Results for 'Piotr Majdak'

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  1.  27
    Acoustic and non-acoustic factors in modeling listener-specific performance of sagittal-plane sound localization.Piotr Majdak, Robert Baumgartner & Bernhard Laback - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    La valeur de Vamour ou Vamour de la valeur?Piotr Klepacki - 2003 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8:164-166.
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  3. Bob Zajonc and the Unconscious Emotion.Piotr Winkielman - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (4):353-362.
    This article focuses on Bob Zajonc’s views on unconscious emotion, especially in the context of the debates about the independence of affect and cognition. Historically, Bob was always interested in the “mere”—basic, fundamental processes. His empirical demonstrations of precognitive and preconscious emotional processes, combined with his elegant expositions of them, sharply contrasted with cold and complex cognitive models. Interestingly, Bob tended to believe that whereas the causes of emotion can be unconscious, the emotional state itself tends to be conscious. However, (...)
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  4. How to Build a Deontic Action Logic.Piotr Kulicki & Robert Trypuz - 2012 - In Michal Pelis & Vit Puncochar, The Logica Yearbook 2011. College Publications.
    The aim of the paper is to point out the modelling choices that lead to different systems of deontic action logic. A kind of a roadmap is presented. On the one hand it can help the reader to find the deontic logic appropriate for an intended application relying on the information considering the way in which a deontic logic represents actions and how it characterises deontic properties in relation to (the representation of) actions. On the other hand it is a (...)
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    An Axiomatisation of a Pure Calculus of Names.Piotr Kulicki - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):921-946.
    A calculus of names is a logical theory describing relations between names. By a pure calculus of names we mean a quantifier-free formulation of such a theory, based on classical propositional calculus. An axiomatisation of a pure calculus of names is presented and its completeness is discussed. It is shown that the axiomatisation is complete in three different ways: with respect to a set theoretical model, with respect to Leśniewski's Ontology and in a sense defined with the use of axiomatic (...)
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    Is human reasoning really nonmonotonic?Piotr Łukowski - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (1):63-73.
    It seems that nonmonotonicity of our reasoning is an obvious truth. Almost every logician not even believes, but simply knows very well that a human being thinks in a nonmonotonic way. Moreover, a nonmonotonicity of thinking seems to be a phenomenon parallel to the existence of human beings. Examples allegedly illustrating this phenomenon are not even analyzed today. They are simply quoted. Nowadays, this is a standard approach to nonmonotonicity. However, even simple analysis of those “obvious” examples shows that they (...)
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    On constructions with 2-cardinals.Piotr Koszmider - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):849-876.
    We propose developing the theory of consequences of morasses relevant in mathematical applications in the language alternative to the usual one, replacing commonly used structures by families of sets originating with Velleman’s neat simplified morasses called 2-cardinals. The theory of related trees, gaps, colorings of pairs and forcing notions is reformulated and sketched from a unifying point of view with the focus on the applicability to constructions of mathematical structures like Boolean algebras, Banach spaces or compact spaces. The paper is (...)
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  8. On Minimal Models for Pure Calculi of Names.Piotr Kulicki - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (4):429–443.
    By pure calculus of names we mean a quantifier-free theory, based on the classical propositional calculus, which defines predicates known from Aristotle’s syllogistic and Leśniewski’s Ontology. For a large fragment of the theory decision procedures, defined by a combination of simple syntactic operations and models in two-membered domains, can be used. We compare the system which employs `ε’ as the only specific term with the system enriched with functors of Syllogistic. In the former, we do not need an empty name (...)
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    The Collector Hypothesis.Piotr Sorokowski, Jerzy Luty, Wojciech Małecki, Craig S. Roberts, Marta Kowal & Stephen Davies - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (4):397-410.
    Human fascination with art has deep evolutionary roots, yet its role remains a puzzle for evolutionary theory. Although its widespread presence across cultures suggests a potential adaptive function, determining its evolutionary origins requires more comprehensive evidence beyond mere universality or assumed survival benefits. This paper introduces and tests the Collector Hypothesis, which suggests that artworks serve as indicators of collectors’ surplus wealth and social status, offering greater benefits to collectors than to artists in mating and reproductive contexts. Our study among (...)
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  10. Bóg Mistrza Eckharta wobec Nietzscheańskiej krytyki chrześcijaństwa.Piotr Augustyniak - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):211-224.
    English title: Master Eckhart’s God Confronted with Nietzschean Critique of Christianity. Author tries to demonstrate that the way of thinking about Christian God developed in the late Middle Ages by Master Eckhart goes beyond the interpretation which underlies Nietzsche’s criticism of Christianity as a religion of the other world. In the paper, Author first presents the said criticism, followed by the vision of God outlined by Eckhart. He demonstrates that Christianity, criticized by Nietzsche, uses a commonsense vision of God’s transcendence (...)
