Results for 'Platforms'

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  1. List of Contents: Volume 17, Number 6, November 2004.Rotating Platform - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (9).
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  2. No-Platforming and Higher-Order Evidence, or Anti-Anti-No-Platforming.Neil Levy - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (4):487-502.
    No-platforming—the refusal to allow those who espouse views seen as inflammatory the opportunity to speak in certain forums—is very controversial. Proponents typically cite the possibility of harms to disadvantaged groups and, sometimes, epistemically paternalistic considerations. Opponents invoke the value of free speech and respect for intellectual autonomy in favor of more open speech, arguing that the harms that might arise from bad speech are best addressed by rebuttal, not silencing. In this article, I argue that there is a powerful consideration (...)
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    Platformed antagonism: racist discourses on fake Muslim Facebook pages.Johan Farkas, Jannick Schou & Christina Neumayer - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (5):463-480.
    ABSTRACTThis research examines how fake identities on social media create and sustain antagonistic and racist discourses. It does so by analysing 11 Danish Facebook pages, disguised as Muslim extremists living in Denmark, conspiring to kill and rape Danish citizens. It explores how anonymous content producers utilise Facebook’s socio-technical characteristics to construct, what we propose to term as, platformed antagonism. This term refers to socio-technical and discursive practices that produce new modes of antagonistic relations on social media platforms. Through a (...)
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    Digital platforms and algorithmic subjectivities.Emiliana Armano, Marco Briziarelli & Elisabetta Risi (eds.) - 2022 - London: University of Westminister Press.
    This collection considers algorithms at work, alongside black box control, platform society theory and the formation of subjectivities.
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    Digital platforms and responsible innovation: expanding value sensitive design to overcome ontological uncertainty.Mark de Reuver, Aimee van Wynsberghe, Marijn Janssen & Ibo van de Poel - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (3):257-267.
    In this paper, we argue that the characteristics of digital platforms challenge the fundamental assumptions of value sensitive design (VSD). Traditionally, VSD methods assume that we can identify relevant values during the design phase of new technologies. The underlying assumption is that there is onlyepistemic uncertaintyabout which values will be impacted by a technology. VSD methods suggest that one can predict which values will be affected by new technologies by increasing knowledge about how values are interpreted or understood in (...)
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  6. No Platforming.Robert Mark Simpson & Amia Srinivasan - 2018 - In Jennifer Lackey, Academic Freedom. Oxford University Press. pp. 186-209.
    This paper explains how the practice of ‘no platforming’ can be reconciled with a liberal politics. While opponents say that no platforming flouts ideals of open public discourse, and defenders see it as a justifiable harm-prevention measure, both sides mistakenly treat the debate like a run-of-the-mill free speech conflict, rather than an issue of academic freedom specifically. Content-based restrictions on speech in universities are ubiquitous. And this is no affront to a liberal conception of academic freedom, whose purpose isn’t just (...)
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    Platforms and hyper-choice on the World Wide Web.Timothy Graham - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    Choice is a sine qua non of contemporary life. From childhood until death, we are faced with an unending series of choices through which we cultivate a sense of self, govern conduct, and shape the future. Nowadays, individuals increasingly experience and enact consumer choice online through web-based platforms such as, and These platforms not only provide a sprawling array of goods and services to choose from, but also reviews, ratings and ranking devices and systems of (...)
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    Cross-platform opinion dynamics in competitive travel advertising: A coupled networks’ insight.Jia Chen, Haomin Wang & Xiangrui Chao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social media platforms have become an important tool for travel advertisement. This study constructs the bounded confidence model to build an improved cross-platform competitive travel advertising information dissemination model based on open and closed social media platforms. Moreover, this study examines the evolution process of group opinions in cross-platform information dissemination with simulation experiments. Results reveal that based on strong relationships, the closed social media platform opinion leaders better guide in competitive travel advertising and can bring more potential (...)
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    Platform Seeing: Image Ensembles and Their Invisualities.Adrian MacKenzie & Anna Munster - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (5):3-22.
