reception of the work of two protagonists of the Russian “new dance” of the 1920s, Kassian Goleizovsky and Lev Lukin, the article questions the meaning that these choreographers sought to construct around the nudity on stage of the couple and the group. This (...)
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    Waves.Polina Kukar - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (2):109-114.
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    Meeting with the ‘Unfamiliar Other’ in multimodal education.Jūratė Baranova & Lilija Duoblienė - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (1):33-47.
    The article reflects upon the possibility of educating sensitivity to the pain of the different Other by using feature cinema. The authors rely on the methodology suggested by Stanley Louis Cavell and Andrew Klevan, and also on the suggestions and conclusions by William B. Russell, III and Stewart Waters. The authors of this article reflected upon the results of their own interview with gymnasium students and selected three feature films suggested by them as a case study for the possibility of (...)
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  29. Nietzsche kaip „pokantininkas " ir Kantas kaip „ponyčininkas "poklasikinėje Gilles Deleuze'o filosofijoje / Nietzsche as „post-kantian " and Kant as „post-nietzschean in the post-classical philosophy of Gilles Deleuze“.Jūratė Baranova - 2005 - Žmogus ir Žodis 7:3-12.
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    The Categorical Imperative and the Face of the Other: Immanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas.Jurate Baranova - 2005 - In Contemporary philosophical discourse in Lithuania. Washington, D.C.: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. pp. 4--41.
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    The Strategies of Adaptation of Ivan Bunin in the Cinema: Interpretation and Reinterpretation.Polina S. Volkova & Lyudmila Р Kazantseva - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (6):96-109.
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    Virtuality and the Problem of Agency in Object-Oriented Ontology.Ruslanas Baranovas - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):233-241.
    In his Prince of Networks, Graham Harman reconstructs Latourian critique of concepts of potentiality and virtuality with which he claims to agree. This seems striking because Latour’s arguments seem to be exactly those Harman rejects in his other writings as overmining. Furthermore, this critique of potentiality and virtuality creates a dividing line between Harman and Bryant’s Democracy of Objects, where the concept of virtual plays a central role. In this article, I will explore this debate, focusing on how the concept (...)
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  33. Kafka versus Kant in Derrida’s Post-philosophy.Jūratė Baranova - 2006 - Problemos 70:50-61.
    Ðio straipsnio pavadinime uþkoduota ir tyrimo problema. Èia bus svarstomas filosofijos ir literatûrossuartëjimo prieigø dekonstrukcinis tyrimas Jacques Derrida postfilosofijoje. Kantas simbolizuoja klasikinæ filosofo, Kafka – literato laikysenà. Taèiau tai tik straipsnio autorës iðmonë. Bus atsispirta nuo to,kaip Derrida perskaito Kafkos parabolæ Prieð ástatymà romane Procesas. Autorë pripaþins, kad ið tiesøsodieèio kaip kantininko ir durininko kaip paties Derrida suprieðinimas leidþia geriau suvokti Derridaiðrastos sàvokos différance konotacijas. Kita vertus, taip suprasta skirtis iðveda á singuliarumo, paraðo,paslapties sàvokø judëjimà Derrida tekstuose. Taèiau lieka neaiðku, (...)
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  34. The Fourth Kant’s Antinomy and the Odyssey of Levinas’ Subject.Jūratė Baranova - 2007 - Problemos 71:148-156.
    Straipsnyje svarstomas teorinis judesys, kuriuo Emmanuelis Levinas grindë savàjà asmens tapatumosampratà, prieðingà Vakarø filosofijos klasikiniame racionalizme ir fenomenologijoje susiklosèiusiossavimonës kaip sàmonës tapatumo sau prielaidai. Kanto asmens tapatumo koncepcija taip pat liekaðioje „antileviniðkoje“ paradigmoje, taèiau Levinas pasitelkia ketvirtàjà Kanto antinomijà kaip iðlaisvinanèià subjektyvumà ið laiko spàstø. Straipsnyje keliamas klausimas, kaip Levinas perðoka nuo dinamiðko laiko sekmens problemos prie subjekto tapatumo kaip jo socialumo klausimo. Koká vaidmenáðioje naujoje asmens tapatumo sampratoje vaidina Fiodoro Dostojevskio romanø kai kuriø veikëjøvertybinëms prielaidoms labai artima Levino subjekto (...)
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  35. Three invertions of Plato: Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida.Jūratė Baranova - 1999 - Žmogus ir Žodis 1:12-20.