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  11. God, Design, and Naturalism: Implications of Methodological Naturalism in Science for Science–Religion Relation.Piotr Bylica & Dariusz Sagan - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (242):621-38.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the implications flowing from adopting methodological naturalism in science, with special emphasis on the relation between science and religion. Methodological naturalism, denying supernatural and teleological explanations, influences the content of scientific theories, and in practice leads to vision of science as compatible with ontological naturalism and in opposition to theism. Ontological naturalism in turn justifies the acceptance of methodological naturalism as the best method to know the reality. If we accept realistic interpretation (...)
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  12. Two Faces of Obligation.Piotr Kulicki & Robert Trypuz - 2013 - In Anna Brożek, Jacek Jadacki & Berislav Žarnić, Theory of Imperatives from Different Points of View (2). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper.
    In the paper we discuss different intuitions about the properties of obligatory actions in the framework of deontic action logic based on boolean algebra. Two notions of obligation are distinguished–abstract and processed obligation. We introduce them formally into the system of deontic logic of actions and investigate their properties and mutual relations.
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  13. On a Minimal System of Aristotle’s Syllogistic.Piotr Kulicki - 2011 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 40 (3/4):129-145.
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  14. ragmenty ontologii Ingardena. O miejscach niedookreślenia przedmiotu czysto intencjonalnego.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    In this paper, we present a reinterpretation of Roman Ingarden's theory of intentional objects. There are four types of intentional objects in Ingarden's ontology, we offer a detailed analyses of an intentional object that is a correlate of a text. Such an object is characterised by Ingarden as a two-sided and schematised formation. We focus on the notion of schematism. We classify different interpretations of schematism and propose our own definition of schematism of a purely intentional object.
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  15. The use of axiomatic rejection.Piotr Kulicki - 2000 - In Logica yearbook 1999. Filosophia.
  16. Systemy sylogistyki dowodowej.Piotr Kulicki - 2010 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 58 (1):139-154.
    Aristotle in Analytica Posteriora presented a notion of proof as a special case of syllogism. In the present paper the remarks of Aristotle on the subject are used as an inspiration for developing formal systems of demonstrative syllogistic, which are supposed to formalize syllogisms that are proofs. We build our systems in the style of J. Łukasiewicz as theories based on classical propositional logic. The difference between our systems and systems of syllogistic known from the literature lays in the interpretation (...)
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  17. Teizm otwarty: poszukiwanie drogi środka w filozofii religii.Piotr Kaszkowiak - 2008 - Diametros 18:18-40.
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    Individual differences in police dog handlers.Piotr Kondrakiewicz, Katarzyna Fiszdon, Wojciech Pisula & Tadeusz Kaleta - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (2):52-55.
    Individual differences in police dog handlers The Polish adaptation of the NEO-FFI inventory was used in the present study to assess the personality of dog handlers. For diagnosis of the emotional intelligence, the Polish scale Popular Questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence was used. There were 601 participants out of the total estimated number of 1408 police dog handlers in Poland. The results were compared with normalization tests for the measures used. The personality profile and emotional intelligence of dog handlers differ significantly (...)
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  19. Kognitywistyka jako pomost między fi lozofią a nauką.Piotr Kołodziejczyk - 2007 - Colloquia Communia 82 (1-2):26-40.
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    Several Remarks on Lex Servilia Caepionis of 106 Bc in the Light of the Fragment of Cic. Pro Balbo 24. 54.Piotr Kołodko - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 65 (1):83-92.
    This paper includes an analysis of a fragment of Cicero’s address in pro Balbo 24.54, which contains interesting, yet highly laconic information regarding one of the leges de repetundis – i.e. lex Servilia Caepionis. The analysis of the fragment led to the determination that the basic purpose of issuing that act was to cover the issue of changing the personal composition of judges sitting on the de reptundis tribunal. Apart from that, it seems that the genesis of the institution of (...)
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    Chrześcijańska alterglobalizacja.Piotr Kopiec - 2016 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
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    Christian alterglobalization in the ecumenical documents of the World Council of Churches.Piotr Kopiec - 2016 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. Edited by Przemysław Kantyka & Marcin Składanowski.
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    Merytokracja czy „elity odpowiedzialnościowe”? Ewangelicka interpretacja zagadnienia elit społecznych.Piotr Kopiec - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (2):31-42.
    The notion of meritocracy is among the keywords used in order to describe the contemporary world. It has become more and more an inherent concept of an order whose main factors are said to be globalization as well as the impact of free market philosophy on society and culture. The concept of meritocracy considers the nature of elites. On the one hand, meritocratic elites are taken from groups selected for their merits and competences, but on the other hand they avoid (...)