    How can one ‘see’ the operationalization of contemporary visual culture, given the imperceptibility and apparent automation of so many processes and dimensions of visuality? Seeing – as a position from a singular mode of observation – has become problematic since many visual elements, techniques, and forms of observing are highly distributed through data practices of collection, analysis and prediction. Such practices are subtended by visual cultural techniques that are grounded in the development of image collections, image formatting and hardware design. (...)
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  10.  29
    Platform affordances and data practices: The value of dispute on Wikipedia.Erik Borra & Esther Weltevrede - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    In this paper we introduce the device perspective as a methodological contribution to platform studies. Through an engagement with debates about the notion of affordances, which focus on the relation between the technical and the social, we put forward an approach to study the production of data within platforms by engaging with the material properties of platforms as well as their interpretation and deployment by various types of users. As a case in point, we study how the affordances (...)
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    Opportunity Platforms and Safety Nets: Corporate Citizenship and Reputational Risk.Charles J. Fombrun, Naomi A. Gardberg & Michael L. Barnett - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (1):85-106.
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    Divergent platforms.Sophie Bade - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (4):561-580.
    Models of electoral competition between two opportunistic, office-motivated parties typically predict that both parties become indistinguishable in equilibrium. I show that this strong connection between the office motivation of parties and their equilibrium choice of identical platforms depends on two—possibly false—assumptions: Issue spaces are uni-dimensional and Parties are unitary actors whose preferences can be represented by expected utilities. I provide an example of a two-party model in which parties offer substantially different equilibrium platforms even though no exogenous differences (...)
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    Platforms for Cross-Sector Social Partnerships: Prospective Sensemaking Devices for Social Benefit. [REVIEW]John W. Selsky & Barbara Parker - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):21 - 37.
    Cross-sector social partnerships (CSSPs) can produce benefits at individual, organizational, sectoral and societal levels. In this article, we argue that the distribution of benefits depends in part on the cognitive frames held by partnership participants. Based on Selsky and Parker's (J Manage 31(6):849-873, 2005) review of CSSPs, we identify three analytic "platforms" for social partnerships — the resource-dependence platform, the social-issue platform, and the societal-sector platform. We situate platforms as prospective sensemaking devices that help project managers make sense (...)
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    Synthesis: Platforms for collective action in multiple-use common-pool resources.Nathalie Steins & Victoria Edwards - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (3):309-315.
    In this special issue, Steins and Edwards introduced the notion of nested platforms for resource use negotiation as a tool to facilitate collective action amongst multiple-users in complex common-pool resource management scenarios. Five discussion statements were put forward to aid the debate on multi-use platforms. This paper is a synthesis of the responses to these statements by the other contributors to this special issue. It aims to further stimulate the debate on the management of complex, multiple-use common-pool management (...)
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    Making platforms work: relationship labor and the management of publics.Benjamin Shestakofsky & Shreeharsh Kelkar - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (5):863-896.
    How do digital platforms govern their users? Existing studies, with their focus on impersonal and procedural modes of governance, have largely neglected to examine the human labor through which platform companies attempt to elicit the consent of their users. This study describes the relationship labor that is systematically excised from many platforms’ accounts of what they do and missing from much of the scholarship on platform governance. Relationship labor is carried out by agents of platform companies who engage (...)
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  16. Platform cooperativism and freedom as non-domination in the gig economy.Tim Christiaens - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory.
    While the challenges workers face in the gig economy are now well-known, reflections on emancipatory solutions in political philosophy are still underdeveloped. Some have pleaded for enhancing workers' bargaining power through unionisation; others for enhancing exit options in the labour market. Both strategies, however, come with unin-tended side-effects and do not exhaust the full potential for worker self-government present in the digital gig economy. Using the republican theory of freedom as non-domination , I argue that G.D.H. Cole's 20th-century defence of (...)
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    WeChat-platform-based education and care program as a candidate approach to relieve anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder in parents of pediatric and adolescent patients with osteosarcoma.Jing Wu, Jie Meng & Honghe Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundWeChat is the main social platform in China, characterized by its versatility and ease of communication. This study aimed to explore the effect of a WeChat-platform-based education and care program on relieving anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder in parents of pediatric and adolescent patients with osteosarcoma.MethodsIn total, 48 patients and 86 parents were enrolled in this randomized, controlled study and then assigned to the WBEC program and the usual education and care program for 6 months as a 1:1 ratio.ResultsParents (...)