    This article concentrates on two main interpreta- tions of Friedrich Nietzshe's philosophy: hermeneuti- cal , originated in Martin Heidegger's book "Nietzsche" and deconstnlctive -, elaborated in Jacques Derrida's book "Esperon: Le Styles de Nietzsche. Spurs. Nietzshe's Styles".and his article "Interpreting Signatures : Two Questions". The author of the article considers that the idea of in- verted platonism as a main paradigm of Nietzsche's thought is original Heidegger's idea, underlying his interpretation of Nietzsche as a last methaphysisian in Western thought. Derrida, (...)
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  36. The struggle against fascism in italian thought.O. Baranova - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (5):706-720.
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    Political Alienation in Anti-Democratic Education.Polina Vasineva - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (1):120-132.
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    Faces of Politics in STS.Polina S. Petrukhina - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (4):146-161.
    The political dimension of science is one of the major topics in STS. The “political” there has two distinguishable, although often complementary, faces: it can be considered as an object of study, as well as a source of conceptual metaphors. In the first case politics, understood literally as a domain of particular social relations concerning the public sphere and the distribution of power resources, is inevitably involved in the discussions of any issues related to the science’s role and place in (...)
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  39. Aristotelio "pėdsakai" šiuolaikinėje moralės filosofijoje / "The Traces" ofAristotle in Contemporary Moral Philosophy.Jūratė Baranova - 2002 - Žmogus ir Žodis 4:3-11.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche’s Political Philosophy as Political Anthropology.Jūratė Baranova - 2020 - Problemos 98:94-106.
    The article starts with the question: how is the political philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche even possible? The author discusses with Tracy B. Strong’s presumption that Nietzsche’s political philosophy is not possible as a transcendental deduction. The author supposes that this type of question clashes with the premises of Nietzsche’s thinking and also undermines the interpretation of the other aspects of his philosophy. First of all: the question of nazification and denazification of Nietzsche’s thought. The article comes to the conclusion that (...)
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  41.  25
    Kafka versus Kantas Derrida postfilosofijoje.Jūratė Baranova - 2006 - Problemos 70.
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    (1 other version)Realität, Hegel’s idealism and common sense.Ruslanas Baranovas - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):253-259.
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    The more the merrier: The pannexin family just got a new branch.Ancha Baranova - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (7):530-531.
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    Cultural Shifts in High Energy Physics Collaboration from the Cold War to the Present: A Historical and Philosophical Perspective.Polina S. Petruhina & Vitaly Pronskikh - forthcoming - Minerva:1-20.
    This article employs empirical history and the philosophy of science to study cultural convergences and divergences in international collaborations in high energy physics. We examine two cases: (1) E-36, an experiment on small angle proton-proton scattering conducted during the Cold War at the National Accelerator Laboratory (NAL) in the USA by Soviet and US scientists and (2) an ongoing collaborative experiment, NICA, at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna), which is a project devoted to heavy-ion physics. The JINR, (...)
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    Odysseus "Božské komedie" a limity lidského vědění.Polina Jiráňová - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (2):181-192.
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    Book Review: Sensational Flesh: Race, Power, and Masochism. [REVIEW]Polina Vlasenko - unknown
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    Controversial Aspects of a Straight Solution to Kripke’s Problem.Polina I. Oleinik - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (2):83-88.
    A straight solution to S. Kripke’s skeptical problem, proposed by E.V. Borisov, is considered. The main assumption of the argumentation of a straight solution is the thesis about the possibility of knowing meanings. The article shows the need to further define the terms used in the argumentation, in particular the concept of introspection.
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    Kalba ir tikrovė.Jūratė Baranova - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
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    Laiko - viseto - atverties santykis kine ir modernaus kino filosofijoje.Jūratė Baranova - 2014 - Žmogus ir Žodis 16 (4).
    Straipsnyje svarstomas laiko išsišakojimo į tris modusus klausimas, kuris aktualus klasikinėje filosofijoje, fenomenologijoje, literatūroje, struktūruojamas kino mene ir modernaus kino filosofijoje. Straipsnyje tiriamos kelios šio laiko išsišakojimo įvaizdinimo ir jo filosofinio reflektavimo trajektorijos: Tarkovskio įvaizdintas laikas, apokaliptinis laikas bei jo virsmas į laiko kristalus Deleuze’o modernaus kino filosofijoje.
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    Multimodal education: philosophy and practice.Jūratė Baranova - 2020 - Washington: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. Edited by Lilija Duoblienė.
    This is a philosophical study by Lithuanian authors on issues related to how to teach philosophy, especially moral philosophy, through films, paintings, images, etc. The topics include multimodality as a synthesis; semiotics and language and image; cinema and philosophical education; postructuralism; film education; value education through spiritual cinema; Eastern Ethics for Western students through multimodal education; philosophy for children; sound and multimodality; Pedagogy of aesthetic to eco-pedagogy, etc.
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