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  24. Pasja na nowo odkryta (rec. E. Sykuła, \"Pasja według Pasierba\").Piotr Koprowski - 2009 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 15.
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    The idea of the Biblical economics: Utopia or chance in the face of the contemporary transformations of the sphere of work.Piotr Kopiec - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-5.
    The future of labour appears as one of the crucial themes of the sociological and economic reflections. Sociologists and economists proclaim a shrinking scope of labour and, consequently, a certain elitism of jobs. In their opinion, professional work will be a privilege for those who are more skilled and better educated, and those who are able to face the challenges of the rapid technological progress. This will be causing an unknown future of the reality of both common unemployment and enforced (...)
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    Theological proposals to the welfare state theory: The contribution of the Evangelical Church in Germany.Piotr Kopiec - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):8.
    Establishing the aims and objectives of a welfare state is an integral part of the political, economic and cultural debate, in particular, the repercussions of a welfare state on economic systems and social institutions; the sociopsychological consequences of a welfare state; and the scope, conditions and definitions of welfare. Some discussions address a theological and religious approach to the issue, specifically the Churches’ teaching on welfare and the Churches’ influence on the birth and development of the welfare state. The Evangelical (...)
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    (1 other version)A formalism for some class of forcing notions.Piotr Koszmider & P. Koszmider - 1992 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 38 (1):413-421.
    We introduce a class of forcing notions, called forcing notions of type S, which contains among other Sacks forcing, Prikry-Silver forcing and their iterations and products with countable supports. We construct and investigate some formalism suitable for this forcing notions, which allows all standard tricks for iterations or products with countable supports of Sacks forcing. On the other hand it does not involve internal combinatorial structure of conditions of iterations or products. We prove that the class of forcing notions of (...)
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    Leszek Kołakowski: myśliciel i obywatel.Piotr Kosiewski (ed.) - 2010 - Warszawa: Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego.
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    Ordinary life and the tragedy of solidarity.Piotr Kostyło - 2019 - Studies in East European Thought 71 (4):331-343.
    In his texts, Józef Tischner referred to significant problems characteristic of the end of the communist regime and the first years of the liberal-democratic system in Poland. He tried to understand, among other things, the sources of Polish society’s disappointment with their regained political and economic freedom. This article discusses the late period of Tischner’s life and work, when his philosophy was heavily influenced by the ideas of Charles Taylor. On the one hand, the author analyzes Tischner’s attitude toward the (...)
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    Philosophy, history, and the social commitment: Józef Tischner’s intellectual legacy Guest Editor’s introduction.Piotr Kostyło - 2019 - Studies in East European Thought 71 (4):305-307.
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    Etyka pracy leśnika w latach 1918–1939 na terenie Wielkopolski w świetle materiałów archiwalnych.Piotr Kowalski - 2011 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 14 (2):91-99.
    Ethical principles concerning foresters were presented in this article in the light of the forest law passed in the interwar period for the whole country, as well as in the light of the documents issued by the local forest administration. For analysis were submitted especially archive documents on foresters’ responsibility for forest goods: wood and game. Ethical attitude of foresters translated, among other things, into efficient functioning of forest management all over Greater Poland.
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    A Paradox of Perception and a New Riddle of Cognitive Function of Aesthetic Experience.Piotr Kozak - 2019 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 55 (2).
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  33. Egipskie \\\"arche\\\" panteizmu pierwszych filozofów greckich.Piotr Kozioł - 1997 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 3.
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    Elementy filozofii kartezjańskiej a zagrożenie ekologiczne.Piotr Kozioł - 1996 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 2:67-80.
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  35. Ekologia głęboka Arne Naessa - wizja panteistycznej religii współczesności.Piotr Kozioł - 1998 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 4.
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    Estetyka Mosesa Mendelssohna jako filozofia psychologii.Piotr Kozak - 2016 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 7 (3):107-127.
    The aim of the text is an elaboration of the Moses Mendelssohn’s aesthetics and its connections to the German philosophical thought of Enlightenment. I analyze the issue of sensations and so-called mixed sensations and I argue that they are the necessary condition of cognition. I present the relations between aesthetics and ethics and I elaborate so-called theory of three faculties. I argue that sense is an element conjoining action and cognition.
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  37. Wzniosła utopia awangardy – aporie analityki wzniosłości.Piotr Kozak - 2011 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 38.
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  38. Intepretacja Nietzschego.Piotr Kępski - 1999 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 16.
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    Polityka – etyka – Kościół. Wzajemność relacji w świetle tekstów Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI.S. D. B. ks Piotr Przesmycki - 2012 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 15:297-311.