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  18. No-Platforming, Liberalism, and Students (an interview with Robert Simpson).Alex Davies & Robert Mark Simpson - 2018
    This is the English (and extended version) of an interview originally published in Estonian in October 2018. In the interview, Simpson summarizes a particular way of defending the practice of no-platforming. The varying appeal of different defences of the practice in different socio-historical contexts (i.e. the UK/US versus a post-Soviet country such as Estonia) is discussed also.
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    Readings of the Platform Sutra.Morten SchlŸTter & Stephen Teiser (eds.) - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    The _Platform Sutra_ comprises a wide range of important Chan/Zen Buddhist teachings. Purported to contain the autobiography and sermons of Huineng (638-713), the legendary Sixth Patriarch of Chan, the sutra has been popular among monastics and the educated elite for centuries. The first study of its kind in English, this volume offers essays that introduce the history and ideas of the sutra to a general audience and interpret its practices. Leading specialists on Buddhism discuss the text's historical background and its (...)
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    Orchestrated Platform for Cyber-Physical Systems.Róbert Lovas, Attila Farkas, Attila Csaba Marosi, Sándor Ács, József Kovács, Ádám Szalóki & Botond Kádár - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
    One of the main driving forces in the era of cyber-physical systems is the introduction of massive sensor networks into manufacturing processes, connected cars, precision agriculture, and so on. Therefore, large amounts of sensor data have to be ingested at the server side in order to generate and make the “twin digital model” or virtual factory of the existing physical processes for predictive simulation and scheduling purposes usable. In this paper, we focus on our ultimate goal, a novel software container-based (...)
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    Digital Platforms and the Right to Just and Favorable Conditions of Work: A Business and Human Rights Perspective.Izabela Jędrzejowska-Schiffauer & Łukasz Szoszkiewicz - 2023 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 17 (2):205-226.
    Digital platform economy has radically changed the modes in which work is organized, stretching the functionality of legal environment of work and its governance. This article builds on a strand of labor law scholarship that advances the need to rethink the legal construction of work and work relationship in order to adapt it to the dynamically evolving socio-economic context. By applying a business and human rights lens to this process, this article confutes the mainstream argument that labor rights guarantees remain (...)
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  22. From Institutions to the Platform Society: An Interdisciplinary Reading of Recent Works by Roberto Esposito.Luca Serafini - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):239-252.
    In recent years, reflection on institutions has assumed great prominence in Italian Theory. Roberto Esposito especially, in his three most recent books, has provided a genealogy of institutions, aimed at challenging the prevailing way in which they have been thematized in Western thought. As he sees it, a repressive conception of institutions has dominated in philosophy as well as in sociology and legal studies, which views them as apparatuses that limit the free expansion of individual instincts and life itself. Following (...)
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  23. Platforms for collective action in multiple-use common-pool resources. [REVIEW]Nathalie A. Steins & Victoria M. Edwards - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (3):241-255.
    Collective action processes in complex, multiple-use common-pool resources (CPRs) have only recently become a focus of study. When CPRs evolve into more complex systems, resource use by separate user groups becomes increasingly interdependent. This implies, amongst others, that the institutional framework governing resource use has to be re-negotiated to avoid adverse impacts associated with the increased access of any new stakeholders, such as overexploitation, alienation of traditional users, and inter-user conflicts. The establishment of “platforms for resource use negotiation” is (...)
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    The Platform Fallacy: A Dickensian Contribution to Informal Logic.Martin Hinton - 2020 - Philosophy and Literature 44 (2):449-460.
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    The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch.Philip B. Yampolsky - 1978 - Columbia University Press.
    The _Platform Sutra_ records the teachings of Hui-neng, the Sixth Patriarch, who is revered as one of the two great figures in the founding of Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism. This translation is the definitive English version of the eighth-century Ch'an classic. Phillip B. Yampolsky has based his translation on the Tun-huang manuscript, the earliest extant version of the work. A critical edition of the Chinese text is given at the end of the volume. Dr. Yampolsky also furnishes a lengthy and detailed (...)
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    Platform neutrality: enhancing freedom of expression in spheres of private power.Frank Pasquale - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (2):487-513.
    Troubling patterns of suppressed speech have emerged on the corporate internet. A large platform may marginalize potential connections between audiences and speakers. Consumer protection concerns arise, for platforms may be marketing themselves as open, comprehensive, and unbiased, when they are in fact closed, partial, and self-serving. Responding to protests, the accused platform either asserts a right to craft the information environment it desires, or abjures responsibility, claiming to merely reflect the desires and preferences of its user base. Such responses (...)
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  27. Building Epistemically Healthier Platforms.Dallas Amico-Korby, Maralee Harrell & David Danks - forthcoming - Episteme.
    When thinking about designing social media platforms, we often focus on factors such as usability, functionality, aesthetics, ethics, and so forth. Epistemic considerations have rarely been given the same level of attention in design discussions. This paper aims to rectify this neglect. We begin by arguing that there are epistemic norms that govern environments, including social media environments. Next, we provide a framework for applying these norms to the question of platform design. We then apply this framework to the (...)
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    Performing Platform Governance: Facebook and the Stage Management of Data Relations.Karen Huang & P. M. Krafft - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (2):1-28.
    Controversies surrounding social media platforms have provided opportunities for institutional reflexivity amongst users and regulators on how to understand and govern platforms. Amidst contestation, platform companies have continued to enact projects that draw upon existing modes of privatized governance. We investigate how social media companies have attempted to achieve closure by continuing to set the terms around platform governance. We investigate two projects implemented by Facebook (Meta)—authenticity regulation and privacy controls—in response to the Russian Interference and Cambridge Analytica (...)
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  29. Platform and Habit of Inquiry.R. Chow - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):31-32.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Developing a Dialogical Platform for Disseminating Research through Design” by Abigail C. Durrant, John Vines, Jayne Wallace & Joyce Yee. Upshot: My comments should contribute to making the next RTD conference even more “successful.” If we are to advance design research, changing the format of conferencing is secondary to changing the culture of inquiry, although they surely intertwine.
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  30. Finding platform 9 ¾: The idea of a different reality.Garret B. Matthews - 2004 - In David Baggett, Shawn E. Klein & William Irwin, Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts. Chicago: Open Court. pp. 175--185.
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    Regulation of Sharing Economy Platforms Through Partial Meta-organizing.Heloise Berkowitz & Antoine Souchaud - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):961-976.
    Can platforms close the governance gap in the sharing economy, and if so, how? Through an in-depth qualitative case study, we analyze the process by which new regulation and self-regulation emerge in one sector of the sharing economy, crowdfunding, through the actions of a meta-organization. We focus on the principal French sectoral meta-organization, Financement Participatif France. We show that this multi-stakeholder meta-organization not only closed the governance gap through collective legal, ethical, and utilitarian work but also preceded and shaped (...)
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    The platformization of the public sphere and its challenge to democracy.Renate Fischer & Otfried Jarren - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):200-215.
    Democracy depends on a vivid public sphere, where ideas disseminate into the public and can be discussed – and challenged - by everyone. Journalism has contributed significantly to this social mediation by reducing complexity, providing information on salient topics and (planned) political solutions. The digital transformation of the public sphere leads to new forms of media provision, distribution, and use. Journalism has struggled to adapt to the new conditions. Journalistic news values, relevant to democracy, are being replaced by ones relevant (...)
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    The platform of estimated indicators in the system of territorial economy management.Natalia Nikolaevna Shvedova, Irina Vasilievna Vorobieva & Tatiana Vladimirovna Zheludkova - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):72-77.
    The study highlights the issues of formation and development of the system of evaluation criteria for the development of the territory in the system of effective economic management. The reliability of data collection and processing plays a dominant role in creating a reliable platform of indicators, the formation of consistent management decisions in the field of economic and social development of the territory. In the processes of socio-economic nature, the problems are considered and the factors influencing the construction of the (...)
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    The Role of Platforms in Fulfilling the Potential of Crowdfunding as an Alternative Decentralized Arena for Cultural Financing.Roei Davidson - 2019 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 13 (1):115-140.