    This article consisting of four points, shows the subject of multiple relationships between the realities of politics, ethics and the Catholic Church. The issue was presented on the basis of the writings and speeches of Joseph Ratzinger, the current Pope Benedict XVI. Article begins with a presentation of the relationship between politics and ethics as seen in historical perspective. The second section presents the so-called „political ethics” of the first Christian communities in the light of the indications contained in some (...)
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    Advances in Philosophical Logic: Editorial to the Thematic Section.Piotr Kulicki - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (4):253-255.
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    From "De Facto King" to Peasants' Communes.Piotr Kuligowski - 2020 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 15 (1):97-120.
    This article presents a conceptual history of representation in the political debates of the Polish émigré community in the period 1832–1846/48. As I argue, while the concept was present in the output of all political environments of the Polish Great Emigration, there were more discrepancies than similarities about how to understand it. As a result of debates about what the Polish diaspora in exile actually was and who had the right to represent it, the concept became a part and parcel (...)
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  42.  18
    From rejection to historicisation: the reception of Robert Owen’s ideas in the nineteenth-century Polish context.Piotr Kuligowski - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (2):202-215.
    ABSTRACT The main aim of this article is to investigate the reception of Owen’s ideas in the nineteenth-century Polish context. I argue that Owen’s ideas did not attract as much attention as those of, amongst others, Charles Fourier, Félicité de Lamennais, or – in the second half of the century – Karl Marx. Despite being overshadowed by other Romantic socialists, Owen’s reception in Poland can be described as having been marked by three phases. Though we can determine the general direction (...)
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    Minimalne empiryczne podstawy teorii bytu a modele dla logiki nazw.Piotr Kulicki - 2010 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 58 (2):29-39.
    In the article attention is paid to the analogy between considerations concerning the number of objects that are the empirical basis for the theory of being and investigations concerning the size of the models necessary for solving formulas on the ground of calculus of names without quantifiers. In both cases a minimum of two objects appear as an answer to the question that has been posed. In explaining the noticed similarity the meaning aspect, as different from the referential aspect of (...)
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  44. Socjologiczne niekonsekwencje filozofii. Kilka uwag o aporiach teorii społecznej.Piotr Kulas - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):257-270.
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    Who is obliged when many are involved? Labelled transition system modelling of how obligation arises.Piotr Kulicki, Robert Trypuz & Marek Sergot - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (3):395-415.
    The paper tackles the problem of the relation between rights and obligations. Two examples of situations in which such a relation occurs are discussed. One concerns the abortion regulations in Polish law, the other one—a clash between freedom of expression and freedom of enterprise occurring in the context of discrimination. The examples are analysed and formalised using labelled transition systems in the \ framework. Rights are introduced to the system as procedures allowing for their fulfilment. Obligations are based on the (...)
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    A Conception of the Philosophy of Religion.Piotr Moskal - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (1):221-237.
    This paper depicts my conception of the philosophy of religion. I think that there nothing like religion in general. The world of what is customarily called religion is a very different and analogous reality. I make Catholic Christianity the starting point of this philosophy of religion. I treat it as the main analogy to the world of religion. The objective aim of the philosophy of religion is threefold: 1) description of religion, 2) justification of religion, 3) epistemology of religious beliefs. (...)
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  47. The Engineering Thesis in Machine Consciousness.Piotr Boltuc - 2012 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 16 (2):187-207.
    I argue here that consciousness can be engineered. The claim that functional consciousness can be engineered has been persuasively put forth in regards to first-person functional consciousness; robots, for instance, can recognize colors, though there is still much debate about details of this sort of consciousness. Such consciousness has now become one of the meanings of the term phenomenal consciousness (e.g., as used by Franklin and Baars). Yet, we extend the argument beyond the tradition of behaviorist or functional reductive views (...)
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    afganistan at the Cross-Roads.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (11-12):97-106.
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    Philosophy and Thin Social Capital.Piotr Boltuc - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 22:44-50.
    Reiterative coordination games in large groups demonstrate that social norms, once attained, create stable equilibria. This shows that thin social capital is stable, and in some cases preferable to thick SC since it lowers transacting costs. This finding, supported indirectly by R. Putnam’s own early research, runs counter to his claim that the loss of thick social capital is detrimental to the modern society and to Coleman’s argument that closure is required for maintaining social capital.
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    The Four Pillars of Contemporary Political Philosophy.Piotr Boltuc - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:55-62.
    We can define all political theories pertinent in contemporary modern societies using a model based on only two variables. The first variable can be characterized as a spectrum between economic right and left wing theories. The spectrum can be easily defined by a strictly economic tradeoff of the desired level of taxation juxtaposed to the desired level of social services. The second variable can be defined as a distinction between liberal-individualisticand communitarian conception of persons.This leads to four positions, the four (...)
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