    This study considers cultural crowdfunding as a heterogeneous system that allows money and attention to flow from backers to founders of cultural projects in diverse cultural sectors and focuses on the nature of the standards governing it. It analyzes Kickstarter’s corporate blog since the platform’s launch and finds indications that social media practices are increasingly naturalized as integral to crowdfunding and that social media architectures are increasingly adopted by the crowdfunding platform. This, I argue, has a potential exclusionary effect. At (...)
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  35. The Epistemology of No Platforming: Defending the Defense of Stupid Ideas on University Campuses.Michael Veber - 2021 - Journal of Controversial Ideas 1 (1):1-13.
    No platforming is the practice of preventing or prohibiting someone from contributing to public discussion because that person advances what are—or are thought to be—objectionable views. Some of the most newsworthy cases of no platforming occur on university campuses. Despite what others have claimed, there are no good epistemic reasons for no platforming in that context.
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    Shared Cognitive–Emotional–Interactional Platforms: Markers and Conditions for Successful Interdisciplinary Collaborations.Kyoko Sato, Michèle Lamont & Veronica Boix Mansilla - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (4):571-612.
    Given the growing centrality of interdisciplinarity to scientific research, gaining a better understanding of successful interdisciplinary collaborations has become imperative. Drawing on extensive case studies of nine research networks in the social, natural, and computational sciences, we propose a construct that captures the multidimensional character of such collaborations, that of a shared cognitive–emotional–interactional platform. We demonstrate its value as an integrative lens to examine markers of and conditions for successful interdisciplinary collaborations as defined by researchers involved in these groups. We (...)
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    Big Tech platforms in health research: Re-purposing big data governance in light of the General Data Protection Regulation’s research exemption.Ine Van Hoyweghen, Giuseppe Testa & Luca Marelli - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    The emergence of a global industry of digital health platforms operated by Big Tech corporations, and its growing entanglements with academic and pharmaceutical research networks, raise pressing questions on the capacity of current data governance models, regulatory and legal frameworks to safeguard the sustainability of the health research ecosystem. In this article, we direct our attention toward the challenges faced by the European General Data Protection Regulation in regulating the potentially disruptive engagement of Big Tech platforms in health (...)
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  38. Digital Platforms and Feminist Film Discourse: Women’s Cinema 2.0.[author unknown] - 2016
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    Documentary across platforms: reverse engineering media, place, and politics.Patricia Rodden Zimmermann - 2019 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, Office of Scholarly Publishing, Herman B Wells Library.
    In Documentary Across Platforms, noted scholar of film and experimental media Patricia R. Zimmermann offers a glimpse into the ever-evolving constellation of practices known as "documentary" and the way in which they investigate, engage with, and interrogate the world. Collected here for the first time are her celebrated essays and speculations about documentary, experimental, and new media published outside of traditional scholarly venues. These essays envision documentary as a complex ecology composed of different technologies, sets of practices, and specific (...)
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    Anthropological Platform for National Technological Initiative.Sergei Smirnov - 2018 - Philosophical Anthropology 4 (2):69-80.
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    Algorithmic Censorship by Social Platforms: Power and Resistance.Jennifer Cobbe - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):739-766.
    Effective content moderation by social platforms is both important and difficult; numerous issues arise from the volume of information, the culturally sensitive and contextual nature of that information, and the nuances of human communication. Attempting to scale moderation, social platforms are increasingly adopting automated approaches to suppressing communications that they deem undesirable. However, this brings its own concerns. This paper examines the structural effects of algorithmic censorship by social platforms to assist in developing a fuller understanding of (...)
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    Migration on digital news platforms: Using large-scale digital text analysis and time-series to estimate the effects of socioeconomic data on migration content.Sandra Simonsen & Christian Baden - forthcoming - Communications.
    The way digital news platforms represent migration issues can significantly impact intergroup relations and policymaking. A recurring question in the debate on the role of news platforms is whether they merely transmit information on migration, or actively hype specific issues. Drawing on a comprehensive set of socioeconomic statistics on migrants in Denmark, and employing a longitudinal automated content analysis of migration news content, we utilize time-series analysis to understand how four distinct categories of threat (security, economic, cultural, and (...)
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    Posthumanism, platform ontologies and the ‘wounds of modern subjectivity’.Michael A. Peters - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (6):579-585.
    Volume 52, Issue 6, June - July 2020, Page 579-585.
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  44. Exploitation in the Platform Age.Daniel Susser - forthcoming - In Beate Roessler & Valerie Steeves, Being Human in the Digital World. Cambridge University Press.
    In this chapter I consider a common refrain among critics of digital platforms: big tech "exploits" us. It gives voice to a shared sense that technology firms are somehow mistreating people—taking advantage of us, extracting from us—in a way that other data-driven harms, such as surveillance and algorithmic bias, fail to capture. Exploring several targets of this charge—gig work, algorithmic pricing, and surveillance advertising—I ask: What does exploitation entail, exactly, and how do platforms perpetrate it? Is exploitation in (...)
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    Platform Leadership and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: The Mediating Role of Ambidextrous Learning.Xiao Yang, Rong Jin & Changyi Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the context of the knowledge economy, the role of traditional leadership for enterprises is questioned. Based on contingency theory and the resource-based view, this paper proposes the important role of platform leadership, a new leadership type in line with the context of the times, for a sustainable competitive advantage. We conducted an empirical study to examine and confirm the positive effects of platform leadership on sustainable competitive advantage and ambidextrous learning. We also verified the mediation effect of exploratory and (...)
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    Digital Platforms, Privacy, and the Ethics of Wildlife Information Sharing.Alan Rubel, Martin Kaehrle & Robert Streiffer - 2025 - Philosophy and Technology 38 (1):1-29.
    Digital platforms allow wildlife enthusiasts to share information with larger audiences than ever before. However, by heightening awareness and human interaction, they can threaten the well-being of non-human animals (henceforth “animals”). One example of this is increased stress to Snowy Owls (Bubo scandiacus) from close observation by large numbers of people made possible by accurate, timely, and widely-distributed location information. In this paper, we examine the ethics of animal privacy, wildlife observation, and information sharing on digital platforms, using (...)
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    How Digital Platforms Organize Immaturity: A Sociosymbolic Framework of Platform Power.Martín Harracá, Itziar Castelló & Annabelle Gawer - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (3):440-472.
    The power of the digital platforms and the increasing scope of their control over individuals and institutions have begun to generate societal concern. However, the ways in which digital platforms exercise power and organize immaturity—defined as the erosion of the individual’s capacity for public use of reason—have not yet been theorized sufficiently. Drawing on Bourdieu’s concepts of field, capitals, and habitus, we take a sociosymbolic perspective on platforms’ power dynamics, characterizing the digital habitus and identifying specific forms (...)
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  48. Platforming economics: tech economics, market design, and the transformation of markets.Edward Nik-Khah - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-21.
    Economic methodologists join economists in crediting market designers for taking a pragmatic approach toward improving markets for the common good. Accordingly, the new wave of market design, designated ‘tech economics,’ now accepts responsibility for pursuing efficiency, as well as a myriad of other policy goals. Yet, ambiguity surrounds the targets they hold out for intervention and therefore the justifications they have offered for the continued deployment of their designs. By scrutinizing the theoretical and practical features of these designers’ ‘markets,’ this (...)
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    Durban Platform and the Next UN Climate Agenda: Looking Back and Looking Forward.Jarlath I. Igbokwe - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (3):283 - 287.
    From its very inception, the Kyoto Protocol (1997), which probably winds up in 2015, suffered a lot of setbacks due mainly to some defects inherent in the protocol. A new climate deal is now underway, and may likely suffer the same fate unless conscious effort is made to remove those bottlenecks. This commentary, therefore, is aimed at identifying some of those gray areas that need to be strengthened and possibly entrenched into future climate change negotiations.
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    XShields: Cross-platform Application for the Design of Shields against Ionizing Radiation.Aleksandra Kawala-Sterniuk, Stepan Ozana, Magda Zolubak, Katarzyna Cichoń & Wojciech Chlewicki - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 60 (1):75-84.
    In many cases medical diagnosis is based on information obtained through a process involving the emission of different forms of ionizing radiation. The safety of the medical staff and patients exposed to ionizing radiation is highly dependent on the proper design of the shielding used in the laboratory. Therefore, the authors propose a multi-platform application supporting such a design through the computation of the critical parameters of shielding. The specific requirements for shielding are defined by government authorities so the algorithm (...)
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